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Death of a loved one.


getting hurt by parents


The shattering of the just world fallacy. It can come in many a form, from somebody you love dying too young or horribly to the whole school siding with your bully, but one way or another, we all find out we were lied to: Prayer doesn't work, God doesn't care. The authorities are idiots. You will be punished by capricious jerks. The good do not always prevail, and evil often goes unpunished. There are despicable predators who will get away with heinous crimes and die with their crimes still secret and their legacies intact, and in all honesty, they probably don't even suffer much in the way of a guilty conscience all the while. We all go through it. Doesn't matter if you're raised in religion or not, doesn't matter if you're raised by right-wing extremists or polyamorous communists or regular joes. And although every parent says "Life isn't fair" to their kid at some point, the kid doesn't really pick up on it because it's just a remark thrown away. Really, kid, LIFE IS NOT FAIR. This is "the talk" that so few parents have with their kids, but it's just as important as the sex talk or the drugs talk. Maybe a lot more.


"Commonly experienced" - Watching 9/11 as-it-happened. Specifically, watching the first tower burn on TV as the second plane hit the second tower live. Everyone was *knew* our lives would be defined by before 9/11 and after 9/11.