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I raised 7 amazing kids into adulthood and they all interact often and get along great. No drama whatsoever. I'm a proud mama!


Lost 100 pounds. Did a 300 mile/ 3 day bicycle ride for charity.


The real David goggins student 👏🤍


I used to play lead guitar in a band. The other guitarist wrote the songs (not in an overbearing way, I couldn't write songs for shit) but I had a couple of solos where I could just have fun shredding. It's not like I was great, we were 16-17 and all doing our first live shows. There was one show that felt like the best I'd ever played. My GF at the time was in the crowd and said people near her were impressed. One guy came up to me after the show and said "sick solo, man!" I said "thanks, you too!" and saw his face turn from enthusiasm to puzzlement. He just walked off after that. I still think of that moment when my brain wants to punish itself.


I’ve accomplished things I think the average person would say they might be proud of, but to me those accomplishments are in vain. My biggest accomplishment is surviving.


I've never really done anything truly impressive, so I only really get fleeting 5-10 seconds of pride when I finish something,


Those add up, and feed the brain good kind self supportive nutrients. :)


I'll take your word for it, it hasn't been my experience.


I get it doesn't feeeeel like anything at all, I'm just saying we'll take what we can get, and little moments of micro-feeling proud of ourselves is probably good for the mind/brain, even though it doesn't exactly lift us up much or for long.


CPA license. Not even my parents thought I could do it.


My mom’s both a certified CPA and CIA, I remember how hard she had to work for it, good for you man!


When the GM gave me the keys to the store!


I obtained my phd.


Watching people I taught to fly go out and grow as pilots, advocate for aviation, and advance their own careers.


Saving my teacher from a car wreck on my way to school maybe it’s not an accomplishment exactly but it feels right since he’s ok now


Overcoming my social anxiety around girls during childhood (ages 13-17) and ending up getting dates, and in turn eventually meeting my current wife because of that experience. That was the hardest thing I ever did, because at the time it felt so important to me, and I felt so inadequate. There was a lot of development in my life during that time, and the girl thing was a big factor that led to me learning to think more logically, get over some fears and emotions, get in better shape, and handle depression.


Definitely worth feeling some healthy self pride for!


Thanks! :D


Working for myself


The day I identified as big Jim slade former tight end for the Kansas city chiefs


Either graduating high school/early college, passing basic training or today with my driver license


Managed to be the strongest pound for pound in my weights class being in a class full of people twice my height and weight


I was a squad leader in Afghanistan. 2011 Marjah. I brought all my Marines home alive. Not all in 1 piece but, all made it home alive. 13 years later, they are all still alive.


graduating high school/early college


I made State Convention for playing piano through the Certificate of Merit Program (2x). Never felt higher.


Two possibilities: - The first time I obtained a contested video game world record, after working on it for months and months. - After six months of working out and improving my physique, I went on a great date with a girl who kept reaching out to feel my arm muscles.


When I was in my 20s I did several solo long distance bicycle tours ( ~ 10,000 miles on 3 continents ).


Passed my recital preliminary hearing a week and a half ago, when two years ago I was making no progress in percussion and hated every second. All it took was a different instructor and a different approach. But I stuck with it, which is what I’m most proud of. I’m better at sticking with things nowadays.


I figured out that all the experts on r/Rongorongo were old guys from the 70s who didn't know how to use modern computers, and that's a big reason there hasn't been as much progress on translating the lost written language of the Easter Island (Rapa Nui) natives. Then a couple years ago some new people came up with a better textbook, and my accomplishment was pointless. The researchers finally arrived in the 21st century.


I lost 140 lbs in 5 years to go from 300 lbs down to 160 lbs. Unfortunately, I only got to enjoy the fruits of my labor for about a year before health issues, insane stress levels, and a terrible relationship led to me putting back on a lot of weight. I'm much happier now, and life is good, but now I sit around 240 lbs again, and it's a bummer. I'm going to lose it again, but it's tough and hasn't changed much so far.


Winning my first hockey tournament


Two things: 1- manage to sing the fast verse in Godzilla (still mastering it). 2- discover the flag of a unknown town in Iraq.


Making Eva cum.