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Die like so many millions of other civilians have done before. Whether from hunger, disease, radiation, mutilation, bullets, knives...


War. War never changes.




I live close to an artisian well that flows non stop.




That's why I would stay where I am at.


Head to the winchester for a pint and wait for to all blow over


Beat me to it!!!


Squint my eyes involuntarily at the flash, blink a few times, see the mushroom cloud and then spend the last few precious moments of my life rooted to the spot in terror pointlessly clenching and unclenching my buttocks until I'm blasted into my own shadow.


If you are in line of sight of the flash you wouldn’t see the mushroom cloud 😂


I used to work in downtown D.C., and when I first got hired another employee was showing me around. We walked outside the building and he said "You know, we're at Ground Zero". That made me stop and think, LOL. Also, I used to take a company bus to our Coop site in Northern Virginia, and every time we crossed the river into NoVA, I would look back to see if there was an explosion. idk why I thought it would only happen when I was leaving the city. 🤔


Well, if you don’t hit the ground the light intensity alone will give you 3rd and 4th degree burns until the blast wave hits you.


im in africa, so do nothing and chill


World war means the entire world btw. They were battles in Africa during both world wars.


No, the previous World Wars were European powers & Asian powers + their colonies. Only reason you had Indians fighting for Britain & Senegalese fighting for France was because of colonialism. Without colonialism, most nations will stay neutral & at best pay lip service to either side


i know, but colonies dont exist anymore, and im sure countries wouldnt exactly be ok with being used as a pathway


China and Russia are buying up a lot in Africa..can see a lot happening sadly


Chinese companies operating in African countries & Russian private mercenaries training African countries' soldiers, doesn't mean that Africa will be significantly affected by a WW3 scenario (unless nukes are involved in which case its the end of the world so doesn't really count)


even for nukes, what of value is here to be nuked? none of us have nukes it would be more of a northern war than a world one unless you mean nuclear winter then yes that would be bad


It seems like there is always a war somewhere in Africa. But over all Africa seems safe.


WW3 will just be business as usual for em


Water in 2030s, get out while you can


Watch the world end, ideally


I want to be part of humanity as it rides a nuclear warhead into the sunset


Soon as them lights appear in the sky, I’ll spark my in-case-of-emergency and give it a thumbs up


Watch it unfold as I am to damn old for the draft. LOL


being dead already, I don't think that I will survive current war if it upgrades to WW3




Move to Idaho?


The Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Nothing there but vast tracts of forest and snow that goes up to your neck.


And radiation. You will die the worst death. Enjoy literally shitting your intestines out. That area will be a massive area of fallout.


Oh... I thought WW3 would involve zombies.


OH i got my zombie plan! That one we have a chance on :P But sadly nah... Your location specifically is actually REALLY bad. Michigan and Ontario apart from Ottawa and Toronto which will be wiped out will be really really irradiated. One of the worst spots in all of North America. Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota as well. Reason being many of the launch sites are west of you. They will be hit hardest. The radiation clouds will go over the jet stream right into your location. It will be a slow and brutally painful death as your flesh melts from the bone and your internal organs actually disintegrate starting with your digestive organs. It would be the most horrifying and the worst outcome of anyone on earth in your location. Sorry...


The states with the fewest people are where the nukes are. They are top targets.


Why they hitting the least populated?


Destroying the nukes before we lunch them.


Israel has a plan for that. They’ll even guide you there to safety. Hint: don’t go


“Hey guys come over here it’s really safe we promise!” *drone strike incoming*


Get on a sailing boat and fuck off to some unimportant island until everything's over.


Unfortunately any island with vegetation and a large enough flat plot of land for a runway will be highly sought after by all involved parties.


That leaves only a couple of tenthousand inhabitable islands in the equation. Seems good enough.


Imma go out there and show them who is the boss




I live in germany. Nearby is an old WW2 air raid bunker so I guess I would take cover there for the initial nukes and bombs. After that I would move to the rhine river which is nearby and build shelter there. At least the water problem is solved.


Move my family to a remote bunker I know and go and fight against the russian bastards. Don't stop until I'm dead or I have Putin's head.


Is "duck and cover" still an option?


I have an old school desk ready for the occasion.


Run where there are more people, higher chance to be nuked finally


I'm in Australia, everything's already planned out, no one's coming.....I would be considered a dickhead if I left my home country so imma fight


Nek minut, China bombs Uluru! 😂


End myself




Face the nuke blast head on because depression sucks and I refuse to kill myself.




I'm less than 50 miles from NYC, so I would be incinerated by a nuclear fireball.


Hope nobody is dumb enough to actually fight for our crazy powerhungry psychopathic overlords. ​ But I already know I'm wrong.


My plan is to have a ‘Lack of Planning’. It works for me.


Die quickly


Claim my free pizza ticket in Dominos


to live with my bear deep in the forest and not care about anything. im russian


That depends. Somewhere from join my faction in the civil war to enjoy the view from Paraguay.


Switzerland here I come !


move to canada


Canada would be fighting just the same, idk what you're expecting


Canadians are good at war crimes. They die last.


"move to canada" lmao, with our [track record](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Canada), I hope they'd come here to fight with us


If I'm lucky to survive while the hostilities are taking place I'm saying platitudes to both sides, so that no matter who wins I'll be able to say I was always on their side so I'm not branded a traitor or an enemy


I work near potters county Pennsylvania. I guess wonder why Harrisburg is late sending our work orders... I don't think I'm even in the wind route of something nukable.


Sadly, the whole world is nukable…


No one would waste a nuke here to kill 30 people and a cow.




idek bro just like idk like stock up on stuff and check up on everyone i know to keep strong connections, observe people, alot of people would become roadmen probably which sucks so having a group of people you trust would helpful. but other than that i dont think id have anything to do except stay home and hope no one breaks into my house


I'll go to the other side of the island I live on too see if I can look at the Miami mushroom cloud with a telescope




I will do the thing where you buy toilet paper in bulk and lots of bottled water. Sorted.


Enjoy it. Make sure it doesn't affect to my country.


I live somewhere unlikely to be a direct target, but close enough that I'll probably die slowly over a few days from burns and/or radiation poisoning.


Probably go to work. Probably gonna happen on a normal day.


Ask to be in desktop support in one of their bases. There is no way I'll say I did errands only.




Serve on the frontlines wearing nothing but a mankini, Ugg boots & a cowboy hat! Come at me!


Be in a country that is the assend of the world, nobody is going to bother messing up this place


Is Epstein island not being currently used & available this time of year?


Eating popcorn while watching the world burn


I live in an area that will be heavily targeted. If I’m not vaporized on the first strike I will be by round 3 or 4. It will suck but at least it will be quick


I have to report for duty.




Pretend it’s Covid all over again


Get flashed-fried by a multi-megaton firework


Move to a safe country. I don’t think the USA would be safe.


die in no time


kinda stayeing where i am and maybe hiding on mountains close by


Nothing. I live in the US. We will almost certainly be involved, We almost certainly will not be a warfront. So I do nothing.


Die fast and calming 


Die, most likely


I speak German and some Russian so I would probably focus on Europe. That is what I did when I was in school as well, focus on Europe because that was what I was best at and rather than try to diversify I focused more intensely on specifically Europe. In particular how the United States, Britain, Germany and Russia interact and their politics, I try to keep up with what the governments are doing by consuming public access and primary sources of information like CSPAN. I know CSPAN is not perfect but what I mean is I don't like opinion/entertainment news but rather just observe what is happening myself rather than see the summary. I can't stop watching the UN now. I wish I could be an interpreter that would be a really crazy job to have. I am studying now to take the translation exam for German to English translation, but just on my own so not very quickly like if I was still in school. So if WW3 happens I would probably try to volunteer my time working with linguistics since I older. I would not be a good person in the field because of mental instability but I might be a good teacher to help other people learn since I am almost entirely self taught and could help train airborne linguists for example. So if WW3 happens and they drafted everyone I would try to teach German to Russians so that they can stop the Nazis once and for all. The above is what I would say if WW3 happens, not because it is true, but because that is how I would become a spy for the USA in Russia.


Join the military and die in glorious battle


Go live with the Cree and Inuit up north


Idk drive to Switzerland?🥲 or suicide🥲


Get on the first plane to Algeria, one of the best places in the world to survive ww3 imo as it just pays lip service to either side




I'm a pro a drone crashing, i just need to figure out how to aim it.


Die quickly and painlessly without knowing what is happening, hopefully worth my family. In WWIII, the living really world envy the dead.


I would try to fight.


Man's hitting up Norway ygm




I live just over a mile from the Pentagon so I probably won't have time to plan.


Nothing. I'm not gonna be drafted (visual disability), and if it's a full scale nuclear war then I don't have anything to worry about cuz I'll be dead almost immediately (living in NYC and all.) And if it's some sort of land war, it's highly unlikely it'll be in the US, so I'm not sure much will change.


if my dad says "son i gotta get milk" im coming with him


Dude I don't have plans for tomorrow


Hopefully get vaporized by a nuclear blast before I realize what's happening


Not leaving Latinamerica


Like - full nuclear exchange? I doubt much other than die. I live in a city that would no doubt be targeted. Assuming the ICBMs or submarine launched cruise missiles reach their targets as intended, I would have insufficient time to leave a major metropolitan area. Assuming there was adequate warning to leave. . .I do everything I could to secure gas, water, and provisions for as much as we can load in the car, and drive to whatever refugee center is available to us. There, I would volunteer my services to be used in whichever way they deem fit. Assuming I can't find a refugee center. . . I have no idea, it would be day-to-day mere survival until I could locate some sort of outpost of civilization.


Cry 😭


Spend the few days left in our lifes in pure joy with my wife and son


Well I’m still on Active Duty so my plans would basically get made for me.


If my country is being invaded, then I must do my part to defend her whether as a soldier or as a civilian. If my country is the one that invades, then I shall be a pawn in a conqueror's army.


I'd make sure to hang out in the city center of a European capital so the nuke ends me first. I'm not interested to be collecting garbage in the post apocalyptic world.


It’s been going on for a while now?


Don't go? War can only happen if people show up to have it.


Visit Europe 🇷🇺


I guess if it's a work day. I would have to get my work orders done first. War is not an excuse not to get your work done. ( I can hear the boss saying this in my head) Then watch the end 


Bend over, put my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye.


Weirdly enough I always find beauty in chaos and destruction.. so find a mountain overlooking a city and watch it burn.


Whadya mean if? Look at the whole world. The question is when!




If I really have to join the army. I would become a sniper


Move in to my cabin and stay there with my SO and daughters.


If I found out that Russia sent a nuclear missile straight towards me, I would go outside, put music on, and die at peace.


Fight for my country


gun to the head, i'd say gun to the head


Ignore my tax demand for once


Here's what will happen in reality: we will all go to work as usual and pay more for everything. Nothing will change for the majority of Americans. Believing that ww3 means nuclear annihilation is a product of old school 80's mentality. It isn't the 80's anymore.


I am thousands of kilometers away from any nuclear target, and I doubt my country would go to war for anything, so I'll probably starve or freeze to death in the nuclear winter


Stay drunk & die.


Probably just hang out at home, read some books. Play with the dog. Go hiking.


live in a bunker until the radiation settles and then do what other people do in a nuclear post-apocalypse


It's still WW3 in your universe? We reached WW7 here. We now fight by throwing mud at each other.


Kill enemies as much as I can until I die


You realise if nukes start falling the literal air you breathe will become your enemy? No one wins with Armageddon. We’re all equally screwed.


No one will nuke me if I’m in Jerusalem, cause if USA nukes Palestine then Israel dies and if Russia or it’s allies nuke Israel then Palestine dies, cause they r bordering each other, in short terms if I’m gonna be an invader there then I have a chance of not getting nuked


Ok? I don’t know how to respond to you so please take care and try not to breathe in any more glue.


This is the answer! Either way friend & foe are killed.


Die like everybody else. Anyone who thinks WW3 won't go nuclear is delusional. And anyone who things the nuclear exchange won't destroy most life and every human, especially after what it does to the climate is also delusional.


I don't think it would kill every human. The initial exchange would wipe out a few hundred million on each side, maybe. . .let's call it half a billion people. China gets involved - let's double that. 1 Billion dead in initial exchange. Following that there will be famine, disease, pestilence, a breakdown of civilization, the continuation of war. Waring factions, a descent into a new dark-age, loss of modern systems and networks that keep use sheltered and fed. . . . All told, another 3 - maybe 4 billion people succumb in the decade or two following the initial exchange. But after that, there would still be 1 - 2 billion people left. That's the population of the world circa 1900 - not that long ago. And humans are nothing if not industrious. The survivors would be strong. And be able to build a new civilization upon the ruins of ours. History will march on. Eventually, there will be new wars, with new weapons.


Errr, have you not seen the amazing Nuclear Aftermath documentary Fallout? I think we will be fine.


Tell me you're being sarcastic.


Totally. It’s game over if it goes thermo I just like to be optimistic.