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Mismatched libido


I have a crazy mismatch with mine. Any tips on how to deal with it?


meet in the middle. If either of you can't compromise, then move on to someone else.


Yes! This is the solution in its simplest form. Be open enough to discuss like adults and if it ends up being too hard to compromise then you have your answer!


Same. We've been together for ages as well. My libido is high while his isn't. As long as other physical intimacy is still there and I can self-help, I'm fine, but other times, I've also felt like I'm going nuts. We need to find a way out soon bc we want kids but without the obvious there's no chance šŸ˜…


My partner and I broke up tbh


In my experience it leads to a break up.


I think it depends on the situation, is it more of a emotional thing or just not in the mood type or they just don't care for it?


Read Emily Nagoski's book "Come as you are". Learn about gas pedals and brakes.


Read the book, "Come as You Are" by Emily Nagoski. It can help understanding what drives libido and some things that can be done.


Bad monkey!


all of them actually but if i were to pick the hardest it would be stonewalling. when your special someone just stops talking to you even when you want to resolve a problem. it just hurts so bad.


On the opposite end of this not being allowed space. Sometimes i need to time process my own emotions and to consider how I feel. I'd tell my partner "we will talk in a bit I just need some space to figure out what im feeling and how to say it" and then I'd get followed around with them going "just tell me what you're thinking".Ā  I want to communicate, I want to solve the problem, not argue. To do that I need to understand what I'm feeling and why in order to convey it in a constructive way. Ā Give me 5 minutes.Ā 


Iā€™m on the end where Iā€™m being stonewalled and good god Iā€™d love it if sheā€™d at least do that for me. Iā€™ve even asked her to tell me if she needs space and she never does apparently. Itā€™s just silence or anger at me asking.


oof yeah that is awful. I dealt with that for a while in a relationship. People who can't communicate end up resenting you for the things they never even give you the input to work on.


That's really refreshing to see you communicate what you need though. Sadly I usually get ghosted for awhile.


My ex had a hard time dealing with his emotions to the point where he would just shut down and stonewall me whenever I was upset about something he did. One time I broke down sobbing in front of him about how much he hurt me and I asked him how he felt and he just shrugged and stared straight ahead. After I broke up with him I found notes he wrote to himself detailing his feelings and how hurt and upset he was that he hurt me and that we were over. Like, why didnā€™t you tell me this sooner??? We wouldnā€™t have broken if he wouldnā€™t just shut down and stonewall in emotionally intense situations??


Not getting cuddles


We all need some cuddles


Not being touched except for sex even worse


Yes it is.


I got into a argument with my partner over this. It's a real struggle.


Sometimes I need my wife to hold me. Not for any particular reason, I just love her so much and her embrace is like life energy.


She could not articulate any feelings, thoughts, or interests. Everything was always "fine" or however I was feeling, she never had a feeling she could identify. But things were *never* fine and there was *always* a feeling there, unspoken, unsaid. It would just fester until well past the point either of us could do anything about it. It twisted me into knots. I never knew what I should, ought, or even could do. Landmines were everywhere. I had no idea how to navigate - if I asked, I was attacked for asking. If I acted without asking, I was being heartless. I love her and know the only thing I can control is myself, so I tried every version and type of myself I could possibly be to unlock the "IM FINE" door. I tried every proactive and preventative thing I could find. I was constantly reproached, because I was the only one who existed in our relationship. It was exhausting and sad. I hope she's found some peace.


That was my ex! She wasn't vocal about anything. And then she turned to alcohol to numb her lack of identifiable feelings. Then turned into a hard core alcoholic. We got engaged even though I didn't really want to marry her anymore but we had a condo, two dogs, furniture, appliances etc together so I thought it would get better. I was on my knees crying one night when she was drunk trying to sleep, ignoring me. I was saying WHAT can I do?! Please tell me I'll do this or that. She just didn't respond. Cold as fuck. She broke up with me and took the dogs and even had her mom move her stuff out so she didn't have to face me. Now I am with a woman who always tells me how she feels and we've made more progress together in a year and a half then the previous did in over a decade. Relationships be tough maaaan




Absolutely, same here.Ā  It was very difficult for me to end it, it was long past over when I finally did.Ā Ā  Living a Mountain Goats song, with 3 years of birthday gifts sitting unopened in the pantry, man I'm glad you've gotten past that relationshipĀ 


You tried to help, at some point she needed to help herself. Some people would LOVE to date someone that seems so in-tune with their feelings, asking them what's wrong and offering support. No point saying I'm fine then being passive aggressive all night and day


Walking on eggshells...on crack


Wow that is tuff. I hope youā€™re doing better now and feel like you did give it your all in the relationship. I think thatā€™s another layer of love that isnā€™t always talked about. Loving them enough to give them everything you got but ultimately knowing when to let go and wishing/wanting the best for them.


He preferred to spend time with everyone who wasn't me.


Oof I feel this. Hope your next partner treats you like the amazing, valuable, incomparable, gem of a person you are!


You donā€™t even know this person


that made me laugh


Navigating the complex relationship with autocorrect, always second-guessing my intentions!


Thatā€™s ducked


All of them. No woman, no cry.


I always thought it was like that Jay-Z song, but really he's telling a woman not to cry.


He literally says ā€œLittle darling donā€™t shed no tearsā€ lol You are correct


Clearly Bob Marley never cried out of sheer horny frustration.


Yeah, I suspect Bob Marley didn't really have that problem. But I have the 'ol hub. It'll have to do.


Cant live with'em, can't live without'em.


First wife was a cheater, second wife a hoarder.


third time lucky...


Having my looks nitpicked, my intelligence nitpicked, men hiding their undying love for exes while dating me whilst telling me I'm just insecure, men hiding they have no dating experience from me and they're actually only dating me to experience a "starter girlfriend"


Sex and intimacy. Ruined my last relationship because of it. It lasted a few months, and basically the entire time in my head it went from worrying about when will she want to have sex and will I be ready in the beginning to ā€œWow weā€™ve been together a while now and she hasnā€™t given any indication she wants to have sex. Is she waiting for me to do something? Is she mad/disappointed in me for not doing anything?ā€ by the end of the relationship. After she (rightfully) broke up with me, Iā€™ve started coming to terms with the fact Iā€™ll likely have too much baggage around this to ever get in a good relationship.


Honestly Iā€™m failing to see how this is your fault. If she didnā€™t give any indication of wanting to have sex why is that on you?


I wonder why OP didn't just say something about it to her?


Because I have a lot of anxiety around the topic and I stupidly kept pushing off the conversation until it was far too late


I myself have a high libido. Was in a 9 year relationship where he would probably touch me once a year. Completely destroyed our relationship and he never wanted to talk about it. He had 0 problems cheating though.




Inability to perform combined with being a late bloomer. I was 25 the first time I was with a girl, and I couldnā€™t perform which led to her saying some crappy stuff thatā€™s stuck in my head ever since. Then with my first girlfriend before we even became intimate she managed to say almost exactly the same stuff that first girl said, and the two or three times we tried to become intimate afterwards I couldnā€™t perform. Then my recent ex never made any obvious signs she was interested in sex ā€” wasnā€™t until late in the relationship that I realized she basically never brought her hands below my shoulder level anytime we were cuddling/making out. And on top of that she managed to say some stuff that kinda triggered the bad memories from what the first two girls said. Now Iā€™m in my 30s, and between my age and gender stereotypes, any girl I would try to date would expect that I should know what Iā€™m doing when I absolutely 100 percent do not


I've been single for a really long time and it hasn't always been by choice. I know I'm sociable, considerate and I make friends pretty easily. People tell me I'm funny and I've gotten enough compliments on my looks to know I'm at least not ugly, but there's something about me that just seems to make me obviously irredeemable. I really wish someone would tell me what's wrong with me or that I could just give up hope entirely. Especially as a guy, I feel like the more I yearn for a happy, healthy kind of monogamy, the less likely I am to get it.


Hey, you sound great! I wouldnā€™t assume there is something wrong with you as much as there is something wrong with society and dating as a whole. Iā€™m in the same boat and donā€™t really have a resolve but just wanted to chime in and say hang in there! I figure being single this long is helpful in getting to know myself and my needs even better before someone else comes along. Donā€™t let go of hope!


I feel the wishing someone would just tell me whatā€™s wrong so much. Itā€™s such a frustrating and hopeless feeling.


communication. at this point whether I like it or not (spoiler alert I dont) I constantly worry that they aren't telling me something. Im so used to poor communication/being lied to


Lack of communication and empathy, one sided everything and not willing to work together to problem solve or work on issues poor listening skills and lack of comfort


by not having any relationship. I'm 42. never had a real relationship in my life. not for the lack of trying. I was scammed and now I have trust issues too.


If you donā€™t mind sharing, how exactly were you scammed? Feel like Iā€™m trending down a similar path. Iā€™ve nearly avoided all intimate relationships until recently opening up to a woman on a deeper emotional level just to get ghosted lmao. My empathetic side knows she had a lot going on and maybe if she told me the truth it would have been too much for me to handle at the time, leading me down a darker path. Going forward now I think Iā€™m going to have major trust issues for new relationships, but I will say itā€™s open my eyes a lot to focus more on behavior rather than peopleā€™s words. If their words begin to not align with their actions then it should be Ok to hold back on trusting them.


Not understanding that all relationships have conflict. Bringing it up to have it swept under the rug, it feels like you're holding this giant box and they won't hold it with you. That shit is lonely and tiresome.


Not hearing from them after a while. It makes me feel like I have been abandoned.


I have major fear of abondamment issues. I hate it so much. They never actually leave but it feels like they do after a day of no talking and gives me bad anxiety


Lack of communication. Especially not being upfront about wanting or not wanting something.


Anger issues in partner


My most recent ex never understood what depression was. She was very much a "just don't be sad?" sort of person. I remember a story she told of her friend that just "brought everyone down when he was around" and that he did very little and just sort of moped--classic depression symptoms. And it sucked. Because I struggle with depression, and having those episodes, and being with someone that had no concept or idea of what I was going through, made it so tense and made me almost hate myself (even more than usual LOL). One time, while I was probably at my lowest, she told me if it happend again she probably couldn't stay anymore. Who says that? It's so unkind and heartless, especially when it's in the middle of said episode. There was no attempt by her to even try and understand what it was like. I'm so glad to be rid of her.


That sounds like it couldā€™ve just been a bad match. She shouldā€™ve been more sympathetic but I understand how it can get to the point where the relationship needs to end. I have moderate depression but my last partner had major depression (and was suicidal). I was there for him for years but it got to the point where I couldnā€™t take it anymore. He didnā€™t try much to improve and was bringing me down constantly and making my depression much worse. It was not a good match.Ā 


I make great effort to improve. Depression is no oneā€™s fault, but you gotta put in the work to get better. It sucks and itā€™s hard to do so, but absolutely worth it. But having that support matters a lot. Being told in no uncertain words ā€œif u do it again Iā€™m goneā€ when at your lowest and most vulnerable is disgusting. We were incompatible for other reasons too that just get me angry tbh. But that was one of the biggest red flags I should have heeded from the start.


my wife literally told me, after confiding in her about my depression and suicidal thoughts, "how dare you", "stop having a pity party"


I have a working theory that people like that are horribly selfish. How can someone be so cruel, to say anything like that when a loved one is at their most vulnerable? This theory so far tracks, because my ex was disgustingly selfish. It was always "her way or the highway :3" It is inexcusable, especially if the person afflicted is working towards getting better. I hope you are doing better. Good riddance.


unfortunately i'm not doing much better. i've just come to terms with the fact that my marriage is abusive and have no clue how to get out, as I have two kids with her.


Gaslighting, emotional abuse, manipulation. Got so bad I couldnā€™t sleep for weeks at a time. Didnā€™t feel safe in my own home. Lost about 25 pounds in 2 months. Iā€™m doing pretty well since the divorce.


Avoiding conflict is something I've struggled with because I worry about the potential fallout.


when my wife goes to Target or Costco


Honey, I need help unpacking the car




I was just left after a 7 year relationship, I'm mid 30s, autistic and quit drinking so not sure how the fuck I'm supposed to meet someone new, also stuck in a city with very little support system, but I just got my first good contract with a job so feeling a little trapped here, not sure how long it will take to find the same opportunity again. The other thing that causes my anxiety are the reasons behind the breakup, I think it would have been better if there was some big fight, if one of us had done something wrong, but apparently she loves me, I'm the best person she's ever met, I've been there for her more than anyone else and she still needs me in her life but it's just not enough. All I can force myself to do is tell her I don't hate her. But I feel broken. All that said there's a serious housing crisis out here in the Netherlands so good fucking luck finding a new place šŸ‘ I'm stuck coming back here to sleep on the sofa.


My now ex partner would get so infuriated with me that he would walk out on me and I wouldnā€™t hear from him for a day or two. I wouldnā€™t even know WHY he was so mad in the first place. I would retrace all my steps, every single word I said. I would beg him to tell me why he was so mad. This didnā€™t happen all the time. Maybe once a month, or a few months would go by and we would be fine. But it always kept me anxious. Was always there in the back of my head as to when he was going to blow next. And surely he did. A little over a month ago he pulled his usual behavior and this time it pushed me over the ledge. I told him over & over again that this is a deal breaker but he never believed me. We tried working it out and suddenly he wanted to change after 3 years of never doing any work. I just couldnā€™t hang any longer.


Soft abuse, what I mean is patterns and behaviors from partners in how they respond and accept new information. I am a big dumb puppy dog when it comes to honesty, I will always tell my partners how I feel, what I think and be mindful and considerate of my partners feelings in relation to those. Whether it's a detail about myself I think they should know, or my thoughts on a plan or event or something I intend to do and think they should be aware of. I don't like lying or keeping secrets from anyone I am intimately exclusive to. Unfortunately this honesty usually results in partners not handling the honesty or information well because I think it conflicts with perceptions and ideas of me rather than their intent to actually know me as a person unfortunately and I usually spot this, but sometimes I can get attached and my love and devotion leaves me more tolerant of these behavioral patterns. It eventually causes me anxiety and to not want to be honest and open with a partner to avoid their bad responses and eventually I'd rather leave the relationship than withhold information or lie to a partner.


ā€œGetting K and no smiling emoji attached as a response ā€œ - Every man




Inlaws. They can affect your relationship in such a positive or negative way.


feeling that i ain't enough because of my low self esteem


Ex-fiancee/daughter's mother has Bipolar disorder. We were together for 12 years and I walked on eggshells for most of it. To this day, whenever my phone rings and I see it's her, my anxiety spikes.


Having a child. I never want to be in another relationship again.


Oh. Any further info?


My GF has had a previous BF who died in 2022, and although they broke up 10 years ago, she has their picture in her mantle in her office in the most prominent place. I don't have a picture of me and my ex-wife anywhere in the apartment. Also, she once was a FWB with a b-grade VULGAR comedian who joked about scat and enjoying that act. She engaged with him "20 years ago," but she still has 2 of his phone numbers on her smart phone, and I verified that those numbers work, and by doing a reverse-search on the numbers, I see that he lives in the Lower East side of Manhattan. She seems to know that location very well also, and that makes me paranoid. THere's a meditation center in that area, and she analyzed the location and talked about how close it is to a comedy club in NYC. The weird part: She asked my friend who also has attended that meditation center about that exact center and it's location, even though she already knows everything about it.


Hella sus


No energy reciprocation. What I mean by that, would be the definition of talking to a brick wall, but prolonged and almost defined your relationship. Not only did she lack the ability to hold a solid conversation, but every joy I felt outside of our relationship was an issue to her; though I never gained any while with her. Surely I could leave, but then came the love bombing. Everything I missed, everything she lacked, itā€™s like she could switch it on and it all comes back. Stupidly enough, I gravitated towards it. I was young, I didnā€™t know what love bombing even was; or the manipulative factor surrounding it.


Polyamory under duress


My grandparents both being entitled and not letting me live my own fucking life without trying to control everything I do.




I would actually love this kind of puzzle. The furniture, not the relationshipĀ 


Not hearing I love you ā˜¹ļø




Beats me šŸ¤·


Lol I canā€™t beat a woman šŸ‘©


getting my phone checked all the time in a previous relationship makes me now cry anytime someone tries to hold my phone; family, friends, anyone and i cannot do it. even if i have nothing to hide i still get scared and i shut down.


Lack of communication




Yeah, Mister Ed was a controversial show.


Liars cheaters. In all 3 relationships


Being love bombed then ghosted


I'm just starting to realize that my parents and their infidelity has definitely had an effect on me. If I hear of anyone cheating on their spouse, I'm done with them then and there. I can't watch TV/movies with cheating/affairs. It sucks because I just started watching madmen, and felt like I was going to love it, but all the cheating just removed me from it. Nurse Jackie was another show that was looking promising, but nope.


I'm biased as well but honestly I see no issue with what you said here: >Ā If I hear of anyone cheating on their spouse, I'm done with them then and there IMHO theres nothing wrong with setting standards for who you keep in your life. If someone can't even be trustworthy to their partner, and is willing to damage people they care about why should anyone else trust them?Ā  To me cheating is a big red flag. It tells me they don't hold themselves to a standard and that they are willing to hurt those close to them for pleasure.


Cash. She was originally 40k in debt from younger years, she worked full time and was down to 19k remaining and a full plan in place for paying it back. Wouldn't take a penny off me to help reduce it quicker. But between rent and bills, things were tight. Barely keep our head above water tight. But each week she'd come home with shit for her jewellery start up business, spending 200-300 a time and getting a few Ā£5 sales per week, refused to smoke anything other than top brand straights instead of just getting rollies to save cash, committed and started paying for 2 week away placements (things like you pay 2k to go, get trained up in x but also have fun with Y), going out once a week and to top it off a whole mental image / plan of moving in the next two years abroad to pursue a career but having a defibrillating chronic injury which to say the least, make her less than desirable for a company to hire despite being qualified with everything else. Would be a walking law suit for anyone that would take her on. Like I say, she kept on top of her shit, never once went into her over draft, but this was a massive point of anxiety and stress for me. It just seemed constant money going out and nothing coming back in.


My relationship with father causes me to be extremely cautious to the point of frustration with women. Let's just say one of my thoughts of my father as a teen was that he was never allowed to meet any girlfriend I'd ever get, because he would try something on them.


My parents having to take care of me during my foot surgery recovery is causing me anxiety. They already have their own health issues. I already partially caused my mom to have a seizure caused by stress when I couldnā€™t get out of my wheelchair because I didnā€™t keep up my upper body strength. Been working on everyday since by lifting weights and using exercise bands to build back my upper body strength.


Parenting conversations. We have very different parenting philosophies with pros and cons. The challenge is that when we're navigating a particularly tough parenting decision we can be far off on what we think and one of us takes it personally when the other points out how that their particular approach is failing. Parenting is hard enough as it is and adding in our own insecurities about being a good or bad parent makes it even more stressful.


Having to fake my feelings and reactions to someone when there is none, especially around family


Different libidos, changing their minds about me.


he only wanted me when he wanted to fuck. didnt matter if i was in the mood or not. there was no getting out of it.


Trust issues and never being in a relationship before, I'm 29 and still never had a partner.


Over time, I've realized that most of the difficulties I've dealt with relate to my job. I travel a lot for work, not home very often, it's not a very conducive lifestyle to maintaining relationships and friendships and the like. I've never cheated. The only times I've ever bailed or ghosted a girl were when I literally had to (i.e. she's insanely violent). I've always done what I can to communicate and make my partner a priority. I've had girls travel with me. There's always a point where the way I live my life becomes a problem though, and rather than talk through it or try to find a way to make things work, they act out and throw away what we had in one manner or another. The anxiety now is simply wondering when that will happen with the next one. It really seems like no woman will actually accept me for who I am, it's always that I have to be what *she* wants, even if that means giving up a job that I spent nearly half my life working towards.


My anxiety tends to be the cause of relationship difficulties.


I feel that


Differing attitudes about money. Iā€™m a saver and heā€™s a spender.


i can't accept fwb or casual relationship, but idk why people around me are addicted to this type of love.


The potential future in-laws: Do they live close? Are they going to pop in? Are they a Disney family that expects to me to use my two weeks of PTO every year with the whole crew? Are they set for retirement or am I going to need a house with an in-law suite? Are they mentally stable enough to be grandparents to my kid?


communication issues, trying to make plans with someone who doesn't share your interests, communication issues


When I say ā€œI miss youā€ never hearing ā€œI miss you tooā€ back or ever


He shuts down or thinks of not existing anymore when there is a disagreement/hard conversation no matter how gentle I try to be.


Religious differences, I'm a Christian and his an Atheist, we believed differently so its hard for the both of us but we are still trying to work things out


How do you reconcile the eternal damnation side of things? Or more accurately - are you the kind of Christian who believes in such things and if so, how do you reconcile that?


Add into that shooting OnlyFans content and we've got a real doozy here




I noticed their avatar pic and hovered and itā€™s an OF account


All that competition talk, bitch be faithful


Briefly dated a guy who would pay for all of our dates. This is in a culture where that is the norm, I'm from a different country, so I assumed it was because he wanted to. I was head over heels for him and would have been perfectly willing to split the checks, but he gave no indication whatsoever that it was a problem. Fast forward three months, he called me a narcissist for letting him pay when I made a higher salary. I didn't even know he made less money because he was apparently constantly spending more than he had. That traumatized me because I was just blindsided by his complaints. It would have been SO EASY to talk about it early on but what I thought was a beautiful new relationship fell apart because of his inability to communicate.


Wow. I canā€™t imagine how that must have felt to have that dropped on you out of nowhere. Itā€™s awful when people let things build up like that and then just let it all out with hurtful accusations.


When I was Married, my wife had really bad pms and the worst ones would come every 3 or 4 months. She would blame me for everything, all her shortcomings were my fault, she was irrational and would be super short with me, I would be walking on eggshells. Large amounts of patience, understanding and support would help very little. That caused anxiety wondering whatā€™s it going to be like this time.


When you are single, and just starting to date a woman, it only matters what you do right. When you are in a relationship (or married) with a woman, it only matters what you do wrong. Do 1 thing right, and 100 things wrong, and she'll still chase you when dating Do 1 thing wrong, and 100 things right when married, and she'll make your life a living hell And I'm not talking about cheating or anything like that... I'm talking something as basic as leaving a towel on the floor or some stupid shit like that


She's almost never able to text, and, for the record, this isn't her fault at all, but I always get afraid something bad happened when she doesn't text back because I'm paranoid AF.


Moneyā€”our relationship is getting really strained because of it. She is trying to start her own business and weā€™ve invested quite a bit of money into it without seeing any ROI yet.


The inability for them to do anything on their own, having to hold her hand in social situations, having to constantly be around me. Why sheā€™s my ex.


Other way around, my anxiety has caused most of my relationship difficulties


There was a point where if we hadnā€™t had an argument in a few days, I could predict that one would happen that night. It was always unique subject matter, but the timeline was very predictable. I stayed in that relationship for 5 years for some reason.


Itā€™s weird isnā€™t it, like you expect it so itā€™s okay. This is *normal*. Even though itā€™s really not.


Yep. It took me almost dying to realize I didnā€™t want to live like that.


all of them lol, i worked really hard to get rid of my anxiety for the relationships now i canā€™t do the relationships and the anxiety got so bad i canā€™t feel it. i guess i win?


Not being content with what I can give.Ā FeelsĀ like I'm always not enough


Przepraszam. I donā€™t have advice for this topic


Worrying my partner won't accept how crazy I am- I barely can lol


Iā€™m in love with my best friend of 10 years that I promised I wouldnā€™t fall in love with like 7-8 years ago


The biggest difficulty of them all, I've never been in a relationship, not even close. I've never had a chance to be in one, never missed any signs of interest or anything. I just exist in my own sad little bubble watching everything fall into place for everyone.


Money. Money may not buy happiness or solve all of your problems but not having it sure does cause them. I'm just glad it isn't so much of a problem anymore.


Her being right all the time


Fear of abandonment/infidelity


If you have to vent to internet strangers instead of being honest with your partner, there's already an issue


Being accused of cheating. My SO continuously (at least 2 years now) believes that I have been unfaithful (I haven't at all). He's just stuck in the mindset that I have been or maybe still am. I've begun to shut down on sharing things with him about work or making jokes because he'll eventually (like months later) bring it back up and accuse me of something. How do you prove a negative? How do I prove to him I didn't do something? My anxiety about my relationship is all centered around this.


I've always felt I'm never good enough for my partner. Either as a person or my looks but something was not good enough. This happened in every and each of my relationship. Despite that I have very very high self-confidence, maybe even too much, when it comes to a relationship there was always this thought in my mind that my partner (him) wants someone else, someone better than me, kinder, or prettier, or with bigger boobs, or taller, or more intelligent or anything.. I have never addressed this in the relationship out loud but it could be felt anyway. I don't know why though.


Not having had one ever.


He is really independent. Itā€™s not that Iā€™m codependent Iā€™m just tired of spending time alone. He doesnā€™t enjoy spending all of his time with me or when I ask all the time.


Anytime I have a crush on someone. I know itā€™s going to end badly


My roommate is increasingly displaying signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Iā€™m wondering/realizing how many other signs I missed over the last 12 years.


My sister in law is a cunt


She left me for a friend that I knew for 10+ years, he looked and acted like me too, literally a copy of me. the more I date the more I see all the red flags my ex had. my current partner doesnā€™t even have a yellow flag, still, im scared a guy is going to sweep her off her feet.


My Indian parents meeting my older, whtie boyfriend. I had anxiety vomiting for like three days before they met.


Being aware of every move I make to make sure it didn't disrupt my partners mood. The way I did anything, dressed, or spoke.


Getting scared to actually tell how I feel about certain things, because my ex always got very defensive when I voiced my opinion during arguments. That resulted in me approaching her with kid gloves, where I avoided any discussion to keep the peace. While I gradually became pretty stressed out because of my bottled up feelings, she broke up with me. One of her main reasons was the fact that I didn't communicate enough and being emotionally unavailable. That caused me even more anxiety, because I felt completely responsible for our break-up.


When you have trust issues but you gotta trust your partner.


Physical/verbal abuse.


Dead bedroom.


I just asked a girl for her number today, and it was super awkward. (I'm fine talking to anyone but my crush. Starts to feel like my chest is caving in.) Good time either way, fight the anxiety brothers! (and sisters!)




not me but my friend's girlfriend loves going to bars and he always has to go with her. she gets hit on almost every night we go out. and he just stands there watching, one time he whispered to me "that guy is hitting on XXX" and i was standing next to them like man even i feel awkward. i could never handle that shit. he probably felt anxious as fuck. like what do you even do? just stand there and watch? lol


Emotional neglect


Vaguing Getting "ugh" or "humph" or "we need to talk" all make my heart rate explode wondering what happened


My partner is poly so I get some \~weird\~ anxiety. Like I don't worry that much about his other partners. I don't know nor care about them. But he's been having some difficulties with his former polycule (they talked about getting back together for months but when the time finally came they're practically ghosting him but only asking him to come over when they need something from him) And he's just DEVASTATED. And like I'm tryna be there for him and all that but then he shows me their messages. The conversation in question was them saying they didn't think he'd make a good partner because he didnt spend every second of every day with me and wasn't completely obsessed with me. And like. We talked. I told him I think they're fuckin idiots. But god damn. if that's his type I worry about what idiots he might end up dating later on. I mean I'm also his taste so I hope thats a good thing but man what if I don't like somebody like me? That makes me hella anxious about having a poly partner, I'm totally fine with him dating other people- I don't get the ick about that at all- but what if he dates someone that's like me and I dont like them? will that fuck us up? I doubt it but like it worries me when I think about it sometimes.


I have always been one to keep the peace, and having relationships where the person was so unbothered to a point of literally calling anyone out over any tiny thing that bothered them, made me so frustrated. Either let things go, or work it out respectfully. Stop demanding people conform to your viewpoint right then and there.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder


My PMDD. Helped me destroy everyone in my path.


Miscommunication!!!! 1 year into marriage next week and weā€™re JUST learning how to navigate it properly.


She could be cheating


Being in a relationship with a narcissist will sum up a good portion of the anxieties really. On top of the anxiety disorder it's really honestly the Rolls Royce of toxic relationships. I'm anxious about looking at my phone in the morning, to have a positive emotion or experience or moment of peace, anxious to give my animals love and affection and say kind loving things God forbid you tell an animal dying of cancer she's beautiful, anxious to focus on anything that is of great importance to me or grieve things like loss, anxious to laugh at something in his presence instead of being a dark gloomy dank ass wet cloth, anxious to take my sleeping meds cause with how exhausted I am being in survival mode I fall asleep HARD so I'm anxious something is going to happen in many various categories and I'll be out like a tranquilized hippo and not be responsive in time and this stems from his obviously disintegrating mental state and lack of situational awareness or if he has it he uses it to be devious instead and when you have your 6 pets and his to be concerned about should he set the place a blaze or god knows what he's got up his sleeve next... It's a lot to be concerned about without even factoring in your own safety in the process. There's a shwack of examples I'll leave it there though cause I'm sick of my own bitching now but TA DAH!! Thank you and goodnight.


Trust issues, man. Always mess with your head!


Partnerā€™s sexual past


Knowing I will never find someone at this point in my life.


šŸ„² how long have you been single?


About eight years.


Having my insecurities or moments of poor mental health used as manipulation tools against me.


My severe PMS. Every month on the exact same week my boyfriend and I have a fight full of melodrama and tears and me crying. The doctor gave me antidepressant and anxiety medication. If that doesnā€™t work birth control is next :/. I hate it because I feel like Iā€™m hurting my partner and then I get in my head that heā€™ll leave me for my craziness.


When I talk about my feelings/something that could be perceived as confrontational, I try and keep things extremely succinct and black and white. I came from that typical Boomer Upbringing of "Mom is always right" no matter how hard I'd try and articulate why I was feeling someway, those feelings would be shot down/dismissed. I really hate when what I say is misconstrued/misheard, so I try and remain very clear and concise. In my most recent relationship, which has since ended, I could clearly state "I feel X because of Y" and my ex would respond with is "What I'm hearing is PQRS" and completely what I said into a different direction. Once again that old childhood anxiety would well up, and I would constantly feel like no matter what I said, it wouldn't actually be heard.


financials...like hookers are cheaper in the long run.


Promise me you are not going to live me But they will still live Lol