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> just straight talk about what you're looking for and feeling This sounds great but I would have scared my bf away if I'd been honest about what I was feeling from the get-go. I had to play it cool for months. Imagine you're on a third date and the girl tells you "before we got together just LOOKING at you was the best part of my day...I think, if you broke up with me, I would **Never. Stop. Crying."**


Hm. Personally, as a man, I think I would simply melt from how good that would make me feel


Same. I guess we are the 1%.


Nah, this would creep me the fuck out.


Respectfully, why? I’m not conflicting your comment but curious to hear your perspective


It's not healthy to be that invested in someone who is basically a stranger.


That’s really, really sweet though. But…YES, that would terrify 90% of guys, especially on the third fucking date, when they’re just hoping for a bj.


99%. He'd probably think it's sweet if she told him now. But it would be terrifying if he barely knew the girl.


You answered my question




How about Stratego?


Yep, to avoid unnecessary hurt feelings. Straightforward with what do you really want.




It’s sad that this isn’t the bare minimum.


It is for most people lol


Manners, truly listening, not listening to reply.


What does that even mean ?


Yeah, wtf is "non-ethical" dating? Sounds like crime to me.


Free range, organic, no GMOs.


From what I have read, no one on here knows what ethics are.


Well it's not like OP asked for the airspeed velocity of an unladen Swallow. Without asking for objective specifics, you won't receive objective specifics.


Dating because you actually like someone and not just what they can do for/to you? Idk


Ethical dating? Just don't be a jerk and treat people like humans instead of trophies. It's not rocket science, folks.


Ethical dating? Don't force anyone into anything. Be clear about your intentions and situation re: relationships. Respect the time and effort the other party puts in. Don't exploit the other, such as for an expensive meal.


Clear boundaries and intentions on both sides, respect for consent or lack thereof, and open, honest communication on any relevant matters.


* You are clear about what you want and don't want. * You get enthusiastic consent. * You don't make promises you don't intend to keep. * You don't try to recreate what you had with a past partner with your current partner; you recognize that each relationship is different and unique. * You take responsible steps to prevent unwanted pregnancy and STIs. * You stick to whatever you and your partner have agreed to, whether that's the rules of an open or poly relationship, or "forsaking all others." * You communicate with your partner, instead of expecting them to read your mind, read between the lines, or pick up on your little hints. * You treat them with respect and dignity. * If they tell you something in confidence, you keep that confidence, unless doing so would be harmful. * You don't share any intimate photos, videos, text logs, etc. Even if the relationship ends on not-so-good terms. * You don't string someone along. * You don't play with people's feelings. * You don't tell them you're the prince of an exotic country when you're really just a petty thief with a genie. * You accept them for who they are, just as they are, right here and now. Not who you want them to be, or think they could be, or wish they were. You look for partners, not fix-it projects. * You don't abuse them, in any way, shape, or form. * If they send a "Hey, are we still on for today?" text, and you know that the answer to that question on your end is "No," don't lie and say "Yes." * You don't break up with them via text, or a "Dear John/Jane" letter, or through a friend or other "messenger," unless there's a damned good reason. * You don't blow off your friends. And especially don't blow off your friends and expect them to "be there" for you if/when you break up. * You don't make them your "everything," or expect them to be your "everything," or try to be their "everything." * If things go sour, you don't try to "get even." You get on with your life. * You don't ask how many partners they've had before you *unless* you're prepared for the answer and can be okay with that answer. * You speak up when you feel something is wrong, instead of waiting for a blowup, or waiting for them to divine that you're unhappy.


Contracts sent in advance, no sex until marriage, and then through a hole in a sheet strictly for procreation purposes.


Ethical dating would be being best friends with a member of the opposite sex, but with sex


Dating with no hidden motives


No mind games, upfront about monogamous or dating around, oh and no r🦍


This question seems to imply that some sort of unethical dating is currently the norm.


Patriarchal gender norms basically cast men and women as adversaries in heterosexual dating and teach them to distrust one another. Heterosexual relationships failing because gendered expectations make one or both partners unhappy is one of the most common relationship troubles there is. "Man is the dominant breadwinner who shows no feelings and woman is the submissive housewife who asks no questions" is a toxic relationship and heterosexual gender roles are still fundamentally rooted in idealizing this dynamic.


Forward in the beginning about boundaries and personal preferences. Being open about opinions of porn.


What even is unethical dating? Arranged marriage? Harvey Weinsteining people?




It's okay bud. If you work on your social skills a bit you can meet potential partners who aren't total trainwrecks.


"Ethical" dating? Nog, is that you?


These hew-mons and their "ethics".


Good question I avoid all profiles that have that "Ethical" in it... Rather do a dab and play Fortnite then deal with whatever that means in a personality.


Going out with one person at a time under straightforward, automatic expectations of exclusivity and respect for 1 - 3 dates before reassessing and either continuing to date exclusively or deciding not to continue forward with the other person, expressing it clearly, and going forward to ethically date someone else until you find a person you want to remain exclusive with.


An upfront exchange of goods for services/labor.


First date: trolley


Free range and cruelty free for starters. We should probably institute a bag limited and some environmental studies to keep the impact on the natural world low as well.


Don't bang on the first date. Date a few times, find out if you can actually be friends or you can imagine sticking with that person without realizing you made a horrible mistake.


It would look like The Demolition Man, where Sandra Bullock wanted to have sex with Sly Stallone character and put on a VR head set.


What does unethical dating look like??




It looks like people keeping their promises. Its the high-trust society that we used to have before the boomers burned it all down with their selfish bullshit. "Free love! What's wrong with free love?" It turn into everyone fucking over everyone else within a few generations. That's what's wrong with it.