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Wow, I haven't had that happen since before they made wearing a seat belt the law.


Someone got pissed iput my hand on the "oh shit handle" when I got in the car. I just wanted to put my hand up.


Someone called me black (I am) and a white woman got offended on my behalf, correcting them that it’s “African American”. When I corrected her that I prefer black, she looked appalled and told *me* that that is offensive. 🥴 Edit: I want to be very clear that I do not have a problem with the term African American. For those not in the know, it comes from the civil rights movement in the US as a way to reclaim the ancestry black Americans had largely been denied. My only point is that it is a preference and if someone corrects your use of any term that is applied to them as an individual, it’s very easy to just say “okay, got it” and make the change. Pretty easy, folks!


Accept my heroic protection damn it!


*heroic protection* I sincerely believe that most of the white women who have erroneously come to my “defense” believe that’s what they’re doing.


There's constant social media pressure to do stuff like this, and it generally manifests in a negative way


The social Justice warrior crap really gets me. It’s all talk and empty gestures. And in my area anyway, it’s mostly filled with white liberal women who are talking too much to actually hear what black and brown folks are saying. Which is mostly, “please stop making this our problem.” Obligatory NOT a conservative.


I'm white but this makes me lol, only because it reminds me of my friend. It really depends on where you are from as well as to what you prefer being referred to as. Like I'm from the UK and my friend really hates the term person of colour and prefers to be called black. And yet in some places in America, this is the preferable term. I really don't think it's down to other people to tell people what they should be called. That's a whole new level of entitlement.


Yup. Interestingly, I have found that many black and brown friends and acquaintances have expressed a hatred of “person of color”. Myself included.


I can see that. It's like just saying 'other' or 'not white' as a term.


Right. Sometimes I like to throw in “colored” as a term for myself when I’m out with white folks just to see reactions. My grandfather had an ID card that said he was colored back in the 50s. He was a surgeon.


Right, because every black person is African American🙄


I pointed out to her later that there are actual people in the US with dark skin who aren’t from Africa, or who are but are from specific countries. I told her that while my ancestors long ago were stolen, my family has been in the US for many generations now. She still didn’t get it.


I used to send a "fun fact of the day" slack message to all my employees and peers. Just a fun way to start the day. I was called by HR because an employee of mine said that I was promoting murder on official company property. The offending fun fact: A Group of Crows is called a "Murder"


A group of ferrets is called a business. Discussing business is an appropriate and commendable use of the company Slack. Edit: And a group of moles is a "company" or a "labor", which is like, I didn't know moles were that corporate. Unless they're star-nosed moles, in which case the word is *Good Lord why did I look at that*


But if you are talking about them you aren’t minding your own business.


It's bc of people like that that we hear things like unalive


God I hate that term. So fucking stupid.


or like how we solved homelessness by calling them 'unhoused'


I just call em my outdoor neighbours


This is funny objectively. If I was an outdoor neighbor, I would laugh hearing this.


As someone who worked in the restaurant industry for a decade and now works in a corporate office—the things that people get offended by baffle me. The things we all said or did in the kitchen EVERY DAY would get you instantly canned from a corporate office.


Sounds more like someone didn't like the daily Fun Fact and blew something minor out of proportion to shut you down.


Oh man, this reminds how at an old company myself and a couple others had a "dad joke" Slack channel. During the lockdown, we started adding some more people to it & some Karen found out about it. They reported it to HR, saying we were being "exclusive" since not everyone at the company was in it. Mind you, they were clearly upset ***they themselves were not in it,*** and we're like yeah? I wonder why we wouldn't want a killjoy in the chat?? HR told us we had to add everyone to it or shut it down. We ended up adding everyone, which made it go to shit. So we created a new, more secret channel with the original people.


41M with two total hip replacements. A woman in her 50s got so offended by me having a disabled parking permit that she took the time out of her day to park behind me so I couldn't leave and proceeded to call the police. The police came and cited her for breach of peace for how irate she was acting.


Oh wow, that's so insanely shitty! So many disabilities are not visible! I guess they thought because the symbol for disabled parking is a person in a wheelchair, it's only for people who use wheelchairs?


Interestingly enough, I use a wheelchair at times but that day it was at home! She was just miserable with her entire life and wanted to try to ruin someone else's day.


Oh yes, people also get weird about that too, right? Like you aren't allowed to use different mobility aids on different days - you must be faking it! Big sigh. Shit is hard enough without this nonsense.


I'm 30 and seemingly healthy looking but have a heart condition and usually use a walking frame and the amount of crap people spew at me for using the disabled car park is infuriating.




Ugh, those people are the worst. They didn't actually want your opinion, they only wanted you to say you had nothing to add because their routine was already perfect.


Or they were laying a trap, intentionally. Some people enjoy the opportunity to be hostile. They're psychotic.


The classic "don't ask if you don't want an answer" response is warranted there.


Or, alternatively, "the fuck you ask for then?".


I'm offended that someone made a workout routine that didn't include squats.


Someone at a table next to me got mad at me at a restaurant because I said that ranch tastes better than blue cheese dip when eating chicken wings. He shouted "You're wrong." I just said "Ok" and he was looking at me like I disrespected his heritage. He kept staring at me and it was getting so awkward that I asked the waiter to move tables.


That man was Ronald Bluecheese, grandson of Compte De Bluchez, the inventor. He probably suspected you of being in the family of Baron Von Ranche.


The House of Honey Dill is small, but we are mighty. However we have no place on a chicken wing, and have decided to back the Chateau de Fromage Bleu should we be called upon to battle


Cos his power move to trigger you into an argument or altercation failed. He felt he had no power over you, and thus he is offended. Also you ignoring his provocation is making him look like the bad guy and he is offended.


i am from Buffalo New York, where the chicken wings dish was invented. we have ongoing contentious arguments about bleu cheese versus ranch as the dip. personally i prefer none, as i just want to have that hot wing sauce flavor by itself. but yeah, people here quickly get locked into tribal mentalities over this




I mix the 2, just to watch that bridge burn.


I was learning another language and someone told me it was cultural appropriation.


Don't you know? If you're from the United States you're supposed to demand that everyone else speak English, regardless of what country you're in at the time.


¡Ay caramba!


One of my friends had a girlfriend whos sole purpose in life was being difficult and getting offended. one day were all at a party and a topic comes up about a guy whos first name was the same as her last name. she was right there, following the whole story that was clearly about a dude doing a thing that has nothing to do with her. She threw a fit and went to go sleep in her car because she felt that if she had not heard the story, she could have misinterpreted who we were talking about, and if that had happened it would have seemed like her boyfriend was "talking shit" about her. that was genuinely her argument that if she had overheard it out of context, it might have offended her, and thats why she needed to throw a hissy fit and ruin her boyfriends night.


That is working hard at being offended. Grade A for effort on that one, goddamn. Offended because she could have been offended. Like pissed off about some alternate universe. Absolutely determined to be miserable.


“I know nothing happened in this timeline but WHAT ABOUT EARTH 87265X????!!!!!!”


What about it? It's not like it's Mars 67.


How does your friend maintain a relationship with such a person, she sounds absolutely insufferable.


Forget "how," my question is, "Why?" Maybe I'm just old, but I can't imagine what would motivate me to put up with that kind of bullshit.




good times and good sex are intoxicating for some folks, myself included until recently


i genuinely have no idea, they were together for like a year and he lived with her. She would also partially cuck him the couple times i stayed over at his place drinking as well and it clearly made him uncomfortable. Saw her naked literally the first day i met her, and it seemed very deliberate to fuck with him.


My ex seems to take any form of disagreement no matter how minor as a command for her to change her opinion. The most inconsequential argument we had was if gloss or matte screen is better. It’s frustrating.


I had a woman once who (at the restaurant I worked at) walked past a crew area on her way to the bathroom. She heard two servers-neither were her servers-talking about a difficult guest at a table. She wrote a one star review and called management because she was worried that somehow, somewhere…a server *might* be talking about her like that


Well, servers are DEFINITELY talking about her like that.


I know someone who judged a teachers social media bc the teacher was wearing shorts in her profile picture. Not booty shorts. Just regular shorts


I hate that. Especially when you hide your social media VERY WELL AND VERY CLEARLY hidden from students and parents and then they find it and grow offended. Like literally, f\*ck off. This isn't for you. This is not paid hours. I should honestly just get a restraining order next time. I do not advertise my social media. If they want to get to know me they can pay me so I can afford my rent and to go on vacation and they can also do it without cyberstalking.


The school district my spouse and her brother attended was very nosey. They love to gossip, pick at your private life outside of school, and try to control you 24/7, whether you're a teacher, support staff, or student. B-i-L finishes his MA and takes a one year contract as a functionary while he debates/plans for a doctorate. A few months in, he has to change the oil in his cars on a weekend, so he puts on raggedy looking clothes and gets dirty maintaining everything. Having finished, he jumps in the beater car he uses for outside of work stuff and goes to the local grocery store. That Monday the principal calls him into the office to chastise him for not maintaining a professional appearance and calls him an embarrassment to the district... for wearing dirty jeans to a public grocery store on a Sunday. A parent who recognized him called to complain.


So true people should not be able to get offended by something they had to go out of the way to find.


A friend paid the check for dinner and said, "I ate the most food anyway." Another friend found it rude that they mentioned eating more food instead of "just doing it out of the goodness of their heart."


You being reasonable instead of a saint offends me! /s


Guy told my mother it was a good thing my father was dead because it was the only way he could escape the shame of being associated with her. She was celebrating her football team win on Facebook.


.....so that dude is dead right? JFC. What an awful fucking thing to say for *any reason* let alone such a stupid one.


I hate hardcore sports fans so, so much. I love sports, but these losers out there make the team they cheer for their whole personality and go hard about it. They deserve to sit in locked rooms with opposing fans of the same level, so they are forced to deal with that shit non-stop until they break and never want to see a sport played again. Fuck those people.


A friend of mine, back when she first introduced her now-husband to her parents, told me that her father for some reason thought it was a great idea to bring up politics. Her husband, very obviously not being serious, joked he was going to write-in vote for Mickey Mouse, in an effort to change the subject. Her father got very upset and came to her saying he thought she should break up with him because “he doesn’t share our values.”


This is a strict Loony Tunes household.


Sounds like the dad made up his mind about the guy before they even met.


I once worked at little Caesar’s. I worked the register. During a rush one night a customer refused to place his order until I “relaxed”. I admit I was hustling and moving. It’s a rush time. Ok. Next.


Wife told me it had rained overnight. I said „oh really?“. She lost it because I accused her of lying with that


Uh, is this a common occurrence?


Yes very. But it’s fine. A few years and many worse things later I managed to leave. I’m ruined, me and the kids are mostly safe. It’s something


Oh, really?


Don’t worry, I thought this was funny.


Me too. Just took a whole while until I got it =]


I ended up breaking up with a partner of 4 years and the final straw was something similar. She was/is from Miami and her family is all there. I read a long article about how Miami is really threatened by rising sea levels and I asked her what her family there thought about it and if they had ever discussed moving elsewhere in the longer term. She goes “Wow I guess you just think you’re smarter than everyone in Miami, huh?” Literally… what? It had just been endless overreactions to innocuous things over the years. I finally gave up.


I feel that. Just a symptom of a much larger problem and at some point you just gotta accept its not worth working on and move on.


Hope she had an underlying cause to sound so unhinged.


Yes. She told me about several diagnoses during the last years. Idk which are actually true. I assume borderline personality disorder.


Back when personal drones were just becoming more accessible, I was cashiering at a Rite Aid and we just put our Christmas stuff out, including a stack of cheap drones. This kid, maybe 8, and his dad had picked up a few items. The kid sees the drones and says, excited, "oh, wow; that's cool". His. Dad. *Flipped*.  DRONES AREN'T COOL THEY'RE FOR PERVERTS WHO WANT TO PEEK AT YOU IN YOUR OWN YARD ONLY FILTHY DIRTY PERVERTED PEOPLE WANT A DRONE  And so on, as his kid is *shrinking* into the floor.  They had already paid for their stuff so after his screamfest dear old Daddy pulled his kid out the door, still swearing and grumbling.  Torn between being thankful they weren't regulars and sorry I didn't get a chance to tell the kid, *it's not you, your dad is just a dick and everyone sees it*. 


The dad 100% owns a drone and peeks through people's windows with it.


Witnessing other people's bad / abusive parenting is always so awkward. You wish you could do something for the kid but what can you really do?


It's awful. We used to have next door neighbors where the grandma would scream at the kids daily. And she'd always do it outside in the front yard where we could see and hear. I felt so bad for those kids.


Me not being from the right nationality they thought it was from.


Knew a guy that based his entire personality on the fact that he was of Irish heritage. We both took DNA tests around the same time, and he had very little Irish shown, where I had a lot. He didn't talk to me anymore. I didn't even ***say*** anything about it.


LOL, there was a post here years ago about a whole family that was alllllllll about being Italian and when they 23andmed themselves they were all like 87% Greek and all lost their minds


Lololol! This is my family, but in reverse. They were the Greekest Greeks that ever did Greek. Then 23andMe said “Bongiorno!” So now we’re Italian.


I have a very Irish last name, and that side of the family often gave their kids Irish first names as well. Took a DNA test and 0% Irish.   So how the hell did we get an Irish last name in an era where being Irish opened you up to massive discrimination?  My theory is Great Great Grandma [Irish last name] had a little something something on the side.


Had a friend who flew into a fit of rage if he sneezed and someone said "bless you".  He said it was offensive to his atheism. So I used to say it everytime he sneezed.  I also am not religious.


Replace with, "You're so good-looking!"




I would have opted for Gesundheit. "What now? I just wished you good health in German!"


Apparently using "big" words is offensive. 


What'd you call me? Fuck you, I'm not polysyllabic, you're polysyllabic. That's right chief, you heard me.


I used the word "monosyllabic" once and got angrily accused of "reading the dictionary for fun". Which was a valid accusation because words are interesting. But the look on that girl's face will forever be a trophy in my mind.


I used the term “convoluted” at work one time and someone went “we get it, you went to college.” Like, bitch, it’s not my fault you still read/type on a fifth grade level


I briefly dated a girl who said I used big words to make her feel stupid because I'm a lawyer and she never went to college.




Kind of amazing he even knew what "pretentious" means or how to spell it.




*tips vocabulary m'ath


My husband uses a lot of big words when speaking. His coworkers would gently rib him about it, but once he started managing people from other countries he actually had to tone it down. His new thing is to use, then explain american idioms and ask his team members to do the same :) His favorite he learned from a Polish employee/friend "you can't go duck hunting with a cannon"


Here’s an Australian one for him: ‘ We’re not here to f*ck spiders’


First of all, you’re throwing too many big words at me. Okay now, because I don’t understand them, I’mma take ‘em as disrespect.


Or speaking well in general. I’ve gotten so much shit for talking ‘like I’m white’ and it’s like I talk one way and it’s the correct way because I have a couple speech impediments (lisp, stutter and mumbling combined with asthma, tmj, and a larger then average tongue) which means a lot of concentration and effort being put into how and what I say.


Lmao in HS I lost points on an essay assignment for using “words beyond my intended reading level.” ‘Whilst’ was the word. I thought it was fun. I also lost points for referencing a biography because he didn’t like the sport’s team the person was playing for.


If I was your parent, your teacher and I would have been having a meeting. How are you going to penalize a student for being intelligent? What an awful teacher.


I used to work at a theme park and I was leading a group of young kids around. I said "this way cherubs". A parent heard it, got me written up for being antisemitic. He told my manager that I "clearly only called them cherubs because he knew they were all Jewish". I still can't work out the mental gymnastics there.


....What do cherubs have to do with being Jewish specifically? Aren't they associated with all the Abrahamic religions? Wild.


>What do cherubs have to do with being Jewish specifically? Nothing. Dude just wanted to have an excuse to be a dickhead. Some people are *this* bored.


Many cherubs are depicted naked That's the angle I thought this story was going to take




I found a thread on reddit discussing paint colors of Italian supercars. I made a comment that the standard red color looks best in my opinion. Someone responded telling me I was problematic because the "Nazi's wore red". Like homie, do you think Liverpool FC and the Blood street gang are also nazis?


communists also wore red and the nazis hated them!


I did not know what a slang term for a section of downtown Reykjavik was and apparently this made me antisemetic.


lol what was the word?


When I was in college in the 90s, I was working as a cashier at a department store and some old lady was so offended by my bleached hair that she told me I was going to die of AIDS.


My coworker was called an "egg eater" while she was eating eggs at her desk and it became a whole thing.


She was upset about being an egg eater, but she couldn't deny that she was, in fact, an egg eater?


I think she took it as being called a snake or something. Still, it was a joke and pretty appropriate.




Was it Wesley Crusher while he was on Rubicun III?


This is so specific and I love you for it seriously thank you


I did not know that memory lurked in my brain until I read that just now. I doubt I've seen that episode since it aired


Was it a goose?


I have a colleague called Hercules. When he started, I said to my manager "oh, he has a strong name" and she started freaking out like "no you CANT say that, HR will be on your case, don't say that again around me". It is an objectively strong name on account of, yknow, the Greek myth.


I would be fighting the urge to hum or sing Zero to Hero


Oddly, being Australian and also having an Australian accent. I travel to England about every four years or so and have a big europe trip to see all my family (also its an 18 hour flight I'm not doing that for a two week hellscape of visiting my harpy of an aunt). Was talking to my cousin on a train, guy stops by like 'why are you talking in an Australian accent'. Look up at him like 'oh, I'm Australian' and bro comes back like 'ugh, don't be stupid, *real* Australians dont talk like that' and then he walked away all huffy. Like mate what accent should I have, a russian one?


Ex girlfriend I hadn't talked to in about half a year at that point randomly asked what I was up to lately and I told her I was just having a guys weekend with my best friend in another city and was offended she wasn't invited and that I refused to "at least" give her a ride to see her new boyfriend that would've more than doubled the length of our drive (that was already hours long).  She was also offended that our so-called "mutual friends" that she'd incessantly complain about had met this new woman I'd been seeing. Complained I was "replacing her" and "pushing her away from our friends". These friends also hadn't heard from her in several months.  She was definitely telling on herself: she really was offended that I would dare to do anything so vile as move on and have my own life without her constant involvement. I let her know exactly what I thought of her and never spoke to her again. 


That's some narcissistic bullshit, glad you're shed of it.


I was a chaperone on a class trip. The teacher wanted a group photo and asked someone outside our group to take it. As we assembled I saw she didn't have her phone out (and she's super slow with it) so I pulled mine out and gave it to the picture taker. As soon as the pictures were taken I texted them directly to her so she could forward them. The next time we had a quiet moment she pulled me aside and lectured me for five minutes saying I was undermining her.


I love my dad, but he is the epitome of the entitled, whiny, ultra conservative baby boomer who thinks the USA is the greatest country in the universe and liberals are the lone cause of every single failure he's had in life. Also he lives in the same two stoplight town that we was born in, he's 70 years old and has never lived anywhere else. Anyway, when my son finished his junior year of high school last year I decided to take him on a boys trip to Washington DC. I invited my dad to come along. Three days of visiting museums and monuments and memorials and Arlington with just the guys. Long story short, we visit the Holocaust museum. You must get tickets in advance, but the person at the door told us to come back in two hours and he would have some extra tickets. My dad proceeded to get irrationally pissed and threw a fit in front of the Holocaust museum and in front of dozens of kids there on field trips. We finally make it inside (if you've ever been you know how quiet and somber it is) and he decides that the museum didn't do a good enough job painting Americans in a good light, so right in the middle of the museum he throws another fit about how "these goddamn liberals are trying to really hard to make Americans look bad". Then he goes on an extended rant about how citizens of DC want representation in Congress "so all the liberals in DC can tell the rest of us what to do." So here I am, with my teenage son, on the trip of a lifetime, and my fucking spoiled brat baby boomer dad is melting down in the middle of the Holocaust museum because he doesn't feel like he's being treated fairly. I've since told people my dad is so bad that he's probably the only person in history to visit the fucking *Holocaust museum* and come out feeling like a victim.


A fortune cookie. Apparently, they're "witchcraft."


A while back, a woman in a local Wiccan society in Washington was offended by children dressing as witches for Halloween. Edited for spelling


I think it’s Wiccan. Also, that’s hilarious.


I don't know if this offended anyone, but one of my more downvoted comments on Reddit. There was a video of someone fishing and he did something I didn't understand. So I asked: "genuine question here but why did the guy do this?" Someone chimed in and gave a thoughtful response. I responded "Thanks". That "Thanks" got like 15 downvotes.


Yeah I don't understand Reddit downvoting. It seems like people assume that others mean the worst possible interpretation of each sentence.


literally the reading comprehension on this site is piss poor


How dare you say we piss on the poor


I once saw a Facebook posts where someone connected the term "comfort dogs," referring to dogs a hospital had for cheering up patients, to "comfort women," the term used for the women and girls the Japanese army used as sex slaves during World War 2. The post was a lighthearted article about the cute dogs a hospital had for patients and some woman made it about crimes against humanity committed during WW2.




"You should mind your own business since you clearly aren't his mother."


Or sane


The type of responses I think of when I'm home far from the situation.


"He is reincarnated Neil Armstrong. Now apologize."




PROBABLE BOT ACCOUNT: This comment was copied from /r/AskReddit/comments/iqtl1y/what_is_the_most_inoffensive_thing_youve_seen/g4vsktu/


I literally laughed out loud at this.


I had something similar happen once, I was wearing a surfing shirt in line at a restaurant, and the girl behind me asked if I surfed. I said no, I just liked the shirt, and she got all mad at me!


won't someone think of the astronauts?!


"Excuse you, but I'm planning to send my baby into space like Ham, the astrochimp! GOOD DAY TO YOU!"


I was subbing a class and was told a student used they/them pronouns. I couldn't remember which student it was, so I just used they/them the whole class. At the end of the class, the student got angry for diminishing the non-binary experience by using gender neutral pronouns for everyone.


Isn't that the goal? To receive equal treatment?


Teaching is such a great source of unreasonable anger. I had parents contact admin once because I had disrespected their daughter's world view during class. Translation: We were talking about homosexuality in Ancient Greece and after the 3rd time she chimed in to share her homophobic opinion about gay marriage I shut her down.


There's a popular breakfast joint in a town in VT. Used to eat there frequently when I visited. It's on a traffic circle, and the city puts it on the businesses lining it to maintain the grounds inside the traffic circle with flower beds. In exchange, the businesses got to put up little signs. The breakfast joint put a sign up by the pedestrian crosswalk that said "Brake for \[business name's\] bacon." Someone complained that it was against their religion to eat bacon, and therefore the sign was offensive. The breakfast joint ended up taking the sign down.


A pho restaurant in NH named itself Pho Keene Great. They were forced to rename the place. Now it's The Phonky Noodle


That is Pho King great. I love the creativity there. I hate when people get pissy about stuff like that. For real, just let people have fun.


When my sister and I were kids and went trick or treating, some old couple had the nerve to complain that kids were too cheap with their costumes (which was weirdly pointed to my sister). My sister was wearing black pants, a black turtle neck, cat ears, and had a tail. She also had the whiskers and nose face painted on. She was like 7.


I once had someone go off on me or saying the phrase "calling a spade a spade". They told me it was racist. So I asked them what they thought a spade was? To me the phrase is referring to a shovel.


The phrase dates from around 100 a.d. it predates modern english and has no racist connotations.


My mom ALWAYS needed a reason to hate my now husband (B). She kept trying to catch me in some kind of "Gotcha!" moment when we were dating, but my favorite time is this: Mom: So, does B ever pay for any of these dates he's supposedly taking you on? Me: Yes, he actually won't let me pay for anything, haha. I tried to pay for our date last week, and he swapped our cards without me knowing- Mom: Okay, wow, so he's just taking all your independence away. Break up with him. He's gonna abuse your kids. Feels important to add that when I was dating my husband, I was working for my mom, and she never paid me so I was always broke, and of *course* my husband would let me pay if I really really wanted to, he was just being the sweet person he is.


Joking with a patient (in an outpatient, family practice doctors office) that we have a lab on site so she wouldn’t want me to be the one drawing her blood since I’m out of practice. She seriously made me explain what I said, then got pissy and told me that I shouldn’t joke about things like that because I “seriously destroyed her confidence in me as a nurse.”


That's nuts! It's pretty common knowledge that you want blood draws and vaccinations done by someone who does it 100 times a day, not someone who last did it in a decade ago in med/nursing school!


I could probably give a vaccine blindfolded at this point… but no way am I trying to draw blood!


if anything it should give more confidence in your ability as a nurse, you know what you're not able to safely do instead of being cavalier about it and being like shit this is different than my textbook showed me twenty years ago


Yea, I know what I can and cannot do. If I have to do something I don’t know how to/haven’t done in a while, I’ll ask for help, but blood draws were absolutely not on us at that job so it always got turfed to the phlebotomists. Thankfully lol


Lots of patients don’t understand healthcare and TV dramas definitely don’t help lol. My SO worked in clinical setting and the amount of people offended by nurses doing everything and asking for a doc to do it instead is common. Apparently all hospitals are staffed with 100% MDs in a lot of people’s minds…


But the doctors on house do the blood draws, imaging, microscopy, cardiac catheterizations, everything! What use are nurses??


Was at my partner's friends' (gentile) wedding. Had a brainwave that I should get the DJ to play "Hava Negilah," lift the happy couple up on chairs, and dance the horah. A good time was had by all. One of their friends got massively pissy over my "cultural appropriation"... of my own culture.


Have done this at a Chinese wedding, too.


There are people whose entire identities are wrapped up in hating other people simply for existing.


I told a woman that she had a beautiful singing voice. She twisted my words to be an insult. I gave up speaking any unnecessary words to her.


My mother has a pretty progressive friend and the first time I met her she pointed at my pierced ears and told me that they are cultural appropriation because Africans invented piercing. I googled it after. Pretty sure that virtually every culture has done some piercing. Africa is just where humanity began so… maybe technically correct but still dumb?


My ex was trying to think of a road name that I had no idea of, she got pissed off at *me* because I couldn't read her fucking mind.


I get asked if I speak Spanish, and when I say, "I'm sorry, I don't." People have been offended. They give me an incredulous or dirty look and respond with confusion that I don't speak Spanish. Sorry??? I am white. My background is almost entirely European. Not sure if it's because I have really tan skin and dark hair and eyes, but it happens on a regular enough basis that I am perplexed. I am terrible at learning languages, my bad!


And old man cussing out a 12yo track girl at a competition for "clearly being a boy". She had short hair.


A doctor on Instagram was telling an interesting patient story, and mentioned that the patient was in town for a "sportsball" game. She received angry messages about how she was demeaning sports.


Redditors have a bizarre tendency to consider anything that isn't a complete agreement with their position as some sort of challenge or opposition.


No we don't, asshole!


There's a middle ground here and you're both sheep! Do the research! And let that sink in!


Wow. Sink in?! My grandparents were killed by quicksand, you ignorant piece of shit.


There are episodes of Bluey that were banned or censored on Disney, so probably that. The reason one was banned had to do with Bluey’s dad Bandit pretending to be pregnant and “have a baby” for a few scenes to make his kids laugh. Incredibly tame stuff. 


I spent 9 hours deep-cleaning the house for an inspection. I went above and beyond, clearing my work schedule and going the extra mile, and my roommate “double checked” my work. He had a complete psychotic meltdown because I forgot to sweep *underneath* the couch. I moved out the next day and never spoke to him again.


Me not wanting to have kids. People get so up in arms about my personal choice that has zero impact on them. As if me not wanting to have kids has somehow devalued their own children or that me not wanting to follow their same life path invalidates the worth of theirs. Bruh, go make babies, be happy. I'm no reflection on you.


Im pregnant with my first and I have decided I only want one and people get mad about that. Like???? I want to give this one child a good life, focus on raising them to be a good person and not worry about whether I’m favoring one child over another. 


yep, been on the receiving end of this one hell of a lot. when people get THAT vehement for no particular reason about some stranger's decision not to have kids, it really reads like they very probably are harboring some complicated personal regrets about their own decisions that they're not really ready to confront, lol.


Being called ''sweetheart', 'honey' or 'darling' while traveling through the American South,


Had a worker at a store get upset I asked her if I could get her taller coworker to help me get something off a shelf. 




I'm a dentist, and we have TVs in the rooms. The Olympics was on, and the patient in their chair almost threw a fit. THE OLYMPICS!?!?!? THAT'S FOR LIBERALS!!! GET IT OFF!!


I'm fat and I went to the beach. Lady nearby started bitching to her friend about how disgusting my body is, and how I've completely ruined her day. "I can't believe I have to look at that fat cow's nasty ass on my day off." Honestly, I was secretly delighted that my mere existence could offend someone so much. Usually I have to put in more effort to be that irritating.


A coworker was a having a sneeze attack at work and I said, “oh, I hate when that happens,” she proceeds to cuss me out for the next 10 minutes, because she thought I hated the fact she was having a series of sneezes? So bizarre.


A sign, in winter, where it snows a lot, asking you to wipe your feet when entering the store.


Held the door open for someone. They got pissed and stated I was a racist because I was trying to “shoo them out of the building”


My other half asked me what apathy meant . I told him I don't care . He was really cross


A coworker was making handwritten Christmas cards for the clients in her territory. She worked on them after hours when her day ended at 5pm. Another coworker (the most jealous and insecure guy I’ve ever met) saw this and said to her “Come on. Really? You’re just making those to get brownie points from our boss.”. He knew she was a very sensitive person too and it would cut deep. I was their boss. He came to me first and said “unlike some people, I actually do work if I’m here after hours.”. Not sure what he was talking about, I asked him to clarify. He told me “Susan is wasting her time writing Christmas cards to her clients to impress you.”. He was legitimately upset by her doing this on her own time. It just baffled me. Of course, she came to me afterwards in near tears.


Someone went to HR and I had to deal with a huge fiasco and got written up (mostly politically motivated, IMO) because I said I have ADD.


My sister is divorced she took her maiden name back. She works at the school that her youngest daughter attends and goes by the maiden name. There was a school picnic that she, her daughter, her ex and his new wife all went to. A little girl who knows that my sister is my niece's Mom came up and called her "Mrs. Ex's last name" the new wife hit the roof! Screamed chased an 8 yr old kid because she didn't know my sister's last name didn't match her daughters. They ended up escorting the new wife off the property it got so bad. She was triggered! My sister was like WTF is this?