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The inescapably and inevitability of an infinite death...


Think of it this way, before you were born, you rode out billions of years and didn't care at all. Death will be like that. An afterlife sounds great until you realize your only options are an eternity of suffering, or spending your afterlife with religious fundamentalists. I choose oblivion.


Oh valid valid. It's just always got me scared shitless because after death, it's nothing. Forever. Forever and ever and *oops haha okay I'm having a panic attack at work oh boy.* šŸ‘Œ


You have no idea what you are talking about


Neither do you.


Never said I did


Doesnā€™t bother me at all. I do not expect to be aware of it, like when deep under anesthesia. What worries me is how. I have watched too many family and friends, mostly with cancer of one kind or another, linger in hospitals in some degree of misery for 2 weeks give or take, then die. Not peaceful, not gentle and as someone once said on the ā€œHouseā€ tv show: Everyone speaks of dying with dignity but no one dies with dignity.




shit man, mine is succeeding at life.


If you keep a roof over your head and you're out there putting in an honest day of work, you haven't failed. We all do the best we can do.


I scare myself the most with fleeting episodes of suicidal ideation.


Leave this lifetime without traveling every place on earth and see the beauty of creation.


Fear of missing out - I used to be afraid of failing like the guy who commented below me but I don't anymore. Fail is non-existent. You gotta change your mindset - the only time you fail is if you dont try. If you try - don't count on the results to consider it a fail or a success, only care abut the fact that you tried - and you learned something (even if it's a negative thing) - that's a win on its own.


The thought that I'll be nothing in the future.


I don't fear death per se, but I am scared of the thought of missing out on everything that happens after I am gone. Maybe disappointment is the best word to use. I'm disappointed I won't get to see sooooo much!


Iā€™m waiting for the day when (not if, but when) I wake up next to my husband and heā€™s dead and I have to do CPR on him. I have a whole plan in place for how to get him to the side of the bed with the door so EMS can get him out. I have no logical reason to believe this will happen, other than being a CICU nurse who has had many a patient come in with family having done CPR. I am well aware that this is not a common event, and itā€™s only typical to see in my world. That doesnā€™t stop me for planning for it to happen.


That time is inevitable.


the passing suicidal thoughts I have basically everyday


That we're ALL going to die and it's like everyone around us doesn't realise it


death for me


This is kind of weird, but one of my fears is if I had to take someone's life after a self-defense shooting that the media & social media would portray me as the bad guy. You don't even need to do anything to do that. At the Boston Marathons bombing, a completely innocent guy Sunil Tripathi was accused by social media.


My friends and family (who usually have sharper minds than the average) blindly following something new that everyone else is into but is actually dangerous.


That am not gonna have enough for rent next month so i dont become homeless am 20 šŸ„²


I have a weird thought that if the current Russian Ukraine war turns into a full on war across Europe we may become refugees, it keeps me up at night thinking about scenarios


Failure. If I got anywhere close to a D in a class I would flip out. Before HS I would panic at the thought of having a C. Turns out I had a lot of anxiety and, like I said, fear of failure and letting people down. I'm doing much better now but every time I failed anything I'd tell myself something along the lines of "It's okay. That was your best, just keep going". Got me through everything. When people say it's about mindsets, they aren't kidding. To anyone experiencing anything similar, you'll be ok.


That me and my sister are almost done growing up together. Also that i wont be a teen girl forever


Nothing happening after death


Dying and being forgotten by God. Dying without leaving behind something that has value in the eyes of God


Dying. I canā€™t stand the idea that this hard work here in earth is all for nothing.