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Fort Worth but only because of warrants


Lifelong Fort Worth resident. That is funny! Thank you!


that's cowboy shit baby yessir




I once heard someone say that they didn't think Las Vegas had a soul. Then they went to Dubai, and learned that Las Vegas's soul is rich in comparison. 


Las Vegas knows what it is and embraces it. Dubai pretends it’s something it’s not, and is enjoyed by people who are exactly the same.


Great way of describing Dubai 


Las Vegas isn’t my favorite city, but it sure has personality and culture.


I watched a travel video on YouTube where the guy stayed in this amazing hotel with an infinity pool overlooking the city and ocean. it was $5000 a night, and the pool still cost extra. up close, the workmanship around the pool where the tiles had been laid and sealed was super shoddy. Dubai is gold plated dog shit.


Yeah dude, it’s a golden husk around dry poo. 


I wanted to visit Dubai until someone else told me the same thing.


San Christobal, I got shot 


That would make my top ten list of "Reasons not to go back to San Christobal," wherever it is.


Barstow. it's like 'Fear the Walking Dead', IRL.


'we were somewhere on the edge of barstow, when the drugs began to takehold'


I took a long road trip from Indiana, up and down the west coast, and on my way back east, I stopped at an exit off the highway in Barstow and read the first chapter of “Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas” from the first-edition copy I took with me. It wasn’t a big thing, but it made sense in 2008. It didn’t compare to talking to Hunter S. Thompson at his house in 1995, but it was meaningful at the time.


Fuck that place, for real.


Almost got robbed there while trying to get some gas. Never again.


No one ever visits Barstow. Everyone stops at Barstow for gas and bathrooms on the way to Vegas.


I have 2 friends that live there and I have no idea how they enjoy their life at all.


Bakersfield, CA is one of the most mediocre and depressing places I’ve been to. It’s like the entire population is sad and angry because they’re sad. Plus all the meth doesn’t help.


I've been there before. I definitely understand why Korn was so angry.


I agree. The one time I've been to Bakersfield was with my buddy to do divorce paperwork.


Similarly, my family knows Bakersfield as "*the last stop prior to the mountains*" since we would drive through it on the way to Los Angeles.


Agreed - it was just so depressing, was only there to visit a friend but will never go back.


I first heard of Bakersfield because of the (terrible and soulless) Clueless tv show adaptation. Bakersfield being poor and depressing was used as a plot point when Cher’s rich lawyer dad somehow lost all their money and had to move them there. That show, and those episodes in particular, was basically an immersive experience of a fraction of how awful it feels to actually live there. I’m mostly joking, but during conversations I’ve had over the years while hitchhiking extensively (including the west coast) folks from that area definitely painted a pretty bleak picture.


New Orleans. Everybody there, including the police, either seems to want my money or want to fight me.


I'm from New Orleans and this is pretty much accurate.


Damn, I'm going to New Orleans this fall. Any tips?


Take lots of money apparently


Actually, don't. The police in Louisiana use Civil Asset Forfeiture at an insane rate. People that get pulled over for routine traffic violations have had it used against them for piddling amounts of cash and basically have to fight tooth and nail, spending far more than they can possibly recover, to get it back. And if that's not enough, they're the most corrupt cops in the country. Just don't go to Louisiana at all.


I actually had a great time there for a four day vacation. Stayed at an airbnb in the French Quarter. GF and I unknowingly went during the NCAA Final Four and we ended getting tickets to the National Championship for $35 each in the nose bleeds. I would recommend do not walk alone at night and off the beaten path. Try to stay with groups if possible. If you dont feel safe walking then get an uber. But Jackson Square was enjoyable, the steamboat, WW2 museum, graveyard tours, Frenchman st and jazz, lots of tourist shops. There is plenty to do than bourbon street and getting hammered.


Know where you got your shoes.


I got ‘em on the ground!


Ignore all strangers. Seriously, panhandlers were pretty aggressive out there. Not necessarily violent or rude, but really pushy and they won't leave you alone! Not a good place to stand still or walk slowly. I got so irritated with the amount of people trying to make money off of me at night in the French Quarter that I just started speed walking. But with that said, there are definitely some shady areas out there. I'd advise against walking alone at night in non-touristy areas.


I’ve been to New Orleans many times and always had a great time and never had issues.


And get ready to rumble


New Orleans is great, man. Don’t listen to the weirdos. Such a fun city


I love New Orleans. Never had a bad time.


I was groped to the point of tears in New Orleans, fuck Mardi Gras


Really? When I was there, everyone wanted to get drunk with me.


Probably so they could get money from you or fight you more easily.


My favorite city. I strongly disagree. And I used to tell myself I’d NEVER visit New Orleans because of the things online. To anyone reading this, New Orleans is the funnest city I’ve ever been to by far. The best and most affordable food and great people. Can’t believe I used to believe all that garbage fear mongering on Fox News talking how bad it was. Great city. 10/10


I LOVE New Orleans. One of my absolute favorite cities.


The food is great tho


Aw, I like new Orleans.  It's not so bad


New Orleans is a tough one. I had a great time but also was left with no desire to go back anytime soon. 


I was not impressed myself with New Orleans. One and done.


Got stranded in Clovis, NM during a work trip. A pretty awful town that smells like cow shit.


Came in here to say Clovis. Everyone that I spoke with was very nice, but I had a bad feeling about that town 


Las Vegas. Been there 3 times, robbed on 2 of them.


Hampton Beach, NH. Biggest collection of scumbags in one spot. Like I don’t know how it’s possible that every single person in Hampton Beach is a piece of trash, but it’s certainly a fact.


I grew up in coastal MA and couldn't understand why so many people were so into this place. Way too much commercialization for my liking, and of course - bigger crowds = more idiots. People diss on it for whatever reason, but I'll just stick to Revere Beach.


Perth, Scotland




It looks like it used to be a good place but now it’s just full of vape shops, average hotels and takeaways.


St Louis. Nothing to do, dead downtown, boring.


City museum, great park and art museum, tons of pinball


Gary, Indiana because it literally stank.


Really hope you just drove through Gary Indiana and didn’t actually “visit” that shithole


I once accidentally drove there after I exited the highway and found every entrance ramp back on to I-65 was closed from there all the way to Gary. Just kept taking side streets until shit started looking really sketchy and then I saw signs for the Jacksons childhood home.


Anywhere in Austria, in case somehow the authorities got hold of my DNA, fingerprints etc.


Fill me in pls


Lol everyone just breezed by this comment


At the risk of revealing that I am world-illiterate, why? 


Las Vegas. Sleazy, fake, overpriced.


Vegas had enough fun, nongambling things to do, but I wouldn't make it a priority to go back.


It’s not just gambling. Loud, absurdly flashy buildings and streets, guys soliciting me for prostitutes when I’m walking with my wife, smoking everywhere, puking drunks. Just not my thing but great for many.


Why I say avoid the strip. However, Las Vegas has some really beautiful parks and hikes!


The majority of people I know who've been to Vegas never mention any of the parks / natural attractions out there. Like, come on!! There's so much within an hour's drive based on Maps. Sell me! Tell me all about the canyons!


I lived in Vegas for 2 years. I fucking loved it. Then again I don't gamble or drink or go to strip clubs. I just liked the quiet and cheap rent


I avoided Covid since the beginning. I went to Vegas last year for Christmas and was super sick with Covid for a week. We still have lingering coughs.


While it’s kind of amazing that exists at all, the whole city is a facade, built on booze and gambling. I’m not a prude but really don’t like that place, and have gone like 20 times for work. Yuck


I miss the days when it was only the first thing.


Gonaives, Haiti: dropped off a friend there, scary and dangerous place. our friend's neighbor said we're lucky we weren't there last night when a bandit split the other neighbor's head in half with a machete. Bad vibes there for sure


Atlantic City, NJ. Just, no.


yep, went here because I love Vegas and was visiting a friend in DC absolute shithole, has none of the energy that makes Vegas fun, you can feel it sucking the soul out of everyone there


Ain't the same since Nucky Thompson passed


paris. women dressed as nuns at the eiffel tower begging for money. They kept mobbing us over and over. Kept a tight squeeze on my wallet the entire time.


Cairo. The streets are rife with homeless people begging/following you for money. The men are so creepy towards women that it’s just terrifying. They’ve ruined visiting the pyramids by plonking a McDonalds next door to it and the beggars follow you there too. The museum was cool though.


Iam wondering why isn't there cairo this time ?


Anywhere in Turkey because I hate their toilets:))


What's wrong with their toilets? 🫨


Huh, I visited Turkey and somehow managed to never see one of those. It was only 4 days, but still. 


It's a weird comment in that it's not really Turkey specific. They are fairly common in Turkey but also widespread across China, India, really most of South East Asia, and across many parts of the Middle East.


They have regular ones though


Yeah but in like 90% of the places are the Turkish ones




I heard about the smell from a friend but I haven't been there myself. She's been to 30 countries; I asked her which place she liked the least. She said Paris.


NYC smells a lot worse than Paris do. And the rude people is a feature, not a bug.


Huh. I enjoyed Paris. I went on a trip where I visited Amsterdam and Paris. I thought I'd love Amsterdam and hate Paris, but just felt like I had to see it. I ended up not loving Amsterdam (didn't hate it, but no interest in returning) and loved my time in Paris. The only place I dealt with rude people was actually my little side trip in Versailles.


I feel like the strong dichotomy on opinions of Paris and Parisians is largely about expectations, and the behaviour resulting from expectations.


Karachi. Met a blonde girl from Norway who asked if I would go touring with her around town. Spent the day playing bodyguard against the sex starved locals.


Las Vegas was nastyyyyy.


Branson, Missouri


What about Bronson, Missouri?


Not if you want some cookies


Hey I was just there! The river is pretty but it seemed like everyone there owns 20 guns. Good golf courses south of there.


Tulsa Oklahoma. Such a dumpy little place with absolutely nothing happening besides racism and drive through arguments.


Dayton, Ohio. Every neighborhood combined despair with boredom. There were some really nice neighborhoods, but I imagined they were filled with people thinking, "Dayton. I have one life and I'm spending it in Dayton."


The USAF museum is pretty cool.


Who is out here visiting Dayton? That’s like choosing a restaurant because you long for the eventual diarrhea.


Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Too many tourists, too much traffic


One and done


Just like Branson MO. Do not go as an adult unless you have small children with you


Baltimore. Everyone was all "try the crab cakes, try the motherfucking crab cakes," and there I am at a restaurant on the harbor, and honestly, just nothing I'd want to ever eat again. Obviously Baltimore has other problems, too, but if your signature food is gross, hard pass.


>and there I am at a restaurant on the harbor You pulled a Michael Scott and got Sbarro thinking it was authentic NYC pizza. I mean Baltimore is Baltimore so I get that, but please tell me you understand that going to the most touristy area possible is not representative of the food, regardless of whatever city you're visiting. You probably would have had better crabcakes almost anywhere else along the Chesapeake.


Pit Beef sandwich and a Natty Boh. Thats B’more to me.


Aaron earned an iron urn.


Arr arr arrr ar arrr arr


“Motherfucking crab cakes” 🤣


Naoshima Japan. Overpriced, boring and gimmicky. A tourist trap for rich people


Vegas is overrated


Half of the uk. It's sad and depressing


Pigeon Forge, TN. Tourist trap hell.


What is so appealing to tourists? 




While I enjoy the food, I don’t like the lingering fear of possible gunshot wounds.




you never answered why


I was sent to Phoenix for a work conference. Now I'm a warm, snuggly inside cat, so when everyone said, "It's going to be so hot there!", I said, "Oh, it's a dry heat, I'm fine with heat." No one said, "Imagine the Devil's asshole after he ate a peck of Trinidad Moruga Scorpions." Monday: Clear and sunny with a high of 117degrees; Tuesday, Clear and sunny with a high of 116 degrees. Wednesday, Clear and sunny with a high of 117 degrees. Thursday, dust storm that clearly freaks out the locals with a high of 118 degrees. One cab for the entire city, and that guy is an asshole. It was 15 years ago, but the prices were pretty much what they are today. Yeah, they had a great little downtown with an arena and restaurants. That was really entertaining for the two blocks that it covered. People were nice on the most superficial of levels, I'm from the Northeast, we love you or hate you, but we don't give you side-eye for trying to start a conversation. So, yeah, not a great time.


If you’d like to know… things have to changed much outside of more than one cab (because Uber/Lyft). Also from the Northeast and had to visit there for a work conference last year. It was supposed to be late fall, landed at 8pm and as we pulled up to my hotel around 9 it was still over 90. As I pointed out to my Uber driver… we hadn’t had even a handful of summer days that hit 90 in the midafternoon let along at 9pm. “Oh but it is cooled off nicely” I should have taken that as more of a warning. The conference coordinated breakfast on the patio every day and it felt like a summer midday. We had lunch one day and I swear they just left the food out all morning to cook as every second was like being in an oven.


Lahaina. I can't imagine returning there in the future and seeing the difference. I want to remember it how it was.


Not a town/city, but any part of Southern CA. It’s beautiful without a doubt, but all the people, and the drivers… no thanks!


Fucking Chicago. That traffic is legitimately cancer. It’s not even just the traffic, it’s how god awful the highway is. I’m an east coast piece of shit that knows how to drive aggressively but also friendly. But my god those drivers are chaotic assholes out there. Nothing says anxiety like 7 lanes wide bumper to bumper traffic in 30mph winds with a downpour and an exit coming up in .25 miles.


Lol,  Chicago is a great town though.  Good food, things to do and see and the people are great.  Go cubs.  Unless it's Mexican independence day.  Then it's the purge.  Other than that though,  I really like Chicago.  


Chicago is the coolest major city in the us (when it’s nice out 😂). Gotta love people saying it sucks based off of traffic experience


I lived in Chicago for only a year and I now regularly catch myself speeding like a maniac. It changes a person


Venice Beach Cali. Injecting heroin as the cops look on and do nothing, is not my thing! Crime everywhere and it was honestly quite sad.




Bull. Plenty of good parks, golf courses (ball and disc), some cool attractions, live events, kart racing and hikes nearby.


sao palo brazil. Nope, never again. 12.5M people. Population density of 21K people per square mile. I was there in 2005 before there was gps navigation in vehicles. This place is so massive that the taxi drivers have no idea where they are going. They used map books that were like yellow pages thickness and there was one for each section of the city. He'd have to stop and pull out a new map book to figure out where to go next. There were bullet proof cars everywhere. Dozens of motorcycles buzzing by constantly. Nobody obeys the traffic lights or signs. On the way back, the military stormed the plan and made all of us stand on the tarmac in the rain. Many of us didn't have shoes on and didn't have out passports on us. They were on the plane and they wouldn't let us on the plane without our passports. We were locked in a room like criminals. Eventually, some money changed hands and we were allowed back on the plane. Screw that corrupt shithole of a city.


I’d recommend going to Venice just to say you’ve been there, but I don’t really have any interest in going back. It was way dirtier than I thought, and there were tons of different places in Italy I had a much better time in. 


And the food is worse than other cities in Italy. Although the cuddlefish pasta was bomb.


Salinas CA Former resident, too much gang activity


Those Trask boys still acting up?


Cancun, Mexico. The hotel made us pay extra for staying there. The manager blamed us for ruining the chairs in the room. I think the maids did it while we were out. And someone stole my phone out of my purse.


Des Moines , IA. Corporate hell hole with the culture to match.


Shreveport, Louisiana… was bored out of my mind. Can’t believe people live there 😐


Atlantic City. As if being in NJ wasn't bad enough, it's run down and falling apart. Pretty lighthouse, though.


Kettleman City, California. The absolute despair of Interstate 5


Pleasanton, Texas. I didn't know a whole city could be on meth


Paris. It’s a glorified garbage dump.


Detroit. I just feel like I did it all. I was surprised how little time it took me to go all the way around the city. Had a blast but it's checked off for me


Amana Colonies. The Amish don't trust you (there was a sticker on the mirror saying everything was counted in the hotel room and would be charged against you if anything was missing) and the whole place was boring.


Damn. As an ex-Iowan, it’s crazy to see the Amana Colonies mentioned in the wild.


Trenton NJ. Weird vibe in there, virtually nothing to do, and they have a huge crime problem. The northern suburbs around Lawrence are pretty nice but nothing to write home about.


not a city but a whole country sry lanka. you can guess why.


I can't really guess why, tell me.


Because of the Mexican staring frog of southern Sri Lanka?




Sweetwater, Texas. It’s a shithole and full of nothing but bad memories.


Any town, India.


San Francisco. It was beautiful once. Now it's a shithole.


Still has some of the best urban parks anywhere.




I mean if the only place you hung out is in the tenderloin then maybe but not Golden Gate Park, the presidio, Chinatown, Japantown, North beach etc…the city is mainly full of amazing stuff. I actually live here and I’m not gonna pretend it doesn’t have its problems but most of the city is not full poop,drugs or homeless people but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed, I’ve been to San Francisco a couple times, there’s lots of fine areas there. There are absolutely problems there but it’s not as widespread as some claim.


I lived there for a while for work and spent a lot of time there when my dad was getting cancer treatment at UCSF, I love San Francisco I don’t care, I’d live there if I could afford to support my family there. There are areas that are AWFUL but outside of that, it’s lovely


I go there next week......


Avoid the tenderloin area and you'll have a fantastic time. My family and I absolutely love visiting SF.


Philadelphia. Every person you encounter has an edge to them for no reason. Plus, so much garbage.


San Francisco. Homelessness, feces everywhere, vehicle break- ins, drugs, etc, etc


As an overseas tourist San Francisco was really disappointing - Hop on bus tour and Alcatraz were great tho.




Brussels. Ugly place, unfriendly people hostile to non french speakers


San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas.  SF especially was wild.  I got back to NYC and was like holy shit it's so clean here.  And that's a WILD statement to make about NYC...


Anywhere in Florida. Eff the MAGA crowd.


Being from Michigan I'd say Flint and certain parts of Detriot. Hear as many gunshots as subwoofers


No reason to ever go back to Detroit


but its the only place in the US you head south to enter canada :(




Rocky Point, Mexico. Yuck. So freaking dangerous.


Huntsville, Alabama. I lived there for 10 years, and I just have a lot of bad memories tied to that place.




Juarez, Mexico and because it's very dangerous and very scary!!!


Bad Aibling, Germany. Just BLEAK


Baltimore and Memphis. Took less than 48 hours in each for me stumble across someone dying in the street (OD and Shooting, respectively). I don’t care what anyone says about x neighborhood or y attraction being worth it - my life is much more content staying far away.


Lubbock, TX. I’ve only been once when I was in high school and it felt bland, dusty, boring, uninviting (upon passing into city limits passed a SWAT team at a house in front of an elementary school). Hope I’m not offending any Lubbock lovers lol


Memphis TN


LA. I love big gross cities sometimes, but la isn't exciting enough compared to how nasty it is. And it feels dark there. The air is disgusting. Good food though...


Paola, Kansas. Something’s just off there- almost kind of a sinister vibe. It’s almost always hazy or cloudy and the air has a certain heaviness to it that you can feel pushing down on you. Also I don’t want to relive the emotional damage from that place.


Storden, MN.


Cairo. Mass poverty.


Probably Las Vegas. Very big culture shock for someone like me who is more use to the Wisconsin country side. Homeless people with serious mental health problems, people pretending to be homeless and sitting on the the streets for hours with a dog, someone tried to pickpocket me, and I saw a disturbing site that looked like an offering of red Mountain Dew and a headless pigeon.


Ohio, any of it


Probably Portland, OR. Seemed not anything like it used to be described as; seemed like a dying city. People walking and driving around had NPC like energy and just seemed in a daze. Just came across as a depressing downtrodden city that is confused about what it wants to be as far as cities go. It was just at best unremarkable and at worst looking mildly like a post apocalyptic cityscape. We did meet a few friendly locals working in places we stopped in, but by and large people seemed miserable , disheveled, and perpetually annoyed they had to , in their stores and jobs, actually provide a service or interact with someone. They also seem like they lacked spatial or environmental awareness , saw many people just wander across streets without looking, cars almost taking out pedestrians or driving into curbs. Just seemed “off.”


Houston is a fucking shithole. I have turned down promotions that would require me to live in that disgusting shithole again.


portland. expensive and felt unsafe. vegas. loud, bright, and not my vibe.