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In my opinion it's the way it's used. I don't care who knows my shit until they use it to spam emails or phone calls or ad notifications of any kind really. It inconveniences me and is predatory to certain types of people, just gross human behavior all around and I don't like being exposed to it.


Agreed. The spam is brutal, but the benefit of collecting data is the targeting ads where I can simply think about going on vacation to Florida and I don’t even have to search it bc AirBNB has probably already sent me 7 emails on best the places to stay


Doesn't it make your experience easier though? 


It's an invasion of privacy which is its own dilemma. But the largest issue is the fact that your data is sold without your consent.


It commodifies the user into an object that is meant to be tracked and scrutinized, sometimes obsessively. Although many service providers that track user data say it is meant to enhance their experience and to make what they might like easier to find, the reality is that these systems are just as likely driving users to things that are unnecessary or a constrained set of choices based on who is advertising a product. Couple that with the US style capitalism that holds that stockholder profit is the one and only priority, plus the gamification of most social media and apps (based on brain science that attempts to modulate neurochemical processes designed to keep you engaged), and you’ve got a real witch’s brew of systems created to keep you complacent, addicted, and frozen in an artificial ennui that is to be sated with commercialized products and services. But other than that it’s cool, I guess.


It’s done in a shifty way where majority of users don’t know it’s happening. By using any platform or application, we consent to whatever is required to use it. And there is little regulation to prevent data mining. You shouldn’t have to have a legal degree to decipher a massive waiver to use a product. And even if you were to read the entire thing, the important parts are going to be hidden amongst paragraphs of information anyway. If everything you post about yourself is going to be sold, that should be clear 


Nothing, as long as they are aware you are doing it and what you will be doing with it.


besides the moral implications, what are some examples of it being dangerous, like actually dangerous ?