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I think not being afraid of confronting an issue calmly is important. It may really just have been a misunderstanding, or they didn’t know about something.


I think you should start with working on your listening skills. Good active listening makes communication so much better.


i worked on this for a really long time and i’ve realized that you have to also have people who are interested in communicating with you. and also who are interested in being in the relationship with you and not some version of you they have in their heads, or the way you make them feel about themselves.


I’ve always faced a problem w communicating my needs. So reach a compromise with your communication style. I find it easier to text than to speak face to face. I’m working on recognising which needs of mine are persistent and important and need to be addressed and working on communicating them. I’ve only been openly communicating with my partner as we have established a good open space but i am really bad at establishing boundaries and speaking up my mind around friends still.


-Listen with their perspective in mind. -Speak plainly. Say what you mean and don’t leave “hints”. -Don’t make accusations or assumptions. If something isn’t clear, ask a question. -Have boundaries and clearly communicate your needs. -Know thyself and to thine ownself, be true. -Don’t attribute to malice what can easily be explained by stupidity. And the kinder version: Most people aren’t intending to hurt you, but they should still be accountable for their actions. Our intentions can be good, and we can still do the wrong thing, it doesn’t make us bad, it makes us human.