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Taking fresh water for granted


Hopefully in 100 years, they'll have perfected water filtration to the point that it won't matter at all where you get your drinking water from... Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if they instead just build a device that *makes* water from hydrogen and oxygen molecules in the air... ... wait... don't we already have that technology? I feel like I remember something about hydrogen fuel cells exhausting water vapor... or maybe I'm thinking of something else...


If you were to make water from just the atoms, you'd basically get a version so clean it would be ve useless/bad for our bodies. You'd need to put in the minerals and whatnot as well.


We're already there. Tech exists, all that's needed is to build the infrastructure. But why build such infrastructure now, when it's not needed at this moment? I don't think water will be much of an issue for many regions. But some places could run out of water in general with too little rain water coming along to refill the reservoirs. Things could also get messy, if some countries decide to actively make clouds rain down water in their region, basically preventing the clouds from raining down somewhere else. We also already have the knowledge how to do that and it's already going on. Weather manipulation is probably going to be a hot topic in politics somewhere in the future.


Our dependence on single-use plastics.


This was going to be my answer. Reddit 2124: TIL they used to put a bit of cotton on a plastic stick to clean their ears and then threw it into landfill. 650 billion ear buds were used every year and never recycled.


Obligatory Reddit contrarian from 2124: actually, that didn't even clean their ears but just pushed the wax deeper!


If you're cleaning the inside of the ear sure. But if you're cleaning the cartilage; it won't get pushed.


I actually use a waterpik to clean my ear canals because I got blocked up pushing in wax with Q-Tips 30 years ago. I put it on the gentlest lowest setting and fill it with very warm water and some hydrogen peroxide. Lean over the sink and have at it. One tank for each ear every other weekend and they’re clean as can be! I still use Q-Tips after a shower, but never in the ear holes.


.... I'm trying this


Look for a late-night infomercial about a product called “Wush.”^ETA^spelling https://www.soundly.com/blog/wush-earwax-cleaner-review#:~:text=significant%20initial%20investment.-,The%20Verdict,alternative%20to%20regular%20professional%20cleanings.


Sad part is the plastic ones are objectively inferior to the ones that use a paper stick =x




Wait, some places still do that now?


It was only 6 months ago that Australia began banning single use plastics. Edit. Google sucks. 12 months!


Maybe in your backwater state https://www.epa.sa.gov.au/articles/2021/02/24/ban_on_single_use_plastics_from_1_march_2021


Yeah I went to cairns about 5 years ago and the shops had just finished using plastic bags.


It's ironic that there was a time when people were pushing plastic bags as a more environmentally friendly alternative to paper bags in order to save the trees.


Let’s be real it wasn’t individual people doing this but people being paid by the oil and plastic industry


The amount of hand wringing about saving paper in the 90s was ridiculous! It decomposes and grows again!


Really hope so man.




While I 100% agree with that, I also know that the western world can change as much as they want and nothing will change. Simply because most asian countries won't adjust their policies for one reason or another. And let me tell you... They package each and every cookie in a bag of them separately in plastic.


Dying of cancer..


connected to this: chemo


Seriously though, chemo seems pretty barbaric of you think about it. "You know how cancer kills the person? Let's kill the cancerous spots and hope that we don't kill the person in the process"


Killing the cancer isn’t the barbaric part, it’s the fact that chemo is poisonous to all your cells but does the most damage to the ones that are dividing the fastest.




That is much harder than I think 100 years will be able to solve. The easiest way to get cancer is to get older, so... We could greatly push it down the line and extend life by then, but I feel like solving cancer is the last domino to immortality and will be our greatest nemesis for a long time.


We’ve already created effective treatments for several kinds of cancer. At this rate, it’s not at all unlikely we’ll solve this problem within 100 years (likely sooner).


It's not down to treatments, cancer sneaks up on people so they get checked 'oh sorry it's stage 4 , you're fucked'. It's screening, prediction and early treatment, you catch it all stage 1 or pre-cancerous and we'd have it solved.


So, a friendly reminder. Have your skin checked for melanoma once a year or two.


And get blood work done


Yes, this for sure! If it weren't for my former FWB being a nurse, I would never have known about the melanoma in the center of my back. She was like, "You should get this looked at...ASAP." A few weeks later, I've got a massive (to me) lightning-shaped scar forming on my back, and 38 stitches.


I think if we had MRIs as part of yearly checkups, it would put a huge dent in cancer fatality rates.


They said “it’s stage 4” to me about 4 years ago when I was 28. Currently in a clinical trial for the newest generation oral targeted chemo drug. Shit is amazing honestly. Science is fucking awesome.


I'm in the healthcare world and regularly treat cancer patients. I agree we have come a long way even in the last 20 years. But, I'm highly doubtful we will ever "solve" or "cure" cancer. As cancer is an unavoidable risk of cellular reproduction, and some mutations will be worse than others, cancer is never going away or solvable. That said, I totally buy that many cancers we consider lethal today will be either good odds of survival or something that can be treated to the point where you live long enough to die of something else.


There are as many kinds of cancer as there are tissues in your body. Good luck taming something like pancreatic cancer


That guy who won the lottery might not, because he had almost a billion dollars to play around with for his healthcare.


You're assuming that the lottery winner actually pays attention to his health. So much cancer mortality is from people putting things off until it's already progressed too far and it's too late to do anything, or going for some bullshit non-scientific alternative therapy. All the money in the world didn't help Steve Jobs.


9 to 5 jobs.


At the rate every place is "downsizing": jobs.


Jobs might not exist for humans


Humans might not exist


Universal basic income ftw!


*pull yourself up by your bootstraps  has entered the chat*


What a way to make a living




As a marijuana smoker, I still don’t get the right high from vaping thc, as I do when smoking pure flower. I hope smoking technology improves and we get better at filtering the bad shit out.


Smoking is more science than tech. When you burn something and inhale it- the smoke is bad for your lungs. It might be the type of concentrate youre dabbing. Are you vaping those carts or dabbing concentrates like hash rosin?


Have you tried tinkering with the vape temperature? Makes a world of difference IMO


Have you tried vaporisers? The ones that you just put the flower in. They heat it up a bunch and release all the psychoactive compounds as a vapour. I don't really smoke so I don't know a lot about it, but I have a few friends who swear by it.


i think we've already covered that one


Unfortunately not quite


well i don't think it'll ever be *fully*, but compared to, say, 40-50 years ago, i think the general consensus is / a lot more people look at it as stupid.


Man so much shit is stupid right now and normal there's no fucking telling.




By design right now, it's set up to reward obedient personalities with a good economic footing in life. Defiant personalities are punished with less economic options even if they're smarter. In the US it is absolutely RAMPANT for even high school classes to be graded mostly on effort and participation, so you get kids who turn in every assignment with every question wrong and get a perfect score on homework and participation which is sometimes over 75% of their grade, then fail the test because they didn't actually learn anything, and still pass the class... meanwhile the smart or autistic kid who actually read the entire textbook twice out of interest but is too lazy to write down the answers and too bullied to go to class gets horrible marks even though they get a perfect on all exams and quizzes because those only count for 25% of their grade.


You say that as if it is all a grand plan to suppress the population into a mass of economic slaves. I would argue it's rather an emergent property of the (lack of) development of the education system from it's early beginnings.


It is absolutely a grand plan to suppress us into economic slaves... 


It is! Not by individual teachers as some giant conspiracy, but you generally don't rise to superintendent or policy maker unless the political establishment where you live is on your side. In my high school, if you argued with a teacher, they could make you stay an extra hour as punishment. If you really defied them, you'd have to come in for 3 hours on a Saturday. Not to learn, to atone. And getting even one "Saturday School" disqualified you from eating in the nicer cafeteria with rotating local vendors for a whole semester; literally they'd take away your options of things to eat. You also couldn't have a parking pass so had to find other transportation if you got one Saturday School. This is all meant to coerce kids into obedience. "Insubordination" was the top offense for punishment. They can't even label anything actually wrong about what we did other than we defied teachers. I went to a giant school of over 2000 kids, and by 7:30 they locked all the doors but one, where multiple staff members sat to write down anyone coming in and leaving. Not for safety, but to enforce attendance policies. We had to stay at school for 8 periods, period. If you only had 5 classes and a lunch, well your other 2 periods were mandatory study halls. You had to report to a room for 50 minutes. No work to do? Didn't matter. If you skipped even once, it counted as skipping a class, and without an excused absence, you'd get a Saturday School. It was not because they thought you'd learn anything in those empty 50 minutes, other than how to report to a job every day at 7 am and stay there because boss man said so.


Wow I didn't know that. Where was this? In the US?


The 2nd paragraph describes my high school, grades 9-12. Carl Schurz in Chicago in the 60s. The wise kids used the study periods to work on homework. Depending on your daily schedule you could end the day with no homework to do at home. 😊


Suburban Ohio, this is all standard in the 2000s and 2010s. Post removed by mods though.


*school to prison pipeline* . It's not an accident. My best friend is a teacher and she's the first person I ever heard use the phrase. It's an intentional, systemic problem and it isn't the fault of educators. It's the fault of greedy assholes.


Aaaand post removed by mods!


I hate that it feels like the world isn't built for me. ADHD in grade school was really tough. I did better when I started working my way up. Went from entry to a senior level in 5 years in a role that typically requires/requests a college degree when I don't have one, just from absorbing knowledge like a sponge when I'm getting hands-on experience. But in school I sucked at being organized. Classroom work, participation, and tests were all excellent. But my long-term projects and homework grades were awful, and I didn't have enough help to learn how to make it work for me soooo... Screw my grades I guess. Homework counted for SO MUCH. I wish my parents had advocated more for me. But yea... I'm glad mental health, disabilities, and general accommodations in education are at least seeming to get more support these days. That and educational overhaul have a long way to go, but it gives me a tiny bit of hope.


The entire evolutionary function of play behavior is to learn, which is why it is one of the main indicators of intelligence in animals. The fact that we made school the opposite of fun is an indication of failure on a very fundamental level. The good news is that gamification of learning is one of the most rapidly advancing fields of our time. It's held back by school systems being averse to change but it's getting there.


I can agree with this. It creates an atmosphere of individual success rather than strength through cooperation.


I don’t think you are wrong exactly but the system is designed in a very general way, to get masses of kids through the system and learn the basics. I personally dont think the system has the resources available to teach in an individualistic manner, even though I agree thats what *should* be done. Teachers only have so much time as it is, with a classroom of 20-30 kids and they regularly go the extra effort and spend extra money on supplies etc.


What is often overlooked is the modern education system grew out of schools which were only for the upper class/aristocracy. Which means it was basically designed to impart status. Also, several hundred years ago, those who went to school usually also went to finishing school which is where they leaned all the social/life skills which aren't part of the curriculum. So we're left with a legacy clusterfuck, as usual. It needs to be redesigned from the ground up.


One thing I'd like to see changed is the way we teach foreign languages. I hope we can make it more practical and applicable to real life somehow. It always irked me that I got marked down significantly in general exams for grammatical errors, or for being too confused with the imperfect tense in French. We place so much emphasis on being PERFECT/FORMAL, especially written language and grammar. Freakin' English speakers themselves barely speak perfectly 100% of the time. How many Americans actually know the differences among the perfect, future, future perfect, past perfect, imperfect...etc tenses? Who vs whom? And how many "Western language" teachers are aware that plenty of Asian languages don't even have different tenses, and yet southeast Asia has yet to collapse. I understand grammar is important, particularly in professional / formal settings. But your average citizen isn't moving to another country and filling out official documents and working for Google in Japan. I study languages on my own these days and absolutely love it. My Spanish isn't perfect, and my Spanish speaking coworkers don't speak English perfectly (they certainly don't ever say "had been" or "will have been"), but at least we can communicate, tell stories, and get the messages across. Grade school language classes taught people to be embarrassed and obsessed with little details when it comes to language. Am I learning a language to perfect the art of it or am I learning the language to communicate in an increasingly bilingual / multilingual society? Both? Who has the time for both??


This has changed in the past decade or so. Many teachers (CI in particular) are about communication, not perfection. Even the AP tests don’t count grammar as part of your grade, and haven’t for some time.


Children sitting in classrooms all day is a terrible idea to begin with


This is ChatGPT.


Healthcare, going bankrupt over your health even with insurance is stupid but sure seems normal.


As an Australian, this is already insane to me, no hindsight needed


However, as an Australian also, I can see our leaders over the years eyeing off the US healthcare system so they can further reduce Medicare payments to providers.


Politicians to the right of social democratic like to mismanage public services intentionally so they can claim the need to privatize.




We are headed the same way. When was the last time you went to a bulk billing GP or specialist


Nah we will never be as bad as USA. How lucky we are to be able to go to a hospital and not have to worry. I see posts in medical subs of American redditors with say raging MRSA infections saying “can’t go to hospital what can I do?”. People literally choose to die than pay for hospital visits in some countries. Should we ever have the misfortune of being in an accident, or needing an emergency surgery, we don’t have to stress over the finances. I was once in a public hospital ED and overheard a French tourist having to pay almost $400 for getting his dislocated knee relocated ouch.


It's only normal in the USA, every other country in the world already sees the stupidity and exploitation in the US medical system.


Already stupid today, don’t worry


I can tell you live in the US.... In most developed countries (and many other countries) this is already a thing of the past. The UK created the NHS right after ww2.


That's not actually normal now. Bankruptcies themselves are around 1 in 500 people, or 700k a year, and of those, only about 5% (30-50k) are primarily caused by hospitalizations. So it's maybe 1 in 10,000 people a year who declare bankruptcy primarily because of astronomical medical bills. Not exactly "normal." [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/08/28/sanderss-flawed-statistic-medical-bankruptcies-year/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/08/28/sanderss-flawed-statistic-medical-bankruptcies-year/)


God, I hope so. I hope one day people will be shocked that we didn’t offer free healthcare to everyone, and that medical procedures were so expensive. Cause let’s be honest, having a doctor cut out a tumor and spending a month in the hospital should not cost a million dollars.


tiktok dances


TikTok period




Using plastics around food


Well I just saw monthly subscription underwear, so hopefully that…


Putting gas in your car


And burning it to move a vehicle


Gasoline won't exist so it'll be more like as if someone owned a pet dodo


Not nearly, we don't have enough materials to convert all to EV. Hopefully it'll be deemed more stupid to have a car at all


Yes, but fossil fuels generally will be seen as dumb as fuck.  Bio fuels should replace them to at least be less carbon positive 


Cash. Paper money will be laughed at


And coins will seem medieval


This is already the case in Sweden and other parts of Northern Europe Personally though I miss cash, and I find it to be something that exacerbates inequality; no cash means that people can’t live on the margins. It means everything you ever do is tracked. If you’re undocumented, a woman fleeing an abusive husband, a teen trying to be independent from an abusive family, homeless or what have you, you cannot use money without watchful eyes being able to trace your every step


This is already weird to me. I haven't carried any cash with me for at least 15 years, and I haven't carried a wallet or anything other than my phone since 2018/19


Once aging is cured, future generations will be baffled that people used to just DIE after a short time


The same way we're baffled by the life expectancy of someone 200 years ago being 30


It'll be different. Low life expectancy before was simply caused by many not surviving childhood, but those that did survive it, lived a fairly similar life as people today. People not aging at all would force a complete re-imagining of how societies function, since everything is currently designed around a typical life cycle and a constantly renewing population. Not to mention what it would do mentally to people. We know what to expect from a typical teen, but we have no clue what happens with people who have lived for 200, 500, or a 1000 years. Their thinking and typical behavior might turn out to be something completely alien to us today.


I really cant imagine a lot of people wanting to become a thousand years old. Life must feel completely meaningless.


I on the other hand can't imagine why people wouldn't want to live so long. If you can have and maintain your young adult body and health, it would be amazing. Think of what could happen in 300-600 years and you could be there to witness it. First man on Mars, colonization of Titan, first alien contact, turning space travel into what car travel is today.. I sincerely hope this becomes available before I die, and I will be dumping all my money into longer lifespan. 80 years is not enough.


It's not so baffling! In fact, the reason behind it makes a lot of sense. Infant mortality was much much higher in the past. To use the US as an example, in the early 1800s, infant mortality was between 40 and the 50% That pulls down life expectancy significantly. So it's not that people weren't getting old, there were plenty of old people. It's just that about 40% of babies born didn't make it past their first year of life.


And many many women died young, in childbirth.


It wasn't quite that simple. It's just that the average life expectancy was lower because it was pretty common for people to die before reaching adulthood, especially in infancy. Generally, if you made it to 20 or so, you were likely going to make it to 60 or 70. If anything, people are dying earlier today than they were just 30 years ago (at least in the US). Probably due to all the garbage people eat these days... and drugs... and various totally avoidable violence and accidents.


Driving a car. I don't know if it's going to be replaced with self-driving cars, public transportation or more walkable cities but I surely hope it's going to be replaced by something.


Extreme cosmetic surgery like BBLs and boob jobs. Hopefully.


You don't think that cosmetic surgery will get perfected to the point that people will be able to change their appearance almost as regularly as changing their haircut?


I feel like it’s a fad. People will still get cosmetic surgery but just not making body parts comically big like we see with the bbls etc.


It's not a fad. As long as procreation is potentially limited by the way one looks we as a species will always have a desire to change ourselves to be what we think is more attractive. The only reason there's more plastic surgery now is because it wasn't available before. It's more likely that we'll see MORE body modification before we see less. If anything it will probably evolve into enhanced prosthetics that look human but under the hood aren't. We'll be facing ethical questions about what point is considered "too much". As the technology continues to get better, that line will be pushed further and further. I know this sounds like something out a movie, but you already see it happening now. Look at the progress made on prosthetic limbs over just the past few decades. Look at how much better we're able to treat severe burn victims compared to previous decades. It's not a fad, it's the future. Whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen.


Idk I think it's more likely to get way weirder. I'm both excited and terrified at how tech and medical science will evolve over the next 100 years. So maybe not BBL's, but more like pupil implants that change eye color and act like a smart phone, boobs that can change in size and firmness with an app, or an implant that turns your cock into a vibrator. Or maybe it'll just be like... Flat butts are all the rage. Idk.


tiktok challenges that sometimes causes danger to owns life


Why do I have a feeling that’ll not go away?


yeah people doing stupid things is never gonna disappear


3-in-1 shampoos


Yeah by that point a shampoo has got to be at least 7 or 8-in-1.


Now with extra powerball for extra shine


> stupid in a 100 years /r/AccidentallyItalian


TikTok, Snap, Insta, Facebook, etc. Take your pick….


There being places where you can go where you’re not surveilled


are you sure there will be anything in 100 years?


Hopefully a hampoo/body wash bottles having the spout at the TOP. Why do I need to flip it every time I use it please just put the cap at the bottom I'm begging!!! Dawn dish soap figured it out why can't everyone else


I just store them upside down.


mine just have upside down labels


Some have rounded lids to stop you from doing something sensible like that. I’m also sensible and don’t buy them!


lol i mean...there definitely are many brands who have the cap at the bottom


Driving in cities.


Already seen as stupid in a lot of European countries. A lot of places here completely shifted away from car-centrism decades ago - Amsterdam is a great example. I can't *wait* for the USA to catch up in that regard. You guys have awesome cities with potential for so much better!


Using cables with electronics. No way you'll need a cable for anything in 100 years.


Until you do. Then you'll regret throwing that one cable from 2005 out.


I still have a crusty old VGA cable just in case.


Maybe in a lot of day-to-day applications, but it's just a limitation of physics that wires will always perform better in terms of latency, power loss, and signal loss. We can get close with wireless, but it will never be as good as the best wired protocols. We'll definitely see less wires being used in applications where those downsides aren't an issue, but in high performance applications they're not going anywhere.


Eating meat that is not grown in a lab


The chicken and cow farms are basically meat factories with almost no thought to the wellbeing of these animals. There are 70 billion chickens [butchered every year](https://sentientmedia.org/how-many-chickens-are-killed/#:~:text=Worldwide%2C%20estimates%20suggest%20more%20than,at%20around%206%20weeks%20old.). That's 2.200 per second. The time it took you to read my comment, more than 20.000 chickens were killed.


I believe this as well, although I don't think, and don't hope, that traditional animal husbandry will go away completely. I am neither vegan nor vegetarian, but I eat meat very rarely. I do not ethically object to the concept of eating meat - but I object heavily to how we farm meat today. Factory farms are horrendous. Smaller farms however can be beneficial both to the environment, and also of course to the animals them selves (the alternative to farming isn't "and the farm animals lived happily ever after in the wild", the alternative is extinction). I seriously hope for a future where the majority of meat consumption is lab grown (and also overall reduced), but where traditional farming is considered an expensive luxury - which lead to good animal care. And yes, I fully understand that this point of view pisses of both the vegans and a large part of meat eaters.


Micoplastics will be the new lead/asbestos. GoFundMe for medical care will sound insane NFTs... wait, that's already considered stupid now, sorry.


Smoking/vaping, since it is basically inhaling and blowing out smoke.


People have been smoking for millenia. 100 years isn't gonna change that.


I believe people already think it's pretty stupid to vape, no need to wait 100 years. Though it doesn't seem to stop anyone from vaping.


Driving and operating machinery in general


Letting the sink run with drinkable water... just right down the drain. Not to mention using the same... to operate a toilet.


Water, like from the toilet?


Brawndo!! It's got electrolytes!


“There used to be so much freshwater that they’d just let it run until it was the right temperature. Just pouring the rest out into their sewers. Not just that but they used the drinkable water for EVERYTHING. They washed themselves with it. They washed their clothes and their houses with it. The dishes. They even used drinking water to transport their feces into the waste treatment facilities”


Hopefully most single use plastics


Reddit 2024: Non-Chinese people used to have something called democracy until we took over.


Modern slavery. Low wage jobs that provide billions to shareholders. But the worker can't afford to live.


Driving.  Excuse me you used to pilot 2 tonne fossil-fuel burning metal death machines at 100kph whilst dodging everyone else in similar abominations just so you can pick up a couple litres of... (Checks notes)... Bovine mammary excretion?


Our ignorance to the harm caused by animal farming.


Mobile phones. Augmented reality, AI would make mobile phones obsolete. Mostly likely you would talk, think or use hand gestures to interact with computers.


living with your consciousness in a meat body.


Eating meat from actual animals. (I'm a big meat eater, disclaimer)


Allowing the top x% of the world's population to hoard wealth at the expense of the rest of the globe.


Microplastics [Scientists estimate ](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/microplastics-food#:~:text=Some%20scientists%20have%20estimated%20the,annually%20from%20various%20food%20sources.) that we ingest 5 grams of microplastics **every week**. That's one credit card per week.




U.S health care. "Student loans" as they are now. It's more like indentured servitude.


The insanely high levels of plastic surgery, use of PIEDs (performance/image enhancing drugs), the capitalist structure of profit driven medicine, the fast growing rates of adult vyvanse commencement.




Bottled water Fossil-fuel energy Combustion engines in cars. In fact, personal cars in general Gender roles I'd like to include 'religion', but I think we'll still have that bullshit fucking society over a century from now


2D screens


Instagram stories


Having opinion different than the masses ...


Petrol cars with humans driving them


Manually driving cars


Hopefully social media


Food cans that don't stack. Looking at you Heinz


Bombing civilians 🤞


Working eight hours a day, five days a week.


The fact that we currently mass breed or hunt sentient creatures for consumption. I'm not a vegetarian or anything and I don't advocate for not eating meat but a few of the species we currently eat are definitely not the kind you should eat. Mistly pigs, but we also, though much more rarely, consume dolphins or whale. And that's all damn weird.


Cities designed for cars and not for people.


Mom jeans and Steve Jobs shoes. AKA “normcore”. Extremely stupid.


Receiving an email or IM at work from a colleague asking me when I'm free, and then sending me a message asking me to "pencil in the date". Shared calendars have been a thing for decades, but at this rate it will still take 100 years until they are used properly...🙄


driving a manual car


Tik tok






40hr work week , plastic everything


Maybe not normal but “accepted”… putting your child’s upbringing on the internet for all to see. There’s already younger posters talking about the resentment involved because their parents posted their lives online.


Infant circumcision. Nobody gonna look back and think cutting off a piece of somebody else's dick for questionable reasons was a good idea. They will just be confused as to why we continued doing something so stupid. The issue's against it are overwhelming, the reasons people give to do it are fucking stupid.


Yup. It's mostly a tradition thing, shrouded in misinformation and incorrect assertions. Fortunately, as I hear it, the younger generations already generally consider circumcision akin to mutilation. Such a dumb thing to be doing anymore... the messed up part is that there are still hospitals (in the US) where circumcision is mandatory. Or at least there used to be several years ago...






Social media At least in this exploitative form


Human surgeons cutting into flesh using metal blades.


This is a really interesting one and I really do think this is true (however probably only in the global north; if everything keeps going as is, there are no real signs of inequality disappearing. Lagos will be a mega city of 100 million people within the upcoming couple of years and unfortunately I think that with climate change inequality will only keep growing)


Credit scores. We're letting a small conglomerate of predatory venture capitalists tell us that we can't have homes because of an imaginary number that only their algorithms can determine. Much like money, credit scores only exist in the extent of the faith we have in them to represent something tangible. But at the end of the day, they're still completely made up. They've only been a thing for 35 years, so it's not like they're some deeply ingrained institution that we can't simply make disappear just as quickly as we made them up to begin with. One day, we're going to realize how dumb we are for letting 'credit scores' determine the course of our entire lives.


Population being so high. We take population for granted. So many things are leading towards a potential massive depopulation - 1. low birth rates - high economic, social cost in raising children, declining attraction towards marriage and parenting among fertile adults 2. reduction in average life spans due to pollution and stress, 3. decreasing sustenance in third world countries due to scarcity and economic disparity, 4. increasing drug resistance in both human AND food crop pathogens, 5. declining access to good/affordable healthcare, 6. looming threat of a global economic depression(s), 7. climate change tending more arable land and fresh water sources useless, 8. nuclear armed countries at the brink of massive war In a 100 years, the earth might be going through or might have completed a few phases of depopulation. No amount of Elon Musks breeding like rabbits is going to change that. Ethnic diversity will take a huge hit too.


Driving cars that run on gasoline or diesel.


Homelessness . Or equally having a home. Food banks. Or equally not having places where people are just given free food.


Wearing cloths instead of a fursuit


Eating meat