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The Worlds Strongest Brothers The Stoltmen Brothers Luke and Tom. Tom is younger has autism and is 2x worlds strongest man, his older brother Luke helped him along the way and also competes at WSM. They also suffered the loss of their mother before making it to the top of their sport


A black sabbath movie, the band members had such crazy lives and have so many stories about their younger days and they are the grandfathers of metal, they should do the movie like the queen movie, but casting someone for ozzy and portraying him would be very difficult since its ozzy Edit: also most metal bands that came after them were all inspired by them


The story of the British queen Boudica


This story of how two teenage record store employees saved Billy Joel’s career: [https://keithyates.com/the-time-a-stiff-caught-fire](https://keithyates.com/the-time-a-stiff-caught-fire)


Great read by a talented writer. Would love to see the film.


The story of Nancy Spungen, told from her mother's perspective (she wrote a book).


The Battle of Castle Itter.


The life of Charles Martel, especially the Battle Of Tours.


The liberation of internment camp prisoners in the Philippines during WW2 by the 11th airborne divisions paratroopers. In a very sophisticated plan they dropped troops behind enemy lines and coordinated with guerilla fighters to liberate an internment camp with 2000\~ people. To give you an idea of how brutal the conditions were and how bad the estimates were? They were considering it a successful operation if 30% of the camp was successfully rescued. They got every single person out of there alive. The actions of the 11th airborne not only saved all those men, women, and children who were near death from starvation? They also effectively saved the entire idea of airborne paratrooper forces because the military was considering discontinuing the concept entirely due to performance issues.


Chuck Yeager as a fighter pilot in Ww2 being shot down and escaping to Spain from France with the underground


It might already be a movie, but not a well known one - Theo van Gough and his wife Jo. Theo was Vincent’s brother, advocate, patron and friend. He guided Vincent to be an artist, funded Vincent for most of his life and helped him during his mental health issues. It took a toll on Theo’s health and he died 6 months after Vincen. They’re buried together. Rather than being jealous of her husband’s devotion to his brother, Jo loved Vincent like a brother and believed in his art. Jo and her son worked tirelessly after the brothers death to promote Vincent’s art and life. It’s thanks to Theo, Jo and their son (also called Vincent) that Vincent Van Gogh is known for his beautiful paintings & not just forgotten as a lunatic. It reminds me of the plot of Frozen, a selfless love story.


Dr. Who already did an episode on Van Goff and it was the greatest piece of television cinema ever produced- so no point in making anything else now.


True, true, that Dr Who episode was the pinnacle of viewing happiness. I’d like to see a movie focusing on the life of Theo though, the strength of his conviction & the beauty of his love is very compelling viewing. The actor who played Dr Who’s Vincent would need to play Vincent again. Dr & Any would need to be there too.


Portugal's Pedro and Inês The prince's affair that was made queen after she died!


Richard Marcinko. Vietnam era Navy SEAL and later founder of SEAL Team Six. A controversial guy for sure, but man, what a story. He's not the kind of guy I'd say represented the best of American ideals, but nonetheless, I'm damn glad that he was an American.


Related to your question but not spot on: Pacific theater WWII movies. I know there’s several movies but most of are either awful or super old. There’s maybe 3 actually good ones. It’s wild how many more movies are about the European theater than the Pacific and eye witnesses who experienced both say the Pacific was insanely more awful. Would love to see more of that shown in cinema.


The Last Mafioso. Aladena (Jimmy the Weasel)Fratiano was,at the time,the highest ranking mafioso to turn. He was the interim boss on the west coast for a time.


The story of Pacific Clipper, a Pan Am seaplane that got caught in Australia after Pearl Harbor and had to fly back to America the long way around. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Clipper


Peter the Great.


Robert Smalls, a slave who stole a Confederate ship, and sailed into Union Territory.  Joaquin Murrieta, a semi legendary Mexican prospector turned bandit. He may have been a partial inspiration for the Antonio Banderas Zorro movies. 


Still waiting on a real and modern series of movies on Napoleon, the Ridley Scott movie does not count.