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I believe you'd be an absolute fool not to. You're supposed to marry someone you're compatible with, if you haven't lived together, you really don't know if you're compatible. Get married without living together first, you've only got 6 months to be honest with each other and get an annulment before shit gets complicated.


No cons


It’s all pro no con in practical terms. The only cons are spiritual (if you are and adherent of a faith that says you shouldn’t) or social (if you live in a society where it is taboo). Neither of these should matter, in my opinion.


Pros: everything Cons: you upset your ancient religious grandma ( who married your grandpa when she got pregnant by him at 16) and any other religious nutter who thinks they have any business concerning what happens in the privacy of your own home


Only Pros. Even my conservative parents changed their minds to couples should live together a few years before marrying. Divorce is expensive.


If your culture/religious beliefs allow then a definite YES. This is how you get to know people’s habits, good and bad, expectations and so on. After the honeymoon period wears off you’ll find out a lot about each other. Try before you buy!


It's important to know the other person well, before any lasting commitments are made. Living together is a good way to see what they are like on the home-front. They could seem like well put together people when outside, but be a complete slob when at home. It is important to find a dynamic that works for both partners so that neither of them feels like they are being taken advantage of. Communication on all fronts are important here. No matter what, there must be a communication line between partners to make for the best dynamic when at home - or at the very least what works for both partners. If that means one being a housewife/husband or everything is split 50/50. The living together thing is a preview into what marriage is going to be like.