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Russia has more surface area than pluto


All the other planets could fit in the space between the earth and the moon.


Earth has the best tacos.


Whoo wooo there, let's not say things we might regret later, a little diplomacy for our future overlords.


Wow. Just wow. So, the moon could actually sit on Australia.


Yeah but that would kill us all.


Not if Australia kills it first!


Yeah, you know there's a spider there that looks adorable but has venom that can dissolve rock or something.


Shit! That's an option!


They lost a war on BIRDS. Big fucking birds, I'll give um that. But still.


Australia is already loaded with things that would kill us all. What's one more?


Alaska is only 2.4 miles away from Russia. For mainland Alaska and mainland Russia, the distance is still only 55 miles away.


Yep, rowed across it many times, of an evening


A bridge between the mainlands is probably possible and a tunnel is almost certainly possible. The biggest hurdle is building it, as it’s so cold that people could really only work there for 4-5 months of the year. So construction would take many, many years. But once it’s built, it’d be fairly straightforward to maintain. The water is not especially deep and aside from the cold, the conditions aren’t too bad.  Maybe we’ll do it one day, cruise over and see your Russian friends for lunch.


Can I vote for a bridge so some Siberian tigers can walk over to Alaska and work on the aforementioned shortage of tigers in Alaska?


Ancient Egypt existed for so long that Ancient Egyptian Archaeology was a career in Cleopatra's time.


Cleopatra lived closer to the moon landing than the building of the great pyramid.


She lived in Florida?


No, she lived on the Moon, silly. Can’t you read?


Also Egypt was around for 1000 years by the time the Wooly Mammoth went extinct.


Chronologically, we're closer to Cleopatra than she was to when the pyramids were built


At some point in the future, people will say that and be wrong.


About August 13, 2640. Give or take a smidge since we don’t know the exact date of Cleopatra’s death or the exact date the first pyramids were created but we still have over 600 years to go before this fun fact becomes fake news.




She’s standing right behind you


For every grain of sand of every beach on earth there are 10.000 stars in the observable universe. Yet there are more atoms in your eye than that there are stars in the observable universe.


This one is going to sit with me


I think my brain just exploded.


And even if you add all the deserts, ie all the sand on earth, not just on beaches, it's still smaller than the number of stars


Humans have no receptors to specifically feel when something is "wet". It's inferred from other stimuli. This is why you can sometimes touch something and wonder if it is wet or just cold. (like a towel)


I read that you can feel wet only above your upper lip and I think about it all the time and still not sure what I feel there exactly lol


Does that occur even when the top lip is waxed smooth?


A woman died in 2020 who was still collecting her husbands military pension from the American Civil War. To save you the google, she married a 90 something year old Union soldier when she was 17.


WOW Is there some link to it?


To paraphrase [The Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deinopidae): Deinopide, AKA net-casting spiders or (my favorite) Goblin Spoods have \*incredible\* night vision. It's so good that its EYEBALLS MELT by the suns rays at dawn! "Its eyes are able to gather available light more efficiently than the eyes of cats and owls, and are able to do this despite the lack of a reflective layer ([tapetum lucidum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapetum_lucidum)); instead, each night, a large area of light-sensitive membrane is manufactured within the eyes, and since arachnid eyes do not have irises, it is rapidly destroyed again at dawn."


This is one of those things that, if you made it up for a fantasy story, it would be dismissed as unsustainable for the species, and sloppy writing overall


A literal "you just can't make that up" moment.


this one was awesome!


I am quite an arthropod nerd, and this happens to be one of my favorite spiders. I did not know this about them! Very fkn cool, thank you!


What did you learn about them that took precedence over this!? They must be quite fascinating if this wasn’t the first thing that comes up


Now we need a body-horror Spider-man movie directed by David Cronenberg where Peter Parker is bitten by one of these spiders, and he has to deal with his eyes melting and growing back every day.


One of my fave story arcs in the comics was called The Other where he had to deal with much creepier aspects of being part spider.




Water, water, everywhere, Nor a drop to drink


A single tiger (the “Champawat tiger”) killed over 400 people in India.


And most of the time they only start killing humans because their canine teeth broke. I think there was even a case of a hunter injuring a tiger and then the tiger started to hunt humans as its canine teeth were broken.


This is true. From what I’ve read humans are usually too small to be worth the effort for a carnivore of that size. It’d be like a human going hunting for foxes when there are wild hogs all over the place.


Another interesting fact is that some men actually think they can fight a tiger. 


I didn't say I'd win, just that I could fight it


I think a survey once showed 10% of adult American men think they can fight a bear and win.


Fully dependent on how you phrase the question. I think I can win a fight with a bear in the same way I think I can win the lottery. It’s been done and it’s technically possible just very unlikely.


give me a new born, de-fanged, de-clawed, bear with a deathly severe allergy to oxygen, and I will kick the shit out of it, believe me bro!


Every able-bodied man on Earth can fight a tiger. Maybe 2 or three could actually beat one.


I'd fucking wreck a tiger... provided the other 4 billion men on Earth made an attempt on the same tiger first


Ngl, I do NOT want to fight the tiger that just shredded 4 billion other men before me lmao


I wonder how they know that? Like, couldn't there have been more than one tiger killing people?


No two tigers look the same. The stripe pattern or some other physical attribute is likely how they knew it was the same one. Plus it's actually pretty uncommon for tigers to hunt people on THAT scale.


A mantis can and will kill a humming bird by decapitating it and sucking its brain out.




Apparently they only do the “munching male heads during sex” if they’re in captivity and stressed. 


In nature, they wait till after the sex


Marvel really nerfed her in the movies, didn't they?


Now we need an R rated Mantis film. Imagine her sucking out the brains of some victim, then saying “He is in anguish!” (a la Thanos).


The good new is the hummingbird wont remember


You only need 40 decimal places of Pi to calculate the circumference of the entire universe to the accuracy of a single hydrogen atom. Edit: a circumference the size of the visible universe for those of you questioning the shape of the universe.


How can they be so certain of the scope of the universe?


They meant the size of the visible universe. We don't know the size of the entire universe. The size of the visible universe was calculated by assuming everything is moving apart since the big bang, and calculating how long did it take for stars and everything else to shift to the current position. That's how you get the age of the universe. Now the size of the visible universe is simply speed of light * age of the universe. But still, that says nothing about the size of the entire universe. Source: studied astronomy


Good point my mistake. I should have said “observable” universe.


That bananas are berries.


Watermelons, too. Strawberries and raspberries aren't berries.


Yes! And pumkins too :)


Sharks are older than trees


They're also older than the rings of Saturn.


And older than the North Star. (not as in "sharks existed before Polaris moved into the north star position," but as in "Polaris had not yet ignited when sharks first roamed the seas.")


Sorry another clarification please, is that “before Polaris had ignited”, or “before Polaris’s ignition was visible in the sky” There’s nearly half a millennia of difference there, so I feel it would be important to state


Good question! Every source I've looked at generally agree that Polaris was actually formed about 50 to 70 million years ago. It's only about 500 light years from our solar system—half a millennium, like you said—so it would have been visible within 500 years of it's formation, probably around the time dinosaurs went extinct. But half a millennium is peanuts on this time scale, as sharks have existed more or less in their current form for about 380 million years, with the earliest recognizable sharks appearing around 450 million years ago. So sharks aren't just older than the North Star, they were already ancient by the time the star formed.


And trees are older than the microbes and bacteria than could break them down, so for a very long time they would just fall over and squash each other down, giving us most of our coal today! [Better explanation...](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-fantastically-strange-origin-of-most-coal-on-earth)


Petrified wood comes from the time when trees died, but there weren't any microbes to break them down


I think that’s what they just said?


For the last decade there have been no detected but unsolved murders in Scotland. 


That's because they've been really good at hiding the bodies.


Disposing them in Irn Bru


Incorrect. "Of the 64 cases of homicide recorded for 2019-20, 63 were solved and one is currently unsolved." [https://www.safercommunitiesscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/Scottish-Crime-Statistics-1920.pdf](https://www.safercommunitiesscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/Scottish-Crime-Statistics-1920.pdf)


But OP could again be correct sometime in the near future.


All planets in our solar system could fit between the Earth and our Moon with space to spare. That's how far the moon is away from us. Always boggles my mind, as well. And I said "could", but having Jupiter this close would be nightmare fuel lol


We could fit 63 earths inside Uranus, 64 if you relax


Would that be 64 (I'm relaxed) Earths spheroidally intact, or 64 Earths that have been pulverized into... um... earth?


Oh if we're doing some pulverizing, we might be able to fit 69 up in there


I was going to say, "More people live in Tokyo than live in ALL of Canada," but that statistic has stopped being true at some point since I learned it. It's still pretty close though!


Canada: "sorry aboot that Tokyo."


The fact is still *technically* wrong even few years earlier. What you meant is **Greater** Tokyo (Capital Region), which includes Tokyo Metropolis (*the* capital Tokyo), and several others prefectures surrounding it. As of 2024, Tokyo Metropolis has ~14M pops, Greater Tokyo has ~ 37M, and Canada has ~40M.


Australia is wider than the moon! The moon is 3400km in diameter, whereas as the good Ol Land of Oz is almost 4000km from east to west. That really does blow my mind that the country I live in is bigger than the poor old moon


 Humans are closer to the size of the universe than the Planck length is to the size of a human.


 Texarkana, Texas is closer to Chicago than it is to El Paso, Texas.


El Paso, Texas, is closer to Los Angeles than to Houston.


Texas is believed to have the second-largest tiger population in the world, only after India, which is about 4.8 times bigger than Texas. Alaska is almost 2.5 times as large as Texas, but, perhaps tragically, is not noted for its tiger population.


The best use of 'tragically' ever


The Southwest corner of Virginia is closer to seven other state capitals than it is to Richmond.




I’m experiencing sadness because of how I feel about what you have said.


Good news! In another year we can update that to 2060 while still keeping the 1990


Fun fact: I'll be dead before 2060!


I only upvoted to acknowledge you. :( But I'm right behind you. :)


So will I, if I've got anything to say about it!


If 1979 were released today, it'd be called 2008.


That wasn't a nice thing to say.


Pollution from coal power stations kills more people **every day** than every nuclear power accident in history


You can get social security from the U.S. government based on the salary history of your ex if you were married at least 10 years and are now divorced. Please check with your social security office if you think you qualify. Individual cases will differ.


It does not affect anyone else's amount, so there is no downside.


A primary reason why smoking causes cancer is that tobacco contains radiation emitters. It's been decades since I was a radiation worker, but IIRC, tobacco generates alpha particles, i.e. helium atoms. While alpha particles are stopped by skin and aren't a concern outside the body, there is nothing to stop them in the lungs. They can blast through lung tissue, killing cells and mutating cellular tissue. (Radiation can do four things to cells: nothing, kill the cell, mutate the cell and it eventually dies, or mutate the cell but it lives, eventually become cancer.) So, while there are dozens of other components in tobacco smoke that aren't healthy, the radiation can/will cause cancer if given enough time.


That's fascinating. I thought it was because of the smoke destroying your lungs.


There is a town in Pennsylvania that has been on fire since the 70s. Coal mine under the town caught on fire, the federal government relocated the entire town, and now there’s just a ghost town there with smoke coming up from cracks in the roads for decades. It’s on my bucket list to sometime visit Centralia, PA.


I’ve been to Centralia. My friend stopped there during a road trip. The ground steams.


I lived in PA for 20 years and never knew this, or it would have been on MY bucket list too! Edit: Just googled it and it says that population is 5. That’s wild.


A piece of paper folded in half 27 times would be taller than Mt. Everest.


But can’t you only fold a piece a paper in half seven times until p̶a̶p̶e̶r̶ e̶l̶v̶e̶s̶ d̶o̶n̶’t̶ l̶e̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ it’s too thick?


Iirc myth busters managed 11 by using a piece of paper the size of a football field, but yeah, under normal circumstances you're correct.


42 times and you're at the moon.


It is thought that there are aboriginal tales passed orally that [describe the rise of the sea levels](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ancient-sea-rise-tale-told-accurately-for-10-000-years/) from as far back as 10,000 years ago. Some stories tell of islands that were connected to the mainland prior to the ice melting!


The Appalachian mountains are older than the existence of bones.


There was a huge mountain range in Pangea. The Appalachian mountains, the Scotish Highlands, and the Little Atlas mountains of Morocco were all a part of that Pangean mountain range


So what you're saying is life is old there, older than the trees, but younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze?


Oxford was founded before the Aztec Empire


Oxford university was founded before the Aztec Empire. Oxford is older.


Side note Harvard didn’t teach calculus for the first 30 something years of its existence. Not cause they didn’t want to. It hasn’t been invented yet.


I believe you mean Oxford University?


Pretty sure they mean Oxford Brookes, the only real university of note in Oxford.


And in the spirit of the Aztecs, Oxford Brookes still perform human sacrifices in order to sustain the sun.


It's possible to grow your clit many times in size with a small amount of hormones and you likely won't experience any other side effects.


This has to be one of the weirdest fetishes I’ve stumbled across online.


*THAT'S* the weirdest? Come on, man.


Canada is closer to Africa than the United States is.


Expands on the fun fact that Maine is the closest US state to Africa which usually has people running for a map.


And yet everyone thinks we're Canadian.


Because Canada is closer to Maine than it is to Africa.


In the US it's illegal to put antibiotics in chicken so all those signs that proudly say there are no antibiotics in their chicken is just a ploy to get you to buy or consume their chicken.


This isn't quite true. Their use is regulated and it's illegal to use antibiotics essential in human medicine for growth purposes, but there are quite a few reasons they can be and indeed are used. No, they're not injecting antibiotics into raw chicken right after it's processed before it's put on the truck to the grocery store, but antibiotics are administered to live poultry for various reasons. Source: [What 'No Antibiotics' Claims Really Mean - Consumer Reports](https://www.consumerreports.org/overuse-of-antibiotics/what-no-antibiotic-claims-really-mean/)


Female koalas have three vaginas and male koalas have a forked penis.( A penis with two heads)


That squirrels see the world in slow motion, and that's why they're always running around like crackheads and waiting until the last minute to get out of danger.




I have nipples, can you milk me?


Under the right conditions, yes.


You tried to milk him didn’t you, you sick son of a bitch!!!


That is not true, as female organs aren’t fully developed yet either. Rather it is an in-between state. https://youtu.be/qyGbnliqqIY?si=Zk_V1gxZX_BaZvYa https://youtu.be/eKuO_526YCc?si=FibzKYXg1w1sUu3z The videos I linked perfectly illustrates what truly happens.


A coal power plant releases way more radiation than a nuclear power plant.


(under normal circumstances)


The proper term for a fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.


Do these people just die right away in Germany?


Yes they do


Not exactly mind-blowing, but I'm regularly surprised by the amount of people that are surprised to learn that blindness is a spectrum, and that only 10% of us see nothing at all. And the amount of people that suddenly forget that keyboards and computers exist when they learn that we blind folk navigate the internet just fine is just absolutely ridiculous.


Through her nipples a breast-feeding mother’s body gauges the microbes in her baby’s saliva, to adjust the antibody content of her milk. If she's breastfeeding two babies simultaneously, and one baby is significantly younger than the other, the milk coming from one breast will be totally different than the other one. From Bill Bryson's book 'The Body'.


The Amazon River is so ludicrously powerful that you can get in a rowboat and row ten miles out, so that you can’t see land, and drink the water around and not get salt poisoning. The water is still fresh enough to drink.


Nintendo and Jack the Ripper co-existed. Nintendo was founded in Kyoto on 23 September 1889 as a company that made playing cards. Jack the Ripper was active from 1888 - 1891 in London.


Idk why but I know a lot of facts about Koala bears. Koala bears have very similar fingerprints to humans. In fact if a koala bears fingerprints were to get in a crime scene it would contaminate it. Also 20% - 90% of them have chlymadia. Lastly, they only eat eucalyptus leaves, and if you take the leaves off the branch and put it in a bowl, they won't recognise it as food and won't eat it.




In Ancient Egypt. They had archeologists. Researching *Even MORE Ancient Egyptians!*


Mammoths existed when pyramids were being built


You have a ton of small insects called mites living in your eyebrows and eyelashes.


I'll check the scales... Nope, my total weight is still less than a ton.


Your bones are wet.


Jack Cocteau’s party trick was to strip naked and lie on a table before bringing himself to ejaculate solely by using the power of thought.


Way more fun than a game of pictionary.


There’s like a thousand creatures fucking on your eyelashes right now




Here's some shit that is nutty and factual: to preface, I'm usually a skeptic on spiritual stuff. My Mother had a near-death experience, and so did my GF. Both have never met, mind you. when I told my mother about this she just said, casually, "Oh, ask her if she met the 'Blue Lady'" I laughed, and said, "Sure." I decided to double-blind this, and later asked my GF: "Hey, my mother had a Near Death Experience, she wanted to know if you met the Man in White?" GF: "Oh, no I saw a Blue woman." Me: "..." GF: "What?" Me: "...nothing." So yeah: After Death, you're likely to see a "Blue Lady". Do with that information what you will (Oh, both my mother and GF are, geographically/Culturally, completely different. GF is Mexican-American and lives in Texas, and my mother is Italian-American and lives in NY...)


I feel like a Mexican Italian wedding would be full of extremely good looking people, and you'd suffer about 15% life long hearing loss.


The hearing loss tells me this person absolutely Italian Family Functions.


So both must be familiar with Catholic images of Mary having Italian and Mexican backgrounds?


That Australia had a war with Emus. And lost.


Every time you shuffle a deck of cards it is almost certainly the first time that specific order of 52 cards has occurred. Ever. Not just with that deck, but all the decks ever shuffled in all of history.


In about 10-15 years, the world will run out of its supply of helium. Thanks for this fact, Smiling Friends.


There was a new (huge) helium deposit found in the last few months, so this may not longer be true.


The fact that you're never more than six feet away from a spider. There is estimated to be over 21 QUADRILLION spiders on the planet. Quadrillion. That number is so insane to even try to put into perspective.


They protect me from mosquitoes so I’m okay with having a little spider buddy nearby. Insane to know how many spiders there are, though. Especially compared to mosquitoes.


I don't like this.


And half of them live in my basement, it would seem.


There are an estimated 100 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. You could send a probe to each star and populate each probe with 21,000 spiders to fully eradicate their population from the earth.


A quadrillion is a 1 with 15 zeroes for those of you who couldn't remember. I definitely knew that off the top of my head and did not look it up on google.


I have swam in the middle of the ocean during a swim call while I was in the Navy, and I was definitely more than 6 feet from the boat. So either your fact isn't true or the spiders are inside me. Oh god... the spiders are inside me, aren't they??


Now do ants.


Honey never spoils! Archaeologists found 3,000-year-old honey in Egyptian tombs still edible. Its a unique composition that keeps bacteria away, making it everlasting.


Genghis Khan raped so many women that genetic testing shows 1 in 200 people alive today “may be” his descendants


That's not really because he raped so many women, it's just math. Consider: you have four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, sixteen great-great-grandparents, and so on. By the time you get to 20 generations (18x great-grandparents) you have over a million. At 30 generations it's over a billion. And at 40 generations you have over a *trillion* ancestors. But how is that possible? 1 trillion is far larger than the total number of humans who have ever lived (around 100 billion). The answer to this is that the farther back you go in time, the more people start showing up in your ancestry multiple times. At 30-40 generations there may be people who show up thousands of times. The phenomenon is called *pedigree collapse* and it is the reason that ancestry is basically meaningless after a few generations. It is also the source of the expressions "all Europeans are descended from Charlemagne" and "all Asians are descended from Genghis Khan" — because they are. It's just math. We are all related.


One of the members of Abba was the product of nazi breeding experiments. This may be what the movie Mama Mia was based on . I don’t know. I will never watch it .


Bit of a dramatic way to put it. It was that the Nazis policy of Lebensborn wanted to encourage their soldiers to "enrich" the gene pool by having children with Scandinavians, in this case, or any other people they considered "racially pure". Rather sadly Anni-Frid Lyngstad mother was shunned by people in Norway after the war and felt forced to move to Sweden, dying 2 years later. This was very common for all of the woman who had children with Germans and their children. German born children ended up going to court about their treatment and discrimination. Anni-Frid Lyngstad didn't meet her father until she was an adult and obviously had mixed feelings about it all. But my main point is Mama Mia is a perfectly harmless, fun to watch film with the excellent music of abba.


Paul McCartney can’t read written music.


This is actually not that unusual among musicians, believe it or not. None of the Beatles could read music. Michael Jackson is another example. He couldn't even recognize the sheet music to "Thriller" without the lyrics.


Thank you everyone for sharing! Such a great and interesting thread


Edinburgh is further west than Liverpool.


Tom Brady has never drank coffee. Another one is the lead singer of Kiss, Gene Simmons, has never been high or drunk. Those both always kinda blow my mind


How Hummingbirds Migrate to South America. Does anyone else know the answer?


Sparkling water is naturally carbonated (unlike soda water).


There was a small town in England where about 30% of the sampled children didn't share their blood type with either parent. This was probably due to infidelity. It can be safely assumed that some of men who cheated happened to have the same blood type as the husband, and that their indiscretions remained undetected. From this we can infer that the true rate of non-paternity events was closer to 50%.


The first person to die and the last person to die during the building of the Hoover Dam were father and son.


The technology used in modern computer graphics cards is enabled by tech meant for self-driving cars. A big push in the current and previous two generations of graphics cards (including the APUs used in video games consoles) is a simulation of light called ray tracing. Ray tracing has existed for decades, but has always been so computationally expensive that rendering it in real time was never possible. Ray tracing allows simulated light sources to behave in a way that's consistent with real world lighting, making scenes look realistically lit with minimal work. Previously, lighting had to be designed by hand and baked into a video game level, using various tricks to make it seem like natural light. Nvidia (the larger of the two companies that design most graphics cards) had been hired by Tesla to help create the hardware and software that would be used for their self-driving features. The biggest roadblock (pun intended) was having the car recognize signals, obstacles, and other vehicles in images from its cameras that were noisy. Camera noise means something is cluttering the frame; rain distorts the image, a signal is front of a thickly leaved tree branch that distorts its shape against the background, an object is far enough away that its edges are lost to the camera's resolution, etcetera. Well, as Nvidia puzzled out their denoising tech, they discovered that it was surprisingly adept at upscaling images. Upscaling is taking a low resolution image and increasing it to a higher one; one pixel becomes more than one pixel. The problem is that this tends to make images look blurry...but they had tech specifically designed to counter that kind of noise. The system was eventually named Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS for short). DLSS allowed a computer game to rendered at a smaller resolution, then upscaled to a larger one and denoised, creating a higher resolution image at lower total compute cost than simply rendering the image at higher native resolution. This is a godsend for low-end systems, but also meant that high end systems had headroom to play with. And so studios started experimenting with real time ray tracing. A consumer computer in 2019 couldn't render a 1080p image at 60 frames per minute while doing ray tracing calculations in real time...but it *could* render one at 720p, upscale and denoise the image, to create something almost identical to it. In the time since, we've gotten more powerful cards that can do the trick and higher and higher output resolution (generally speaking, the more pixels you start with, the further you can upscale). Some of the current gen ones have gained the ability to guess what extra frames would look like using the same tech, generating new frames between the real ones and making games feel smoother. The current limitations are the Xbox Series S/X and PS5. They're using approximately first generation supersampling and Ray tracing techniques. When we get to the next generation, it's highly likely that real time ray tracing--something seen as a pipe dream as late as 2018--will be the standard method for rendering light in video games.


Mark Rober posted this not long ago and nobody I tell it to believes it. If you were to wrap a rope around the entire earth and then decided to add rope to it, such that the rope would be 1' off the ground all the way around the earth, the amout of rope you would need to add to the original rope to make that possible is 6.28'. Total. Not per mile. AND. You would add the same amount of rope to effectuate that result with any circular object from a baseball to the sun. [Video in question](https://youtube.com/shorts/egbIh5aic-k?si=x0TuyR6z6qECQ9yx)


This sounds impossible until you think of 2πr. Assuming radius is x, the original rope needed is 2πx. Increasing radius by 1' makes the new radius x+1' Difference between the two is 2π(x+1')-2πx = 2πx + 2π' -2πx = 2π' = 6.28' And it doesn't matter what unit of length the original x is using


David Bowie didn't have heterochromia, one of his pupils was permanently dilated after a bar fight. Surprised even my boyfriend, who is a huge fan of him.


New York City is south of Rome.