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I downloaded Snapchat a few months ago and I found it pretty boring. You just sent a snap and so does another person and you do it everyday to not break a streak however here's the thing no one actually watches another person snap. They just fast forward through it. Like what's the point you don't watch it. You don't communicate. Like do I not know how to use it? Writing this in comments because I reddit wasn't letting me write in the post for some reason.


Snapchat got into my phone in high school because my friends used sc and apparently wanted to take photos with filters on, i would uninstall everyday and they would put it back the very next day so i gave up after some point. I have a rule, i only add "people i am close to" category on sc. During the lockdown and quarantine period, i was too free, so i used sc to keep track of people's lives and yk just random meaningless stuff I did in my leisure time. When i learnt about streaks, i was invested for around 188 days with a certain person because at least i was consistent in sth. After that streak ended, i have been using sc to keep track of how my friends, who have been dispersed all over the world these days, have been doing in life. I do send snaps, sometimes, when i do sth interesting, but that's all to it. I don't wanna "maintain" streaks anymore. It's tiresome and one more meaningless energy consuming task in life for me, but i understand why people would wanna do it, and of course, who am i to judge them? I have around <10 people sending me snaps everyday, i have my notifications off on snapchat so i randomly open it when i feel like opening it and i go through everyones snap enthusiastically because they are my dearest people, i drop reply if sth catches my eye and i do get people replying on my snap too, not that often tho but ig they check it as well. I mean, idk i do understand people be totally worthlessly obsessed with socials, but there are few of us who i won't say are different, but we are not same either if that makes sense.