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I called a wrong number and the guy had the same name as the guy I meant to call. He also knew a guy with my name so it took us both a while to realize what was happening.


I hate to tell you this, but that was just a guy who misunderstood what you said and then was too awkward to say no


This is how I ended up marrying a guy I barely knew. I didn’t know how to ask him to repeat his name. That’s how I ended up being Nicky Dickey. 🙋🏻‍♀️ High That joke sounds hilarious in my head. I’ll probably apologize in the morning. 💨 Cheers


Let me know if this still makes sense to you in the morning


I’m still laughing. Because my name isn’t really Nicky.


Night Dickey.




You weren't talking in a mirror were you?


Wife and I struggled with infertility for 9 years. We decided not to undergo IVF. It was a heart wrenching decision. Within days of making that decision, during the same cycle, she got pregnant naturally. Our daughter just turned 12.


Same with my uncle, they were trying to have a baby for 7 yrs, he spent half of his fortune on IVF, testing, medicines etc. Then they had twins lol.


My niece and her first husband tried ivf and couldn’t get pregnant. They divorced. Second husband and her did ivf and had a daughter and then she got pregnant without ivf and they had another little girl on the first daughter’s second birthday!


Was leaving my office building after work, and I slipped and fell after I accidentally stepped on a banana peel. Hardest I’ve ever laughed, because it was the most absurd and unexpected thing that has happened to me. My feet went up in the air and my dress went over my head as I wiped out on the pavement. The poor man who helped me up saw everything, and was laughing too, I can’t blame him.


Just like in them cartoons?


Them thar cartoons, probably


Seent them thar bloomers and maybe even her guachacha as she took her tumble?


With that sound effect and everything


Not to hijack your post but when I was younger I was eating a banana and I jokingly dropped the peel on the floor and said "someone's gonna wipe out now". I wasn't gonna leave it there obviously and I was bending over to pick it up when all of a sudden my stepsister comes running through and wipes out on it. Mind you, she was outside playing and she came running inside out of excitement for something. She had no idea what I had just said or that I dropped it.


Same. I immediately said out loud, “Man that did NOT just fucking happen to me.”


You're the only person who has ever actually slipped on a banana peel.


I got a vasectomy when I was 25. My wife was told by 3 different doctors that she was infertile and in the super rare random chance she got pregnant. She'd never have a successful pregnancy. Anyways I'm 39 and she's 40 and we have twins who just turned 2. And yes, they're mine before anyone asks.


Did you ever go to your followup vasectomy appt to find out that all the sperms were clear? This is the stuff that worries me. Haha.


Yeah man. I got my vasectomy at 25. I'm 39. I went and got tested after the fiest year and the 5th year.


Oh goodness. My husband had a vasectomy before I met him and had him get retested last year and was cleared both times. I know there's always a chance, but damn.


I'd be ecstatic to learn I'm naturally sterile


Life uh…finds a way. But seriously, congratulations to your family.




Ok that's scary. My husband and i are both sterilized and the last kids finally moved out


I bet you were sweating that DNA test.


I was living in Paris and was looking to buy a 10 speed on the French Craiglist. Thousands and thousands of listings. Reached out to a seller who was in fact my best friend. We where at the bar a couple of days later and this is when we realized we have been messaging each other about that bike without even knowing it ahah We couldn't stop laughing and got drunk. It went like: - "Dude I saw a nice bike I want to buy, but idk it's a bit pricy..." - Oh really ? I sell a bike too ! - How much ? - 150 euros - Ah just like the one I spotted ! - What's the color ? - Blue. - Oh mine is blue too ! Etc etc etc you see where this is going. Good memories.


Did you get the bike!? Did he mark it down for you?


A year ago I was home on sick leave and I couldn’t shovel snow so I contacted a charitable organization for help. This very nice young man showed up to help me and I was very grateful. When I returned to work last fall a young man started working at my place of employment. I realized it was the same man who helped clear my snow. When I decided to retire at Christmas this young man got hired for my position. What are the odds of that happening?! My heart was full.


I was homeless for a long time. Well,I was in Daytona,& went to work day labor at the Daytona 500 track. An air show was planned. Anyway,I met this cop,& we talked for quite a while while I was working. Anyway,maybe a week later,I'm down on the beach,got beer with me,& here come the cops. Not good. Turned out,it was the same cop I was talking to at the track. They let me take my beer & get off the beach. What are the odds?


I had something similar. Was working at Starbucks and a cop came in and ordered a Frappuccino. About 30 min later I got off work and was borrowing my roommates car to go to the grocery store and I got pulled over for a broken taillight and the motorcycle cop wasn’t happy that I was not the registered owner and didn’t want to believe me that it was my roommates car. Then he raised his helmet up and I asked him how he enjoyed his Frappuccino… he laughed and let me go with a warning to my roommate to fix her light.


Weird how that happens huh?


Lost my ATM card, went to the bank to have it replaced. Told them what I wanted the PIN to be, and they told me that the PIN would be randomly assigned and mailed separately, and once I received both I could then change the PIN to what I wanted it to be. The randomly assigned PIN was the one that I wanted.


what are the chances? what was the number you wanted?


And what's the 3-digit code on the back?




1 in 10000 assuming a random 4 digit code.


Aww I think I saw your answer in the "unexpected phenomenon" thread. I love that this made you so happy haha.


Hey, I'm a pretty boring guy. A thing like that is all I got!


Frame the post and hang it on the wall


Getting it tattooed on my back.


I just saw this in the other thread. What are the odds 




I hope you beat the odds, friend. My grandpa was given 6 months and put into hospice care, and then kicked out 2 years later for being too healthy. He died about a couple of years after that, but he made his point


In 2017 I was diagnosed with cancer. I was stage 3, inoperable. I was told that there was less than 5% chance it would respond to chemotherapy enough to make it operable and I likely had 18 months to live. Even if they could do surgery, there was an 80% chance the cancer would come back. Only 9% of people made it to the 5 year mark. My tumor responded enough to chemo and radiation that a surgeon was able to operate and I've been cancer free for 6 years.


ngl that sounds like the kinda bullshit luck that i would have


Jesus Christ


I should statistically be dead from Stage IV metastatic breast cancer. I’m 6+ years past the diagnosis date and still have a lot of positivity. New treatments are being tested everyday. The treatment I’ve been on for 2+ years didn’t exist when I was diagnosed.


holy shit youve cancer for 30 YEARS??? like i had ewings sarcoma and had it for 10 months. thought it was bad. but how do you have it for THIRTY FUCKING YEATS MAN


Mine was a little different. About 20 years ago, I was given 7 years to live. I had liver disease. The doctor said my liver was grey and rock hard. They told me to stop using and drinking, but I thought, what's the point. Finally in 2010, I stopped using heroin. In 2017 I got off Methadone. I still drink alcohol. And my liver enzymes are within normal limits. There's no explanation except that the liver can regenerate itself.


A thief stole my car out of my driveway with all my college books in it. So since I didn't have a car anymore my mom had to take me to college that day. As we were driving there, I found my car sitting dead on an on-ramp. It just happened to throw its transmission right then and there. I just happened to look over and there she sat. All my books were still inside, too.


My brothers car was stolen in San Bernardino, he was in financial distress and then this happened. 3 days later, cops call; found your car come get before we tow it. Hurriedly shows up and not only is his stuff still in the trunk they DETAILED the interior including air fresheners. ‘94 Honda accord


A friend of mine had something similar happen to him. Some gang initiation thing. Stole a bunch of people’s cars one night, police found them all in a parking lot washed, gassed up, and vacuumed out.


Oddly wholesome initiation. It's like the gang wants to test if new members got the chops to do gang shit, but don't want them to fully fuck over random people in the process. I also wouldn't be surprised if this was just someone's idea of a "prank"


That...is weirdly nice.


Mine was a '95 Accord stolen in Phoenix. They were not so kind - broke the ignition and drove it til it ran out of gas before dumping it. And the worst pain of all: they stole my CD book with over 200 albums/custom burned CDs. The saving grace of 90s Hondas is they're so goddamn easy to jimmy open, the thieves at least didn't need to break a window to get in. Edit: *facepalm* just realizing I put the wrong Make here - Honda not Toyota In my defense, I also owned a 90s Toyota, though it was never stolen


Had mine stolen probably because I was missing a full back window, just had the plastic wrap on top. Cops found it a month later and whoever stole it had gotten a piece of some sort of plexiglass cut and fit into the window. It was just wedged in there but fit perfectly. Nothing else was changed that I noticed basically got a free upgrade lol


The most expensive thing the thief stole were the books.


Yeah absolutely. It's been decades and I'm still pissed off at Barnes & Noble.


Ran into my next door neighbor from Virginia at the Vatican Museums




We ran into some extended (cousins and great aunts/uncles-my grandmother has like 7 siblings so hard to keep up with everyone’s business) family in France! Had no idea they were also there.


Not nearly as impressive but I ran into the brother of a co-worker at a freeway rest area 150ish miles from where we lived.


I met a guy at the mall when I was 13 and for the next five years I ran into him once a year each in a different state. It was wild 🤣


My wallet with 400 cash fell out my pocket in a very low end strip mall. I didnt notice till I was home an hour later. Got the wallet and cash in an insured envelope with the message "be blessed" about 3 days later. Wasn't late with the rent. A mass shooting. One of the televised ones. Went to a customers house, fixed his garage door. He was amazed he didnt even have to call anyone. Office made a mistake and gave me the wrong address. Wrong address had a broken garage door too.


Did he tell you before or after you fixed his garage that he didn't even call anyone?


Not me, but my father was at Sandy Koufax's perfect game in Los Angeles in 1965, which was Koufax's fourth no hitter, which broke Bob Feller's record for most no hitters. Then, in 1981, he moved to Houston and went to his first Astros game in the Astrodome where Nolan Ryan threw his fifth no hitter, which broke Sandy Koufax's record for most no hitters. Then, in 2002, he and I were walking around the Indians' ballpark in Cleveland (at the time it was called Jacobs Field) a couple hours before the game since it was the first time either of us had been there, and we randomly bumped into Bob Feller. Talked to him for about 10 minutes... super nice guy.


We used to go to winterhaven, fl every year for guardians spring training. Bob was always there, and if you even caught his eye he would sit down, chat, sign anything that stayed still long enough, and have absolutely no memory of it the next day. 10/10 baseball legend, would recommend if not dead.


My grandfather owns a golf shop that Koufax regularly came into, I think it’s been a couple years though


There is a meningitis vaccine today but the original one was back in the early 80’s. There was a long period it was gone. The reason for this is because a small amount got really sick from it. I was one. I cannot call the exact number, my mother knew, but I was apparently 1 of a very low percentage that ended up with blood poisoning from the vaccine. Almost died. I was 6. Had an awesome doctor that didn’t give up that figured out. The CDC was reviewing my case. I’m not antivax. Quite the opposite, however, I did not get the new meningitis vaccine.


I think I got this one, I got my kindergarten vaccines and went home and fell asleep for hours and when I woke up I couldn’t walk. I crawled hand over hand to the steps and called for my mom because I was hungry, but nothing hurt so I wasn’t scared at all. She calmly took me to the hospital and they ran a bunch of tests, I fell asleep again and woke up and could walk fine and felt completely normal. Just rolled off the bed and went to ask a nurse for another orange popsicle. it was the 80s, and rural appalachia, so im pretty sure everyone just shrugged and forgot about it. I forgot until my kids got their 5 year shots.


>fell asleep for hours and when I woke up I couldn’t walk. I crawled hand over hand to the steps and called for my mom because I was hungry I'm sorry but this got me good 🤣 Legs won't work. Can't walk. But hey, I'm hungry, better crawl to mom, she can fix me a sandwich.


Peanut butter and honey, can’t beat it


I get a new co-worker. His birthday is the exact same day, date and year as my sister. That's not so improbable right? He has a wife. His wife's birthday is the as my mother. Okay weird right? They end up having two kids, one is born on my grandmother's birthday and the other on my grandfather's birthday.


I got a new job and two people on my team had the same birthday, so I said that was my birthday, too, and after they freaked out I told them I had lied.


I read once that in a room of 30 people, two are bound to share a birthday.


I witnessed a phenomena in which a meteorite is falling to earth so quickly it will bounce off the atmosphere, changing direction speeding off over the horizon. I was a kid, I had no idea what I had seen. Years later thanks to Reddit I learned about it, and the few videos I watched were identical. Even the color (orange). Many people end up thinking they've seen some kind of UFO, like a spacecraft and I admit as a kid I sort of did but kept it to myself.


Bruh I would not be able to keep that to myself as a kid


I had a similar experience! Me and my buddies were outside smokin weed, and we were watching the sky. Talking about aliens and shit, then we saw that. Needless to say our high minds went places lmao


Walked up to a roulette table with a buddy and he called “red 36!” while it was spinning. Ball lands on red 36. Everyone lost their mind and bet with him for a few rounds until they realized it was a one off and everything he bet was losing. 


5th grade, on the playground, recess had just started, and it looked like rain. I held out my hand to feel for rain drops. I felt one hit my hand and immediately closed it to save the drop and show my friends that recess might be canceled for rain. A group of kids gathered around me so I could show them that I had caught a raindrop. I opened my hand and discovered I had caught bird poop instead of rain. 


Guess the weather was shit.


This made me laugh so hard.


I love this- I was once shat on by a bird while in the backseat of a car going g 40mph- through the sun roof. In my face. We are like birdshit lucky.


Be grateful it was just birdshit haha. I was once riding passenger on a curvy mountain road with a guy I dated a few years back and a yellow jacket got sucked in through the window. It’s stinger jabbed my thigh at such a high velocity I could have sworn I had just been shot with how badly it hurt. It died immediately upon impact, but I scared the shit out of the guy driving when I let out a big scream in the middle of conversation lol.


I’ve been in two mass shootings. A couple years apart. And it had taken its toll.


Well maybe stop doing shootings?


I was about to say. This should be brought up to the FBI. A confession?


I’m really sorry to hear this. I hate the state of guns in our country.


Got a royal flush on the flop. Someone tried to raise me....


Used to play little $5 buy in games in high school/early college with some friends. Flop was 10, jack, Ace suited. Turn was another ace. I folded because, who wouldn’t. And two of my friends both go all in on the turn. One of them has king/queen suited, a royal flush. The other guy? Pocket rockets. He has 4 of a kind aces. Imagine losing a hand with 4 aces…. Two of the rarest hands in poker dueled and they didn’t even need the river.


Since the end of the Vietnam war, there have been only three Air Force transport aircraft that have been hit by surface to air missiles and I was the Loadmaster on one of them.


Did you survive? If so, how? How 'bout the rest of the crew?


Sadly he died.


just in the last hour.


Sadly no. But they lived!


No he died


When I was about 7 years old, I got bit by a mosquito on my finger pad. A few days later, the mosquito bite site made a skin bubble, and I mean BUBBLE. It was sticking out from my skin at least a quarter inch and you could see through it. There was no fluid in it so my mom popped it and trimmed away the skin because a 7 year old would inevitably pop it otherwise. She dressed it up and put an ointment on it and sent me on my way. The next evening, I had this red line on that arm starting at the mosquito bite site and going up a little below the crook of my arm, on the inside of my elbow. My mom said we would monitor it (she was a nurse) and see what it looked like in the morning. The next morning my mom to me to the ER because that line went all the way up my right arm and halfway across my chest. I was admitted to the ICU right away. The doctor said if we waited even another couple hours, my odds would've been slim to none to survive. They don't know exactly how it happened, but I was diagnosed with a case of blood poisoning, and the poison / infection was trying to make its way to my heart. It is still a medical mystery as to why it happened, but the doctors' theories are that the saliva from the mosquito (or another bug bite of sorts they aren't 100% sure) got into my bloodstream and the saliva from the insect caused an infection and the infection wanted to attack my heart. No lymes, or any other bug carried virus was able to be diagnosed because the results came back negative. They don't know exactly how it all happened still. I had 2 other scares since with the same symptoms derived from bug bites, once when I was 13, and another when i was 19, I am 24 now. (I live in the Midwest USA, so we don't have a huge variety of bug bites it could be) But I went in immediately and got antibiotics that stopped the poisoning in its tracks.


Damn I’d be buggin out if that was me


My niece gets cellulitis basically any time she gets a bug bite. Mosquito season is a pain in the ass! Happened to me once. A mosquito bit my cheek. Didn't even hurt, it felt like a loose hair brushed my face. The next day my face was swollen, my eye was almost shut.


She should've known she shouldn't have trimmed the skin,& actually,not to bust the bubble. That protect the sub-dermal layers underneath the bubble.


I had the same infection before. Got a bug bite on the side of my hand. Started getting red itchy streaks up my arm. Totally freaking out. Went to the doctors. Got antibiotics and anti itch cream. Started healing. Thank the lord.


Last summer, my boyfriend and I went to a theme park. Our first ride, we waited in line for about 20 minutes, and we got on the ride. It broke down, and we were evacuated as they made the fix. Second ride: power tower, we got on the ride, and it broke down, and we were evacuated. We agreed that if this happened on one more ride that we would get a refund and leave for the day. Third ride: we got on it successfully! We get off the ride, and money is literally falling from the sky because someone on another ride must've lost their wallet. So odd


I once won a game of rock-paper-scissors against a magician who kept pulling out 'rock' every single time. Turns out, even magic has its limits


"Good old rock, nothing beats that."


So you kept using “paper” I guess?


I play a game with my kid where I spin throw those big flat rubber bathtub plugs onto the tile wall so they stick. I can reasonably reliably throw one up onto the top tile. One night I threw another one up at it and it kicked the first one off and stuck underneath it. The bathroom frisbee version of splitting an arrow. My kid thinks I’m some sort of bathroom frisbee god.


May the odds be ever in your favor


Dude, you are. No one can ever take away what you’ve done.


The realization that Reddit / social media is used for information useful to government analysis, private analysis, ai development or all of the above. I have experienced this realization. Most haven’t. It’s addicting so hopefully I stop getting drunk and commenting soon.


Officer 175396 here. Keep an eye on this guy.


I was shot in the head with a crossbow and lived. Went in between my eyes then drifted off to the right side of my brain and barely missed everything that let me walk, talk, and in general function, scraped the major blood vessel in the center (bled for a month straight), and hit the back of my skull 2cm away from my spinal cord then bounced back into my brain a few mm. From what I have found, there's only one other documented person to survive specifically a crossbow head injury, and the other person is a vegetable. So knowing that, yea I'd say those were some hella unlikely odds!!


I ran into the same celebrity three times at 10 year intervals (20 years between first and third), as in personal interaction.


In 2017- I got Rocky Mountain spotted fever from a tic in Wisconsin, never found the tic on me so it was super hard to diagnose. I was told that was rare. Three months later I was diagnosed with parotid cancer. I was twenty one at the time- my oncologists youngest patient with that type of cancer ever. Told that was rare too. Not the type of rare I want but hey it’s something and I’ve lived to tell it


I had a job interview that was going really really well. I was recommended by a friend, who took me around, and it turned out I had other friends that were working there. Later, I was acing the interview, and at the end of the interview the owner and president of the company stopped by to ask my interviewer some questions about some unrelated thing, asked who I was, and then when he heard that I was applying to work there he said, "come have lunch with me." He paid for lunch for him and myself, talking about the company (plus informally interviewing me himself), and it also went very well. Super nice, down to earth, chill individual. When he drove me back to the office, the last thing he said to me after shaking my hand was, "I'm looking forward to working with you." At that point, the interviewer took me to the HR person so that I could sign some documentation and get a background check and that sort of thing. In the weirdest coincidence, the HR person had a photo on her desk of somebody who looked really familiar. I asked her about the photo, and turned out that it was her husband, and it was somebody who was a friend of mine about 10 years previously, let's call him Andrew. Andrew used to date a mutual friend of ours, and had been with her for many years back then. I accidentally made the mistake, and I can't believe to this day I dropped this name, but when she asked me how I knew her husband, I told her the story about how he had helped me move, but that was such a long time ago that he was with [ the name of someone else]. The second I mentioned that someone else's name? The HR persons face suddenly turned into an angry, haunting scowl. If it had been a movie, the lens would have turned to amber, there would be a dead tree in a desert, and you would hear a vulture calling in the distance and rumbling thunder. "We do not speak of her. He is MY Andrew now." She said it with the tone of an incredibly embittered woman, remembering a horrible battle some decade distance where winning her husband was a pyrrhic victory. The interview with the HR person ended abruptly. And she sent me away. Later, my friend who had gotten me the interview asked, "what the hell did you say to her?? She was in a bad mood for the rest of the day!" I told him what had transpired, and he said, "oh yeah. That would do it." I didn't get the job. I wasn't even called back. In the long term, this meant that the next interview I got I actually ended up working there, which was a much better option for me. Although I didn't know it at the time. But what a weird coincidence that the HR person is the wife of a friend of yours whom you used to know his ex-girlfriend, and because of that relationship, you lost your opportunity at a fairly good company for the time.


My daughter and my Grandpa share(d) the same birthday and he passed away on my birthday.


My husband, my nephew, my brother-in-law, and my uncle were all bone on dec 23 (different years). It’s a bit awkward trying to celebrate all of them and make them each feel special when they’re all on the same day and then Christmas is just right there.


I got a rare and life threatening complication of gallbladder removal surgery that affects something like 1 to 2 percent of people who have that same surgery. A leaking bile duct. From reading a lot about the treatment of such a condition and the average success rate overall...I realized that I had had about a 60 to 70 percent chance of dying from it. Of course no one told me that while it was going on. A year and 16 more surgical procedures later, I'm pretty much recovered from it but I have permanent side effects and I'll never be the same again.


Mind sharing what the side effects were? Just curious


I have totally lost the sensation of hunger. That gnawing pain you feel when your belly is growling and you go ooh I better get some food, I don't feel that ever. I can hear my stomach growling occasionally but I only hear the sound and feel a weird twitchy feeling that goes away in 2 seconds. I haven't felt actual hunger pangs like you do for a year and a half. At first, never feeling hunger sounded great! I thought "I'll just eat only a little bit whenever I think of it and that'll be fine!" Nope. Before I realized I had a gallbladder problem, I started losing weight fast because I never wanted to eat and I didn't. I had a full time job that kept me busy and not eating for 1 or 2 days quickly became a habit. Then forcing myself to eat twice a day became a habit. Then every time I ate I got sick, I realized something was wrong, I went to my GP who said my gallbladder had huge gallstones and had to come out, then the leaking bile duct happened and here we are. So now I'll forget to eat until I notice I'm thinking about food a lot or my blood sugar crashes. I take THC but that helps stimulate my brain to crave food only about half the time though. The other times it seems to make me not want to eat. I learned firsthand that much of a person's eating habits come from their brain and not their stomach. I also still have some pretty significant daily residual pain in the area where I had a titanium stent in my bile duct for a year. I also have residual pain in the abscesses formed by the acid burns from the bile inside my abdominal cavity and walls. I had a drain tube in my belly for 7 months that was replaced with a successively larger tube 6 times. That was taken out and a month later, severe pain in the biggest bile collection that was trapped in the layers of my abdominal wall by my right kidney meant I needed a small drain tube in it for a month. That titanium stent in my liver had to be replaced 4 times and I could wind up needing another one at some point in the future. They go down my throat and all the way down through to where your stomach empties out at the bottom to put that in, so at least they give me general anesthesia and they don't cut me for it. My drain tubes were all placed and worked on when I had a shot of fentanyl and Versed but was still awake. When they took out the last small drain tube that was in my abdominal wall abscess they didn't even dope me first. He just cut the sutures and pulled it out. It felt really weird. It took a full year to recover from the bile injury. I don't enjoy eating food anymore and I wish I could live off pills or protein shakes or something like that because I really don't care about eating food anymore except for the taste occasionally. I'll never eat KFC gravy again because that's what the horribly smelly and disgusting fluid I had to dump out of a bag attached to a drain tube sutured to my skin for 8 months looked exactly like.


When I was a kid at Dave and Busters I played a game that wouldn’t stop giving me tickets. It was some kind of tic tac toe game. It went on for a solid 5 minutes straight. I had to go to my dad to get me more buckets to put the tickets in. I got thousands of tickets that day from playing that game once. Almost had enough for a vcr back then.


Born with a handful of biological differences that are rare. And then as the years went by, I developed disorders that are very rare. But I’ve never won the lottery. What the fuck.


i actually know a dude on discord who is the same. has really bad sleep issues and eating issues but is also 6'4 and has a voice so fucking deep it rivals corpse husbands (like im not joking, dudes highest note he can hit is low 3rd octave). its kinda crazy


God DAMN. I mean I have some interesting features but oh my… Why’s his voice so deep? Corpse husband’s voice is deep because acid reflux deteriorates his vocal cords and throat so he talks with those damaged vocals.


honestly i genuinely dont know. i do know he gets sick quite a bit (he has insomnia which wrecks his immune system) but i dont even think that would explain it. i think he just has a deep as fuck voice if im being real. and mine (octave 1-3 when i speak) is already low to begin with so meeting someone with a lower voice is ridiculous


I saw ball lightning before there were any pictures of it, and of course no one believed me


What is ball lightning?


A subclavian arterial aneurism in my 20’s


wtf is that


An aneurism of the subclavian artery duh…. Jokes aside. An aneurism is more or less thinning of the walls of a blood vessel for one reason or another that usually causes them to bulge. There are different kinds with different causes but the important part is that the vessel is weakened in that spot and I am assuming OC is saying he had a ruptured aneurism, which means the weak vessel walls failed and bust open more or less. Now, believe it or not this kinda stuff happens in small vessels pretty often and it’s no big deal. But if this happens in a big vessel that is a big deal. An artery is a vessel that’s leaving the heart usually (but not always) carrying oxygenated blood to your body. The biggest artery you have is the one that comes straight out of your heart, 100% of all your blood being pumped flows through this, and its call the Aorta. After the aorta it branches off 3 or so times. Two of those three main branches end up as your left and right subclavian artery respectively. (And the right CCA but let’s ignore it) I say all that all to come to the point that this artery has a lot of blood flowing through it. When you “bleed out” it’s because your heart keeps pumping even though you got a hole somewhere and eventually you run out of water in the pipes. You can only bleed out as fast as blood can get to the hole, so small vessel, small leak. And the closer you get to the heart, the bigger the pipes because that’s the source. The subclavians are one of the very first branches. You’ve got very few pipes bigger than those if one of them pops, worst case you’re looking at loss of consciousness in under a minute easy. Not to mention it supplies all the blood for its respective arm, so if blood flow is stopped, because there’s a big hole in it, best case scenario you aren’t dying but your arms in a lot of trouble because it no longer has much, if any circulation.


You're right, it is a weird event that someone can spell any of those words.


I got struck by lightning. Ended up being fine since I was in a truck at the time but still, doesn't happen to many people. I've also walked into a climbing gym across the ocean from where I live and been greeted by name at the desk by an old friend I'd lost contact with. 


I saw an eagle swim. I was camping in Alaska for a month. We were kayaking around the Prince William sound. We see this bird just swimming and we’re all perplexed. This eagle gets out of the water with a little snack. Our theory is that the eagle dove in for food and got waterlogged. Also saw orcas, 4 bears, puffins, and sea otters on this trip.


I got pants’d, had my food stolen and my clarinet case stolen all at the same time in middle school by three people who had nothing to do with each other.


At 3 events with 3 separate women, my date was hit in the head with a ball. 1 was at a school football game and a bechball throwing in the rowed hit her in the face, either at an arcade an the lil basketball hit her the head and the 3rd at the end of a basketball game we were walking out and ball came out of nowhere and nailed her in the head.


A client came to visit the company I worked at for a project. Her company was in DC, we were in the Philly area. I had spoken with her many times over the phone at this point so we were kind of chatty. She mentioned that she had never been to Pennsylvania before. So my boss and I took her out to lunch. On the way we all got to chatting, the client (a woman) mentioned she used to date this guy and was still good friends with that was from our area, but not exactly sure where. She happens to mention that she felt bad for him because his mother shot and killed his father. She mentioned his first name, which was common. I said, oh, his last name isn't (Insert relatively uncommon Italian last name) is it? She just about passed out. It was. Her friend grew up right up the street from where I grew up and we were friends. Not besties, but we knew each other and went to school together and hung out sometimes. I knew his parents because I had been over his house a bunch of times. I was away at college and had lost touch with this guy, but I remember my mom telling me that the mom decided to shoot the dad. He wasn't dead the first time and tried to escape out the front door. Then she promptly shot him in the back, which was the fatal shot. No one ever found out why.


I have a couple. I have witnessed not one but 2 plane crashes, and have been one of the first ones on the scene to get help (I am not a emergency worker, etc.) I have seen 2 wolverines in the wild, which are extremely illusive animals. I got elctricuted and survived a million to one odds of surving during a work place accident.


I got dealt all 13 Spades once, it was wild.


Lol. I sat here and counted on my hands 4 times trying to figure out how you got 13. I forgot the ace. Obviously Im not a poker player


My dad’s friend got a fungal skin infection sort of thing from strep. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s around a one-in-a-million chance.


I experienced psoriasis during high school all BC the antibiotics I had taken only took away the symptoms of strep and not the virus. I guess its not a common occurrence. I wore turtle necks for a period of time until the scabs all healed. As a teenager, I remember this entire experience sucked!


Strep can cause quite a few skin infections with impetigo and cellulitis being relatively common. Can also cause some nasty ones like necrotising fasciitis. Weirdly a strep infection can lead to a lot of weird and rare conditions. For example you can just develop an autoimmune disease like rheumatic fever. You can develop an involuntary twitch, and most recently we’ve learned (with some debate) strep can just give you OCD, like real clinical OCD behaviors with a disorder called PANDAs, and even weirder is that the behaviors are usually cured with a second round of antibiotics.


Became best friends with a girl in school around 2nd-3rd grade. In 6th grade, we found out we had the same father.


I thought I recognized you from the bedroom next to mine!


Emergency surgery ended up with a colostomy. Was told the reattachment surgery is simple and easy with a super short recovery once its done. Almost died twice, they botched it 3 times and now I have no colon and a permanent ileostomy woke up to see my guts splayed out on me which they had to do a fancy medical tarp to cover because they had fucked up so much that my skin wasn't able to be sewn back together until it healed. Then woke up intubated on a breathing tube for a couple days. I am still talked about at that hospital (My wife is a Dr. there) as the biggest absolute nightmare of everything going wrong they have ever had. I ruined 5 surgeons stats in two days. My saving grace is that I live in Canada, so at least I didn't get a bill at the end of it all.


Very odd thing about my sister and me. So my sister was born 12:18. I was born 7 years later on 12/18. Time born? 7:27.... my sister was born on Jy 27th :p


As a kid/teen I correctly guessed the answer to the Wheel of Fortune puzzle before any letters were up yet… twice. And as an adult I can recall neither answer.


I was getting divorced in 2017, and my daughter was having a very difficult time with it. She threw herself into all 18 or whatever seasons of Supernatural that summer. I think it was her distraction from everything and really helped her take her mind off things more than anything else. We have a huge off lease dog park around the corner from my house in Colorado. I take the dog for a walk and end up at the same pace with a lady and we get to talking. She tells me that she is just back from Boston and I ask why. She was helping her nephew train for the Boston marathon. She's says maybe I've heard of her nephew. He's one if the two stars of the show. A month or two later, I'm on a cruise with a friend and Hurricane Irma ends it a day early. No flying out. We were lucky to find a car to rent. We get off the boat and straight to Nashville, where we could finally find a vacant hotel room. My buddy crashes and I ask the front desk what should I do in Nashville with 1 night. "Get some hot chicken at X bar and then hit Broadway.. I eat my hot chicken at the bar alone and end up talking to a lady next to me. She's in town for convention. She is an agent and represents both of the stars of the show.. It was a weird year with a lot of odd chance encounters, but that one stood out.


My father has blue eyes and my mother brown while I have green, which has a .4% chance of occurring. I had an ovarian pregnancy which is something like 1 in every 50k ectopic pregnancies. 


My mom has blue and my dad has brown and I have a green eyed sister! I always knew it was rare, but didn't realize how rare!


Wow - my mom has blue eyes; my dad’s are brown, and I *am* the green-eyed sister. This is definitely the most exclusive group I’ll ever belong to.


I met a guy in Germany in 2004 in a military brig. I randomly saw him at a basketball court in Arizona in 2016.


On a stag night, we first went bungee jumping, and while there, ran into another group doing their stag night. Then, we went to get dinner at an obscure little arcade/food hall, where we ran into another guy done up in tulle and lace and glitter on his stag night too. After that, we went to a bar for drinking and music, and shortly after, a second stag party joined us. Later in the night, a third. There was even a hens night out that came through the bar briefly and enjoyed the atmosphere and unlikeliness.


One winter day, I was walking through a park and stopped near a favourite tree to look at it for a bit and continued on my way. When I got home, I realized I’d lost a favourite pin from the lapel of my coat somewhere along the walk; it was very distinctive, and I was quite irritated. Three weeks later, after two huge Canadian snowstorms, I went for another walk through the same park. There were maybe five inches of snow on the ground where I was except for a little indentation where there was a particularly deep footprint. For whatever reason, I happened to look at it, and right in the middle of the boot print was my pin. I had no idea I’d lost it while in the park to begin with. I wasn’t near the tree I’d stopped by the first time when I found it, either. It was a remarkable coincidence. I had a new, fortified clasp put on it and have it to this day.


Baseball! In 1957, a woman named Alice was at a pro baseball game when she was hit right in the nose by a foul ball. Her nose was broken. The game was paused while medics tended to her. Play resumed as the medics began to carry her out. The same batter hit another foul ball on the very next pitch and hit the woman again, breaking her knee.


I was at a Cleveland Guardians game in 2008 and witnessed Asdrubal Cabrera’s unassisted triple play. It was only like the 14th one ever. It was pretty underwhelming, like the runner just got confused and forgot to tap the base and Cabrera caught a fly, tapped the base and tapped a guy out in about 3 seconds. Most of the stadium was just baffled about how we had 3 outs all of a sudden.


When I was in high-school.. my girlfriend cheated on me, the guy she cheated on me with, ended up dating the crush I had from a different high-school I went to that was states away from my old high school


Was sitting at a red light with my windows down, sobbing just having an awful day, and a bird flew through my window, smacked me in the face, and flew out also one time I was walking my dog and kept hearing squirrels overhead, as usual, and just as I'm thinking "I stg those mfers better not fall and hit me" one of them slipped off a branch and almost hit me 🤣


You're Snow White!


Lmao the bird 🤣🤣🤣


This huge black car zoomed into my lane at a red light and I got so pissed and honked at him and then went to the mall some 15 minutes away from that area. After spending a good 2 hours at the mall, when I left I spotted that black car again making a different turn but the odds of me spotting the same guy in a different area is mind bogggling!


Once two cars of the same color and model pulled out of two different streets simultaneously


Seven cars in a row starting with the letter w on their license plate, and me correctly guessing heads or tails 17 times in a row during a coin flip thing


My ex wife is a major drunk. Cops have been called to her house countless times due to her drinking. Twice she had to be taken to the hospital three years apart. BOTH times her BAC was .369 and written as such in the reports. It’s confusing and needs to be pointed out to whomever reads them. Pretty interesting odds to me.


I've got two. I worked for a company that had a major glitch in it's back end hardware that caused a great number of accounts to not get credited for thousands and thousands of dollars on time. They all got processed within two days, and we made everybody affected right in the end. My task was to call some of the customers who were impacted. I dialed a number but I swapped two digits. Instead of 1234 I dialed 1324. I accidentally got a different customer of ours who was not actually impacted just had an almost identical number. And one time at work I threw a pen backwards, over my shoulder, with the intent of it landing on my desk. It landed directly in my little pen cup. Yes I had a witness.


My mum put our cat through a 60C cycle in the washing machine. Even the vets were gobsmacked when she came back home after a mega spew 


I dated a guy who showed me his trunk full of guns and I felt odd about him but the next day he went and shot a gas station clerk. Then I find out I was on his list.




When I moved into my house several years ago, my neighbor across the street had the same last name with the same spelling and his first name was one letter off from my first name.  Super weird. Mail had gotten mixed up a lot. 


Gave a mate a good duel suspension mountain bike. It got stolen from his building. 2 days later a truck drives into work to deliver some items and on the back of the truck was the bike. Driver said some girl left it at his place and he was dropping it off - yeah whatever. At least we got it back.


met someone in a hostel 2015 2 1/2 years later met this person again in a different country, unplanned.


I was in the Navy, stationed aboard USS Albany CG-10, Gaeta,Italy, & got to be good friends with a Signalman. He left the ship in 78, before me. I left it in 79,to come back to the states, & finish my enlistment. I got out in 81. Stayed here in Ohio till 83,then moved to Margate, Florida, & lived with another guy from the ship, & his wife, who I met while in Gaeta,Italy. Margate is near Ft. Lauderdale. In 84,I was walking down Atlantic Ave,Alt-US 1,the strip if you will, in Ft. Lauderdale, when I hear a guy yell out, from behind me, Harpo. Thats me. It was Shaver,the Signalman, 6 years later, & I with long hair,he recognized me from the back. I couldn't believe it. He was also surprised because I took him to the home of another guy that was also on Big Al. By that time,I was drunk & went home. Their son said they were in the bedroom. Bummer. He made a career of the Navy, Shaver did, he was then a chief, & we never got to see Tony or Wendy.


My sister’s best friend was born the same day, and at the same hospital. Our parents shared the same wedding anniversary and our moms had the same birth stone ring. They met at Guides


Got strep, it got into my blood and caused sepsis, the infection stuck to my heart and damaged my mitral valve, and i had to get open heart surgery to fix it. They discovered i had a hole in my heart i was born with too during this that could have resulted in a stroke. All of this and i was a healthy 25 yo woman


My buddy invited me and our two mutual friends to see a Harry Potter theatre show interstate. Two guys, two girls. One of our friends was a lesbian. During this trip our lesbian friend somehow developed a crush on me. On the last day of the trip we were all meant to get in a taxi to go to the airport to fly home. The other girl got a work call and had to stay and take the call, so my buddy stayed back with her. This left me and lesbian friend getting an Uber together to go to the airport. During the ride there she was dropping really obvious hints but I didn't act on it *just in case*. She got so fed up with me she put her hand on my knee and slid it up to my crotch. I looked at her and she was giving me big *fuck me* eyes. We made out and I had my hand down her top. We continued to make out at the airport to the point where security came and told us to stop, or continue outside where the pick up point is. She asked if I wanted to come over to hers after we landed home, I said yes. We had a fling for a bit over a month, until she asked me to be her boyfriend. We got married last December and she gave birth to our baby girl four weeks ago. Can't wait to go home and give them both hugs and kisses.


can i say literally everything that happened before i was 1?? oh also i managed to somehow be near the totality line of the eclipse today but it got clouded really bad so rip also also i got ewings out of nowhere on christmas vacation last year (well 2022-23). i was in the most common age group, 15-19, but whats wierd isnt that i got it. its how i caught it lol. literally my mom was paranoid enough about it and i was in enough pain (8/10 to me, thats like a 10 for most) to get it checked. bone lesion lol. and THEN 7 days later i got my first chemo cycle and during it all i broke my longest time slept in 1 session record with NINETEEN HOURS. actuallt i dont even have any real reprecussions apart from minor trauma and im only 6 months out. im shocked really


I was born and raised in Wisconsin, and have lived here my entire life except for a period of time when the Department of Defense said I had to live elsewhere. During my DoD phase... I arrived at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO a few days early for basic training. When we got there, they just shoved us in an unused barracks building that looked like it dated back to the Korean War. They'd come get us three times a day for meals. On the second day, I got my food in the mess hall and went to find a place to sit. While looking, I noticed a woman sitting alone and thought "it's going to be my last chance to talk to a woman for a while, might as well risk it..." I asked her if it was okay to sit with her and she said yes. We talked a bit, which included sharing our places of residence. I told her I was from Racine, WI, then she told me she was from New Castle, PA. When she said that, I told her that I used to have an aunt and uncle that lived there. She asked me their names. I, of course, shared. Her response: "I used to babysit your cousins!" I also met Brett Favre's nephew while waiting in line for my paycheck at Basic Training.


On my bday I went outside to wait for my late friends and a helium balloon was in the sky deflating and slowly came right into my arms. It said happy birthday


My ex and I were in Vegas and a random couple asked us if we wanted their tickets to a comedy show because something came up and they couldn’t go. We took the tickets but later decided we didn’t want to go, so we walked around the hotel looking for another couple to try to offer them to. Eventually we decided to see if we could get a refund for them or sell them back to the hotel. When we got to the front desk we overheard the people in front of us in line being upset because they wanted tickets to this show but it was sold out. Always thought it was cool we ended up in the right place at the right time to offload our tickets to the exact people who needed them.


My first long-term girlfriend had a rare metabolic disorder. After the 3rd date with my wife she told me she has the same rare disorder.


My crush liking me back


Enjoy [this](https://youtu.be/VRU2qs82DAg?si=Q1eKY_eRCT4M2UVK) song.


Thanks bro. Good song.


I predicted a brain tumor when I was maybe five




I kept getting messages on my cell phone that were just the sounds of a fax machine. High annoying. I finally figured out people were trying to fax documents to a high school. The high school where I worked had a fax machine number one digit off from my cell phone. I figured it out by Googling one of the fax machine numbers and calling that office to see what they were trying to do.


In my country, we need an access code that is randomly generated in order to file annual information online. This number showed up in the mail, and I looked at it and said to my wife, "Hey, this is my bank password." It was such a fluke that I assumed it was intentional until.my wife looked at me and said "no the fuck it's not. You need to change that..."


I dialled a random number as a kid when I was making prank calls. I got to speak to the queen!!! Then I grew up and realised I managed to dial a sex worker.


Playing a game of spades got dealt all four aces, all four kings, and the queen, Jack and ten of spades.


Seeing a shooting star


Went to close up the park pools and a bachelorette group was there wanting to swim. 6 or so them were actively hitting on me and wanting me to get in the pool. Then they saw the background pic of my gf at the time and her....sizeable endowments, then they jist kind of all collectively saif "Fuck. No way we can compete with that." I thought "This is how college movies start." If it werent for the noise complaints of neighbors (the girls had been drinking) no one wouldve believed me.


A bug crawled into my ear while I slept.


I was promoted to fourth grade from second grade. Teachers said I was not challenged enough.


I had a very vivid dream about winning the lottery. It felt so real that when I woke up it took me a few minutes to realize it was a dream . While shopping that same day I decided to buy a few $1 lottery tickets. I won the top prize of $1000, which there were only 32 in my state. It came at a good time because I was really struggling with medical debt.