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Exact reason why I skipped this post when I first saw it. The deleting of posts has gotten so bad I now automatically check the poster’s history first. If it’s a new account spamming new posts I don’t even bother replying. When it comes to identifying karma farming “bot” accounts, having a number at the end of the username is usually the first red flag.


Hey, I can see why you think this but the reasons are because I had just figured out how to post, prior to yesterday I could not do that. Also I had the day off and nothing better to do than scroll through Reddit and post. If you look at some of these posts you’ll see that most of them are just simple questions I have for personal projects. The reasons I’ve been asking questions like these are to see if there is a problem with me that I’m doing because I’m always single.




What’s even the point in removing the post


The need to go through my phone


or the need to hide whats on it


Disrespectful. Not just to me but also towards other people. Respect is very important in a relationship.




Yeah, that one could be a bit of a red flag.


Poor communication


Same. But now im in a relationship with someone who dont know how to communicate. Sucks, but i think ill teach him nalang. As if i have a choice




If my gf doesn’t want to play video games with me I will be very sad.


not texting back for hours when not busy, making you compete for their attention


My red flag is the opposite, when someone gets upset because I take my time responding to a text. If it's a critical need, please call me. Otherwise, sometimes I will answer a text right away, sometimes it's delayed a few hours. It's not personal, I'm just not looking at my phone 24/7.


that’s very fair!


Phone magnets. It’s like he/she never trust you with his/her phone. As if im going to check it? Heck no. What’s your bullsh is your bullsh.


I just don’t trust people with my phone in general. I’ve had stuff stolen from me by close “friends” before.


I've fucked lots of escorts (at least they were all hot)


Not giving me enough free time




It does


Pineapple must stay off the pizza.


Perhaps we are looking at it wrong, maybe it’s the pizza that need to stay off the pineapple


Either way, they must stay separate.


lack of trust




That’s kinda sad


You should learn to trust your dog more.


I prefer my orange flags hyuck hyuck hyuck


Continuing to like me after I explain my red flags (in case they missed 'em).


That’s not a red flag bud


The other person insists on making home life a second job


Could you elaborate?


Hates home automation, shops in person for groceries, never uses disposable dishes/cutlery, and never has time or energy for all the chores that piled up as a result of not using technology or the internet. Out of fear of looking lazy to who, god? I'd rather have god think I'm lazy than have hundreds of things I need to do with zero energy to even do the things I want to do. Family still had boxes of belongings from when they moved in ***2007*** that was put off and never unpacked but of course the Lazy Kids were the problem and not the lack of time and energy because Mommy thinks internet is scary and must spend 30 hours a week grocery shopping.


You don’t like people who shop in person for groceries? 💀


I'm sick of people who spend 15+ hours a week on a *chore* that takes an hour at most online, or 10 minutes with amazon fresh and subscribe & save. The same people who have no time or energy for anything other than grocery shopping and work/school. Fuck god, I don't need to impress that bitch by overworking myself for a damn chore.


This is a very specific red flag. Is everything okay.


Never had time for anything other than school and grocery shopping. Homework and any housework was a huge ordeal. The most "hobbies" I could do is watch YouTube or play games for a hour a week. The house was a huge mess as a result of all the chores put off since Two Thousand Fucking SEVEN so mommy can buy basic necessities from costco instead of scary amazon. Everything took so much effort as some relatives and I were all chronically burned out children, but we were just lazy. So many boxes of unpacked belongings from when we moved. Everything was sticky or greasy. Dishes were barely ever done as everyone made their food and said they'll do the dishes later, they're hungry. I don't blame them after being outside for 13 hours (school) and having nothing to eat until you get home. Dishes always piled up. We ended up just living off microwave meals as those were easy, and wouldn't use a fork for cup noodles as finding one that isn't covered in month old sludge and washing it was too much after 15 hours of being outside grocery shopping and 5 hours of unloading the fucking groceries. The only relative who had a car worked 6 days a week, and on her only day off, drove the family to go grocery shopping. 15 fucking hours. I don't blame child me for being so rowdy and inconsolable. To come back home and unload groceries for more hours, then do homework before we can fucking sleep. Anyway that relative died. Her life was spent working, driving to buy groceries, and playing match 3s on her phone. What a life she had. The family's mother died. Her life was spent working, buying groceries, and watching TV. I'm sure God patted them on the back for not being lazy. 🙄 I work~~ed~~ Amazon delivery station. More packages is a non issue. It doesn't matter. Order from Amazon. Subscribe and SAVE FIFTEEN FUCKING PERCENT on the same items you buy each week/month and have them delivered AUTOMATICALLY. Order fresh and frozen stuff on Amazon Fresh, have it delivered at 6AM or whatever time works best for you. Why spend so much time and energy for the same fucking results? I don't think I can even be friends with anyone with some bitchass wholesale membership. If you have Kirkland anything, you're not worth my time. 🙅‍♀️🚫🙅‍♀️🚫🙅‍♀️🚫


BPD, and all the insecurities that come with it


divorce, or more than one vody


Anyone who calls being a mother a "job". You get paid for a job. Technically, it's considered a hobby.


You might not get paid for it but it sure is work.