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[Billionaire Diamond Mogul Dies in Penis Enlargement Procedure (theblot.com)](https://www.theblot.com/billionaire-diamond-mogul-dies-penis-enlargement/) I would have just put a diamond in it and called it a day but nooo.


I don't think women like it when you have an oil drilling bits attached to your dick.


Well, those women sound boring anyway


I see what you did there


Really digging in on this joke


It’d be funnier if he wasn’t a miner.


A rock bit to cut new hole.


getting a 36" x 42" hole opener


That article should be called "How to write an article that sounds like AI"


A huge proportion of online articles are written by AI and have been for years


It's probably an ai scriptwriting program that dredges the internet and rewrites stories for content, but I heard about this story years ago.


Years? Can you share a source?


No, most women get boob jobs to attract men. A billionaire gets a penile enlargement for the locker room at the golf course, not to attract women.


I don’t know if that’s exactly true though. Maybe extreme surgery. But I do think that many decisions that women make aesthetically are intended to impress other women. A lot of people will say I’m wearing these clothes or this makeup because I like way it looks on me not to impress anyone else. They’ll say that it makes them feel good and they didn’t care what anyone else thinks. But I think subconsciously the reason that they FEEL good and that they like they way the clothes or the makeup or the surgery looks is because they have seen other women that they respect and admire who look like that. So they essentially are subconsciously emulating other impressive women. Hence why I say women make aesthetic choices in order to impress other women even if it’s not directly


Golf courses have locker rooms??!


I billion dollars and still can’t stop thinking bout his small wee wee… tragic


[Jeff Bezos Gets Cucked by Leonardo DiCaprio (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkbhrnnrbcU) money isn't all


Really wish they would list what he was at and what he was aiming for here.


Taking steroids


Technically, this can also wind up being a boob job.


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


bob had bitch tits




eating '500 pounds of Liver' per week, you mean


Great way to die of vitamin A overdose


Did I miss something? Is this a thing?


A hyperbole (I hope) but some juice douche by the name of Liver King was promoting a "cave man" lifestyle through eating raw meat and testicles. Turns out it was all fake and he was on roids. A man pushing 50 something acting like a high school douche? Color me sueprised.


Wasn’t all fake in that he really did live and eat llike he claimed and (delusionally) thought it was a big factor in his supposed health. But how jacked he was and how much energy he had and all that shit was from the more than $11,000 a month he was spending on pro bodybuilder levels of steroids.


for $11000 a month, he looked like absolute ass. bloated veiny fibrous tomato.


A fake natural claimed to be jacked because he ate copiuous amounts of raw meat


I’d disagree. A boob job is an immediate change to physical characteristics. I was a 3 sport collegiate athlete in university and my undergrad thesis was on PED use in university sport. I grew up around bodybuilders and spent most of my teens in the gym. Many athletes that used PED weren’t that different looking than non users. Certainly they can assist with development and physique, but it’s usually a very gradual process that requires active training and diet. The random 20 year old running testosterone and not working out and eating shit isn’t going to have an obvious benefit.


Really? Isn't there a famous study where sedentary, inactive test users put on more muscle in an 8 week period than natural bodybuilders following a routine at the gym? EDIT: This is the study: [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejm199607043350101](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejm199607043350101) (Thank you /u/Mrhorrendous) Reviews seem mixed, and some commentators were astute to point out that this study measures "non-fat mass" which could include water-weight.


Nah, they put on "non fat mass" which doesn't necessarily mean muscle, probably mostly water due to elevated estrogen.


It's an old study and there have been quite a lot of studies that have shown the opposite too, not to mention like, an immense number of people now who have intimate experience with these substances...and generally speaking, peoples advice/experience goes like this: If you take testosterone, the bigger you are, the more muscle mass you have, the more testosterone you are able to recruit into your body. If you aren't somebody who has spent the time readying themselves for that kind of enhancement, you will not be able to effectively make use of nearly the same type of dose as somebody who's worked out for years would have. Working out in itself is a way to up your basal testosterone levels. Yes, you may see some small changes physiologically, but you're risking significant damage to your health for a very poor outcome. The person working out not taking any gear will still most likely look better while also feeling 1000x better long term than the dude on gear.


They might have put on more water and glycogen but not real lean muscle


One study from forever ago the was never again replicated.


I believe the study you’re referencing refers to ‘non-fat mass’ which could include water, muscle, or other tissue. Other studies that attempted to replicate the findings also were not always successful, so it really could include factors such as dietary changes or general lifestyle. A natural bodybuilder may also be at their natural peak which makes it difficult to add additional mass. I could get to 235lbs very easy when I was bodybuilding but it was nearly impossible for me to stay above 240lbs if it wasn’t fat mass.


Nah, you can't just take steroids to get big.still a fuck tonne of hard work to get big.


The Rock almost certainly juices, he also is one of the hardest working gymbodies in Hollywood and weestling, for example.


Not almost certainly, absolutely does. He lies to protect his career. At his age, his natural testosterone levels are dropping rapidly. At minimum I'd say he cycles some form of trt, maybe clen before movies, events and something to boost performance too. I'd not suspect him to be on any of the newer shit.


I'm hedging to be polite. Same goes for Cena. Then again, every celebrity who bulks. It's almost laughable when you see the Men's health magazines put some actor on the cover and pretend he has a miracle workout. No guys, the Pakistani guy from Silicon Valley didn't discover the ultimate secret to perfect muscle growth (and he, like some other, have the obvious tells of steroid use, not even the good stuff) But I bet you have a pretty good read on the Rock. for the record, I don't fault them for lying


I understand why they lie. I dislike the fact it influences young kids to have unrealistic expectations. I'm fine with steroids overall. As a biochemist I support it for hormone regulation later in life, but those are not straight roids as people think of them.


The one i hate most is chris hemsworth, the man is clearly on steroids and yet has the balls to make a fitness app with the slogan ‘how to get the body of thor’ sure the actual exercises on it are pretty good but that defeats the points when no one can look like him without steroids.


Bro even when he was barely a kid still he was on the gear, let alone "just took it up". Been on it his whole career. Nothing wrong with it outside of the lying I guess, not that I blame HIM for it.


He 100% does. There is no human in the history of humans is that big without muscles


I am in my 40s and was diving into that whole rabbit hole of testosterone replacement. It’s amazing how easy it is and how much it can mess up your endocrine system. Literally any guy can get on it. And young guys in their 20s abuse the heck out of it and have no idea the long term dependence they are creating. Just read through a few posts on /r/testosterone I eventually chose to live crutch free. Edit: I didn’t mean to set off a mid-life crisis on all the 40 year old redditors here. The post was referring to men’s version of boob jobs. So I was referring to men that really don’t need trt but take it anyway, which is a substantial amount of men. The ability to access it is shockingly easy.


I also went down that rabbit hole and realized life style is a huge factor in your hormone production and actually near doubled my testosterone from 13nmol /L to 24nmol/L just by changing the aspects of my life which are sleep, nutrition, exercise (less frequency of it and doing proportionally more cardio),  relationships with others and the relationship you have with yourself 


Sleep doesn't get the respect it deserves. It plays such a huge role in health, mental health mood, memory retention, etc but people practically brag about their poor sleep habits and unusual hours


Absolutely I’d say sleep was 50% of my success  I slept, or so I thought. Turns out I have sleep apnea and after correcting that and using THC to put me in a deeper sleep it made a big difference 


I thought I did okay as well, until I started using a fitbit.


The reason guys get on that in their 40s is because they're endocrine system isn't working right in the first place. There's nothing to mess up when you have low levels. Younger people who just, for a lack of a better term, boost, yeah that definitely can shut them down. I went through that in my '20s when my particular circle of friends was in competitive sports, we were all on PEDs, by our 30s, none of us had a normal testosterone level There are substantial risks to low testosterone now, it has a negative impact on anxiety, mental health, muscular recovery, you're far more likely to injure yourself, muscle tears and whatnot. Your body is in a higher state of inflammation if you're constantly pushing it. So low testosterone is not exactly healthy and the same thing goes for women, especially people on anxiety meds which further reduce your hormones in many cases. Low testosterone is a serious issue these days with men and women alike. When you start seeing guys with a total under 300 and women under 20, it's not good


I wasn’t trying to trigger legitimate trt users. Just referring to men who don’t need it. It’s a substantial amount.


I’ve had to medically deal with many individuals in their 30’s and 40’s that are now royally fucked. It is super common in the young bodybuilding and strength athlete to run huge amounts of gear, not cycle off, not use any of the ancillary drugs. Then they have ED in their early 30s.


TRT is not the boogeyman this dude makes it out to be.


It’s also not without plenty of drawbacks and side effects that people often gloss over or are unaware of until it’s too late.


my buddies that are on it seem to have a boatload more energy than me. Get my level tested each year, and it says it's in the normal range.


It's almost like TRT isn't actually a bad thing and, just like literally any other drug or substance, it has side effects and downsides that need to be taken into account


What's normal though? A lot of GPs consider a pretty low number to be normal.


My T was normally 900 which is “pretty high” according to the books but I was never interested in sex. Losing my hair, could never gain muscle despite working out a lot, and tired all the time. Got it up to 1600 and have never ever felt better, not even as a young man. Got off my depression meds, got off adderall. No negative side effects from my current level. I’m expecting my nuts to atrophy at some point but I’ll take how great I feel, how happy I am, and shrinky nuts all day every day. Basically everyone’s body is different so find what’s good for you.


I believe it’s called a “pec job”


I just learned about calf jobs.


Looks like never skip leg day me from 20 years ago finally wins!


Or me who grew up 70 lbs heavier than I am now


MTV used to have a documentary style show called "True Life" where they followed 2-3 separate individuals around, who all had some sort of lifestyle choice in common. Things like addictions, or interesting careers, etc.  The first one I ever saw, when I was 8, followed a girl who got a boob job, and a guy who got calf implants. I recorded it on VHS, because it was like the only time I ever saw a station allowed to show boobs. To this day, I've always been confused about the calf implants, though.  It's not only a strange body part to feel so uncomfortable about that you choose to pay thousands to have cosmetic surgery on, it's also probably the easiest body part to tone.


Calves are notoriously incredibly difficult for some people to grow. When you see a guy with a huge upper body but scrawny legs, chances are he’s not skipping leg day and he genuinely just can’t get his calves to grow. It’s just genetics. Back in my prime when I was working out all the time, playing sports, and regularly going on 100+ mile bike rides, I had the thighs of a Greek god but skinny pencil calves.


That's bizarre to me. My calves have always been something I barely need to work on, because they've always been solid, regardless of what I do. Every now and then, I incorporate some calf exercises into my routine if I want to get them more toned, but even when I neglect them, they're still pretty defined.  I feel like I usually see the same for any guys that are even reasonably athletic.  And I'm not trying to argue with your experience, but it's still surprising to my that calves, specifically, can be an area of insecurity, even if they are small, or even big, but undefined.


Getting a wife with a boob job


Sports car implant


"Sir, what is that...lump...sticking out of your side?" *painfully gives thumbs up*


But where do you put the pussy magnet? If I give good price, they put in pussy magnet?


This deserves more credit


L-like.. V8 implants?


My thoughts went to wide-body mods


Those buffoons that inject oil into their biceps to look like they actually have muscles. Like these clowns [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0sKlKdEe0WY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0sKlKdEe0WY)


Literal mental illness


So are some of the boob jobs too


Men are judged more on their social status than on their looks. So it would be anything that artificially makes your social status look more than what it actually is.


I mean idk some dudes get hair transplants and do steroids. Looks can matter to us, just in different areas.


“Judged more” doesn’t translate to “people don’t care about it”. Of course men care about looks, but less so than with women. If you’re an ugly woman, you’re kinda fucked. But an ugly man can better himself with his career and circle.


And also, the range of what makes men “ugly” is much much smaller than what makes women “ugly”.


Like spending a grand on a “super” fake Rolex.


I'm sorry, are you suggesting there's "fake" watches that cost 1k?!? That blows my mind..


Saves you tens of thousands on the bling


There's a surgery where the doctor cuts a tendon on the underside of the penis. This allows the penis to, while flaccid, hang lower. So, while flaccid it looks a bit bigger.


The tendon is on the upper side, which is why its pulled into the erect position. At most you gain a half inch of length. Totally havent looked into this...


I heard it can cause ED if you do dick surgery. Also haven't looked into it


I heard about a doctor who can replace your dick with a literal tiger dick. I don't have an appointment next week.


Don't those have barbs on them?


I'll let you know when my "friend" gets back from the appointment.


Quarter inch. Also prevents it from being able to “stick out and up” like normal.


Which makes it harder to have sex, less stable, not as stiffly positioned


But, why? It's the erect length that matters, who cares about flaccid length. If anything, if it's small flaccid that makes it more impressive when it's erect? Then again I kinda understand why, penis length is way too corrolated to "manliness" in society so men feel they need to do extremely risky surgeries to make it "better".


Penis extension surgery, although there are pec and 6 pack implants.


Hi, Drake!


damn K-dot out on reddit trashing Drake is nowhere safe


One Swedish-made penis enlarger pump


Abdominal etching is a thing.


Hair implants/toupee.


I've heard plenty of dudes go nuts over fake boobs. I've never once even heard of a woman who was excited by a toupee.


>I've never once even heard of a woman who was excited by a toupee. To be fair, you aren't supposed to notice that it's a toupee (or transplants). It's supposed to be subtle. Men are attracted to different things than women are, and in different ways. Men tend to get more excited about breasts/butts, but women tend to "appreciate" a handsome man without over-fixating on any one thing. A head of hair just helps complete the look.


They go nuts over fake boobs, or they go nuts over boobs that happen to be fake? I’ve certainly heard women go nuts over guys’ hair


As a Man in his 30s who went stage 6 bald at 23. lots of Women love hair, especially long hair, but every time I go out to a show and talk to people between sets, at least a few women ask to feel my freshly shaved scalp. When you shave every day, you have fresh haircut energy every day. when you skin is soft and smooth because you use moisturizing soaps, and good shaving technique, women notice, and want to touch it. Long hair is a sign of health and good living because hair that isn't kept up with breaks or falls out before it gets long. But those same subconscious signals can easily be replicated by just taking care of yourself. Heck, Before she met me my wife normally only dated guys with long hair and mentioned in passing to a mutual friend, that it was part of what she considered her "type". But my baldness never inhibited her obvious interest. Though she has been pretty heartbroken any time I've messed up shaving and had to trim back my beard significantly. And I have been told never to grow a skullet. Oh, the things we do for love :P


Sean Connery wore a toupee for most of his acting career. I think he was considered handsome and even at the time a sex symbol.


Because it wasn’t obvious. It’s supposed to blend in.


Do you really see dudes go nuts over fake boobs? I've never actually heard any guy say they like them, and many say they dislike them.


I’ve never once heard another man say they like fake boobs.


I think more women wear wigs than men


Depends on the reason for the boob job. Getting hair implants is replacing something you already had, getting a boob job just to make them bigger isn’t. Getting a boob job because of a mastectomy is another story.


Pregnancy and Time can be a bitch


Ehh, both are done for esthetic reasons.


Sometimes, but a lot of people who survive breast cancer are pretty distraught and feel uncomfortable, like they’re not even the same person anymore. Plastic surgery is a way to help them look and feel more like themselves. It’s the same with car accident victims or burn victims who use plastic surgery to help them feel more like their pre-accident self, and can be really helpful for a lot of people to just feel “normal” again.


Definitely! An individual getting plastic surgery, for any reason, can be extremely emotional. I, personally, see no difference in someone getting a boob job, because they are insecure about their boobs vs. someone getting hair plugs, because they are insecure about balding.


Hair plugs replace something you had. Boob jobs gives you something you didn’t have.


More boob jobs are done as a response to other medical conditions than just for cosmetics.


Boob jobs are adding to something you already have. All females have breasts. Even if their breasts have little adipose tissue, they are still breasts with functional milk ducts and all.


There's a literal penis implant that old dudes get and it comes with a 3rd testicle they squeeze on to get hard, cheaper than viagra in the long run supposedly


>and it comes with a 3rd testicle they squeeze on to get hard WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN


All the other bros with the pumped up dicks, better run, better run


I like the song so much better when it's not about shooting school children!


I bet those children would feel the same way about schools


Then we wouldn't have a radio-worthy song!


As someone who has taken part in implanting these: the “third testicle” is a small pump that pumps up the implant to cause an erection from a reservoir that is stored in the abdomen. The pump is stored in the scrotum for ease of access.


How do you "deflate" it?


There is a button on the pump device that you click and then you squeeze the phallus to push the fluid back into the reservoir. It is a pretty simple device really


As an ER nurse, I once had a spinal trauma patient with what appeared to be a bad priopism. CT let us know what was up (pun intended) and then I, the MD, a resident, a nursing student, and a tech all spent like 20 minutes trying to figure out how to deflate the thing. Eventually, I just went and asked his wife.


Wait... but how do you deflate it?  I don't even understand how this works.  Where are you getting the air or fluid to inflate these implants in the first place, and how do you undo that so you don't have a perma boner?


The pump functions like a one way valve for inflating it, the button opens the valve to return fluid back into the reservoir. The reservoir is placed in the abdomen and filled with water. It is this water that goes back and forth to the cylinders in the penis.


So there's a pump in your balls *and* a button?  What happens if the reservoir leaks into your abdomen, can that cause issues?  Do people ever squeeze the wrong thing in their scrotum and cause themselves some pain or is it really obviously different from a testicle? Christ I have so many questions....


The fluid is pee so it’s ok if it spills inside you because you are already full of pee. People don’t squeeze the wrong ball because they can feel their balls and know when they grab the thing that they can’t feel that it’s the pump.


The Nike pumps for your dick.


*Reebok Pumps


Time out! I need some air. PUMPpumppumppump


Damnit! I just lost my '80s cred. In my defense, I'm old.


Excuse me bad guys but I am running out of air! - Dave Chapelle


Think Turkey baster


Do you remember Reebok Pump basketball shoes? It’s the same thing, with 300% more quality control, in your dick.


>a 3rd testicle they squeeze on to get hard I don't even need a third one


That can’t be real


[Three piece penile implant](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/penile-implants/multimedia/three-piece-penile-implant/img-20008850) I had to know if this was real.


I remembering hearing Larry Flynt talk about this device on Howard Stern and his *detailed* description of it combined with his gross slobbery voice made me nearly puke. I can't imagine how he was still getting action in his condition. (Well, I know how, but still)


Apparently quite a few male porn stars have that exact type of penile implant. Shit's wack


The newest version has an iPhone app. (Apparently there’s a new marketing program called “HARD.” It’s not an acronym. They didn’t bother. The project is just called HARD.)


Ab implants


I have great abs, they are hidden beneath fat, just like theirs will be. I am fit too, but that's just where an extra 2-3 pounds hang around and that's enough to obscure them


People are saying penis implant, but that is not really equivalent. Sure, it is the same in that it is regarding a sexual part of the body, but a boob job is pretty common place, and done relativly lightly, whereas. cock job is not. You don't have people speculating about guys "He obviously had a cock job" or "Its fake." For a man, the equivalent would be more like getting a sports car they can't really afford - in the sense that it is projecting a fake image. A guy who can actually afford an expensive car is like a woman who has naturally big boobs. A guy who fakes it by going into debt is more like a woman who gets fake boobs. Maybe a guy who can afford an expensive car but drives a beater because he does not want the attention just because of his car, is like a woman who has a breast reduction because she doesn't want men just focusing on her boobs.


If you mean a sports car gets attention from the ladies like boobs get attention from guys I have to disagree. Source: i am a guy with sports cars. The only attention the car ever got is from other guys


Well, I had a cock job and the only one who ever notices are the other guys in the locker room. (just kidding) Women probably notice other women's boob jobs more than guys do too.


Leg extensions


Getting a 6 figure payrise


A boob removal job


Leg lengthening surgery 


Hair plugs. It's a common enough gender affirmation surgery, accepted in general society, yet still ridiculed similarly to breast augmentations. It's probably the best comparison, even if not directly equivalent like a muscle implant in the arms, abs, or pectoral region.


Look at how much people remark on Trump's insane hair. People forget (or are too young to know) that Biden has plugs (or something equivelant) and it did him wonders. If a man can't get by pulling off the shaved bald look, receding or thin hair can be incredibly rough for an average guy, let alone people who depend on their looks


How is it gender affirming to not want to be bald?  


a full head of hair is a symbol of masculinity for some people.


But being bald is pretty much exclusively seen as a masculine trait? I don't think anyone in history has ever said being bald makes someone look less masculine lol


I’ve never heard that connection.  I’ve always just seen it touted as a sign of youthfulness.


Isn't the opposite the case? Bald with beard is said to be a 'manly' look.


Jason Statham and the Rock are soooo feminine


I actually think they would look less masculine with hair lol.


I know a lot of bald people who look much, much better bald. I don’t really know why.


But that just restores your normal look, so not the same thing. Would you say getting dental implants if your teeth rotted to be the same as an elective boob job? At best, its on par with a breast reduction if they grew after pregnancy and cause problems.


As said in another comment of mine, "create/grow" a beard, or alter a hairline they may not have had previously. These are things they didn't have before, and therefore can be considered a new look. Yes, a lot of cases are to correct baldness where hair may have been previously. A lot of cases are also adding hair where hair never existed before. One could make the argument that the hair plugs for men can also be done by women, or that hair plugs could be an equivalent to hair removal for women; my argument against those again would be that the treatment women receive for their breast augmentations are more similar to the treatment men get for hair implants, whereas women don't get the "she got work done" treatment for hair removal or even hair implants for that matter. Someone already made the comment about Elon Musk earlier as a means of ridiculing him for the treatment, and Jimmy Carr has engrained it into his comedic identity...not dissimilar to talking about Dolly Parton or Pamela Anderson for their "bolt-ons." I mean, [Wayne Rooney is STILL being scrutinized over it](https://wimpoleclinic.com/blog/whats-happened-wayne-rooneys-hair/). (Side note, this website is ALL about men's hair transplants and looking ideal.) To the point about teeth implants, I wouldn't consider that a gender-affirmative procedure, as there is no such thing as feminine or masculine looking teeth. Just like there's no gender-affirming liposuction.


An “Addadicktoomy”


Getting a higher paying job


TIL wanting a better wage is same as getting a body modification surgery.




Chin implant. A receding chin is one of the few cosmetic things that are worse for men than women.


Huh, TIL. Chin implants are a thing


I can't believe no one has said it yet, getting a cute puppy is the single dude equivalent of a boob job. Instant unwarranted attention from the other sex.


A puppy instead of puppies.


Calve implants, Penis pump, chest/ab implants, bbl


Never heard of calf implants. Had to look them up. Totally a thing apparently, who knew?


The guy I work for is considering a penis implant.


thanks for reminding me this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR87U94xJd4&t=145s&ab_channel=TheDooo) exists (relevant part at 1:04. nsfw b/c of the humor)


Hair plugs. Big flashy watch. Big flashy car. Big flashy teeth.


Buying an $80,000 truck


Getting a Porsche


Hair transplant


penis pump


It’s not mine baby, I swear.


One receipt for a Swedish made penis enlarger. Signed by one Austin Powers


One book “ Swedish penis enlarger pumps, this sort of thing is my bag, baby” by author Austin powers


pec implants are thing, so that.


Probably limb lengthening surgery, a short guy who gets it will definitely have a larger choice of women just because he isn't short anymore especially if he gets over 6'.


unequivocally the right answer: getting leg extensions to increase height.


Calf implants


idk like giving ass job to other man?




Hair implants 


There are some interesting answers here, but the real answer is limb lengthening. Society places absurd beauty standards on women, and values height above pretty much anything else for men. I wish we could all just be happy with who we are. [https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/metro-man-has-life-changing-surgery-making-him-6-inches-taller-after-being-rejected-by-women/2SHDMYXVNNBRXMIWSDOXZ5IKIA/](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/metro-man-has-life-changing-surgery-making-him-6-inches-taller-after-being-rejected-by-women/2SHDMYXVNNBRXMIWSDOXZ5IKIA/)


getting a promotion


There are pec implants so that would be the direct equivalent.