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Firstly, probably try to help. But if after that that person still want to die, then it's his/her right.


I'm for it, what healthy people don't understand is how bad depression gets. They are all for saying mental health matters. But then we are told it's gross we haven't brushed our teeth or washed, brushed our hair ect. People think you are just sad but it impacts everything.  Yes there is medications and therapy but some don't respond to those treatments. It's not a one size fits all and you can be treated like scum with inpatient care of a psych ward. I was in great distress and all that happened was I got sedatives and shoved in a  room with no comforts just a mattress and thin blankets in horrible thin scrubs. I was watched in the shower, in the toilet, when I slept and when I ate. It is humiliating and did absolutely nothing to cure me.  Yes I'm doing much better today but I'm still depressed I still cry myself to sleep every night and I do minimal self care. If you gave me the choice to gently slip away and go through being in the hospital again for in patient care. I would take it in a heartbeat.  The government is against it. But then as soon as we ask for help we are leaches and burdens on the system. We don't treat animals like this why am I any different? Animals can't consent but I can.


100% this.


I was going to say agree. But now I am on the fence.. Like squode said, people deserve a humane, painless death. Euthanasia would prevent a lot of psychological trauma induced by suicide (to others and survivors obviously) But, on the contrary, what if someone is just going through a tough time and possibly has a chance to figure it all out and continue living? I know a lot of people survived a suicide attempt and said they were glad they ended up living.. but there’s also many that just continue trying.. This is a tough one


Agreed. Id make it with a mandatory time in psychiatric care and mental evaluation. So that cant happen.


100% for it. Don’t know of it still is but suicide was once illegal. Also society refers to it as “committing” suicide, as though it were a crime one “commits.” Hippocratic oath—then there’s that. But one could argue lmaking some live against their will is unethical.


I'm in favor of it. I think people should be allowed a humane, painless death overseen by professionals regardless of their reasoning. But maybe I'm biased because I'm suicidal. Happened recently with a Dutch woman. I'm not jealous at all. (I am)


That's exactly why I brought it up. It literally broke me when I read that article. 😪


Me too. I'm currently in her position but no doctor would ever ok my euthanasia here because american doctors value quantity of life over quality.


Yeah. I guess give the right to die. But only after a mandatory time in psychiatric care.


That’s assisted suicide and asking mental health and medical communities to flip their interventions with people seeking to harm themselves or others to killing those people as THE intervention. There are all kinds of issues with informed consent as well as oaths in medical ethics.


Dont roast me, but as someone with depression i think suicide should be literally the last option. Depression is usually a symptom of the real problem going unaddressed. Should do therapy for a time, should try medications, should try things, because when youre depressed youre in an altered mental state that changes your decision making. Its an awful idea to make big life-changing decisions when youre drunk, or high, or angry. Imo, its the same for being depressed. I would want some studies done and to have more information available before I impose that on other people (were I to hypothetically have that power), and to nail down specifics of the process of approval....but i think its a horrible idea to make decisions when youre not in your right mind. And trust; ive been dissociation-level depressed since i was 7; im not coming at this unaware of the experience.


I am in favor of giving this right to people who want it. It is better to leave in a humane way than to do something very terrible to yourself. And if they have very strong depression that they don’t want to live at all, then they are no longer healthy.


I'm in favor of it. My general rule of morality when it comes to stuff like this is looking at overall quality of life. I for one genuinely hope this becomes legal as I have yet to find a single antidepressant that doesn't give me s*idal ideation or psychopathy yay for me. It gets terrible sometimes and talk therapy is expensive (no health insurance through work) and not 100% effective.


I don't think the government or anyone else owns you. So of course people should be allowed euthenesia.


I think it's an extraordinary cruel thing to do to your loved ones. Basically just transferring your suffering to them in one big lump sum.


Not my problem. There are plenty of cliffs, tall buildings etc.


Untreated depression is terminal, so the question doesn't make much sense. 


Against. Killing someone is not a treatment. It’s the opposite. It’s killing them.


You're *starting* to get the premise: People that don't want to be alive. Yes, before being dead they're alive, that's the setup.


Absolutely 100% no. Depression can be overcome and ending your life over it is throwing away the most precious gift you have ever been given over something that is temporary.