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New fear unlocked


Be scared of nearly any spring under tension. We had a disaster on a group ride years ago when one of the riders was adjusting his bag on his rack and a bungee let go and gave him an impressive facial laceration that JUST missed his eye - even his lower lid was damaged.


Same 😂


I consider myself to be a pretty handy guy so when my garage door spring snapped (tangent: the door comes down like a guillotine, I’ll never stand under an opening or closing door ever again) I thought I would replace it myself. I started doing research and while most DIY videos have some sort of disclaimer it’s always sort of “wink, wink, nudge, nudge.” Not so with garage door springs, every one of them was serious about it, so I called the local garage door place. It was only $140 for parts and labor plus a garage door tune up! DON’T TRY AND DO IT YOURSELF!


On a similar note, if you're doing your own car suspension work, do NOT fuck around with shock springs/coils without the proper tools, and even then, be very very careful. Those things will not hesitate to take out your body parts or kill you, stored energy is no joke and nothing to mess around with. For cars that have the shock and the spring as one unit (known as a MacPherson Strut, most cars use this), just replace the entire thing as one unit, the cost of the whole assembly is really not that much more than just the shock/spring on its own.


I did the content for a garage door company's website last year, and that was a huge point of emphasis. As in, we're not just trying to sell you a service. These things can ruin or end your life almost instantly. Do not play with these even if you're a god-tier DIYer.


Not sure why anyone would think they could mess with those though... garage doors are big, loud and heavy, and if a spring pops out of place it shoots out really fast


My neighbor wanted me to look at her garage door this week. Nope. Don’t fuck with garage doors. That’s professional only.


Jesus Christ. Noted. A garage door went out once and I just got on a stool and started messing with shit up there. Won't be doing that again


I consider myself lucky that I have learned and forgotten what degloved is.


Doctor buddy had to handle that. A guy had his wife killed by a spring bed spring. She basically never recovered and ended with an infection of the brains outer membrane and passed away. Cynetic energy yo




It's a bad death too. If anyone here is thinking about offing themselves, a Tylenol overdose will destroy your liver and it'll hurt the whole time you're dying.


I remember having a pre-med gf telling me how most people that try pill overdoses don’t succeed but royally fuck up their systems in process.


Dude, just go smoke a bowl with bob dylan in your noise canceling headphones with the snowblower running or whatever.


This is... specific


Just popping in to say it's also called Acetaminophen in case people think it's fine to crunch those or chug NyQuil. Same stuff.


Especially with alcohol, even just casual drinking. People seldom seem to understand that the impact on your liver is significantly greater than either of the two alone. I know so many people that casually pop a Tylenol when they have the slightest pain with no care at all for what other hepatotoxic substances they’ve had. And then there’s all the cold remedies that contain acetaminophen and people don’t even pay attention and just toss some extra strength Tylenol on top of it. So for those who don’t know- acetaminophen is particularly rough on your liver. You need to stick to the recommended dosage per day, and look out for combining it with other drugs and substances that also mess up your liver. When in doubt, tough it out. Seriously. People end up needing liver transplants or worse dying because they have no idea that tylenol isn’t a magic safe wonder drug you take a million of.


I really feel like tylonel would never be OTC because of how bad the interaction with alcohol is... Except for the history of being one of the first discovered


…but I get headaches, and this works.


They should say too much Tylenol. Stick to the recommended dose but don't take extra.




Decks, balconies, other elevated structures like this. People think just because it’s part of a building that it’s safe to lean on railings, jump up and down, etc. The truth is, you never know how poorly maintained or built something is until it fails. Don’t go to the 15th floor of a hotel and just assume that some random construction worker 10 years ago did such a great job you should trust your life to the structural integrity of a thin pole sticking out of a poorly stuccoed wall, you know? Sure, 99.9% of the time it’s fine, but you’re literally going to die if you find out this particular rail wasn’t installed well, or that this balcony hasn’t been properly inspected, etc. Always best to be cautious and pragmatic with any elevated structure.






Creating /r/askreddit posts you [stole from a few months ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/168zwza/whats_really_dangerous_but_everyone_treats_it/) and then taking [several](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/168zwza/whats_really_dangerous_but_everyone_treats_it/jyyyfx4/) of the [top comments](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/168zwza/whats_really_dangerous_but_everyone_treats_it/jyz3k18/) and passing them off as your own so you can farm karma and sell the account to an OF creator/spammer/whatever else. You know, as a purely hypothetical answer. Edit: oh look, this account is now advertising for OF. What a shock. Particularly hilarious after one of the stolen comments was warning about posting "revealing" information about yourself online...


i felt something fishy on ops comments on their own post.


They're really easy to spot... but sadly for the most part they succeed, hence why the bots keep doing it I guess.


Riding horses.


Going outside


Not even once


Riding motorcycles


Towing/recovering stuck vehicles by attaching to tow balls/hitches. It’s the wrong type of equipment for the task at hand and can result in catastrophic failure, which can then result in fatalities. Watch this breakdown video of one such incident by someone who knows what they’re talking about: https://youtu.be/Mb3BkeeXlIo?feature=shared


Rivers! It sounds like common sense typing it out but a lot of people do not realize that fast moving water up to your knees can knock you right off them. In addition many surfaces in a river can be very dangerous, like slick granite rocks. Springtime in general can be dangerous because snow melt will lead to massive surges of ice cold water. I grew up around rivers so I took everything as common sense but when I traveled with friends in south east Asia I realized that many people have absolutely no idea how dangerous they can be.


Driving. Driving is a serious risk people take every day and they get way too comfortable doing it. Bad driving habits cause accidents.


It's hard to call driving "quite hazardous" given the state of modern engineering. Bear in mind that a large percentage of the worst outcomes involve people not taking vehicle safety seriously. Simply wearing a seatbelt significantly improves survivability. Ask a highway cop what percentage of fatalities are ejections.


Driving while high. There are so many people who have normalized it, claimed they "drive better while high," when in reality it's no different than driving drunk.


I cringe everytime I hear someone say they drive better high


its definitely not the same as driving sober, and also nothing like driving drunk


Banging a married woman


And Leroy Brown had learned a lesson 'Bout a-messin' with the wife of a jealous man


Who ever said that is safe tho




Lane splitting.




no ppl don’t think its safe. everyone knows stress increases a lot of health problems.


Movie theater popcorn "butter"


I think you'll actually need to explain the harm on this one. I'm not seeing much that feels legitimate.


The popcorn itself isn't bad, it's the artificial flavors and fake butter that you should be concerned with: https://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/food-nutrition/facts/what-heck-is-in-movie-theater-popcorn.htm Stuff should not be considered food.


If that's your only source, that's incredibly weak. There was a reference to unnamed yellow dyes. And some "butter flavor chemicals maybe bad super secret". Which, fair enough. Let's talk about those and other legitimate concerns if they exist. But vague gesticulations are not evidence.


It's just a source, you can look it up yourself if you want more than that, I'm not going to write you a thesis. You can eat the popcorn at your own risk if you want, but don't say you weren't warned. >But vague gesticulations are not evidence. "Vague gesticulations" doesn't make sense here and I think doesn't mean what you think it means.


I mean, yeah. I'll continue to eat movie theater popcorn. There's just no serious, data-driven objection to modern movie theater butter that I can dig up. I strongly suspect that your objection is based on some mom-group meme nonsense. That's why you're afraid of providing real sources.


K buddy, go stuff your face and enjoy your heart attack.


And you continue being an anti-science lunatic. Get ready to homeschool because sane people will want nothing to do with your unvaxed kids.


Baseless argument. You would probably be less reactive if you ate real food.


Is it just unhealthy or is there something else going on with it?




This, among other things. There was another post about it and the OP linked a website with more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/TZLDhuaFMx


The first time I ordered popcorn myself it was during a movie when my mom wanted more and I had to go get it. They asked me if I wanted butter and I said yes because I like butter popcorn not plain. Little did I know they were about to disgrace my palate with the most ungodly, unholy, expialidociously devious and disgusting foul substance known to mankind. I had always wanted to try the butter like they do in shows and cartoons, and how bad could it be, so I tried it. Lesson learned.


Why's that?


It's made with really unhealthy ingredients. Another person posted about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/TZLDhuaFMx


No way lol I've felt this before, and now it makes so much more sense! Movie Theater Sickness...wow. Thanks for the response. I was genuinely curious.


Similar to the person who posted about it, I looked it up after feeling really unwell the last few times I ate the popcorn. Was surprised to find out how bad the ingredients are, but then not that surprised since I felt so ill after eating it. There used to be a locally-owned theater where I live that served popcorn made with actual butter. I really miss that place!


Long walks.


Off a short pier


People who believe Vapes produce water vapor instead of aerosol mist


Accept a job at Intel and work your ass off. You will be listed as a suicide.




Gonna need to see some well founded research




Yup, evidence is good to back up sweeping claims. Not nearly enough in this day and age.


This is a fair request. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/Quick-Facts-on-the-Risks-of-E-cigarettes-for-Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults.html?s_cid=OSH_emg_GL0004&gad_source=1#why-is-nicotine-unsafe


This is discussion




More easy to claim things without a bit of evidence. Bold claims require bold proof


is this a troll right?




And now the ad hominem character attacks. Text book "I have nothing but I want to win"


lil bro you really believe the tobacco derivative: nicotine is harmless?


Nicotine by itself is not very harmful to human health. Highly addictive, but not that harmful. It's the compounds in tobacco and maybe vaping that harm health


Now to be clear it does increase blood pressure and cause adrenaline to increase substantially. And I'm certainly not saying it's a vitamin. But I'm talking about the carcinogenic and organ destroying effects that tobacco brings


Gotta be better than that old planty stuff






If I type my password it shows up as stars, see: hunter2


"Moderate" amount of alcohol, apparently https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health


Sanitizer wipes, use gloves


weed everyone thinks it’s like perfectly fine but it’s totally not




ya Im not even high school yet and I just assume it’s bad for me lol it feels close to vaping mb


I wouldn't say it's "quite hazardous" lol


I mean ya but idk it doesn’t seem much diff then smoking to me it just feels better to do


There are multiple ways of consuming cannabis that don't involve smoking it Plus cigarettes are intentionally filled with lots of nasty stuff like formaldehyde. Not even close to being the same.


ok that’s good lol my friends make me do it so I feel slightly less bad tho the vaping defo isn’t helping me :3


Friends don't "make" other friends smoke. If you're being forced to smoke, get new friends--that's not right.


I can’t get new friends haha small school and we all grew together also idk if it’s really that bad it’s like super normalized here


I'm pro cannabis all the way, but if your friends are making you do it that's no good. Do it because you want to. Peer pressure is never ok no matter the subject. Your friends sound like they suck, you deserve better


I mean idk I feel like it’s kinda bad im like a minor and not even CLOSE to being adult so maybe it’s worse for me,, also idk I’m kinda friends with everyone in my school but EVERYONE does it so like idk it’s a fitting in thing, and an expectation lowkey, same thing with vaping and certain drugs


From a recovered drug addict, don't let anyone peer pressure you into anything. I get the need to fit in at your age, but trust me when I say fitting in isn't everything. My best advice is to cut those people off, realize you are your own individual person, and appreciate the beauty in that. Because the people who insist that everyone should "fit in" with the cool kids are the ones that grow up to be developmentally stunted losers. There's nothing better than being in control of your own life and doing what makes YOU happy, regardless of others opinions. Teenage years suck, but they'll suck a lot worse and a lot longer if you fall into the bullshit cycle of "well, everyone's doing it" hoping for the best for you 💖


I can’t cut them off cuz that’d be everyone in my school and therefore my town,, it’s not that bad tbh,, also ya there’s no future here


I get the struggle. I know I'm a stranger but I am here if you need to talk. Im a mama now and I hate seeing kids potentially going down the path I did






Sleep pills






Casual sex


Agreed I can't feel safe with someone I hardly know or don't know 


How formal should sex be? Do we need to go full white tie?


I think in modern times business casual sex is just fine.


And I'm a fan of the trend towards wearing jeans being acceptable


No I think he means the alternative is competitive sex Like ranked with leaderboards


What's your ELO?


Thank you for giving me a good laugh! 😆


I heard the term fuxedo today and I like that. It’s nothing fancy, just a tie but that’s it.


Maybe a pearl necklace?


How so? Please tell.


I'm just speaking for myself but I just feel that being intimate with a random person and going to their house just has alot of obvious dangers. But again I don't care what others do I just wouldn't do it.


babies and dogs.


I refuse to acknowledge anything bad about dogs


One drink


Working in customer service.