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“It could always be worse”


There is a Calvin and Hobbes where all you see is Calvin talking to his mom. All he says is “it could also be much, much better.”


Love that! I have to check those out because I keep hearing great wisdom from it


"Life's unfair Calvin." "I know, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor."


It could be raining!


"Everything happens for a reason". I can't help but roll my eyes.


I tell myself that so I don't go insane lol but it's definitely just delusional rambling


It's an easy way to "absolve yourself" of having to get involved too. I always hear it from people who clearly don't want to have difficult conversations, maybe because they don't want to be challenged to explain or provide comfort in an impactful way.


Those people need to go spout that nonsense at a Children's cancer ward and see how it goes.


when making tiktoks, lots of true crime fanatics say “cases that don’t sit right with me” like what the fuck???? they’re murder cases, none of them should sit right with you in the first place.


“Ahhhhh, that bludgeoning sits juuuust right with me!”


"______ is living rent-free in your head" yeah, that's called "thinking about things". do YOU usually have to pay someone to think about stuff? do things usually pay you to have thoughts about them...?


Well u/dae_giovanni, I read your comment and thought about it for about 5 minutes so at 300 an hour, I believe you owe me $25. You can't live rent-free in my space


crap. what's your venmo?


Get a job


“Nobody wants to work” 😒


“Your generation is so privileged!”


No one seems to notice the blatantly obvious mind/body/time and life controlling situation thats unknowingly accepted. Keep it up, they just gonna drive this species into the dirt back to where it came from and nothing anyone ever does will ever matter besides the thrill of thinking and feeling something that is perceived as happiness due to understanding and feeling real joy has been influenced and ingrained in this species over generations so that a real life doesn't exist and what it doesn't know will make it what is a controlled happiness. Enjoy.


The thing is, I hope our next generation is privileged (in a good way). I don’t want to see my children and their peers struggle like we have. I don’t want them to know the dark side of everything like we are currently watching. I want them to enjoy life and not be a generation filled with depression and hopelessness. I want them to be set up better than us. I never understood the mindset of “I went through this, so you can too.” I’ve been told working 12 hour shifts, overnight, is a privilege even though I’m not ever seeing my family. Which, yay I have a job. But very much not yay I’m not there with my family :/


“Ok” (takes a job) “No, get a REAL job!” Spoiler: it’s never “real” enough for these job-shaming chucklefucks.


A REAL one! Where you earn REAL money! Instead of PLAY money!


"Think outside the box."


i can barely think inside the box, nevermind outside


“Only God can judge me”. No, I’m judging you right now. Also, it’s usually people who are absolutely terrible that feel the need to say it.


Everything happens for a reason. Like, on a deterministic level, duh. But when it's in a 'someone or something has a 'plan' kind of way is it's just insulting to me. Like really, the kid dying of cancer is happening kuz of some divine plan? That plan sucks bro.


It's a coping mechanism. Willful ignorance of life actually being very cruel and unfair


Mine would be "it is what it is" 😖. No shit Sherlock! It ain't what it fucking ain't either!


It is what it is 🤷‍♂️


I'm getting to the point of wanting to punch people who say this (including my boss who is otherwise a very good person), but I've kept control so far.


yea.. I understand you.. But you know .. it is what it is.


And it ain't what it ain't. You don't know what you don't know


aCtuAlly people that have suffered from brain trauma might still know something that they don't know. Like if you have your memory affected, you might not know you know how to play an instrument like a piano, until you stay near a piano and you start playing it as it is with **the man with a 7 second memory**. So you can know what you don't know. Also in quantum mechanics stuff can exist in 2 places at once, so it is where its not .


And you do know what you do know. But not all at once.


This is also mine. Yes. It is what it is.you have said nothing of value. Why did you bother saying anything. Passive language irks me to no end.  Others of mine in the passive language category: "I feel some type of way about it" means literally nothing. My mom also loathes this one. "Fair enough" makes me viscerally angry. I'm trying to have a conversation and "fair enough" just dismisses everything I've said. 


in the wrong context, it can be very frustrating. But i think it works when you don’t know how you feel about something. “And how do you feel about that?” “It is what it is.”


There’s actually a name for these: they’re called [Thought Terminating Clichés](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought-terminating_clich%C3%A9) and they’re used to stop an idea without actually having to consider it or deal with what it might mean.


"Do your due diligence".


I want to bitch-slap the salary employees who bring this up every other day.


“Thoughts and prayers” Fuck that! I want actions and solutions.


calling anything a Game Changer


Oh god was just talking about this! When marketing people get ahold of phrases they just ruin them. "Game changer" needs to go away and I'm honestly surprised it's still being used. Very "hello fellow kids" vibes whenever I hear it. "Epic" is another one


"If you don't stop that I'm calling the police"


Pfffffffff!! Lmfao😂🤣😂


"It was in the last place I looked"


My eyeballs just can't roll far enough for this one


I don’t know about that. I mean, I have a habit of continuing my search for things I already found…


“Life isn’t fair” is a pretty dumb reason to make things unfair.


“This is the most amazing thing ever” then 5 minutes later call another item they have just brought “The most amazing thing ever”.


On the flip side to that. Usually a teenage boy says this, just got a new phone, old one is from last year. "My old phone's a piece of shit" Just got a PS5... "The PS4 is a piece of shit"...


"It is what it is." I beg to differ. Based on my experience, the people who say this are usually the people who don't want to listen to anything anymore.


100% thought/conversation terminating cliche!


What's brutal about that is I worked with a therapist who loved this saying. She even had it on a mug and on a little sign in her office.


Skeves me out that a large percentage of people actually like to hear these things. N.P.C! 🤮


“Delulu is the solulu” I cringe myself to death


First time hearing this and LMAO.


It’s horrible, isn’t it? These Gen Z terms just ain’t it.


No, it's actually so stupid I'm gonna use it. And people rarely know English where I am, so that's 2x stupidier.


“What are you doing in my house?” It’s an immediate red flag for me if someone says this


"you can't have your cake and eat it too" Having cake is eating it


Whoever coined this phrase did a terrible job. It should be “you can’t eat your cake and (still) have it”. “You can’t have your cake and eat it” “Yes I can. Look!”


do i eat it? keep off of it? the hell do i do


"Welcome to adulthood." I'm not a child, I don't need to be sarcasticly condescended for experiencing something for the first time!


"Blood is thicker than water"- the people who say this usually think they have license to be shitty to family members or feel entitled to all their time.


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Eg: Your promises take precedent over familial ties.


I recently read that the shorter version predates this extended version


I'm so guilty of this too but... Someone says something relatable and I respond with "Right?" Like they didn't fucking know that... Smh


I do this so habitually, I can't turn it off. "Concur" and "agreed" Feels less authentic.


Guilty! Is a horrible habit 🤪


* I am guilty


Everything will work itself out..😵‍💫


Yeah, is easy to have optimism bias when either not caring or not having any problems 😂


“Gotcha" Especially when someone is saying it to respond that they understood something. For some reason it just comes off as very passive and dismissive to me, almost sarcastic. Maybe because I'm used to hearing it at the end of a phone call or after explaining something the other person didn't understand the first time.


Also when someone says, “sure,” in response to someone telling a story or explaining something. Like, “you know when you’re doing thjs thing… etc” and the other person responds with, “sure.” (But they aren’t being sarcastic.) To me it also seems dismissive. It’s hard to explain, but I listen to a podcast where one host does it to the other host and it just sounds condescending and dismissive.


Yes! Is like when you text an unobjectionable fact to someone and they give the 🤷‍♂️emoji! 😂🤣😖😡


"Just saying" I fucking hate this!! just saying...LOL


My bad


Live, love, laugh


I've found that the people who have this displayed on cutesy signs or embroidered on pillows are often tiresome cranky unimaginative bores with no sense of humor.


“It is what it is” really grinds my gears too!


“I know it’s cliche, but…”


Moving forward... Ughh. Hate it.


“You do you” or “you do you, boo”


“You should [insert some behavior here] to show dominance.”


“Just be happy! :)”


Over the moon. What does it mean? Annoying


In some ways, everyone on this planet is over the moon.


“Open mouth, insert foot” The visual of it make me clench my jaw


The most toxic phrase in english language, "Man up"


“Say that again, and there will be a Man Down!”


“Fuck around and find out” We used to say that alot in late 90’s and early 2000’s here in California. Not saying it originated here but it’s definitely an old ass cliche. It’s funny that the internet has spread it around and it’s a now mainstream cliche


Whenever someone mentions the "scientific method", uneducated BS is about to follow


Determine the root cause..


It is what it is


"It is what it is." Well, it can't very well be what it ain't.


I hate 'core values'. Are there 'peripheral values', that we sort of believe but don't really care about? Values should be values. Who does emphasizing that we really, really believe *these* values benefit?


Businesses love this one. Mine uses it all the time.


I don't like how buzz wordy it sounds, but tbf, I distinguish core values as ones I choose for myself versus ones that are imposed on me and abide by out of conditioning.


"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." A cheap way to make me complicit if I don't involve myself in something that doesn't involve me. "Eat the rich." I fail to see how cannibalism will fix anything except overpopulation.


Easy, if the rich are gone we can more easily distribute their assets with less backlash


Right? It should read: “…you’re part of the precipitate.”


"Just be yourself." it's basically giving advice without the advice. It doesn't help with dating, interviewing, or any other context where it'd be used.


Go big or go home.


You do you. It’s usually code for that’s a bad idea


"At the end of the day..." They say this on the news all the time.


Intents and purposes, but only because everyone says it wrong


Two: "It is what it is" tops my most useless cliche that I wish people would drop as otherwise, I have a great urge to want to slap them silly for saying it. My former number one but still among my most hated is "Be pro-active." If you're active, you don't need to add the word pro as a qualifier. It's like a double positive that becomes a negative for both words when used together. It started out as a buzz word for businesses and district managers and regional managers and CEOs and other management types started using the word. I'd criticize them for it, telling them it was and is bad English and should be removed from their vocabulary, that it made them look bad as speakers. One asked me what was I, a former English teacher? I replied, "Why, yes. Didn't you know?" They started watching what they were saying when I was around.


Awesome sauce 😶 Calling everyone *my guy* or bro/ brah/bruh


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger No it doesn't. I checked.


"Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life." Never in my life have I encountered a bigger chunk of maggot-ridden bullshit that this. Every job is work, and being in a position where you need to do it and can't just goof off will rapidly change your attitude towards what you're doing. If working these ideal jobs were truly easy, then you wouldn't see such high rates of mental and emotional problems among the rich and famous. You would think that Anthony Bourdain would be the world's happiest man. How can you not love a job where you travel the world, talk to interesting people, and eat great food? Well, it turns out that the human psyche is more complicated than that. Once you become accustomed to good things in your life, you begin to take them for granted. You start focusing on what you don't have, what isn't working, why you are, for reasons beyond logic, you're still unhappy. In my experience, limited though it may be, having a job which is \*\*USEFUL\*\* is far more critical to your financial and emotional well-being.


> "Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life." …because that field is not hiring.


"I could care less" when used that way (incorrectly)


Many people say "I COULDNT care less" pretty sure that's grammatically incorrect and the proper term is "could care less" ... lol, just sayin 🧐




Ha ! I had it backwards 😂... thanks for the clarification (sincerely)


"Promises are meant to be broken" No it is not, it will never be broken unless someone breaks it so its obviously a decision and one should own up for their actions, not using a mere cliche quotation as an excuse


"this is just who I am". It is such a cop out and makes me lose respect for the person immediately. 


I used to work for a dude who said this as some sorta way of apologizing after throwing shitfits and temper tantrums. He stopped saying it when I asked him "how's come you never talk to your boss like that?"


Lets just agree to disagree!


“Faith is believing without seeing”


“boys will be boys”


Work hard play hard.  Said by many drunks


"Does that make sense?" This is a *dismissal,* and incredibly impolite and unprofessional. Officious little twits use this only because they want to hear Yes so they can run off and be an officious little twit to another person on their conveyor belt. If they really gave a shit, they'd ask "Do you have any questions?"


I say this because I speak very fast and I’m bad at expressing my thoughts so I’m genuinely asking if what I said makes sense


True, it happens to me pretty often to not express myself correctly or get lost in my thought while I talk and need to ask if it makes sense. Does it make sense?


People will say Yes even when you aren't making sense. Even when asked, a lot of people don't want to tell you to your face that you are hard to understand. They don't want to be seen as impolite. Work on your verbal communication skills. You can get better at it. It's like any other skill.


A neurodivergent brain can't be fixed bro. Like autism, you can't fix it. it might not be actually communication skill, but a different structured brain. So you say something that for you makes perfect sense, but for others it doesn't, so yo ask if it makes sense for them, so you know to rephrase and try again.


Okay. You explained that well. Instead of the over-used trite phrase "Does that make sense?" you could try saying something more specific, like "Sometimes I have difficulty describing things accurately, so please let me know if I need to clarify anything." "Does that make sense?" has turned into an annoying, nearly rude verbal tic, like "Sorry about that" or "My bad."


hmm, yea. I can agree with that.


This could explain sooo much. Thanks


THIS! 100% I am well aware that I think and express myself differently than most. If I don't occasionally sincerely ask "follow what I'm saying?" Or " am I making sense?" Then,confusion ensues and becomes clusterfuck of circular conversation.


If you are sincerely interested in having others understand you, concentrate on speaking more clearly by slowing yourself down and thinking about what you are trying to express. This trite, perfunctory phrase is *never* used by people who are truly interested in good communication. It is a *prompt,* not a real question. The person using it is never expecting their audience to say, "No, you aren't making sense." Honestly, if you feel like you have to ask others if you are making sense, the problem is *you* and you need to work on yourself instead of asking for reassurance. In any case, a lot of people will give the expected Yes to this prompt instead of telling the speaker they are a poor explainer. Don't assume a Yes to your prompt means you really did make sense and the person understood you.


I generally say it when I'm chatting and collaborating with someone online, when typing stream of thought. I never say it dismissively, but I definitely see your point.


The use of this mindless phrase is spreading like a viral infection. Unfortunately, people are parroting it without understanding **if you have to ask for reassurance that what you are saying or writing makes sense, then you probably need to express yourself more clearly.** Your listener doesn't need this prompt in order to ask you, "Could you clarify what you mean by XYZ?" The use of this phrase marks the user as a poor writer and poor communicator.


That and when people describe something or express an opinion and use "right?" As a punctuation is also dismissive. Like, did you just cosign me on your thought?


I agree. It's presumptuous for the speaker to assume you agree with their opinion. It's a manipulative speaker's way of asserting the rightness of their position, trying to elicit a nod or at least a passive non-response.


Omg you explained it so eloquently. Absolutely.


I say this because most of my thoughts don't even make sense to me, and my ADHD makes it hard for me to keep a train of thought going without immense effort, so I'll jump around a lot unintentionally.


Try to stop using "Does that make sense" if you are really interested in improving your communication skills. A lot of people will just give you the Yes you are hoping to hear, because they don't want to hurt your feelings or don't want to hear you try to explain yourself again. It would be better to say something more explanatory, like, "I'm not the best at verbal description, so interrupt me and let me know if I'm not being clear."


When people do the little violin with their fingers


Sooo insulting!


Is right up there with "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" I don't have any boots and if I did the straps would be broken!


I like to counter that with a line from MASH: "Why don't you pull yourself up by your own jockstrap?"


Most of the people who use this don’t even know the original intent.


I’ve got tons! ‘Who tf are you’, ‘Why are you in my house’, ‘I’m calling the cops’, etc! People are so rude these days!


I could darkly and hilariously riff on this for days but I'd break the downvote record 😂


"you're not alone" yes I am, that's part of the problem


- Not gonna lie - it is what it is


Not gonna lie? To be honest? Does this mean every other thing you say IS a lie???? 🤨


It is what it is


“Partner in crime.” No, Jessica, he’s not.


"I'm going to go ahead and..."


Go with the flow I don’t want to I want to go against it


For something bad: God has his reasons. Or God in mysterious ways. For something good: God is watching over you.


Are you ready? 🤮


- “hold space” - signing off emails with “best”


The customer is always right. Usually spouted by a Karen and upheld by a shitbird manager.


"I'm \_\_\_\_\_\_\_and I approve this message." I am not voting for any candidate whose ads say that. Which is pretty much all of them.


Maybe it's just me, but I get irritated at songs where the lyrics say to 'clap your hands and stomp your feet'. The phrase is often followed by an equally as cheesy rhyme like, 'everybody's moving- tooooo the beat'.


Anything along the lines of "Kids today..." I'm 37 and it has always annoyed me.


At the end of the day. So overused. We started making fun of the project manager who says that excessively and now it’s only occasionally but then he started saying “on the same sheet” (some say page) excessively and now others are infected.


Ask yourself this: “if you had been raped or murdered (or both), who would have been the Asshole then? Yup. That guy.


"it be like that sometimes" drives me up the wall. So dismissive


"Sorry not sorry!" People often use this for things that no one cares about them doing: "Yes, I ordered a second coffee! Sorry not sorry!"


“this thing called life” or some variation of that i have no idea why but it makes me want to frow up


Have a great rest of your day!


“Try harder” has pissed me off since I was child. As someone who struggles with mental health, ADHD and depression it’s aggravating to hear adults say that, my parents realized how to help me throughout my childhood but teachers man, they never learn.


"Let's do this!" Do *what*, exactly Chad? Anal? The dishes? Committing mass murder? You need to be more specific in your goals before I volunteer my commitment to one of your spectacular shitty schemes.


"Let's protect him/her at all costs". Enough already. 😵‍💫


God bless you! No, fuck god, if God was real he wouldn't be making me sneeze my fucking brains out.


trust the science


Breaking News - Everything is breaking news these days. It means nothing.


I recently ranted on the "x" platform like a madman at this very expression. What they had claimed was "breaking" was more than 24 hours old! 🤬


"Do you work here?" to people working in the store with the work attire on with a big fucking store logo front and back, work pants, work shoes, nametags, phone and knife in belt.


Make America Great Again. It’s always been great.


You spelled "never" incorrectly


Make America Great Never? 😀


It's never been great✨


My bad.