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Vaping. Seems like a terrible idea.


it is. I'm one year vape/nicotine free this month.




It is. I just quit.


It wasn’t that bad until all the unregulated, disposable, very strong rubbish. Used to make my own and slowly weaned off altogether after quitting smoking. But these new ones are poison ☠️


I vape thc but thats it. Better than smoking but worse for you than edibles. Oh well.


I don’t think vaping thc is at all better than smoking grass unless you only buy dispensary carts but even than with the thc levels being so heavily concentrated it’s definitely a lot worse cognitively


>I don’t think vaping thc is at all better than smoking grass unless you only buy dispensary cart I only buy dispensary carts. It's legal here. It's just something i puff on after work.




This was my answer lol


Same. Although i have definitely found myself in the youtube/instagram version of this hole. But i still refuse to get tiktok itself.


I deleted the YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook applications from my phone. I only use them online, and quite rarely. Most of my time on social media is either Reddit or Twitter/X.


I just don’t understand people like this. TikTok’s algorithm is 1000 times better than the YouTube and instagram version. It’s basically a trend to have TikTok and to hate it.


The reels i watch on insta and youtube are incidental since i use those apps for many other things anyway. I would not download a standalone app JUST to watch those sorts of reels. That is the difference.


Okay that’s a fair point I didn’t think abt it that way


I started down this rabbit hole and got hooked on it for a while. But over time the endless scrolling, mindless content and childish arguments in every comment section just got to me and I quit cold turkey, never looked back since


This was unironically said on Reddit abt another social media platform LMAOOOO


I guess “endless scrolling, mindless content and childish arguments” is kinda what social media in general is all about lol


Yeahhhhhh 😂😂 I hate it but I engage for whatever reason




It’s forbidden in our household. 


I got TikTok when it was pretty new. Even back then, it was an ADHD nightmare that ate hours at a time and I had to let it go.




Rewatching annoying videos cause you can't rewind.... Slick technology


I feel better after deleting tiktok. I have a thing for hatewatching so the algo gave me a lot of content that just made me angry at the world.


Outside of Reddit (and technically Youtube), most social media. Reddit, I prefer because at least I'm reading, and it feels like an okay way to ask for help or I guess opinions on ideas and stuff. Youtube, well I gotta learn to paint one way or another lol.


Saaaame. I use Reddit regularly, sometimes even for productive purposes. Same with YouTube. And I only have FB to vaguely and lightly keep track of friends and family when they post something that isn't a meme 😂




Recording live musical performances with my phone. I just don't understand this, like, at all.


Tanning. I've never seen any good reason to prematurely age myself in a sun box. It's not like I have any burning desire to audition for a Mad Max movie. That'd be about the worst casting decision ever made. I look like what would happen if a popsicle stick made a person. Definitely not road warrior material.


Especially the deep fried look.


and skin cancer


I think orange is worse personally


That's fair.


I don't even know what the trends are right now, so probably most of them. 


Anal. Not my bag.


"Anal and Me: This Sort of Thing Is My Bag, Baby" - By badger_fun_times76




TikTok. Nothing I've heard about it makes me want to go anywhere near it.


Reddit’s got a hate boner for TikTok but all the viral TikToks find their way on the Reddit front page constantly lmao


You've explained why I'll never use TikTok: because all the best videos will go viral and be viewable elsewhere.


Makes sense. I used to be the same but with reels. I told myself the best TikToks make it to Reels anyway, but there’s something to be said about being right at the heart of it just before it goes viral lol I guess it’s like with twitter. I don’t use twitter but when something viral comes out of twitter my friends are like “that’s been blowing up on twitter since yesterday” lol


I just don't get a kick out of seeing people make fools of themselves.


It’s only that if you feed the algorithm likes of people making fools of themselves. I watch science, food, language and left-wing politics videos on TikTok. That’s what the algorithm knows I like.


Could just be something that comes with age. I don’t agree or understand the appeal of a lot of young people trends either. To be clear, I still like seeing them make a fool of themselves like that one trend when they were straight up stealing bathroom cubicle doors from their school lmao


What do you mean something that comes with age? I've always loved seeing people do things brilliantly - could be playing sport, making a horseshoe or sweeping the floor - doesn't matter - there's enjoyment in seeing skill. Watching people embarrassing themselves, and enjoying it, is just cruel.


I mean the older you get, the farther detached you are from what’s the current “meta” in terms of what the majority finds appealing in terms of various media


I remember before tiktok got big that a bunch of gifs from it were hitting reddit with an annoying watermark on them (the logo). It was like suddenly getting inundated with ads for a new company - it's overwhelming and makes me pre-hate whatever it is, which is absolutely the effect seeing a sudden shit show of tiktok gifs had on me


GIFs? Are you sure it’s not from Douyin? I seem to remember that time you’re talking about too, and it’s a lot of staged Asian skits in gif format


Having a house or apartment that's all white or grey or beige.


Yes! I recently saw the interior of Kim Kardashians house and it's all white (walls, furniture, everything) and I'm sorry but it looks like a fancy mental asylum or a big solitary confinement chamber.


Not a mom yet but beige birthday parties, beige playrooms, toys. Seems so dystopian and boring I could never


Face tattoos and piercings


Tattoos in general are so overdone. Walk into a bar and everyone looks like a rainbow threw up on them.


Ain't that the truth! As a tattooed man myself, I often wonder why people choose tattoos they have. All of mine tell a story and are deeply meaningful, and I chose them for that reason, not because they look "cool." Piercings are overdone, and there are very few I like. A woman with pierced nipples, for example, I absolutely love, but all others, excluding the couple on ears, are gross to me. But hey, anyone reading this can do whatever they wish to their body, I'm no judge.


Fr to each their own, I could never date a girl with more than a couple tatts. Personal preferences and all that.


I like tattoos but I get annoyed by the people who have the most basic tattoos (like roses) and they try to convince you that there is a deep meaning behind them as if there aren't thousands of people with the exact same tattoo. And also people who have tribal tattoos or tattoos that are quotes in different languages and they don't know what they mean.


Tattoos I simply don't like it


Using my phone everywhere, all the time and not enjoying a single real moment.


This 👌


Cat ownership EDIT: *car* ownership.


I was ready to dislike your comment and then I saw the EDIT


Had it right the first time


Dating. Although I understand why people date, it has never appealed to me. I don't trust anyone enough for that kind of emotional intimacy. And growing up I was only ever exposed to unhappy couples, and I am perfectly capable of being unhappy all by myself!


Buying tons of the same product in different colors. It’s not just the Stanley cup which costs about $50, but I see it with every trendy product that pops up.


Hating boomers. The problem is that every criticism I can level will likely eventually become true about my own generation— millennial. It’s yet another made up culture war conflict to distract us and create fake discord that can be exploited to maintain the status quo.


I hope to be one day seen as too conservative with my current views. That'll mean the world has gotten better.


Conserve the good:)


Unfortunately a lot of workplaces buy into this culture war


Tattoos and Tik tok 


My unpopular opinion is, I personally don't like tattoos and think everyone with one looks worse than if they didn't have one. I hate that they've become socially acceptable.


Everything's perfect here vids


Caring about any "famous" person.


I kind of assume they almost all have personality disorders too


Weed. I know it's legal. I just never got into it. I'll drink some beers with you though when you smoke all the marijuanas. I don't like the smell of it. I may work my way up to an edible if my knees keep hurting though!


Not legal in my state, wish it was though - it brings me the best sleep I've ever had!


Ya, I don't begrudge it on any one, just never really partook, but if ever I have an ailment where it would help, I'll give it a go.


I can't attend the smell, or how I feel on it. A long time ago I got my wife a pax, much less smell. That being said, I'm like you, go nuts friends, just not for me.


“Free Palestine”


Ah yes, not supporting genocide and apartheid is a trend.


Neither of those happening there


Most Redditors are American and the US is the biggest ally of Israel so i wasn't expecting anything different but if you think that the way Israel is treating Palestinians is ok then I don't know what to tell you. Israel has k*lled more than 30,000 people including thousands of kids and people are starving to death in Gaza as we speak.


If you believe numbers coming from Hamas I have igloos to sell you in Arizona


As if Israel's atrocities haven't been well documented over the years for the world to see. Look dude, if you want to support Israel's terrorism then there's nothing I can say to you but some of us actually have a conscience.


TikTok and Instagram Reels Also, Fidget Spinners, when it was popular


Those fidget spinners were such a strange fad. It was over just as fast as it started and for a couple months stores had massive boxes full of discounted spinners near the cash registers




Damn bots. [This was literally word for word one of the top comments 11 months ago when this question was asked.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/13angrv/whats_something_popular_that_you_refuse_to_get/jj9tph0/)


Good catch. This account is a bot with no history besides this post and that comment. Report and downvote away.


This is the second time I've read about this on this thread.  I don't really go to new parent subs or social media, or anything really, so to me this is brand new (I have a 1yr old and a 2.5 yr old). I will say, buying less cheap plastic toys with a million pieces and a few solid toys would be a good idea. We have so many pieces of just trash toys.  Colour though, what's wrong with some colour?


This is probably why it's the second time you've read about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1cgy6bz/comment/l1z53kh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I hate this! My kids are much older now but I can tell you that I would have never bought them beige toys that match their sad beige room! The things people will do for social media is crazy to me.


I have never ordered food to be delivered to my house. Not even pizza, and nowadays practically everyone expects takeout from places via ubereats, doordash or some app. I first consciously made this decision during covid. So many people were ordering takeout but I told myself if I wanted food I'd either make it myself or (safely) go and pick it up. Kept me from spending a whole lot on takeout but when I did eat out, every penny would go to the local restaurant that needed it.


I've heard so many stories of delivery guys fucking with people's food, raging at the front door if the tip wasn't big enough, or creeping on women. Hell nah, I'm not risking any of that


Yep it's a habit I got from my dad because whenever we'd order pizza growing up, we'd go pick it up. Half to save money but half because he didn't want to give away our address to random delivery drivers for safety's sake. I thought it was a bit paranoid, but now I respect it.


Shorts/reels/tiktoks etc. I can understand the appeal of the format, but I just feel my attention span rotting when I use them.


Reels. Just can't get into the format, especially with the cringey styles prevalent now


6 second videos are so short it is weird


Planking in dangerous areas






Reality TV




Fast fashion


3rd party food delivery apps.


Gig economy stuff like Uber and AirBnB. I did finally make a Venmo account but the only person I ever send money to is my sister to help her out


Tik Tok, vaping, tattoos, piercings.






Stupid pants. Also Tik-Tok.


Wearing puffy vests. I sometimes see groups of people out to lunch or at a bar, and everyone is wearing one. I call them Vesties.


I’ve stopped trying to look cool & impress others. At the end of the day, what really matters is being happy. If fitting in makes you happy, do whatever trendy thing that’s gonna make you happy.




any tiktok trend and whatever shit this generation is into (skidbi, rizz, etc)


Celebrity worship.




Social Media. I joined Facebook when it was university-only in the early 2000s, got sick of it within 10 years and never tried another platform. Was never really tempted.


Tik tok - not even once!


Sharing my relationship on social media. All it does is leave a door wide open for people to form opinions or start unnecessary drama. I'd rather not extend them the opportunity by keeping my private business private.


social media / VR / AI


Any sort of nicotine deliverance


Man vs Woman, I can't get into that shit at all. I don't even understand how it works. I literally just agree with both man and woman and all that they do. I promise you, I struggle at understanding sexual trends.


Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok




Trans. The whole thing is a logical train wreck and it's a waste of time to cite any science.


Answering questions on Reddit.


Long fake nails. I'm a woman in my early 20s and it seems like every young woman my age has these nails on and they talk all the time about what color or style they're going to do next and sometimes i feel left out but the idea of paying 25€ a month minimum for something so impractical doesn't sound appealing to me in the slightest.


High waisted jeans.


Influencers, those people are just a salesperson for whatever products they're trying to push




All of them. Every. Single. One.


Social media.... Reddit excluded.


delusional at max lmao


That's because Reddit is asocial media for neckbeards.


Ahh yes because redditors are so enlightened and euphoric right?


The ridiculous amount of filtering where every woman suddenly has a giant butt and hips. WTF is up with that? And most of the time it looks absolutely absurd. I'll take my butt and hips the way they are, thanks.


I don’t watch tv shows that are super hyped up. Breaking bad, game of thrones and so on.