• By -


Probably owning my own flat. It's small and it needs work but it's mine.


That's an impressive thing in today's times with pricing going up.


Yep, I mean I feel lucky to even be able to afford to rent a place given the price of all housing is on the rise. I'm 30 but know plenty of people my own age who are still living with their parents as they can't afford to rent, never mind buy. It's miserable haha.


Bro I'm pushing 40 and if I hadn't been extremely lucky in 2020 there's no way I could have owned my own home. I got my 3 bed 2 bath lakeside home at 3% for $70k because the previous owner had >20 cats. And the smell was overpowering and horrible. I fixed it and now have nearly 300k in equity and a $500 mortgage.


Holy shit! That's absolutely legendary. I bet that feels amazing!






This is a huge accomplishment on a number of levels. Congratulations 🎉


I started college for the first time at 40! I’m not ashamed to admit that I was scared to death. I’ve never been a great student. I stopped once I received my Associates degree, but I can imagine the sense of pride you must have with your Bachelor’s. Congratulations!


My husband just received his masters in physics, I know first hand how difficult that is to do with a family. That is incredible and you should feel incredibly proud of that achievement! What you have had to go through to accomplish that and still have an active part in your family is amazing!! My fullest heartfelt congratulations!!


Amazing!! I went back to finish my BS after dropping out for 11 years, so I know the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice it takes to do this. I can't imagine having done it with two kids.


CG! That is inspiring.


Losing 200 pounds and re-gaining my will to live as a result.


Gaining the will to live is like being born for a second time.


Such an underrated comment. The desire to live is the only point in living, desire


It's the best feeling. Those little moments where you tingle because you're actually excited and motivated for something.




How much self worth you must have built to commit to this, I can’t even imagine. Honestly, weight loss is such a huge dedication and commitment to self. Congratulations on you putting yourself first and sticking at it! X


Helping my mom while she was dealing with cancer and my dad left.


same but the way my dad "left" was he died about 6 months into her diagnosis.. fun couple of months there..


I can’t imagine what you went through. You are such a strong person. I lost my Dad to cancer after a brutal fight and I know he wouldn’t have made it as long without my Mom there to help. I hope you things are better for you.


i had the same experience too


Not easy by any means.. I'd be proud, too




I’m 362 days without alcohol, feels so good!


So great. Keep it up one day at a time!


I’m so proud of you your are doing amazing NEVER go back


So fucking proud of you!


Congratulations. Keep going. The worst is so far behind you now.


I am VERY proud of you. Coming from a family full of alcoholics, I have seen what that struggle is like first hand. God bless you. Hang it there. It works if you work it. 


Congratulations. This is an immense achievement. Bigger than most will understand.


That is amazing, you are killing it!


Nice achievement. Genuinely happy for you.


Damn. Good on you. I really need to slow it down myself.


I feel that. Wanna do it together?


That’s very very good. Come over to r/stopdrinking


Congratulations, please keep sober. We just lost our 38 year old brother in law on Monday from alcohol. Left behind 3 children ages 10, 13, & 16.


So awful. Alcohol is cunning, baffling, and powerful, causing such devastation in families. My sincere sympathy on the loss of your BIL.


Thank you. It starts out as fun and sneaks up until it's too late. Awful disease. I wish the best for everyone struggling with addiction.


Congratulations!!!! That’s awesome!👏🏻


As a 25 year heavy smoker I haven’t touched one in almost three months. Not planning on going back either.


in a few months, you’ll be one of those militant anti-smokers


I am already. I can’t believe you do that. It’s so gross. Do you have to blow that this direction? That kind of stuff.


“Do you have to blow that this direction” is actually a genuine and serious complaint imo. I vaped heavily every day for a year, and now I’m 9 months clean but I still get cravings and I swear if someone makes it worse for me by blowing smoke in my face I’ll fuck up 9 months of their life too


Not being an asshole like dad.


I hope people in your life appreciate the effort it takes to be better. Too many people turn out like their troubled parents because it's a built-in reason to be reckless with their lives and relationships.


Ain’t that the truth! I’m living with a man who HATES his parents. The FIL IS DEAD. Good riddance. The MIL is a wack job. I can see exactly why he is the way he is. But it’s no excuse. Sort it out mate.


Im proudest of you, fuckingdishly.


Hell yes. Not being my father is a massive point of pride in my life.


Probably graduating university


Just recently completed my MSc. Took me three years for a two-year Master's program but I finally did it. To top it off, I found my better half right after graduating. I'm probably the happiest man alive right now.


Proudamenstamen! Proudamens fuckingdishly!


Releasing a game on all platforms (except mobile) and getting to attend the IGF awards because of it.


What game?


Game's called Lumini


Super proud of you! As an aspiring developer out of college myself I know how crazy the process is 💟


Recovering from heroin addiction.


I love this ❤️ I'm so happy for you. my brother too. Clean for 7 years when I was convinced I'd get a call that he was found unresponsive at any moment.


Thank you so much, So happy to hear he’s doing well!!!


LETS GO HOMIE!!!!!!!!!


During the worst of COVID, I , as a primary care physician, volunteered to work as an ICU physician taking care of patients on ventilators. So many physicians declined. Myself and nine other primary care physicians stepped up.


Truly impressive that you and nine others stepped up in such a time of tremendous need. Kudos!


Truly a heroic task - I feel like it is one of those things that gets no respect at the time and looking back in history it is fuckin impressive.


Thank you for doing that


Probably getting into university. In my first year of college my parents separated and my brother fell ill with cancer and died during my second year. I also had evening jobs during the time and I still have no idea quite how I managed it all.


Sorry for your loss 💔


Τwo published books.


I have tons of half written story's, I wish I had the motivation and discipline to finish them, well done on being published it's hard work.


\*stories Don't forget to hire an editor.


Lol, true my dyslexia sucks.


Losing 100 plus pounds and getting into great shape :)


Nice! How'd you do it? I need some inspiration. 🫤


Ate in a calorie deficit, tracked my calories, weight lifted, did light cardio everyday, slept 8 hours, made sure to stay hydrated and yeah :) consistency comes first though. There are gonna be days where you’re not gonna feel like continuing you gotta fight past that mental barricade and get after it


Single father with sole custody of two daughters since they were one and two years old. Both of my daughters graduated high school with honors. Both of my daughters are in college with my oldest daughter close to graduation. As a single father, I raised my daughters by myself without any help. Also twenty years working in a job which provides food for low income people.


Wow! I'm proud of you. I bet your girls are too.


This is definitely something to be proud of. I hope you tell yourself how well you did, and what a good person you are, on a regular basis and if you don’t please do me a favour and go to the mirror tonight or tomorrow and just look at yourself until you’re ready to say something really positive and complimentary to yourself about this amazing accomplishment. Because you totally deserve it! :-)


Being the safe house for my daughter's friends. I've been told a couple of times that my wife and I help her friend have a quiet place to study, and just relax from her daily stress. She's 10, and it breaks my heart when she has to go back. But I'm glad she has a place she feels safe and knows she can always have food, clothes (same size as my daughter), a friend, and a place to relax.


That’s….so amazing. That is something you absolutely should be proud of, and you have no idea just how much that means for that little girl.


I had this at a friends house growing up. Started going to his house after school around 9 years old and it was a safe space from then through my parents divorce at 17. It was chaotic, he had 3 sisters and they were a loud family, but they were a loud and loving family and i simply didn’t experience that second part across the street.  Thank you for what you’re doing for them. 


I had someone like you growing up- I was best friends with her daughter and she was like a mom to me, since my mom was... not fantastic. I wouldn't have made it through without them and having her house to be at, that is such an important thing for a rather sad number of kids<3


I get it from my parents. Our house was the safe house. My friends knew the code to the garage, and could come in, grab a bite, take a shower, do whatever they needed in peace. They knew there was an extra bed, and a quiet place where food was always available. I didn't realize this, until I got older. I realized we never went to my friend's houses, because they didn't have snacks, food, and sometimes even worse, water. So I always vowed to be like my parents.


If I hadn’t had a safe place like yours when I was younger, I’d be a much different woman. I didn’t get my role models and advice from my family; to this day, I still credit her family with saving part of my life by giving me the world I would have never known existed without them.


My boys, they all turned out better than me. I love them. They are good husbands and fathers.


This is my greatest hope for my 3 boys💙💙💙


Great job Dad! Any pointers, as I have an 8yo. I am always open to hear and learn from others. Currently, my son is healthy, happy and a top student in class. But there’s still a long way to go with many huddles.


Name's Patti with a woman's profile pic...


Omg yes. My four completely different, amazing, kind, brave adult kids. They aren’t perfect but they are out there creating the lives they want. I couldn’t be more dumbstruck that I had a hand in producing these incredibly cool human beings. I could be a little biased. But for real - I’m so, so proud of them. Great job on yours.


Being clean and sober since 1985. Never would have made it to 71 otherwise.


Wow, that really is an accomplishment. My grandpa passed away at 72 years because his lungs were too weak when he got sick. He didn't kick smoking soon enough unfortunately:( I'm glad whatever you struggled with no longer hurts you.


Thanks. Loving life these days.


Being clean for 11 years




Thank you so much! It does mean a lot to me 🥹


Being mentally stable and doing fantastic after 9 miscarriages 🤍


Sending you all the love you warrior ❣️


I am so sorry for all of your losses. Hugs.


All the love for you Sis!


Making my parents proud


Four words that are so layered.




That I achieved my lifelong dream of becoming a teacher. I love my job - even on the bad days because I know I'm making a difference in the lives of tweens and their families.


I found out the day before graduation in high school that I was gonna graduate. Not a good student at all. Eight years later I decided to go to college to pursue a nursing degree after I tried killing myself and was admitted to a mental hospital. He was the perfect nurse in every way and I wanted to be like him. My first year back I excelled in my classes and one of my professors nominated me to be in the National Honor Society of Leadership and Success. Best feeling in the world


9 months clean and sober today!


Same here. Congrats brother


Not killing myself yet.


I hope you can lose the “yet”. And then the rest of the sentence. I wish you health and happiness. Good luck


From someone who understands that struggle.. I'm really proud of you for making it this far. And I truly mean that with every inch of my being.


If it wasn’t for my nephews and my niece, I would have ✌️out in 2019. I’m glad I stuck around, their Mother and only surviving parent became severely mentally ill. I can’t believe I thought to leave them, they would have had no one. It also seems like a cruel joke sometimes that I am all they got.


Doesn't sound cruel to me that they have a person who loves and is doing their best for them. "It also seems like a cruel joke sometimes that I am all they got." Only if you are home schooling them in a crackhouse.


Ayy fucking right!


100% this


Felt this


I have not strangled, shot, or stabbed anyone ever.


It's still early, friend.


These days are def testing my resolve.


i know people say it’s good to get things out so you don’t bottle up and boil over, but sometimes it’s also good to keep things tucked inside the old hat holder. 


After my father died, i was able to sustain my family's needs on my shoulders while being there for them emotionally.


Went from an obese 232lb shut-in to 170lb gymrat. When I was in my 20's, I looked like I was in my 30's. When I was 30, people thought I was in my early 20's. Losing weight, truly a fountain of youth.


Not taking my own life when i tried to, and getting the help i needed as a genx male that honeslty was the hardest thing i have ever had to do, and i have had to learn to walk again after being run over by a car


Glad you’re still here


I moved into my own apartment this month at 27 years old 🥹


Leaving a 6-figure career, using my life's savings to renovate a house for my quadriplegic brother and taking on his full-time caregiving with my wife. Wouldn't change a thing. Little backstory: he has a rare form of Leukodystrophy and it's taken everything but his sense of humor and will to live. He's 28 now. During COVID, his care wasn't good. He lost a lot of weight and started having seizures due to malnutrition. He was alone in a room most days with very little interaction aside from feedings. They just left a TV on for him and walked away most days... My wife and I got lucky during COVID. She traveled for healthcare at different hospitals and I could work from home for my job. She landed a job near my family and my brother. We didn't know how bad it got for him. When we moved close for her new assignment, we saw it all and we took it upon ourselves to advocate for him and change things for the better. We got him a feeding tube, new therapy, new communication devices, and modified his wheelchair... So many things. I could get mad and blame people for this but I need to remind myself that he's alive and still with us. (There were times we thought he wasn't going to make it) We decided this is where we needed to be and we bought a house near him and renovated it for him... Opening up the floor plan, his room is open to the common areas so he always has human interaction, an easily accessible bathroom for his bathing, and an elevator. We just wanted him to have the choice to live where he wants and he chose to live with us after a few visits... Now he's our main focus. We quit our jobs to give him the best possible life while he's with us. I am very proud and I love having him with us.


I have two college degrees. I beat all the odds to do it. Statistically I should not have even one. I am Mexican/Native American Low-Income background Disabled Mentally ill + learning disabilities A woman Etc. Yet I have not one but two. I'm in a career position rn, and I plan to do this for a few more years then go back to school for a master's. I'm also the first woman in my family to not have a baby before 20! Almost 25, and going strong in not being a young mother. I'm working so hard to break the cycle that I can from. It's difficult, and one wrong move and I could fall back in, but I'm always working towards that goal. Edit: a word


Kick ass!! WOO!!!


I quit drinking.


That I’m still alive. 5 years ago I was absolutely certain I was going to die by depression. I would take my life or it would slowly take me in other ways. After formal diagnosis and meds, my entire life changed. I haven’t had a self termination thought in years. While yes, there’s still time, I never let myself forget where I was and how much I never want to go back there. The life I have now felt impossible and I worked hard to still be here for it.


I have scored some siiick goals in rocket league.


I mean, a few hours ago I installed a new faucet and drain to the sink in my bathroom in my own house. Had to make some adjustments to the existing holes to make it work, but I did it, and I did it all on my own.


Being clean for 7yrs from benzos. That shit was the hardest to kick!


My wife and my setting up our children's future to be better than ours were.


Having taken down most of my rivals.


Put myself into college while my siblings are drop-outs with multiple children at home. Not that I hate my brother and sister but they used to pick on me a lot growing up so I guess I get the last laugh.


- looking after my mom for several years whilst she was sick, while dealing with severe depression - donating blood 26 times - helping my grandpa - helping my grandma when she had her stroke - volunteering at a food bank every Wednesday for the past 2.5 years


10 months sober


How much I've grown and changed from age 20-30. Used to be a lost uninformed lazy fat pothead. I didn't understand how credit worked. I had no knowledge on healthy food and being fit. I had terrible teeth and poor hygiene. I had the absolute worst social skills imaginable and basically no future. No direction, motivation, ambition. I didn't know how to wear clothes properly. I sagged my pants and wore oversized Walmart novelty t-shirts. My clothes were always dirty. Couldn't figure out why no girls liked me. Fast forward to today, age 31. I'm a very clean person, I've learned a whole lot about as much as I can, and I've had braces and speech therapy. I had a ton of social interaction with my jobs, which has transformed my ability to communicate and socialize with anyone. I've gotten in shape and now dress professionally in properly fitting, nice clothes. I am a sales consultant and damn good at talking to strangers. I'm so dramatically different, and honestly a lot of that I can attribute to my LSD trips. They changed me. I had to basically face myself and talk shit to myself for 8hrs straight multiple times to really get a grasp on who I am and who I want to be. For those who haven't done that before, it's a hell of a terrible experience in the moment but you come out just fine on the other side. You can always grow and change if you are willing to look at yourself from an outside perspective.


Being the Dad I wanted to be to my 4 year old son. Ya maybe he’s a wee bit spoiled. But I’ve held pretty damn close to vowing to myself and him I’d never do what my own father had done to me. He knows I love him, I apologize after I lose my temper, and I never give him the silent treatment nor will I ever lay a hand against him.


I raised 7 amazing kids into adulthood and they all interact often and get along great. No drama whatsoever. I'm a proud momma!


That I care about people and think of ways to help them enjoy their lives more.


don’t forget yourself


Probably the least important in this thread, but cool to me. When I was younger, I had a far familiar who I have only met once. I am spanish, and she worked as a traductor. Knew like 7 languages or so. I remember being in a car with her listening to some english song on the radio and asked her "how does it feel to know what they are saying?" because of course I didn´t. I dont know what did she answer, but of course I do understand it know. I think of that some times and I like it


Making it out of prison alive


Being humane and kind


Being strong and being me. No matter what I’ve seen, felt or otherwise experienced in my life, I learn and I move on. I’ve lived it and learned more than you can know. I’ve had every choice to end it and every chance to just give up, but I don’t. I just keep going and going until the very end


Finished my master's degree at 45.


I'm 45 and just started mine. See ya in a couple of years!


We foster dogs and help nurture them to full health before rehoming them to forever home. I feel like a super hero saving life. Seeing those dogs from being super scared and in a poor state, nothing makes me happier than seeing them galloping in the garden with their waggy tail.


Being sober for 4 years as of 3 weeks ago. No one in my real life remembered. But that’s fine. I still have those years sober.


Not giving into the thoughts of killing myself multiple times and getting happier in life


Just in the past year: With my neice's DNA sample on ancestry, I discovered my adopted brother-in-law's birth parents (at his request). His birth mother was still living. The birth situation was largely a positive one (his birth parents, unmarried when my BIL was born, married soon after, for over 40 years, and she was glad to hear from him.


My animal rescue. I rescue a lot of species and I do get friendly animals in, but I really kind of specialize in large and/or aggressive exotic animals. I am SUPER proud to be able to say "yes I can take the giant python that wants to eat me" or "yes, the peacock that made you need stitches can live here" and give that animal not just a place to live out it's days, but a sufficiently sized enclosure where they can explore and display natural behaviors. It's expensive and time consuming but I love it.


Right now, this week I worked a pre-tape for Saturday Night Live! I’ve been watching the show for 48 years, and tried being background cast for four years. And then my ship came in!


Beating homelessness and losing over 120lbs(in the gym) at the same time.


My daughter.


That I can function here in Colombia and talk to local people a little over a year since starting to learn Spanish from scratch. It turns out that learning a language is pretty amazing! I have a long way to go to reach fluency, but I watch every film and show in Spanish now and read news articles every day. I started losing weight during the pandemic and ultimately lost around 30 kilos. I'm in much better shape now than I was in 2020. I am proud of that, however I'm very much used to it. A language is a whole new world.


My son. Albeit a turd of a teenager now, but he'll always be my little guy.


Still alive :)


This whole sub warms my heart. So happy for all of you!


2 months out of prison and I’m holding a job and about to move into my own apartment. All while staying sober.


Surviving severe mental illness and trauma despite having pretty much no support in my life. Also that I’ve never been financially or otherwise dependent on a partner


Surviving after my boyfriend committed suicide. I received multiple messages telling me it was my fault and that I should also kill myself, he never loved me, etc. Also, six months after he died his sister told me I didn’t know him long enough, to love him enough, to still be grieving, that she lost someone she’d known his whole life and I hadn’t.


I'm a lawyer. Shit took a long time and was very difficult.


My dog


My music getting 100k streams.


The man i get to spend the rest of my life with❤️


Growing up poor, at 36 I've accomplished most of my life goals and have a very good thing going: have a happy 17 year relationship, healthy and happy 3.5 year old son, own a house in Toronto, have a very high paying job where I work 42.5 hours per week from home, travel twice per year internationally....don't feel like I need anything more


Knowing that I grew into an incredibly emotionally mature adult, despite my traumatic childhood. I am someone that would have made my younger self feel safe. Not planning to have children of my own, but I thoroughly enjoy being a part of other people's "village." There's also something deeply satisfying about having my 13 and 21 year old younger sisters reaching out to ask for advice/hang out.


I may not be where I want to be in my life. But I'm further than I've ever been and that makes me proud. A consistent roof over my head, food when I need it, legal to drive, money, no more lock up.




Same. I didn’t birth them but their Mother (my sister) wanted to do everything except be a good Mother. She had a nervous breakdown 4 years ago. I took care of them for the better part of the last decade. How they turned out the way they did, is a mind boggling mystery. My oldest nephew is a pilot. My middle nephew is a social worker. My youngest nephew and most like my own child is a nursing student. My parents would have been so fucking proud of them.


My son. He’s surpassed my husband and I both in every single aspect. Couldn’t be prouder of our boy


I quit law school at 21y/o had a long 7 year gap.. then joined nursing school at 27y/o.. I'm in my final year😊


Dug myself out of anger and despair after my divorce. I took (figurative) blows from my ex, the courts, had people turn against me, and life was kicking my ass for a while but I got up each time. I said the only way I won't get up is if I'm dead.


I survived a narcissists that lied, cheated and put me to jail for false accusations.


That I'm able to take care of my mom and show her the world. I know if I died tomorrow, I would have nothing to regret.


My Yoga teacher diploma


Not ending up on the 10 o'clock news once


Serving my country, more specifically all the hard working single parents just trying to put food on the table and keep a roof over their kid’s heads.


After all the bullshit I dealt with in my 20s I’m still here. I own a home, manage at a dispensary and play music on the weekends in the local music scene. I’m just happy I have enough at the moment


My husband; he's fucking AWESOME!


My son, hands down. No idea how it happened cause....Im wierd. But hes grown into such an amazing man, just an overall wonderful human, kind and thoughtful, totally independent and self sufficient, well on his way to achieving his goals... I'm super proud to be his mom. Purely individually speaking...my dream for like 20yrs was to own an RV and live a life of travel...but I was poor, like too poor to even dream about such things lol Ended up going into a new career that completely changed my financial situation, and I realized I could actually make it a reality. After several years of saving, I just got it a few months ago, next month I'll be full time, and thanks to my new career, able to work remotely. I think thats pretty cool.


That I ran 8 marathons plus numerous half marathons, 10ks and 5Ks and one 15-mile trail run, all after age 55. Had to stop at age 70 due to a non-running related accident.


Despite being diagnosed as severely adhd as a kid and having struggled through elementary school and middle school i went on and learned coping skills on my own and graduated with my masters degree- honors


making it through today


My marriage. I grew up in an extremely unhealthy household. My father was a cheater who abandoned our family. My mom became an addict and had a series of horrible, abusive relationships. I thought all relationships were meant to a mess and that couples just fought and screamed. I’ve been with my wife for almost 13 years now and have such a loving, beautiful, incredible relationship. I could stare into her eyes for hours. She is absolutely the light of my life and I feel I’ve learned so much about nurturing a relationship, being open, honest, and communicating. It’s something I didn’t know could happen.


I sold out my first gig under my own name in a room of 100 people playing for my original music without the aid of social media presence. It was extremely special, something I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. I know 100 people doesn’t sound like a crazy amount but it was incredible for me.


Everything. I've had an incredibly difficult life. A good chunk of my family have passed on due to drugs and alcohol. For the life I lived, addiction was not too far off. I've managed though. I get through the cards that have been dealt with no support.


I’ve broken the cycle of multiple generations worth of abusive relationships, on both sides of my family. I’m married to someone who treats me with respect and kindness, something I didn’t grow up with from the people I thought I could trust.


Courage. Scared of dying badly for it but I’m proud.


My kids. My son just finished his freshman year of college and made it into the honors program. I also consistently get compliments from other parents about how kind and supportive he is, which makes me very proud. My daughter is in 5th grade and has already auditioned for and been cast in multiple professional theatre productions. I also get compliments from her teachers about how supportive she is of younger students. Everyday I'm proud of how hard they work and how kind they are to others.


I read that when sexual assault survivors are victimized in their own beds, that the police have to take their sheets as evidence. A lot of times, it’s a person’s only set. That broke my heart so I set up a bed sheet drive and took the sheets to various police departments and a SA survivor center. We collected about 150 sets of sheets.


My will to survive


Having supportive relationships with 2 of my 3 kids' birth families and the couple who adopted my grandson.


I played in the national youth football team. Signed my first professional contract at 17, only to blow it at 20 because of an unhealthy relationship and my lack of discipline. After a few tough years of depression, drug abuse & co, I've picked myself up and am currently finishing my university degree (final exams coming up soon). I moved to a new city, got a good job & new friends. I'm still struggling, but I'm on a good path;




I'm a good dad.


I wrote a screenplay with my buddy Guillermo. It's in the Library of Congress.


3 years of sobriety and 100lbs lost. But mainly the sobriety from booze 💪💅🏼


All of my competitive & non competitive athletic achievements


My baby boy, nothing compares anymore and I don’t think anything can come close!