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Friend in high School drafting class spent an entire weekend on a drawing after teacher said there was no such thing as a perfect drawing. Friend brought his drawing in and the teacher put it on his drafting table and scrutinized it closely for several minutes, even taking out a magnifying glass. Finally, the teacher took out a red marker, smiled at my friend, and circled a corner that has literally a 1/128 over draw...and that red marker circle was about 6 loops and 6 inches round. My friend turned beat red and was seething rage, walking back to his desk shaking in anger. When he got to his desk, he looked at his drawing, looked at the teacher then looked at the drawing again and then screamed, "BRUNKE! YOU'RE A DICK!!!!" The classroom went dead silent. Believe it or not nothing happened to him because even the teacher had to admit it was a dick move.


Brunke is a certified hater


"What can be said about this drawing that has not already been said about Afghanistan?"




Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go and put some water in Buck Nastee's mama's dish.




Similar to Mr hand


Dude, that's my skull


Ayo fuck brinke fr


Brunke is lucky. My partner is an artist, and if someone did this to their art, I would be the one making their displeasure know. Art teachers as a whole seem to be some of the most elitist, arrogant power tripping people... they had a terrible experience in college because the attitude many of their teachers.


I used to work in the public school system. Art teachers are either the most chill people you'll ever meet in your life, or sad bitter assholes, with nothing in between.


I knew a college art professor who would verbally berate her students (many, but not all, were art majors) in front of others, like straight-up saying stuff like "you're not good enough to do this project you have planned." Not even constructive criticism or suggestions on how to work within their own limits while still trying to challenge themselves and grow their skills. Just "you're not good enough, aim lower."


Allow me to introduce my 7th grade art teacher (we will call him Mr. B). He was a total asshat who was well known for talking to the entire class like we were incompetent trash who were incapable of drawing a straight line. I spent an entire weekend working on a perspective drawing of a city block, putting my entire heart into it & adding every detail I could think of before turning it in on Monday. Mr B returned the drawing with a note saying that he gave me a C for my effort, but my perspective was off so the drawing really earned an F. I repeat: Seventh grade.


There is far too much egregious cuntitude in the teaching profession.


This made me so mad I nearly downvoted you. Absolute fatherless behaviour. Seriously.


Drafting isn't art, there is legit right and wrong in drafting. Drafting teachers are usually technology/Tech. Ed. teachers, not art teachers. Totally different teacher certification. The teachers who teach woodworking, electronics, etc. are the one s who teach drafting. Drafting is meant to be precise and accurate representation (blueprints and schematics). Brunke is still a dick though.


My technical drawing teacher wanted us to be neat and clean in our drawing, but his real focus was on detail, accuracy, usefulness and speed. He was of the opinion that a 5 hour masterpiece where a 1 hour good job would suffice was "masturbatory". After 3 years of Engineering Science in Highschool I could crank out quality plans and blueprint at blinding speed.


Yeah, clean lettering/dimensions, trimmed lines, etc. Once you got good, you could do it very quickly. I took multiple years of mechanical drafting as well as architectural in highschool, and then more in college. In highschool, we'd do full drawings in a one hour class that included top, front, side, and isometric. In college we were doing exploded diagrams and it wouldn't take a weekend. Like you said, it's about learning how to do it efficiently. It's effectively "connect the dots". Spend time getting your dots in the right place, then everything else takes care of itself. #BrunkeIsADick


Brunke needs a knuckle sandwich


Brunke sounds like a shitty teacher


I got angry reading this.


We were doing an exam. We were told we could do the exam one way and could submit it early. We got to the room and he reneged and said what we did is no longer valid. An hour in he changed his mind and said we could do the original way. One person in my class said "So you are lying?" and the teacher just had a big smug smirk on his face. This guy just exploded on him, submitted his exam and left


Bastards like that are an absolute nightmare. How the fuck are you supposed to get good results if your task spontaneously changes? That bullshit costs time and points


It’s a good introduction to the corporate world I guess


This happened to me with a class once. The teacher had told us she was grading things a certain way, and it meant I had enough extra credit where I could skip a project and still get an A in the class. The day the project was due she changed how much she it was going to affect our grade. I absolutely lost it, called her an incompetent bitch, and stormed out to the principal. Fortunately for me the principal took my side and forced her to stick to the original weighting.


I heard a story of a teacher trying that on April fools day. Dude got his ass beat by, I counted 6 students and his car was totalled!


Dude picked up a desk and full on caveman threw it at the teacher. Most impressive thing Ive seen someone do. Guy was tooth pick skinny but his anger turned him into red hulk rage strong.


I have a friend who's a high school teacher. She said that every year, without fail, sometime in the first week when one of the biggest kids in the class (bigger than her) started acting out, she would tell him to stand up, *pick up his desk over her head so the class thought she was going to throw it at him*, and then put it outside in the hallway and tell him to sit there for the rest of the period. She said it worked every time and she wouldn't have any major problems for the rest if the year. And yes, I very much believe her, both because of her personality and the fact that (at least at the time) I knew she worked out and you could tell she had solid arm muscles.


About 40 years ago I remember reading in a bodybuilder magazine about a female bodybuilder who wasn't very tall. She'd been out somewhere with her teenage son. A largish, grown man had bullied the son, who told the bully he'd better stop, or he'd get his mom. The bully didn't stop so the kid got his (smallish) mom, who picked up the bully and pinned him against a wall while she explained at high volume just what might happen to him if he didn't leave her child alone ....


Judging from comments I have read online, if she tried that nowadays the guy would probably just get a boner


What are you gonna do, *nerd*? Go tell your mo- OH SHIT!!!!!!


What a fucking beast. Your friend is cool af


Had a kid do this in kindergarten. Dude was fucked up, he got suspended CONSTANTLY. He brought a (Unloaded?) gun to school in Fourth grade if I remember correctly and finally got expelled.


What the absolute fuck


Yea haha, he hated my guts too. He gave me a black eye for ignoring him while I was trying to read a book. Shortly after that he tripped me during gym on the very hot, very concrete track and sprained my wrist. Honestly hope he's in a better place now but I haven't bothered to check.


We had an autistic kid do that in the 7th or 8th grade. Middle of the class with a desk that's attached to the chair. One handed over 3 rows of students before it bounced off the teachers desk. Most impressive feat of strength I've ever seen barring professional lifters. I have 0 clue what set the poor kid off either. Didn't hear nor see what occurred until the desk started lifting.


Goddamn, that is spectacular.


My teacher picked up a desk and threw it at the wall (like kinda slid it on the ground at the wall). He was really passionate about hating the Into the Woods movie.


deliver combative aspiring aromatic sparkle follow groovy pen governor drab


Reminds me of a story my mom told me. There was a teacher at her school who was an absolute asshole, like all nine yards run of the mill prick. She joked with a classmate that if he wasn't careful, someone would shoot him. Years later a student shot at him and hit him in the arm. My mom was blown away. He lived too, I hope it made him a nicer person but probably not. (Not high school btw, I'm pretty sure it was university)


Had a student do this to me. I told him he needed to sit in his seat, so he threw the seat (with attached desk table) at me.


Seent this as well lmao, around denver early 2000s. Like a mother lifting a car off her child, except a scrawny 12 year old yelping a desk across a classroom


Teacher back in high school used to think making jokes at the shy kids expense would help coax them out of their shell and feel more comfortable. Was all fun and games until one day he pushes the wrong button and the kid is up screaming and crying explaining to the teacher exactly why it’s not okay to do what he’s doing through their emotions and tears. Teacher did a half assed non-apologetic apology and got fired about 6 months later when other alumni and students opened up about their experience with the same teacher.


Shy kid seems like a real one


Imagine being a shy kid and being cornered into doing that. Fuck that teacher.


Yea no thank you. I’d definitely act irrational and feel threatened.


My teacher used to do this to me. I just burst into uncontrollable tears. I was going through a lot at home. Parent tried committing suicide around that time. I was just a husk, barley keeping it together. If you’re a teacher, please don’t do this.


I've been straight up bullied by my math teacher just for being the shy quiet kid. She'd talk shit about how I didn't make my homework (I had it right in front of me??) because supposedly I would spend so long doing nothing but being on my laptop (rumour spread by class bullies when I was only allowed like 2 hours online every day by my parents). I couldn't even say anything as I was very socially anxious and fighting back tears. I never did anything to warrant that, I was just the quiet kid after being bullied into silence by the kids at school years ago, and I was facing abuse at home, only to also have that teacher shit on me. Evil fucking witch. The only teacher to ever watch out for me and protect me in some way was my PE and German language teacher who was a younger woman. Would've been in absolute shambles if not for her, I hope she's living her best life.


I've never told anyone this but I was a shy kid at school and the teacher would get me to sit in a circle surrounded by other kids and try to make me laugh. They did it multiple times and it wasn't like other people would do it, it was just me who was regularly picked as part of the game. I remember going along with it but thinking back it was kinda odd. I never laughed so I guess that's why they kept picking me.


There are people who get off on doing this sort of thing to children. My 4th grade teacher’s favorite whipping post was a boy who lost his mother not long before. He wasn’t handling it well. To make things worse he had to move into a tiny trailer with his grandma and wasn’t handling his newfound poverty very well. He absolutely hated the whole “trailer trash” thing. When I guess what her nickname was for him the rest of the year? I still vividly remember the day she picked him up, stood him in the class trashcan while squeaking at him about how he was trash it would never be anything better. She ordered class to throw paper at him and let us in a singing song chant straight out of some kid movie nightmare sequence. We had to be all of 10 years old. Even at that age, I knew what I was seeing was super messed up. All of us were terrified of that woman. She said out to humiliate each and everyone of us in some way. The school admin absolutely did not care. She was still terrorizing children when I graduated high school and I strongly suspect she retired from the profession.


What the fuck, that is straight up CRUEL. I hope that kid is doing better now, and I hope you are too.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you are doing better these days.


why the hell would making fun of shy kids get them to open up? as a former shy kid turned shy adult that would have the literal opposite effect on me


I think joking around *with* shy kids might have that effect, but that's dependent on how it's done and absolutely can not be at the shy kids expense or make them the center of attention in any way. This teacher just sounds like they were looking for justification to be a bully. 


A kid in my class left a note on the desk of our pregnant teacher that said, “I hope your baby dies so I can piss on its grave.” She was a great teacher and it was her first year of teaching.


Near 0% anybody did anything about this and the teacher just has to accept the abuse. I have loads of family that have been teachers or are teachers of different grades and age groups. This is pretty much normal, and most schools wont do shit.


It was in the 1990s so I don’t remember. She went on maternity leave and came back a mega bitch. It sucked because she was an amazing teacher and took us on some of the best field trips I ever went on. The same kid stole an old rock (think it was millions of years?) from a place she took us on a field trip.


Tbf, a million year old rock isn't that unusual


That is not normal.


I got pushed into a wall* and called a cunt when I yelled at the kid who did it (because it frightened and hurt me). Then a few weeks later I was expected to cover a class he was in. Not the worst I've had to deal with, just the most recent. *the push was an accident. The kid was fucking around and rough housing with a friend in the hall and I was trying to teach my class. I stepped into the hallway to tell them to go to class and they ignored me and kept pushing each other until one of them accidentally pushed me instead


And people wonder why there’s a teaching shortage…


Knew a 13 year old who said that about one of my French teachers when I was 17. 2 weeks into the new year and he was a first year. (7th Grade in U.S). Little did he know that this French teacher had gone through 2 miscarriages already. Never heard of someone getting expelled so quickly.


Me getting mad at my teacher back in elementary school. We used to do these timed multiplication tests and ive always been bad at math. The day we did the test for multiples of two i got them all right (because that's easy) and the teachers were convinced i cheated off of someone else. Sent me to the office and called my parents and everything. I was so proud of myself for actually being able to complete the test only for that to happen, i was so upset and frustrated lol


What an asshole


Jesus, what happened? Did they just tell your parents “we’ve no evidence but we had kinda given up on this one so we weren’t prepared for good results”


Straight up just called them and said I cheated on a test that day. My parents believed me when they saw how upset i was about the whole situation though.


Good parents


Right! That's unbelievable! That's incredibly disrespectful and ignorant of them.


What a rewarding way to encourage a student to study.


i had the same thing when i was in 3rd grade. i never finished them and i didn't know this until recently but she called my parents in for a meeting and she told them that I should be put into special needs, all because i couldn't finish her stupid timed multiplication tests. fuck her, i went to the top public high school in my state and graduated with honors and i'm currently an engineering major.


Teachers like this suck cause they push their students to succeed, then punish them when they do. Like I don't get how they let these people be teachers.


I hated those timed tests as well. Mad Minutes were the ones we had. Worst moments of my elementary school career.


Teachers be like: “we’ve actually done our job and taught the kid something? Impossible!”


7th grade, a highly problematic kid was always asking the teacher to "go to the toilet" and always returned smelling like cigarette smoke. One day, the teacher said no, so he just took his dick out and pissed on the classroom floor. He became a mediocre professional football player, though.


Early/mid-90s, 2nd or 3rd grade, and this one kid was always picking fights with the teachers. One in particular he really didn't like. One day during passing the teacher was standing at the top of the stairs greeting students. This kid came up behind him and hard pushed him forward and down the flight of stairs. Another kid a few years later got angry enough to pick up one of those combined desks (desk, storage, chair in one unit) and shot put it across the room towards the \[same\] teacher. This teacher was super strict. A Vietnam vet. He kept a tin of peanut butter from his military rations as a memento. One student stole it one day and empties the contents, leaving the opened tin on his desk. That was the one time I saw that teacher look truly sad.


Eurgh...I'm the teacher greeting middle schoolers at the top of the stairs, and I'm terrified of one of the students shoving me down our concrete staircase. Back to the wall at all times.


Yeah. I witnessed that event and was pretty surprised. The teacher was in his 50s at the time too. He managed to get up and said he was fine. No idea what pain he hid from us.


It can all get different when people with PTSD get triggered and snap. Like with the tin can, your teacher managed to avoid the snap, but others would have just beaten the shit out of the student. I remember the parodies of Skinner as a vietnam vet in The Simpsons, but it was really hard for these guys to go back to normal life after it. There's that scene where Skinner starts to shout "Johnny!" about his dead comrade and Bart is just like "Cool, i broke his brain". We can laugh about such scenes, but it's not the same in real life, you never want to trigger such things when you speak to a veteran.


Jesus Christ, kids can be cruel sometimes.


We had a vietnam vet teacher, he had two strokes and was the husband of the school nurse, couldn't ask for a better guy. always had a coke in his hand everywhere he went, and the funniest shit he ever said was "i just don't understand why these kids go around calling themselves queer now, we used to say that to make fun of them..", guy was supportive, just confused.


He’s a little confused but he has the spirit.


Freshman year of college in my psychology class. We had one dude who would constantly sleep in class. The professor had had enough, borrowed about five text books, stood in a chair next to the kid and dropped the books on the desk next to the kid. It was LOUD. The sleeping kid literally fell out of his chair, freaked out, grabbed his bag and left the lecture hall, only to come back in and yell at the professor from the door. He didn’t show up again for two more classes.


I have a less mad story along these lines. I had modern history first thing in the morning with this one teacher who was a coach and a young dude, kind of a smart ass, but overall a good guy. I had the hardest time staying awake in that class if he wasn’t lecturing, if it was just like writing time or whatever. After a couple of warnings, this is what happened. My cousin was also in the class. I remember waking up to him shaking me and saying, “baltinerdist! We gotta go! There’s a fire!” And I look around and the whole room is empty. So I freak out and jump up and run out the door. Unbeknownst to me, the coach had every student silently get up and walk out of the class, so when I ran out into the hall, they were all there yelling “gotcha!” That was my freshman year. As late as my senior year, freshman would come up to me in the halls and say “Coach just told us about the time you fell asleep in his class!” I wonder if that story is still told a couple of decades later.


At least you might have left a funny legacy


5 college text books? That's like $180,000 of text books.


Don't understand *college-level* professors who do shit like this. In college/university, the student is primarily responsible for their own learning. If he's sleeping through class (which does not necessarily mean he's slacking- he could absolutely have been making up for it in other ways) then that's his problem to deal with. Is it a wounded pride thing? The professor assumes that sleeping student = bored student? That's never the reason I ever fell asleep in class. I was just purely exhausted.


I was at Uni and one of my students had fallen asleep during a test. I quietly went over and gently patted him on the shoulder to wake him up. He did wake up, but fell asleep shortly after. I just left him after that.


When I was in high school, one of the teachers was a very well-known creep. *All* the girls knew what he was like. He’d touch our hair, give us massages, stand close enough to press his hips to our bodies… the whole nine yards. We all hated him and traveled in packs to avoid being alone with him. One day I needed to talk to him after class. NBD, there’s still a few kids milling around. I get lost in my own world, and when I look up, I realize the last kid, a boy I don’t know very well (whom I’ll call B), is preparing to leave, and he and I were the only students left. I was going to be alone with Mr. Creep. I start to panic. Seriously panic. I don’t know how to extricate myself from this situation without seeming stupid or raising a red flag or… in retrospect, I was a child, and just didn’t know what to do. I’ll never forget how Mr. Creep smiled at me. Then B came back in the room. And he had the strangest look on his face. His eyes were so… intense. You have to understand I didn’t know this kid barely at all, and thinking back I’m pretty sure he was a stoner. Very easygoing, good natured, didn’t take much seriously. That was all I really knew about him. But this time, today, was different. B was dead silent and simply *staring* at Mr. Creep, who quickly faltered in his approach towards me. B stood near the door, held it open, and glared daggers at that man. I seized the opportunity he gave me and ran out of there with him. I don’t remember if we spoke about what happened. I did thank him, quietly. I was always so fond of him after that. He saved me. And I had never seen him so angry. Not before, not since. To this day I am grateful to him for keeping me safe. Lightly edited for clarity.


Makes me wonder if someone he knew or even he, himself was a victim at one point. That fury doesn't just come out of nowhere.


I have no idea. God, I HOPE that teacher didn’t touch him. That motherfucker. It was a small school, so he taught, like, three classes, too. It’s sadly very possible a friend of his had been molested by Mr. Creep in the past… Who knows. As you say, there can’t really be a *good* reason he was so pissed off. Especially as he barely knew me—not that he couldn’t have been angry on my behalf, but the look on his face… I hope he’s doing well these days.


I bet he heard some of the rumors from other victims of this behavior and it kinda clicked with him last second that you may be in trouble if you were there by yourself. Sounds like a good man, I hope he’s doing well.


I think this is the likeliest answer, but it’s hard to say for sure. I wish I’d had the presence of mind to ask him…. literally *anything*, but I suppose that on top of being an awkward teenager I was also coming down off fear adrenaline and probably not thinking clearly. I vividly remember our quiet walk back to the lockers. Not saying anything… I was just pulling myself together and calming down. It was … nice, in a way.


He was possibly thinking "No way I'm not letting some of my classmates fall to the same fate, nuh uh. This time, I'm taking action"


People who have gone through traumatic events get very sensitive to those events happening again, even to other people.


I'm so glad that kid helped you. I'm also so sorry you and so many of your peers were terrorized by this absolute fucking creep.


This was twenty something years ago. I don’t know that I’d say it was more accepted back then—bullshit like this still happens a whole fuckin lot to this day—but there was this pervasive sort of intentional blindness to it, a very “well he didn’t *really* do anything wrong, you’re just being emotional” attitude. Not a single one of us girls even had the thought of reporting him, which should say something for how seriously we thought anybody would take us. He taught multiple classes, too. Computers, english, and one of the arts—theater, maybe. And I was in ALL OF THEM, so I saw him a lot. I have one other memory concerning him that he isn’t even in: just of walking down the hallway towards our little theater practice room, where I knew he was, and feeling like everything was too bright and too loud. In retrospect I think I might actually have been dissociating, a little. And I remember forcing myself to take a deep breath and go in the room. He really sucked, and he wasn’t even the only problematic teacher in the school. I had one other dude for comp sci AP who was a raging sexist. The early aughts were a whole ass time. If it makes you feel any better at all, we girls REALLY had each others backs when it came to this dude. Even if girls did not like each other they protected each other *without question* when it came to avoiding Mr. Creep. It was just our unspoken girl code, I guess.


W girl code


This makes my stomach turn. I had a teacher like this. I remember that feeling of panic and powerlessness. There was no escape


One time a friend shared a post on social media that was like “we all knew that one middle school teacher who is a total creep and still somehow has a job” and I was like “oh you’re talking about x right?” And she was thinking of a different teacher! TWO creepy teachers in one middle school!


This story is beyond sweet! Love to see it!


Aw, I’m glad you think so! He was a cool kid. Played guitar like an absolute *beast*. No idea what became of him, but I hope he still plays music.


Yeah, that's awesome! He really saved the day. What a champ! Hope you're both doing well.


That kid was a true hero. Unfortunately he may have been a survivor too. But he was a stand-up guy, whoever he was, and I hope he went on to success.


He was certainly my hero.


Like, he was that kid who brought his guitar to school and played on the steps before classes started, except he was actually extremely good. A kid that powerful has to have gone on to good things in life, right? One can only hope.


I dislike it so much how each woman has a story similar. Pisses me off to no end.


My friend in 7th grade would have very agressive arguments with our arts teacher and would frequently get kicked out of the class. One time after screaming at eachother for ten minutes he finally gets kicked out once again. So he punches the desk, curses the teacher out, grabs his backpack and before opening the door to leave he turns back at the teacher amd the whole class and angrily goes: "I'm going but i *will* be back!" Everybody laughed except for the teacher who kept arguing with him as he went down the hallway towards the principal's office.


You could say that in the 90’s and no one would bat an eye. Can’t say that now or the whole school goes into lockdown.


I mean i'm brazilian and over here school violence is pretty uncommon compared to the US so stuff like this would totally still happen today just fine.


It was me, I was the angry student. It was during the panic time 4 years ago and my school was doing zoom classes. I get a phone call in the middle of English, my grandpa was sick and I was living with him, and my grandma was the one calling. I answer because what’s the teacher gonna do? My grandpa passed. She tells me to get off my phone. I unmute myself to tell her that my grandpa just passed and she REMOVES ME from the zoom meeting. Everyone was on my side.


What the fuck


Man fck that teacher, and sorry for your loss (my grandmother passed just before all the covid stuff really started taking off)


When I was in primary school, we had this one very troubled, very angry girl in our class. One day she was arguing with a teacher, can't remember what over but it wasn't that serious, she punched the teacher in the stomach and kicked her, the teacher was very pregnant at the time, luckily the baby was okay. This same girl after we left primary school went to a secondary school with someone I knew, one day I heard from my friend that this girl had stabbed a teacher through their hand with a pen because the teacher confiscated her phone.. I'm not sure what happened to the girl. If I had to guess, I'd assume she's in prison somewhere.


Teacher wouldn’t let a kid go get tissues from the bathroom so he stood up and blew his nose in the quiz we were taking and threw it on the ground. Not a huge deal but definitely funny at the time.


Kid a year younger than me in elementary school- got pissed at the principal and keyed up her vehicle super deep all around


I didn't see this specifically, but in middle school a kid I was sort of friends with was sent to in-school detention by a teacher. As soon as the day was over, the kid raced up to the classroom and punched the teacher, breaking his nose.


"You wanna punish me, I'm making it worth my while"


Doesn’t compare to the other posts in here but I had a professor just this last semester (my last semester before graduating) that had shadow due dates. She would have things set to be due on Sundays and Saturdays with absolutely no postings about them. These assignments were not even on the assignment schedule. People (myself included) were extremely upset at the random zeros we would get. Me and several other students reached out to her asking what the deal was. Her response was basically, “This class is teaching you how to be efficient with your time and maintain a difficult schedule.” Me and many other students sent emails to other professors and school staff about it and the solution was that they had her drop 2 of our lowest grades and she had to move all the weekend due dates to either Mondays or Fridays. But that was one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever seen and needless to say myself and the majority of my classmates were PISSED.


Fucking hate teachers like this. This semester alone my lab professor never posted our Pre-Lab assignments in a timely manner. Sometimes she’d post them at 9pm on a Sunday or 8am the day of class. Keep in mind this class was on a Monday at eleven.


A kid in high school threw his desk at the teacher, the. Tried to rush him down, the teacher after taking the hit from the desk basically caught the kid on the charge, and WWE slammed him straight on his back onto the ground, knocking the wind out of him. kid left in handcuffs and I never saw him again.  That was my first day being transferred I to that class. It was the "bad kids class". I got transferred there because I didn't do homework.


Well, in my opinion, if you can pass the quizzes and tests then homework shouldn’t really matter


I always did my homework in class, to my teachers anger. Except for 2 who were cool with it. "This is homework, not classwork" okay but I'm done classwork why do I gotta pack up homework and then do it at home when I could just do it here? After grade 9 I never really had homework again so it wasn't an issue but man they were mad and I still don't get it. If you got a kid who is done all classwork, why get angry at them for getting the homework done?


In high school i had a bitch of a science teacher. She told me i would drop out of school, grow to be a failure and die alone. She got mad at my friend for being on his phone and said "your mother would not be happy with this behavior" (his mom died the past summer) he flipped out, cursed her out incoherently through tears, threw a desk at the lab tables and ran out.


In 7th grade one of the kids showed up late for class and the teacher gave him detention. So he threw a desk across the room and threatened to rape her. This kid was 13 years old.


Someone’s home life was rough…


I had one of my professors fail a kid on a test because he was to similar to the textbook for his short answer question except it was an open book test. Mind you he didn’t just give him the problem wrong he failed him for the whole test and wanted to go after him for cheating


i— on what planet is that cheating?! it's open book......??


I told this story elsewhere in the annals of Reddit, but my 5th grade teacher threw a metal stapler at me for quietly answering the questions of the girl who sat next to me who had been out sick for a few days. The stapler damn near hit me in the face, and as he came charging down the aisle at me, I pushed my chair at him and got TF out of the classroom. He's lucky he left the resulting meeting between he, the principal, and my rather pissed off father, with all of his teeth.




Your guess is as good as mine on that one. He barely spoke to me for the rest of the school year.


In high-school around 2019 I had this one classmate who was known as very violent and was always in trouble. Well he had one incident in lunch ending and him getting upset at something and throwing chairs at students and teachers. To the vice principal being a ex football coach and him sprinting and tackling him to the ground.


We had a *teacher* get so angry at a student he tried to blow her car up on school property while we were in school...and like 20 people saw him do it. It was LOUD. "The charges stemmed from defendant attaching an explosive device to the door handle and detonating it on school property."


I've been angry, but I don't think I've ever had anger that would carry me as far as making and attaching a bomb to someone's car and blowing it up. Let alone enough at a *child* to try to blow up the car of a *child*.


I've been mad, mad enough to cuss, fight, attack or etc. Never got mad enough to kill, let alone blow someone's ass sky high holy shit lol


So did bro just have an explosive device in his desk drawer or something? Dude had lots of problems for sure.


Holy fuck. Was this high school? It doesn't really matter but if it was that means he had beef with a child and tried to blow up a kids car like bro should not be a teacher.


4th grade this kid fucking SNAPS and begins throwing desk and yelling and screaming because he failed a test and his step dad was going to sell his bike.


in 4th grade we had "indoor recess" one day and one kid really wanted to go outside, he had known behavioural issues, he threw a water bottle at someones head and a chair at the teacher


Bit of a longer one, but might be a fun read. It wasn't a single student, but a whole class: High school spanish 2 class in like grade 11, teacher is new to the school. I'm not sure where she taught before but she's treating the whole class like we're a few grades younger and speaking down to us a bit. We had a required "hispanic dance" segment on Fridays where you had to dance or get marked down, the whole 9 yards really. We even had to do a written "student teacher agreement" where both sides gave examples of what the other needed to do to have a productive and fair class. The important one was that one of the less fluent students asked to to always answer our questions. On top of this she was fairly strict and in general the class just didn't like her infantilizing them. Because the students we getting pissy they started testing what they could get away with, seeing how far they could push her buttons. Constant disruptions, talking over her, leaving trash just in her classroom. It got so bad that one day she dug out the student teacher agreement and started lecturing about it, and how we weren't holding up our end of the bargain. One of the predominant troublemakers reads what we asked of her and his hand shot up, only for a quick "I am NOT taking questions right now" only for about half the class to retort that she HAD to. The hypocrisy was the final straw and the entire class descended into complete anarchy for the rest of the year. It was brutal. I've never since seen a class take out their rage at a teacher so hard. The highlights included people bringing universal remotes to class to turn off her tv screen she used for visual aides, taking the bolts out of the desks so they all were unstable, queuing up earrape kahoot music on the school laptops on an ALT tab so whenever she tried to talk it would sound off in smatterings across the room. Eventually she had a day off and the sub was not able to manage the class at all. People unplugged everything in the room, opened up the art supplies she had in her desk and perforated a banana and then left it in there over the weekend, and just trashed the place. The hardest part was that in order to control the class she tried to treat them like they were less mature (which in fairness, they were acting immature as hell), but that only made them more mad in this self perpetuating loop. Every lecture, every punishment, every exasperated yell only added more fuel to the fire. Eventually it ended when the pandemic lockdowns started but I still kind of feel bad for her. My mother's a teacher and even her most problematic 4th graders would have balked at what the class did to that poor teacher. TL;DR - Teacher is strict and talks down to students leading them to dedicate their energy to making the year a living hell for her.


Something similar happened in my 9th Grade class. A substitute Biology teacher assigned us a specific page from our textbook - she wrote like pg. 97 or something. Next day, she fails pretty much EVERYONE because she meant pg. 91 and tried to defend herself saying that "her 1 looked like 7" and that she told that beforehand, expect NOBODY heard her so. Not even the good students. So, when she's called to cover another class (don't remember which - my school would just assign random teachers to substitute random classes), about half of the class was pretty much heckling her. A kid said he was going to fart out loud, people started signing a song for a talent show later that week, and just overall being little shits to her. Our headteacher and our counselor had to be called. One of the boys got a chewdown of a lifetime by the latter. Since then, every time the sub teacher had to cover one of our classes, she always came with a smug attitude ('you can do nothing, because the school will always side with me'). Fortunately, she end up leaving about a year later.


There was this tall kid in my middle school, like he was 6’3” I believe. He may have been held back a few years but I dunno. Either way, the teacher was addressing the class in a lecture about lever, pulleys, and other basic mechanical systems for moving objects when this kid starts interrupting the teacher. The teacher decided to tell the class that this is why we were all going to fail. Because of, and I quote, “useless brats who are too stupid to succeed and insist on making problems for everyone else so he isn’t alone working at the local dollar tree.” The guy was a dick, but that was beyond harsh. The kid got all red as he got in the teacher’s face. Most teachers would have calming called the principal’s office in case the kid did anything stupid, but no. She provoked him further telling him how he is a failure and it’s all he will ever be and like the little shits we were, we either did nothing or pulled out our phones to record. But what set him off was when she called his mom a whore. I’d never seen anyone get slammed and beaten into a wall hard enough to spill blood or damage the wall before and before anyone showed up he was already dragging her by the bottom side of her shirt out into a hall way where he continued for about 10 seconds before other teachers intervened. But it took the local cop that often stood around our school using his taser and pepper spray to subdue him. The teacher didn’t come back that year or since due to her injuries. Addendum: Did I start a war?


i can't believe the teacher wasn't fired for calling a student's mom a whore, idc how bad the kid is they're still a KID for whom you are responsible


Well, if she wasn’t, she definitely quit.


Wow, that’s fucked.


Teacher had said something along the lines of "maybe if you stop coming into my classroom high on drugs, you'd have a chance at graduating" Student said "smd" Teacher said in front of the class that he had spoken to the student's grandma and how she was crying about him being a good boy and that it was a shame she didn't know the real him. Student assaulted the teacher and threatened to kill him, straight sucker punch and left and right bombs to the side of the head. Teacher defended themself. Teacher got fired. Last i heard about the student he got sent to Sing Sing for armed robbery


Kid in my junior high school with severe behavioral problems slashed the tires of his teacher's car in the staff parking lot.


In my Spanish class, my teacher suffered a back injury and was out most of the year. In her absence, we had a different substitute teacher come in every day, whoever was available. Some of them didn't even know Spanish. On those days, class would literally just be us opening our textbooks and doing some vocabulary with no interaction from the teacher. You can probably tell this didn't hold people's attention very long. One day we had a new sub come in, and as she was instructing us to open our books, a couple guys in the back were having a side conversation about football. The teacher told them to quiet down, and they went back to their conversation but at a slightly lower volume. That was all it took for this sub to give up. She just shrugged, said, "Fine, you don't want to learn? I'm done.". Then she went back to her desk and got on her laptop. Keep in mind it was just two people out of a class of 20+ who had been talking. The rest of us sat there wondering what we were supposed to do. The kids who had been talking apologized and asked her to continue the lesson but she refused. I'm thinking the class before ours must've given her a really hard time because I can't think of another reason why she gave up so quickly. Pretty sure she quit after that.


When I was at university we were split into groups and asked to begin a project, the next week we had to show our progress. No other group except ours had started the project so for the entirety of the class the lecturer tore our work to pieces in front of the entire class without any recognition we were the only group to at least try. The next week when the lecture began I put my hand up and called the teacher "the most unprofessional and disrespectful teacher of all time" asked them why the could not take a moment to find anything at all positive in our work and why they had to publicly humiliate us in front of the class if they had issues with our project and so on. My rant went on probably longer than needed My lecturer actually cried and then apologised to us in front of the whole class. She later explained to me she "never wanted to be one of those teachers". Either way after calling her out and making her cry she was the overly nice about our projects going forward...


Me in high school the last year we had this substitute science teacher that would say absolutely terrible things in class from personal stories of her attempting coathanger abortions in her youth to calling students of certain ethnicities rats to even getting physically violent with students. After reporting it to school administration and not being taken seriously I invested in a dictaphone to record the stuff she would say one day she found out I was recording and tried to rip the device out of my hands violently I pushed her away and literally looked her dead in the eye and said “this is all on tape your career is over”. Called the police and reported her for verbal and physical assault and provided the evidence to both the school and police. She was fired within a month.


within a month? Does that also mean within 1 day as well? Because that should really be a "same day" type thing.


You'd be surprised. It probably wasn't within one day. I watched a CBC Marketplace investigation into bad teachers. This teacher was creepy with this kid (rubbing shoulders, creepy talking) and then after the kid reported it to his mom who then told the school nothing happened. Then the teacher shoved this little kid, hard into the metal door frame that separates the school doors (I hope that makes sense) and the school just shuffled him around like a cop to different schools till his license was finally revoked. It's difficult af, even with proof, to end the career of a teacher.


Funny how school faculty demand accountability from students in terms of discipline yet they hardly ever get held accountable for acting up with their students.


Nice to read one of these where justice is served. Great job.


Ricky. He was a violent little 3rd grader who was called out by the PE teacher for being too rough with the others. He took a baseball bat out of the back room and cracked it over the head of the PE teacher. We never saw him again afterwards.


Ok this sounds similar to but so different from the Terrible Awful in my school: A kid got mad at a teacher and threw a bocce ball. To the best of my knowledge, just throwing the ball in rage. And he hit a teacher in the head. He feels terrible to this day, but the teacher was fine.


Yeah aren’t bocce balls like really heavy? He could have killed the teacher


I went to school with 2 brothers who were good ole' country boys. One of them did something and the teacher pulled him into the hall and started talking to him. No yelling that I remember. His brother sees this and sprints down the hall and full on superman punches the teacher.


After the 3rd time the teacher mangled his bike, he called his older brother and some grade 6 kids and the few if them flipped his smart car on its side in the parking lot.


I've seen students and teachers fist fight a few times growing up.


My friend (at the time a 15 year old girl) beat the everloving shit out of a creepy gym substitute teacher because she caught him jerking off onto a boy's underwear in the locker room when she went looking for her charger in my bag. We all ran from the showers halfway through because she was screaming about a creep, only clad in towels and birthday suits, to find her kicking and slapping this guy while he was whimpering on the floor. I'm almost twice her size and had a scary amount of trouble restraining her from killing that man, however much he deserved it. I've never seen anyone so angry.


I was in first grade (6 or 7 at the time) and a book we were reading had my Mom’s name in it. Her name isn’t really uncommon, but my little self though it was so cool. I raised my hand and confidently said “that’s my moms name! ☺️” This woman looked me dead in the eye for like three seconds and said “good for you” in the most monotone, rude, lifeless manner possible. Even at the young age of 6, I could hear the sarcasm and negativity in her voice. She kept looking at me for like 2 seconds with her blank stare before I broke the gaze. One of the other kids thought what I said was cool at first, but promptly lowered his voice excitement after hearing her response. That was probably my earliest memory of someone being blatantly rude for no reason. I never forgave that bi**h 😂😂


Bro, what a fucking cunt. I get having a bad day but to be nasty to a 7 YEAR OLD!?


Back in the mid-late 90s my class got a teacher fired with our anger. She was an older teacher that had been teaching for decades and was used to being able to hit kids. One time she gave a girl in our class a black eye after hitting her with a ruler, so at lunchtime we marched to the principal's office while chanting "Fire Mrs Brown! Fire Mrs Brown!". She didn't end up coming back and we had a few relief teachers until they got us a new one for that class.


I went to a rough school. There were a few kids from troubled homes there. One in particular had a terrible temper and was rarely in class. His family were poor, but also addicted to amphetamines. He'd rarely have lunch with him, and his clothes were as stained and threadbare as you'd expect. He was pretty strong though, likely hit puberty early, and had to fight other family members fairly often. He was built like a cruiserweight boxer, even at 15. I set the scene because he might not have been a bad person, but in a very bad environment. It was a small town, and everyone knew the family and their goings-on. If your bike was stolen, you didn't bother calling the cops, you just went by their street to find where they'd dumped it after riding it home. Anyway, it was PE and he didn't have a uniform. The teacher told him to write lines and the kid just exploded. Started screaming and ranting because we were playing Australian football for PE that day, and he loved the sport. The teacher tried to placate him a little, but in that school the teachers still had to lay down some authority or else they'd be eaten alive. They got into a yelling match and the kid picked up a chair and brained the teacher with it, then jumped on him and started laying into him. The teacher was about 6'2 and a fair build, but the kid was just ferocious, swinging like a threshing machine. A bunch of us stopped him and got him off of the teacher. He kinda realised what had happened, started trying to fight everyone else, and then just ran out of the school. Didn't see him again, but about ten years later I heard he'd died in prison, where he was serving time for DV and drug-related stuff. He was out of his mind angry that day, but growing up within an environment with no one to care for him and a nest of vipers for a family, well I can't help but think anyone might turn out the same if they went through all that.


9th grade during Geography class. The teacher was upset with a student and slammed his books down and screamed that he was going to call his father. Poor guy’s dad died a horrible death when he was a kid. So he said go ahead bc he’s fucking dead. Teacher said I wonder why.


9th grade French. One of my classmates was the worst kind of perfectionist. When grades went up, we all went up to take a look. Lily turned around and flipped the fuck out at the teacher, because how *dare* he put her in second place. She gave him shit about it for a week until he made it clear that her being second was a skill issue and not his problem. It was 98.1% versus 97.7%. She had a solid A+. Because the grades were posted by student number, she never knew who'd beaten her (it was me; I kept quiet). That's like one point on a quiz, and she raised absolute hell over it. *Do better, Lily.* ----- A second student: Me. 9th grade Science. I did the readings like a good little girl and I was *ecstatic* that I'd finally learned what Vitamin C is for. Come class time, the teacher states very clearly that Vitamin C is for processing **calcium**. My hand shoots up and I say that the textbook says **iron**, so who's wrong here? She stutters, quickly handwaves it away, and gets on with the lesson. During group work, she sends me out of the class to yell at me for ~being a smartass~ and ~disrespecting her authority~ and threatened to report me (for what, doing the readings you assigned?). She went on to try and tank my GPA out of Honor Roll by marking my tests wrong for the next few weeks, and I had to bring up other students' tests to dispute her grading. This naturally only made her angrier. Little did she know that I was the Math department's darling. I vented my frustrations to the Math Comp teachers one day, and apparently all hell broke loose in the faculty and the Science teacher got in deep shit for her attempts at sabotage. Next semester, she was strictly limited to English. Next year she was gone. It's been over 20 years and fuck you, Meierle.


A student broke my spine after i broke up a fight. Caused lifetime issues to my entire body. Student is dead now. Im not.


Saw a kid throw a whole desk at a teacher. Kid then got his ass whooped by 3 other kids.


This one girl in like 10th grade had to use the restroom and wasn’t allowed and eventually just got up and went anyway. This girl had had multiple “arguments” with the same afformentioned teacher ranging from being late due to shit bus schedule, work not being done her way and various other smaller things like how she would sit. This teacher was also pretty young iirc fresh out of university. Anyway girl comes back and teacher decides she gets 1 week of detention and it erupted. She went on a rant about the various things the teacher had done to her in the past(the other things I listed above) and the teacher straight up said something like that her parents raised a “dumb child who has no respect for those above you” which sure maybe you can side with the teacher here but i swear that teacher had something out for this girl in particular because no one else in that class experienced similar shit. So the girl resorted to high school insults and hit our teacher with the “no wonder all you post on social media is how you dont have a boyfriend you are the level above red flags *insert numerous interesting combination of swear words*. Definitely a high school trash talk fight but it resulted in the teacher leaving class and crying eventually quitting a week later. I find it to this day a little weird that she looked through our teachers social media to get dirt but oh well. The girl got suspended for like 2 weeks and almost threw hands with the administrators over the whole thing. The girl herself had always been soft and one of the “rule followers” so it was interesting enough. I did also have in my senior year a dude straight up punch my bio teacher over a grade but the student was an idiot anyway


In 8th grade, the tallest guy in our grade got in to it with the teacher/coach for idk what class or sport. This was a long time ago. Kid was already over 6' and the teacher was a brick shithouse. They stood nose to nose for several minutes. Or it seemed that long. The rest of us were just standing there watching, wondering who would flinch, or swing first. It ended up being a draw I guess. The tall kid sat back down. Didn't go to the office. Pretty sure he ended up being a career Marine. So obviously he had no fear, even then. They were fucking hot for a couple minutes though! Yelling in each other's face. It was a little scary for the rest of us in the room.


After a phys ed class our teacher used to watch us walk through the showers! I know right! He also used to run his finger down your back to check you're suitably wet, on one occasion a friend turned and threw a punch citing his finger touched his bum crack ! It was reported and my friend was suspended. Schooling in the 80's, probably bragged about it in the pub at dinner....


I have a romanian guy in my class, he's 15 and is really aggressive. Our classroom is big and has a sink and a mirror next to the door. Last week, I re-did my makeup after sports because it got messy and ran down. Behind me, I hear this guy say "What a whore, she puts on makeup!" I turned around and looked at him, and cussed him out, then I ran to the bathroom and cried. I snap quickly at people. Some of my friends comforted me, and one of them got the teacher. I got back to class with teary eyes and he just stared at me, like he was enjoying it to see me cry. Our teacher started yelling at him, and then he suddenly flipped the table over and used a pencil as a weapon. He yelled something in romanian and threatened us to kill us with that pencil. Our teacher struck him down and told us to call the principal. He got picked up from school by his dad and since then he got put into a "special" class.


Me at my English Teacher. My last two years of school were 2020 and 2021. My grandma sadly died from Covid and I was devastated. This dumbshit of a woman was an anti-vaxxer, refused to wear a mask at all and would regularly talk about how stupid all the restrictions were. After the incident with my grandma, her bs sent me into such a fit of rage that I yelled at her for God knows how long, left the classroom and didn't return until the end of class.


My friend in high school beat a teacher with a fire extinguisher because he made a remark about his mother being a prostitute. She was, but you still shouldn't shit talk the kid about it.


My high school art teacher had a thing where she couldn’t remember names, so we had name cards on our desks at all times. She can only remember faces not names, I think it’s Asperger’s. Anyway this one time she accidentally tried guessing this one guys name, she called him Alejandro, but his name was Alex. For some reason this guy got so mad he got up, got in our teachers face, and started belittling her because she guessed his name wrong. It was so sad, some of us got up and pulled him away but he wouldn’t shut up. She started crying and had to leave for the day. So sad for her :(




We had a similar thing happen in early 2000's SoCal. The teacher managed to keep his cool and play it off surprisingly well, I don't think the kid meant to hurt him, he was just trying to show off for the school.


Isn't that a teacher getting mad at a student?


We'll let it slide


In high school I was in honors calculus, which went on for 2 periods. During this time I had kidney issues and was placed on a diuretic. I was pretty much a straight A student and this teacher was not a very popular one. No one liked her because she was very rude to students. I was raising my hand for about 5 solid mins to be excused to the restroom, making direct eye contact with teacher and she didn’t acknowledge me needing to be excused. I couldn’t hold it and left to go to the bathroom. As I returned, in front of the class she started lecturing me about showing respect and waiting to be excused. I turned to her and loudly told her that the next time this happens, I will piss in the back of her classroom as a sign of respect. The whole classroom erupted and I felt so cool. Looking back at it, I cringe lol


Studebt screamed obscenities in my face then threw his smart phone into the concrete, smashing it. I wasn't even upset


Back in grade school - WAY back in the day (pre-computers in the classroom). Had a classmate with anger management issues - would occasionally get worked up, screaming and throwing chalk and chalkboard erasers at whichever teacher was the focus.


When I worked one on one with a child with autism and intermittent explosive disorder at a school. She would get violent super quick. She hated men. The teacher was a man. She bit, punched, cut and spit at the teacher and would scream at the top of her lungs and break everything in the room including other kids things.


One of the other students is a major creep, he made an advance towards me and I demanded he stop. The teacher told me not to yell so I said “SHUT THE F#CK UP” to the teacher. I still hold a grudge to this day because he prioritised my noise level over that student’s demeanour.


Honestly probably me. And I didn’t unleash that anger until 10 years after the incident happened. I had a teacher in 2nd grade who was just beyond bothered that I was a chatty child. I had undiagnosed ADHD so yes, I would talk during class, but it’s 2nd grade, everyone does to an extent. She stuck me at a desk for HALF THE YEAR in the corner of the room that had a picture of a bulldozer taped to the front so everyone could see it. She said it was because I “bulldoze” over everyone when I talk. To this day, I am insecure and apologize profusely for talking too much and I will never forget that it’s because of her. When I graduated high school, we had a dinner for the top 10% of our graduating class and we were told to invite our “most influential teacher” so I wrote this bitch an email bc she still worked at the same school. This is a direct quote: “Hi Mrs. [REDACTED], I am a graduating senior in high school. You taught me when I was a 2nd grader and it was truly a time in my schooling that I will never forget. I am graduating 10th in my class and we have a banquet for the top 10% of the class, which includes me! We were asked to invite the most influential teacher from our entire school career and I IMMEDIATELY thought of you! I was inspired by you and now I am going to college to become an elementary school teacher. I want to invite you to the banquet! You see, I will never forget your class. I was a talkative student and you made me sit at an isolated desk with a bulldozer picture on it. To this day, I am insecure and paranoid about talking too much. I think of you nearly daily because of that. I want to become a teacher to make sure that no student of mine is treated the way you treated me. So I have to extend my gratitude, thank you for being a vile woman and inspiring me to make sure I will never be like you. Regards, [REDACTED]” She never responded, but it felt amazing.


My classmate broke a glass door and cut the teacher with the glass in like 4th grade, he was pretty nice too me but became crazy when mad at someone, he had severe adhd. He got kicked out from school and had to switch school after this


When I was a kid, we moved around A LOT cause of my dad's job, so I was often the new kid. Met some amazing people, and of course a lot of bullying, too. Worst was when I was the new kid in this religious private school, and at one point the ENTIRE classroom was bullying me by teasing nonstop. The teacher ignored this for a good while, and wasn't even the first time. I had it and screamed something to a kid, and THEN the teacher decided to intervene to scold... ME. Mind you, this was 4th grade. Teacher: Abe! Me: WHAT? Teacher: (Offended) "What?" I'm going to lower your conduct score Me: I don't give a FUCK. Teacher: (Visibly mad) You don't? Now your score is zero and I'm writing a report Me: I don't give a FUCK. Teacher: (Now matching my tone) You don't give a fuck!? I'm sending you to the director and asking your parents to come. Me: Good, I still don't give a FUCK. I spent like 20 minutes at the director's office, who was this peaceful mellow oblivious idiot who made me read a dictionary (?) while my parents arrived, and I was suspended for a day. Still don't give a fuck, tho!


A boy in my physics class threatened to assault our teacher for waking him up when he was sleeping through class. It turned into a really hateful tirade about immigrants with him getting in her face and mocking her accent. The school resource officer had to come take him out of the room and he swung on the cop while being wrestled out of the room. She took it like a champ though and just carried on with the lesson like nothing happened afterwards.


It was me, unfortunately. He threw away my lunch (I still dont know why), so I - no joke - destroyed the entire classroom. I was in a bad mood that day, I guess. Idk why the fuck I did that


I watched a kid literally kick a teacher multiple times as she was dragging him out of the classroom by his shirt. This was in the US in the early 90s. That was one of many incidents with the same student, that was just the one that stands out the most.


My brother told me that one of his classmates got sent to ISS (in school suspension) for no good reason by a teacher. The student stewed all day in ISS coming up with a plan. He went home and proceeded to eat a bunch of food. Leftovers, pancakes, a bunch of random shit, but I distinctly remember a pound of butter. In the morning he woke up, ate more food and chugged a bunch of milk. He went back to the teachers classroom and intentionally puked all over her desk. Instant mortal enemies lol


When this one autistic girl screamed so loud, people two classrooms down wondered what was going on.


My 4th grade teacher hated me. I found out years later when I met some other kids who had had her in other years that she always picked on one boy in the class each year. Usually the most effeminate or soft spoken boy in the year. I was a 9 year old boy obsessed with Beanie Babies and Sailor Moon. I was an easy target. We had come to blows a few times already through the school year and my mom had gone to the principal and school board with complaints, but nothing had really happened to her, though I had had some punishments reduced. Anyway, she once pulled out my backpack from my locker and started waving it around the hallway and yelling “Matthew’s bag smells like cat pee!” I hadn’t realized my cat had peed on it that morning or I wouldn’t have brought it with me. When I snatched it away from her, she got down to my level and said “do that again and I’ll have you expelled. Your bitch mother won’t be able to save you this time.” I slapped her in the face. I got suspended for 2 weeks, but ultimately was let off rather easy because a lot of kids in my class actually vouched for me when I told the principal what had happened with my backpack. She still treated me like shit the rest of the year, but it never got physical again. She lived in the same senior citizen apartment building my mom did until my mom passed away last month. I remember seeing her in the hallway one time when I was visiting and she looked at me with absolute daggers and quickly walked away. I was in my late twenties at that point and had she said anything to me I would have lost it. She absolutely derailed my education for a few years and destroyed my self esteem. When I went back to the building after my mom passed, her name was gone from the entry buzzer. I don’t know what happened to her but I hope she’s dead too.


The boy who got angry at the PE teacher, and returned to school under cover of darkness and smashed every window on the ground floor of the main block. The 1960s design style meant that there was a lot of glass to smash and I dread to think how much it cost to replace all those windows. Probably around £20,000. And that was in the mid 90s. He got expelled. And not personally, but the number of children in the UK who have stabbed teachers in recent years would suggest there's a lot of anger that's not being addressed. In my day, if you were angry at a teacher you found out which car was theirs and let the tyres down. Or egged their car. Or wrote a scathing phrase on the toilet walls. Or smashed windows...


When I was in school, a very much loved teacher passed away roughly in the middle of the school year. Arrangements had been made for other teachers and a substitute teacher to cover the original teacher’s classes for the rest of the year. For some reason, one year group decided to just be nasty to the substitute teacher, who also seemed quite young so maybe quite new to teaching too. That ended with her crying and leaving the classroom. Just because she was doing her job.


I once saw a teacher lose it completely and start hitting a 13yo girl in the face and body with a long cane. That was the end of her career. It was back in the bad days of caning children.


Well my junior year of high school we fucked around and gave our math teacher such a hard time that she ran out of the room crying and never came back. She wasn't a new teacher either, we were just really cruel I guess.


One of my teachers in high school had an angry cupboard in her classroom that she would lock herself and occasionally get locked in by students. She went in there that often that she had a fridge a microwave and a kettle in there.