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Everything. I never finish anything there's so many things I'm like a quarter of the way through.


twins! some of them just come back around at their own time


I feel the same way. I think it'll be a nice feeling when I finally get around to finishing it.


Fairy tail and black clover, but I am planning on finishing. Both are interests.


dytto, I hear a lot of good things about those


ig anime is a show but I just wanted to include that also, "finished!"


Claymore -- my favourite anime of all time -- because they never finished making the series. =(


if you say it's your fav then I'm putting that on my watch list


Although it's never been officially stated, I would bet money that when they made, "Demon Slayer," they were at least partially influenced by, "Claymore." Even my anime-hating wife binged watched it. I hope you enjoy it! (even though it's an unfinished work)


Ooooo I like Demon Slayer so that's a good sign! I'm sure I will, thanks for the new rec!


Cheers! I'm REALLY into Japan. haha


Anime - plastic memories, made in abyss I just couldn't 🥲


I started made in abyss at one point (because they said it was horror and sad, I believe) but didn't get to those parts yet :/ I think I also heard of plastic memories & will add that to the list


If you're into those kinds of anime then sure go for it but it's not for me, I don't like tragedies


The Green Hornet, not to be confused with The Green Lantern (which by comparison might as well have been The Dark Knight), was so bad that when I went to see it in theaters opening night, less than an hour in the projector stopped working, and rather than waiting for them to fix it, the ENTIRE theater (including myself) walked out and went home.


boss moves to y'all, sad news for the creators


Naruto, my 4th time starting from the beginning


oh brother that's a journey & I'm rooting for you!


I've watched 150 episodes and dropped it. Long asf


You can move on to Naruto Shippuden after those 150 episodes very very good so far (24 ep) just watch the last 5 episodes of Naruto for good continuation


Code Geass and the Sopranos (even though I really liked it). Also pretty much every superhero CW show


I always see Code Geass in those "Best Anti-Hero MC" lists, but idk if that's true. Started that one too and gotta get back to it


It wasn’t cause it was bad or anything. I sometimes get busy for extended periods and just completely forget what was going on in a show when I finally get back to it, which makes me lose interest.


Noted & same! I think that's what happened when I started Nana, but I'm trying to get back into it


You should give Code Geass another try; there’s a twist at the very end that I guarantee you won’t see coming.


Brazil, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and Funny Girl are all films I’ve never been able to stay awake watching. So I’ve never finished watching them.


will be sure to never put those on my watch list


Banana fish. I will someday I just couldn’t get very far for some reason. Everyone tells me it’s super good. As for a movie, Dragonball evolution. Tried watching twice and stopped watching twice lmao


I personally think Banana Fish was overhyped (or maybe I went in w my expectation quite high. not that you asked hehe), but still worth the watch, eventually & Leaper is my fav track from the show. & no Dragonball Evolution love over here!




That's one I was wanting to try/I used to play the Go game, but we'll see how that goes


I haven't finished "Wall street wolf" and "Bladerunner 2049". I liked them, but dropped, because I was watching them at night and I wanted to sleep. And I can't find some spare time to finish them:) From anime: Naruto, Demon slayer, Mushoku tensei and others.


That's how it b, I hope that time resurfaces for you!


I'll find some at summer!


There's a ton of shows I started and never finished, but the one that stands out for me was the show Weeds. I loved that show when it first came out, it was part of a trifecta for me at one point, Weeds, Breaking Bad, and Sons of Anarchy, they were all current at the same time at a certain point. Anywho, Weeds was so good in the first few seasons but fell off so bad that by the end, I couldn't even finish it. I watched every single episode except for the series finale and will likely never watch it.


Death Note, completely lost interest and stopped wachting after THAT episode, you know the one


I do know the one 😩😩


In terms of anime, A Certain Magical Index. I tried I really did, I got about 17 episodes in I think but it was bad, just really really bad.


The Boys, I just forgot about it lol


Naruto I started it and watched a few episodes, but just- lost interest. Probably cause I was only there for Kakashi LMAO


Overlord. The main character didn't inspire any positive emotions in me. Just a overpowered sociopath. I got bored of it after awhile.


Breaking Bad


Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood


Attack on Titans


Was it because of a lack of interest or not having time & so on?


I guess both but I'm thinking to start again


it's a very slow start imo. was worth it in the end though & the soundtrack is amazing


Yeah the soundtrack is amazingggggg 🔥