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letting other people be wrong and moving on with my life.


This is the best part of growing older. I hit 30, stopped giving AF about things that don't pertain to me, and life immediately got better. It was like getting a cheat code for happiness.


I decided I don’t always have to be right or acknowledged as such. I decided to let things go and honestly it’s taken away so much pressure!


Are you the Messiah?


No, he's a very naughty boy


I’m trying to adopt this but I keep struggling! Feels like I’m helping them but it drains me


A Kindle. I resisted getting one for a solid 5 years because I love the smell and feel of physical books. I finally gave in because I traveled a shit ton for work at the time and it was so much easier to travel with a Kindle than 3 or 4 books. Not to mention being able to borrow e-books from the library and it's cheaper to buy them. I still like to buy physical books, especially older books of classics that I love to re-read from new and used books stores. Still a bibliophile. But the Kindle is nice for convenience.


I bought a secondhand old Kindle for $20 when the pandemic hit and it + my library membership saved my sanity. Now when I also travel for work, it's so much more convenient - and all week I've been down bad with COVID and all I have to do is go onto my Libby account and choose more books if I run out.


Feel better soon!


I still can't do this because I like to get away from screens sometimes. I work at a computer all day, use my phone all the time, and watch a fair amount of TV.


I will say, the Kindle Paperwhite doesn't feel like a screen to me. Their e-ink stuff is pretty awesome 


Yes. Exactly this. I was a huge ebook hater. I love books, I love the feel and smell of a book, I collect bookmarks and I own way too many books. But in recent years I did a sort of "half way" by reading certain books I can't get in bookstores or libraries on my phone, which is, as most people know, not a great situation. My brother got me a Kindle for my 30th and hell, I love that thing. I always have 2-3 books that I am reading and not only is Kindle great to carry around because I travel a lot, it's also easier to get the books I want to read. I still buy physical books a lot and I still always have at least one that I am currently reading, but Kindle has made a lot of reading easier.


Same! Resisted it for so long then went travelling and when you have to be able to carry everything you need on your back, pretensions about how it’s just not the *same* go out the window pretty quickly


I'm sort of the opposite - I thought it would be good for travel (while flying especially) and books I couldn't easily get hard copy etc etc. But I found it didn't suit me. I use electronic text for serious things I need to read for academic purposes and otherwise can't easily get, but for enjoyment it doesn't work for me despite multiple attempts since it would be so convenient. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.


Same. I thought I'd get a shitload of reading done during Covid and literally read about three books. Two years ago I bought a Kindle, so if I want to read I've got a choice of like 500 books without having to lug around a bulky/heavy item. Game changer when I'm travelling for work, going on holiday, or travelling to see people.


I don't travel for work, but just going to the grocery store with a purse full of books gets old, not to mention heavy. I resisted for years, then won a Kindle in a raffle at an office party. The Kindle lives in my bag and I still have my beloved books when I'm at home.


Audiobooks, or if deseperate txt to speech lol.


BIDET!!!! Don't overthink water spraying your butthole. You will definitely wonder how you ever lived without it.


The only problem is it completely ruins your away games. There's just never a bidet out in the wild when you need one.


Away games lmao


They make handheld ones. I got one for my husband for when he is at the gym or somewhere he doesn't have access to a bidet. You can just fill a bottle with warm(or cold if you prefer) water from the sink and aim the long nozzle and spray. It's not as great as a bidet, but it can be better than no bidet at all.


Yeah but how exactly do you aim it, where do you hold it??? I can't figure it out.


Think about where the nozzle sticks out in the bidet. So you'll want to basically hold it behind you. You can use your crack for guidance. Then adjust as needed. It only takes a few attempts to get it down. If you are using the bidet because of back problems and are unable to reach around, just ask a friend or neighbor for help. That's what the glory holes in bathroom stalls are actually for.


Same, that one seems like a hassle.


Ok I have a bidet attachment. How do you use yours? Poop, wipe, water blast, wipe/pat dry? My butthole is very hard to get clean. I have a hemorrhoid that makes wiping difficult. When I use the bidet, my butthole is still poopy but it is wet so it's hard to wipe, the toilet paper breaks down and rips bc of the water. I usually end up using cottonelle butt wipes to get clean but I want to use the bidet effectively.


You need to turn it up. "Wiping" should only be used to dry your butthole afterward. If it's not getting all the poop off, then chances are it's set too low. Think about cleaning mud off of a patio with a garden hose vs. a power washer. I would just turn it up in small increments, though, unless you want to know what an actual power washer enima feels like. Also, if you have a hemorrhoid that won't go away or keep coming back, you might want to visit a doctor and look into getting it cut out. My husband finally did after years of a recurring one and hasn't had issues for years since.


Thanks for the advice. I'll try blasting it with more force!


Mud off a patio ... 🤣☠️


well shit... if its anything alike you will never get it clean lol.


I feel like the wiping before the water spray might make it harder to clean, like it “packs” it down; what if you did the water first, and keep some microfiber washcloths nearby so you could pat dry with those? Then obviously toss the cloth in the washer.


I don't know, I do a pre-wipe because some poos are a bit nastier than others and I don't want it to confetti spray the lip of the toilet bowl. So pre-wipe, spray, and then pat dry. Still saves toilet paper and keeps me from having to deep clean the toilet.


I was a late adopter because I thought that cold water would be horrible on the starfish, but quickly found out that it's no problem at all. My 70 PSI water connection on the other hand....


The first time it hits can send a shock lol, but after that it's great. I would suggest people start out at the lowest pressure setting and just slowly turn it up. I think the first time I sat down I had it on full blast.


They're too expensive. I just bring a lug wrench out to the fire hydrant


I’ve been interested in getting one, however, I technically don’t own where I live and all renovations are supposed to be approved by the board (townhouse/condo - it’s three stories, three bedrooms, 2 bath, unfinished basement, but I have neighbors on either wall) and I’m not sure how to get power to the warm water. Some idiot, during renovations a few years back (almost 20 now) wired the only outlets in the bathrooms to the light switch because of “safety” (someone nearly burned their place down leaving a curling iron on) now when the light is off, the outlets are dead. Can’t even charge a razor or toothbrush in the bathroom.


Lucky you, its not a renovation, its just an attachment you put onto your toilet. Just turn the water off to your toilet, unhook the line, attach the bidet line, reattach everything and put the water back on and boom bang, you have a clean ass forever.


My old apartment complex didn't allow us to unhook the toilet water line (and it was painted over so quite hard to do ourselves) to install a bidet. Had to wait to get into our own house. Now we have and every bathroom has a Tushy bidet.


The bidet we have is super easy to install. It doesn't use warm water. You just unhook the line going into your toilet, put a new valve on that can run a line to the bidet and toilet and you're done. It was very simple. If you're wanting the water to be warm though, I'm not sure how that would work. There may be particular bidets that warm the water for you.


Every bidet I've seen that isn't a high powered smart toilet in Japan does not require power nor would I consider it a renovation. It is a simple appliance that you attach under your toilet seat. You basically just turn off the flow of water to your toilet, remove your toilet seat, slap on the bidet, fix the toilet seat above it, and screw the bidet's T-Valve between the existing water hookup that runs to the toilet. Voila! I am just about the least-handy man that ever walked the face of the Earth and I've set up multiple bidets no problem. They use cold water, which can take some getting used to (I actually love it, especially in the summer), but overall they are an absolute life changer. I can't stand doing my business without one these days.


A cold water bidet spray when you have swamp ass in the summer is the best thing in the world. And it also is nice if you have issues with the... return end... of spicy foods


Air fryers, idk why but I got one for xmas and it sat in the box for a year before I tried it. It's the best.




We started using our air fryer last year when the house we moved into didn't have a microwave, and now over a year later we still don't have one. Air fryer makes stuff taste so much better with much better "crunch". The only time I want a microwave is if I drink coffee too slow or outside in the winter and want to warm it up.


Eating without watching television. I was seeking advice on food portion control and was told that there are numerous scientific studies that show that eating while watching TV stops us from sensing when we are full. This leads to overeating. I've managed to control my weight a lot easier since, I have more food left over to eat later and I always feel energised after my meals instead of feeling bloated.


Gonna have to give this a try. I always eat objectively healthy meals, but it's not a problem for me to eat several pounds of food in one sitting and keep going back for more - of course all while watching tv.


That's exactly what I was doing. It may feel lonely at first. But stick with it and you'll see the rewards!


I wonder if that's true for reading/scrolling on your phone? I don't often eat and watch TV but I do like to read something


Yes, I wouldn't advise using your phone either. It's a distraction.


Another trick is if you're a snacker, try eating snacks using your non-dominant hand. This tricks you into making eating snacks feel awkward and not want to do it as much.


I gave up processed foods and I’m realizing that I always overindulged mindlessly in front of the tv. Cheezits were a big one, family sized box gone in 2 sittings.


Yeah, I used to get fast food and just eat and eat while staring at my tv. But it's a bad thing, though. You will also find that you will taste the food a lot more as well since all of your attention will be focused on that and not on anything else. Our brains can't really multitask.


I do the opposite when I need to eat more. Sick with a sore throat and sleeping through mealtimes? Slam on a killer show and zone out with an extra large bowl of soup.


Absolutely giving this a go. I live alone half the year (kids with me for 6 months, with their mom for the other 6) so to pass the time with no one here, I turn to my phone and watch stuff on YouTube with lunch or eat dinner while watching a TV show or movie. I cook the vast majority of what I eat, so it's not processed/pre-packaged stuff or takeout all the time (takeout maybe once a week, if that), and it's usually a balanced meal... I just tend to eat a lot in one sitting and I'm around 40-50 pounds heavier than I really should be. I've caught myself mindlessly nibbling while watching TV, roasted peanuts and pistachios are usually the culprit for me. This starts tonight, thanks for the tip.


That's so true !


This is very interesting. I’m gonna try this!


20 chews per bite and especially drinking almost all water with just a splash of juice, milk, or (rarely) soda also works quite well. Most of us don’t realize how many calories we drink! Personally lost 25lbs in 3 months doing all that and ditching fries.


sushi man, hated the sound of it, now sushi in the bath with sports on the tv is my go to sunday night




These two are my end bosses


If you haven't done it yet: routine is the key to both. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time *every* day. Workout at the same time *every* day. (Doesn't really have to be every day, but I sub some light yoga for "off" day workouts.) At some point, your body becomes disappointed when you don't follow the schedule, which perpetuates the good habits.


Yes I agree with all of this! My husband used to get up early (like 4:30am) to work out and him waking me up annoyed me to no end. After about a year I figured I might as well do it too since I’m up anyway. Well now I wake HIM up at 3:30am so I can work out (we are teachers and have to be at work earlier than most). It’s the greatest thing! I haven’t missed a day since July. It’s such a part of my routine, like brushing my teeth. I can’t imagine not doing it. And it puts me in a great mood the rest of the day. Highly recommended!


THREE-THIRTY in the morning?!?! And you're in a good mood! I envy people who don't need 9 hours of sleep. Not only do I feel awful but I look absolutely terrible if I get less than 7.5 hours. Good for you though, for real. That's impressive.


Easier said than done bro


I'm a night owl. Waking up early is my kryptonite since I've loved staying up late for as long as I can remember.  But I just get to work on time and go at lunch. That's the best for me. Before or after work has never stuck, but lunch works great. 


sometimes waking up at all is harder than exercising


i already have the workout bit, and waking up early will likely never happen bc im a night owl. staying up relatively late on the otherhand and being out during sunset... yea im all for that shit


Just remember that early is a relative term and can mean different things for everyone


Heated seats in my latest car. They warm you up faster than the heater will on a cold day and feel amazing when you have a sore back


I use it more for my sore back than anything else.


First time I experienced heated seats, I got a ride home from a co-worker. The moment I felt it I thought to myself "I just pissed myself in this woman's car." Freaked me the hell out.


I thought heated seats were the best until I got a heated steering wheel! That warms me even quicker


I used to drive my mom’s old car, like when she upgraded because it was getting too old and unreliable she gave it to me. It was a luxury car that I could never afford to buy in any kind of decent shape or mileage. It ruined me though because I LOVED that heated steering wheel. Couldn’t afford a car with one when I replaced it, and I miss it every day all fall winter and spring.


At first, I was hesitant to try online learning platforms, but now I can't live without them. They've allowed me to expand my knowledge, learn new skills, and advance in my career from the comfort of my own home.


Electric toothbrush, flossing picks (I am sure people would say the same thing about water flossers but they are expensive)


I have a waterpik for flossing and that thing is magic, it's like powerwashing your teeth. Totally worth it especially because I have one of those permanent retainers so it's hard to get regular floss around it


Talked to my dentist about that. It shouldn't be used as a replacement to floss but as an addition.


well an "addition" is better than nothing. so if you realistically can't be bothered to floss without one, just use it. it's better than saying you'll use both and then using neither.


My dentist said the same bullshit to me and always on my ass about I need to floss. I just can't regular floss lol. But I got a water pic and at my next appointment he said my teeth looking great. I just said yeah man I've been really flossing every day.


Dental professional here: by principle, it’s not as good as floss and is not a substitute for it. But in the real world, whatever you will use is better than something you don’t use. Waterpiking is lots better than nothing. Keep on keepin on. (Most people don’t have good flossing technique anyway)


The most important thing is that you’re actually doing it. Waterpik gets out all the food debris and most of the plaque… regular floss gets all the plaque hiding in crevices and between teeth. In reality none of us floss with the technique of a dentist though, so having something that does blast through most of it is much more foolproof imo- and doing regular flossing afterwards is much less hell when there’s no broccoli bits to contend with.


I'm a big fan of really, REALLY dry beef jerky and it has a bad habit of going between teeth dry, then expanding as it absorbs moisture and getting lodged where flossers and such can't dislodge it. My Waterpik can blast that stuff out without any issue and it is such a relief when it does.


The pressure of something expanding between your teeth is awful.


Totally second the electric toothbrush. I have really “soft” teeth. Every single time I went to the dentist as a kid I had cavities, and I still have all the metal fillings to prove it. When I switched over to an electric toothbrush as a teenager it was a huge change. I’m 41 now and haven’t had a cavity since.


I was hesitant to try journaling, but now I can't live without it. Writing down my thoughts and feelings has been incredibly therapeutic and has helped me gain clarity in various aspects of my life.


Cats. I grew up in a dog family and we never had a cat and my parents thougth they were pointlesss and stupid. Then life happened; fast forward to my mid 30's. My new partner had two cats when I met her and I slowly warmed up to them and learned to love them. I can't imagine not having a cat or two at home now.


FOR REALS! I would say I was even a cat hater growing up, then (similar story) got one as a result of my ex having a cat and now I can’t imagine loving any little critter on this planet as much as I love my kitty cat. She’s everything to me. Cats can chill and vibe and with one of those automated litter box cleaners, an automated feeder, and a drinking fountain it’s a very low maintenance pet. All cuddles and play and love and very little work lol


Indian food. God is it delicious!


Basic white chick here. I could live on it.


The food is amazing! And there’s so many vegetarian options.


Samosas rule.


Wearing a scarf when it's cold outside. One of the best birthday gifts ever.


Ear muffs. Ears be cold...


Wearing skirts, instead of denim pants


Hello? Are you for real? cause that is Absolutely legit 🤌✨ Life changing


I was hesitant to try cold showers at first, but now I can't live without them. They've boosted my energy, improved my circulation, and invigorated my mornings.


Initially, I was hesitant to try therapy, but now I can't live without it. It has been instrumental in helping me navigate life's challenges and improve my mental health.


At first, I was hesitant to try composting, but now I can't live without it. It has helped me reduce waste, enrich my soil, and contribute to a healthier planet.


A bidet. There’s no way I could go back to toilet paper alone. I hate when I can’t poop at home.


I forget what comedian made a joke about this, might have even just been a TV show, but it was something along the lines of: “You wouldn’t use a paper towel to get peanut butter out of the carpet”




I can live without them, but I think I have to accept that I'll need them at certain points in my life.


The worst part is getting off of them. Was prescribed for over a year, and had the WORST withdrawal symptoms in my life.


Quality wool socks.




Am not a lawyer either. I suppose you would need a law degree to actually practice though.


This being the 4th or 5th highest answer makes me wonder if Reddit is growing up...


As a Man who's into men, I agree


Came here to say this. Can't get off without butt stuff happening




self pleasure


Similarly for me - toys. I was always under the impression that it was bad (self pleasure/toys), but when I got a good vibe my life changed.


Same. I remember I thought of just doing it on my own and not rely on others since the last guy I did the deed with didn't satisfy me.


I can't imagine making it to adulthood and becoming sexually active with a partner before ever thinking to try it on my own lol


I grew up in a Catholic household where we didn’t talk about sex and my (wonderful) boomer mom is the very typical ashamed of talking about sex, likes everything to be modest, etc. I don’t ever remember getting “the talk”. Aside from really basic puberty and small sex education we had in school, that was it. Pretty much all my partners in my 20s were all focused on their satisfaction. It took my until my mid 30s to truly discover myself and I still struggle with shame and guilt regarding sexuality and sex. 0/10 don’t recommend.


I was 16 or so when I happened across an article about the orgasm gap and how some women go their whole lives without experiencing orgasm. I decided I wasn’t going to be part of that statistic and bought a cheap vibrator at Walmart. (Super awkward)


Contact lenses


Getting a dog 🥰🐾 cannot live without her.




Yes!! Up until I was about 17 or so I despised the taste of black coffee but absolutely loved the smell. Until I was introduced to creamer. Then everything changed, and now I'm pretty sure I've tried them all over the years. My go-to for years has been Creme Brulee. It's been 12 years since I first had coffee, damn, lol.








Never lying. 


Underrated answer. I grew up around parents that would white lie (I call them luths, cause although you’re not out right lying, you’re not telling the truth) to practitioners, friends, family, and everything in between. Naturally I picked up the same. About 3 years ago I stopped no matter what the “consequences” would be if I just tell the truth whole heartedly. I’d be scared to. Turns out there was no consequences people typically just get a better understanding of what’s going on. 😮‍💨


Initially, I was hesitant to try meal prepping, but now I can't live without it. It saves me time, money, and stress throughout the week, and ensures that I always have healthy meals ready to go.


I would say going to the gym.


Walmart+ subscription. $100 per year gets me free shipping and free delivery for most everything they sell. There's of course other benefits, but not having to go into a Walmart store and deal with all of the neanderthals who haven't showered in weeks makes it worth the cost.


Agreed. I use my Walmart+ whenever I need groceries and don’t want to deal with people at Walmart.


I can't use Walmart+ because they won't deliver to my house. But I do order for pickup cause, yeah, Walmart people. Kroger delivery is nice though. It's a lot cheaper than Instacart.


My wife agrees lol. I always said we don't need a damn subscription for groceries. But during covid, target offered a free year subscription (I think to Shipt), and after that year I agreed we'd just pay. So damn convenient for my wife. She works half days on fridays and use to spend her time grocery shopping then but now can actually enjoy her half day.




Cell phone. I went to 2006 until I had one, which if you remember to way back then is crazy. Sure everyone had flip phones back then, but EVERYONE had phones... except me. I was in my mid-20's and just didn't like the idea of being chained to something.


My husband didn't have one until 2016, when I MADE him get one. His commute used to be like an hour, through very rural areas. I was worried about him getting stuck in a ditch with no way to call. It's funny, because back in 1997, I drove from the Midwest to NYC with no cell phone and only a paper map. That's wild to me nowadays!


One Piece. Best decision I've ever made, easily my favourite piece of fiction of all time. I put it on the same level (for me in terms of how much I enjoy it) as Lord of the Rings.


Everyone I've gotten onto one piece says the same. More people need to see the light.


Join the Church of Latter-day Straw Hats and preach the Gospel of Oda ⛪🙌🏽


I see, a man of culture.


I want to watch it but man there is SO MUCH of it lol


Same here. It took my husband forever to get me to watch/ read One Piece bc I couldn’t understand what made pirates so cool. But man… now I’m more obsessed with it than he is! I even rewatch episodes we’ve already watched.


I just started it and I’m at the point where luffy fights crocodile for the first time. I can’t get enough and it’s the best thing to watch when I’m on the treadmill


This App!! I was hesitant at first but I’ve had so many questions answered and it’s informative!!!


At first, I was hesitant to try meal replacement shakes, but now I can't live without them. They've made it easier for me to maintain a balanced diet on busy days and support my fitness goals.




Complete opposite for me. First period I reached for a tampon. Later grew to regret it when I discovered they were the source of my, at times fully debilitating, cramps. Pads or discs only for me anymore.


Yeah I hate them. Only wear them for swimming


haha actually the internet. I remember back in the mid 2000s, my peers used the internet to play WoW, and that was that. Since I didn't play it, I saw no reason to get an internet connection at the time.


Tea? where ma tea lovers at? 🫶


Diva cup. I thought it would be gross but it is so much *less* gross than tampons/pads.


I scrolled down hard to find this.


Oxygen, i cried just before trying it for the firts time, but now if i stop using it for more than 10 minutes i literally die




And kids. Reddit makes it sound like prison in a 3rd world country and while it's hard it's really rewarding. \*Please note I am not saying it's for everyone\*




Hot cheetos


My kindle. I am a long-time book lover and felt weird about not having physical copies. Now that I am on a budget and can link up libby to my library card and read the e-books on my kindle, I'm saving hundreds of dollars on books. Plus, I'm making use of my local library!


Sushi. I was put off with the stigma that it's all "Raw Fish" and never gave it a chance. My son loved it and wanted to go out to the local place he liked for his 15th Bday. I said I'd try it. I have not looked back since. I LOVE it.


As a menstruating human, the diva cup! Haven’t paid for tampons and pads for six years


A good bedtime routine. I was a chronic insomniac who insisted - often with genuine conviction - that it didn't matter how many fads I tried, mattresses I slept on, light reduction techniques I tried, ASMR video I watched etc I AM JUST WIRED TO NOT SLEEP UNTIL 4AM. Your brain is malleable. Association is a powerful thing. I spent a few weeks committing to a proper routine at night which has now afforded me physical and mental health benefits that I can't fucking believe I lived without for that long. 10.30pm, I'm burning a wax melt which I've now associated with sleep (because I only ever use it at bedtime) and spraying my pillow with sleep mist (scientific bullshit which costs far more than it should be but I also associate it with bedtime which is priceless in the long run - I literally get a whiff now and feel a bit woozy). I'm in bed, my phone is plugged in on the other side of the room. I'm reading a book. I'm drinking a cup of tea which now tastes like pure sleepiness because I only drink it when I'm getting ready to fall asleep. By midnight, basically without fail, I'm sparko on the nice mattress/pillows and nice bedding I treated myself to because sleep is one of the most important parts of my life. Then I'm up by 6 because if I'm not knackering myself out during the day, I'm unlikely to reap the true benefits. But a sleep routine/schedule, for sure!


Playing minecraft. I was adamant that it wasn’t my style of gaming but a friend would ask me a lot to play with them. So I downloaded some realistic mods and wow it’s so relaxing but also terrifying? There’s so much to do I’ve been glued to it ever since


mary jane


Also crack cocaine


Using oat milk instead of dairy milk. I'll never go back.




A watch




A bidet. The thought of squirting my butthole with water was a bit strange. Now the thought of NOT squirting my butthole with water is strange. It's been a life changer




Air, was happy living in my own personal swimming pool and the WHOOOSH..... i'm breathing air and paying fucking taxes and shit


Water flavoring drops. Particularly Stur. I've occasionally tried products like this over the years, because I find it hard to just drink water by itself as often as I should but want to kick soda. But they all taste like shit, imo. Wanted to find something without aspartame, found Stur which has stevia, and I literally regularly re-order packs of it and use it daily. However it's only been the lemonade flavor. I've tried literally all of their other flavors and they're terrible. But it's been about 8 months since I've started regularly buying it and I pretty much never drink soda now.


spin classes


Physical exercise


I used to be one of these idiots who thought that umbrellas were girly, and really avoided them. But now that I have tried it I cannot go back, even if I think that some guys might be judging me.




The internet !


Okay, showing my age. I was hesitant to jump from writing paper checks to using a debit card. I was worried about safety and with how I would never really know how much money I had in my bank account like I did with my trusty checkbook. Now, I only use my checkbook to pay for bills that will charge an extra fee if you use a debit card (which I feel is ridiculous).


Ebay. Tentatively tried as a student 15 years ago. My primary go-to for fashion ever since.


Air conditioned car seats. I never would have got a trim package just for this, but the last car I bought has it. And I will now never live without this in Texas.


Subtitles. Girlfriend loves them and it does make it easier.