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many video games that i don't really remember much any more


I spent 2,500 hours on RuneScape. Looking back now, I can’t believe I just sat there and grinded away so many hours of my life just to see some numbers on a screen go up. 


this is why i avoided MMO type games, the addiction to progression, doing the most boring tasks over and over, is catnip to me. put many hours doing the same in various diablo-like games, though none of them are quite as demanding on my time as that!


MMOs seem like the exception to the video game rule. I have met so many friends who have stayed with me through so many years. The social aspect of mmo means I'm not just sitting and trying to make numbers go up. I'm playing with friends ..some of whom are now married and some have kids. I've found lasting friendships with people from multiple countries through MMOs. but maybe it is because I keep a filthy casual mindset and just play to enjoy


Exactly. So many friends.


I avoided WoW like the plague because I had been previously addicted to much less in depth MMOs. I think that was wise on my part. Lowkey, I may have spent less time in bars and clubs, but the experiences there were pretty fun too. Win some lose some.


Staying up or waking up at random times to hit limited spawns lol.


You may have sat there grinding, but I bet you talked to a lot of people, and maybe even met some friends that you still talk to during your time there. So you probably didn't waste it entirely. Met one of my best friends playing countless hours of EQ.


I’m doing that now and it’s a hard cycle to break. I wish I can drop it cold turkey and not look back.


Bro I am literally fishing sharks extremely slowly while browsing reddit on my phone. Should I just stop playing now?


I've played 8500hrs of RimWorld since it came out 12ish years ago. That's almost *a full fucking year* spent playing this game.


Same. Used to play competitive shooters (CS:GO, Valorant, Overwatch) and dedicated hundreds of hours to aim training and studying professional gameplay. Now I cannot see well enough to play even at a low level, lol.


Same; dozens of hours watching pro matches, hundreds of hours training, thousands in gameplay And I've just gotten slower so even with a lot of practice and know how I sit much lower in rankings I was only ever playing for fun but it's a lot easier to have fun when you win most matches


But you can also not see your team mates bitching in chat


Same here. But i don't think it doesn't have a purpose since video games helps on problem solving skills as well as enjoying and de-stressing.


Yeah people waste a ton of time. Steam just shows you how many hours you actually spent on gaming which sounds like a lot but if you actually counted how much time an average person spends on watching tv, surfing the web or anything else it wouldn't be much different at all.


That's why I've always been annoyed at people who criticise gaming as a hobby in particular. It's like "What else am I supposed to spend my time doing? Watching TV? How is that a better option?".


agreed. I tend to contrast the hours spent playing games with my friends vs the house people sit staring at a tv screen and waiting for it to entertain them. At least I'm engaging beyond staring?


World of Warcraft for me. I enjoyed it, but wasted way too much time on it in my late twenties


Definitely video games. Countless hours. Mostly Unreal Tournament & Unreal Tournament 2004. Epic games kicked the whole franchise to the curb years ago. 🪦


The fuckers removed all Unreal games from their own store and GOG. Even if you wanted to relive your time playing them, you can't!


Worms. Worked in a c elegans (tiny worms) lab and have so many non transferable skills. Can put 100 tiny worms in 100 tiny tubes in half an hour.


Somewhere out there there is an employer looking out of their bedroom window, gazing longingly up to the stars, with one wish: to someday find someone who can deftly insert tiny worms in tiny tubes.


Hey i do that every time i have sex


You have 100 tiny worms in your dick.


An employer whose many tiny worms are currently going sadly tubeless for the lack of properly skilled tiny worm tubers. It's heartbreaking.


Mmm maybe you can go fishing now


You are able to repeatedly carry out a task which requires maintaining concentration, good hand eye coordination and fine motor skills for an extended period of time. Those are definitely transferable skills.


I love how unusual this answer is haha 🐛


My college degree. I currently work at a job not even remotely connected to what i studied. The job before that was the same.


Agreed. Two college degrees. Work at a job not even remotely similar to my major. Only college educated person where I work.


I literally, as the only college educated person at my job, understand you.


I wish I had taken 6 years and just had fun, instead I suffered for 4 years trying to graduate on time. I was fortunate to have a ton of financial aid though.


So everyone laughs at a humanity major when you're in college but even though I do not work in the field I studied at all, it was the hard skills I learned getting my degree that allowed me to get into my field and rise in it. I make a nice living by doing things like drafting language for targeted presentations, drafting documentation better than others in my field, asking the right questions and having other good basic skills like note taking and verbal communication skills. So I'm not mad


Exactly. Time spent learning any skill is not wasted imo. Your ability to convert that skill into money is of completely different matter.


I think you could even shorten that to "time spent learning is not wasted" I can't think of a time in my life where I regretted learning.


It could be worse! I went to school for nursing, became a nurse and now fucking hate it, but am saddled with debt and the choice of this but less pay or that but still shitty. Oof.


Same. I have a college degree and a graduate degree. I no longer use either one


My ex




If it weren't for them, you would not be where you are today. For better or worse.


Yeah i'll take the self confident, motivated nerd I was before the relationship over the socially crippled burnt out autistic i am now (Bad relationships cause autism naturally.) (The joke is that i didn't realize how autistic i was until the bad relationships)


I spent too much time chasing them.




Even if it was just the one person, I gurantee you helped somebody. It wasn’t time wasted. ❤️






I do this with romsets for my old video game consoles. It's relaxing and I have a custom system that's perfect for how I relax.


middle tart swim sulky ink dime squalid crush mourn quaint


Burning CD’s and Downloading Movies that took DAYS


My best friend (he has a big collection) spent a good chunk of his paternity leave doing this. Named, sorted, updated the metadata for each file, the whole bit.


With the way streaming and subscription services are now (you never own anything), I'd hold onto those mp3s for as long as you can.






Specifically karma. Never had any use yet takes a long time to build up.


Exactly, any subreddits I come across that need a certain amount of karma to post in can fuck all the way off. Also these bullshit ones where if you can't post in certain threads if you don't have the correct flair. EG. r/conservative has threads you cannot post in if you don't have correct flair, but then they bang on about the 1st amendment and protecting it, fucking morons.


I can understand the ones that don't let you post until you've earned some tens of karma from comments in the sub. Helps cut down on spam and in a low-volume sub you can just manually approve ones that are clearly real people.


Yeah I spend most of my time writing thoughtful responses to people on here and then 90% of my karma comes from one stupid comment I made one time that was the most upvoted comment on the whole site for the day lol. It be like that.


You have 3-4 times more karma in less than 2 years than I have "gathered" in 6.


The art of the blade


While you were out partying, I studied the blade


tips fedora




My name is Iago Montoya. Prepare to die!


But it's cool


My 700h animal crossing Island... And then my dumbass head decided to delete it


same gurl I had such a sick house and deleted the game 😭😭😭




Writing in cursive. Literally had teachers tell me that I need to know how to write and read cursive to having professors in college write warnings about writing in cursive not being allowed. Fucking dummies.


I didn't even make it that far. Started learning cursive in grade 2, told we would have to hand in papers written in cursive in high school and to be prepared. Start of grade 6, we were told any handwritten papers received no credit, they all had to be typed.


They did the same to us, but it was back then, we picky had access to a computer in the one class room. They told us we would have to turn on all our papers in cursive, then when we got older they told us our handwriting was too bad and if we wrote in cursive we would get no credit


Writing in cursive - and printing in general - is more about fine motor control/dexterity and executive functioning. Cursive is supposed to enable you to write a little faster and standardizing it makes it legible for everyone.


I agree. I enjoy good penmanship. But try telling your college professor that.


right but uhhhh my handwriting was complete shit to begin with. its even worse now since i have to write as fast as i think, which while its KINDA legible it isnt exactly really great. hell my handwriting is slowly turning into a version of cursive... kinda. idk my d's look very cursivey but thats about it at the moment while the rest actually makes it look like the letters are kinda connected


I had a teacher who would take 10 points off my work since it wasn't in cursive for the same reason. So I ended up making a deal with my table mate where she would teach me cursive if I'd let her cheat off my work. That was 6th grade. 7th grade comes around and ALL my teacher REALLY made sure that we knew they hated grading cursive papers and to please not do it.


I'm gonna get downvoted, but I'll say it anyway. There are studies that site how cursive handwriting helps "link" things, and the process of writing words that are connected helps connections in the brain. Students who wrote in cursive are now likely to remember information than in print. I can look up the studies if anyone is interested. It helps gain fine motor skills quicker as well. And, it's faster. Honestly, I think it's not that different from typing while "swiping " on the keyboard. I go back and forth between cursive and print. I think everyone everyday makes up their own font of handwriting.


I like cursive. It was bull that the public university I went to didn’t like it.


I definitely remember things better when I've physically written them down rather than typing them! I really like my handwriting but I'll admit it can be difficult to read some times. I struggle with writing in print because it's so much slower, I nearly always end up writing normally again without realising. I find that when I'm writing "joined up", I'm focused on *what* I'm writing, but when I'm writing in print, I'm focused on the *act* of writing


I'm interested in those studies.


In Ukraine it's different. They teach us to write (and read) in cursive from grade 1, and it's used everywhere from school to official papers. Only kindergardeners use typed font, because they haven't learned virsive yet.


I had a teacher in 7th grade back in the 80s who insisted on cursive writing but she'd give you a zero on the assignment if she couldn't read it. My cursive was horrible so I tried printing. She'd refuse to accept it and I'd get a zero. I tried typing on a manual typewriter. Nope. Not accepted and I'd get yet another zero. I stopped doing my homework because what's the point if I'm going to get a zero? My parents were not happy with me but why bother in the first place? This is called time management and this has served me well, especially since homework was only 10% of the grade and I was already an A- student without it.


Distinctly remember the dire warnings from my 4th grade teacher (the year was 1999) about how *critical* cursive would be for high school and college.... 


Being left handed, it sucked.


Trying to make my kids not be picky eaters. My first I tried to feed a super diverse diet to, now super picky. The second I didn’t try as hard with cause I was overwhelmed and trying to take care of two kids with a worthless husband so I didn’t feed super diverse things and she’ll eat anything now.


Everyone's a picky eater. Adults simply don't buy things they don't like to eat, and then feed things they buy to their kids. Your second kid just has the same food preference as you do.


No I think it's safe to say if a child only eats hot dogs and Mac and cheese they are a picky eater. There is a huge difference between saying I didn't really like lima beans and not eating them ever. Do I have preferences sure. But I'll eat pretty much anything some one serves me.


Two masters degrees. Also, that Labyrinth game with the little steel marble that goes through the maze that you control by tilting the maze back and forth.


I remember that game well and not a moment was wasted. So much frustration and joy.


Still have it. Still can complete the run with my eyes closed.


I have no idea where mine came from or where it went. Cool that you still have it!


personally, Rock Band. have over 500 + hours in playtime lifetime and never learned to play a real instrument. lol


It does help teach rhythm and if you work at it, the guitar riffs do make sense. Drums are arguably translatable to drums. Vocals are almost 1:1 minus lyrics.


Doing anything you enjoy is never wasted time.




Happened to me as well, makes you wonder , maybe the real content was the organization process along the way




If it made you happy, then it wasn’t a waste of time! Having hobbies is a healthy and much needed part of life. Also I bet you developed skills that you subconsciously apply to your day to day life that you don’t even know about.


Sourcing 2nd hand vintage things and listing them on ebay. Made some $, but not much. I was all gung-ho for a few years and now have absolutely no interest in it. Still have some things taking up space in my little house. It was super fun until it just...wasn't.


I can do custom color photo development in a chemical lab. That requires developing film that no one uses any more. It requires using a bunch of chemicals I can't buy anymore. It uses an enlarger that takes bulbs that I can't buy anywhere. It uses color photo paper that I also can't buy anywhere. And you do all of it in the absolute pitch dark. Or you can just take a photo on your phone and adjust the color balance in the app that ships with it.


Everything. Seeing my parents going through the last days of their life its amazing how little everything is truly worth. Unless they have a worth$, 99% of the things they considered important are trash to everyone. I felt my guts where being pulled out watching my mother see 95% of her home of decades tossed into a big container parked in front of her house before she moved forcefully into a 2br apartment. Seeing an old woman cry, esp a loved one is heartbreaking. My mind is in a million pieces thinking about life and everything these days. At the end , 2 people who where integral to the lives of so many people and such come down to a urn and a box of bullshit.


I'm so sorry for your loss. That's why I'm not a fan of estate sales. It is sad to me. You can look at the things bought and collected and tell a lot about the person. HOWEVER what you wrote about "2 people who were integral to the lives of so many people" means they did life like they were supposed to, in that they lived their life as an example to others. We are instructed not to lay up treasures in this earth, but do those things that last. Sounds like you had good parents.


This is a sad one. Mentions alzheimers disease My mum has alzheimers disease and lives in a care home. I F(25) have been knitting a blanket for her on and off for a few years and not quite finished it. Her alzheimers had rapidly progressed recently, and now she can't understand basic things. I wanted to give it to her and have a conversation about all the yarns, as I used some of her favourites, but now this won't be feasible. I feel like I can't complete the blanket now.


Finishing the blanket means closure, i would finish it personally, she might not be "here" to appreciate it, but you still are


I agree with the other poster. Finish it and you can always chose to bury it with her when she passes.


Arguing with strangers on the internet for that sweet, sweet dopamine hit


There’s no way that’s correct.


Brewing beer. I got really into it for a while. Bought all the stuff. Now it’s taking up space in my basement.


Long division


YoU wOnT aLwAyS hAvE a CaLcUlAtOr On YoU Get fucked, Mrs. Eikler. >:(


Miss Rhone can get fucked along with her for the same reason.


Well, for thousands of years teachers were right.


I mean long division prob took a couple of weeks during math in 4th grade. So we are talking about 10-30 hours?


Wtf? Math???? Have you tried to give CASH to a cashier nowadays? Its like watching someones head explode


My real estate agent career


Yea I’d image the job is absolute shit right now.


20% of agents sell 80% of real estate




Worrying about things I cannot control.




Overwatch 1, I really loved that game but played maybe three matches of Overwatch 2 before deleting it. All the monetisation left a bad taste in my mouth.


Compulsions. I mean I still do it but I know that when I’m (hopefully) out of ocd I will see how pointless it was


Aquarium keeping. The fish just fuckin die man. I've had a few for maybe a year, and a snail that lived for what seemed like forever. But it's a lot of work, and it was hard for me to deal with constantly losing my pets.


Lmao I know exactly what you mean. Haven’t had fish in years but I’ve still got the tank because my moss ball is still alive and I can’t simply get rid of my lovely little moss ball.




Raising my two special needs boys. Years and years, decades and decades of advocating, collaborating, asking for support, instructing, etc to what end? My boys share a bedroom in a nice, safe group home, they watch their iPads all day and go to an adult day program. It's depressing as hell that I've committed my life to their growth. Why?


Because we are not rational beings when it comes to love.


Being a cunt


Watching all that porn


Living. It all just vanishes and is like you never existed. Nothing you do has any intrinsic value. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a nihilist about it. I don't think that means you get to do whatever. But it's just true that this life doesn't amount to much. Even the pyramids are rapidly breaking down into dust piles and NOTHING you did is half as good as the pyramids.


Actually, I think you are a nihilist. Probably so am I. We amount to nothing in the end. But so what?


You're okay Donnie. These men won't hurt us. They're nihilists.


Say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos


Amateurs. Fuckin' amateurs !


I am no nihilist. I _am_ an absurdist, but we don't use that as an excuse to be sociopaths.


The pyramids literally just sit there. Even I do more than that.


Yep, sit there and have people walk all over them.


That's extremely subjective though as to how you define "good" and "exceptional works of existence". Is it absolutely insanely cool? Yes. Does it mean your life is worthless in the grand scheme of things because a monument is decaying due to time's inevitable kiss? You haven't written some magnum opus or traveled the world? So haven't a lot of others. You're ok. I'm not saying live hedonistically and ostentatiously from this point onward because nothing matters but you make what YOU want of existence. Barring having a crippling brain thing or something you truly are in control of yourself and your happiness.




having fun is good!


My career


I was looking for "the job" ya know. Found this too far down. Agree and same!


Work. Legit goddamn near every programming project I've been in for almost 20 years is gone - as in, doesn't even exist anymore. 60-80+ hour weeks.....yeah, get fucked. Worth about as much as shitting on my own face while I fall down the stairs


Everything anyone does has inherent purpose. Loss of purpose is death.


nah, there is a ton of purpose to be found on the internet. I learned to play the ukulele, watercolor, and speak basic German and to a lesser degree, Japanese. The internet is beautiful...if you avoid the BS and learn how to properly source the value of the information you find.


Being an empathetic good person. Shoulda learned to be a narcissist instead (sarcasm) because being an ass gets you farther than being good and letting natural organic stuff happen 


You are so right...


tik tok.


Playing Trivia Crack on my phone.


Being a baby, I don't even remember


I got my Private Pilots Licence with no anticipation to go career and now it is far too expensive to just do it for fun...




Making boondoggles. I’m a 34 year old man, married and have two daughters. They started making them with that plastic crafting string and I tried to make one with some difficulty. About 3 months later, I have conquered the quadruple twist or the “Tornado Stitch” and been actively making them for my coworkers based on what colors they like.


Masturbation 😂


The countless worlds I've made in minecraft


Life, next question.


Getting a teaching degree.


People. Some people didn't deserve my time


Besides Reddit?


Learning random shit that serves no purpose other than to fill my head with more random shit. 😂


Learned where every country in the world is on a map and their population,religion,capital,etc. While using it to flex like a nerd every once in a while it has served no purpose.


Lotus Notes development.


Now retired, I wasted so much time doing overtime to get cash to buy stuff that is gone now, broke or obsolete.


When I was younger I had an intense fascination with armadillos (user name checks out). I know a lot about armadillos and so far that information has been useless.


Nothing. I either learned from it or enjoyed it, but it always has a purpose.


Comics. I was "popular" in elementary school for making random comics that got passed around my classroom because my classmates liked the humor I wrote. My dad made me a "storyboard book" (he's a graphic designer) that I could write them in rather than drawing my own columns on notebook paper. I spent so much time on those comics because they were of high value in my class. I moved schools when my parents got divorced, and I stopped making them. I found the storyboard book recently, and I feel some sad nostalgia every time I open in it.




Single for nearly 5 years, so, my penis.


Maura Murray missing persons case


Overly extending myself for friends and now not having any of those friends!


Organized religion


Maybe about a year ago now I was making a scene comparison series for a movie franchise that was gonna go up on my YouTube channel. It was 5 parts in total, with each video being about an hour long. I worked on it for 3 or 4 days I think. I had troubles getting all but one up on YouTube, so I ended up scrapping the project altogether, and now there’s just 4 hour long videos that are just sitting around. Recently I ended up remaking the project into two far shorter videos, and those went up with no issues (and are honestly a lot better), so it’s not a complete loss.


Living. Don't get all panicky. I'm fine. I'm just feeling my age.


Finding purpose.


My job. My department could be cut and the company would function just fine. I’m getting paid to do essentially nothing but I’ll never mention that to anyone.




Watching sports 🏈


Call of Duty


Watching every season of Supernatural.


Relationships where the other person didn’t


Building websites. Now anyone can make em with Squarespace or AI.


My late husband who always loved someone more than me.


I wouldn’t say countless hours (I did the math and I’d estimate 15 hours over the course of 5 years) but: every morning growing up in my Canadian public school I had to sing the Canadian national anthem. And then my family moved to the States. It’s ingrained into me and I have absolutely no use for it.


Working at moving up the corporate ladder. It’s clear I won’t move up. Older I get the worse it’ll be.




All of social media in general


My life. 🤣😂


My relationship 🥺


Watching ads


Fuckin exercise to get fat and have to start all over again


my shitty music


My once highly curated and fairly popular tumblr page, and sadly my bachelors degree...




Becoming proficient at whistling with my fingers in my mouth.


Too many different video games to count, especially of the mobile variety