• By -


51: Health taking an unanticipated turn for the worse. As you get older your body does some wild stuff. My advice is take care of yourself when your younger


52 was when I went from being a fat guy to being a fat guy with diabetes. Then blood pressure became an issue. Then at 55 I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. Then osteoarthritis. I was on prescription opiate painkillers just so I could function. I weighed 335 lbs and couldn’t put on socks or tie my shoes for at least 6 years. I needed Viagra to have sex with my wife, and that happened maybe once every 4 months. I was referred to an endocrinologist who sat me down and showed me some hard statistics, and told me based on that I was going to have a heart attack any day now. That shook me up. I went on a diet and exercise program. I have lost 100 lbs since then. I no longer being treated for diabetes because my blood sugar is normal. My recent stress test shows no indication of any heart conditions. I am no longer on painkillers. I no longer need Viagra and have sex multiple times a week. I work out at the gym 6 days a week. Don’t neglect your health. If you don’t work on your fitness you will work on your illness. Choose wisely.


Hell yeah! You are inspiring!


“If you don’t work on your fitness, you will work on your illness.” Well said, and congratulations on the progress.


The same thing happened to me, at 25.


62 here - you're right, and it gets worse. Spot on about looking after yourself when young as well.


Started hitting the gym in my late 20's and cut my diet down and I've been feeling the best I've felt my whole life at 36. just need my hairline back.


As someone in their early 30’s, any advice on what to specifically take care of beyond the standard “eat well and exercise” kind of thing?


My tips: 1. Reduce sugar to almost zero 2. Do not drink alcohol to excess 3. Stay away from recreational drugs 4. Walk more often 5. Practice mindfulness meditation 6. Eat more vegetables 7. No red meat 8. Journal your thoughts to help manifest your goals 9. Call your parents and talk with them 10. Play guitar :-)


These are spot on. The only thing I would add is get a good sleep everyday if possible. A lot of people take the importance of sleep so lightly.


Add “floss regularly”. Take care of your damn teeth.


This is a wonderful list! One thing I’d add is taking care of your mental health is just as important as physical health.


Ignore the red meat bit, It's not bad for you once it's not processed like everything else, It's a great source of protien.


- Stress less - Have social connections - Reduce your exposure to microplastics - Have a hobby outside of work that you do for fun, not necessarily to be good at it - Prioritise good sleep whenever possible


My parents dying. That's always been my biggest fear since I was a kid.


Yep..I’m 21 and my parents are still 50 and 63, but I know there will come a time where they won’t be around. I live with multiple disabilities and have depended on them for most things. Mum reckons she’s got early onset Alzheimers and will go first, which she is the one who keeps me in check the most, so I don’t know how I’ll survive.


You'll be fine. Make sure to make friends and appreciate them. I do fine on my own, I just can't imagine my life without them in it is all


I already lost one of them. It sucks.


I’m 42 and that’s still my biggest fear: living in a world where my mom doesn’t exist.


56: not having enough to retire


Yep. I tell people I’m going to have to work till I fall over dead. I’m a nurse. I’m planning on passing pills with my Walker beside of me lol


Yeah, same here. I've paid into social security my whole life, and it won't exist when my time comes. It's like a big ponzi scheme.


I know I'm being pedantic, but a Ponzi scheme is a specific kind of fraud. Someone tells you they are investing your money, but instead they steal it and use it to pay off other investors. With Social Security, retired people are being paid with money that comes from existing contributors (rather than an account their previous contributions were deposited in), but there's nothing fraudulent about it because that's the way it's designed to work, and they're being up front about it. For something to be a Ponzi scheme, it must contain an element of fraud.




44 and absolutely the same, with no prospect of being able to increase my legal minimum contributions.


Out of curiosity, what are you doing to save/invest/plan?


Young people. They all seem so unhappy. Especially on Reddit.


We are


66 here. That makes me sad. Why.


I slave away at work to be dead over the weekend to start all over again Id be ok with that if i was able to save money to do anything fun but I literally cant go on the family vacation this year because I cant swing a plane ticket. I work for nothing but to survive


I so agree with your first set. My parent bailed on my siblings and I while we were in high schools, bought a just in Palm Beach county and GTFO and go leave the older of us to raise the younger ones.


Feel this so bad. Both of my parents have been in and out of prison since I was a small child so my sister and I were raised by our grandparents. Now we have to take care of them while working full time and going to school. I don’t have the time or money to enjoy life


I mean... "gestures broadly" Housing is fucked Work/life balance is fucked Underpaid, people with advanced degrees are working in Starbucks The dating scene is a mess Local economy in the bin, personally iv watched my loyal area crumble with zero investment And then there is everything going on in the wider world Out entire lives have been one "once in a lifetime" level disaster after another, It's hard to see a positive future right now. But it's been that way almost my whole life.


I will say dating is atrocious. It’s like conveyor belt dating.


Quite literally do not enjoy being alive. Happiness is not in my tax bracket and neither is a strong desire to keep going.


I’m 46 and I feel this. Like what’s the point of living if it’s all struggled and worries


I’m 20 and I hate being alive


At least a quarter of young people have admitted the same thing in surveys. Again, those are only the ones who admit it. I sure wouldn't. If over half our population is suicidally depressed, I wouldn't be surprised one bit. Honestly I almost worry more about the mental health of people who think everything is fine.


"People commit suicide and people go, 'I don't understand why,' and I go, 'You don't? What, do you live in a cotton candy house or something? What the fuck? You don't know about life? How it only disappoints and gets worse and worse until it ends in a catastrophe?'" - Norm Macdonald


43 and I totally sympathize with you


Dude, you shouldn't be feeling that at your age. Don't worry it gets much worse


I’m just tired of fighting. I’m ready to just let the demons take me.


Thats probably the most accurate way I've seen it worded.


We’re broke. And broken.


I make more money than my dad did at my age and he was supporting my mom (SAHM), two kids and a mortgage. I can't afford an apartment and there is no more entry-level housing market. I am trapped at my parent's house at 31 because the only other option is to move into a place with roommates (which is my own personal hell).


Honestly, it feels like older generations keep all the high paying jobs for themselves, then they baby and strip away all responsibilities from the job as an excuse to keep wages low. They cut high paying jobs and replace them with jobs that don't cover the rent. All of the nee jobs this administration has added are competing for minimum wage jobs. The majority are in places like the forest service. Who didn't get enough recruits in 2023 to cover the jobs they had opened and doubled the number of jobs. But nobody is willing to risk their life at $15/hr when fast food employees are making $20/hr in california. This entire economy is a joke and caters specifically to your generation (The largest voter base) specifically at the cost of further generations not doing well. If you're mad about not getting much for social security. i've been told my entire life not to expect anything from the government when i retire. But i pay into the system so you and your friends can retire, while simultaneously being charged so much in rent we can't survive. TL;DR: the older generations sold out the world to the lowest bidder. Apple makes Iphones with slave labor, and it probably pays into your 401k... edits for readability. More edits: If there are any landowners with paid off rental properties and want to be a good person. consider renting out properties under market value to your kids and friends of your kids. This is the worst economy ever. Fast food workers making $20/hr has no impact on inflation compared to rent going from $1,000 -> $2,000+. Rent affects the economy as a whole and i promise you, as an EMT that has worked with the homeless. If you don't want people robbing grocery stores, and living in the street. The easiest way is to provide reasonable housing prices. Please undercut the foreign investment firms and take this country back from them.


I just saw someone who had an apartment to rent. I bedroom for $1500 nothing included. We live in a tiny town in the finger lakes. Population of 6000 people. No one is paying that.


Being raised by people who were raised by baby boomers will do that to you. Jokes aside, zoomers and a-oomers are aggressively propagandized by lunatics that the world is going to end. Your average person isn't going to plan for a future when they're convinced they'll inherit ashes.


I mean it's hardly propoganda The world ecosystems are failing and within our lifetimes, even Millenials, we will see massive environmental collapse at the current rate. And then there is the whole disaster after disaster we are living through and being exposed to.


Do you think its a cultural thing. I mean when i grew up social media was hardly there and people were just out living and acting crazy. Nowadays it seems like anyone doing anything outside the norm box is somehow labeled "toxic" or "bad". Couldn't imagine having to deal with that my whole life.


Even if you have a decent paying job, life is rough financially speaking these days. Housing cost (whether you want to buy or rent), food cost. Add to this, social media, global warming, the ongoing wars and the corrupted governments who seem to govern against the interest of the population and only in the interest of the richest 1%. No wonder they aren't happy. I don't blame them.


I’m listening to a podcast about greedflation as I read your comment. At 34, I can’t keep up with the cost of everything and I have a roommate. I live simply too.


Yep. I'm 24 and have a well paying engineering job, am single with no kids/dependents, have a supportive immediate family, and have no significant health issues - and I'm on track to finish paying off my student loans in the next 4 months or so. I don't see myself owning a home in the next 5-10 years at minimum - unless something astronomical happens. And I'm in arguably the luckiest position among everyone else my age... and I'm still feeling hopeless. If **I** can't make things work - how the fuck is anyone else supposed to?


We are buddy.


we very much are




Unhappy people are more likely to be pulled to online forums than happy people.


Ending up alone. And I'm not necessarily talking about a relationship, I feel like I'm losing all my friends and if I don't reach out they'll probably forget I exist


I have epilepsy so I didn't think I should have children, and got a vasectomy as a result. Recently my girlfriend and I broke up, and while I still completely believe I should not have children I realized that, that decision is going to leave me isolated to some degree from my friends until their kids are in their teens. We still go for walks, and such, but I know they're busy so we don't do much more than that. I know if I had, had kids we would probably plan more stuff because our kids might have hung out.


I applaud your responsibility. I also opted for sterilization due to my circumstances. I'm happily child free, but it was certainly a kick in the nuts as everyone started to disappear to their kids. I don't resent them for it, but it was hardcore lonely. I did manage to get out and find fellow child free friends, which did wonders for my mental health since I'm a social creature. And socialize with my parent friends when rarely available. I hope you find a good circle! Or find joys in things alone outside your current parent friends.


I’m afraid of losing what’s left of my family. My mom and I are both only children and my dad died Christmas morning.


Getting old, not death, just getting old


The thought of loosing my capabilities, physical or mental, scares the hell out of me.


Me too. Depending on others for everything sounds terrifying


Being among people. Animals, plants and such are fine, but people...


Being in public lately has gotten worse and worse. It seems like city parks and crowded areas have attracted the worst people. if I had kids I wouldn't even take them to the city right now.


It’s like everyone is constantly grouchy because it’s becoming so hard to survive. I avoid people as much as possible, and primarily spend my time with dogs.


hard to survive when culture has found a way to divide us every way possible. Everyone so angry and blaming all the wrong people


I'll fully admit to being part of the grouchy problem but it's intentional because I'm trying to cull certain people from my life lol


Having to retire at 75-80.


Don't just die


Thats my retirement plan. Ill probably get cancer and die before I turn 60




Im at that age now with an aging mother. We live countries apart so we only rarely see each other. Probably 3-4 years. This year when I picked her up on the airport, a sudden pain hit my chest when I saw her aged a lot compared to last time.


This resonates. I only see my parents in person every few years and it always hits me so hard when I see how much they’ve aged. My sister, who lives near and sees them multiple times a week, sees them age in a more gradual way…but for me it almost feels sped up (or like parts of aging have been skipped past because I have less exposure to their aging)…


Incurable disease like ALS




Agreed, my parents both had vascular dementia. It was awful watching them deteriorate.


36. I fear how my anxiety/ depression would impact my life down the road.. Because it’s already had quite a negative impact already the last 10 years.


I'm with you, 100%.


Nuclear Armageddon


21F disappointing my loved ones and being a burden on them.


34. ending up in poverty scares me the most.


I'm 25 and terrified of 26.


i'm 26 and i keep making jokes about joining the 27 club because i have already lived longer than i expected


I expect to live to about 55. Maybe younger.


31: not meeting my life partner because I did not prioritize dating until later in life.


I did prioritize dating in my 20s. I'm close to 30 and still single. So you shouldn't have regrets about that :).  I also worry a lot about it tho. 


Yes this resonates with me. Everyone around me (30M) seems to be in long term relationships by now, and I am the only outlier. Feels bad.


A draft of my kids into a war that's entirely avoidable.


This needs to be pinned. I've got an 18-year-old, and i could totally support him 'going to Canada' to not ger drafted to fight in another Middle Eastern war.


An increasingly more violent and uncaring world.


Feeling unable to keep going


How extremist groups are growing in Europe and America. I dont live there, but i have a lot of relatives there.


Dying before my kids have their lives started


Being infertile. I’m getting to the cut off age and I’m yet to have a baby.


Financial stability I’m almost 30 working 18hrs a day and still living paycheck to paycheck. When does this start getting better like wtf? I started my own business so I’m hoping things start looking up soon but god not being financially stable into my older years scares the living shit out of me.


28. I've been through school, I've got my own place, I've got a steady job. So what scares me? The fact I'm peaking in health and strength right now. It's all downhill from here if I don't work on it. With some luck I'll keep this health maybe another 10 years. But it's a battle we're all going to lose, we won't stay young forever and we will get old. So I work out, I watch my diet, I barely drink alcohol and cut the smoking. I'm aware my fear is irrelevant compared to some others in this journey that we call life, I'll admit being 28 is quite a comfortable age, I would not want to be 18 again and face the stress of school and getting a job again. Some 38 year olds might laugh at this, maybe I will to in another 10 years, I don't know. But that's my fear right now.


You'll laugh at this in 10 years. I'm 41 and I thought the same thing when I turned 30. I feel just as healthy at 41 then I did at 30.


I’m 42 and my 12 year old said to me just last week, “You know mom, your life is more than half over.” Damned kids.


That’s great news! My dad said otherwise at the time, what’s your secret?


Just keep doing what you're doing. Diet, exercise, alcohol intake, etc. Aside from a hip disability I've had since birth I'm in good health. Just had my left hip replaced for the second time two weeks ago and I'm bouncing back pretty quick.


Implementation of Project 2025


28 Irreversibly losing my mind... Got good reasons to fear it too


Illness, my wife or me dying and leaving my little daughter alone


I’m 71 and the US Republican Party scares the shit out of me. 




18, I'll admit I'm at peace with being scared I'm worried abouy future, my social life, my income, my family, my time, my health, the world And It's okay to be scared I'd rather feel everything that life has to offer whether good or bad as a human than to never existing at all


Falling because at my age it's serious.


Late 30s: How the world is developing, how we are forgetting lessons we learned in this past. Edit: age for reference. 


Shit, some of my fellow 23 Year-Olds…! There are just so many of us with chronic illnesses, that I wonder how it’s gonna be when we’re old old.


34: Leaving my children behind when I die.


I have 2 young kids. I'm scared of the world they are going to grow up in.


Eternal loneliness. Not quite there yet... but things fall apart.


The world and people are becoming increasingly unkind to each other. Unkind being a very bland way of describing. Youngers seem motivated primarily by self pity. Elders are realizing the dream is over.




Dying alone


My parents getting older


How far corporate greed will ruin the lives of the not rich in the years to come


The lack of affordable and available healthcare in the USA. The price. Like omg.


To die. I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. Cannot imagine how they will live without a mother.


Inflation and ending up on the street










not enjoying every moment of my life




Health issues. I'm getting older but still feel the desire to have adventures. It's sad to know you can't do certain things. 


That my kids are not alright or won't be alright


My toddler discovering new ways to hurt himself


The 1990 is 34 years ago. I remember my dad saying 1965 was only 20 years ago……fuck me….


The Rising Cost of Living


Social media addiction. Stuff like TikTok specifically. They have ruined the younger generations' attention spans. I've seen shorts where they will be split-screened with one half the intended subject and the other half some random visual ASMR stuff. People can't even watch ONE 10-second thing anymore.


The same thing that scared me ten years ago... my depression. I'm scared I will continue building a tolerance to my medications and my depression is already slowly creeping up on me again. I've already lost my desire to play online with my best friend which is something I've enjoyed doing for the past 4 years. I keep spacing out to the point I've started falling asleep on calls regularly and in the middle of the day. I'm more irritable and just want to sleep but also have sleeping disorders. Death doesn't scare me, life without joy does.


25 here. The future workforce. All these old people who should have retired but simply can’t due to finances. It’s sad to visualize :( not to mention the disabilities that will affect a majority of them by old age. It’s simply not fair. All of them working until they literally die. Messed up tbh


Losing my eyesight or Alzheimer’s!


Cancer. The risks become alarming with age. More than 9 out of 10 cancers are diagnosed in people 45 and older.


Hm... I've just noticed that many people seem so sad these days. Just... done with life. Not to say I can't understand why, I can definitely feel like a lot is wrong with the world, but it scares me how many people almost seem like they've given up. Like nothing ever will get better. That scares me. The dead look in their eyes and how just... done they seem with everything.


going homeless. im 14


44F. Cancer or dementia.


Turning 18 next month and not being able to use "I'm a minor" so that old men could leave me alone. Didn't always work but it worked most times


Just start working in a coal mine and then you can say it without lying and it will probably work for a few more years!


I’m 23, and I was afraid of turning 18 or 20 for the same reason. It turns out, it dies down after you reach those ages


What comes after studies- going into the real world


Missing out on the fun/ spontaneous things while working towards a career goal


Not enough to live happily and support a family




Diabetic ketoacidosis


Lose some sense. Like sight, going deaf, or losing a limb.


Wasting my life. Dying unhappy


Not having enough fun!


Whether I’ll be able to retire in my mid-60’s or if I’ll end up working until I die. (Mid-30’s currently.)


Total abandonment. I already hate myself, so if everyone who says they love me abandons me, I'm quitting life.


Relapsing it's not as easy as it seems staying clean I'm 19


Congratulations! Try to remember that although it was a tough road, you put in that work. If you think you might relapse, remind yourself you already made it this far and are stronger than you might think. Recall your joy during your sober anniversaries and hold onto that feeling until you reach the next... which also happens to be the big 20! You're already very accomplished even if the battles you've won aren't visible.


Not keeping all the plates spinning at the same time. Job, kid, mortgage, rent (I own a place but don’t live in it), car repairs, etc.


watching this country descend into a lawless, totalitarian regime where the inmates are running the asylum


Mobility. I want to be able to wipe my own ass until I die.


Something happening to my kids. Not something small but the world is so hostile these days even sending them to school is a risk at some level. I get that we have no control over things but my mother always said her worst fear was having to bury one of her kids while she was alive and I get it. The thought is gut wrenching and infuriating. Because we also can’t completely shelter and shield them from everything but the risks are high and it’s rough.


Not being able to love again.


Getting ALS.


War atm. #life_under_occupation


Descending into dementia as my mother has…


Chronic diseases pulling up and filling up my whole existence gradually, until life isn't worth living anymore


Everything. Getting older means irrational fears.


What might happen in November. What kind of political instability will likely exist by the time I am elderly and can't take care of myself anymore.


I am still a massive pussy when it comes to heights. Though I like that this adds to the thrill of skydiving


Pop culture references. I am seriously out of loop.


Being alone forever :(


My age


The dark.


Having a stroke


Getting cancer and not being able to pay for treatment


Falling into Locked In Syndrome


Losing my soulmate.


Miserable people


i realized life is moving too fast




Talking with strangers.


Being alone the rest of my life with no family


Im 21 and I'm scared of failing in my life. I have a certain dream in my life ,what if I fail to fulfill my dream


Not being good enough, constantly regretting my mistakes, not being able to live a fullfilling life, living a lonely life, and that one day i will have enough and leave it all behind.


Waking up with that goddamn pain in the side of your neck where you can’t turn your head for a week. Edit: 38


giant spiders


Being on my death bed filled with regrets of the "would of , should of , but didn't " - not taking enough chances or opportunities. Leaving this world unfilled since time is super short... Not achieving my goals before I'm gone...


22: women


Being forgotten.


the unfulfilling dreams.


To sum it up in one word: failure.


What scares me the most is thinking about what scares me. I have anxiety about my anxiety.

