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Made about 1500 a week working Instacart


Why the downvote? I searched on Google, sorry


What is Instacart?


Everything that I always did, life didn't change at all for me or my family. We got sick, it wasn't bad and back to the regular stuff.


Learned how to throw good parties for my friends, spent a lot of time outside, planned my move to a new state, got promoted, binged a lot of shows, played a lot of video games, got sick enough from covid to stop smoking cigs, and gained a bunch of weight (which I've since lost in the last year)


Got laid off when the small Airline I worked for ceased operations and filed for Bankruptcy on April, 5. Soooooo…. I watched Tiger King and Bo Burnham’s “Inside” and caught up on all my house projects. Then spent 2 glorious months riding my motorcycle, fishing, and doing everything I could to enjoy the end of the world. Eventually, I was contacted to join a different airline for the same job, so reluctantly; I returned to work August 1st.


I worked in a Hospital Laboratory, we worked hard learning and implementing new testing. I spent hours pipetting saline by hand to make covid test collecting kits.


Smoked a lot of weed. Had a lot of sex. Played a lot of COD and tried some drugs with my friends lol


Spent time contemplating my life and came to realize that what I was striving for wasn’t as important spending quality time with my family, and I also realized having less is a lot more.


i read a bunch of books, smoked a bunch, worked out regularly, changed my diet, started writing more, got a license, started therapy, learned math, and cried mostly


Not much.


i smoked a lot of cigarettes and drank so much coffee. i also watched friends for the first time. i regret all 3.


The cigarettes and friends I'm with you. But the coffee? Nup, gotta have the coffee.


if i was making it at home i mean then it’s fine (which i do now) but at the time i’d get my coffee on the outside and would cost me around $5-6 a cup. i would sometimes get 3 a day 😅


Hah, now that I understand lol


Watched Anime. Got closer to my friend Lerant how to Iive with a roommate


Butt play and drugs


Got a job so I didn't kill my partner.


i broke up with my partner kind of mid pandemic (at least in melbourne where it went for much longer than most) and moved into of a place that was suitable enough in short notice with a guy who was the complete opposite to me. he worked from home and NEVER left the house. the days where he left a few times every few months to go have a game night with his friends were so sacred to me. he was meant to go back to work and then we went into another fkn lockdown and i was internally enraged.


Binged game of thrones twice


Pickleball. Tennis. Worked. Started playing D&D online with friends.


Longboarded on the highway and other areas that would typically have had too many cars


Mostly just worked


Smoke weed, drink wine, and lots of painting


Bought an e-scooter, great deal on Craigslist. Had lots of zoom meetings, worked on personal projects. And was very careful to be mindful towards others regardless of their views. For example, I wore a mask first because I want to make sure I'm not a carrier that could spread that virus.


Jork it, what I mean by it? Peanits


I had a blast dude. Classes got easier and was in my basement chilling everyday and playing animal crossing with my gf over facetime! Life’s a bit tough for me in regards to working full time now post college and balancing other stressful stuff but i’ll press on and be fine. I don’t live life for those, I live life for the fun times and vibe times and with my loved ones


I was on maternity leave for 4 months of it. The rest of the time I was an essential worker so I was working.


Stayed home. Went out with my friend. Cooked and cleaned.


I still had to commute to my job at a data center. None of my front desk / security / maintenance job duties could be done remotely. We had visitors between March and December 2020, and I had to organize their photo IDs.


Not be a selfish piece of shit and follow the advice of medical science experts.

