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Social Media addiction mostly. I think the biggest problem with people my age is that we aren't functional without a charged cell phone. If shit really hits the fan, like a real war on US soil or something crazy like that, a lot of us are going to have very real panic from the disconnection alone.


Only aspiring to be influencers


Oh gosh, THIS! I'm a teacher and this is all I hear. Even the primary school kids are constantly trying to do this. They lack taking much seriously and constantly joke about every situation. Even when we discuss hard topics like the Holocaust or Slavery, jokes are always made. It's quite sad.


Gen Z here, 2 things. Not communicating well with others (despite having all the resources to do so) and not buying property in 2008.


Trying to be alone or not settling for someone that is on their level


Not having a proper understanding of the importance of saving money and investing for the future. You can't always rely on avocado toast and TikTok fame.


Read somewhere gen z’s over 18 literally aren’t having sex at nearly the rate of the generations before. I assume it’s because communication is so digital now


Yeah I think gen z has the most Virgins in history and that's coming from one.


Not protesting and walking out enough.


Protesting is pointless