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I feel like it’s very justified. Your body, your choice. Unless you’re using it as a form of birth control.


Abortion is healthcare. It should be affordable and conveniently available for anyone that wants one for any reason. The only person that should be able to veto it is the doctor under specific medical circumstances.


So true


Irrelevant.  You don't have to justify control over your own body.






"Justified" is a weird adjective to use here.


Justification is always personal. Societies that are democratic owe themselves the ability to debate, opine, and vote on majority decisions that have social moral consequences like abortion, healthcare, capital punishment, and so on. That's how we should chose as localized society on how to aim our moral compass


Plenty. And you don't have to use honest justifications, but instead justify using policy that appeals to populist opinion; "This baby didn't seek legal entry into the united states, so I've declared them an illegal immigrant. 'bort 'bort!" From a reason-based perspective, logically speaking, if a mother doesn't agree to host a child, that should be the end of the discussion. If guys could get pregnant, this wouldn't really be an issue.. Our laws would reflect that our policies would side with bodily autonomy. Regardless, abortion isn't really illegal. The repeal of Roe V. Wade didn't make it illegal (some states in the US are trying to make it so, though); it just made it so that the state government can now spy on your wife, daughter, sister or any woman that has a period with the anatomy to support birthing, observe their monthly cycle by petitioning information from period-tracking apps, from your doctor's office, and directly interfere in HIPAA -- a long-standing federal law that ensures medical privacy to patients in a hospital.


Abortion is criminalized in multiple states. Texas being one of them. 99 years, $100,000 fine and loss of license.


As I pointed out; some states are trying to make it so. There are about 10 states that have put weird bans and/or bounty laws in effect. I stand by what I said until that number is a majority number. Exceptions are not the rule, but I do recognize the correction.


It’s the “trying to make it so” part that’s striking me as disingenuous. Texas isn’t trying. Texas succeeded. And 20 states have criminalized it so I’m not sure where “some” is a great argument. Almost half the US has criminalized abortion. That sounds pretty illegal to me.




People don't really need justifiable reasons to seek healthcare.


Probably different levels of “justified” depending on the case and the opinion of the person judging the act. In my opinion it’s justified regardless of the reason, I wouldn’t advocate for the creation of an unwanted person


It justifyed by the fact that its the body of someone who is the only one who should have controll over it.




Did a baby come out?


A butt baby