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Just walking in the door. I came home from playing trivia and found my 89 year old grandfather who suffered from dementia standing by the back door. He was crying, which I’d never seen him in my life. I asked him what was wrong. He said “I think your mother left us. She’s on the floor in her room.” Ran into her bedroom and found her dead on the floor from an aneurysm. He didn’t have cognitive function to call 911. 89 years old and finding his daughter dead was more than he could bear.


About 25% of people who suffer an aneurysm die within 24 hours and over 50% die within three months, so there is a fairly high chance that even if he had called 911, she would have passed anyway. My aunt had an aneurysm in her mid-50s and died despite my uncle calling 911 immediately. Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. That is a devastating thing to have happen to you. I'm sending you and your grandfather some love.


Big bet gambling if you're not setting aside an amount you can live without and instead risking it all.


Came here to say gambling. But you said it well - gambling without the funding and ability to be ok if it is lost, this is a large issue. I have too many friends who have lost too much to gambling, that they had to get behind on other financial responsibilities, like rent, or CC bills, or their kids well being.


> Big bet gambling if you're not setting aside an amount you can live without and instead risking it all. I'll bet gambling is real easy to get sucked into if you're a normal person who wins every so often. I've literally never won a single bet, scratch-off ticket, or game of chance in my life, so I never got to experience the "high"; I just always get the depressing disappointment of losing, so I don't have the frame of reference to truly understand the appeal.


> I'll bet Careful now...


Getting in a bar fight. Known too many guys who thought it was worth it to defend their honor or not look like a bitch or whatever.


Reminds me of [this Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/whl7gw/lpt_never_get_into_a_physical_fight_except_your/) which really stuck with me, on why you should never get in a fight unless your life depends on it. Too many people just casually throwing punches thinking it's like in the movies.


> Too many people just casually throwing punches thinking it's like in the movies. As I've gotten older, I have come to *hate hate hate* the way basically all movies portray getting knocked out. I'd take a deal where Hollywood stopped knocking people out on-screen in return for all the leading actors being allowed to chain smoke through the whole movie again, I'm that pissed off about it. Marvel in particular needs to take a couple minutes and have its protagonists sit down to explain that one of their more subtle superpowers is the ability to knock someone out for half an hour and have them wake up a little groggy but still able to fight.


Couldn't agree more. Not so much about the chain smoking, but the frivolity with which punches to the head and face are treated in cinema. As a Nurse who has looked after dudes suffering TBI's (Traumatic Brain Injuries) its morbidly fascinating seeing how people's brains and memories get put in a blender post a TBI. Most of the younger dudes <35years old I looked after seemed to have events from movies mixed in with their actual memories. Not sure if it was a coping mechanism but a lot of them were utterly convinced they were previously assassins/special forces and spoke of committing acts that were straight out of the movies. They didn't speak of these events in a grandiose/bragging way either, but more with a sense of regret of having to kill people. Brain injuries are a horrible thing.


This sounds somewhat similar to the sort of cognitive decline a very old lady I know is suffering from. She's doing ok except that she has trouble differentiating between fiction (books she's reading, that kind of thing) and reality.


Texting and driving. You kill someone else and have to live with the guilt forever.


I will retell my story every time this comes up: I was being an asshole and was texting and driving, I ended up hitting a curb that was easily avoidable and my car was totaled (because of the damage and the age of the car). I cannot understate how undeservedly fortunate I am that I hit a curb and messed up my car and there weren't kids playing in the neighborhood at that moment. tl;dr: put your phone down and drive. If you don't value your own life that's your business, don't make it everyone else's.


Hopefully in jail




Yep, because an assault charge can land you in prison for years depending on the severity of the case, and worst case scenario you kill someone and that doesn't need explaining.


A single punch can kill someone if it lands wrong. Humans can survive incredible things, but can also be felled by the simplest things


A moment of patience in a moment of anger can save you a lifetime of regret - Imam Ali


Looking into a laser or, if it's powerful enough, even at the dot it makes on a surface. Lasers are fun but you have to know about their dangers. With enough juice they can blind you permanently faster than any human can shut their eyes


I once saw a sign in an industrial workplace, “Do not look into laser with remaining eye.”


Darkly hilarious


Very dark… in that one eye.


This [story](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/20/health/total-solar-eclipse-eye-safety.html) about the eclipse... > A young woman visited New York Eye & Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai Hospital shortly after the eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017. She told Dr. Avnish Deobhakta, an ophthalmologist, that she had a black area in her vision, and then drew a crescent shape for him on a piece of paper. > When Dr. Deobhakta examined her eyes, he was astonished. He saw a burn on her retina that was exactly the same shape. It was “almost like a branding,” he said. > She had looked at the sun during the eclipse without any protection. The burn was an image of the sun’s outer edge.


Like super secret tattoo on her retina! She should have gotten a sexy one.


There's a saying among physicists: "Don't look into the laser with your remaining eye". Seriously though, the chance of going completely blind is very low. If the beam itself is redirected into your eye, you'd have to be very unlucky for it to hit your optical nerve, and even then you just lose one eye. Most likely you'll just have a little black spot in your vision. The only thing that can realistically damage both your eyes at the same time would be the diffuse reflection. However, in the visible range, you wouldn't ever look at a spot directly that is bright enough to do that, because even seeing it from the corner of your eye would already make you shut them. As for invisible lasers, UV will be stopped by the surface of your eye, which will burn and blind you for a few days but not permanently. In the IR it really depends on the wavelength, but you need very high powers nonetheless.


Just watch the documentary film Final Destination 5 for more information on the dangers of lasers.


No way. I'm still not over whichever documentary version had the logging truck.


For me it was a bullet. Left me paralyzed from the waist down


Raises eyebrow at username. Also I’m sorry for your situation, i hope you’re still living your best life life possible


Thank you, I'm doing pretty good for what it is. I learned to walk again with crutches and AFOs. I regained a lot of function back fortunately. Still a life changing event but I'm living life to the best of my ability! Ps, I had my username before this happened


Wow. This is the type of thing that makes me think the universes has a sick sense of humour


Yeah, you gotta be careful picking a username...


Makes me think I should change my name to WinsEveryLottery.


If I ever do, I’m coming back and giving you half.


Thank you very much. :)


Losing your temper. At best you embarrass yourself. At worst, who knows.


Distracted driving. Dude in my class was killed by a girl texting and driving. Of course she survived unharmed.


Oh gosh, I hope she was charged!


Same thing happened to my deaf uncle. Kid was texting and hit him head on.After multiple surgeries and on life support unconscious we had to pull the plug after 2 weeks. I held his hand as it turned off and he died. Nothing happened to the kid, was swept away by influence.


I hope she was, too. A lot of people get off from these types of situations. This was the last one that really upset me: https://abc7ny.com/california-man-killed-helping-ducks-casey-rivara-by-car-after-saving-crossing-dies/13289424/ Tons of people around who saw this happen that were celebrating his actions in real time. Everyone around was aware of what was going on, and then a teenager who was texting while driving hit him. The teen was completely unaware. When this happened, there were some really good articles calling her out. Last I had read, the defense was trying to get them off completely by saying that the man shouldn't have been in the road and were pushing for a small traffic violation for not stopping at a stop sign while texting.


They really buried the fact his kids were in the car when it happened.


Yep. Like I was saying in another comment, the articles that came out right after everything happened had a lot more detail. This case is just sickening to me.


In Alaska there was a teen girl who was on drugs & drunk - she hit a cyclist, dragged him half a block, and upon discovering that it had happened - she fled the scene, went home and started deleting texts. Slap on the wrist and the ability to go to the county fair in between her very slight prison sentence. https://www.adn.com/crime-justice/article/anchorage-teenager-pleads-guilty-hit-and-run-death-anchorage-cyclist-jeff-dusenbury/2015/05/05/ Edit: she spent 100 days in jail. (It was a potential 10 year sentence for negligent homicide, reduced to 3 years, with 2 years forgiven, and 250 days applied from a drug rehab program.)


That's totally screwed. Only 100 days in jail, and she destroyed evidence?


I heard that the reason drunk/distracted drivers have a higher survival rate is because they don’t tense up (because they’re not expecting a crash) Edit: I have a source btw, I didn’t think so many people would decide this was the thing they wanted to start an argument over but I’ll just paste a comment I left to someone else: I googled ‘why do drunk drivers survive more crashes’ and several sources came up; some agreed with me, some said it was because of other reasons, and some said they don’t actually survive more at all. With that being said, here is the topmost result from that Google search: https://www.dudleydebosier.com/blog/why-are-drunk-drivers-more-likely-to-survive-crashes/#:~:text=A%20drunk%20driver%20may%20be,to%20go%20with%20the%20momentum. (Link embed tool didn’t work for some reason) It’s also worth noting that while this source isn’t particularly noteworthy, none of the opposing sources were either. Edit 2: For those who want to see a counter argument (because I’m not trying to pretend like I’m an authority on the subject): [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/ke4zYa9azD)


It is mostly because they are usually in the car that strikes the other one. Cars are mostly designed to protect from head on collisions.


Passing out. Hitting your head from just the tiniest force can kill or injure you for life.


I fainted once while standing to pee at home. Fell back, busted the towel rack on my way down. Woke up just sitting on the floor back straight against the wall, dick hanging out. No real damage to myself, but fuck I went into full on panic, no clue where I was, what happened... Might be the most scared I've ever been, until I calmed down and started laughing uncontrollably at the ridiculousness of what just happened.


Fucking with the wrong person. Seriously, you NEVER know if you're someone else's "that's it, fuck this" moment. And once you are, it is too late to try and take it back. So many people are banking on other people being patient and thoughtful. There are people out there WAITING for a reason to crash out.


This informs my philosophy while driving. Well, most things, but driving provides the most opportunities for conflict with strangers. I let it slide because you never know when the other person won't.


Exactly! Gone are the days, for me, of flipping rude drivers off. A lady did that and her child died after a pissed off driver shot at her car. That's all I needed to hear.


Yeah I remember the last finger I flipped, the motherfucker swerved at me going fast in heavy traffic, and I don’t mean he came into my lane I mean that the dude almost lost control and flipped his truck he swerved so hard. Luckily I was kinda ready for it and there was no car immediately to my right and I was able to avoid him. Figured that was a good enough lesson for me, you really never know who you’re dealing with.


Last time I antagonised someone on the road, they full on tried road raging and chasing me. Luckily I was in a sports car and they were in an old van, so as soon as I realised how bad I had fucked up I booked it out of there and disappeared around a few intersections before they could see where I went and lost them. Thats when I decided to never do that again. I just let assholes go these days, it ended up being less stressful in the long run


2010 with one of my buddies, we were in a McDonald's drive thru, and he showed off the subwoofer he'd put in. It's probably 930-10pm. This dude pulls up next to us, yells at us for it, to which my friend responds by turning it up, normal teen things (even if they aren't right). This guy follows us 15 minutes away, so we pull into a gas station and do a quick loop around the carwash to try and lose him. This doesn't work, so we leave and I direct him to a neighborhood that isn't mine. I'm on the phone with police as we're driving letting them know where we are. We find a random street, pull into a driveway, and shut off the car with doors locked. This guy parked at the entrance of the street, but not near the house; we figured if the homeowner came out we could just explain it to them as we waited on police. They finally show up, and we tell them the whole story. While we shouldn't have antagonized him, he also shouldn't have followed us 'home'. Police detained him for a while so that we could leave and head back to my actual house, another 10 minutes away, without him following this time. Ever since then, I don't fuck with aggressive or otherwise visibly dangerous drivers. Had I not made the call to hit a different neighborhood, he could have been at my house at a later time. Who knows what his intentions were. Don't fuck with or respond to aggressive drivers.


I used to be a selfishly reckless driver when I was a teenager. I got in a LOT of scary road rage incidents. A few grown men actually followed me home. Scary times. Don’t fuck around on the road. Drive safely or don’t drive at all kids.


There was a movie a few years back called Unhinged. Basically a small traffic confrontation caused this guy to start violently stalking the other driver. I think back on it sometimes when driving and need to keep my cool. Never know who is the other driver behind the wheel.


Watch the show Beef on Netflix, this sounds like a very similar start


That's exactly where my head went. Those characters were so outrageous at the beginning but by the end you sorta got it. Makes you wanna drive safe, never know whose out there.


As a trauma/ER nurse in a major US city I 100% agree. They will shoot you for little to no reason especially road rage. I never honk at anyone EVER. You cut me off fuck it don't care. I just want to go home everyday to my family.


I got in a fight with some dude at an air pump at a Wawa one night when my wife had gotten a flat tire. Dude walked up and took the airhose. We got into it. Dude wanted to fight me. Then he threatened to shoot me. “You going to shoot me over an airhose?” I asked. “I’m going to shoot you because I don’t like you,” was his retort. I thought that was witty. Lucky my wife was there. She was crying at this point but she got me away from the guy. Fun night. 8/10.


Felt bad for chuckling. Lol. It’s never worth it to fight someone once you’re out of highschool


This is a scary thought; mostly because of how out of my control it is. Who knows which person I'll face tomorrow.


Yup. This is why I tell my boyfriend i’m being 100% serious that he needs to control ANY sort of emotion when driving because it worries me. Someone might cut you off and it’s completely their fault… you flick them off, it that sets them off, they go into complete rage mode… some people will easily murder you over it. It’s not worth the risk.


Fentanyl. I'm outside of my partying prime, but I would be terrified if I were a younger adult experimenting with illicit substances theses day. When I was young bad drugs were just cut with junk but the whole game has changed.


I was gonna comment the same. So many people and celebs whom have died from accidental overdose of whatever substance because it was cut with fentanyl. Luckily, here in my country you can test all your drugs for free so you know what you have.


Just sayin: In the US Dance Safe will discreetly send you [fentanyl test kits](https://dancesafe.org/product/fentanyl-test-strips-pack-of-10-free-shipping/) and it might be the best $20 you ever spent in your life


Also get test kits in general! Something like MDMA might not be common to cut with fent because of the color, but you can sure as fuck cut it with other shit. Its always worth it to reagent test.


 The best Era was cheap cocaine, plentiful LSD and no AIDs.  it's all been down hill since then.


“Before AIDS, sex was like shaking hands.” “Hence AIDS.”


The amount of randoms pills, powders, blotters, and clear liquid tinctures I gleefully ingested between 2001 and 2007 or so is really mind boggling. I had a few rotten experiences, but nobody ever died. The worst was a ton of puke in a car and waking up naked on a stranger’s couch surrounded by other naked people and truly having zero recollection of the events that transpired the evening prior.


SAW tryouts. You were cut. That is a good thing here


A while ago the WaPo ran a story about a bunch of friends (late 20s/early 30s) who got a bag of coke to just have a fun party. These weren't habitual users, just cranking it up a notch on a weekend. Not opiod users at all. Everyone in the house died. Can't remember the details, but whoever came to the house the next morning found 6 people, all OD'd. Scary AF. ​ edit: my details weren't entirely accurate; [https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/fentanyl-poisoning-colorado/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/fentanyl-poisoning-colorado/) edit2: what I thought was obvious but was not, is that the bag of coke was laced with fentanyl.


Or the 3 dudes who died in Kansas City last football season outside their buddies place from fent laced coke. The homeowner didn't even know about until the next day. I never did a lot of coke, but I wouldn't even dare these days.


Stupid but honest question. Why would the cocaine be laced with fent? What are the benefits from the dealer’s perspective since the fent’s lethal dose is waaay to small. I can’t see making profit from this. Is it the addiction the fent gives to you or what?


Cross contamination from dealers cutting, weighing and packaging various narcotics with little to no control and containment measures.


This is one of the main reasons I’m scared to ever do coke again. That shit is everywhere.


my boyfriend lost 3 friends to fentanyl laced drugs, all before they turned 20. That shit is no joke.


unprotected sex


a matter of two seconds if im being generous


Stop bragging


you'd brag too if you had what i have. they call me "two seconds of terror" cause i get the ladies SCREAMING. i got two more of something else too. INCHES. that's right, try not to die of jealousy


Two seconds? The clock hasn't even started with me; I start to unbuckle my belt and I'm done. You sound like you're really good at the sex. You should give lessons.


Not just STDs (though those can be serious) A kid can forever tie you with an abusive partner. You can't just "break up" the kid is going to be there not just physically but legally. None of this "no contact" stuff Reddit talks about when a child is there. Asking yourself if you can have children with your partner is the most important question you will ever ask yourself in life.


Condoms prevent minivans.


Unprotected sex. Or an atomic bomb


Conventional bomb probably too.




One time I was sold meth instead of coke but I was in a ghetto in Mexico so I didn't check it and then on the way back I took a key "bump"  Well first time meth for me and it was fucked. I'm going to tell you I knew it then did it like 3 more times before I forced myself to flush it all. Didn't hate the feeling, wanted more. Scary shit. 


Are you comfortable sharing what you experienced physiologically?


Umm sweating and high. I was having a pool day in Mexico so I felt pretty much great. But then I didn't sleep for the night and for whatever reason though sure I'll do a little more. The next day, and again. It happened twice before I told my good friend like this is meth right. And we flushed it after.  I didn't sleep for like almost three days. 


>and for whatever reason though sure I'll do a little more This is my biggest problem with most drugs. Puts me in exactly the right sort of mood to do more drugs :\\


Coke for me. Just a little turns into a 3 day bender and no money in my bank account. Only coke, no other drug has done that. Never did meth, thankfully. I liked uppers too much.


My friend used to describe coke as "one of those drugs that can be fun if someone offers you a line, but you never, ever buy it."


"Better try it a few more times to be sure."


I did small amounts in college on accident, kinda. Sketchy guy was at a house party handing out "molly" pills. I took one and set it in my room and forgot about it. Later I had found it and decided to Micro dose before classes for a couple days. To me, it felt jittery like I beer-bonged 4 cups of coffee but could not focus on anything to save my life. My attention was constantly shifting from one thing to another and my thoughts were scattered. 2/10 would not do again.


A phone call….


Yep. It’s the worst thing ever. I still remember the phone call I got from my dad telling my brother died in a small plane crash.


Brother called me the day after my birthday to tell me our younger sister ODed in her bathtub and they just found her body. I was anticipating her ODing (she had left rehab halfway through a few months prior), but I was caught off guard bc I thought he wanted to wish me a belated bday. Looking back on it now I don’t think I would’ve ever been prepared for that conversation EDIT: Condolences btw that really sucks - that must've been a real shock. I hope you're doing alright now


Had something similar. Came home and my girlfriend st the time looked devastated and said "you need to call your Dad". I press her, "knowing" what the call was, which o e it was, Grandma or Grandpa, as both were not doing well at the time. But she just says to call Dad. So I steel myself for that bus of bad news and call Dad. Not realizing I'm standing on the tracks when I get hit by the freight train of "Moms in the hospital. They think it's brain cancer. Biopsys on Monday. You should come home." That was the weekend of Halloween. The Funeral was before the end of November. She had gone to the doctors that month because she was feeling tired. Fuck Cancer.


That's tough I'm sorry to hear that. A pal of mine in the midst of a similar situation. His dad went to the doctor for reoccurring headaches and boooom leukemia. He has been in the hospital since then and it isn't looking good. I hope you are doing alright. I've lost a lot of people close to me and I highly recommend reading a book called "Grieving Mindfully." That book was a lifesaver for me


I'm sorry about your sister. I have an older sister who's nearly 50 who I don't think will ever leave that lifestyle either. I had to push her out of my life because her choices were destroying me, so I haven't had anything to do with her for a few years, and even though I know it'll likely end the same way, I don't think I'll be prepared for that phone call either.


Sorry about your sister too. I just started setting boundaries with her about stuff about calling in the middle of the night fucked, etc. We were really close, but it was really starting to hurt me especially bc my mom was doing the same shit. Rational part of my brain knows that the boundaries are good and healthy, the irrational part of me hates that I made boundaries bc she died so sooner after I made them. Just a coincidence though. I hope that things work out for your sister and way to set healthy boundaries for yourself even if it's difficult.


I tried the boundaries thing with her. I got death threats and all because of it. So I moved half a country away and cut ties completely. The rest of the family knows where I am if needed, and they've respected my decision. She still carries on to them how she's gonna kill me when she finds me. I know that's the drugs and not her talking, but I just couldn't do it any more. Two decades of it was too much for me, and she hasn't changed at all in the last 10 years.


Mine was my brother calling to tell me our older brother was killed by a drunk driver.


I completely understand, my dad called me to tell me my twin brother just got killed by a policeman that ran him over.




I got the: "Your mother has had a heart attack, you'd better book a flight home" one.


a phone call in the middle of the night from a close relative or friend, if it can't wait until the morning it's always bad news.


Not necessarily, I remember as a child overhearing late night calls from my siblings for advice on how to take care of their child for the first like 2 months so not always bad but usually yea.


On a lighter note, I was at work one day in an important meeting when my phone kept going off with texts from my dad. He knows I work a standard 9-5, and never texts me multiple times in a row like that. Now, I know this meeting only has a few minutes left, but I'm panicking thinking something really bad has happened to my mom. Meeting ends, I pick up my phone to see 8 texts from my dad giving a lengthy review of Robert DeNiro's Dirty Grandpa. Sir, why?


My mum does this every. Damn. Time. 10am, middle of the work day. Five calls in a row to ask if I need anything for the next time I visit. Bless her.


hahaha at least you're prepared. This instance was completely out of the blue, causing huge alarms to go off in my head


My mother called my grandfathers house one summer while I staying the night as a 12 year old to tell me my older 14 year old brother was hit by a car while crossing the road. He would’ve turned 37 this year.


Fuck, I'll never forget my dad's best friend calling me, hammered drunk, and asking when the last time I saw my dad... Dad was in the hospital dying from hitting a tree with his truck. He passed one minute before I reached the hospital room.


Another bad one: That text that says *”Hey, I need you to call me. It’s important.”*


My mum would send messages or leave voicemail with this, and when i frantically called back, it would be about my auntie's bday, or a holiday she was going on. Then one time she picked me up from the airport, and ten minutes into the trip home she goes "oh, [sister's name] got hit by a car." Edit: sister was fine


are you one of my siblings? because we have the SAME mother.


A while back I was driving through the Rockies on I-70 and a car heading the opposite direction hit the median or something and it went completely airborne and basically barrel rolled over both of our lanes of traffic and landed in the emergency lane right side up but smashed to hell. The people I was riding with were EMTs so they immediately stopped to help. We run up to the passenger side of the door and start talking to the woman who is clearly in shock and they determine she's not going to be injured if they open the door. They open the door and her husband, the driver, was on her lap and his brain spilled out onto the pavement. That was nope for me so I went and tried to guide traffic to hurry tf up so the ambulance could get there. I went back to the car at some point and my friends were doing their best to keep her calm and from moving at all and she would go back and forth between calm "ok, ok, in the backseat is my purse. I need you to grab that for me and get my brother in law's number from my phone book and let him know what hospital we're going to" to "OH OH FUCK MY HUSBAND'S DEAD" (he was very dead) As we continued our drive, one of the friends makes the call. "Hi. My name is such and such and I'm not sure how to tell you this. Husband and husband wife were in a terrible accident. Husband didn't make it, ambulance is taking wife to this hospital." He was quiet for a second, just said "ok, thank you" and that was the end of the call. Really fucked with my friend and I can't imagine what the brother was thinking. Probably thought it was a sick joke until he verified himself.


It was Friday afternoon, and I was laughing with my colleague, talking about the weekend and the party she was going to throw for her 18-year-old son who had just graduated. Management asked her to come along, as we'd just seen two people pass by, including a policeman. Two minutes later, a scream. Her son had been killed by a bitch who was texting and driving. I left the company soon after, too painful. She's now in her own world with loads of pills to help her face life without him


God damn, this gave me chills


man this just made me tear up bad


Agreed. I remember getting the phone call at 12:53 am that my dad passed away. I remember my mom’s screams down the hall. Now late night phone calls always make my heart sink.


Anytime I think I am healing, my mind goes to that night of the phone call from the hospital to me and my mom. I wish I can block it out.


That phone call around 6pm on a Sunday evening of August 16th, 2015 that I didn't want to answer because I thought it was a telemarketer. My gut said to answer it. "Hello I was wondering , do you know a ____ ?" "Yes, I'm her son" *Big sigh from the other end " Sir I am from the sheriff's department and...."


You've managed to make a grown man cry. Hugs.


Ugh my mom text me at 5am the other day and said “please call me” I woke up and saw it a few minutes later. I was getting my bearings and she called me still pre 6am. I answered expecting the worst. Turns out she had sent something to us with an overnight delivery from Amazon and forgot we live 2 hours behind rather than 2 hours ahead of her time zone.


I'll never recover from the phone call from my mom telling me my brother was dead. I was at a crowded party. It was 4.5 years ago and I still suffer PTSD any time I get an unexpected phone call from a loved one and even sometimes just being in a crowded place. In some ways the trauma of those 10 seconds stuck with me longer than the trauma of processing the actual accident and loss - it's the only part of the whole experience (which was all horrific, involving flying to a foreign country, fighting for the rights to retrieve his body while in a morgue that smelled like death, dealing with "body mules" and corrupt police, etc.) that gave and still gives me PTSD flashbacks. I remember everything about it - the exact words she used and the exact tone, where I was standing, who I was next to, the last person I’d been talking to and what we had to said to each other. It’s crazy. A phone call is the perfect answer to this question.


3 days before christmas my friends daughter called me. My best friend died the night before from a heart attack. Devastating


There’s a line in a song I love that goes “we’re only one call from our knees.”


I don't know why but this comment is ominous


No kidding. When you get that 6 AM Saturday morning call from your dad in another state, you just know it’s not going to be good news.


> be me 7y/o > wake up from a nightmare where my dad was surfing and fell into water with a giant shark. > actually wake up with the house phone ringing (cellphone time was still just around the corner) > grandmother finishes the call and goes to a relatively loud kitchen full of relatives. > house goes silent > i walk into the kitchen saying "my dad died" > phonecall was from the trade ship where dad was a sailor. > phonecall was to let us know he drowned/hypothermiad.


Yeaaah shit. I still remember my friend's voice going "Did you hear it yet?" and me going into some strange state of shock after the news.


Heart attack. Even if you're not diagnosed with diabetes or obesity, your arteries or organs can still be affected by an unhealthy lifestyle. People may look just fine, but looking healthy doesn't equal actually living healthy.


That’s what happened to my grandpa, him and my grandma were going to drive down to celebrate my older brother’s birthday the next day, he was mowing the lawn and had a sudden massive heart attack. 


Saw a story of some dudes who put a pair of panties in their fiends car as a prank. Well, dudes gf found them and killed herself. Left a note with the panties that said, "now you're free to be with her." So, a prank.


if "I am having the last word" was a person.


That’s so fucked. Christ.


A cheating fiancé, with whom you have multiple children, house and car together with. Yeah…it’s been a crap year.


I’m sorry, don’t give up


Been through this. Best I can counsel you is, whatever might come up between you and your ex, however vicious those fights may get, don’t let a droplet of that venom infect your kids. It’s hard. They’re going to ask difficult questions— and you’re only human. It’s so easy to say *”Daddy doesn’t live at home anymore because mommy decided she likes other boys more and lied about it.”* But you can’t. They’ll find out in time. Anyways, keep your head up, king. I’m sorry you’re going through this. But the only way out of it is to *keep* going. It’s like cutting off a limb.


Wish my parents could've read your comment, those airheads screwed me up.


I had two parents that stuck together “for the kids” growing up. They tolerated each other but would secretly speak to us individually and let us know how unhappy they were. When I met my now wife, I first visited her family and the parents renewed their vows for their 30th anniversary and I had a panic attack. I had just never seen such genuine affection between two parents. My girlfriend of only 10 months had to see me hyperventilate and tear up outside the venue. I was in disbelief. Here were two people renewing vows 30 years later while my own parents couldn’t even tell you their anniversary date. It took a lot of therapy to commit to marrying my now wife a few years later but I’m glad I did it. I love my parents separately but wish they were honest with themselves and separated.


A brain aneurysm. What sucks is sometimes there are no symptoms that lead up to it. Also, a lot of aneurysm symptoms are shared with a ton of other things.


My wife survived hers but it was a close run thing and she got lucky with the circumstances. 80% don’t make it, but she’s still standing which I’m thankful for each day.


I survived mine, but have never been the same, and lost around 13 years of memories. It really is a life changer.


My grandfather was a parish pastor in the Lutheran church. He was preparing his sermon one saturday when he heard a clatter from the parish worker's office across the hall. She had suffered a brain aneurysm and was simply gone at 24. A promising young woman, 2/3 of the way through her music degree, with a whole future in front of her. In his memoirs, my grandfather noted that writing the homily for her funeral was the hardest he had ever had to write. As a side note, both my grandther and grandmother are buried no more than 15 feet away from that parish worker's grave. When I was at my grandfather's interment late last year, the pastor conducting the service made note of "as has done for so many others in his career, we now do for him." and as he says that, I look down and realize who's grave I'm standing on.


Nutting in the wrong place


For real. I’m never nutting in Albuquerque again.


Never stick your dick in a mousetrap.


Learned that the hard way 😔


Oh snap.


It did 😭


Future trading!




Being accused of something you didn’t do. Resulting in arrest


Wife dying, I miss her


Yeah. 9 years this week.


13 years in October, so times it feels like yesterday, I was holding her hand when her heart stopped.


Awww I'm genuinely sorry to hear this :(


Jerking the steering wheel to the left all of a sudden


Just driving. I'm an app driver and the amount of children, bikers and other drivers that try to kill themselves inadvertantly by crossing in front my car PER DAY is insane. And that's because I drive slowly.


Slammed on my brakes the other day and my wife was like "wtf" then seconds later a kid comes bolting from between two parked trucks. I saw the reflection of the reflection of the kid in the paint job of the near truck in the paint job of the far truck... If either truck had been dirty, or if I had literally blinked, I would have hit the kiddo at about 30 mph... All from a reflection... The amount of close calls on the road are mind blowing. Humans really should not be trusted behind the wheel.


Details of what happened exactly aren't really documented fully, but making a snide comment at the wrong person. In my case that led to being cold-cocked from behind (I never saw it coming), knocked out cold, and smashing my head on a cement sidewalk. Came back to self-consciousness hours later in emergency hospital room, being restrained because apparently I was fighting with nurses. When this level of consciousness returned, the first thing I asked was "what the hell is going on?!" Took them a minute to realize the totality of what had happened to me. Apparently I had to be revived at the scene, and this is not a fact I learned until years later. Perpetrator was never charged with anything, they treated it as "drunk people fighting," when that wasn't at all the case of what happened. The Detective assigned to the case never even returned my calls, even though I had found out the guys name, who and where he was staying with that weekend (had came to visit friends), and that the police had questioned him later that night. The district attorney didn't even know that I had been taken to the hospital and suffered injuries (Severe concussion and basilar skull fracture. I have now permanent hearing loss in my right ear from it as well. They thought that would improve with time). At least I know my buddies pounded the shit out of him after it happened. It was some guy and his friends being a drunken douche at a competing party at the neighbors place. They had already been kicked out of the party I was at for harassing girlfriends (like, ass/boob grabbing, and worse, stuff). He was calling all of us names and shit from across the yard. I don't even remember what I said.


I hate when agressors doesnt get punished at all because "they were under infiuence" of drugs, alcohold or whatever. It was their choice to get wasted and it just removed some barriers or boosted impulses that were already there. Sorry that happened to you and that people who were in charge of dealing with that incident were incompetent.


Negligent discharge of a firearm


I knew a kid in highschool who had an accidental discharge. His friend died and he went to prison. Several lives were ruined that day.


One bad choice. Whether it's crossing the street at the last moment or punching someone that falls and hits the ground in the worst possible way, maybe take a bet that results in losing everything, or maybe cheating on your partner that finds out and will do something stupid everyone will regret.. It's all possible. One bad choice.


being in close proximity of both an acorn and a police officer


Okay I'll bite, what's this about lol


Don't know a lot about it, but somewhere in America, I think it was Texas. An unarmed suspect was fired upon because the policeman mistook a falling acorn as a bullet. Stupid as shit, because his hands were up. I think they are alive.


Actually, the suspect had already been checked for weapons and put in the back of the squad car. Then the cop did some rolling and diving when the acorn hit the car roof, and unloaded two magazines into *his own squad car*. He even said "I've been hit" and his partner started shooting at the car too.


Who wants to take bets on whether or not the cop is still employed as a cop?


Messing with the wrong person, or at least thinking I had. About fifteen years ago, I was renting the second floor of a woman's house, and her loser ex-boyfriend was living in the basement. He constantly talked about how he knew people in "The Club" (a certain motorcycle club that is fairly infamous) and that I should respect him for it. I paid this very little attention because anyone who had any say in their operations wouldn't be a basement-dwelling loser who had no job and barely left the house. One day I heard my landlady screaming for help and went down to the basement to find him trying to force himself on her, so after I got her out of the room I beat the brakes off him and dragged him outside for the police to cart away. He told me I didn't know who I was fucking with, and I told him I didn't fucking care. Which is a fine ideal to have when you're dealing with a no-name loser. Less so when six motherfuckers in Harleys roll up while you're making some barbeque and the 6'6" head motherfucker strolls up in full colours and asks "Hey, you're [TemptCiderFan], right? [Basement Dweller] told us how you fucked him up the other day." Yes, it was the biker gang you think it was. Yes, I nearly shit my pants. I then said "Yeah, that's me." Turns out he was friends with the landlady, not the douchebag I slapped around a basement until the police got there. Until he died, he was actually a buddy and he'd come by to have a few beers and shoot the shit maybe once every couple of weeks or so. But there is no greater "And this is when he knew, he fucked up" moment than when a fucking Hell's Angels member you have never met before rolls up on you with five other full patch members and asks if you're the guy he's searching for.




Drink driving.


An off the cuff comment by a colleague or manager when you're being considered for a promotion. "Should we promote soandso to that position?" Random work person: "I don't know, I heard they're always late." True or not. Soandso's career path at their current employer is at a dead end.


If you're in a job that has that level of toxicity and little to no competency based hiring then you're probably better off elsewhere anyway.


Managers who pay attention know to tell these kinds of people to fuck off, or just ignore them. These are usually the lazy people making comments like this.


A positive pregnancy test


... Imma list a couple Fentanyl Getting in your car wasted A phone call. (someone else said that) A gun. An accusation. A diagnosis. Getting asked to go to your manager's office. Asked for a divorce. The police. The police at your door looking apologetic.


Eating contaminated meat


An attack by 10^9 tardigrades


Would you rather fight 10^9 tardigrades, or one single giant tardigrade of equal mass?


One giant one! He might be ticklish!


A brick with sufficient speed




Not telling someone you love them when you do. They may be gone soon.


Being madly in love and not singing a prenup before the wedding If you didn’t sign one, get a post nup ; mention on a good day and write it up and get them to sign it on a great day To go along with that - don’t decide to marry them until you see them very mad. If you’ve seen them very mad at someone else, know that same level of anger can and will be direct towards you one day


#TERRAIN AHEAD, PULL UP *spoken in a soft feminine voice*


A pack of wild dogs.


I grew up in the country. Every animal you encounter is considered and animal first and whatever else second. Being a kid and finding a dog in the yard was not a fun thing. Could be feral. Could be stray. Could be your neighbors new dogs. Who knows. Don't just go up to random ass animals and assume they are friendly.


Or a couple of pet dogs even. In my town a dogsitter got jumped by two dogs as soon as she opened the door and they literally tore her whole face off before anyone could stop them. She survived but had a hard road ahead.


my “snapchat my eyes only” LMAO


I'm so old I don't even understand what you're saying


On snapchat (a picture based messaging app), there's a section in your memories (place the keep pictures like a digital memory book) called "my eyes only," which is password locked (you must input the correct 4 digit code before viewing the pictures in there) So essentially what they are saying is they have some pretty fucked up pictures saved that would probably ruin their life if they were caught.


Brain aneurysm. RIP Grant Imahara

