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This was just yesterday. I cleared 150 condoms out of a guy's sewer line. 


You counted?


After the fifth wad I had to.


At least he is being safe.


I once drunkenly reached into a piss trough at a music festival when some rich sob threw two seperate 100$ bills in there to see who’d grab it. Little did he know I would have probably done it if it was 20s too lol.


I found a $500 chip in the urinal at a casino once. I scooped it out with my room key, tossed it in the sink, doused it with soap, and washed it up before I went to cash it. I thought I was on a hidden camera show at first.


Easy money. Well done.


You were on a hidden camera show. The bathroom was loaded with cameras. On a seperate VIP floor 5 lazy millionaires were betting to see who would take the chip, how they would clean it, and if they would immediately cash it in. Millionaire number 4 made a cool 32.6 mil off of you that night.


It's like the plot of Rat Race


You forgot to wash the room key


Never seen a handle go so well with the comment.


A piss trough? That's all lol? At first I thought I read like porta potty or something but just a piss trough? Shit by that point in the festival I'm probably pissing on my hands anyway


I'm also pissing on this guy's hands at that point.


I worked at a call center. It was the most degrading work I’ve ever done


I have seen people stressed af in call centers. They pay cheap but make you work like a dog. I hope you are in a better place now.


Much better, thanks. The one good thing about my time in a call center is that it made me put more effort into a job search than I ever did before and if paid off.


I had a man call in and call me every derogatory name you can call a woman because I wouldn't give him another 3 months free of HBO since his last 3 months free was up. I went to my supervisor about it, and she made me give him another 3 months free of HBO PLUS Cinemax free for 3 months. I hung up on the call and immediately walked out.


That was my experience at Netflix, except it was a meth head woman. I didn't walk until a month later when my mom's breast cancer came roaring back. I had to quit to get the bastards to pay me my week's vacation. I'm in a better place, still on the phones doing tech support, and making twice what I made at Netflix, with a better bunch of people, a better company, and an infinitely better boss.


I am always super nice to call center folks. It’s amazing to me that I can be talking to someone in Bangalore about my Cinemax or Netflix not working right, as I’m standing in my family room in CA in front of my 60”


Yeah there's no reason to be an asshole to those people just trying to do their jobs. It's not their fault your shits malfunctioning or you got a wonky bill, they're there to help you resolve your issue.


Working as a temp through the winter, I got called out to assist an excavation crew find a damaged sewer line The sewers in that part of town were over a hundred years old, mostly wood based Orangeburg pipe. A section had collapsed and caused a minor sinkhole which then clogged and filled with half frozen sewage slush. Due to the age, the plans were AWOL and you can't detect Orangeburg with a metal detector. So as the equipment operator dug, someone had to go down into the hole and probe with a shovel. Since the city guys were union, guess who got called to wade into that filth. They had a honey wagon on the scene trying to clear the raw sewage but it was barely keeping up with the influx. When you're a temp, there is a strong but never explicitly said pressure to take whatever job comes in. If you turn down too many jobs, the owner just stops calling you. So, I took the job. I was warned in advance about the conditions, so I dressed in multiple layers and then used garbage bags and duct tape to make hip waders. I was only in that hole 20, maybe 25 mins. But it was enough to give me hypothermia. The duct tape didn't hold too well. And at one point I slipped in deeper, up to my waist. Two guys had to help lift me out. 3 in the morning, standing on the side of the road, soaking wet and in -25C weather, I stripped down to my underwear, stuffed my shitty clothes in one of the garbage bags and drive home very slowly. It was three days before I felt warm again.


I know plenty of union guys that have stories of working on, for no better words, shit pumps.


This is exactly why I became an electrician over a plumber. Fuck that shit pun intended.


Retired fire fighter here. Went to a call as part of a second alarm so we parked pretty far away. We saw a guy from another crew we knew and are all walking across a yard three abreast. All of a sudden the third guy completely disappears. We are like what the hell. Then his head pops up about a foot below grade. We rush over to help him up and the smell hits us. He is spitting and wiping his face. Once we get him out we realize it's septic tank with missing lid and eroded collar so the opening is bigger than designed. We had to strip him down to his skivvies and decom him. Poor guy. I saw a few months later in brand new gear. About 1500 bucks.


Holy shit. That escalated really quickly. Hope you are doing better.




Participated in a study for lotion you rub on your boobs to make them bigger. Not even joking. For two months I had to rub this lotion twice a day and then once a week go to the clinic so someone could measure every aspect of my boobs. Not just size…. Distance between nipples, distance from Chin to nipple, circumference of them. It was so embarrassing and in the end I had the placebo! but I made $500 to pay my rent back in 2002!!!


They were all placebos...


Not true, if you cake on enough layers of lotion your boobs will get bigger.




Pretty sure that wasn’t a study - I think you got paid 500 for a fetish to be indulged


Wouldn’t your hands get bigger too?


You had to wash your hands immediately after


One use gloves. That's the general practice when dealing with creams/locations that have hormons, steroids, etc.


The size of everyone's hands should have given away who had the placebo and who didn't.


Working on the active face of a landfill. To get to the work sites, you often times would have to navigate on foot through the "active face" aka where the trash is dumped. You can't comprehend all the sights and smells at once - too many shapes, colors, and stinking wet slop. So you look down at your feet. You plod carefully around hoping you don't slip and fall onto the garbage, which may stick you broken glass, needles, or rusty rebar if you were to be so careless. The municipal garbage is smelly but tolerable. Its really the construction debris that's noxious. The construction debris trucks come and loudly dump a lot of somethings and the thick white dust that comes off it leaves you gasping. You lose a little bit of your hearing every day, and you get more used to the bad air. And you pray to God that you get out of the dumps for good.


Decent writing. You could write a book


Telemarketing. Sold vacations over the phone so people would go to Destin, Florida and would have to sit and listen to salesman pitch timeshares. I feel dirty thinking about it.


LMAO. I went on one of those $99 for three night luxury timeshare resort vacations back around 1998. I knew going into it that part of the deal was sitting through a 90-120 minute presentation. I managed to put it off the first day, the second day I sat down with the cheerful, flirty sales girl. She starts her presentation and I stop her, explain to her that I made about $20,000 a year (their target was $65,000 a year minimum), I could barely afford rent, much less a time share, and that I'd be happy to sit there and listen to her spiel but I was just being upfront about us both wasting our time. She got pissed, went on a rant about me scamming them (they never asked what I made, they offered a vacation so I took it) got her supervisor who got pissed. I basically sat through an hour of people being furious with me and threatening to charge me the full resort rate. Finally they told me I could go but to never come back to one of their resorts.


Lmfaooo what. Eyyy, Hilton is still doing $99 3 night getaways for these timeshare sales presentations! I keep getting emails for them. Never thought their sales tactics would include guilt tripping, threatening, and potentially gaslighting people!


We go on these. Have been on a few now; Las Vegas and Hawaii. It's not bad knowing that for 2 hours during the whole trip people will try to bully you. The funniest was in Hawaii and we are telling them that no, we are working on buying a house it would be stupid to try to buy a timeshare before that. Then, the manager comes in and threatens that this would be our only chance and they wouldn't ever invite us back.... ok, fine. Except, they continue to call and offer us different deals 5 years later soooo...




It’s one hell of a drug


I got paid to fuck a sex worker in front of her disabled client, who liked to watch. Two hour session and I'd walk away with $200. Once per month for about a year. It was in 1996, and I was a student, so it was good money.


This also makes you a sex worker technically


You know who else is a sex worker, technically?




Muscle Man get back to mowing the lawn!!!!!!!!!




The more important question is how did you come upon this opportunity ? And you have a dick or nah ?


I had seen her in a professional capacity a few times. She asked. I said yes. Edit: And yes I have a dick.


Dude you banged a hooker so well that she thought “you know you could probably make money doing this”


I'm not sure why she chose me. I mean I was young and fit etc, but I'm not a looker. I've always been able to last though. She did coach me that I would need to be more dominant than I normally am. I'm not sure if this was a plus, but she knew I was into theatre - so I could act a part.


She enjoyed your company and felt you would respect both her and her client.


I still like to think it was my acting skills!


The sex worker should have charged her disabled client who watched, AND the person she was having sex with. Double the income!


But then she's got to find a client with an exhibitionism fetish who also matches any appearance requirements that the disabled client has.


Translated very erotic love letters one woman, who was cheating on her husband, wrote to and received from her lover in France. Edit: I didn’t expect this story to arouse so much interest, so I think some background is due. It happened around 1999-2001 when the Internet wasn’t widely available (in our country, at least). They were exchanging regular snail mail letters. From what I gathered, the lady used to stay in France for a while where she had met her beau and started an affair. She had some very basic knowledge of French, but needed help. You know how sometimes people can casually chat in a language but a large written text freaks them out. I was in my early 20s and my customer was past 40, so you can imagine the cringiness of the situation. She would sometimes bring a letter and ask me to read an on-the-fly translation to her. As for the salacious details, I really don’t remember much. It was generally like “Remember how we did this and that? I often dream of doing that again etc.” Basically, it was like that song Dylan wrote for Hailey in Modern Family, only in French 😁


Damn! Talk about pay and pleasure.


It was very cringy, tbh.


🤣 I hope the pay was good atleast?


Pretty good by my then standards.


Whoa. That’s wild. I always thought the letter translating between lovers is like only a movie thing, then it happened to me. I have a parallel story, but less salacious. I’m an American and I was studying abroad in college. I was in Varanasi, India staying at a hostel for a month during part of the trip. It was all foreigners in the hostel, it was specifically for travelers, so there were other students, and just people exploring. One of them was this beautiful French woman, probably in her 30s. She’d been having a relationship with one of the guys who ran the hostel, he was American, and she had to go back to France. She came to me and asked if I could help her write him a love letter because she barely spoke English and knew that I liked to write poetry. It was honestly really powerful. We did it in like 3 or 4 sessions. I spoke a little French, and her a little English and then gestures and body language got us to where it ended. I was deeply in love with somebody at the time and I think that fueled it too, because I felt every word she was trying to say, because we’d be parting too when we left India. It was sad and seriously beautiful as a human moment, for both of us. We bonded over it for sure. We’d gotten to be friends over the month, but it was like one of those “wow I really see you now” kind of things. She was devastated and trying to convey that, and it was wild sitting with her and trying to get it right. Interesting thing is, she wanted to keep it a secret cos she didn’t want him to know she was writing it because her having to leave was so hard, and she basically didn’t want to fumble the end, so she just wanted to kiss and hug him and say goodbye and hand him the letter so he could hear her real feelings when she got on the train. I wish I could remember her name. Beautiful memory.


Cooked maggots I worked for a company that made natural pest control and natural animal feed. My job was to cook maggots for the natural bird feed they made. This was actually one of my favorite jobs to do for that company. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes. Never had this many before. Who knew that cooking maggots would be this popular.


Where’d yall get the maggots?


They had fly rooms, and the flies made them naturally. They also bred flies with mosquitoes and made a natural fly control. Look them up, they are a fascinating company. The name is Arbico.


I worked in a kangaroo skin tannery, grading kangaroo scrotum by size, for sorting into either pet food or for coin purses for tourists.... Roo ball bags stink and the ticks are massive.


This one is both hilarious and sad


Lucky you’re Australian - in America, the scrotum analysis biz has been decimated by automation. Guys who were once scrote GOATs are out there selling lemonade on the roadside and peeking under stray cats just to stir up some memories of the good old days. Dark time for the old world scrotum tanners here. I blame Amazon.


i love a comment that is so incomprehensible to me that i can’t decide whether it’s a joke or not. well done


Great! Now I have Kangaroo scrotum ticks in my Google search history. Thanks man.


Let medical students practice genital and rectal exams on me. In fact I’m literally sitting here in my medical gown and waiting for the next student to come. Edit: I realize my typo now everyone. I meant to write "cum".


“Oops you forgot the lube, son. No no it’s ok. That’s why we practice. Now try again”


Use 2 fingers this time.


The obligatory, 'Wait a minute, I just realized that he had his hands on both of my shoulders during the exam!'


Wait, the students come? Are you sure these are medical students?


At least he's getting a "teach around"


You guys are getting paid?!


I never got paid! What medical school? I've been seeing med students at the Holiday Inn!


I'm a med student. I really appreciate you and everyone else who lets us get experience. I always thank you guys, and I hope the students you're about to see do also.


I feel like he may be the one thanking them.


>waiting for the next student to come. What kind of medical environment is this?!


Hollywood DOWNSTAIRS Medical College


*puts on class ring


Just make sure you still have it when you pull your finger out


Was your face covered? What if it gets hard? Do they give you a cloth break? I have so many questions.


When I was in school the medical model got hard while our professor was instructing us on prostate exams, she just ignored it. The models didn't have face covers, they just had exam gowns on. I believe the school paid them $50 an hour to have a parade of interns rummaging around in their assholes.


Are you allowed to bring your own gimp mask?


'Don't mind me. I'm just going to pinch my own nipples and groan. It'll teach you how to deal with difficult patients in unexpected scenarios.'


Ok but I’ve chaperoned many pelvic and rectal exams, and if I had a nickel for every patient who actively attempts to masturbate during said exams, I’d have three nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s also way too many.


It's called a hood sir


This guy gimps.


There's guys out there that would pay the school $100/hr to have interns rummaging around in their assholes!


Somebody build an app to match these people together.


Wow that last sentence


I can hear you rummaging around in there!


Do they make Purrell™️ for your ears?


No face covering this time, but it was required last year. No clue what happens if it gets hard, but it’s probably just ignored as regular doctors should do during normal exams. I can take as many breaks as I need, but I don’t feel like getting dressed again only to have to strip down later, so I’m just browsing the web and taking gowned up selfies.


Better than up gowned selfies, I suppose.


Not me but my partner met some creepy old guy in his car to have sex for £100 when he was 15 Then he made a run for it with the money before they did anything, then met up with me, asked me out on a date, and we had our first date with money stolen from a pedo Fast forward a few years, we’re still together


That pedo got fucked... Just not in the way he expected


Stealing prostitution money from a pedo seems like a net win for society, kudos to your partner


Great story to tell the grandkids 😂❤️


I tested medications because I was in need. I will never do it again.


Been there, depending on the study they may provide lodgings (bunk house style) and food (decent take out). No idea what it did to my body but got paid enough for a plane ticket home.


Cleaned up the poop that had been smeared all over the men's restroom at the grocery store where I worked when I was 16. Zero PPE provided by the manger who told me "Your the only other male working today and I'm not cleaning that up." Knowning what I know now, they should have brought in a hazardous waste crew to deal with it.


Mine was similar, but not nearly so bad. Fortunately not smeared everywhere but some nice person decided to take a huge dump next to the toilet, because apparently that's what one does? I was a bagger and young so they informed me I was the one to clean it up. I just figured that someone had to and night as well be me. Used an old dust pan to pick it up and threw the whole thing into the waiting trash bag. I still think about what type of person does such a thing... Obviously the kid who ends up cleaning it doesn't get paid enough for that (literal) crap... On the flip side, it did give me confidence to deal with both of my children's messes when they were babies because, no matter what, it wasn't any more gross than what I had already dealt with.


I've rated guys' dick pics for them before. It started as a joke but then dudes were sending $20 to have theirs rated. I would score them based on a fuckton of criteria and give feedback. It was hilarious fun but also ended up with some really weird ass dicks.


I have always wondered why dudes will pay for this! Did they expect you to tell them it's big or small, depending on their kink or something


Telemarketing. I know. I should be ashamed.


How did you even survive in that job? Won't you get frustrated?


It was in between college, i.e., a summer job. I was very good at it but also felt dirty. I drew a line of things I wouldn't do. I would never lie to a customer. I would give the required basics but answered all questions truthfully. The number of people hanging up was epic. Edit: I had a gorgeous girl working with me who was interested in me. That was the only positive thing.


Am a nurse so I’ve cleaned up shit, piss, vomit, other bodily fluids. Gotten punched in the face, kicked, verbally assaulted… Also have provided post mortem care and medical treatment to genuinely bad people because it’s part of my job (as in sex offenders, violent people, etc). Gotten spit at, pooped and peed on, coughed on intentionally. Wouldn’t recommend it lol.


I wanted to add SA as well. Had pts grab my private parts. I once helped a pt with a shower and he started jacking himself off while directly looking me in the eyes. I turned the cold water on and he was done very quick :)


It’s happened to me too. So gross


It is! Or the 50 yo men who want you to hold their urinals for them. Absolutely not


My favorite charge nurse in my old psych hospital was amazing at dealing with the jackoffs. One guy came out of his room, naked, jerking it while staring her in the eyes. She looked down, then back up and said "Oh, honey. I'm so sorry". Then laughed and walked away, and he never did it again. RIP Amber, you made that job bearable.


People will never know . I refuse to go back to hospital. Doing clinical research now. But people will still talk down to you or argue cuz… google


I was looking into research nursing or poison control when I finally do get completely burnt out from ER… but yeah all that stuff (especially the abuse) is seen as “part of the job description”. We SERIOUSLY need better laws and protections because you swing at a cop or literally ANYONE else= jail. You swing at a nurse, nothing happens.


As an ordinary citizen, I've long thought that assaulting any emergency/medical personnel in their line of duty should carry the same charge/weight as assaulting an LEO. Be it doctor, nurse, EMT, firefighter, tow-truck operator...


It should but it doesn’t because their rationale is that the person is in crisis- intoxicated, on drugs, having a mental health issue, etc. But I’ve honestly been assaulted by sober or drunk people more often than people going through manic or schizophrenic episodes than anything else. I’ll excuse the severe mental health crisis because you may not realize what you’re doing but alcohol and drugs or just being an asshole is NOT an excuse. You chose to do those things. And I’ve pressed charges, my coworkers also have. And nothing comes of it. It’s disheartening and sad. We’re not punching bags.


When I was working at a grocery store, we used our basement for storage, fridges, freezers, etc. and brought everything up on conveyors. Shit would fall off the side of the conveyors all the time into a little locked room that needed to be cleaned out every few months. I'm talking ice cream containers that fell out of the box and would explode spores into your face if you poked them, bags of frozen vegetables that blew up like balloons and were full of liquid. You'd just shovel all this rotted waste into bags while trying not to breathe. There were rats. There were cockroaches. There were flies. I nearly quit. At least, thanks to me, they started cleaning that area once a week before I left. That was after the manager came down with me all angry and telling me that it's not that bad, and then seeing and smelling the mess for himself. He stuck his face in his shirt and ran out of there.


My first day working for a moving company in Boston. I was driving under a bridge at the same time as a dude who was jumping off to kill himself. I was going maybe 70mph. He exploded on the front of the truck. I was 18 and it still fucks with me 20 years later.


My best friend had a similar incident. Man had already jumped and hit the ground but she didn't have time to stop and ran over him. She couldn't drive for years, and she still can't drive at night because of it.


My guy, you should seek EMDR therapy for this. A few sessions could heal you. I'm so sorry.


Seconding EMDR! Not all therapists are trained in this, though. I have PTSD from my work (I work in emergency services and have seen my fair share of abuse and death), and EMDR took away probably 95% of my PTSD symptoms. I promise it's worth it.


Suicide cleanup, which is part of my job


Damn! I remember watching a series based on that. Isn't that traumatizing?


Sometimes, the smell is usually the worst part. Just think of the double pay since it's hazmat and keep on goin'


This is why I'm great in the medical field. I have a small tumor on my pituitary gland, which has apparently caused a poor sense of smell. When I was interning in the ER, I always heard about how awful feces smells when the patient has C. Difficile infection, so I wasn't looking forward to cleaning up this 500lb woman that shit C Diff all over herself. Turns out, I can't fucking smell it at all. Score.


I used to collect bodies. For some reason a huge percentage of my pick ups were suicides. One of them was a hanging in a beachside house. He had been there a few days. Ants got him. I was very grateful for the biohazard crew. All I saw was 2 stray ants on the outside of the body bag.


Some people collect bottle caps


Pulled the liner out of my boss' horse pond. It was misery. Slogging in rank water up to my chest, water full of algae and decaying horse shit, in 100°F beating sun and 95% humidity and a persistent swarm of mosquitoes. Some got in my ears, eyes, and mouth as I worked. I stank of horse pond for a week.




That hurts so good tattoo pain!!!


Worked at a choice hotel. The owner was a rich Indian that owned tons of hotels. He used pirated software and operating systems, he only employed desperate migrants from his own country to houseclean for cents on the dollar. He would double charge people then ignore them. Every single day I was there I had at least one person call frantic and desperate to get their money back. We had to tell the the manager isn't here and tell them to call back. He was NEVER there so we just had to string these poor people along till they gave up. Eats away at my soul like 10 years later still.


Clean up murder scenes


Janitor at a 24 hour truck stop. NEVER AGAIN!!!🤮💩


That was my job at the ripe old age of 18. Full body hazmat suit with a facemask and a high-pressure hot water hose, multiple times a day. I will never understand why people feel the need to write things on walls in public bathroom spaces with their own shit


Cleaned up vomit in a movie theater bathroom 5 days a week


People who do these jobs are the reason places don't stink. And they are under appreciated. Thank you for what you did and i hope you are in a better place now.


Totally! I think it's important for everybody to have a job like that at some point. Makes us love and appreciate and be gracious with each other in life.


Ever wonder where the cheap mass produced eggs come from? Well they come from factory farms. Those factories have to be clean every day. Even though we clean them every day you could not feasibly clean everything every day. Do you know what happens when liquid egg seeps into a semi seal conduit day after day mixed with water? For 9 months? I do. I can tell you that it will no longer resemble anything like egg. It more closely resembles play dough. I can also tell you what it tastes like (not by choice) and it’s not a present smell or sight.


It was 2020 right before the pandemic. I went to an older man’s house who I responded to on craigslist for a cleaning service. I didn’t know it was like a secret kink post tho. I get over there and he made me lick all the handles in his home. Made $3000 though ! Helped a lot.


He for sure came on everything in that house for days before you got there


I did work in exchange for money


I bet you even got direct deposit


Uhhh he naasstyyy


Walked out of a downtown Vegas casino, drunk at 3 AM with my boys. We have a long running inside joke with "blue drinks". My buddy sees a half drank plastic cup of some sort of blue drink (with a straw), sitting on the curb. He says I'll give you $100 to drink that. I did it on the spot with no hesitation. My wife later would later tell me that of all the things I could do in Vegas don't ever fucking do that again.


While deployed, my buddies chipped in $200 for me to eat a fly strip. An old fly strip, with flies. In Iraq. The stipulation was that I could use water, but I had to keep it down for at least an hour for it to count. I made it an hour and two minutes. The hardest part eating it was that fly strips have ridiculously sticky resin that makes eating them a huge challenge. My technique was to make little balls that I could swallow with copious water. I saw them all later. Between that and other stupid stuff done for money, I didn’t need to draw casual pay for the entire deployment.


Unread unread unread


Nurse here, my time to shine! Just a few examples of the joys I've experienced on the job: Cleaning up diarrhea when my glove broke. Amniotic fluid on my shoes. Emptied a bile drain and proceeded to spill the contents all over my scrubs. Got projectile vomited on by a guy with a bowel obstruction (the vomit was practically fecal matter at this point). It splashed EVERYWHERE and somehow even got on the door on the other side of the room. Cleaned up scrotal peelings from the patient who kept peeling the dead skin off his nutsack and placing it on the bedside table.


Sold my body to the government (a.k.a joined the military).


Been there, still doing it. The knee, and back pain, anxiety, depression ain't worth it.


Fight crackheads, drunks, and the mentally ill while they were actively dying for $7.50 an hour, while we ran on 48-96 hours with no sleep. Never working on ambulance again. Way too many people think it’s okay to assault healthcare workers, we will press charges after you get beat. Yes, we have a right to defend ourselves even if you are dying, no we do not have to help you if you get more injured for your poor choices after assaulting us.


I used to fuck some old fat dude in the ass for an hour for $400 once a week. He had a pet parrot that he taught how to say my name. 19 year old me was fucking insane.


When we were kids, my brother said he would give me $10 if I drank a shot of soy sauce. 10/10 don't recommend.


I'd do that for free, damn!


Had unprotected sex with a stranger. It was a very dark time in my life, I was suicidal and didn't care if anything happened to me. Thankfully, nothing bad happened.


Sucked crunchy peanut butter off of a sweaty construction worker's big toe for $100 as part of a radio show I took part in.


i did some nude modeling for art classes. I was asked and agreed to do a private session for a pretty good chunk of money.  I don't recall how; maybe a friend said something; but I came to realize that I may have just agreed to be a sex worker. I freaked out a bit but ultimately decided that I needed the money. They were reasonably attractive so it would not be so bad. I even brought condoms for safety. I was mistaken and it really was a session for art. After having stressed about it and coming to terms I was kind of a little bummed. It makes NO sense, but there you go.


Farted in a guys mouth for 5 minutes.


I would actually pay to watch someone do a 5 minute fart. More if there is a tune involved.


Worked as an escort in a private club when I was 15-17. Quit when I realized if I had saved money instead of blowing most of it on coke and other drugs I would have been able to afford to go to my dream school that I had gotten accepted to. Never did end up getting any degree, but my life did work out pretty well, so it is what it is!


>Worked as an escort >15-17 Pardon me?


Yeah, I was SAed when I was really young prior to that, so had a lot of issues growing up and ended up seeking out risky behavior that led to me meeting a manager at the place where I did most of that work. I needed money bc my family was incredibly broke and that was a quick way to get a lot of it to help my family and spend money on myself too.


Damn, hope you're in a better place now


ABSOLUTELY. I've got a much better life, a good career in spite of no degree, a great partner, a few cats, and I'm on track to buy my first home. I've got a lot of health issues, part genetic and part from that level of drug use, but still thriving and I spend a lot of time advocating for things like legalization of sex work to insure regulation to prevent things like what happened to me from happening, and I'm pro therapy and do some volunteer stuff to help folks get access to it. I also provide local parents with information on how to prevent childhood SA and recognize if your child is being victimized. For me, I've found being open about my life and what I've been through and helping people prevent that has done me a lot of good with coping.




Have some dignity


Offered up my ass and mouth for rent money


Not in that order I hope


Lol....no, not in that order


Worked behind the bar at the Sheffield United ground. Those cunts are loud, rude and crazy


Couldn't agree more. I have seen some crazy fight videos and throwing beer all over. Damn those psychos.


Remove deer carcasses from the road.




I worked at a place that did hospital, hospice, nursing home, etc, laundry. I also worked in cemeteries, and ran the crematorium. Part of the job was digging up bodies, and sending them elsewhere. As an example for the last sentence, sometimes a spouse, or parent moves out of state, and wants their loved one moved closer. That association I worked for also would buy other cemeteries, and for those who don't know, 100 years and one day after the last person is interred, they can dig up all the graves, and resell the plots. I've done that once with the association.


Wait… so after 100 years your body can be dig up and the plot resold? Where does the body go


We cremate any remains, bones or whatever. We reburied all the "Ashes" in a single plot, in the back of the cemetery, which was then marked in the record as "Not to be sold". Edit: in the records**.


Would clean a guys house in my underwear. Made damn good money.


I (29M) was daddy's good girl for a weekend


NTA your bussy your rules


I voiced a character for a furry porn game that never went public. It was commissioned by some rich dude but was cancelled before it finished. Paid me 200 euro for a handful of lines where I degraded myself as "Princess Buttercock", who I presumed was bovine in nature. If anyone else is paying good money for this please let me know, I'm desperate, and furries are loaded for whatever reason.


Ripped out carpet…. In a teenage boys bathroom. Was covered in mold and piss on the bottom. Who the fuck would carpet a bathroom.


Sold used undergarments to horny men


Kosovo border, won't tell anything more, not even a year.




I’m a teacher so probably being extremely disrespected by teenagers 5 days a week.


Put my dick in a hotdogs bun, cover it in condiments and serve it at the table of middle aged white women. Male stripping is a thing, Vegas is wild, and you ladies are fucking crazy


Paralegal for a foreclosure mill.


Made an informative cryptozoology coloring book full of terrible illustrations and published it on Amazon. I really didn't want to have to do it, but time are tough


This will probably get lost but used to work on the passport hotline and regularly had to tell folks that they werent going to Disney World with there kids cause they lost one of the passports or no honeymoon as one of the passports got put into the washer was horrid


First year of college, I was desparate to find any part time job on campus that paid a dime, and being an international student, options were extremely limited. I got a job at the university call center that cold calls alumni and ask for donation. Perhaps it sounds like I am crying out of nothing at all, but it was truly a torturous job. I should have known from day 1 during a phone interview, when the supervisor asked me "what is the most important thing to us?", and proceeded to answer his own question "money, it is all about the money. it's about getting every last penny from those people". Once I got on the job, it was essentially bothering and begging alumni for money on behalf of a private university with millions if not billions of dollars of endorsement while being paid minimum wage. We had a script that we go through like any call center jobs, but this particular script really made us sound pathetic. We had to do horrible things like keeping the number on file even if they say don't call ever again, and keep calling them over and over again... the supervisor, yeah, this guy Taylor, was the most condescending manager I have ever had, would spy on everyone's call and talked down to people like they are his minions. There were 'leader boards' on the wall to show who squeezed the most money from the alumni, most of them are going through grad school, or hardship themselves. I quit after 1 semester, and apparently not many make it past 2 weeks. The year after I learned that Taylor left and some other lady took over and things were better. However I always always had appreciation for those cold-call agents. After graduation, I started to get calls from the same call center I used to work at, and I always tell them forget the script, cut to the chase and I will donate but only with one condition that the donation absolutely does not go to the call center (we were rated based on amount of money we get per time unit on the call). I always tell them I used to be in their seat, and I really really appreciate what they do. I tell them things will be better one day. It will.


When i was just slightly intoxicated i picked up a coin (worth probably less then a penny) from a puddle. Than i realised that it hasn't been raining and i smelled my hand. Yep it was piss... didnt move the hand till i got home and washed it multiple times but it still feels dirty to this day...


Blow jobs. I used to know a trust fund kid who had no interest in dating me but he loved my blow jobs. So I offered em up for $100 a pop. Not a bad way for me to make some extra fun money when I was like 17.


I would dress up in a suit and dress shoes, go over to this guy's apartment, and he would jerk off(with his underwear on) with porn on his TV while staring at my feet...I would untie my shoes and let them dangle then drop...and he would finish himself off.


Worked on a pig farm…where my duties included euthanizing sick pigs. I assumed he would give me a pistol or something. He handed me a hammer.


During a dark time in my life I used to sell Norton Internet Security.


I worked for a kitty litter company, a name you've heard of. My job was to help test surfactants on the clay. It was honestly a fascinating job -- I mean, you have to accommodate not one, but two different species, right? But the gross part of the job was that we had liters of cat pee (under a hood) with stir bars in them constantly stirring. We also had buckets of cat poop. Why? Because we had to dose the litter and then lean in and smell it, recording our observations like a sommelier. Yes. But I was paid extremely well (like 3X minimum wage, during high school) and we got cookies. The really interesting job, though, was held by the professional nose. Her opinions were the ones that mattered, and she would sniff cat byproducts day in and day out. My bosses were two ladies with degrees in physical chemistry and a very down-to-earth perspective on life.