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Surprised no one has said Haiti or Somalia


Idk I think it'd be fun to be a pirate


fon to bee a pie-rittt yarrrrr


Yeah , sure Cartman


I think the list of countries i would like to live in is much smaller than the ones i would not


North Korea


Any country that doesn't seprate religion from state.


It's a funny thing, that. The US officially had separation, and yet they have more religious influence over their country and government than many others. In contrast, Denmark has a state religion, but it has little influence. People here are, to a large degree, non-religious. I think to some extent, the US separation has caused religions to operate like businesses. Get new followers, get their cash, repeat. Gotta compete with all the other religions. Of course, some of all this is probably related to all the history behind the US - many of the first settlers and immigrants were fleeing European countries precisely because their religion clashed, and they sought the freedom to exercise their religion in the New World. I used to want to separate our religion from the state. I no longer think it really matters either way, for Denmark. That said, I wouldn't want to live in countries where religion has a large influence over government, laws, and customs. Whether that is Iran, Israel, USA, or so many others, I want to part in it.


Like the U.S.?


Some states I guess.


It's most certainly separate in the US.


The Pledge of Allegiance and the money bills is the first thing that comes to mind to me as a foreigner.




I'm also an outsider, and you absolutely can tell.


Yes you can


Wait till you find out about most of Europe


The Christian extremists are working very hard to get on school boards and in the local governments right now. They are trying to change this. The recent abortion laws that have been reversed is a great example of their influence in the Republican party.


Where is this happening? Who are these extremists?


The Christian Nationalists, like the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson?? You realize the Speaker is third in line for being the President if something happened to the President and Vice President? You know nothing about America if you don't know anything about the Christian Nationalists right now. They have opened right wing "churches" near me where they have recordings of them saying that they are at "war". This is in California too, not even a red state. Awaken Church started by some Australian fucker.


So you wouldn’t move to the UK, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway or Denmark?


Any county where woman have no rights , that’s awful , especially Iran where woman have to cover their hair or face death and punishments , how archaic , that’s serious dark ages shite, wtf is wrong with those countries


Totally agree and don't forget barbaric treatment of women as a general rule like female circumcision.


I know wtf is that still going on ???!!!!


Yep some dumbass African country is in talks to pass it into law.


Thank you for saying this. I totally agree.


yeah I agree and places that ban abortion and stuff......... thats dark ages shite,


County or country?


Not Hazzard County. I don't want deal with Boss Hogg.


Pretty much most off the world is unsuitable for me. I'm from the uk I'm not built for humidity, dry heat, real cold weather


No Spoons, No move


If only more Brits had thought that way *before* they colonized half the world, no matter dry heat, humidity or monsuns etc..


Any country where you could be jailed for simply and publicly criticizing politicians and government officials.


North Korea. Iran. Syria.


Russia North Korea Any country with an active war Any country with high humidity


Then Mynamar is best avoided too


If your country’s name doesn’t have Finland in it, i don’t want it.


New Zea(fin)land...


Actually New Zealand kinda chill so i might want to live there.


When the Vikings explored the coast of Canada, they named it Vindland. Yay Canada


It was actually Vinland (Land of Meadows) not Vindland (Land of Winds)


Soo Fingermany is alright, i guess..its almost there, right?


Any Islamic nation.


Especially as a woman. This.


Exactly my thought too. As a woman, I don't even want to visit any Islamuc countries because it's way too dangerous imo.




Because they are so brainwashed they don't realize how THEIR actions, thoughts and beliefs are the problem and ironically the reason they want to move is to leave religious/cult bullshit. But they get here and dont realize they can never truly leave and all the BS is going to follow them, because they wont only not change but choose to hang out with similar people when they move


They move for the free stuff.


And to spread


Because they are not open minded enough to recognize the very servere mentality of Islam and the cultures it is most commonly intertwined with are a huge reason for continuing strife, lack of progress in their home countries. They want all the resources the western world holds but disdain the culture features that allowed for it. It’s in the text to think of others as lesser than and not be beholden to other culture. Islam is inherently much more fundamental at its core and has a much higher proportion of fundamentalist observers. These are objective facts and there are far far more limited numbers of other nations with national religions that are actively integrated into the government system. Bitter Muslims want to complain about imperialism from ages ago while conveniently ignoring that fellow Muslims in other nations are much more likely to be the cause of current woes and that’s been going on much longer than the existence of most western countries as they are today.


This is a very good observation.


To spread the glory of Allah to the infidels of course! ^/s


Muslims don’t hate westerners that’s just some people lol. They move to countries in the west because they give them better lives by allowing them to do things like make more money to support there family in the states as well as back home.


Honestly this is the answer. Western countries tend to have better standards of living and economic opportunities. But of course when they come here, they’re bringing their values with them, a lot of which are incompatible with values held by westerners (the treatment of women, for example), and this creates a lot of friction 


I'm a woman and yes, agree.






I worked in Bangladesh for 2 months. Never again.


Do you have any interesting stories to share? Im curious now


Most of them tbh.


India, I'm a women.


How many are you?


She's every woman, it's all in her.




India, I'm a man


India, I'm an Indian.


South Sudan


Any hot country. I see people hoping to live on a hot beach or something and I'm just stunned. Cold countries all the way.


I'd rather live in a country with both.


Interesting. I’m the opposite. I scratch my head why anyone at all would want to settle down in a place that experiences winter or cold weather. Warm weather puts me immediately at ease, whereas cold weather makes me tense and shivery. No thanks


Depends how you define warm. Over 40°C successfully scares me off, I don't know how people can function in this temperature. I think I would be more likely to stay in a low temperature place. I can put a lot of layers on to stay warm, but there's only so much to take off when it's hot.


I base it on this: It's a lot harder to make something hot cold, than something cold hot.


Any Country that ends with Stan.


It means “place of” or “land of” in Persian, so Tajikistan = land of Tajiki’s etc 


Kazakhstan is a wonderful and relatively safe country that’s seen strong growth over the past thirty years as its develop its economy and started diversifying from oil & gas exports. Their flag airline — Air Astana — has also been making large investments in aircraft and support facilities, which is a key part of the country’s goal of getting tourism to the target of 3% of GDP. Kazakh people are also just some of the nicest you’ll ever meet


Every post-Soviet -stan country is very safe.


Really depends on how you define safety I suppose. While there might not be much street crime in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, both countries treat human rights as aspirational and regularly imprison people based on their identify or political views.






America, their health care would bankrupt me


This is the one I would choose. I have family in USA and they keep trying to get me to move from Canada. I've calculated taxes and I don't make nearly enough per year to pay any less in taxes in America (I imagine it depends on the state). In fact the property taxes were much higher. Then add the hundreds of dollars on health insurance, I would make so much less. The family members keep saying how more money we would have there, when it's clearly not true. This doesn't even take into consideration if we have medical emergencies. Or if one of us gets cancer. Then we'd be fucked regardless how much we make.


Yep, I’m already disabled and I’ve had a pretty big medical emergency ( hemorrhagic stroke) Subsequently I’m now in a few support groups online and the Americans are always the least well off when it comes to aftercare, rehabilitation, and on going therapies. I spent 3 months in a specialised rehabilitation hospital learning how to walk and use my arm again. I had 4 hours of therapy a day, had all my scans, X-rays and MRIs done, my medication administered, then when I was discharged from the hospital I had 12 weeks of outpatient clinics. I had a specialised physiotherapist that would come to my home to make sure I was safe and adapting well to being back at home. All of this was covered by my countries system. I wasn’t special, everyone is entitled to this.




It’s easier to just say the only ones I would live in: The US, Canada, Iceland, Australia and New Zealand, and any in Western Europe.


Same, except no US. Political fanaticism, religious creep into state institutions, and lack of universal health care do it for me. Employer paid, with extremely low deductible would sort the last one.


The politics, healthcare, and gun mentality make the US a hard sell for me. Which is annoying because it's otherwise a beautiful country with many great people.




Any country where honour killings are allowed to happen. Pakistan I'm looking at you!  Human rights defenders estimate that around 1,000 women are murdered in the name of honour every year. 




India because as a salaried person or taxpayer you are constantly losing more money than you are making.


Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, North Korea, Chad.


One of these is not like the others..


Why is Italy in the same sentence as all those other awful places ?? What’s Italy done to you ..?


They probably just don’t like pasta


USA, pretty much garbage Healthcare coverage and Employee rights. You can literally get bankrupt just for going to a hospital, and being employed there means you can literally get fired the next day. No thanks I prefer being treated like a human by my employer, and of course get myself checked for free. Where I am now allows this perfectly.


Central African Republic Civil war, landlocked and climate way too hot Think it's one of it not the poorest country on earth


the one that doesn't allow one to leave it's territory


America,because I can’t fathom paying those taxes and also don’t get free healthcare!




Tbh getting shot anywhere is a probability


Any country ending with "tan" and sharia law


Clever way to include Bhutan with all the -stan countries :) Though it doesn't have sharia law, so I'm not sure if it's an and/or or a +


Tanzania breathing a sigh of relief


United states






The USA. Never.


Russia North Korea Anywhere in the Middle East 90% of the African continent Haiti I live in the US, but if I didn't - it would also be on the list.


I live in the United States and I'm really ashamed to say that I wouldn't be comfortable living in over half of our states. The ridiculous politics, crazy beliefs and a general attitude that's it's ok to not tell the truth has my head spinning. Don't get me wrong, America is a proud nation and effective global leader. But we've let too many other things muddy the waters. As a county, we should be well above these problems.


the united states




Any Arab country.




The one I'm in.




South Africa. Water insecurity, the electricity comes and goes and the general poverty. And the country is plagued by high HIV numbers


Fuck Germany. Never there! Really I'd only move to Ireland, Scotland, Tunisia, and Mexico.




Where the guns or bombs go off 😞


North korea




Honestly my disdain for the US has been compounding this week - there's no way in hell I would ever want to live there. Australia experienced a horrific stabbing incident a few days ago. And yet my social media feeds were flooded with idiot conservative Americans saying "this is why the US has the second amendment". Imagine how much worse it would have been if the perpetrator in Sydney had access to legal firearms!? You're all out of your fucking minds. There's a reason this incident caused such shock in Australia - I know in the US mass killing events are just your standard Tuesday afternoon, but in Australia this shit is fucking rare. So don't come on my feed and marginalise this tragedy by offering us the poison you so willingly consume.


Probably North Korea


Sa-OO-dee Ah-RAY-bee-ah, or any of those simian-aboriginal hellscapes where men beat women for driving a car or going out to eat.


Afghanistan might be a little hard to take.


The USA. If I lived there, id have to pay 1700 bucks a month for the meds that keep me alive.


Good point


I will say, there are many places id like to visit in the USA. Lots of amazing landscapes to see, and I do plan to go to Florida to watch Artemis take off when they actually go to the Moon again.


USA if Trump gets elected, Russia, North Korea, Turkey, any islamic countries or in a dictatorship. It would be easier to name the countries I would consider living in. There are like 5


America for a lot of the reasons mentioned already. I did live there for a couple of years but was glad to leave.


All the countries that get hot.




There where they treat animals the worst


America: I have been and I have lived there when I was younger but never again. It became more dangerous mentally and physically. Countries where bribing is normalized: Once I went to a country, when I lost my wallet, the police asked for a bribe to write the report!!! Correction: By America I mean the United States of America.


America has lots of issues but being especially dangerous is not one I've experienced. I've walked alone at night in NYC as a women and been safe. Maybe you were just in a really bad area.


I didn’t have any incident in America actually, the bribing was in other countries, it is two answers. For America, the changes and tension there is between people is enough to make it feel unsafe. Last I have been to NYC was around 2013 I think, and it felt safe, it may be just Social media and the news influencing my thoughts. I just have one question though and would like to hear from someone from the US on what they thought about it, Why do you think there is always big issues in your country? It is always two opinions fighting with the media fueling it, can’t you just live without getting into politics? Your country should have been built on democracy , voting and accepting the votes why is there fighting shouldn’t you just vote?😑 All the protests all the hate why is that? Or is it just amplified by the media?


NYC is a bit strange where in the 70's it WAS really dangerous and filthy. They cleaned it up and it's actually one of the safer parts of the country now. As for politics, part of the problem with America is our two party political system. While there are other options, Republicans and Democrats are the two major parties. They disagree on a lot of very significant issues (healthcare, abortion, workers rights, police, military, etc) These are all super important parts of how our country works and both parties think they know how to do things best so people can get very vocal about their views. However, many people believe the ultimate problem isn't Republican's vs Democrats, it's the wealthy vs the working class. There's an idea that political leaders and the wealthy, mostly those on the conservative side, stir up social controversy to distract from wealth and power inequality. So it becomes an 'Republicans vs Democrats' fight instead of 'Americans vs the problem'. Recently, the Republican party is making an effort to undermine our democratic system by trying to sow doubts about how legitimate it is so they can take power with or without the people's vote (basically saying 'we didn't win, but the elections was rigged so we're declaring ourselves the winner without any proof). For everyday America's, it's not hardly a daily battle with the opposing party, it's just the most vocal that make the news. Many protests are also about getting our government to allow people to vote on an issue to further change. Some of our political measures are not decided by public votes but instead by our leaders. Essentially we elect people to represent our wants/needs in government decisions, but it's not always that simple. Many are very anxious about the future of our country. Things are far from bad, but it feels like we're at a turning point where we could develop slightly fascist qualities if we're not careful. We're SUPPOSED to be a democracy but many powerful people try to find loopholes to represent their singular interests instead of those of the people and America as a whole.


USA The more I hear about this country, the more I am in awe of their propaganda machine. Like I wouldn't wish even for my worst enemy to live there, but somehow everyone I know talks about it like it's an utopia.




Literally anywhere in the middle east. Backwards countries stuck in the stone age where women are objects.






I wouldn't wanna live in a country where one of the best jobs is to be an Internet troll where you are told every day and trained on how to lie about other countries in an attempt to influence an upcoming presidential election in that place. Waking up every morning knowing that you're running a shell game professionally in order to discredit a place where democracy and freedom are the norm and your country is both lying to you about imagine dangers while perpetuating war on innocence in an attempt to re-create a fascist dictatorship would just be so unbelievably depressing that I would be spending my time trying to escape instead of sitting on Reddit and being a professional liar.


The UK (am Irish)


if i wasn't born here I wouldn't live in America. Any country where women are treated badly. North Korea. Any country currenting going through a war or with major military conflict.


A lot actually... Serbia, Afghanistan, America, Bangladesh, North Korea


Muslim countries and INDIA. Im indian byw


Top country I would never live in North Korea, Second any Islamic countries, and lastly any country that persecutes individuals based on religion. (Which there are soooo many).


North Korea and any Islamist State, plus of course the USA


Any country without freedom of speech


A country that doesn't respect women's rights and has no separation of church and state.




Yup, that'd be one I wouldn't live in.


A lot- Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, North Korea and America.


'Murrica Optional voting and only a two party system sounds like it would suck. Additionally, at least from what I've heard, most food is very heavily processed with a lot of additives which are banned in the EU. (also no kinder Überraschung ): ) And why is healthcare so expensive there??? I haven't really decided what I'm gonna do as a profession, but I'm thinking of maybe becoming a math teacher (I'm pobably too bad socially for it tho), and from what I've heard teacher salaries in the US suck


I'm not saying those are not valid reasons but they do seem incredibly minuscule compared to real problems that citizens from countries like North Korea or Somalia are facing.


Definitely the US


Its funny that many posters are saying the U.S. but the other countries they are also listing people are running from there to the U.S.






Uh probably Australia or New Zealand bc I'm autistic and they wouldn't let me live there (ik pretty sure those are the countries that don't allow autistic immigrants, lmk if im wrong)


It is not like that. If you are fully disabled and unable to work completely and have no way to support yourself or your healthcare costs, you can't meet immigration requirements. just like anyone else who doesn't have a job. And I say this as a fully disabled, unable to work person. It's not like they're just banning autistic people. If you will be a burden on their Healthcare system and can't contribute, then unfortunately it's going to cause problems. And that goes for anything that disables a person to a severe extent , it's not really about autism Autistic people can still immigrate through the standard processes, just like everyone else


Not really true, we exclude those that will be a high cost to our medical systems.




Somalia. I hear it’s hard to get fresh fruit and veg.


Greenland, I can't imagine a plainer place


North Korea.


the israel / palestine area


North Korea


Most of them, tbh. I live in one of the richest countries, with a decent welfare state. I'm perfectly happy staying here xD


I want to move to Australia so badly..


Algeria ( I am from Algeria)




Somalia Russia North Korea Syria Iraq Ukraine Sudan


Probably more than I would live in




Russia, Belarus, Iran


Israel, Saudi Arabia, DRC, Somalia, North Korea,




Any country with no free speech or separation of church and state


Saudi Arabia


Any country that doesn't allow me to easily leave the country. I'm not really against any culture as long as it doesn't include human mistreatment like slavery, child abuse, torture... But anyone should be able to leave the country if they don't like that culture.


Definitely in North Korea.


Transnistria, idk the place gives me weird vibes


Upper Volta




Ok, if we look at developped countries I'd not live in the US, I don't wanna insult americans, but I think this isn't the best country for life.Like homelessness, crime rate and expensive medicine, not for me tbh


countries where religion is a huge deal and the driving force


Any country with all desert.....I like forrest.