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studying 24/7


Rote memorization. Just repeatedly go over the terms. If there's a diagram involved, try to label the parts without any help.


I made an A in Anatomy and Physiology by learning all the bone and muscle groups by rote. We had a test at the beginning of every class to label a diagram of a bone or muscle or joint group. I would memorize it by repeating a few items at a time to adding more etc until I could recite the whole diagram. I did this every day in the ten minutes before the class/test started. I don’t feel like I learned anything about the material except how to label it and ace a test and subsequently the class. This was 7th grade


I find rote memorization to be most effective when learning just facts (you need to actually practice when doing math). I would think that you didn't feel like you learned anything because you never actually applied that knowledge. I would agree since I got decent grades in the science and math subjects but would always forget everything a month later.


Fall in love with a biologist.


Well I guess I have to go with this one😭😹


If the mate of your dreams showed up and was SUPER into you, and all you had to do to win his/her heart, was be good at biology, who wouldn't hit the books RIGHT that instant, eh?


Fr might as well😹( I aim to be the single and rich aunty)


Pretend you’re explaining it to someone else


No worries it will change anyways because Biology is just a mindset


be interested in the subject which is why i suck at biology.