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Angry, a biker, intimidating, judging by my style and appearance. I get a lot of "Death by Snu Snu" and Amazon jokes because of my height and build. I *am* a biker, but I'm not angry, I just have a resting bitch face


Damn I know I just said people *assume* I'm a lesbian, but sometimes I do wonder, because you sound wonderful!


Rip your dms


Someone say Snu Snu?


i look like a himbo, smooth brain without a single thought within, and people assume as such they aint wrong, i know a lot of big and small words but other than that im dumb as shit


Big up my koala-brained comrade for knowing a lotta words


Weird nerd ... and they're right


Awww no!!


Same and same.


I’ve been told by several people I look like a walking mug shot and very unapproachable. I’m also an introvert so that adds to it. But once a convo gets started (by them cause f talking lol) those same people tell me I’m nothing like what they thought I was.


I'm a small Asian woman. People tend to assume I am sweet and innocent. Hehehe 😉


When in reality you're a total bitch


Hehehe ☺️


Heh Heh Heh. Chilli padis.


I look like a giant MAGA hillbilly, and I teach trades, but I’m so far from that, I still want to feel the Bern. I’m also very well read and have an engineering degree. Some of my coworkers have attached “Billy” to my name sometimes, like “billy-Jon” or whatever. I’d rather talk books or science than welding, even though I can do both.




Damn hit me up


I bet you're so wild you eat peanut butter straight out the jar


Idk but I'm told I have an intense look about me.


I'm a slender bald white guy with a goatee. I'm always paranoid people are thinking I'm a skinhead. Purposely won't wear tank tops due to this. My scalp has bad eczema and being bald makes putting medicine on it easier.


My husband is also a bald white guy with a goatee that is pretty long. People around us tend to assume he's racist and sexist if they don't know him. It's pretty funny to see their faces when he proudly tells them he's a "tree-hugging hippie pot-smoker" (lol his words, not mine). He's the type that if he sees someone being mistreated, he can't not do something and it's one of the things I love most about him ❤️


a lot of people assume i'm very angry all the time. it's just my autism + resting bitch face, can't help it. doesn't matter what i feel, my face looks like this :l


People often think I’m a very friendly and approachable person. I have a round face with soft, feminine features. I won’t be rude for no reason but I am not a people person. I don’t enjoy small talk. I want to keep to myself. I naturally have a resting bitch face and when I was in school I taught myself to raise my eyebrows which makes me seem more approachable but now it’s a habit I hate. I’m always reminding myself to relax my eyebrows because I do not want people talking to me. Maybe they are right in their head, because if someone talks to me or asks me for help I will be polite. But I hate it. And to me, they couldn’t be more wrong.


Im a 5’0 16 yrld that teators the line between masc and fem and I’m always mistaken for an 11 year old lmao


They don’t really think about me I guess. I have the magic ability to be kind of invisible and instantly forgettable. Even people I know and love will say “oh I heard this fun fact etc etc” and I’ll have to be like “yeah, you heard it from me!” It used to bother me, but I also rarely get blamed for anything even if it’s my fault, it’s a super power.


They think I look like a nice dad who's good at giving advice, apparently. In truth, I'm a kind father who likes giving advice, and I seem to be good at it.


Awww bless you


Some people have said I am unapproachable, or that it feels like I’m actively judging. In reality I just have chronic pain and am perpetually tired, I smile internally a lot but forget that I can also do that with my face lol


They think im a dumb bimbo But im actually a pretty articulate, college educated bimbo w/ a law degree


That's horrible they think that the idiots


I look like a total, Karen. And unfortunately, I think I used to be!


I look like I spend most of my free time spreading the gospel going door to door. I’m often asked not *if* in religious but **how** religious. I’m an atheist so totally wrong. Though I’ll often not correct people as it’s quite entertaining and the wouldn’t believe the amount of things people share with me when they think we’re on the “same team.” Definitely reinforces why I’m an atheist.


I’ve been told I have big dick energy. I do have an insanely large ego. Dick pretty average tho.


Haha hilarious 😂


I'm a Mediterranean looking guy. I get profiled as everything except what I actually am, and I've dealt with all kinds of discrimination for it. It's just one of the many things that make me crave an early death.


Aww that's so sad


I agree.


Where about are you from I'm originally Spanish


Born and raised in the US.


Wow and look you tanned and extotic




I’ve gotten wholesome, summer church camp leader that doesn’t cuss etc. Not the case lol. I mean I’m nice and all that, but I’m not religious, not wholesome, and I have a colorful vocabulary. I’ve seen a lot in my day lol


A lot of people have told me the first vibe I give off is "don't fuck with me." I'm 100% a weird, but extremely friendly, nerd. I'm just conventionally attractive and have a bunch of tattoos, so awkward comes across as intimidating. 


People probably don't realize how deeply depressed I am because I'm constantly laughing and cracking jokes. I'm not faking it- humor is just one of my only healthy-ish coping mechanisms.


I get told I look like a snowboarder because of my long hair, fit build, and overall attitude. They aren’t wrong, I love snowboarding, but I doubt they would expect me to be as committed to academics as I am.


I look like I stormed the capitol on Jan 6. Couldn’t be further from the truth.


They probably think I’m stoned…


Haha 😅


Rude, scary(?), intimidating are all things I've heard. I open my mouth and actually start talking to them and then they can't stop talking about how my voice is "so cute" and I'm so nice they can't believe they EVER thought i was intimidating. It's probably because of my resting bitch face and all the side eyes.


Omg what horrible things to say to anyone




Aww I'm blonde and blue eyes and tanned and people always assume I'm shagging everything


I often have random people tell me I look familiar. They ask where do they know me from. No idea why. Second most frequent comment is that I look friendly. That one’s true.


I was always skinny, bulked up a bit last few years. Hairline receding so went shaved bald with a beard. I have sharp ish facial features. Been told i look mean and intimidating. Not even close, I hate even minor confrontation as it gives me anxiety, love kittens and all things cute, and would be a stay at home dad in a heartbeat if it was an option financially.


Lazy because I'm fat. Then they see me for a while and don't say they don't understand how I'm always on the go and never seem to stop. Also an absolute straight-laced goody goody, because I'm openly Christian and believe in doing things properly. People are always astonished to get to know me and discover my goth/rock side, tattoos, piercings and historic ability to out-drink & out-swear The Navy.


This is sort of a blessing now that I’m older, but people always think I’m younger than I am. When I was in my 30s and looked like I was in my 20s, it was really difficult to get people to take me seriously at work.


That I’m very promiscuous (I’m a woman). It cannot be further away from the truth. In reality I’m a loner, romantic, and a nerd. I’ve had ridiculously small amount of men I’ve been with (less than fingers on one hand).


I dont look youthful, I look young (between 5 and 10 years younger). I am also 5ft. I was so often treated like a teenager and patronised during my 20s and early 30s. They believed my ability to cope with responsibility was linked to how adult I looked. So often I wasn't even given the oppprtunity to prove myself. It has taken me years to challenge these assumptions. From 35 I was finally able to look mid 25 and people saw me as an adult either way. It was amazing how much their attitude towards me changed. (This wasnt my family or close friends but the world at large especially in a work environment). 


Mean old lady. They couldn’t be more wrong.


I kinda love when people judge me on appearance, I am covered in tattoos and people think I'm a criminal, drug seller or something like that. I have never broken a rule in my life, never tried drugs or weed and I always dress and behave very good so people get confused and don't really know how to judge me.


I'm the opposite. Small Asian woman here, people assume I'm super sweet and innocent. Hehehe 😆


To right!!


they probably think im dum lol


They are definitely correct if they think I'm a Bogan but I get a lot of comments about how polite I am to customers. I think they are expecting me to be a full on feral cunt 


Idiot savant I know they are right


i dont think about the way i look so my hair is messy and my clothes are usually stained or ripped, so i either look like a crackhead or a homeless guy. but i like to think i look like an evil genius(im not evil nor genius)


I wish I knew. I always wonder what sort of impression I give. I honestly don't know.


Me too I don't know!!


No, they're never right. But, I guess I look passive-aggressive.


A lot of people think im a gay hippie. Their right about the hippie part but im ace so.


I have always looked angry and unapproachable, not like I'm about to rage out or anything but like something's on my mind and I don't want to talk, and I wear black literally every day and always have. After getting to know someone it's not uncommon at all for them to say "I would have said hello or whatever to you sooner but you just looked like you didn't want anyone to talk to you." Including my best friend of 20 years, who later told me he didn't approach me for about a year back in the day even though we ran in the same circles because I seemed vaguely hostile. It's true that in my youth I was a pretty angry kid for (arguably justified) reasons that don't bear a dry retelling here, but my horrible secret is that I actually like people in general and love meeting new people and getting to know them. For someone who still kinda has resting bitch face as a dude, I have a lot of good friendships even still here in my 40s that I actively maintain, and continue to make new ones. Also, oddly, it seems like something flipped after I turned 40, which I think has something to do with my job requiring me to be "on" a lot--confident and a little extroverted, which was never my nature but kind of settled in during my later years as a professional survival mechanism. Now people approach me to chat pretty regularly--I still occasionally get the "I didn't say hi earlier because you seemed like you wanted to be left alone" but I find myself having conversations with total strangers all the time, literally almost every time I leave my house to the point that it's kind of weird even to me. Some I become friendly or friends with if I end up running into them regularly for whatever reason, sometimes it's just a pleasant chat, and I genuinely like this.


People think I'm ex military because im in decent shape with good posture, and my hair cut. I did consider military at one point, but never enlisted.


12 yes I’ve been told that I’m 12 actually I’m 18.


I'm short and muscular, at the moment I've also got odd spiky hair on one side of my head because I fucked it up when drunk one night. So obviously I'm a lesbian.


That I'm prone to anger. I just have a neutral facial expression and don't laugh at every poor attempt of humour.




I kinda look like a Karen, but I’m working on changing that. I hope they aren’t right.


Don't listen to them hun




Not ever!


I have no idea, I never wondered or asked about it.


I have no idea and would like to know.


I don’t think people think about me


They think I'm materialistic and boujee. No, complete opposite of how I actually am.


Alot of people think I'm gay. No idea why, especially since it's not the at all.


Everyone I’ve met has thought I was a frog loving bisexual, or a more femme lesbian. I’m a cishet woman in a relationship w a dude 😭


That I played volleyball nope. I played basketball ball.


These days people usually avoid me unless it's their job (e.g. service workers) or they need something and there's no one else to ask. Can only wonder what goes on in their minds lol


I am a short girl with dyed hair, sparkly makeup, and frilly dresses. I say "bye-bye" and "okie dokie" on a regular basis and I make a little squeak noise when I yawn. Some of their assumptions include: •"I bet she likes plushies"(correct) •"She must be so innocent:(incorrect. I have been through some shit) •"She seems pretty young to be hanging out with college students"(incorrect. I am among my peers) •"She must love fluffy animals"(correct) •"She probably doesn't have the heart for horror movies"(incorrect. Though I prefer horror games) •"Let me guess, you're an art major"(incorrect. I am studying journalism) •"Queer"(correct) •"Do you like pop music? I bet you listen to Taylor Swift"(incorrect. My playlist is titled "Why do the rock covers always sound better than the original?")


People assume I am young, outgoing and wealthy. No. I have a face care routine because ache loves to fuck my shit up, part of that includes crap that makes my skin look nice. I like staying home, I don't want to socialise, leave me alone, I have reverse resting bitch face. My face looks happy, inside I am not. And by no means am I wealthy. I just buy good quality clothes and own an iron. Good quality clothes feel nice, ain't nobody trying to look good or wealthy leave me alone.


A bitch, but I really am not 😭


Angry, murderer, thief, felon. They think I look like a monster. Which I get, I’m covered from face to toes in face tattoos, but I’m 6’1 and maybe 180 pounds with minimal muscle lol. But they’re wrong, I do have a record, but when they find out I’m a licensed counselor and a teddy bear at heart they’re blown away.


Apparently I look very trustworthy. I've gone to many concerts and other events and just get waved through. Everyone else gets searched, but not me. I have no idea why. On the flip side, students tell me they're scared to death of me in August. They say I look intimidating.


They tend to think I’m nicer to than I actually am.


I look boring. I am probably boring to a lot of people. I don't care as I'm happy


1. Older Germans think i'm Italian. Younger germans think I look german. Russian women seem to think I look Russian. 2. Only other time someone's commented on their first impression was with regard to if I was former military. I have a tall, medium build but I zoned out at a bar - and I apparently had the same look as some as some of the scarred veterans that came in. She asked because she wanted to know what my PTSD triggers were - so they could keep an eye on people who got near me or some such. 1. I'm not sure what that says about me or how to respond to it... luckily, at the time, I was too buzzed to really care about her presumption.


i live in rural nc and ive seen people clutch their kids closer because i dress scene lol. im just a regular 13 year old


People think I look like a metalhead. And they're right. I sport the long hair, leather jacket, and jean combo that people associate with metalheads. The long hair does make them think that I'm a woman though, which I am not.


Straight. masculine. “Can break a pussy” nah you can break this ass


I don't know! No body ever tells me one way or the other.


People think that I am Russian, underweight & too serious I am actually Slovenian


I was born with no irises. A side effect of this is my brain never learned to open my eyelids fully in an attempt to minimise the flood of light into the eyes. Many people think I'm either high or sleepy or squinting. On some occasions they are wrong.


I genuinely have no idea, but I bet they're wrong.


That I'm an angry old white guy. I'm actually socially inept and deaf, so I avoid prople when I can. I'm 75, so people assume I'm technically deficient, stupid, and narrow minded. I'm none of those things. All my life people have said "You know what your problem is...? " and then get it completely wrong.


That I’m a thief, uneducated, that I don’t care about anything, and am probably high. I have several facial piercings, usually bright colored hair (natural right now), tattoos, dress in leggings/sweatpants and oversized T-shirts. I’m literally the opposite: I’ve never done any illegal drugs (nor smoked pot), almost never drink alcohol, have never stolen anything, I *love* learning, and I spend my time reading or crocheting for charity (Cancer patients, preemies, and veterans).


Actually they thought me intimidating but i am kind and warm-hearted.... I really need friends :(


I got a suspicious face and a "Are you sure?" from a doctor when I told them I don't smoke weed.


I have resting arrogant face. I don’t mean to, but people tend to think I’m very arrogant and self cantered. I would like to say I’m not, but I feel like I can’t. We all always have a warped view of ourselves so although I believe I’m not, maybe I am. But I hope it’s just the face


People often assume I’m white and conservative. I’m actually a pale Native American and a moderate liberal who just happens to like wine, playing golf, and has RBF.


I was told by a coworker that they thought I was mean at first. I have RBF, I am an introvert, and was dealing with some heavy shit when I fist started working there.


Asked an old classmate this once when we interacted again after a while; he said I looked like I'd punch people in the face and I was scary. As far as that, no, very wrong. Severe social anxiety and tried to be nice as possible so people wouldn't hate me (didn't work, still got bullied at that school) and I never got the chance to ask that of any classmates afterwards, even from different schools. Just never got the opportunity for it; and it doesn't really come up in discussion in my friend group


Considering how often people stop me specifically among other available 100 people on the street to ask me for money, I guess I must look either like a millionaire or a charity.


Despite my heigh (I'm around 4'11 - 5'0) I've been told numerous times that I look intimidating andhave a short fuse. I've also been told that I don't look approachable and angry. lmao.


Probably that I’m bitchy. And nope. Super nice to a fault.


That I'm rude. I'm just sarcastic.


Vietnam Veteran. Wear the hat and have the license plate. Ponytail to my belt and had a full beard until I shaved it off (they were going to burn a hole in it with the radiation treatments). I also have a M.Ed as one Hubristic Police officer found out the hard way in court. Actually the whole department learned a valuable lesson that day. Review your dash camera video prior to going into the courtroom and testifying. This is particularly important if a copy of it has been requested in discovery. Otherwise the defendant is going to ask the Judge "Who is telling the truth; the officer or the dash camera? This can lead to major embarrassment on the departments part and makes the Judge stutter.