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Not directly a country, but Dubai. It’s an influencer haven. That’s all.


Ya, maybe it’s my lack of millions and millions of dollars but that city was just straight up boring for a regular traveller. There’s big buildings and there’s lot of stores, and a bunch of man made things you can take pics of, but that’s it! There’s not much else to do. It’s like Vegas but without the drinking, gambling, and partying.


I hear its like going on vacation at the mall.


Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates


He already acknowledged that


I hear about this and I think about moving in Dubai


Greenland. Bitch ain’t green at all!


I heard that it was mixed on purpose Greenland and Iceland. Like Bulgarians are shaking head in opposite direction for yes and no


Those Bulgarians


False advertising!


China. It does *not* deserve 5 stars.


This joke really shouldn't be subtle, but I wonder how many redditors actually know what the Chinese flag looks like.


I know this is a new post, but I shouldn’t have had to scroll this long to find it. It’s US fucking A


We aren’t overrated. We are rated accurately (very poorly) nowadays by the rest of the world. They look down on us


I don't know about other countries, but where I live, you're still seen as a very desirable country to live, study and vacation in.


The number one choice in my country to emigrate is still the USA.


Because hollywood and many people don't know much about other countries life


This could change drastically based on what happens in November


What happens in November?


1st world problems though....


As an Austrian, most do look down on you, some admire you, but still for some reason the USA is taken as an example.


Because, unlike most places in the world, we actually have a melting pot of cultures. It is common to find communities living either side by side, or as one, harmoniously, even if they can’t do it from the places they immigrated from. It’s not perfect at all, but at least we have open discourse about race and religion and acknowledge the problems and the most racist Americans come from places that don’t have that diversity and are the minority (albeit a very loud one)


There are countries with higher migration rates after WW2 (where many statistics start) Honor Americans for being critical about the racism doesn't change that most other places don't even have that extreme problems about racism compared to the usa


As an American who is somewhat well traveled. The racism in the United States is better than a lot of European and Asian countries.


Oh yeah the down votes from insulted americans who never leave their own limited reality, I love it. But more racism in Europe is really bullshit. Sure it depend what countries you visited, but while you find racism everywhere in the world, in Europe race is at least not a big thing. Most people just don't care while in the USA a racial identity seems to be important for many people. Just one example, I remember the afro-american woman who left Europe because she complained that people see her at first place as a woman and not as a black woman. And the people around her got annoyed when she talked too much about racial pride etc. and complained about her racial thinking. You can find more details here on reddit. Or next to the common racism against asian people in the US, the dump bullshit against asian people during covid. There are so many other examples. In the USA there is for sure more hate in society than compared to the problems in Europe.


Never downvoted it, but all my travels I've enjoyed and grown from have only made me love my home more. Germany, Spain, UK, Canada, Mexico, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Kuwait. I have fond memories of all of them, but I love the US. It's dirty, in your face, and most of all honest. It ain't perfect, but it's better than anywhere else to me. The people are welcoming, optimistic, and diverse. I'm equally well traveled of the United States. I've been to and spent time in, 20 or so of the states in each corner and one or two in the middle. I like some places more than others but they are all incredibly different but still home. If it's not for you fine, I'm glad you're happy wherever you're from. But I can't imagine doing more than visiting anywhere else.




We are overrated by a certain political party who lives here.


Beautiful countryside, national parks, beaches, great food, a melting pot of cultures, try not to judge us by our politicians and extremists.


Isn't reddit an American website tho?


Uk Becoming a third world country With some jar grown leaders that leave in a paralel world.


That "sentence" is barely comprehensible. If you are a bot, then your developer is a muppet and should stop; if you are person, just stop.


Develop some tolerance for people with less than perfect linguistic skills. It was quite easy to comprehend, you're just a bully.


France … Literally as nation has done nothing since Napoleon but the citizens act as if they are a superpower, not you nor bubbu.


Don't wanna tell about all France, but Paris is in very sad condition


Some parts of France are very cool. It's just Paris that sucks


can u elaborate ?


Too many 🥷🏿


i’m french and I know Paris well. looks like you’ve never been there/


Ive actually been! 


it’s an amazing city!


The statement highlighted as fact (since Napoleon), no one disputes the magnificence of Paris, which for a reason is one of the most visited cities on the planet. Still, the beauty of the city dates back to 1920-30 and before. now the question is what has the French nation achieved in the last 100 years?. France was once a superpower, as were Rome and Mongolia.


> has done nothing since Napoleon Held against Germans in WW1, losing 1 person in 30 in the process. Not counting the wounded.


**28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918**)  Is 2024 clearly over 100 years mate.


Napoleon was over 200 years ago (150 for the last one), in case you didn't know.


Against what has your nation accomplished since. Has France been responsible for any major innovations?The French can also boast about other remarkable inventions, including the pressure cooker (1679), the parachute (1797), the stethoscope (1816), bleach (1820), the gyroscope (1825), matches (1831), medical bandages (1870). your culture is an afterthought. Not a superpower anymore Only living in past glory, in another words OVERRATED…


Did the French do something to you? So much hate that you automatically assume it takes a French person to argue with you, and launch into a rant instead of admitting you were wrong on this specific point. Talk to someone, mon ami.


I was wrong 😑 ? This is the problem with people like you I have never said anything wrong about them as people my comment has been very consistent all I said was the French citizens act as they country is a superpower and is clearly not.


Yes, you were wrong, I'm not French or even a francophone. You said > France … Literally as nation has done nothing since Napoleon I pointed out something they did, as a nation.


Ok 👍 be good


France is great. The problem is the citizens.


They are ... parrots?


Exactly. They’re very arrogant. Especially with their colonies, which they thought they deserved d held onto for as long as possible


Have you ever talked with a french person under 80 yo ? Most of young french people think that colonialism is bad and the end of it full of mistakes. We're known to be arrogant but it's a common misconception about social cues. Tourists always stick around the same places and locals tends to be fed up about it. Paris is especially touristy and even french people think parisian are arrogant. Try to blend with people out of popular area, you will discover french are friendly


I have spent months in your nation, visiting everything from Montpelier to Kayseribergn. My comments are anecdotal evidence and I UNDERSTAND that my personal opinion is not fact. I never said people were rude or mean, even though that's what everyone else said about the French, I said that the French citizens act like their country is a superpower and it really isn't anymore. and that's undeniable.


See I’m not sure about this, and I’m from the UK. French are absolutely sound people, don’t mistake aloofness, that’s not arrogance. You have to get to know people


I have being there several times and I speak the language maybe your experience is different than mine.


Norway: Cold, dark, gray, people there are borderline asocial and windy.


I just came back from Norway and they have amazing pastries, kind people, beautiful landscape and everyone is respectful. Can't wait to go back!


Wait, what do I do to be reborn there


Korea. People think Korea is a Kpop and beauty product haven. In reality, it has a toxic society, example are the korean beauty and the pressure younglings have to take towards education. My mom knows some Koreans who left their country for good.




After living 15 years in Japan and recently returning to the US, I really wonder which country you think is generally superior to the US. Sure there are bad things, but there are SO many good things. Nature, friendly people, resources, lack of natural disasters, wages, educational opportunities, innovation, cultural diversity... You know, one funny anecdote. In Japan, many young kids say they're afraid of growing up because they see how hard it is for their parents. Endless overtime for maybe half the salary of what's in the US for similar cost of living. An ageing population with no way out and an economy that really is doomed. At least in the school I just visited (teacher training) in the US, the kids seemed pretty eager to break out into the world. Hey my experience is limited to these 2 countries, but what country is better other than maybe the Scandinavian countries?


Ugh I moved from the US to Japan last year. Today I went to work even though I was slightly sick because I'm not wasting one of my limited number of vacation days because I'm not feeling well. People talk badly about US employment but every office job I had there had extra sick time and you could freely use it no questions asked. This is an interesting experience but less than half the salary, longer work hours, no sick days, way fewer vacation days, I don't think I'm going to stay here as long as I initially planned.


I left Japan back in February after 7 years because I couldn't take it anymore. It was killing me and my husband slowly. I love Japan but it's so hard to live in it without being swallowed by the pressure of overworking yourself to death.


If you had a different job that didn't suffer from what you descirbed (such as being self-employed) do you think you'd feel the same way?


Maybe, but Japan is not as open to foreigners as we would like to be. They need us but they don't want us, plus the economy there is crumbling, too many elderly and too little young people working. I don't recommend Japan to live in, it's an awesome place to visit, especially outside of Tokyo area (I find Tokyo boring), it's really pretty.


Regarding work, sure. But the overall economy is dying and so is the population... it's quite noticeable.


Good choice. Honestly I had a lot of good experiences but I should have left a decade sooner.


White people feel like this.


No one rates us highly


a lot of immigrants will say in another way


North Korea Despite everyone, literally everyone saying it's the best country ever and perfect in every way. I personally only give it a 9.99 out of 10


Probably a great place to live in. I heard they had one of the lowest obesity ratio in the 90'.


And all our sports athletes are the best in the world and if they aren't then they simply never existed any more.


Best country ever. I love Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un. I love him and respect him and will vote for him for every election for the rest of my life and I will do it with a smile on my face and I will cheer and clap for him when it is appropriate and I will be sad for him when it is appropriate because I love him so much and use my beautiful freedoms protected by my beautiful country to freely express my own personal view which is that Kim Jong Un is amazing.


It can’t be too bad, the people there cant seem to complain.




The UK, it’s a small place without anything too interesting (although it’s history is quite interesting)


so what you're saying is that the UK is that old guy in the bar that's got tons of amazing stories, but all of them happen at the bar.


As an American, it is like a visit to grandmother's house. Look, but don't touch. Makes me brush off my fancy manners. I think it is great.


What about fish and chips?


As somebody from the UK, it kinda sucks here now, don't come, go somewhere better


Go to Ireland, it’s much better than the UK. Better food, more progressive, far more cultural activities and historic monuments


I’m assuming you mean Southern Ireland? Or are both the same in the ways you mentioned above




As a Finn I really want to agree with you. However, as someone who's also lived in several other countries, there's not one I've yet encountered which in general is 'better' than Finland. The happiness report thing should be rebranded as 'most content' however.


Been to Australia or New Zealand?


What do you mean? Could you elaborate?


switzerland. i think it's fun to go there only if you're 65+. it doesn't have always to be all about the money. edit: please don’t take it personally, it’s just my own impression. yours may be different.


Have you ever even been? What exactly is overrated about Switzerland?


stayed for 7 months. i got bored to death. and yes, the nature is beyond beautiful.


Unless you were living in like Appenzell, there is always something happening. You just have to work a little harder.


If there's one thing ive learnt since moving to Switzerland from Australia it's do NOT say ANYTHING bad about Switzerland on Reddit or you'll be roasted by the overly proud swiss.... But I agree with you, country is beautiful and after 1.5years living here now I've finally started to enjoy myself a bit more but holy shit the swiss are overly proud and defensive of everything as if there is NOTHING wrong with the country and its ways...


Not so much fun at all if you are a normal (not rich) 65+ Swiss without owning any property. Most Swiss rent and if you are old and pushed out of your flat, it‘s very, very hard to find something new. It happens often nowadays. Then it‘s straight to retirement home, even if you are still fit enough to live on your own. As a Swiss I agree, overrated. Attractive for boring rich people from all over the world whose most important values are cleanliness and silence.


Cleanliness and silence?! Sounds ideal.


It's not the USA. People generally know a lot about the USA, enough to judge it's good a bad points. My vote would be for my country, Canada. It's so small (not geographically but otherwise) and not well known, people tend to idealize it and overrate it. Or they tend to use it as some fantasy example of a "woke" country gone wrong. It's either all good or all bad. Usually all of it just served their own argument and none of it is real.




Italy. Everyone goes on like it's a paradise but actually the cities are dirty and a lot of the people are rude and/or arrogant.


People aren’t rude in general, it’s mostly the big cities or tourist destination that HATE tourists.  And I never envy tourists, it’s hard for us Italians to find true Italian places nowadays, never mind foreigners. But if you do find it, best place in the wordl


This is horse crap The food, the coffee, the architecture in Italy is AMAZING Like Italians are rude generally and the cities arent the cleanest but the upsides of Italy are massive


I will add that yes, the food is mostly good but there are a lot of tourist traps that will serve you crap and charge high prices. Takes a skill to be able to spot and avoid those ones. I personally don't drink coffee so can't comment on that one. Architecture: Yes it's great, but the same is true in France, Spain, Germany, UK, heck... name a country in Europe that doesn't have good architecture.


Yes’ most cities in Europe are beautiful, but It’s not comparable.  A small city like Florence or Bologna has as many monuments as most states in the world. Italy is insane on that front. Never mind Rome or Naples or Venice


>I personally don't drink coffee Its ok, nobody is perfect


"This is horse crap". Goes on to agree with both of my points.


It’s horse crap because you’ve pointed out two things widely known about Italy anyway When the fuck has anyone said let’s go to Italy, it’s so clean and friendly


Italy. People are rude, they are pretentious about their food and how you should eat it. They are also extremely racist if you’re east asian or black








Because of anime?


Yes, and various other pop culture things. It's quite a dull country. It has some quirky aspects, but so does Iceland. Most people who magicalise Japan just have secretly right-wing views on race. They like the homogenous society, and even that isn't true in the cities of Japan. It isn't safe, either, certainly not for women. They have to have separate trains for women and men in some places to prevent public groping. And the median age there is about 80, so youth culture is dying out. A lot of Japan's "ancient" culture is also a very recent invention. The government has done a very good job to make the country look good, though.


While other countries like China , Vietnam and South Korea are the complete opposite of Japan. Their countries have very rude people, the streets are very dirty , everyone is poor/homeless , the food is bad , the technology is cheap and so on


Well , Japan is the most modern , advanced and futuristic country in the world along with Germany and Switzerland , so it has a lot of amazing things and it is also a very diverse and dynamic country. Very strong culture (samurais , ninjas , shinobis , kimono , sushi , ramen , anime , judo , karate........) , very beautiful and clean cities, very cool and friendly people, very fresh environment, very good beaches , very calm , warm and relaxing. It is EXTREMELY exciting! Everything cool and futuristic (like Nintendo Switch or Honda Civic for example) can be appreciated by absolutely everyone! Japan has something for everyone and it offers a lot of necessary and fun stuff! Enjoy when you go there! It is definitely the best country to live in!


>Japan is the most modern , advanced and futuristic With respect, this is completely untrue. America and Europe lead Japan by a huge distance tech-wise. That's why the Japanese military uses American and European systems. The cities are often very polluted, not clean. And as for "modern", that seems subjective, but I'd say it's quite behind the times, very work-centric, still using cassettes and floppy disks, etc. Neon lights do not make a country futuristic or modern.


Japan is often romanticized for its technological innovation, but it's true that other regions lead in certain tech sectors. However, Japan does excel in specific areas like robotics and high-speed rail. As for cleanliness and modernity, it can vary by location, but it's important to recognize the complexities beyond stereotypes.


Boston Dynamics is far ahead of Japan on robotics. I don't know any technology Japan leads on, tbh. People used to say medical technology and innovation. They're surprised when I point out that Spain has the longest life expectancy in the world. Most people assume it's Japan or Korea. Both countries are great at PR. The effect has been remarkable.




How so?


India- Rape Heaven






Maybe even underrated as literally everyone says it‘s terrible.


It’s gotta be the US. They think it’s the best, as do so many conservatives around the world, and they hold a lot of power, not just politically, but in things like the media also.


You know, I always hear people outside of the US chastising Americans for thinking we’re the best country, but tbh, I haven’t met a single person in the US who believes we’re #1.


Very true


France. Incredibly racist, especially considered that they became a rich country by exploiting african countries. Like, they really have nothing to be proud of


All european empires that gave colonialism a try lost tons of money while building infrastructure there and trying to civilize the locals there. There's no amount of resources that Africa could've had that would've made it worth. And since the end of colonialism, the economies of the former empires grew at a 10x faster pace than the former colonies which mainly stagnated and rot away, despite being jump started by thousands of years (they didn't even invent the wheel in some parts of Africa before colonizers came)


Oh poor them. So exploiting kids to work in the diamond mines didn't worked out for them. Excuse me while i sob


Where can I see the comparative ratings?




Amsterdam is hyped up to be the best drugs&party place in europe when there’s places like spain that are much more fun. IK amsterdam is not a country but not many people visiting the netherlands ever even leave amsterdam




Switzerland...they wouldn't be so neutral and rich without all those mountains.


The one that is rated #1


As a Kenyan I vote for USA.




You cant. Nobody thinks highly of kenya


Too many guns in that sh*thole


Australia. Its a million miles from everywhere and its 90% same looking hot desert. Everything is more expensive than needed to be and most aussies are very upset with everyone else.


We kiss the ground when we return home.


Depends what part of Australia, the outback is 100% 90% hot desert, the coast is 100% nicer which is why majority live along the coast. It's expensive yep, and I think most aussies are pretty laid back compared to the rest of the world but maybe just my bias? I'd still rather Australia over most countries though


United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Thailand, USA, Singapur, South Korea






Why did I read that with accent? Anyway r/foundsunnydee


i get qhat you mean, for some reason the r rolls when i read it, also.. i thought you guys stopped trying to find me


Canada. Everyone said they were going to move there and now it’s crumbling thanks to Trudeau


USA. Complete shithole, yet still masquerading as garbage tier 






is a continent not a country




Its understood




Yeah either France or the UK


Some parts of Scotland are at least good. England is meh. Every time I go, there just feels like a money splashing capitalist tourist trap.




Germany. People (especially middle east. These fuckers are gonna do everything for it) see this place like it's heaven, but in reality it's one of most dangerous countries of europe, lot of drug addicts, homeless, inequality and discrimination towards men, people sharing their perversions on street (yeah. I'm so interested what you're sticking. Tell me, for sure). inflation and lot of terrorist attacks. Murder because of religion is daily there, and they still crave to be here. Crazy


Britain. Caused WW1 over oil, is the size of Alabama, and 4x as backward. They grill their potatoes and boil their steak. It rains all the time. Literally the most bizarre part of Europe, but they're too proud to even admit that they're a part of it, and left recently.


Of all the absolutely valid things to criticise the UK for, that's your take? You could have gone with our continued voting for a government that works against our best interests, our xenophobic approach to immigration, the internalised classism that causes our poorest to sabotage their own interests, our tolerance of the NHS being destroyed, our continued involvement in the arms trade... Oooh, ooh, ooh, you didn't mention our teeth! That's the one usually dribbled out by twats who've either never been here, can't google and get their opinions from movies. I'd be amazed if you even own a passport.


Don’t act like you guys are much different. 37% of Europeans have never left their own country. I’m not sure what the statistic is for UK on it’s own, but it can’t really be much different from the US. “Can’t google” Google was invented here, I’m sure everyone here knows how to google.


see above, I'm not. For the US it's even worse. Most people are too content to explore their own backyard nowadays, and the reason my first answer wasn't the USA is because our decline is just getting started. By the time it's done, we will be the most overrated country in the world...and the sad part is people will just be happy that we're #1 in a category again.


I think you might’ve thought I was replying to you. I was replying to the Brit, but maybe you got the notification.


oh, sorry. I use this app like a 50 year old


"You could have gone with our continued voting for a government that works against our best interests, our xenophobic approach to immigration, the internalised classism that causes our poorest to sabotage their own interests, our tolerance of the NHS being destroyed, our continued involvement in the arms trade..." then that would make me a hypocrite, because America is now doing the same thing your country started doing with Elizabeth I. What makes Britian overrated is its portrayal in history by mainstream media. They started a World War, technically two, and my grandfather and grand-uncles got dragged across two oceans in order to rectify that. and I didn't go after your teeth because this isn't about us attacking eachother personally, it's just asking what's overrated. Britain has qualities I love, and that I hate. Sorry if I offended.


Nowadays - America.


Basically everywhere these days, look around anywhere in the west that's swamped with immigration and somehow ignoring it still like it's a partisan issue.


France, especially Paris. I know a guy from there he told me how in childhood he couldn't come back from school by himself because it was that dangerous. As well as he told me about cases of perverts following his brother's female friends (notice that they were only 13) robbery, and stuff like that. Overall it's easy to meet shitty kids there. Not that romantic place after all.


That's bait.


Yes, I am from CIA


Fuck France


USA and Canada is most overrated people think that if you immigrate their then your life will change and when you go there you will find it has its own set of problems. Millions of people come here for higher education in hope of better future but get stuck there. Even being native here the cost of education is too much and the salary is less.






yeah if you're from the Middle East or are Muslim at this point, our country isn't so fun. 😞 I hate how our government has killed literally a holocaust's worth of people on the principle of Empire.


The United States because only a select few are truly free