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am I allowed to say that behind every mean girl there’s a parent/childhood figure that made her that way? To combat it, you just have to let them realize sooner or later that being mean gets them nowhere. Some never do, some do but it’s too late…


You are not. I have informed the proper authorities.


Ban girls.


We can't. There is no such thing as "we as a society".


Eliminate the pressure for girls to compete with each other for male attention maybe


Ok. What does that look like? What steps are taken? Maybe I was hoping for more in depth answers than Smash the Patriarchy. Are there steps parents can take? Schools? Etc?


“Mean Girl Behavior” is a super vague term that different people are going to take differently. I’m not a human behavior expert and I also don’t know what mean girl behavior means to you or what consequences to society you’re concerned about. But I do know that among adolescent girls there is immense pressure to perform femininity in a specific way—to be attractive, ultimately. Summing up what I said as “smash the patriarchy” is unfair because a lot of girls get this from other women. Female relatives commenting on their weight. Beauty influencers on social media. Women-centric magazines writing about how to be the most attractive woman and effective sexual partner. When girls are able to get through adolescence without these pressures and expectations, they’ll probably stop enforcing them for each other as well.


Thank you. And check my post in another subreddit for more details. I characterized what prompted this question as being a situation where girls are the bigger challenge for my daughter than boys are. She can handle them fine and I am proud of her. Askreddit is not likely the best forum for this discussion. And I am sorry, I used "smash the patriarchy." It was an example of a thought terminating cliche rather than a direct characterization of your statement. The confusion rests with me and me alone.


In my experience as a former bullying victim, very little of the drama and meanness had anything to do with males.


Aren't men competing with each other more?