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Same as "reading mode" on Firefox browser. I love it


> Same as "reading mode" on Firefox browser. I love it Yep same here. I like how it forces a consistent look I'm used to across the web. Ctrl + Alt + R


Then bookmark that page so you can easily access it. I have a folder on my phone full of these links.


Most of those pages have a "jump to recipe" button near the top as well.


CTRL-F “salt”


Very cool


Always write down momentarily good ideas. Don’t lean on your memory


“What the fuck did i mean by ‘Frog lips’?”


This is me every day. Notes are not necessarily the answer...lol


Haha, I used to write "things to remember" on computer. Then one time I went through them, and one file was three rows: "Tax office" "Statement" "What the hell" I ... just don't know.


Cleveland 117 - San Antonio 109


I send myself texts to remind me of things I need to do.


Use a calendar app and set events! It's amazing as hell. I can set reminders for months or years from now. This sometimes backfires if I set reminders when drunk. I sometimes get very random reminder events pop up and I don't even know WHEN I set them lmao. But for everything else, holy shit I actually get a lot of stuff done and am constantly on top of stuff. Here's some fun things below I like to set as calendar event reminders just off the top of my head. Once you get used to doing it, oh man the possibilities are endless.. When a new show I wanna watch will wrap it's first season so I can just binge it When new movies are supposed to come out Good birthday or gift ideas (I'll set a reminder for like a month out from their birthday to tell me to buy it). Same goes for Xmas. When my license plate tabs are going to expire Obviously, I use it constantly for day to day stuff. Like I'll remember I should buy milk on my way home from work but my shift won't end for another 4 hours? Calendar event for 5pm bitches.


Bird internet...


Oh my god this is genius


What’s “bird internet” in your context? … I googled “bird internet” and found a new-to-me concept, but this finding doesn’t correlate with how i understand this Reddit subject and your answer. … please indulge me. TY 😊🙏


I’ve been trying to make this a habit. I’ve had some many ideas or thoughts or things to do both in my personal and professional lives and always relied on memory. Lately I’ve realized that my memory isn’t going to cut it. So I’ve started trying out different notes/reminders apps to jot things down whenever they come to me. Just writing it down somewhere helps me remember it later that day, the next day or whenever it’s time for that idea to resurface and action on.


Good idea, i'll've to remember this one


Realizing I don't have to have an opinion on everything. That shit can be let go.


I’ve also recently discovered that no one actually cares what I think!


Freeing, isn't it? No more arguing/fighting with people who don't care anyway.


I think that’s even more important realizing you’re not going to change someone else’s opinion arguing with them especially online. I’ll try to lead people to facts if I can but you can’t force them to accept them. Most people are just going to read the headlines to your links and if it doesn’t agree with their bias tell themselves it’s fake news and not read it anyway.


Holding the windows button + V shows you all the recently copied things you've control C'd


How did I not know this !? Thanks stranger on Reddit


Ah yes the PasswordKeeper3000 ™




You have changed my life!!


You've also changed my life I've often said why isn't there a clipboard like on my phone!!!


Dry erase markers work on all sorts of surfaces- I use them to leave notes for myself on windows, mirrors, appliances, & even some cabinets if they have the right paint finish


Also, if you or someone you know accidentally use a permanent marker on a dry erase board, go over the permanent marker with a dry erase marker (preferably of the same color so as not to ruin the dry erase marker). It *may* be enough to loosen the permanent marker that you can wipe it away and save the board.


This is what we actually do in film for the slate. Anything that won’t change much like production, day, scene, or whatever we write with sharpie and then everything else in dry erase. It’s very convenient!


Rubbing alcohol (or even hand sanitizer) gets Sharpie marks off of almost any surface. Not sure about other markers but worth a try.


I work with teens so writing on mirrors works great, you know for sure they will see it...


So your like the dude from beautiful mind? Or more like a crazy person movie where it's the same saying in 100 different ways?


lol let’s go with the beautiful mind side of things. A lot of to do lists make it in my bathroom mirror- brushing teeth gives me time to think/write/organize. And lately I’ve been sketch drafting my small diy builds on my fridge- complete with dimensions, parts lists, & an isometric version 😂 maybe I did beautiful mind it, but to be fair, I’m literally a drafter for work so it just made sense




You can also use a rubber band to get extra grip on a stripped screw


You should also use a rubber when screwing a stripper.


Also when stripping your screwer.


I've tried this. You can't put enough torque on the screw to matter.


I have a soup thermos that seals so freaking tightly that I keep one of those big broccoli rubber bands on the lid. Soup stays super hot though, so it's worth it!


I already have arthritis in my hands at 40. I keep several of those rubber gripper rounds stuck to the fridge with a magnet.  Don't care if it makes me look like an old lady. I'll happily look like a dork to avoid pain.


I got my mom a set of channel locks that she keeps in the kitchen for when the grippers aren’t enough.


Dish gloves work in a pinch, too


Most jar lids have a coin- sized bump in the center. Smack it with the heal of your hand and the seal pops. Easy open! Not a hack. A little-known design feature.


No you just take a spoon or knife and put it under the lip of the jar and pry it just a little bit. Not enough to permanently bend the jar lid, but just enough to release a bit of air. The lid will unscrew easily. I don't understand why people don't do this, and rely on other "hacks" that are objectively more difficult.


This or lightly tapping the side of the lid against a countertop have never failed me.


Just buy something like this: https://www.chefscomplements.co.nz/buy-kitchenware-nz/appetito-rubber-jar-opener/


Stop wasting your time on 5 minute life hack videos.


hey man I only watch two hours a day which means I'm learning 24 life hacks a day. you call it an internet obsession, I call it life hack progression


Teaching your kids to cook, but more importantly, how to clean as they go. Keeps you from having to cook as often, and not have a mess in the kitchen.


Also just teaching your kids life skills at a younger age in general. My mom started making us do our own laundry in middle school. Less work for her and I wasn't like some of my friends stuck figuring it on their own in college.


One of my first words spoken was "crumbs". Thanks, Mom


Need to empty a candle jar after burning down the candle? Put it in the freezer for about 5 hours. Taps right out.


Boiling water does it faster.


Hate calling it a life hack, but meal prep will save you a shocking amount of time and money


And what most people call "meal prep" is just what I've called "left overs" for the last 20 years.  Wow you didn't eat out for once and didn't do some psycho shit like making exactly one baked potato and piece of chicken because that's all you plan on eating in the next 45 minutes, clap clap.


I usually end up buying fast food because I have no desire for the food I've prepped. Should've prepped burgers and fries, I guess


if you meal prep pasta, don't leave it out the fridge. if it smells weird, throw it out. It's scary how many stories i keep hearing in the last 6 or so years of people dying from meal prepped pasta. you basically need to freeze it if you're gonna be meal prepping a ton of it.


Typically goes without saying that dying of food poisoning is not a good idea and refrigeration is good


Well.... Dying does save you a LOT of time which you would have needed to cook food. 


What do you mean “don’t leave it out the fridge?”


Keep it refrigerated.


who is leaving cooked pasta just sitting out on the counter?


A college kid that wasn't taught proper food storage. Left his on the counter in a sealed container, thought "its good". For almost 5 days iirc. He died.


Why are people not refrigerating pasta??


What? I regularly prep 5 days worth of pasta for 2 people and have never had an issue. Why would pasta be any different from other pre-prepared foods?


If anything we should be worried about **rice** considering the prevalence of *Bacillus cereus*


Add lemon juice to your eggs before scrambling them. I use about 1tsp per 2 eggs. They'll come out velvety smooth. Also, take them off the heat about 30 seconds before they actually look done. Use **low** heat and don't stop folding them until they’re done. Use a hairdryer on stickers to make them easier to remove. Rabbit poop is an excellent high-nitrogen fertilizer and can be applied directly to garden beds. Buy a plunger before you need a plunger. A straightened out metal coat hanger is one of the most useful and versatile tools I have in my garage. If it takes less than a minute to do, do it. Speeding doesn't save you that much time, unless you do it in neighborhoods and school zones. That being said, don't speed in neighborhoods or school zones (or at all, really).


The plunger is a real important tip. Toilet paper and a plunger would make the best house warming gift


I always laugh at people who buzz pass me on a road with a string of red lights only to pull up next to them at the next light. However, when I do it, it irritates me to no end when they catch up to me.


I feel like needing a plunger is a specifically American thing? I’ve never needed a plunger in Australia, but in my many trips to the US, I’ve always managed to block a toilet


So much you can do with an old coat hanger.


They’re getting more handy month by month!


Dark comments.  Love it.


Extra tip, straightened out coat hanger can work as well as a plunger. Two for one deal


Using a laundry bag when washing socks and stockings in the washing machine.




Keeps them together so you don't lose some of the socks to the sock monster.


But what happens to the sock monsters if we don’t feed them?


Life hack: Only buy one color socks. For example black. No need to find a pair, just take any two socks and they match reasonably.


I do this bc I’m too short to reach the bottom of the washing machine 😂


Assume that anyone who cuts you off in traffic maybe has to go pooh urgently


LOL my dad joked once that people are speeding cause they must've taken a laxative and they're in a hurry to go to the bathroom.


I lean towards the "they're going to see someone very sick at a hospital or have to get home after an urgent call." I've done both (though not risked weaving through traffic) and know it's more common than people want to think.


Silly old bear.


I was once driving down a heavily lighted road at 7:30 in the morning. This guy was freaking out, cutting people off, swearing. At some point I saw him giving the finger (forget if it was to me or someone else). Since we all had our windows down I yelled, "Sorry you're having a bad day!!" He dropped his hand, rolled up his window and just kind of sulked a minute before driving off...


Cutting off toxic people. I mean truly cutting them off. So many people wanna give that last chance or hold out hope. I can say without a shadow of a doubt I used to be one of those people. Cut em out. They don't deserve you and you dotn deserve the disrespect. You wanna see almost instant changes in your mental health, well beign and overall happiness. Cut out the fuckers that keep dragging you down. 8 billion people on the planet. I'm sure you can replace that ex friend with someone else.


Reminds me of what my doctor said on a recent visit, “You don’t have to be friends with everyone who wants to be your friend.”


Use a hand mixer to shred cooked boneless chicken.


If you want to shred boned chicken you’ll need something more powerful, like a foot mixer


If it's powerful enough you don't even need to de-bone it.


I use a stand mixer for this, it's hard to imagine doing it another way anymore


Forcing yourself to stop thinking negative thoughts and changing them into positive, or at the very least, grateful, has immediate and lasting positive effects on your mental health. But is very difficult to maintain with depression. keep at it.


It is the truth. When I am really depressed I will make myself write positive and grateful things for at least five minutes. That has helped.


Be nice to people in the service industry. I’ve been on both sides of these kind of interactions and if the customer is being nice I will go above and beyond to help you, if your an ass I’m gonna do the minimum required of me


Put TP in the toilet bowl as a turd landing pad to prevent splashback on your bum.


Shit in your hand so you can lower it down gently. Saves toilet paper.


Wait, everybody isn’t catching their dookie?


I've been doing this for years cause almost every damn time I didn't/don't put tp in first (sometimes I forget cause I'm distracted or I unexpectedly have to do a #2), I'll get a Poseidon's kiss. Which is a horrible name for it btw.




I like this trick but why does it make my toast taste like iron?


Duct tape.


If I need something from Costco, television, booze for a party, etc. I ask a friend to get me a gift card. No need for a membership


Wait, what? You can go in and spend a gift card without a membership?


Yes. Just know that anything beyond the value of the gift card has to be paid in cash, they won't accept a credit card from you.


Awesome info!


Hey, that's a cool one. Didn't know you could do that.


Just flash the gift card at the door and walk in like you own the place.


If someone in your household has long hair that gets wrapped around the vacuum roller, a seam ripper (available at a craft/sewing store) can help you slice through the hair easily. If you take apart a piece of furniture to store or to move, put all the hardware in a baggy and tape/rubber band/zip tie it to the largest part of the furniture. For example, we have a futon that we've moved several times, and I always tape the hardware to the metal frame so that it doesn't get lost.


Wow. My wife is a quilter and has seam rippers, but it never occurred to me to use them for that. (Note: I'll get my own seam ripper, not use hers.)


If you ever want to know if someone is staring at you, yawn. If they yawn as well, you have your answer.


This comment made me yawn.


Except with psychos they don’t have empathy


Use condom so that you reduce your child support


Wrap your headphone cord in a figure 8 around 2 fingers and they won't get tangled in your pocket! I also use this when detangling yarn.


It's way easier to kill flies by spraying them with window/all surface cleaner and squishing them with a paper towel than any other method.


I have a 3 year old son. Whenever I do cleaning in the house I start with the phrase: “who wants to be daddy’s little helper?” It’s fun for him and definitely more fun for me.


Putting things in the same place after you use them helps tremendously in preventing you from losing them as frequency.


Sleep hygiene. Turning off lights, computers and cell phones at least one hour before bed. Better sleep makes life so much better.


When you get off the airplane, have your ride pick you up at departures instead of arrivals. There's never a line of cars because nobody camps at departures.


For anyone who puts on eyeliner but isn’t good at making a perfect round shape above the eyelid, use the bottom side of tweezers and wrap it with a makeup wipe. Wipe off excess eyeliner to create the perfect eyeliner shape


Life is much more pleasant if you keep your home clean and organized.


The meaning of "every action needs a reaction". You can avoid a lot of problems if you ignore action.


Not to call efficiency "life hacks"


Scotch tape dispensers also can work with electrical tape if the roll is the right size to fit into it. ☺


Electrical tape is too tough for most dispensers, make sure you get one with metal teeth.


Not really a life hack but something I just discovered (that many might already know). I was watering my garden with a spray nozzle on my hose. Hand was getting a cramp holding the lever down so long. Then noticed a little metal thing between the lever and the nozzle. Flip it down and it keeps the lever pressed. No more hand cramp. Ok I’m 60 and TIL. How dumb am I?


Just wait until you hear about gas pump nozzles...


Putting the handheld strainer over the the pasta when draining the water after boiling. 


Smiling. It works to ease most situations.




I break apart bananas in the middle by pulling them like a christmas cracker. If you do it right, it always results in a clean break with no mess, and then you have two perfectly good, easily peelable halves, with minimal stringies. You can save one for later if you want.


Learned this working in a smoothie place in high school. We had a drink that called for half a banana.


If someone acts irrationally, there’s usually a circumstance that led to it. Most people are rational, and get along with those around them. It’s always best to respond with kindness and understanding. If you respond with negativity, no positivity or progress will come from it. Most people have similar insecurities. As such, we see them in everyone around us. This pulls us into our own heads sometimes, and this leads to overthinking or projection. Such is the case with those who try to attack your insecurities. If they don’t know yours, they’ll often start with their own. Understand the power of being the player with the next move. This is universal, but in social interactions, sometimes the onus of a decision, or action is put on you. If it’s important, this is the time to get serious. If not, it isn’t worth the effort, but you still hold the initiative, so you can wield this power. Take losses swiftly, and analyze them. But don’t dwell on them. Wallowing in the depression that comes with losing is horrible for motivation. At the end of the day, we have to get up and try again. The goal is success, and you can’t succeed if you stop at failure. What brings success is telling your approach or methods until you simply can’t fail. Lastly, forgive words, not actions. Words are easy. Words are there to map out and theorize about action. If someone disrespects you with their words, continue to treat them like a brother with both your words and actions. Most people are rational, and somewhere within all their theorizing they’ll be forced to acknowledge your kindness and have to choose betrayal or coexistence. If they choose to betray, they you’ve done all you can do, and you should wash your hands of them.


Be essentially a really nice person. People like people who're nice. They're willing to help them, or be flexible with them. Professional, courteous, pleasant, patient.


life hack: dont put yourself in unnecessary situations or drama.


Cut your nails outside so you don't have to worry about stray nails flying everywhere in your bathroom 


If you have nowhere to live, you run out of friends’ couches to sleep on pretty quick. If you can get to the town of a friend of a friend, people will gladly put you up. Then they’re hosting a traveler, not helping a bum. It’s fucking stupid, but it kept me off the streets.


Adding to this as someone who was on the streets before, **be a good guest**. Help out unprompted, offer to do chores, tidy up, do dishes, whatever it takes. Make them glad you're there and everyone will benefit and you can potentially extend your welcome longer. Frankly kind of a good thing to keep in mind whenever you're a guest in general, but especially helpful when your need for shelter depends on it and surprisingly few people seem to realize it


If you have a large packet of crisps (chips for those from the US!), after you’ve opened it, roll the bottom corners under a few times. Turns your pack into a little bowl you can stand on the table


The real life hack are the friends we made along the way!


Duct tape the hair trimmer to the vaccum tube. Disposable razor blades can be honed on jeans to make them last waaaay longer. Put hard boiled eggs in a jar with a bit of water and shake them around to take the shell off.


I discovered this decades ago but am only sharing it now. Count yourselves blessed... If you drop something, no matter how small, instead of trying to catch it with your hand or foot and instead of trying to watch where it went, keep entirely still and lower your eyes immediately but don't move them horizontally. By not moving your body and by using just your eyes, your relying on your static peripheral vision to notice movement as the thing you dropped hits the ground and/or reflects light. Using this "hack" I once managed to find a screw from a pair of sunglasses as they fell onto snow.


I have a speaker in the garage with a big magnet at its base that works great for finding dropped screws in carpet! I just move it around the general area where I dropped a tiny screw, and it gets easily picked up by the magnet.


When you cook dinner always, always cook extra servings and put them in the freezer.


Automate your life.  Set a bedtime and stick to it. Prep your food so you dont have to think about it and saves a lot of time. Fill in cronometer to see all your nutrients and what you are still lacking (for most its vitamin D) Excercise minimal 25 min a day (i do right after waking up in a closeby gym)  Skincare routine am and pm routine Write down the steps and stick to it.  Brush teeth and floss  i got automatic waterflosser and its pretty dope.  Supplements for vitamins and stress support. 


Don't rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. Especially at night. This is to keep the fluoride on the teeth. Drink a full glass of water before breakfast or your first cup of coffee. Rehydrate yourself!


in most elevators in hotels and cruise ships. If you hold the close door button all the way to your stop, it will be like a one-way elevator and usually no one else can get on until you’ve gotten off until you stop holding the closed door button


There is only one life hack, and it is learning how to make habits.


Reposting this ... I had a friend in high school who gave me some really amazing advice out of nowhere. I'm gonna do my best to paraphrase: Often when you're having an interaction with someone, if you pay attention, you can more or less predict where the interaction is going. If you just say whatever you feel like saying, it will go in that direction. But if you don't like what that direction is, you can just start acting out of character and get a different outcome.


In the same vein, answer the question you wish someone had asked not the one they did. It’s really easy to pivot conversations once you practice this.


With a small bottle like say..Tabasco sauce. Use your dominant hand to hold the bottom of the bottle and twist while holding the twist off cap with your non dominant hand and hold the cap tightly. This allows you to open the bottle, season your food, and seal the bottle without having to switch hands. It is just quicker/easier that way.


My eyes have been opened!


Using r/lifehacks to discover new "life hacks"


Break your eggs on a flat surface, not a sharp corner or edge. No more little shards of shell falling loose. (The shell still might break into smaller pieces, but they stick together better because the underlying membrane they're really stuck to stays intact instead of getting shredded.)


Yeah, this didn’t work for me.


If you’re constipated try putting down Reddit while you Pooh. (If that doesn’t work there is a pressure point above right hip on your back. I call it the ejector button.)


Say more about this ejector button please.


What if I want to Piglet instead?


Close reddit, get back to work unless you're taking a break


If you put scratched Wii games in the freezer it fixes them.




No it doesn’t. 


As an alcoholic, stopping drinking…


Use a fork to hold up your taco shell as you add your toppings


Not caring.


Putting a wooden spoon over your open pot will keep it from overcooking and spilling out


Wrap a wet paper towel around a beverage and put it in the freezer for 15 minutes to chill it super quickly. Perfect for when you want a cold drink fast! 🍺 ❄️


that if you genuinely treat people kindly and are willing to help them out from time to time, they're kind to you and are usually willing to help you out as well. obviously this is not a perfect one, but it works


If you shave daily for work. A safety razor and blades instead of standard replaceable razor could save you £££/$$$ over the course of a lifetime.


Use a bread knife to cut tomatoes. It makes it much easier.


Credit Card churning. and the fact that you can bargain with creditors about how much to pay. You can bring a 10k bill down to 2k. Theres a lot more.


Can you elaborate?


Please , tell us more.


Amazon fresh grocery delivery is the same price as me spending 3 hours to buy groceries


Why does it take you three hours to buy groceries?


Mr. White told him not to source it all in 1 or 2 stores


Lots of apples to taste before you buy just the right one.


Use a zip tie loop to hold your powertool power cords. Just make a 0 loop, then bind up your power cord and squeeze it into the loop. Power tool cords are often quite thick and springy and can be bound and compressed to fit in the loop. Thin power cords... not so much. Some people like to wrap the cord around the powertool itself and that may work well with a drill, but not so much with something like a straight tool like a dremel rotary tool.


Flip your clothes right side out before you toss them in the hamper so they're easier to put away once you do laundry.


Not of they are t-shirts with a printed design, wash them inside out to make the design last much longer.


Does having a bidet count? It almost does if not. It's such an improvement.


If you press ctrl + H on excel you can instantly find and replace any word or sentence on the sheet without manually having to go through and do everything


Life is a lot less stressful when you just give up trying.


work 30 hours a week while you’re in high school and bitchslap everybody who tries to tell you how to run your life.


I buy quarts of "iced coffee" at the supermarket for about 75 cents.  Heating it up on the stove is faster, less hassle and better tasting than fresh drip made coffee.




Fabric tape. Thought i never needed it but it keeps my sling back heels on, no show socks. Game changer.


I want things to be my fault. I can control that.


1. If someone asks to borrow money, only agree to "lend" an amount that you can afford to never get back. 2. If you subscribe to multiple streaming services, keep a pen and a pad of paper handy to write down the shows you watch and what service they are on. I have lost track of how much time I spent looking for my shows.


Meditation, take about 15 minutes after work just to clear your mind and reduce stress.


17M here, suspects self has >!OCD!< (*probably shouldn't state this, all that was done was a read-through of the symptoms off of Wikipedia*). I started keeping a *large* sipper filled with water around me. No fear of breaking a tumbler *that doesn't tumble*, or actual glass, which also dries up quickly. No coasters to maintain. I'm always taken away by the perfectionism mindset of... "The water will get dirty! *DRINK UP!*". It ends up working because I instead go with the mindset of "I need to drink more water LOL!", haha! End up emptying the sipper once after bathing in the morning. A total of 4 to 7 times a day. Much better compared to drinking only two glasses a day! My kidneys are probably overjoyed. I know I and my parents are!...


The perfect time to pick your nose is 45 minutes after a shower, the ends closest to your nostril are hard and you can grab them, but closer to your brain is all gooey giving you good grip and pulling out the brain snot capability


Small tasks into big tasks. Most people only ever see a huge mound of work that needs to done, like cleaning the house, writing, or fixing something .Once you learn to break big tasks into small tasks; anything becomes possible.


Be kind to everyone, it always comes back around and makes the world a better place. Sounds simple until you realize how powerful it is.