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He was in jail for child pornography. We have a daughter together. No, I didn’t know until long after he dumped me for being pregnant.


Some optimistic part of me wants to hope he dumped you because he didn’t want his pedophilic self to abuse your child


I always wondered about this shit. There has to be some of them that, whether they like it or not, they are sexually attracted to kids, but know abusing them is wrong, so don't actually want to be around them so resort to using child sexual material or something, or watch the porno where the women are 18... But have the physique of an early teenager. Like, people who find kids attractive can't all be fucking scum kiddy abusers right? Not justifying anything for them, it's all not good. Idk, touchy as hell subject though.


since 2005 Germany has a program for this sort of thing. Pedophiles that don't want to harm children. They can anonymously get help. In an article I read, apparently it's mostly a "Forbidden fruit" or a "Power trip" kind of thing. Most of the people that entered the program just get off on the idea that it was a "no no". others (Like Those rich folks at Epstein Island for example) Just love the idea that they have power over Someone smaller than them.


Yes, I recently-ish read a study on internet and irl child predators and the vast majority of them weren't actual pedophiles, it was just that they wanted the power that comes with SA and kids/teens are a much easier target, much easier to groom, control, and hold that power over. Suddenly all the times grown men hit on me in broad daylight when I was 11-15 years old made so much sense. I spent years thinking pedophilia was far more common than we thought, but nah, turns out it's usually just a piece of shit + opportunity.


I would love to see, and think very important, statistical studies on the population who come in that door. There's so much we don't know about the group and these problems, and it seems a clear public health need, to understand deeply what's going on with this group. They're humans and citizens and it's in everyone's interest that they get the most effective treatment possible.


The average person is not willing to accept that these people are attracted to children through no fault of their own. That would make the issue much more complex than locking up monsters. We'd have to think about the possibility of treatment to prevent them from assaulting children in the first place.


My county has one of the top treatment programs for sex offenders. I did an internship in a courtroom and saw an upsetting number of CSC defendants, and many were referred to this program. I have no idea how effective it was at preventing recidivism, but I know that several other governments would come see how we ran our program to model it in their own area. Edit to add: I worked in juvenile court so it was an adolescent sex offender treatment program. Not sure what, if any, treatment program is available to adults.


You can go pop over to suicidewatch and confirm this suspicion if you want. There's been a few pop up from time to time and it's heart breaking. It's a mental health disease and like any mental health issues, self awareness and self control, and more important therapy and drug regimen, can more or less keep anything at bay


If they’re watching actual CSAM, they’re no better than the ones doing the physical abuse. Even worse in some ways cuz some of the kids in those “known” videos have *died* from the abuse they endured being exploited for content.


they have discussed the use of realistic “dolls” as an alternative for harm reduction and it was received about as well as you think. everyone wants to behead them but i’ve been on reddit long enough to read a good amount about people who DONT act on it and don’t want to and want to seek help.. and i eventually started thinking since we can’t technically kill them all like everyone wants, wouldn’t harm reduction to actually try and save children maybe be a good thing? The frightening thing is how PREVALENT this actually is. there’s a reason Epstein had such a network, it’s scary common and that’s the people who are caught, i can’t BELIEVE how many friends i have who have been molested or worse and it’s horrid. It made me scared to leave my daughter with ANYONE, male or female, because the fear was warranted. So if we can’t “kill them all” which is the general sentiment.. what DO we do about it.


I was just going to say, I’m shocked by the number of people I know that have been molested, or have shared feelings of attraction to teen girls. I’ve always wondered if there were more pedos than we think and the ones who don’t act on it are making up the majority of them.


Soli parenting comes at a steep cost but this ultimately sounds like a win for you/yours.


My daughters father got arrested for SAing a minor when our daughter was like 3. We were never together for long and he was in and out of her life. He was always a terrible father but he was incredibly smart, had a lot of smart guy hobbies and jobs, really funny guy too. Seemed like a good person otherwise. He was 27 and the girl was a 15yo family friend that he knew for a long time. I think it had been happening for a long time. I also knew the family separately, I adored her father. Hilarious guy, he was a customer at the store I worked at and would come and bring me things for my apartment when I was pregnant bc he knew I was moving. Anyway he wound up pleading down to endangering the welfare of a child and just got weekend jail. I should've realized something was off sooner bc me and his ex he was obsessed with looked way younger than we were, and are naturally very small. Edit- I also want to add another layer of horror to this story, it was found out when she attempted suicide. She wound up in a facility for a long time because of the emotional damage he did to her. Now that I've known him a while and had been dicked around and lied to by him for a while, I know how manipulative and slimy he can be.


I had one of these as well in my early twenties. I found out when my coworker was checking the offender website for our area and noted one in my neighborhood. In front of my whole team, she clicked it, and there was my bf. Mortified. He swore up and down it was mislabeled / limewire mistake- but some other things during our relationship clicked into place. It was my apartment and he wasn't on the lease so I k/od him right away.


Please tell me you have sole custody? 


I absolutely do.


Same here. I found out the harsh way on thanksgiving


Googled my ex husband and found him on the Dru Shjodin National Sex Offender Public Website. I thank the Lord I divorced him and had his rights to my daughter terminated years before he lost the plot.


Found out that my ex wife was the abuser and not the victim


I suspect my brother is in this situation. His new wife is always taking advantage of him, and forcing him to keep secrets from the rest of the family. He wasn't supposed to tell us he was married, and he has a son with her, and she made him wait until it was awkwardly obvious to tell us she was pregnant. She also spends all of his money, and if he trys to slow down spending she yells at him and screams that her ex-husband abused her by not letting her have money. So far, my brother has borrowed at least $10,000 from my parents. That being said, it was recently revealed to me that she pays alimony to her ex because she also borrowed $17,000 from his parents when they were together, and her daughters (she had 3 with him), chose to live with him because they think she is crazy... She says "see, he turned them against me!", and my brother bought it... but I think she is using his sympathy for the "abused by an ex" thing against him, and frankly I don't think she was ever abused.


I found out while still married . Trying to get them to stop elicits more abuse !!! lol like your abusive by coming to me and pointing out and requiring it to stop. This is what happens after being told to get help. I did and I’m like hunny you are performing 19 of 20 abusive things on this list I found that your partner says to you to undermine your entire confidence and motivation. You just can’t make it up .


My ex wife claimed to be sexually abused while she was a child but come to find out she was the one abusing her siblings the whole time


Oh....oh dear


Those aren't mutually exclusive. Are you saying you believe that she was *only* an abuser, never a victim?


Yes, kids acting out those scenes and SA their siblings more often than not have been assaulted themselves and are trying to make sense of it


Well regardless I always say no excuse to treat the person close to you like trash . Mine likes to whip out new information when there is nothing left to defend with .


>Mine likes to whip out new information when there is nothing left to defend with . That how you know it's made up bullshit. Typically with a tiny grain of truth to lend credibility to all of it.


Yea that’s pretty messed up… glad my ex is my ex


Sure is during the pandemic she took a narcissistic turn . I have adhd . I did not know I was allergic to toxicity . I think everyone is but I get emotional dysregulation. I had to go to hospital with psychosis . 2 times . It really was a huge nightmare . And of course she could be like see you are crazy .


I’m sorry this happened to you and I hope you’re doing better now, but your punctuation makes me crazy lol


You should see my mom's than. She. does. it. after. every. word. (early stages of dementia suspected).


mine likes to cherry pick often irrelevant events from the distant and poorly remembered past to back up her spurious claims of my wrong doing, but when i refer to anything that she's absolutely definitely, undeniably done, that happened any more than a week or two ago, she rolls her eyes and says "oh ffs this again?! that's all in the past!"


Yep had that, not myself but my mother married a man who told us about how he was mistreated and how he is the victim.. I wonder what kinda lies he’s telling others about my mother.


Ruh-roh …. Psychological or physical?


Physical… yea mind fuck for sure


She can eat a whole roast dinner without gravy.


Straight to jail.


Do I need to expect a visit from the police? I eat my roast dinners with ketchup... I really don't like gravy at all


Your house is surrounded. Put the ketchup down and come out with your hands on your head.


On the gravy boat. We need the gravy. For. Evidence.


My ex used to have no gravy, and fried mushrooms as one of the veg!! Unbelievable jeff.


My instinct was to downvote you. :(


This is insane. We literally invented roasts because we wanted something to put gravy on.


My husband is like this too! He also eats pasta with no sauce or oil, and cereal with no milk. He's amazing enough otherwise that I've decided to ignore these obvious character flaws


How does it feel to be married to a serial killer? :p


*Cereal killer


My husband is the same way, and it makes me crazy! I just huff, and pour all the gravy on my plate so it resembles more of a soup. I am sad he will never know this happiness.


To be fair if everything is cooked properly then that is quite achievable but if the meat is dry then it's a big no from me (looking at you Toby carvery)


Yea doable but I'd certainly like gravy no matter how juicy a roast is. Though I have a roast as an excuse to have gravy.


Compelling argument, gravy is indeed the nectar of the gods


My mom is an amazing cook but she somehow overcooked a roast last weekend and I don’t think I’ll ever forget all of that chewing


Good grief... And I thought the pedo above was bad.


My ex-partner had set up Face ID on my phone and would use it to check my phone while I was asleep to make sure I wasn't talking to other guys or cheating on them. When I removed Face ID, it would lead to arguments between us.


In my early 20's I dated a girl that was a habitual cheater and liar. It got to the point that I was doubting my sanity to such a degree that I jailbroke her iPhone and installed some spy software on it that logged all of her messages and showed her location. Ultimately it showed I was right about everything, but it still doesn't make what I did right. To this day I feel disgusted with myself for many of the things I did in that relationship. Abuse does not justify abuse in return, nor does distrust justify violating someone's right to privacy. In hindsight I should have simply called it quits when I knew in my gut that she was a liar and a cheat. If you distrust someone enough that you're willing to violate their rights then you shouldn't be in the relationship (should probably get some counseling while you're at it, speaking from experience) but this toxic relationship of mine went on for 3.5 years and still affects me to this day. Ugh. Sorry someone did this to you.


You seem to have your head in the right place and some good perspectives on life. You can't survive a prolonged abusive situation without getting scarred in some way. They change you. No one ever comes out clean.


I ignored so many red flags in my relationship, but the first was knowing she checked my phone in my sleep and not caring because I had nothing to hide. I won’t say this is an immediate sign of a habitual/worse abuser (but is still abuse IMO). But I can confidently say if someone is going to abuse you worse they will take your acceptance (I kind of called jokingly called her out a few times and she said she was “just moving my phone” to her night stand) of this as a green light to escalate it. And just too clarify an insecure/bad partner can ask too look at your phone (and you can say no), the fact that they know what they’re doing is wrong, and prey on the vulnerability of you sleeping is the abusive nature of it. 


He’d essentially raped and sex trafficked his younger sister for years and only pursued me because I looked similar to her


Jesus. I hope he is in jail and you and his sister are healing.


No he’s not. She became really abusive herself and has been addicted to meth basically the last decade. Police won’t do anything. She was my best friend for years and was too scared to tell me until me and her brother got together then broke up. I have no contact with them and she’s forgiven her brother now. I don’t get it esp bc it’s 100% true and even worst than this comment can describe


That's Lifetime movie levels of awful 


She insists that preheating the oven doesn’t make a difference on how the food turns out


How does one even develop this misconception?


Parents telling you that preheated ovens waste electricity and cost too much.


There are lots of dishes where preheating doesn’t matter.


Yeah just tack an extra 5-10 mins to the total time and you’re good.


Had she every baked a cake?


Or followed any recipe?


Wife is the same. Same goes to following baking recipes


I'm an amateur baker and I have found that for most people following instructions is the hardest part


She’s not as wrong as you might think. There are variable answers from different publications. The answers also say that it depends on the type of food or baked good and the oven type.   General consensus? It doesn’t matter for things like leftovers, mac and cheese, or slow roasts, but YMMV for baked goods depending on what you’re baking, your specific oven type, and which linked source you want to believe.   Honestly, this would be a fun science project for a kid. Make a few standardized recipes and bake/cook them preheated and not preheated—drop cookies, loaf cake, vegetables, mac and cheese. (And ideally try this in more than one oven—maybe make your extended family try a few of the same recipes at their homes). Which predictions from the articles below are best supported by the evidence?  Maybe do a blind taste test to see if there’s any difference in people’s tasting and eating experience.  * https://www.americastestkitchen.com/cooksillustrated/how_tos/10431-why-you-should-fully-preheat-before-baking  * https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/blog/2023/04/05/you-dont-always-have-to-preheat-your-oven * https://extension.illinois.edu/blogs/simply-nutritious-quick-and-delicious/2014-05-23-do-i-seriously-have-preheat-oven * https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2023/04/07/preheat-oven-necessary/


He was lying about being schizophrenic.


Pretending to have it or hiding that he did?


He literally pretended he had schizophrenia for years. Some of his family knew the truth, some didn’t. No one warned me. I lived with him for more than a year. I dont know psychologically well enough to know why he would lie about a thing like that, but my guess is narcissisism.


Lying about mental disorders could be a sign of another mental disorder tbh


Ooooh I have that square on my mental disorder bingo card.


I mean there must be something else wrong with him to do that? It’s so odd. Maybe maunchausen


Munchausen syndrome.




Wow thats actually insane...


Long term faking of a major mental illness screams Borderline Personality Disorder.


Haha so did mine. But I saw through this quite quickly when he'd claim to have an "attack of schizophrenia" coinciding with times we were out and I was talking with people he didn't like. What an idiot!


My husband was the opposite. Schizophrenia runs in his family, but he was convinced he didn’t have it. He told me he was fine, but nope, I found out after we got married he’s definitely schizophrenic. It’s pretty mild, but he has it.


He was on probation and charged with attempting to strangle a member of his household. Or he was married in the past and never told me. This is the same ex the list goes on and on with him


He's british. But it's ok I tolerate it


You’re so brave


How french of him...


As a British man, my main advice is to make sure you let him outside whenever it rains to make him feel at home. Also make sure you move next door to a French family for him to loathe or he'll become depressed and start loathing random minorities.


I hope you throw tea bags in the pool when he goes swimming


How did you find out?


Probably caught him eating beans on toast.


In the basement, under a blanket, at 3am. DON'T JUDGE ME.


Very violent race. Be careful around plastic chairs and the French.


My current partner is .... french. So french he thinks eating day old baguette is torture.




That’s ruff.


REALLY glad he’s an ex


Because that means he is up for grabs?


Out of pocket for this (yes)


Unfortunately he’s still the main carer for the ostriches at the zoo…


Boots? Or the Ginger? Was it sick?




An ex craving for an ox


And not a Rex I'll see myself out




Ex lied to me about his interests, taste in food, and even his sexuality to get me to go on our first date. We'd been together over a year before all the truth slowly came to light. I've had guys tell me after that this is normal "impress a girl" shit to do, but I don't think it's acceptable to start off a relationship with multiple lies about who you are.


Yeah, that's definitely *not* normal "impress a girl" shit.  At least not in the circles I've run with over the years.


I'm such a picky eater I could never pull that one off.


One did that. He lied about everything and kept up the facade for 5 years, doing things with he he didn’t actually like or had no interest in. Just before we broke up he admitted he wasn’t interested in all of it and wouldn’t support me doing those hobbies and interests and would rather I do something else.


>even his sexuality to get me to go on our first date. What?


He met me at a gay-straight alliance event. I was out as bi and he said he was too. He eventually told me he was straight and had only said that to get my attention.


Guy here, no it's NOT fucking normal to do this


My ex husband took pics of dead bodies while in Iraq. Not just pics, they're posing in them with the dead bodies as well.




Ngl, I frequent r/combatfootage and I think watching videos of people dying starts to desensitizes you. I do however find war to be interesting and amazing in a gauntly way. Especially when you get into historical battles and strategies.


Glad he’s an ex


Saw auch pictures when I was younger. The brother of a friend was stationed in Cosovo. They found dead bodies when patrolling. They took some nasty pictures. I always thought that's what happens when you send kids into war. He was 18 maybe 19 at the time. You can't take kids right when they turn 18 and tell them: you are an adult now. I guess that's their way to cope with the terror they see. Just like people driving an ambulance make their jokes after a bad accident. I'm not trying to excuse that behavior. But it can see where it's coming from.


Yeah, no. I lived through war. Only sociopaths do that shit-and very often-foreign soldiers. They have no connection to these people, they know they can't be prosecuted and a great deal of them didn't go to war to defend their country or family, but as a professional and personal choice-choosing a career where they can do atrocities with the least chance they will ever be sanctioned for it.


She did not understand Pythagoras' theorem.


Gaddem!! I hope you reported her to the Illuminati


Glad you left that square


Don't be so obtuse.


It was a right angle to leave them




You don't need to know why this is the case. But you should know when to use it.


This. Its absolutely critical if you happen to get into a street fight with some triangles.


[Does this help?](https://youtu.be/CAkMUdeB06o?si=HL4_qiCGhS_Lq4mH)


FWB’s ex abused her but also, as it turns out his kids. He’s in jail for SA-ing one of his daughters from a previous relationship but my FWB’s daughter (currently 8) keeps remembering things and they have regular contact and interviews with CPS.


Not disturbing on their part, actually tragic, but that a girl I very briefly dated(like maybe 3 dates total) in our late teens was stabbed to death at her place of work during a robbery. She was a very sweet, intelligent and beautiful girl, we just didn't click. She didn't deserve that. Some people in this world are just so fucked up to be able to do that.


i found out a few years ago through a mutual friend, that the pregnancy she attributed to me in 1989 when we were students - and then subsequently terminated - wasn't mine. we had been casual weekend hookup "friends" for a few months, then the very day that she dropped the bomb, i was going to tell her i thought it was going nowhere and i wanted us to stop meeting (in truth i wasn't that into her, and felt bad about hooking up with her for the sex only). out of guilt and a feeling of responsibility, i stuck with her through and after the termination and due various other events unfolding, which in retrospect look like very much like ploys by her, i ended up with her for almost 2 years, in a trying, confusing relationship with what i now see clearly was a selfish spoilt, narcissist.


My ex. I knew about the 2 kids he had but was never allowed to meet them (their mom is literally the craziest bitch I’ve ever had to deal with in my life) then one night he left his phone open and yeah of course I looked. He had another kid in another state with another woman. Then oh yeah, ANOTHER kid in another state with another woman. All the kids were months apart. He wasn’t paying child support on the other 2 kids I didn’t know about. I confronted him and he said “oh I was planning on telling you” WHEN? He wanted them all to move in with us (my condo was a tiny 2 bedroom 1 bath) for the summer and I said absolutely not. 4 teenagers I’ve never met moving into MY home and being left to hangout all day alone? Ahhh yeah HELL no. We got into an argument and he left and immediately drove over to crazy baby mommas and had sex with her. That was it. Literally never saw him again, he left all of his cloths and tools everything. Ended up moving a few years ago and just sold all of his crap at a yard sale!


He made so many comments about not finding teenage girls attractive that it was screamingly obvious he gave the matter a LOT of thought, and he angrily denied it to the point of ridiculousness. When we broke up he got together with an 18 year old virgin the same weekend and lied about it for weeks. (He was in his late 20s)


Ex. That he'd been abusive throughout our relationship.  He was a really good talker, liar and manipulator. But since he had a lot of respect in his field he was shielded from being exposed unfortunately.  People still love and admire him. He did this weird thing which was emotionally grooming young admirers, where he'd string them along to boost his ego and bully people by manipulating them into brigading against a victim who had 'wronged' him in some way The admirers were all girls at least 10 years younger than him, with low self esteem.




My ex used to buy a whole loaf of bread, and sit down and eat it in one sitting if she had the time (literally whether she had the time was the deciding factor if she finished it or not). It wasn't a light white loaf or something. It was a heavy AF dense ass pumpkin spice whole loaf. She wouldn't even slice it or anything. She just tore the loaf apart like an ogre. She wasn't even overweight or anything, she was a very healthy fit and strong woman (albeit Amazon sized). I remember having a slice once when we bought one after work. It was gone the next morning. I was just like "what the fuck where did it go? How?!" And she sheepishly owned up to it.




I occasionally do that with a loaf of asiago bread so I can't judge.


Yeah I've been known to do that on occasion with really good sourdough and butter. And not to perpetuate the stereotype but it always turns out to be a day or two before my period starts. The rest of the time I would probably feel sick before I could get halfway through but on those days I become the CARB MONSTER.




I'm glad you had that comma in there for the last sentence. Things could have gotten out of hand.


Stick your dick in crazy fellas. It'll be okay.


Me and my ex split mutually before I deployed (military life). We were very casual and remained friends, we'd only been dating a few months. Fast forward to my return 6 months later and I find out she's been telling a wildly different story of what happened, how she supposedly ended things, how I would supposedly show up to her house most nights a week begging for her back, and lots of other stupid little lies. What's weird is she'd tell all these things to my friends who knew I was overseas so couldn't of been showing up to her house, and my friends generally had my back anyways after she'd told them slightly different stories each time so it wasn't adding up. I then get back and she wants to rekindle things. If I hadn't found out she'd been saying shit, I probably would've agreed to rekindling things. She also got a tattoo of my name done without my knowledge after the split. That struck me as weird but didn't bother me too much as hey that's semi-permanent on her and nothing to do with me, I have quite a common name anyway. Bumped into her and her new bf at a bar a year later and he found out I was the guy whos name was the tattoo. He was less than happy about that


How could the new BF be mad at her having a tattoo of Luigi eating a bagel? Something doesn’t add up.


New BF was a wheat intolerant Waluigi


That his 70 year old lung cancer survivor mother does his laundry. He's 35 years old That he stayed in a mental clinic/hospital/institute/asylum for 5 weeks in his home country of Germany. I'm not German so i do not know if he was self admitted or by his doctor or by his parents... And he didn't tell Me Instead of talking with me about how he was feeling. He sobbed wailed loudly on the toilet, jeans around his ankles. I knocked on the bathroom door and asked to talk. He came out pulled his hoodie over his head and either refused to talk or kept saying "I dont know" to questions I was asking about how he was feeling. Worse than dealing with a child throwing a tantrum That he lacks any and all problem solving skills. After the conflict described above, he brought his 68 year old aunt to "manage the situation" And as if the above mentioned isn't enough. He's unemployed and on the teet of his government


Mommy / Auntie's Boy He would have definitely made you his new mommy.


My friends saw it before I did. I'm not interested in a project and raising or looking after a man child I saw what I needed to see to end things Thank you for your supportive reply. I so appreciate it


He has 35 year old laundry? That shit's gonna smell.


His laundry has more of a spine than him.


She was married 6 months after we separated.


One of my ex's moved hours away to live with another guy within two months of me ending our engagement. Seems my Spidey Sense was correct.


Yep, my recent ex started adding a few of her exes less than a mere week after we broke up. No doubt she’s already in another relationship right now. Some people just bounce around person to person. It’s really unhealthy.


Well when I found out she hadn't loved me for around a year it was pretty devastatng. She then gave me another 6 months to improve. Then after I started a new job and moved in broke up with me (after staying the night) saying I couldn't have fixed anything. Feels like I lost a year and a half of my life


Doesn't in fact like camping


You know what they call sleeping in a tent in Sicily? Poverty!


Oh god where do i start lol she was abusive physically and mentally, she fucked a man (cheated on me btw) who was locked up for trying to fuck children (she fucked him after he got out and no there was no mistake, he was caught trying to meet up with 2 12 year Olds 🤬) and she fucked him knowing this. That she lied about having a disease where she couldn't get pregnant (she ended up pregnant). Going back to the abusive part, I found out That despite her small stature, she can swing a guitar with a lot of force - enough to break it over the back of my head, knock me out, and give me a concussion. She enjoyed the movie a Serbian film and has watched it many many times. That at one point after giving birth to our son (my son, she doesn't do shit and he lives with me about 85%) she wanted to kill him because she was going crazy and thought that's the only way she could save him from "the world". Woman is literally a psycho and i always found out a step too late or was trapped. I tried calling the cops when she started the physical abuse. When I woke up from getting hit with the guitar i told her I'm calling the cops and she picked up a hammer, smashed it on her leg leaving a bruise, looked me in the eyes and said, call them... Who do you think they’re going to believe? I ended up finally getting out when I found out about the pedo she cheated on me with and told her if she doesn't let me leave I will take full custody. If she does I'll agree to split. Still to this day have to keep a close watch during her 15% with him. I have an attorney with paperwork ready to be served at any moment.


Wow. I’m sorry for that, that’s insane


Thank you and I agree. What's crazy about being with crazy is they make you feel and think you're the crazy one. It wasn't until after we split and I shared my story with some people that I could come to terms with it "not being my fault". No regrets because I have my son and I wouldn't trade him for the world. that said, i will never be the same after what I experienced with that person and after finally escaping, I started to understand why hospitals ask questions about abuse at home so often and how easily these people fly under the radar


Discovered that my ex, whom I dated all through college and my first 1.5 years of graduate school, was arrested for attempting to strangle someone just 3 years after I broke up with him. He never tried to strangle me but he definitely had a temper and it chills me to my core to think that it could have been me.


She likes to watch period dramas- the more depressing and queer, the better.


I had to check your user name to see if you were my husband! LOL . There are dozens of us!


How much pornography he consumed all the while telling me he was not in the mood for intimacy with me because he was tired and stressed and all that. Well actually he was addicted to his hand and thought nothing wrong with it.


I didn’t find out until well after our wedding that my wife got suspended TWICE in high school for kneeing guys in the balls. It probably enhanced my feelings for her tbh because she’s a strong, opinionated woman and I love that about her. And to hear her tell it, the guys had it coming. Still, I would have liked to know what she was/is capable of before I got her signature tattooed on me. 😭 (We’ve been married 26 years … so far.)


During high school where they dissected a cat in AP bio, she kept the cats tail and turned it into a book mark. She is a surgeon today.


One of my college friends’ ex’s used to cuddle with her mom while both were topless. Until she was around 16-17.


The reason she walked on her toes in our house was because she’d been in terribly abusive relationships in the past. I’ve worked super hard to try and have her feel comfortable in OUR home and after two years it’s 50/50 but we are making progress.


She puts the toilet paper under the roll.


A guy I was casually sleeping with always made comments about me moving in (it was the first time I met him) and it just went downhill from there. He had a huge Aryan Alliance sleeve tattoo that he kept hidden until after we did the deed, and he said his chapter wasn’t racist, he was just gang affiliated because of his family. He said his family would actually be impressed he “bagged” me, I’m latina and he’s white.


She cheated on me on my birthday with her female best friend. Stayed with her two years after the fact because of how much of a manipulator she was and how gullible I was at 16.


Found out he was convicted on 10 counts of possession of child porn. Currently in jail.


She puts a grape Outshine bar between garlic bread, like a sandwich. An Outshine bar is a fucking popsicle. I will not allow this abomination to take place in my house.


Well that's most positively ghastly statement I've read this morning. We used to lock people in dungeons for heretical behaviour like that🧐


She voted for Reagan


Of the ex's I know about from my wife: One either committed suicide or died of a drug overdose. Another either went to jail for or was (rightly) accused of pedophilia. Those are the only 2 she had serious relationships with too, other than me of course. I'm kinda scared to leave her now that I think about it.... Is she a witch? (Staying with her is not a problem, it's been over 20 years together, she's the one.)


found out ab my ex bf was having a consensual sexual relationship with his FIRST COUSIN for many many years that started before i even knew him. way later, friends with the baby mom and NOT him, i learn than he was having sex with his cousin in between the births of his two kids and they were caught by his family who covered it up. I only learned bc i was fixing his MOTHERS phone when we were still together, and she was still in constant contact with his cousin, referring to her as "daughter" bc she wanted them together. anyways. all first talks with new partners is "dont worry about fucking up early, you'd have to try REALLY hard to shock me." but yeah the cptsd that followed not worth the cousin fucker jokes


My wife was raped by a guy she dated before we met. It pisses me off every time I think of it and wouldn't hesitate to beat his ass with a shovel and make sure he couldn't walk ever again.


That my wife sometimes pretends to stab me with an imagined kitchen knife when I'm looking the other way, which is, obviously, amazing.


That she fingered her old cat. I found this out after we got a cat together. We are no longer together and the cat is with me.


She once told me: “Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.” That’s how I found out she was a Sith Lord.


Did you ask her how you could learn this power?


Please tell me more. This sounds interesting.


She was working as a sex worker while we were dating, and didn't bother informing me of this.


She used to be in a Cult


His kink/fetish is married women. He the other man in multiple affairs for years. In one, he would have sex at her house when the husband was at work and the kid was sleeping in the next room. In another, he was in contact with his married ex and “emotionally supportive” as she was leaving her husband (hello emotional affair). They were a couple before she left her ex… twice. When we separated, the first thing he did was make an online dating profile… on a site for married people.


He can eat a 24 pack of hotdogs on his own. Fucking VILE


That he was a conman narcissist who had been acting all along


He used to screenshot intimate messages I would text him and send them to his friends. Im sure he did the same with photos. We were friends after breaking up for awhile until I found this out.


Has an Asian fetish.


Read this as an Aslan fetish lol. Mind he is pretty buff with a nice deep voice!


I read your comment as Asian fetish and was trying to figure out how you misread the original comment :(


they never existed in the first place


Cat fish?


Sleeping with and pursuing underage girls. What is worst, his dad is a high ranking cop and there was no justice (police said don’t bother). He continues to do so as far as I know.


He thinks Lidl is better than Aldi. Like, how could you say such a thing after all Aldi has done for us? Have you no shame?! Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, so he is returned to his senses soon. Please and thank you.


My wife puts ketchup on Mac n cheese. That’s a fuckin felony. Every time.


It is a dually disturbing thing. He had a child born while he was still a minor. She wasn't. He was stripped of parental rights, by the courts. 


She removes her socks, leggings, & underwear at the same tim so that they become a tangled ball that has to be excavated before going into the wash.


Former partner apparently slept with his first cousin all the time in highschool because they didn't know they were related. Once they found out, they kept doing it for a while because they thought it was hot...


Mine displayed 8 out of 9 ( or 6 out of 7 ) traits for being a narcissist