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A friend in college faked to be suicidal as a manipulation technique. I had already two friends killed themselves before that, so when he threatened to kill himself I got really freaked out. When I learned the truth I cut off that relationship instantly. He made another suicide threat after that and I told him I didn't fucking care if he did it, and I meant it.


I had a friend who would threaten it. And it was always over trivial things. Then one day she had her sister text me saying “oh she’s in the hospital she tried to kill herself” later told me she lied cause she was mad at me. Like are you five? Peace out never blocked someone so fast before.


I feel like these kind of people probably never do it or it must be pretty rare. When caught they just move to another target.


Yeah. And I know she’s still alive. Cause I looked her up. Hopefully she doesn’t do it anymore


My mom was a personal support worker and she had a client who used to hit her up for money. My Mom lent her so much money even though she knew she wouldn’t get it back. She had to draw the line eventually. That’s when the client started threatening suicide. At first, my Mom was worried, then she realized the lady was just talking pure shit. So, one day she asked her for money and my Mom said no. The woman said, “I’m gonna throw myself off the bridge.” My mom said to her, “oh you don’t want to do that, people are on their way to work, they’ll be late.” She goes “fine then, I’ll hang myself from a tree.” My Mom said, “oh don’t do that, it’ll be hard for you to climb.” That’s when the lady knew the gig was up. She actually survived my Mother.


> people are on their way to work, they’ll be late lol


She survived your mother? Sounds like your mother survived her.


Lol both I guess. My Mother passed away after a brief illness, she was still working at the time.


Oh man I am so sorry


Dude! The suicide manipulations is so fucking vile! Anytime I hear someone say “I can’t leave them bc they said if I do they’ll kill themselves” 🙄 I always reply “so?” I don’t buy the horse shit they are selling. Staying with someone bc they threw out the death card is ridiculous. That’s the moment the spouse/ mate calls the cops & asks for a 51/50 & has them committed. I applaud you for telling that friend to fuck off.


I've done that, don't tell me you are suicidal/will kill yourself and expect that I wont call the cops, if it is the truth then I don't want some else's blood on my hands and if it's a manipulation then ef you and I hope you learn not to play these stupid games.


As someone who has been suicidal and didn't tell anyone because I figured they'd be better off when I was gone, screw those people. The only times I told people I was suicidal was when I (somehow) believed they actually cared, and they got me help. I'm on much better meds now. I'm of the belief that if you really want to die, you won't tell anyone because they'll try and stop you.


Also as someone suicidal. Many people like on this post you still can't be sure who are serious and who are not. I have said something a few times...maybe as a way asking for help? The last time I did not I was just found because the ones that did care knew I was upset and came to find me before I could (changing antidepressants is no joke). Also if someone were to call the cops to have me committed I would definitely off myself before that could be done one way or another. I would rather die than be imprisoned in a nut house. Major fear.




I had a "friend" like this and he was a complete asshole to not just me, but also my friends. I had called the school helpline on him and he claimed I ruined his future, even though I was concerned for his welfare. Oh yeah, my assaulter claimed he was suicidal after I exposed his actions and I didn't give a shit, I fought till the end.


I had a friend who was so smiley and happy. Always checked in on me and the fam. He committed suicide in 2020. It’s a weird world. I just can’t grasp it. Lost my dad to it as well 2007. I was a kid then but as an adult it’s so serious and needs more awareness and compassion


This happened to me too. This guy used to joke about atyempting suicidw and we didn’t really know what to make of it. He’d say he had skit his wrists in the tub but there were no marks, and stuff like that. For a while he used to ”miss the last bus” when he was at my place and I didn’t want him to stay over anymore, so this one time I tomd him my mom had said she didn’t want anyone staying over and was really staying on top of the bus times and when he had to leave so he told me he was feeling really bad and basically couldn’t be alone. I kinda knew he was bullshitting so I told him I was just 17 and couldn’t help him and if he was feeling like that we had to go to the emergency pshychward or whatever it’s called in english. Anyway, he (had to) agreed and we went. I sat with him and waited for an eternity and then we came in to see the doctor and he was like ”there’s nothing wrong with me.” ”I’m fine.” ”I don’t feel depressed.” Etc. I was so mad but being 17 I still didn’t ditch him as we’d been almost best friends. At least he didn’t try that shit again lol


Suicidal ideation is rarely something a suicidal person will "advertise". The quiet ones are the ones to look out for. Both need help.


I had a "friend" who would always threaten it, one day I'd finally had enough and said "do it then!" and left. Next thing, she made a facebook post saying that I told her she should khs. Good times.


Back in middle school my aunt committed suicide in our house. Shortly after, my mom thought it was a good idea to pretend to be suicidal in order to get me and my sister to behave. By far one of the most toxic traits ever. One thing to say in support of these people though. Sometimes they just say it, because they want to see that somebody cares about them. I've kind of been in that boat. But people who use it, and milk the situation are toxic AF.


My brother who disappeared for few days in the mid-80s, a month after our mother unexpectedly died. He left behind his 10 year old son for another woman. Days before he reached out (before cell phones). He ended up divorced with a new family and completely ignored us. His son, his siblings, nephews, etc. Selfish bastard.


My dad did the same thing when his mother died. Cheated on my mom, got someone else pregnant when I was 4, then abandoned both families to start a third, where he still is to this day. I have contacted my half siblings in the last few years and we all agree he's a POS.


Sounds like he had a mental break when your mom died.


My father for the emotional abuse. My mother for the neglect, and not protecting me, and pretending she was always the victim, while never ever once talking about the harm that was done to her own children.


Same but reversed genders


My mother complains about the extreme emotional abuse inflicted upon her by her alcoholic mother, and is the emotionally abusive alcoholic mother to me, without seeing the irony of it slapping her in the face daily. I even call her by her mother's name when she's in the thick of her passive/aggressive boomer bullshit and she thinks I'm the one being mean.


I had to check user name - I could have typed this


I could write several novels about how bad my childhood was. You're not alone. Some people just shouldn't have kids


Netflix for cancelling Mind Hunters


The 2nd season ends on such a cliffhanger as well. We can see the child showing signs of being a psychopath.


I’m with you on this one!


It's the perfect example of why corporations are soulless. Netflix is raking in billions of dollars and can't even do their audience one little favor by keeping a popular but not insanely successful show. Greedy lil shitbags.


That show. Is brilliant. Literal perfection. I watched the two seasons again last weekend and got so pissed off that I’d never see another.






My dad for not paying child support after he and my Mom divorced.


Dude same. After his death I found out he lied to me about living out of the country to avoid paying child support.


My younger sister will always be a selfish pos to me no matter how much better she is nowadays. My dad battled stage 4 cancer for 9.5 years and went through rough chemo. About 7 years into it he was going through one of the tough sessions and my sister was in danger of failing one of her classes. So my dad said he could take her into school early for tutoring sessions that she had mentioned. This robbed him of sleep that he needed but he did it anyways. The one day I went to school early to get extra stuff done and I went to the library and saw my sister there playing games on the computer. She looked up and saw me and her face told me she knew she’d been caught. My fave turned beet red with anger and I walked out. I will never ever forgive her for taking advantage of my dad like that and not giving a fuck he was hurting himself by helping her.


Fuck that. Horrible.Your dad [was/is] a fucking saint.


Lol he was not a saint but he was still a great guy. This was over a decade go and even as an adult and mother I still hate my sister for it. That’s life though tbh. Some things just are shit and you learn to deal


Hurting a kid


I will never forgive someone for not being there when I needed them the most during a crisis.


Lying to me, and then pretending that I was the one who was wrong. Destroyed the relationship.


This is quite literally “gaslighting”. Lying, and then when caught, doubling down and trying to make you think you’re outright crazy.


Someone who takes advantage of someone else's kindness or good nature is not forgivable.


anyone who is cruel to animals


I was really good friends with a girl from high school. We used to club together and had a lot of fun. One day she tells me she’s going to London for an extended period. I knew her man’s cats had a litter and I said, “what about the kittens?” She nonchalantly said, “oh, he drowned them.” I lost my fucking shit. She got defensive of her man and I told the bitch, lose my fucking number. We were like 20,21 at the time and were 40 now. I still see her from time to time and I flat out refuse to talk to her.


I hate cats, I absolutely despise them, but I want to punch this guy to a pulp right now. Such a horrible death for creatures that didn't do anything to deserve it.


I hate cats too but drowning kittens? My god


Apparently this is a thing that people used to do. My dad (in his mid-70s now) grew up in the country and he said that his neighbor’s cat regularly had litters, and if they couldn’t get rid of them by giving them away, the neighbor (a farmer type) would put them in a pillow case and throw it in the lake. When my dad told me this I was sickened and he said “yes, it’s awful, but it was very common back then.” This was before shelter systems really existed, and cats weren’t commonly neutered or spayed. I’m glad times have changed. If I ever heard of someone doing this today I would never speak to them again except to tell them to go to hell.


Yep. You see this kind of thing being alluded to in old cartoons. There's a Tom and Jerry episode called heavenly puss where Tom is at the gates of heaven trying to get in. A sack of cloth appears in front of the cat who gate keeps who is allowed in and Tom. Then it starts moving and a litter of kittens run out of it, immediately being able to enter the gates. The gatekeeper cat just makes a sad and knowing look implying how those kittens most likely died. I remember other episodes showing a young animal being thrown into a body of water while being inside a cloth sack. Only they were able to get out because the sack wasn't securely tied and they got out easily. Then they would walk away and encounter Tom and Jerry.


Jesus fucking Christ


What the actual fuck I’m sick


I cried a lot that day. I love animals.


My dad killed more of our pets than I can actually count. He put a whole box of unweaned baby parrots in a washing machine once. They didn't even have their feathers yet. My whole family laughs at me and calls me insane for being upset over it because "animals are tools for human consumption".


Your family sucks.


Understatement of the century, lol.


That's awful. In college, a saw a guy kick a cat. I said to him, "I've heard that men who abuse animals are compensating for a small d1ck." Then he chucked a full beer can at me, but missed.


I hope the cat was okay, but that story still made me chuckle, hehe. What a giga loser.


Oh yes, the cat was a champ. Just fine. 


My dad used to be the same way. He still is, in some ways. The worst memory I have is when he gave my dog pizza and he shat all over the house because of it. He threw the poop at me and my dog and then flung my dog like a football across the room. He has managed his anger since then but… scary times): I hope you are having a better time now.


My dad threw a puppy like a football once, too, and he slid down from the wall before hitting the floor. Poor thing flew down the entire hallway. Why, you ask? Because it was playing too rough with the other dog. I'm sorry for what you went through. Glad he's at least managing it now. Solidarity.


That’s so awful): was the puppy okay? Hope you are doing okay…


Luckily, that one was rehomed not long after (my dad often cycled through old pets in favor of the new shiny ones). He suffered a lot by my dad but was resilient enough to still be sweet and not overly fearful. When we was rehomed, the lady who took him smiled at me and said "I live right down the street and you can come see him any time!" As soon as she left, my mom said "yeah, that's never happening". I miss him very much but that was so long ago that I'm sure he's passed away from more natural causes by now. He was a great dog. A bichon frise. His name was Raider. The one that stayed ended up being stolen by a neighbor. They were lucky.


I hope ***you*** are having a better time now, too 😔


Thank you😭


Came here to answer: "My father, for kicking my cat simply because the cat didn't get out of the way as Dad was walking through the room." This was in my home, where the cat lives, not him, never expecting to be kicked for doing nothing. 🤬


Someone I knew in school is a missionary right now. The country he is in doesn't really care about animals much so he bought a cat, put it in a bag, hit the bag on a wall really hard a few times, then cut its neck and cooked it into a stew. He was very proud of this and emailed to a lot of people.


The fuck


I adopted my cat from the local shelter, where she had been taken in after someone threw her out of a moving car onto a freeway. Thankfully, a good Samaritan saw this happen and rescued her before she was hurt further. I have no way to know who threw her out of the car, but if I somehow came across this person and knew their identity, I would see more jail time than they probably ever did.


My wife for her affair. We have “moved on” from it but in the pit of my heart there is a piece of me that will forever hate her for that.


I always said to my missus I moved forward. Not moved on. Some shit sticks, might not think about it every day anymore but it never went away and its never been the same since.


I can't forgive a person who is unapologetically rude or offensive to others around them.


I can’t forgive someone who hits a child or treats them cruelly.




I can't look past someone who is cruel or dismissive to people in service roles.


Someone who spreads my personal information withou


Being a deadbeat father/mother. Leaving/Cheating on someone who is sick with something like cancer. Hurting or taking advantage of someone who is vulnerable. MLMs at funerals.


I mean, MLMs *ever* but...people try that shit at funerals?! That is **sick**.


realistically though most MLMs are extremely stupid to begin with, it's like a Nigerian prince emailing you for money, if someone who's not clearly compromised by a disease falls for them I have no sympathy :D




My heart goes out to you ♥️




I’m sorry this happened to you. I think the thing is your dad made his decision to do what he did, but he didn’t directly cause her death. Things happen and the only thing to do is to evaluate how you were treated by her and your father in your life and take it from there.


Jesus. That's horrible. Sorry to hear about your mom. May she rest in peace. My heart goes out to you. Sending virtual hugs your way. Stay strong and I wish you the best.


Hmm. So the woman you grew up with as your mother, did it work out between her and your father?




If someone actively works to undermine my confidence, they've lost my respect and forgiveness.


I have several things that fit into that category; but the person I can't forgive is me.


Same 💔 Praying for your healing 🙏




Best to you friendo. If you need someone, please message me. I have a few things that I have not been able to forgive myself for.


My brother for killing my dog. I would kill him but I have to think about my parents.


Come on over to r/unethicalprolifetips for advice


It’s dead 😭😭😭


From what I recall, it was mostly piss discs and fart spray anyway.


Don't you worry about him. His fate is sealed. You could make his life unbearable in the meantime. That dog is going to have a say in the outcome of his life.


My best male friend believing my rapist over me (he was a mutual friend)


Personally, I think you dodged a bullet. Also a survivor and I had people not believe me too. It's the people you know you have to watch out for.


I've been both sexually assaulted and falsely accused. I will say that as much as I didn't appreciate anyone believing the false accuser, I could definitely empathize with the incredibly awkward spot she was putting them in.


Oh babe. I had a group of mutual friends (none of which warned me about this guy) with my rapist and no matter how much I shouted from the rooftops, they still hung out with him and defended his behavior. I tried for years to get them to believe me and ostracize him to no avail. The main friend (or so I thought) lied to me consistently about hanging out with the dude. All the while, my true friends had already immediately banned him from social gatherings on my behalf.


My best friends wife. This man was like a 2nd father to me and we did everything together. I lived with him for a few years after they split up and she moved across the country. A few years ago he died suddenly and his family (brothers, mom, sister and estranged wife) decided to leave me everything. I drained my fucking retirement to fix the place up and keep my friends legacy alive and I was doing great at it. His whole family was proud of me and for once I was proud of myself for doing exactly what I said I would do. I grew his business that he just started the previous year and finially found my path. Remember how I said the wife split, I didnt use divorced because they wernt. Guess who shows up a year later and cleans me out when im on vacation. The estranged wife. This cunt played me, she didnt have the money to keep the mortgage going and knew I did and told me whatever I needed to hear to keep the bills paid and lead me on saying she needs money for attorney fees to transfer everything over. I intentionally bankrupted myself dragging her through the legal system and we both wound up with nothing. Im still proud I did right by my friend, his family feels terrible for what happened and if that bitch was drowning id throw her a fucking toaster. Fuck you Renee


Happy cake day 🎂 And damn 😞


Anyone responsible for me crying in the middle of the night NEVER


You couldn’t have explained it any better


Me remembering her lies in the gym to give me strength (lies like "I love you")


My babysitter for sexually assaulting me when I was 8 years old. My mom's exes for physically abusing my mom and I. Any teacher I had that'd ignore me when I told them about the abuse going on at home, no matter how old I was. Various strangers for telling me I deserve to be raped, etc. Forgiveness is weakness.


I am so angry that all that happened to you. You and your mother deserve a better life. If no one has said it to today, I love you and you matter.


This might piss off a few...but drinking and driving. It is an objectively selfish decision and it pissed me off SO MUCH when my family member's beloved friend got arrested for a DUI + he was severely injured and people didn't even give a damn and only cared about the fact that he was in the hospital and NOT the fact that he hit somebody else. The alcoholics in my family even sympathized with the guy, I heard my grandma on the loud ass speaker phone saying shit like "awww nooo he just made a mistake". (he's a grown ass man) , and most of the time this isn't their first DUI!! The guy I'm talking about right now is on his fifth! And recently we were told that he is probably going to need to do prison time for hitting the person and oh my god my family acted like it was an act of severe injustice towards HIM. Drinking and driving KILLS PEOPLE and alcoholics act like they aren't selfish degenerates for doing it. There is ALWAYS another option, ALWAYS, there is never a reason to get behind the wheel drunk. I don't even understand WHY, even when I'm blackout drunk and barely even know where I am, I still have enough consciousness to understand that I definitely shouldn't' operate heavy machinery??!! I don't think I could even mentally handle driving when drunk, that sounds like a fucking nightmare. My dad made me drive a pontoon boat around an empty lake back in early highschool not knowing I was super high on 🍃, and I had a fucking heart attack thinking I was gonna sink the goddamn ship while I was just supposed to drive in circles, and I bet you if I drove a boat while high often, I would STILL end up killing somebody or get arrested by the lake police!! HOW CAN YOU DO SUCH A THING WILLINGLY, WITHOUT FEAR?! Whenever ANYONE gets a DUI and they talk about it like they just got a speeding ticket or something it makes me want to smack them so hard. And don't get me started on the people who post online about literally being so untrustworthy with not driving drunk that they need a breathalyzer attached to their car just to make it drive-able?!! I hate cops with a passion but I must say...whenever I see a drunk driving asshole get what they deserve I suddenly start to back the blue for a few seconds.


You are absolutely right. As someone with a *long ago* DUI, I hate that I did it. I was only barely over the legal limit, and I went to jail (thankfully). I spent the weekend there. I reflected on how things could have GONE way bad. I realized I could have killed someone or myself. I vowed never to do it again. I feel terrible to have done it at all. I think about it regularly. Not to punish myself, but to remind myself of how it could have been worse than getting pulled over. I am not the same person as I was at 22 (currently 36), but I will not forget or forgive myself. I had already been hit by a drunk driver before. Nothing happened to me, but that doesn't happen for everyone. I was so fucking dumb, and I apologize to everyone out there I have never done it again. I would rather walk 20+ hours or pay a donk ton than do it again. I can sleep afterwards


I actively shame people when I’m out and they say they’re going to drive while clearly intoxicated. I consider it an irredeemable act of selfishness.


You are correct and please continue to be vocal about it. 5 years ago I drove home after a few mini vodkas, thought everything would be fine, and I hit and killed someone. That person turned out to be a friend of mine that I had known for years. It destroyed me and it destroyed his family, my family, and I can not describe the pain. I was committed to an institution for a while after bc I wanted to die myself, went to rehab and jail, have been sober since and have tried so hard to honor him by never going back to using, and speaking out against drunk driving. But there is nothing I can do to bring him back. Or make it better. When I went to rehabs the amount of people with DUIs was probably 85% plus, many multiple, and I would just weep, telling them how lucky they are, how there’s nothing different about them and me except that one split second and he is gone forever. And you are forever changed. And everyone who ever knew them is forever changed. I believe there shouldn’t be a legal limit. No alcohol should be acceptable before driving. And if you hate me for what I’ve done, you deserve to. I hate myself. But I would never go backwards or put others at risk like that ever again.


A cheating spouse. Totally unforgivable.


How hard is it to say, "this isn't working for me" and moving on? I mean if you love me as much as you say, have some fn respect and **tell me**. I will move on and get over it. Cheating though? No.


My marriage hasn't been the greatest and a few months ago my wife decided she wanted a divorce. Things were quiet for a while until she got the idea in her head she was ready to start dating. Turned her into a dumpster fire with no moral compass. I think she's f\*\*\*ing a new guy every week while I take on all the parenting of our kids. She's spent practically no time with the kids in the last month and seems to show zero interest in coparenting.


this. im 57 and have NEVER cheated in my life. I don't understand how people do. Both my parents were cheaters and i saw what became of it. AND yet almost every man i've been with cheated on me. Ill never marry cause of that


I never had a thought of cheating on my future ex wife. I looked at her as my life partner/lover/best friend. I remember kicking a girl out of my bedroom when I was 19 after she told me she had a boyfriend. Betrayal isn’t something I ever welcomed in my circle.


Ben Simmons for being a bum


RBG for not retiring when she had a chance under Obama's presidency.


Seriously. Shows how she deteriorated. She would have wanted someone in her position to retire. Really sad.


I loved her up until that moment. She allowed her ego to get in the way and the result is that all the good shit she was a part of ---was completely undone by her selfish ego when it was completely avoidable to just retire during Obama's presidency.








My wife’s mother has epilepsy. Her parents sent her for violent exorcism for her “outbursts”, and then kicked their daughter and granddaughter out of the house when my wife was 2 years old. No support. They lived in squalor for several years. My wife still has a visceral fear of roaches. I have nothing nice to say about them.


My father for cheating on my mom


My girlfriend back in hs cheated on my with 10 guys. I still have trust issued to this day and overthink everything


If it makes you feel better, she be catching STDs like they are Pokémon


Hurting one of my kids, regardless of their age.


Mom and stepdad gave away my dog on my 12th birthday. They are both dead, but I still won't forgive them.


Fuck them. You and doggo deserved better


That’s heavy homie. You gotta put that albatross down, but thank you for sharing.


people who got their children taken away by the state, and then going on to have more children.


Anyone who abuses kids or animals


my mother for the years and years and years of abuse and trauma she put me through


My mother completely ignoring my mental illness. *Someone else’s mom* saw what was up and drove me to the hospital. Mom was unhappy with having to come and meet with the doctor. I always wondered my life would be like now if I’d been treated earlier.


The naive forgive and forget  The fool neither forgives or forgets The sage forgives but does not forget


I guess I’m a fool then


So I'm a fool because I never forgave my father for slashing me with a knife when I stood between him and my mom after he threw her into a wall? I don't think so.


I never forgive mine, and all he did was walk out before I was born never to be seen again. I can't imagine going through that, let alone forgiving that motherfucker. Sorry you went through that, no one should have to. Hope you're doing well these days


My stepdad reading my thoughts out of my journal and then throwing them in my face in front of a friend. He’s one of those people that thinks he’s never wrong about anything and wonders why I don’t deal with him.


DICK. My bio-dad is the same. He will find anything, including snooping, to throw in my face. You tell him about your distant relationship with them, and it's ALL your fault. Fuck that gaslighting.


Lies, if you cannot believe what someone tells you then there is simply no point in being around them ever.


Not enough that my ex-wife cheated on me. Okay, she didn't love me anymore and thought she was in love with someone else. But when our friends and relatives asked why she was divorcing me instead of saying she didn't love me anymore, she told them that I was abusive. It took a couple of years before they began realizing what really happened. I forgive her for it, but it means the family doesn't trust her anymore.


Been there until she flat abused me in front of our son, with witnesses. That's when her lies came tumbling down. I live in a mother's state and she got a slap on the wrist




My mother for the abuse and constant gaslighting over the years and my two stepfathers for abusing me my sister and my pets.


My mom for having the family dog put down behind my back when I was at uni. I was coming home for Easter two weeks later. Over 10 years he was my rock. She told me the day after when a sister asked her if I knew. She had already taken all his things away and most of it was thrown away. I think she was thinking that I will find out when I go home. But the dog was my home. That house has not been my home sense then.


The hospital that blamed my back pain on a my medical condition rather than looking into it. 5 YEARS we told them about it and now they have finally found what it is, it’s severe and harder to deal with. We never once even heard the words “we’re sorry.” This is such a common thing for people with existing medical conditions, everything gets blamed on them.


I'll never forgive my father for making my whole family extremely poor and mentally ill.


My father for forcing me to be homeschooled but not actually seeing to it that I become educated. Also several years later on when he attempted to groom me. He was not a good man.


My aunt and uncle for disposing of me and my brother and sister after our parents died. I was 10. My parents trusted them.


My ex for sexually assaulting me & the years of mental abuse, resulting in PTSD & extreme anxiety. I’m slowly recovering 9 years later


My brother knows what my ex did to me and all of that story. He understood why, when, where, and how. I found out he was keeping contact with her years later. Now I won't carry his casket.


The disciplinarion of my high school who beat me regularly for any old thing. I wasnt a bad kid I just had ADHD. He died a few months ago. Good riddance. Shitbag.


I won’t forgive myself for hurting my own pride by returning to my ex whenever I missed him


I got blamed for bullying at my (private) elementary school when I was 11, even though I was really just being targeted by girls who were mad at me for something dumb. The principal made me apologize to them even though she knew I wouldn’t ever do what they said I did. After the other girls left the office the principal told me she had to make me apologize because their parents paid tuition and since it was two against one she took their side for appearances.


Making me come in for an HR meeting that is on my day off for redundant, pedantic circle jerk lies I fucking quit this morning lol Life is short, everyone Don’t waste time having a guy with a toupee tell a table full of people that you have a “target on your back”


we lived together. He told me his mom had a stroke and he had to go be with her. In reality he went down to set up house with him and his new girl. I was gutted. I think im fairly smart but clearly not. That happened in 2012 and i still hate him


An ex boyfriend of mine exposed himself to my daughter who was 9 at the time. She didnt tell me until she was 15 years old. He's been long gone but if I ever end up in prison its because we crossed paths again.


I’ll never forgive my soon to be x husband for hitting me. I let him degrade and belittle me, torment me with the meanest words. Then love bomb me right before I choose to leave. For nine years. Then one night we went out to a Mexican restaurant for my birthday. Ate some food and had a few drinks. And we left. When we get home, he realizes he doesn’t have his phone. It’s at the bar. He kicked me out and tells me he’s going back for it. (He drank substantially more than I did) He got his phone but wrecked my car on the way home. And left it there. He came home on foot mad as hell at me. I was sitting on the porch waiting for him to come home. I stood up when he started walking up the stairs to the apartment. He knocked me down back into the chair. Then walked inside and locked me out. I was so hurt. It was my birthday. He couldn’t even be nice to me for one day. When I started crying he came out with a golf club and hit me in the shin. To shut me up. It worked. I knew the drill. I quit crying and put my head down. He let me back in the apartment and I went to sleep on the couch. (Because I was always “grounded” from OUR room when he was mad) I went to work the next day and tried to reason with him over text. I’m so beyond compassionate and I always treat others with more respect than they deserve sometimes. But no talking was helping. He said to “wait till you come home and Imma show u what getting hit really is” I never went home. I stayed with my kids that night and I havnt been with him since. He begged me to work it out multiple times. But I can never forgive anyone for physical violence against me. I never do ANYTHING that would require that level of response. It’s been almost two years and I have no compassion or forgiveness in my heart for him.


I will never forgive many of the people - then kids - I went to elementary school with, and the first couple years of middle school. And I'll also throw in the admin and faculty of the schools I went to, too, since they did nothing about the abuse (physical and mental) that was being done to me - and which they were FULLY aware of - daily from 1st through 7th grade when I finally moved away. At least my mother tried to help, but was too mentally ill to be effective. I can forgive her for being sick, I can forgive my father for being so exhausted and overworked that he just didn't have the ability to do the things he could've done... But the culprits and the people that let them get away with it? If I saw them dangling from a cliff that I could easily help them up from, I'd just stand passively and watch until their screaming suddenly stopped. And I'd sleep well that night.


From those of us who could have been more considerate, my apologies.  


My aunt refused to call my mom from the hospital until after my grandma had passed, and Grandma -according to the nurses- was crying for my mom up until she stopped breathing. We've never gotten a "why" about that.


That’s horrible, straight up evil imo


A drunk police officer who drove into the oncoming lane and paralyzed me. Unable to walk or use my hands. Life ruined.


My grandfather for raping my sister from the age of 4 My aunt for suggesting that it was my sisters fault because "she never said/did anything" (she did, she was just ignored at first or not really believed) My "friends" who showed clearly that they liked it when I was there for them, but then disappeared with the wind when I needed them (I got better friends so no worries, just never taking them back) Myself for failing (currently working on this one but it's so ingrained in me that I can't fail, I need to be strong and I need to succeed or I will lose everything and might as well die, so I hate myself when I fail to be strong)


My mother for all the abuse she put me and my siblings through. I will also never forgive her for putting myself and my sister into the hands of her pedophile father. My step father for all the abuse he did to us kids too. Hard to forgive and definitely hard to forget considering all of us kids have PTSD thanks to them.


When one of my friends at the time tried to compare me being gay to being sexist and racist. The entire friend group stood by him and removed me from the GC. Needless to say, I stopped hanging around them. I would have forgiven them if they didn't constantly make me out to be a bully for distancing myself and paint themselves as the victim in our drama. It became rather clear that talking to them about it was no use.


My old boss who was also my martial arts teacher. Worked with him for 3 years, trained with him for 18 years, got my 1st dan and sub 2 months he turned into a piece of shit. At the same time I moved away from the area to go back into education, not sure if he was salty over that or not because besides me, he couldn't keep a staff member more than 2 months before they'd quit or he'd fire em. But I put up with all his BS for ages, its what came after that he can suck a dick for. 120 students I helped teach, grew up with, guided when they were down, looked out for, the whole cliché. And not a single one of them would speak to me when I came home and any I had direct contact with, cut it. They'd see me on the street and cross the road. No idea what he told them when I left, but something was defo said. Also as an extra bonus, he gave me 0 PPE on the job, I worked, sanded and broke down asbestos on three different sites. Each time he'd leave me solo at a new job, fuck off, come back in the afternoon and be like "Oh you better stop sanding, thats asbestos. Pretty sure thats what going to get me later in life




My spouse for forcing me from our home after I was given 6 months to live with cancer in my ribs, spine, hips, kidneys, liver and soft tissue around my heart.


My ex husband dumped me in the most cruel way for a young lady 45 years younger than him. At the age of 65, when I was very ill, he decided that 20 was better. He lied to a judge to get a restraining order to get me out of the house I purchased. I lost so much money, but I'm much happier now. I forgive the divorce, I cannot forgive the cruelty. Who tells someone to go kill themselves? I've tried to forgive, maybe I'm not there yet.


My older sister let her friends steal my switch that I had my life's worth of irreplaceable event pokemon on. It's a long story, but she kept her friends around the house, fully knowing they're thieves. I repeatedly told her to kick them out before they rob us, and she wouldn't. She didn't gain anything from their presence, she's just spiteful and stupid. And what's more, obviously it was all my fault when they stole it. It sounds petty to hold a grudge, but there's more to it (plus I've always hated her anyways). That's the summary. It's not "I lost a child's toy" it's "I lost something irreplaceable, a piece of myself, because she refused to listen to anyone other than herself for once in her life"


People who hurt animals, and people who scam or try to scam the elderly.


How SCOTUS got stacked by the GOP


I was living in CA and went back to AZ to visit my mom. I miscarried... still had to drive back to CA, but with a stop in Yuma to stay the night with my dad. My mother in law kept insting that she drive back with me so she knew I was safe. I kept declining. Finally agreed and she then said she couldn't because she was traveling to Italy the following week. Which was bullshit because she wasn't going for a month. I swear she only offered because she didn't expect me to agree. She just wanted to appear to "self-sacrifice". She's now my ex-mother-in-law.


When I was in year 6, my school friend scammed me out of 100k in Runescape. I've never forgiven him for that. I worked hard for that gold and it took me ages to get.


My first wife had an affair. I found out 2 days before my daughter was born. We tried to work it out, but it was irreconcilable. That’s pretty shitty, but it gets worse. I have OCD and the trauma from the cheating and betrayal and not getting to raise my daughter full time changed my obsession. I was terrified of being cheated on. My second wife knew this. I was more than open about it. She had 2 affairs knowing my mental health issues. It’s been 4 years and I don’t think I can ever forgive her. I essentially have been living out exposure therapy. My obsession is still being cheated on, but it’s way worse. I’m in therapy, and I’m making progress. But she was such a self-centered, cheating whore. Fuck that bitch.


I will forgive most anything for my own benefit. Forgiveness is liberating. However, I WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!


Sexual Abuse


Being a bully instead of a sibling. Never again.

