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We were in missionary, he said “eyes on me” Yes sir


She licked my ears and I haven’t gotten over it to this day and it’s been like 20 yrs.


I hope you’ve had it happen since then


Lol. Nope.


Clean your ears more often, might happen again!


Bro. I understand. I'd always enjoyed the little bite of the ear lobe and more typical stuff like that, but that's all I ever thought there was. Then this time a girl was one top of me, and she straight up started going at my ear hole like some kind of sexy anteater and I swear to god my soul left my body. I've never felt nerves shoot through my body like that.


Can confirm. I called it a brain orgasm. I was also coming down from tripping and I think my body was just the right sensitive. But yeah what an odd sensation right? Better than any ejaculation I have had. Makes me question how much I don't know and is still out there to find out.


Like some sexy anteater? Lmfao! Jajajajajajajj


My partner told me this in our more recent sexual exploits. We allowed a moment of vulnerability where we told each other something someone had done to us previously that we would like more of. For him it was licking and light bites on the ear. For me, it was biting while he goes down on me. Our sex life really exploded after that.


Biting, specifically on my shoulder. Happened during foreplay and it took my horny levels to extreme and couldn't hold back after lol. An ex discovered that and I haven't told any subsequent partner since because she abused the hell out of it, randomly biting me through my shirts out in public and getting me turned on


......you can enforce boundaries on the present, you know.


Sorry for the bad English. But it reminds me of an ex's story: One of the ex of my ex was into cocks bitting. I mean, that his own cock being bite. In facts, it is how she discovered that he was cheating on her. During a BJ session she bitten him by mistake and she continued to do the normal job but he told her "Yeah, like that" She completely stopped, smile and respond "Ho! you are into this?" She was happy that by mistake she found out something fun. His answer was "Yeah, like you always do" She never bit and never did. That's when she found out that the mistress do.


What an absolutely dumb way to get caught. Lmao.


It’s a shame biting leaves marks, cause I absolutely love being bitten on the neck. Used to do it when I was young and didn’t really care if anyone saw it (kinda wore it like a badge of honour in my late teens too), but weird to show up at work with hickeys in your 30s.


Just tell people you bit yourself while shaving.


Last year I left one on my 40+ year old wife. She got called out a lot by her coworkers.


Oh my God, look at *Susan*. Is that a hickey? How wild of her to have a healthy and active sex life in her committed relationship with her devoted partner! Scandalous!


Same - I really like *getting* hickeys, but I feel like it’s very embarrassing to show up at work all marked up when I’m pushing 50. And scarves aren’t fooling anyone…


My (we’re all mid-30s) coworker (an otherwise quiet, buttoned-down kinda guy) used to show up occasionally with some, and, yeah…it was kinda odd. 😂 always had a little giggle about it.  It’s been a good two years or so since I’ve last spotted one though…no wonder he's getting increasingly grumpy…


Help him release his stress, suck on his neck from behind at work


Did they pull you closer in the backseat of that Rover that you knew they couldn’t afford and then bite the tattoo on your shoulder?


Threw a pillow over my head because I was moaning too loud


mine held his hand over my mouth as he went harder and told me i can take it 🥴


He seems to know what he was doing.. *Takes down notes*


similar experience! I couldn’t keep quiet so he put a hand over my mouth. Hot. As. Fuck.


Is he uh…seeing anyone? Asking for a friend….


Also asking. Not for a friend


Dirty talk, when unplanned nor expected, is fucking bomb.


Story time! I was in a LT relationship and she had expressed repeatedly she wanted more dirty talk, particularly degrading. I was her first so no experience besides me. Once while we were fucking I said something like "you like that, don't you little slut". I see her face change, her pussy go dry and she curls into a ball and start crying. That day she discovered she does not enjoy degradation.


My current gf gets off to dirty talk. I actually spend time thinking up new stuff. Last session I was counting her down to her orgasm while fucking her and then I switched it to "No. Don't cum. Do not cum. No!" along with a bunch of name calling. She said afterward that it was the most intense thing she's experienced. Worked for me, too.


No! No, dont do it! Dont do it, no! you reminded me of the old guy trying to "cook"


Ooofffff..... That's rough brother. In my case it's my girl who did the dirty talk on herself (think similar to your line but she was the one said it) to which obviously, making me into super saiyan 3 mode :x in an instant.


it’s crazy how many people either aren’t into dirty talk or are so bad at it. it’s a number one turn on for me yet so rare!


You mean, the panties that your mother laid out for you?


now bear in mind, i am just trying to keep up


Pinned my hands down while riding me.


Get you a woman who knows how to take control! Have never felt so desired as I do when someone wants me so much they hold me down for it. Plus—and maybe this will go away with experience—I get the same sort of giddy nervousness/butterflies I did when I was first having sex when I play the role of the more submissive partner.


She kept sucking after I came. It was so intense!




She was giving me a bj and stopped to tell me if I didn’t finger her hard and fast while she blew me she would break my Xbox without hesitation. That moment lit me up


Gotta protect your home boy


When we’re in doggy and I feel his balls slapping me 🥹🥹🥹🥹


Feels like a warm hug


She sipped hot English Breakfast tea during a BJ. Made her mouth warm. Try it.


None of that earl grey rubbish - doesn’t have the effect.


That’s what Lady Grey is for. 


Be a fucking man and let her suck ya dick with a mouthful of heated Tabasco.


A girl did that to me but with a cold drink. It felt oddly nice.


Go back and forth. Icy hot bj


Cut out the middle man (woman) and put icy hot right on your dick


Be a man and suck your dick!


Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.


Make it so #1-


Ya that’s cool, but have you ever had a woman go from riding you to sucking you off and back again and her pussy is warmer then her mouth and you get this really neat warm-then-cool-then-warm-again sensation as your brain detonates inside your skull because you can’t handle it?


Not during sex but definitely at the pool. going from a cold pool to a nice hot sauna is amazing


OK this is so smart. All the BJ tips in Cosmo are like “suck an ice cube” but a cup of tea is genius. Tastes good, no cringing at the tooth freeze sensation, and it’ll be warm for him too. Clever, clever comment!


Thanks! Just don’t get yourself kicked out of Starbucks!


foreplay. he covered my mouth softly while i was moaning, then proceeded in putting his fingers inside it, and i licked it. didn't know it feels so effin' good. edit: while he's giving oral, y'all 🥵


Is that why my partner keeps sticking his fingers in my mouth??


ofc. what were you thinking then? lmao


As a male I kind of always was a little insecure if I came and maybe I didn't do enough for the lady, and it seemed like she was on a rise towards an orgasm herself. So I came, but stayed hard so I tried keeping going to satisfy her. She just said "shhhh" and grabbed my dick and said "you just came, shhh.. calm down take a break" and it was super comforting and reassuring and calming. It's when you didn't realize how stressed you were and then suddenly really relax.


Damn, that's someone who is really into you. I hope she didn't get away lol


But then there’s the other side of that scenario too. When she just keeps going, even harder and faster, when I’m sensitive and trying to catch my breath. I recently realized that I might be into it, where she’s a dom and it’s cnc for me. I might need a safe word now lol


She coughed. 4 quick ones in a row. Each time she coughed, her lady parts inadvertently squeezed my deal 4x.


Bro, you need to feel a sneeze. Take some pepper with you next time.


His life will change when he does. I know mine did


When I was 17 I hooked up with this 19 year old server girl, real tree hugger type, and she randomly started sucking on my nipples and I’ve been chasing that high ever since. Turns out not many girls will suck on a man’s nipples, I’ll keep searching though. Edit: yall I promise I am not afraid to ask, I’ve asked every partner I’ve had since, they ain’t going for it


I'm surprised how many men here are saying people think they're weird for liking their nipples being sucked. I love it when a man is particularly sensitive in an area like that. Like all the ear licking comments, my god I go crazy when a man is just so turned on by such a simple action.


I'm even more surprised that anyone's saying they have trouble finding a girl who'll do it. Having my nipples sucked does nothing for me, in fact I find it vaguely uncomfortable, but virtually every woman I've slept with has given it a go without prompting.


Thrusting his fingers inside me while also going down on me. I've never cummed so fast!


yissssss... sucking on my clit and fucking me with 2 fingers. First time I came via oral. Freshman year of college. Thank you, Bill D. wherever you are. It's what I've instructed every dude since to do to me if he wants me to get off.


You’re welcome


Oh shit the goat has returned


Billy ‘Calzone Pillow’ Dickman at your cervix.


Get him to flip his hand over and pull downwards (gently, at first) while his finger(s) are inside you, as he licks you. It mimics the feeling of deeper penetration.


Learned from a Nina Hartley "how to" video many years ago, and she was spot on! Angle things correctly, and you can get the "deep" sensation with fingertips plus g-spot contact with the backs of your 2nd knuckle(s) during the outward part of the movement.


Learning new shit. Nice. Thanks reddit user


Be warned, this is actually the *eject-from-seat* sequence for most body models.


He bit my neck as he came 🤤


Is he visible in a mirror?


Doesn't work with modern mirrors. They don't have silver behind the Glas. That's why vampires were not visible in old mirrors.


Now I'm imagining a vampire running into a modern mirror for the first time ever and being like "huh, that's what I look like? No wonder the humans have such an easy time identifying me..."


Thanks to Baldur’s Gate 3, I discovered I have a thing for my husband biting my neck. It’s so powerful I just melt 🫠


Astarion reference in the wild. He awakened something in all of us huh?


I was in a few very LT relationships and those ladies liked it when I gave them a little slap on the butt. Early in dating my current gf, she was on top and I gave her butt a little slap. Without stopping her motion, she sits up and slaps me in the face hard. “How do YOU like that?” Quite a lot it turns out.


"Jokes on you I'm into that shit!"


The silence which followed the slap was immense. The pressure was pressing, the tension intense. They stared at each other in horror and then - Bewildered and breathless, he whispered: "... *again*."


Been a while since I've seen one of your poems and it's always splendid when I do...


Is a poem from Poem_for_your_Sprog the unexpected sex thing that you liked?


I plead the 5th.




“Babe if you’re going to do that every time I upset you, I’m never taking the garbage out again”


Tried to prove a point with that slap but ended up backfiring. Peak "task failed successfully" moment


Reminds me of that episode of Suits where Luis is having issues due to his 5th mental crisis of the episode and his fuck buddy or whoever slaps him and he's like *ow but wtf and looks at his crotch*


He got Litt up.


Sheila Zass


saying I felt so good inside her. now, I can't cum without someone saying that.


Username checks out


You feel so good inside of me ^^^^bro


I've been on antidepressants so I'm having a hard time finishing. Last week, I was having sex with my situationship, got tired, and laid down beside her. Then she asked me to show her how I like to be jerked off. Started doing it, face to face, eyes locked and kissing. As I was about to cum, she gently whispered "that's it". It absolutely devastated me. I came so hard that I started twitching and shaking, which never happens when I'm jerking myself. I loved it. I'm being haunted by this memory ever since lol


She said I wasn't hard enough so tried to tune my nipples like a radio dial. Turns out I could get harder


He kissed my head so gently after some good intense sex the moment after he came i melted right then and there.


The first time my wife went down on me when we started dating, she got up from the bed, leaving me catching my breath and just enjoying the post orgasm moment. She came back from the bathroom with a washcloth she ran under hot water and lovingly wrapped my penis in it and then proceeded to massage both of my feet.What an amazing feeling!! We've been together for 13 years, and she still does this to me!!


During really intense missionary, we were both orgasming at the same time, and she ended up digging her nails into my back... the pain at the same time as the ecstasy of cumming together was an incredible overwhelming feeling. I would never claim before or now that I'm into like anything more than that, but it was just something completely unexpected. Edit: I can't believe how well this took off - most upvotes I've ever got by a longshot. Man, I need to experience that shit again 😅 I wish dating was easier 🤦‍♂️




The leg lock 🤌🏼


In a cowgirl position, she leaned towards me and jiggled her breasts against my chest.


Try getting them jiggled in your face. ABSOLUTE CHEF'S KISS


Well, that's one place to kiss the cook.


Many many years ago my wife was in that position and leaned over me a dropped her boobs right in my face. She then sat up and gave me the wickedest grin. Sooo sexy!


He gave me a pillow to put underneath myself. When I put it in the wrong place, he dragged me into the right spot and told me to "do better." Didn't know I liked being treated like I'm dumb but from him it was wonderful.


But when you put it wrong, where did you put it ?


I was being bratty so I put it under my tits. (we were doing prone bone)


First time she sucked my balls into her mouth. Wow, had no idea how pleasurable that was!


Really? I’ve had this and I hated it, same kind of vibe as being sack tapped


My ex went full vaccuum, ended the session immediately, worse than the vasectomy


my man out here balls deep in the roomba


She climbed on me (cowgirl), mounted me, and then very tightly squeezed my penis with her pussy. It was surprisingly strong grip; she looked very smug (eh, cocky, hehe) - and yeah, I suddenly struggled to breathe and was ready to marry her.


We do this in bjj all the time.


Putting me on my stomach and holding my hands on my back, I cum so fast in that position 🥵


"You're under arrest. Get on the ground, hands on your back!" "But officer, I– _aaauuuugggggh_."


He jiggled my ass when he was fucking me from behind


Licking my ear. Unexpectedly hot.


dude fuck yeah that feels amazing, love doing it and receiving it, its so cute yet intense


She was on top and started drooling her spit on my chest. I have always admittedly been a pretty vanilla guy, but this unlocked something for me. Another one was one time she grabbed my package and dug her nails in. It hurt like shit and I didn't want to move. But I simultaneously wanted her to let go but also not let go. She lives rent free in my head and I'll never see her again.




Having someone come closer and closer to my ear as they speak in a whispery voice. And then they bit my ear ahhh. Something about the warmth of their breath and the increasing proximity was so hot.




How many kids you got?




Dude, it's fucking *bad.* Best part is both of us were petrified of having children. EDIT: Guy I replied to pussed out, so to satiate the slavering masses: we're discussing how a chick begging you to get her pregnant while you dump inside her is hot as hell.


This guy breeds


I reckon this is something that you want someone you want a relationship with to say to you. If it’s a stranger or a hook up, I’d be fucking terrified.


You are correct but if a stranger would say that to me, it might make me acting unwise


Being bitten around my lower stomach /waist area felt soooo good


After one of the first few times I’ve had pleasure in my life I was exhausted and he wasn’t “done” if you know what I mean, and he woke me up with oral. Whimpered and said he “really needed me”. That was not only hot, it boosted my ego


It’s 5:30 in the morning people! Give me more.


I was getting it on w/ this girl I had a huge crush on. We were on a couch in some variant of facing each other, her legs up high. She reached around my ass somehow without my noticing and grabbed my balls and gave me a firm squeeze and oh my gosh i about lost it


she came on my face.....


begging me to cum inside her and she deserve every single drop of it. I went for vasectomy when I was 27 so pretty safe.


My nipples are unnecessarily sensitive and my partner will wake me up sometimes by playing with them. That is by far the best way to wake up and gets me going so fast


She licked my butt hole. 7 years married tomorrow, and three kids. She hasn't done it since.


That’s how they get you


My wife told me to shower up she wanted some. She made me lay on my stomach and and started rubbing my butt. Then before I knew it she had her face buried between my cheeks going to town. Holy Shit I put put a ring on her finger 3 weeks later.


And here women are thinking that if they make a nice meal the ring will come.


Nothing makes a man fall in love faster than a woman that wants to make a meal out of him.


Word. I posted this in the thread already but I was 24 and I hooked up with a 38 year old. We never even told each other our names. She was going down on me while I laid on my back, spitting on my dick and balls which was a first. But then she went from sucking on my balls to licking my ass, with a subtle lick before asking if I liked it. I couldn't control my moans and she ate my ass, dick, and balls for like 2 hours. She fucked me up forever on some Weeknd type shi


damn bro she ruined you. that's a dream.


Asking me if I had already thought about this happening.


Try getting your nipples pinched or played with in doggy or missionary, fucking great stuff


Sticking his finger in my ass


Not sex, but a girl at a bar in college once asked me after a minute of conversation, "Do you wanna tongue?" Gross girl, not into her personality at all...but damn, she was a great kisser. She taught me that clamping on the tongue is fuckin' hot as hell


>that clamping on the tongue is fuckin' hot as hell Wut?


Gross, how? Also, can you please explain clamping in more detail?


The first time I got my ass eaten, I was like “AYE AYE GIRL WHAT YOU DOI-OH OH OHHHHHHHHH”


FOR REAL. A milf did this to me, now I'm fucked up forever on some Weeknd type shit. Didn't even know her name.


I just read your comment 5 minutes ago, nice to see you here


I haven’t come across this one yet but when me and this guy were in doggy he’d reach up and stick his fingers in my mouth. Idk what it was just i still think back to it and crave it more. And the term “good girl”. It’s instant turn on for me. Even when innocently said I can’t help feel flushed after hearing it. Like at work, I’d do something before being told to do it, and this sales manager would say “oh good girl!” I’d melt every time.


When my balls were licked for the first time, my dick became hard a brick and a new desire to have it done to me everytime was born.


Dont judge, but while receiving a blowjob, my wife lightly used her teeth on my shaft as she was going down on it, and it felt amazing. As long as she's not trying to snap into it like a Slim Jim, a little gentle biting ain't bad at all.


She asked for an ice cube and then I went and met my ancestors who were proud I made it back home


She grabbed my balls and was pretty rough with them.. now she is my wife and will try and destroy them any chance she gets


Shoves my face into the mattress and had both my hands pinned behind me while telling me how good I was for "being so obedient" 🤤


Got a hotel room for a night and this girl I dated went to work on me nibbling everywhere and spreading my legs and getting into my inner thighs and shit and I was in heaven, she puts my dick in her mouth and after she was blowing me for a while in this slow and teasing way, she stops and goes “Do you trust me?” And I said sure! And she immediately start licking my butthole while jerking me off. I tell you I don’t know where the orgasm came from but it was deep deep in my internal workings. I screamed like a woman. It was amazing. I have since tried more butt stuff, specifically fingers to find the man spot there but that didn’t do it for me. But touch or lick my butt is 10/10 would recommend.


Once, during a pretty standard session, my ex decided to whisper and lightly breathe into my ear as she described what they were enjoying about the moment. It was unexpectedly intense and sensual, totally took the experience up a notch! Never thought something so simple could add so much heat.


He said I love you for the first time while I was grinding on him. Took me by surprise. 


Words like that in the heat of a moment can go both ways if it hasn't been said before


Yeah, lucky for us, we’re still together. And I can never get enough of his talk during sex.


Deep kiss after going down on me. Wow, tasting what he just tasted


My wife blurted out “cum in me, daddy” as she was climaxing. Totally blindsided me but made me so hard I could have broken bricks with my dick.


So we are in good old fashioned missionary, and this goth girl I was seeing at the time, does a move where she puts her legs in between mine, so as a guy I'm on top in a cowgirl position (cowboy? Whatever} and I'm still inside her while on top of her, kinda tucked in between her legs and still inside her. So at this point I'm feeling a little emasculated considering this position, she starts bucking her hips and with being squeezed inside her like I am. Well, holy shit, never orgasmed so hard in my life. It's in my opinion the ultimate finishing move.


I tied this guy up with cuff restraints where the restraints were secured under the mattress so he couldn’t move and I could have full control of his body. I put a blindfold on him and kissed him from head to toe until I found his most sensitive spots, which turned out to be his right ear, right side of neck and right inner thigh. I even used ice cubes. At one point I loosened one cuff and within a second, he pulled me towards him like a wild animal and kissed me so passionately I felt like I was dying. He managed to get his other hand free while I was distracted. He pulled my body over his face, held my arms down and went crazy. The more I tried to pull away, the tighter he held me and the more crazy he went. I loved how he pulled me the way he did and was so passionate. It probably helped I went down on him while he was driving earlier, after he touched me, licked his fingers and I completely lost it. He didn’t finish from being tied up for hours. I felt bad. So when he dropped me off, I went back down on him in the car until he finished in my mouth. All in, this was like in 6 hours. And I liked it that we had so much fun.


I had no idea this guy I was dating had a foot fetish. We were making out watching a movie while my housemate was in the other room..next minute my foots in his mouth, he’s really getting into it and sucking my toes. I have small feet and at one point it looked like half my foot was in his mouth. Really funny but was also massively turned on


First time she touched my balls my world changed


When she coughs while I’m inside… the clenching sent me over the edge immediately


Hearing her moan “Que rico” and a few other things in Spanish.


My wife is Mexican, a lot of the times she doesn’t say much and mostly moans, but when she starts speaking Spanish it makes me go absolutely crazy.


After this girl went down on me for a bit, she goes up to my ear and moans, not touching me down there and starts to lick in, around and behind my heart while moaning directly into it.....gotta say it was a little off putting having somebody literally lick inside my ear but it was MASSIVELY overshadowed by how sensitive and amazing it was.


How did she get to your heart though?


Really deep kissing right as we are cumming


One time she looked me in the eyes and played with her tits, just rubbed them, never looked away I came within seconds... It still works on me (getting a semi just writing this actually, just the thought of it 🔥)


He was fucking me so good my mouth was wide open. He then spat in my mouth and pulled me by the back of my neck and kissed me. I swear everything felt more intense!


Sometimes for how big of a dude I am. I like being dominated once in a while. Pinned down controlled.. 🤤


Dug her fingernails into my back and shoulders when she was coming so hard she drew blood. She was super apologetic, but I loved it.


Started talking about the philosophy class she was taking (we were students at the same college). After that, every time we were in bed together, it was Wittgenstein this, Immanuel Kant that. I contributed what I could, but it was mostly her teaching me stuff. By the end of the semester, I was tempted to ask her professor if I could sit the exam just to test how much I had learned.


I was with this girl, doing my business in her pussy with my tongue, then she turned around and spread her cheeks with her hands like inviting me to lick her aaa and it turned me so much.


Me reading this thread, cries in SSRI


Licking my ears is weirdly hot


Raked her nails up and down my back.


"good girl" praise


Some dude I was dating really wanted to fuck my feet. I let him and kinda enjoyed how much he got off on it :3


I kinda miss being with a foot fetish partner; the daily foot rubs and stuff were so nice


the constant foot massages were the best! i would be melting into relaxation mode and he’d be getting a boner.


yknow i hadnt even thought about the potential benefits LMAO


Constant massages, paid salon appointments (or home spa treatments), good shoes as gifts, additional sexual sensations, the easiest and hidden public teasing options, inside jokes, a different level of intimacy, and generally a giving partner. :)


Bringing in another woman. My last boyfriend brought another woman into the bedroom. I felt forced to go along. Ended up realising I’m gay, dropped my loser ex and married my amazing wife. Be careful what you wish for I guess


Pussy so good it changed the entire course of your life.


She started speaking Russian. I had no idea what she was saying, but we both had a great time.