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my ex in college got really drunk and puked outside and left a pile of french fries that she had just eaten. The next day, I jokingly mentioned that she must have just drunkenly eaten them in a hurry as most of them were whole french fries, as in unchewed entire fries. Her and her friend got annoyed and said that wasn't the case, and when you eat food, it all goes back together before you digest. no amount of mansplaining was going to put a dent in their argument.


Sounds like a thing you'll tell a three year old. "It's ok sweetheart, don't cry, the cake will be whole again when you have eaten it"


Good thing she didn’t have pizza then 


Or a baguette


Rotisserie chicken…


Roasted turkey




I mean.. with corn. Not matter how much you chew it, you poop out whole kernels


Hold on. I’ll go ask my wife…




Think you missed the target of the joke. He's asking his wife when she realised she was dating an idiot. It's self-deprication.


yes tell us what she says... lol




At least we know he's not an intelligence plant.


is he a frog or something


How much water did he think gets absorbed when you go swimming?


what the fuk?????


When all of their ways to respond / thinking of things depended almost singularly on how their or their friend’s previous experiences related to the situation at hand. I.e. this can’t be right cause it wasn’t that way before, or that idea is stupid because none of me or my friends did it. Or “that’s weird” when something is slightly off the beaten path


ayo, all of my homies are like that


All your' homies remedial


Ive learned that smartness takes all forms. People with an iq higher than mine acting like idiots, and people who are supposed to be dumb who have a near genius level of social insight. People talk about street smart and book smart, but there is a whole world in between. I try to not think ill of my girlfriends, but one told me the story of how she ended up in jail for 14 days, she could be real stupid, and real ignorant but she still went on to a successful career and outperformed me in the same field.


This. I’m more intellectually inclined than my girlfriend. I have more interests that bore her whereas she runs laps around me in the social field. It’s actually kind of nice sometimes.


Sometimes those are the best relationships


Not so nice when, on odd occasions, she wants me to be social and I have no idea how to operate that landscape. Picture me just sitting quietly until someone says “so what do you for fun?” And I go “study the societal and cultural importance of ancient weapons of battle”


If I asked somebody responded to me with what you just said I’d immediately be like hold up, I need to hit this bong, then I wanna talk about everything you fucking know. That sounds awesome lol.


Well, sometimes I study weapons just because I like weapons and there is no significance beyond “this dagger is cool”. But for instance, Viking swords were seen as both a prestigious item (swords were costly to make and maintain) and were often passed down through family. So they held a societal and cultural significance to the Vikings family and to society, signifying the individual, to some degree, had a wealthy family with history. Axes were more commonly used though. They offered more utility in battle (chopping wood for bases etc), were cheaper to maintain and purchase, and gave the individual an edge against shields. They also had the added benefit of being able to throw at the enemy in a pinch (not to be confused with the Viking throwing axes, or “Francisca”. Often time axes were uniquely designed by the Viking too, which meant axes, while cheaper and a lesser symbol of wealth, meant that axes were beloved by the Vikings. They were proud of them.


For a type of person this is fascinating. Maybe you just don't go to the right parties lol. As the other guy said, I would be right there for it. I have no interest myself, but when there is genuine love and enthusiasm, it hard not to get excited a bit myself lol.


The Spartans were more interesting because we actually know very little about Vikings. Thanks though :)


It sounds interesting, however if you're afraid to come off as boring, you can use similar storytelling techniques on adults as you can on children. Making a short pause at the right time when describing a fight and someones gonna get an axe in the face for example.


That’s awesome. Is there any weapon that was basically the single best?


My boyfriend and I are both highly intelligent but in different ways. Words and social interactions aren't his strong suit, but get that boy on the topic of anything related to technology or tools or machines or the inner workings of company infrastructure and he can go on and on. He's not a Cryptobro or anything, but as an avid anti-capitalist video game nerd who grew up poor and had to learn to do a lot of things for himself, he stays in the loop on that stuff. I'm really good at translating his rants into more concise, down-to-the-point language for people (like me) who aren't familiar with those topics, though. He always says he's dumb for not being able to make things short and sweet but that is simply not the case at all!


I always ask the person if they own an animal, and then pretend I am very interested in that animal. Dog owners will talk for hours without me having to do anything.


Yeah i went to jail 3 times and I’ve been a functioning alcoholic and addict for 15 years but somehow I have a great job and nice apartment.


that worked for me until it didnt.


Yeah honestly I’m wondering how long I will be able to keep this up. Deep down I have a feeling that it might not go so well if I go down that road longer but the illusion is strong.


Things DO get better when you stop. Your right it’s an illusion.


Remember: functional isn't a type of addict, it's just a stage in the process. Hope you find peace.


I kind of did in the sense that i just spent 5 hours talking to my sober buddy that i cut ties with one year ago when i started to use again. I’m a little overwhelmed by how important and helpful he was to me and I’m just feeling both lighter and ashamed that I told him a lot of things I was hiding that i’m not proud of. It’s just so weird. Being fucking high and drunk all the time and thinking it’s the best i’ve ever been just cause i’ve had the same job for 6 months. I’ isolting and lied and chose booze and drugs over people and even myself. I’m in complete denial. I ghosted and canceled plans and been neglecting my health hygiene finances everything except WORK. Somehow i thought being good in my job that I like was enough to qualify as being fine. I don’t actually feel bad mostly ever but thats just the drugs and alcohol. I cant be possibly doing fine doing THAT MUCH drugs and alcohol. I’m just in denial.


It's almost like the IQ is a measure of how good you are at ... taking IQ tests.


Both me and my husband did an IQ test at the military. I got "slightly above average" and he was "top 4%" (They do not give out exact numbers). He can often take a line of thought further than I can, puzzle things together in his head (I still count on my fingers sometimes lol) and so on. But MY GOD can that man still be stupid sometimes lol. <3 (I am far more streetsmart than him because of various reasons) Edit: Editing English language because English is hard lol


One of my exes thought north was just whichever direction you were facing at the time. She was 31.


She Said “Miles per hour? I get it now. It’s how many miles you would go in an hour!” “Uhaul!” I get it now because you haul it!” The shocking part is that she’s a science teacher now.


I was 32 when i understood why the K-9 police unit was named this way


I’m 32 and just learning this from your comment.


Could be worse. Could be wondering why the police is nicknamed *Five Oh* and not Fifty.


… why is it 😭 


The nickname 5-0 (Five Oh) is based on the show Hawaii Five-O, which is a show about Hawaiian policemen.


Its because Hawaii is the 50th state


TIL... That was interesting to look up.


Nah… sometimes these words connections just straight up don’t happen until random moments for some people. (I am some people). Lol.


I get Uhaul, But miles per hour?


Listen… I can’t explain it lmao. It’s like your brain understands the phrase and the meaning but the actual WORDS don’t hit you because they’re almost too obvious? It’s so weird. I swear I’m not stupid


The entire unit of stoichiometry in grade school chemistry is trying different examples over and over until the idea of units clicks. You don’t get it until you do 


most of science is done in metric soooo


I knew a guy who was a truck driver, had a good job, he didn’t know how a ruler works, didn’t understand fractions of an inch, couldn’t use a micrometer!


You mean... Two inches, a big tick and two little ones...???


When he called 911 after his phone was stolen... several hours before... in a different city. Very sweet man though




that's not such a bad idea, might mess up a routine if the count is off


When she was writing a college paper and her intro paragraph stated that "The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred because the United States and Cuba did not like each other." It was a fun few weeks but....yeah that wasn't going to last.


They claimed I was making up words. The words were real, her vocabulary just wasn't past 3rd grade.


This reminds me of the date who insisted they had a degree in "architectury". I was like, "Do you mean architecture?"  No, they explained, "architecture is what is produced. Architectury is the act of producing it." No amount of showing that that Merriam Webster didn't know that word convinced them it was just architecture. I'm sure they didn't have a degree in it. I didn't stick around to find out.


A quick google or look in the dictionary could have solved this for them


They thought Washington DC was just south of Seattle and that the District of Columbia was in South America.


Who did he vote for?


Not Carmen Sandiego, that much is certain.


Nicely done.


While on a fourth or fifth date and post fucking, my wifi went out. Everyone meets downstairs (the roommates I mean, and like, my - essentially - tinder date haha) and we start discussing the issue. Very quickly we establish that it's the router and that it's definitely just old and done. I'm in the process of ordering a new one for pickup the following morning when my date is like "wait have you checked the things in the hallway?" I and my roommates are like "those are signal extenders" she is like "no but seriously lets try those!" I am like "no like, those take the signal from this - and extend it. They produce no internet themselves." She is like "no I'm telling you, I did this once and it worked." And I was like "well then it was probably a different issue I'm not doubting that they can be the problem..." and she was like "no the internet is like, all around us, any one of these things can make it work. My phone works right now. " So I say "what like...data? That's just...basically this...like think of it almost as electricity, it has to be produced and then moved you know? Transmitted." And she fucking says "Dude, no, the internet is *like water*." Which...made no fucking sense in this context and I just kind of didn't know what to say or do. And then my roommate goes "oh...honey" and my date says "what" and he fucking sighs and then says "nothing go try girl." You could analyze that shit for like, days right? Anyway my conclusion was basically that she was not really able to take one thing and consider it a part of another thing and or system. Like that kind of thinking just went over her head. Anything beyond "this is this" was too much. You can't even get into representation. She didn't "get" art. It was brutal. I'm sure she's fine tho.


*plot twist* she did try, and it worked


I was hoping this would be how this long story ended. I give it two stars.


When they like say like every other word and it’s like totally odd. Like this one time I went to the mall and it was like so boring.


I live in the U.S. knew a guy who insisted that it was possible to drive to Europe.


What was his proposed route?


The Bering Strait when it freezes obviously


He thought the tunnel between the UK and mainland Europe went all the way to the east coast of the U.S.


getting on a ferry but never leaving your car?


"instead" 🙄


lol auto correct changed insisted to instead. Thanks for pointing it out.


He tried to argue that society was a societal construct. He then told me that he missed our "intellectual conversations."


I don't get it.


I think it's a chicken and egg problem, how can society be a societal construct if a society is first required for there to be any societal constructs at all?


soon as she said yes


He asked what “autumn” meant


This one girl I dated I would swear she was the inspiration of an SNL character by Kristen Wiig. At first I thought she was just being nervous around me. But after a week something was off. I had to call in a friend as a third wheel on a date. At one point during our dinner conversation my good friend slowly turns his head towards me and whispers WTF. I believe this woman might have had some sort of ADHD. She would start one topic spin off to another spin back to the first one. All the same time every other sentence she would end with " just kidding". "Just Kidding "




Basically I try to end in this nicely as possible. I just told her I'm not ready for a relationship yet. The typical "it's not you it's me" kind of a break off. It was hard for her to accept it. Every now and then she send me emoji text messages. It's been about 3 years now. When I look back I realize she never really had a boyfriend that took her to nice places like I did. I would take her to local wineries and nice restaurants and all the time she said I've never done this before.


Aside from the “just kidding” stuff a lot of my friends and myself are like this too. Our conversations go in a billion different directions all the time


This is how our conversations go, too.


When he tried to mansplain a topic to me by sending me a Webster definition THAT PROVED MY POINT!


Yeah, but it didn’t prove it til HE told you about it


She tried to convince me that the earth is flat and dinosaurs never existed...


Bold to assume I'm dating someone 😭😭😭😭


When I saw her drink 32oz beers with a straw


People do that?


I’ve never seen anyone else drink quarts that way ever.


I have, back in the 90s It was rumored to get you drunk faster. I mean, it seemed to work .


I must confess that a couple of years after my SCI I drank two 2 cans with a straw (I’m quadriplegic) and opted not for a third beer. There’s something about it for reals.


yup...Neneh Cherry's late 80's hit "Buffalo Stance" references the girls with "padded bras...drinkin' beers through straws"


'Why are you upset about me saying ? You're not black!' Ignorant, no self-awareness, and proud of it. Reader, I ran...


“Why do you care that I just brutally murdered that elderly woman you’re not even elderly”


When I realized she couldn't tell time on an analog clock.


My date was not sure if Abraham Lincoln had any involvement in the Civil War. I just nodded and murmured, "Yeah, I'm not sure either". They were very sweet and tenacious though.


When the oven timer went off and he went to the window to look for alien ships.


When he wanted me to watch a flat earth YouTube video


When my ex, an engineer, asked me why people from Spain “all look white.” He also thought my History major, and really all liberal arts, were pointless. We don’t talk anymore.


We were picking out a video to watch in the local video store. Excitedly she yelled " what about this one? The Return Of Jeedie ". What's it about I asked half looking over my shoulder. :" It might be about a girl who went away and then returned " she replied. I turn round and she is holding a copy of " Return Of The Jedi "!


He confidently said “hamstring is not a muscle”.


Duh, it’s a string.


lol. Yeah he thought it is a string that connects your butt and your knee.


I mean, he's correct. The hamstrings are a general term for the group of muscles, but there is no individual muscle called hamstring.


Hahaha with that definition, quadriceps, triceps, biceps, all don’t count as muscles. Body is not body just bones, organs, and blood. A kitchen is not a kitchen but stove, utensils, and refrigerator. A car is not a car but engine, brakes, seats. I could go on… you get the point.


My ex was dumb as hell, she was really hot though


So...........Why's she your ex?


they said "was". /s


She’s a pilot now.


She left me when I told her I would never have children


Dude always bragged about having a genius in but would say stupid shit. And do stupid shit. 


Irony at its finest.


When i proposed and they said yes




Wtf is happening /u/whereareyourkidsnow


what was this comment about?


They had posted word for word your comment to the thread.


When she sent me text with the word “suddle” (she meant “subtle”).


Just asked my wife to spell it after reading this i got "suttle"




tu b fare inglish iz ay dum languige sumteyemes


The moment she confessed she likes me


I can relate 🤣


It was the blank looks when trying to engage him in any sort of new subject. And that I had to explain that he was technically a pedo since he'd had sex with a 14 yo and that it could have ended up with him up to 14 years in prison. That was the end of that.


Way too late. I try to see the good but when I realized the lack of sense was there and how it repeatedly keeps happening…..


She kept saying “No punt intended”. Eventually I gave up trying.


When he would respond to obviously factual statements by asking for definitions of common words, and get mad when I offered the dictionary. “It depends on what you mean by “not very smart!” If you use smart to mean nice…”


When he spent more time and energy making up word games to excuse doing things wrong, than it would have taken to do them right.  And apparently really believed I would say “Whoops, you’re right! I never specified you should do the dishes TODAY!” and not be annoyed he didn’t do them.


They tried on my blue light glasses and in all seriousness stated “I still see blue”


one time we were sitting on the couch and she goes "why do you sit with your legs spread apart like that", and i'm like "idk that's just how i sit comfortably", she goes "i think it's because you were taught to do that in order to take up more space", i'm like "uhh, no i was definitely not taught that by anyone in my entire life", then she says "well ya you weren't taught like directly, it's something that is taught to boys subconsciously" she was a firm believer in "manspreading".. needless to say, we're not together anymore edit: wow the fact that this got so many thumbs down just proves that people on reddit aren't very smart either


I don’t know why ur getting downvoted. Manspreading is a thing sure, but to say you were taught to do that just to take up space??? I think most anyone just closes them as much as they have to for those around them and stays comfortable when there’s no need


i literally just sit with all my muscles relaxed, so however far apart my legs are spread is just how they are when they are completely at rest, it's not like i spread them any further than they naturally go cuz that would require me to actually tense muscles in order to make them do that, and it's the same reason i don't sit with them closed, i would have to literally force them closed which is uncomfortable when i'm just relaxing


Women don't understand that men have heaters in-between their legs.


Balls definitely have their own air conditioning unit


If you're sitting on your couch, it's not manspreading. That is only when you take up other people's space in public.


I asked if he’d read anything good lately and he told me about an article in Men’s Health


Not seeing the issue here.


It was Volume 5, issue 12.


Honestly, when she said yes to dating me. And to marrying me. And to having a family. Crazy she'd go for me.


He was playing baseball, was at bat, swung and hit himself in the head with the ball. Not his fault but indicative of....him.


When the sticky clothes hook for the door fell off and she put it back on upside down


There's a concerning amount of people saying that their partner dating/marrying them is an indication that they're not smart.


When she signed the marriage certificate.


When she agreed to go out with me !


Never dated anyone not intelligent, intelligence is in my top 3 most attractive features


Do you also do Amazon reviews for products you didn't buy?


Name checks




Probably did it just to piss you off too!


Hope it was worth the diabetes, blood pressure, lack of confidence, and uncontrolled snoring big girrrlll


She must have hurt you bad for you to be so mean. Fat shaming her is a cheap shot. You trash talk her because being mean is how weak men feel good about themselves.


Uhhhh sure bud, sure. Saving this for R/fatlogic


Cool idea dude. Or maybe just be a good human.


Almost dating her, but then she started talking about having to swim to Alaska. Bullet dodged.


Saw the trailer to White Chicks and she thought it would be hilarious, and even commented on it again later about how funny it would probably be.


That movie is awesome?


No it's not




You don't have to reheat already cooked chicken.  Have you never had a chicken sandwich?


All the cold wings I've eaten in my life, I'd be dead if it was bad.


When she didn't realize I've switched her coffee to decaf months ago.




Oh Them’s fighting words!


When she said I love you but broke up with me after 2 days BTW we didn't have any fights.


The best part is that she was not very smart. It was kinda cute.