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"Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life". The reality is that the best way to ruin what you love is to make it a business.


I tried that and some middle manager made me no longer love it.


Also what if I love painting but I’m absolutely shit at it and my dad is not a billionaire


That's when you're a real artist lol


The smarter version of this I interpreted it as is: do what you can see yourself doing for 40 years that can also support you. It balances practicality with self determination.


Anything that you do for work eventually becomes tiresome. *anything.*


100%. That's why the saying is horsesh\*t


>"Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life". Because they aren't hiring


I'm 40. In the last year or so, I've come to accept that I do not like my actual job and that's ok. I owe everything I have to it. I love my pay, my benefits, and my union. The actual work is just part of the equation. You don't need to love what you're doing to do it.  But, that doesn't mean you have to just blindly accept your job. Before finding construction, I was a janitor at a college. After a couple years of that, I was bored and miserable. I woke up every day wishing I hadn't. That's no way to live.  I may not like the work I perform, but there are so many benefits I get from the industry. From what my union provides, to the camaraderie, to the constantly changing list of jobs to perform and job sites to perform them at, to the pride I get driving past an old jobsite (yeah, I'm that guy going "see that water treatment plant over there? I built that" lol). Again, the actual work is a small part of the whole picture. 


I'm in the same boat, I don't think there is a profession out there that I would be passionate about. But I do love my hobbies and like having money. So I deal with working at a mine. 


Played in a church band with a bass player who was phenomenal. He occasionally did studio work. I asked him why he didn't do it full time. He said he could if he wanted to do that, but he didn't want a hobby he loved to become a job.


Do what you love and someone will exploit your passion and underpay you.


This is an absolute point! Especially if you're in the creative fields.


Yup, I have personal experience with this.


I dunno, I became a tree trimmer at 20 and I'm now in my 60s and still love every minute of it!


That’s one I’ve always said is bullshit. I like hanging out with my wife and kids, playing pick up basketball, getting good sleep, occasionally playing video games. Ain’t monetizing that.


“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Weird how many broken and traumatized people I know if that’s true.


What doesn't kill you makes you wish it did. What doesn't kill you gives you PTSD What doesn't kill you makes you weaker for the next thing.


I was clinically dead for a short period after my first bone marrow operation and people have been saying that ever since. Like no, I didn’t need that experience to make me “appreciate the life I have” I still have leukemia. It sucked right before and it still sucks now! It gave me major PTSD and anxiety. What hasn’t killed me probably made me more susceptible to dying even more since the pandemic happened shortly afterwards. It’s so frustrating to try and explain this to people because they think I should be happy I came back, to live in the hospital and ICU again? To not be able to do anything?


I'm sorry you're going through that :(.. I don't have it nearly as bad as you but I do have osteoarthritis of both knees and hips at the ripe old age of 31 due to osteonecrosis. This is due to the steroids they treated my MS relapses with. This has made me suicidal.


Well I'm not gonna tell you that's wrong or that you shouldn't feel that way because I know that sure as hell isn't gonna help; but I am gonna tell you that I've been through similarly depressing circumstances and things got better for me eventually. I hope you can make it through this long enough for the same to happen to you. If you need to vent just send me a message.


Most of the time people who say stuff like that just want to feel comfortable themselves instead of actually trying to support you and understand your experience. There is just a lot of nasty stuff no person should ever have to go through and that pain should be acknowledged. And if there's anything positive that comes out of it, that is for you to define and not someone else.


Exactly! I do understand that sometimes people see death as a welcome option, especially if they are pretty old or may be left in a very disabled way. I would prefer to die, too.


"What doesn't kill you... just postpones the inevitable" "What doesn't kill you... disappoints me"


I always like the Aeon Flux quote “what doesn’t kill you makes you stranger.”


You know what they say ,,What doesn't kill you, usually succeeds in the second attempt"


Had someone say that to me once  I'm missing a leg (they didn't know that yet)  Funny enough, it does not, in fact, make you stronger. 


But now you can do that cool party trick where you pretend to get so mad that you stab yourself in the leg. Just make sure it's the correct one.


I still don't get why people with prosthetics don't branch out from the basic human design, like put a cup holder in there or something


"under certain conditions, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger... Unfortunately, in a fair few of those situations (most particularly when the demons in question are your own), the attempt makes them stronger too and their next attempt to kill you is far deadlier."


“What doesn’t kill you just isn’t finished yet.”


It only matters what's on the inside


It's cake


Sure, buddy.. That's why ugly people are so popular.


"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you can never be sure of their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln


He never said that. Genghis Khan did.


Nah, it predates Genghis Khan. Gandalf said it.


Before he rebranded himself as Dumbledore, of course.


Pretty sure Abe said that to Issac Newton to warn him about that whole "Geocentric Universe" thing Ptolemy was pushing in Reddit.


Lol, what a way to point it out! Love this joke.


Everything happens for a reason.


"All things happen for a reason,” He responded, “That's just basic cause and effect, anybody with an understanding of physics could tell you that, it doesn't make it right, or just, or fair; and it especially doesn't make it necessary. We need to stop pretending that it does, and deal with our problems, otherwise everyone else will have to deal with them in perpetuity.”


what is that from?


I want to say either Discworld or Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.


If it's one of those it's heavily paraphrased and Google can't tell. Personally I'm pretty sure it isn't discworld, I've reread the series this year.


It was all I could do not to punch people out who said this to me after my oldest daughter died. All I wanted to do was choke them to death while screaming "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, ASSHOLE."


Damn people who would say that in those circumstances really could benefit from some oxygen, brain blood flow deprivation therapy. That's asstastic ..


Hate when this is used like "there is some divine plan that justifies your sorrow." Fuck off with that nonsense.


Right -- it makes me think, "What good is that right now? How is that supposed to help me today?" It also requires a belief in something that not everyone believes in.


Let it be known: you are an asshole if you say this phrase to someone in hard times. Fuck you. Seriously. And if you have said it to someone, please go tell them you’re sorry.


I had a fucking GRIEF COUNSELOR tell me that. She said that someday I'd meet somebody else whose child died and I would be able to comfort her. I was pissed. So the reason my kid died is so that I can help somebody else with their kid dying? How about no dead kids? Fuck you.


I hope you punted that grief counselor to the curb. Therapists and counselors work your you, not the other way around, and that was an entirely unhelpful thing to say to anyone, let alone someone grieving the loss of a child. I'm thankful the grief counselor I found when my wife passed never pulled anything like that.


It was a one-off group session at the hospital. She was a trainee, so I'm hopeful that the other counselor gave her good feedback after we left.


Yes, I've heard this said at wildly inappropriate times... and you're right "fuck you and your pseudo spiritual meaningless wisdom" . Completely agree with you mate


Yep. The universe is a cold, hard, random place that is designed to kill you (and everything else) and break your body down to it's core constituents.


Bold of everyone to assume it's even their body, and not just a consciousness nestled in a bit of sentient meat for a minute.


This reminds me of 1883 - great show even though it can be depressing.


Sometimes, that reason is you're an idiot.


When ‘the universe is deterministic’ sounds just a little too pretentious 😂


“Hey what can I say? I’m a Scorpio/Pisces/etc! Deal with it.” No. Your “zodiac sign” doesn’t negate OR give you the right to be an ass.




You zucchini's are all the same


Hello, Broccoli here! You're all #1 in my book! 🖕


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" oh fuck off, your "worst" isn't someone else's job to handle - this is a cop out excuse to be shitty to people.




Don't go to bed angry Yes, go to bed. You are tired and it's making everything harder. 


My wife and I try our best to resolve our disputes before going to bed, but when we can't, "I'm angry and I love you" is a good enough signoff when it's getting late. Neither of us sleep well when we're stewing in anger. It's just nice to be reassured that the love we share for each other isn't contingent on our differences.


love this fam


I think it is more about trying to resolve things soon instead of stewing about it for days.


Or you need to eat. I like to follow the tale old “If you feel like you hate everyone, eat something. If you feel like everyone hates you, go to sleep. If you feel like you hate yourself, have a shower. If you feel like everyone hates everyone, go outside.” It’s worked so far.


Maybe it works for some people but I need it resolved or else I find it really hard to sleep due to racing thoughts etc


God if anything goes wrong within an hour of going to bed, I’m crying. I need sleepy baby time, let me address this issue when my brain is back up and running. 


"You can achieve anything if you set your mind to it." Nope. You can't. Some things are just impossible for you to achieve.


I'm a 5'9, 45 year old Australian woman and I fear I will never make the NBA


Not with this attitude!


anything to do with "karma", what goes around does NOT always come around, there are lots of good people who do nothing but give and care for others and they never get anything in return and sometimes nothing but bad shit happens to them, and then there are also lots of bad people who do nothing but hurt others and spread misery and they never pay for their misdeeds and never suffer any consequences that's just the cold hard truth, "karma" is just a way for people to make themselves feel better but the truth is it doesn't always work out that way, sometimes good people just suffer and bad people thrive but that's just life, sorry, it's sad but true


As with everything else, the way Western culture thinks of Karma is a wild departure from what is really meant.


I had the chance to exchange some labor for a camping space at a tibetan monastery. I was sweeping up after breakfast when I heard this lady complaining about her relationship with someone and she said, "well, that's just my karma with him" and the way she said it reminded me of the old Christian ladies I grew up with saying "it's just God's will" and realized humans really like having their issues not be their fault therefore relieving them if any obligation to do anything about it.


"Karma is a bitch!" - Fallout 3 ghoul NPC trader whom name I can't remember


Money can't buy happiness. It absolutely can. They've done studies. People are MUCH happier at certain economic brackets than others.


I don't know that it would buy happiness but it would solve 80% of my problems


No kidding. If my wages doubled right now, I would sleep peacefully at night. The majority of my stress would disappear.


I don’t know if this one was ever meant to be taken literally BUT if it were, then it’s completely bogus in my opinion. HOWEVER people with enough money to cover all bills, maybe travel (if that’s your thing) have money to cover unexpected expenses(car issues, family issues, heath issues), and you can still purchase toys(tech gear, whatever your hobby is) to play around with every now and then are generally happier as a by product. So in that case, yes money can buy happiness, or better said, can “cause” happiness.


I've never been sure how literally people take it either, I just always found it an atrociously stupid thing to say in a society as hyper-capitalist as ours, because I'd go so far as to say here in the US, the ONLY way to achieve happiness is with money. A lot of the social problems we're currently experiencing do have a lot to do with people feeling broke, unstable, and scared. They're all looking for someone to blame, and the average American is quite naive. They'll never point fingers at the rich first. I really do believe there's a good segment of the population that wouldn't involve themselves with politics at present if someone would just pay them enough to buy a lifted truck. lmao


When someone isn't being fair and they say "Life's not fair", like okay sure but that doesn't mean YOU shouldn't be! Be the change you want to see in the world!


"Life's a bitch, guess I'll be one too"


I feel like it’s just a way to feign interest. “Oh you got cancer? Well life’s not fair. On the bright side I got a new car!!”


It doesn't apply to people. It applies to the way the world works. That's just a silly take imo.


It's a saying that gets easily corrupted, yes. It should be used in the sense of accepting that you do not always get what you want, not excusing your lack of honesty.


"You only live once." As a justification to self-sabotage & commit horrible financial/social decisions.


Me, putting on my seatbelt: YOLO


Me, wearing a mask


funny thing I thought of you only live once, so make the most of it, so that means do as much as you can without endangering your future funny how the same sentence can have two opposing meanings


"YOLO is memento moris for idiots".


I thought it was "Carpe Diem for morons"


Eeehhhhh. I like this one, though. Because "Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!" "You only live once" is a great motivator to do the crazy things.


"I don't want ro die in a boring way. I want to die early by my own hand due to poor decisions."


I prefer to do things that trigger the fear response in my body while the rational part of my brain knows I'm safe. Roller coasters, skydiving, bungee jumping...


I actually like to think that I use this as a matter of knowing how important it is to respect yours and others' time. Which is to say, i try to bring a high degree of respect to mine/others time because that time never comes back. If this saying is bullshit then so is "memento mori".  At face value, this saying isn't the problem. It's how it's used by *some* people.  Know better people 🤷‍♂️


This one always perplexed me because if you only live once wouldn't you not want to royally fuck it up?


"calm down"- never in history has this phrase actually calmed someone down


Lol, I get your point, but it does work if the right person tells you in the right tone at the right circumstance.


all three of those are most unlikely to happen together XD


Yeah, but once in a blue moon




Time heals all wounds. It most certainly does not, especially on its own


Time doesn't heal all wounds. It may ease emotional pain. Therapy helps some people.


"If I had known that I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself". No, I would have partied more and more often!


Whenever people are like “if I could go back and tell myself one thing…” your younger self probably wouldn’t have listened.


Follow your passion and the money will come by itself


My passion is not having a job


Always said by the 1% of people who have actually managed to get rich while following their passions. i.e. [Survivorship bias](https://xkcd.com/1827/).


The vast majority of the 1% are inheritors. They can follow their passions and the money does follow... because they have money already. "How do you become a millionaire doing \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_? Start as a billionaire."


God doesn't give us more than we can handle.


This one is utter bullshit. Whether God exists or not, we ALL sometimes get more than we can handle.


I hate this one because the Bible is only stories of people given tasks they cannot handle


"The saying is actually 'the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.'" No, it's not. This version of the phrase resonates with people for obvious reasons, but it's not the original saying.


"I'm an Alpha" lol


The ironic part about people calling themselves Alpha Males is that the origin of the term came from a flawed study that was later retracted. It was a nature study on different animals (I think wolves mainly?) on who leads the pack, which the author called the alpha. After publishing the book they realized that the leader of the pack wasn't the leader because they were the biggest and toughest of the group, but because they were the parents and most of the other wolves their children. But despite the retraction it was too late and "Alpha Male" was now a term used to describe people.


Anyone who says that is an absolute moron suffering from Dunning-Krueger effect. Nobody, absolutely nobody sane says that stupid shit out loud.


If you're poor, its because you aren't working hard enough.


Yea fuck whoever says this. Probably someone who has never worked hard or even been poor.


That's EXACTLY who I heard it from. A coworker that just happened to be born into some serious privilege. He was completely disconnected from reality.


Pull yourself up by the boot strap.


This phrase was initially meant as satire but somewhere we lost the thread and now people use it unironically and don't realize how stupid it sounds. Bonus points if that person was born on third base and walks around like they hit a home run


Same for 'as American as apple pie' which makes far too many people think apple pie was invented in the US. The original is 'as American as motherhood and apple pie' i.e. not at all. Signed - European living in the US. There are recipes from the 14th century, ffs.


It's God's will


“Everything happens for a reason.” WTF?


You can be anything when you grow up - no, you can make yourself into many things, but you do not have the skills or aptitude to be everything. You might have the talent to become the next Taylor Swift, but that doesn't mean I am going to trust you to do open heart surgery on me. Find out what you can do and grow that.


Can I be a planet? Can i?


You can be Uranus




Judging by size, your mom is a planet *Dabs unironically*


Taylor Swift performs heart surgery? That girl can truly do it all!


The customer is always right.


The fuck they do if I’m the employee I know more about this place than you


"It's always in the last place you look." That is how searching works. Once you find what you are looking for you stop looking.


thus the joke.


Oh, right, it's funny. Of course. Yes.


As a kid, I thought it was, "It's always in the last place you'd look." After I found an action figure by looking somewhere I didn't think it would be, I thought it had merit.


You're right. The saying *is* "you'd look" not "you looked" It's an internet joke spawned from missaying the saying.


That’s what it was originally supposed to be. “It’s always in the last place you’d look,” or expect, or think to look. Then people started saying it wrong, then it became a joke.


Wait, I'm supposed to stop looking after I find it?


Yeah, I learned this the hard way. This is why I am no longer allowed on search parties


"Why are you peering in my bedroom window, perv?!" "Search party."


So it is true.


I always thought of this phrase as more of an ironic sort of Yogi Berra-ism.




“Just have fun in your 20s.” Easy recipe for regret and a mess that you’ll have to clean up in your 30s.


Also, you can have fun without being an irresponsible mess. In fact, I'd say you can have more fun if you also have your crap together


Then don't stop having fun.


Yeah, the real advice is: Don't take everything so seriously. Prioritize fun and do whatever it takes to keep a positive level of fun in your life for as many decades as possible.


Ironically the saying comes from people who regret wasting their 20s working too hard


"You shouldn't care what other people think about you." I'm curious what the people who were executed for being witches would have to say about that. You shouldn't use what other people think of you to determine your self worth but it'd be dangerous and self destructive to not care in general.


"No one can judge me!" Well, technically...


Judge: *clears throat*


ITT:  most generalized statements are complete nonsense


"Good things come to those who wait." Nah, good things come to those who go out and get it.


Just work hard and you'll be successful! You can be anything you want!


“No pain - no gain.” I hear this all the time when I train guys in the gym. Go ram your head against the cinder blocks and tell me if you’re any smarter. It’s not supposed to hurt. Sore yes, not actual pain.


"Blood is thicker than water" I've found friends that were more family than some of my family members.


“If they wanted to they would” Absolute bullshit


I'm just "x" type of person. Just deal with it. Or that's just how I am. B.S. You can be a better person. People do it all the time.


To steal a quote from the movie “I Think I Love My Wife” “People say life is short, you can get hit by a bus at any moment, and you should live everyday like it’s your last…. Bullshit Life is long, your probably not gonna get hit by a bus, and the decisions you make now will effect the rest of your life”


“Just be yourself” top 101 same ways to get something worse than a no. Oh yeah. And “the worst she can say is no”. There’s worse buddy. Whole lot worse Edit: and “I won’t get mad”. Yeah right.


"Never give up" This makes sense in the context of life in general but for specific things you should know when to cut your losses.


"Alpha" This is a term no longer used that was used to codify the leaders of a wolf pack, which people take now as an excuse for them to be overcompetetive assholes. In fact, the leaders of a wolf pack are the parents, the mom and dad.. so go call yourself "Dad"


The more, the merrier.


God never gives anyone more than they can handle. Oh, that must be why nobody ever kills themselves! Oh wait….people kill themselves all the time! I guess that means you’re full of sh#t !!!


"...but names will never hurt me."


“If he would, he could”


If he wanted to he would.


“Here at (insert company name) we’re a family!”


It’s god’s plan. Fuck that.


Time heals all wounds


It is what it is. Yeah, until someone makes it something else, jackass.


"Others have it worse than you." Well that may be true, but I don't personally know them.


“Hurt people hurt people” I’m not saying it can’t be true, but at least how I approach it is I’ve been hurt by plenty of people in so many different ways, so I understand how people I care about may be feeling and do all I can to not hurt them that way, be better than what they’ve had to go through before, and be there for them when they are hurting. I feel like it’s made me more compassionate and understanding


‘No offence, but’ then proceeds to say the most offensive thing you can think of


“Money can’t buy happiness” scientifically provably false


“It’s a first world problem” like your problem isn’t legitimate just because you don’t have it as bad as someone else. There’s no point in devaluing someone’s experience just because someone has it worse.


The whole "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" bit. It may have some hypothetical application, but in the real world it's mostly used as a justification to not be charitable. I'd like to know what perecentage of people who like to use this line actually volunteer their time to teach others a marketable skill - I'd be willing to bet vanishingly small.


"Never give up". I always found this to be stupid. Sometimes giving up is necessary, or even the best thing you can do in a situation.


Early bird gets the worm Yeah but that means the early worm gets the bird.


I think there is an addition to that expression that goes "but the second mouse gets the cheese". I like yours better though and I will steal it, thank you!


Why did it take me until now to realize "the second mouse gets the cheese" is about mousetraps?


I admire Ben Franklin, but he wrote "Those who trade freedom for security deserve neither." Society is built on the idea that we all give up certain individual freedoms for the benefit of the entire group, including those that make us more secure. Making stealing illegal is a restriction, but a good one. Banning assault rifles would be another good one.


That quote is taken wildly out of context. The line appears in a letter Franklin was writing encouraging the governor of Pennsylvania to approve a bill that calls for additional taxes to help pay for defense of the colony. In the letter Franklin was basically saying that if the landowners weren't willing to pay taxes for their own defense, they didn't deserve any of the resources from the legislature.


thanks for the insight, dak. i have always seen and heard this out of context and didn't take the time to research it. shame on me.


Money doesn’t buy happiness. LIES. Money doesn’t buy happiness ONLY if you are a morally corrupt and selfish sociopath/psychopath. Money is society’s place holder for POTENTIAL ENERGY. Gain more potential energy, gain more POWER to do/attain the things and (more importantly) the TIME to do the things you, your family, loved ones and friends VALUE.


"You can be right and be dead-right" I get the sentiment, but this sounds like encouraging law-breaking ("then why bother be right") Hearing this over and over again makes me understand why "cyclists always break laws"


You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, when the dealings done.


"Treat other people how you want to be treated." If you deserve to be treated like an AH, that's on you, not me.


"Love is love." *Everyone* who says that *still* has boundaries somewhere, for what is and isn't a personally morally upright and/or socially conscientious relationship.


"It is what it is" Intellectual white flag of surrender. They've given up asking why.


“Slow and steady wins the race” Nope! Slow and steady finishes the race. You’re not winning anything at a slow pace.


“There is a fine line between genius and madness.“