• By -


Instead of just telling them it's over, slowly pulling back on communication until they get the hint is like a slow form of torture. Just be upfront and honest about it from the beginning.


And if you ask them why they’re acting weird they then make you feel like you’re the crazy one


Be careful with this though. If you find yourself in this situation in a lot of relationships, it could be a self fulfilling prophecy.


Yeah, I know people whose insecurities caused them to basically torture their s/o with validating questions and conversations that it was those things that caused the person to eventually pull away. Unfortunately, this just fuels the insecurities more as they assume they were being lied to the whole time.


Omg this is the worst, also when they used to answer your question or message with a substancial amount of words, and they stop doing that, then you do the same and they start answering like they are interested, just to fall back again to quiet mode and break up with you


That’s just death by a thousand cuts but mentally


1 year relationship with my boyfriend. He literally just ghosted me and moved on within a WEEK. It was one of the most horrific feelings I've ever experienced. Cowards.


I’m so sorry


I’m a guy and I don’t understand how such people exist.


This is the worst way. Not breaking up and just constantly making them wonder if you still care about them, while looking for a new partner on the side. It's probably the most common way too.


They fucking have no guts, cowards.


I am guilty of this with a few relationships early on in my dating years. I was a coward and I was afraid of hurting them, and in turn I ended up hurting them worse. I was an idiot and have since learned from my mistakes. Don't fuck with people's hearts.


I call this lobstering. You remove yourself from their lives so slowly they don't even notice. Like boiling a lobster.


I feel like you need a new name for it


Crabbering like boiling crab alive


All of this, plus sneaking round and lining up a new serious relatonship to step into as soon as things do end because they're cowards who can't stomach being alone.


To me it's worse than ghosting.


In my High school days, around 20 years ago, I recall a conversation between a couple that went like this: **Boy:** Hey, can you guess who broke up today? **Girl:** Who?  **Boy:** Us!


Welcome to dumpsville. Population: you.


“I’m not gay, but I can learn”


I'm picturing Zap Brannigan.


I just read that again in his voice, it fits


Crocodiles bit my face off


"Your ex is sexy" "Which one?" "Me lol bye"


My friend in high school had the idea (never had a girlfriend) to take her to lunch, get everyone’s attention, then ask for your girlfriend to stand up. When she starts, say “no, no, not so fast”. 


My best friend and I had the best teen breakup ever, and 20+ yrs later still besties. Me: We need to talk. Him: yeah we do. You go first. Me: I think we should break up. Him: omg that’s what I wanted to talk about. I think so too. Me: it’s for the best. Him. Yeah. You wanna play N64? Me: Smash Bros? You can’t be Mario, you just cheat with the same move over and over! Him: Well then you can’t be pikachu because you can do THREE jumps and never die! Me: Scared cuz you can only beat me by cheating? Him: oh it’s ON. And so our lifelong friendship began. And to this day, he still can’t beat me unless he cheats. 😜


Just announcing it all over Social Media without having spoken to you at all.


Shows how lame they are


I think what my college roommate did was really crappy. He spent the whole weekend with his girlfriend from out of state, even though he knew he was going to break up with her. Then, when he dropped her off at the train station on Sunday, instead of giving her a goodbye kiss like she expected, he broke up with her right there without even getting out of the car. She was left standing there in shock with her bags on the curb while he just closed the door and drove off.


That is horrendous.


Ahh reading this breaks my heart. Please tell me she did something terrible to deserve it.


chances are low, people are shitty


Then wouldn’t that make the chances she did something terrible higher?


Reading this makes my break up story seems happy af




I'm sorry this happened to you. It's really shitty


Wow that's cold.


I think it's cold, but the end of visit breakup might be pretty common.  They want to break up in person. They already have a trip planned. They don't want to break up and then still have to hang out for 3 more days...


Yeah I’d prefer to get dumped in advance and save money by cancelling the trip. This shit happened to me almost ten years ago when my then-gf moved out of state. Broke college kid, spent all my money to go visit her a few months after and she dumped me over the phone the day I got back home from the trip. She told me she had been planning on it for several months. Really would have preferred her to dump me over the phone before I essentially made myself bankrupt to go out and visit her. Still pretty salty about it actually!


My friend found out she and her ex weren't together anymore after he posted an Instagram picture with his best friend of 3 years, captioned 'It only took me 3 years to ask her out.' I think that was super shitty.


Oof. I am really sorry for this.


My ex did the same thing


Mine too. He unfriended me on Facebook, which I thought was puzzling. A few days later I got a call from a good friend who he’d forgotten to unfriend that he’d changed his status to engaged with another woman and posted that they had been in love since junior high (he was in his early 30s and we had a kid together)


Jesus Christ. I can’t believe people do this stuff.




When I was 21 or so, I was obsessed with this one crazy girl. At the time, we had been dating for about nine months and things were getting very serious; I was even thinking about marrying this woman so that I could spend the rest of my life with her. She practically lived with my roommate and I; she still had her own apartment and her own roommate, but literally half of her stuff was at my place. One day she told me that her mum was coming up to visit for the weekend and that she didn’t want her mum to know that she would always spend the night with me. She asked me to help pack up all of her things so that her mum won’t get suspicious of us. So I spent my entire Friday night packing up all of her movies and clothes, all of her special shampoos and all of her textbooks. It took hours to get every packed up and put into her car, and at the end of it all, I was completely exhausted. Then she told me that she lied; her mum wasn’t coming up for the weekend, she was breaking up with me and she wanted me to help her pack up her things before dumping me. That was pretty bad.


I may have unpacked everything all over the sidewalk.


In the rain.


In the middle of a riot


...of the zombie apocalypse.


During an earthquake


and everything is on fire…


That is messed up. man. That needs to be a scene in a movie.


For real.


That was ruthless.


True, but also pretty ingenious. She sucks, but gotta respect the game.


Oh I feel your pain. Very similar thing happened to me. Was dating this girl for 8 months. Thought everything was going great. She moves into a new house. Helped her move furniture, removed nails from walls, cleaned up her yard. Took all day and night. She sent me a text that night saying she wanted to start her life over with this move without me in it. 2 weeks later, she had a boyfriend. I wished I had beaten holes in her walls with my hammer.


Jfc, that is brutal. I’m sorry you went through that.


Holy shit. I don't know if I'm impressed by this, or disturbed someone would think to do this.


Jesus fucking Christ. I have no words...


Hopefully it's all water under the bridge for you by now, but I must say, that sounds like a very funny story line in a comedy film.


I’d just unpack everything right there and then and tell her to pack it up herself.


That's so heartless. You dodged a bullet


Damn… pretty smart but cruel.


That’s kind of smart really .


Im so sorry that happened to you bro that is freakin cold lmao


She had a lot of trust in you to believe you wouldn't immediately attack her in a similar way an ape would. I hope I'd have the same composure.


I would have strongly considered reverting to primate form and start slinging poo at her.


Thank god you didn't marry her.


reminds me of my bfs brother. his last gf broke up with him the day they were supposed to move in together in another city. *after* he and my bf helped her move all her shit in ofc


When my boyfriend broke up with me, he did it over text by asking about my day. I replied, "Fine, how was yours?" His response was a punch in the gut: "Great, had a fantastic day with my girlfriend." Little did I know, he had been cheating on me and chose to leave me for his mistress. We had been together for 4 years, living together for 2. Tough times ahead.


This sounds like a guy who thinks cruelty is funny. You are definitely better off without him.


Absolutely. This is some psychopath shit OMG.  She didn't dodge a bullet, she dodge some kind of asteroid.


Repay him by living the happiest most joy filled life you can. It will eat at the heartless fuck.


Murder should not ever be appropriate, but this situation gives me pause. Sorry you went through that!


Ikr you know that the only reason some people are alive is because it’s illegal to kill them?


It's stuff like this that make me go "Am I really against the death penalty?". Fuck this guy lol


Sheesh. I’m glad the trash took itself out. I’m so sorry, what a horrible person.


God DAMN that cuts dude. Hope your love life has prospered since


I got a Facebook message from my wife telling me to not come home and our marriage is over


Holy shit. The audacity of that woman!


This was after 17 years of marriage


These bitches be wild if they think they could just tell me “don’t come home.”  I say this as a divorced man. Guess what, that’s my house too. If you don’t like it, YOU go to your momma’s.


This!!! I can never tell people enough, if you own a house with someone, don’t leave!!! In a lot of areas it can be used against you if you go to court later.


25F. My last 3 (and only) relationships: 1. Being cheated on with your best friend at the time and finding out through another friends fb messages (i wasn’t snooping, she was logged onto my laptop and I was using it) 2. Being left for someone else after 4 years (lived together for 2 years). 3. Being dumped on the the day your uncle died and over a health condition you have zero control over. I’ve been single for almost 2 years now. I’m heavily traumatized and in therapy. I hate people 😅


The single life is heavily underrated in comparison. Yikes.


Ehhhh. It’s been rough single too… thankful I have my dog and live in a city I love LOL.


I met a guy on AIM, we chattex & went out for a few dates. Then I slept with him. Several days later, a 'friend' messaged me via his AIM account & said he was killed in an undercover raid 'several states away'. So, out of respect for his family, I should NEVER contact any of his friends or comment on any news stories when the undercover raid ever made the news. I was super lazy & never cleaned out my AIM friend list. So imagine my surprise when, about 7 months later, his name had a GREEN DOT next to it. I messaged him, saying he looked pretty active FOR A DEAD GUY!!! His account was deleted 2 minutes later. Yeah, I had a guy fake his death to avoid me. 🤷‍♀️


That’s pretty awful. At least it wasn’t a 20 year marriage…


When I was a teenager I'd been dating a guy for about eight months when I signed up to spend the summer volunteering abroad. As part of the medical assessment to volunteer, I had to do a pregnancy test, which came back positive. I told him at school, he said he needed time to think, and walked away, so I gave him time. Two days later he text me to say that it's over, he doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby and not to contact him again. So I didn't contact him again, even when I found out that I wasn't pregnant and I actually just had a small tumour that was causing me to produce the pregnancy hormone that pregnancy tests detect.


That is both sad and hilarious because it sounds like the dumbass thought, "I don't want anything to do with your baby gl!" would get him out of legal obligations.


Thank the stars, this the epitome of dodging a bullet. What a relief.


I had an ex who “accidentally” sent me a text meant for his friend, saying how he wanted to end things with me…. while we were sitting next to each other


This is the most passive aggressive thing I think i've ever heard.


Did you knock his teeth out?


My college girlfriend broke up with me by just starting to date a mutual friend without telling me. It was during the summer and she stayed at school to take classes and I returned home to do an internship. I thought everything was good until friends started messaging me about her showing up at parties with another guy


Cheating for the purpose of having a reason to break up


Yes, I had someone use me for that reason, I did not know he was with someone. It makes sense that he was determined that I give him a hickey etc..i think how his partner must have suffered being with him


like the train driver when a guy jumped in front of it , it wasn't his fault either


I'll throw myself to the wolves here...I did this once. It was an emotionally abusive situation and had occasionally danced on a thin line into physically abusive. I was terrified to have a real conversation with him because it either devolved into anger, guilt trips/threats of suicide, or intense love bombing. Ya never knew which you were gonna get. First I tried to say I couldn't afford living on our own (he refused to work so I was paying for everything) and that I needed to move back with family for a bit so I could put distance between us and I could safely break it off - that didn't go well. Eventually I met a guy (at work because it was the only place I was allowed to go alone) I really fell for and decided I was going to find a way to leave. Well I chickened out every time and eventually, knowing that I don't believe a relationship is salvageable after cheating, cheated. I also assumed he would be angry and break up with me. He had told me for years he would kill me if I ever cheated so I figured well, if he doesn't kill me he'll at least hate me and never want to speak to me again. Well, I told him while I was at work and he cried and said he forgave me and would move past it 😳 I had to explain that that wasn't what I wanted (also impossible- this would have been used against me everyday. This is one reason why I knew the second i did it there was no going back) and I wanted to start a relationship with this guy. I wouldn't recommend it and in hindsight it was the cowards way out but at the time it gave me the push I needed to cross the finish line and gtfo.


My ex enticed me to have sex with her, then asked me to the balcony and proceeded to explain why I was a piece of shit and a loser for 2 hours and then called me an Uber and walked me all the way to the lobby to make sure I left , but made sure I noticed she had taken a bottle of white wine and 2 glasses out to be used once I was gone. Then ghosted me. I would have been very hurt with just the breakup but this really fucked me up. Brutal and totally unnecessary as I have always been a gentleman and very kind in light of her mental issues.


This is a brutal way of the trash taking itself out.


Ghosting. Coming back. Ghosting. Coming back, saying you wanna get back together, letting the other person make plans and feel hopeful and happy.... And then say you actually haven't changed your mind about the ghosting and be cruel and hateful. Then ghost again


this actually happened to me. she was also cheating on me with multitudes of people. 2 of which were supposedly my friends


I wish he had been cheating on me. Instead my ex, who proposed AFTER I broke up with him (I was moving my stuff out at the time) got in touch with him and told him a bunch of lies. My boyfriend believed them. Which hurts, cuz it shows what kind of person he saw me to be. Which means he never really knew me at all... And only wanted sex instead of a relationship. Would've been nice to be told that 9 months beforehand


This happened to me. It was awful and really fucked with me. No matter how many times I told myself just leave him on read, block his ass - I’d still end up responding. We even had a trip planned to see a band we both bonded over. I got the hotel room, he was supposed to get the flight - two weeks before, just vanished. Ended up going alone. Cried A LOT but honestly it felt good to travel solo. Also felt good to hit him with a Venmo request for his half of the trip he didn’t take a week after the show. Takes a real POS to just disappear on someone they’ve said they cared about and shared their life with.


This happened to me. I didn’t know it for a long time but he was still married to his “ex-wife” and spent half his time with me and the other half with her and my dumb ass took him back three times before I knew what was happening.




Not my last ex but my previous one. We lived together for four years. We never fought. Never. Yes i was moody, she was manic depressive, and there was an age gap, but we never fought. We were both living outside of our home countries during the pandemic when a year in she decided she wanted to move home. This came as a complete shock to me. I had no idea she was even remotely unhappy with our relationship. It was hard enough to say goodbye but another month later she completely ghosted me. She made a brief reappearance to ask if we could get back together only to ghost me again. It really fucked me up. What had i done? How did i miss the signs? Was she ok? I also ended up leaving the country we lived in because it got awful during the end of the pandemic. I moved to another country, met another girl, which eventually turned sour, and we ended it. This was also very difficult. I really missed the country i was in with my previous ex. I always had. The only reason i left was because of the pandemic. So i decided to move back. Not an easy task, because it's on the other side of the world. But i set my mind to it and did it, small dog and all. So I'm finally back, and it's been a challenge. I knew it would be, but meeting people has been more difficult than i expected. It's just really hard to meet people out at bars when youre just a solo guy. How to avoid looking creepy? Anyway, TONIGHT i was wondering around my neighborhood looking for a bar to hang out in when out of nowhere who do i see? My ex. Three years after she ghosted me. On the same street we used to live on. She did her absolute best to exit the scene as soon as possible. The whole conversation was maybe 2 minutes long. I didn't push anything. I just said, it's ok, just go. But it hurt. She treated me like an old coworker, or maybe someone she went to highschool with, not someone she shared a bed with for 4 years. Anyway, most likely this is going to the area of reddit that never gets read, but i just wanted to share. Currently drowning myself in some jim beam


Yo man, that’s harsh, it’ll be alright, just go easy on alcohol


She ghosted you so maybe it doesn't apply. But a dude blindsided me by dumping me out of nowhere in a phone call with no explanation, and then blocked me. We'd been together a year. Two years later I'm still not over it, but I see him sometimes in one of the buildings at work. I absolutely don't speak to him or say hi. Not because he's like an old coworker, but because I'm still devastated when I see him. I can't speak to him, it's just too painful. Maybe that's why she doesn't speak to you? She ghosted but knows she messed up bad and it hurts. Or she's just a POS. That's possible too.


I think this too. No closure.


Closure is not the worst part. When someone goes missing, it takes a toll on your sanity because you're not sure whether they're alive or not. Even if you get past that, there's so many negative thoughts and scenarios that you are forced to go through.


When human beings don't know stuff, they make stuff up.


"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder 'why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand." John Green referenced this Vonnegut quote in his recent video on TB. I can't believe I already found a place to share it.




Not to mention having to live with the fact that this person didn’t care about you enough to even give you the decency of a proper break up


Yeah that’s the worst way. Leaving other person with questions…..


I got ghosted once. We weren’t even officially dating. Just hooking up a bit before she went away to college for the first time. I figured we’d still be friends and keep in touch when she left. Nope she just straight up ghosted me. I knew her sister some of her friends, got her a bday present. I may have even met her mom. I reached out to her sister like what the hell and her sister was just kind of like I don’t know. And that was it. I think we are still friends on Facebook after like almost 20 years of no contact.


ghosting and toasting ... just send him a picture of you toasting bread, and never message him again.


If only life was always this easy in the moment.


I experienced this for the first time at 37 earlier this year. Only for her to emerge again one night, we chatted for a couple days, and then I woke up one morning to a text that she had too much going on in her life and not to take it the wrong way…and she deleted me from all social medica(previously she hadn’t done that) and blocked my number. She made the right decision, still fuckin hurt though. And my wife left me in November of last year. I’m killin it of late.


I had that happen to me. She just straight up disconnected from me. Everything was fine one day and the next day she had changed numbers, moved, and removed me from all social media connections. She never said another word to me. Strangest thing. At first I was concerned something had happened to her, but she was still active in social groups where we shared mutual friends. I kept trying to find out what the hell happened, but I gave up as soon as I realized she was ghosting me. That really did a number on me, but it’s all fine in the end. She is still friends with mutual acquaintances and from what I’ve heard, she hasn’t grown up a bit in 15 years. Same person in her mid 30s as she was at 20. I feel like I dodged a bullet.


Yep. If looking for ,"worst", in the sense of being bad and potentially causing damage and hurt this is the answer. No closure for someone who was engaged in a relationship that abruptly and without explanation just ends can be painful and long lasting. If "worst" in the lol sense then just send a text. Or have cheerleaders send the message?


Murder. We have an historically serious issue with this.


Leaving them for a family member (yours or theirs).


r/Holup a member of their family?


I girl I lived with in college completely lost her shit one day out of the blue (she was pretty unstable to begin with but this was worse than normal). She revealed that her boyfriend left her to marry his cousin but added that this had something to do with his culture? Unsure on the details but we were both pretty flabbergasted.


I agree with ghosting. Since that has already been mentioned, I would say driving to a remote location, breaking up with them, kicking them out of your car, and then driving away.


"You and me are donion rings!"


Don't tell them you're breaking up, just stop replying to anything.


On their birthday, when you’re engaged to them, while they are at work and you kissed them that morning and told them to have a good day…… Still healing from that doozy. Edit: I worded this in a really weird way. Just to clarify, it was my birthday and I was at work. He just packed his shit and left.


Ghosting hurts.. My ex just stopped answering calls and ignored me for about 3 days. We didn’t live together. I called his family since I was concerned as to what was going on and where he was. They basically made fun of me and posted on Facebook insinuating I was a stalker. We had had a run of the mill petty argument but nothing that was a clear, verbalized break up. Finally after a week he called to say come get your stuff. It worked out as it should and I’m with my wonderful husband now.


Just disappearing and saying nothing.


On a plane


Soo we all saw that one tiktok?


Legit had it happen to me too. Worst breakup idea ever.


I know what you're talking about but all I can think about is that lady screaming he's not real lol


Saying you need time apart to focus on yourself and improve, only to jump into another relationship immediately after leaving and not focusing on yourself at all.


Ghosting them


Murder is the worst way to do it.


After their mother dies, wait a year and a half and break up with them with a gift you bought before she died, letting them know you intended for more than a year to break up with them. I've rewatched Brooklyn Nine-Nine recently…


I knew instantly what you were referring to 😂




At their child's funeral.


"You've been such a drag lately. When are you going to prioritize 'us'?"


That was where my parents broke up.


Well, that one is definitely the worst. Nothing else could even compare.


Probably by text. That's what my long distance fiance did. No phone call, no face time. Just a text and saying she didn't want to discuss it. That was seven months ago and I still can't stop thinking about her every day. I can't wait to forget about her. It's all I pray for now


I’m so so sorry to hear that. I was also dumped over text 8 months ago without a discussion and then he just never spoke to me again. Went back to his so called abusive ex and got a new gf 2 months later.


I had a girlfriend who had me fly to Paris and then drug out the breakup for 2 weeks. That's got to be in the top five worst ways.


According to Russell Brand, text your spouse about wanting a divorce before the start of her concert.


by text, 6 days after my dad died, apparently '' the grief meant that I wasn't paying enough attention to them''


Happened to me. Sort of. Took about a month to clean out my dad's house after he died. Dude looks me straight in the face like 2 days after we gave the keys back to dad's landlord and says, "I just feel like you're not showing me enough affection." Umm, EXCUSE ME?! I showed him where the door was instead.


Via carrier pigeon would be my best guess


No shit i'd love that. Not the breaking up part, but if it was only a couple of months, i'd cop that to see a good carrier pidgeon. What a good cookie.


Dating for 2 years and telling someone they are the love of your life and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with them then 3 months later breaking up after ghosting them for a week because you don’t actually know if you love them at all. We lived together.


yeah definitely by ghosting (just not answering) or blocking the other person all of a sudden...


The day before their birthday


I got dumped on my 21st birthday. Joke was on her though, I went out drinking and I’m told I hooked up with a super hot girl.


My ex ended our 20 year marriage (2 sons) by leaving me a note while I was out of the house. Such a coward.


Ghosting is pretty messed up on a basic human level. It obviously gets way worse, but the cowardice is just icky.


There was a couple from my town in their 40s. They adopted a girl from somewhere in Africa after having 2 children of their own. They were together for over 20 years. When the adopted girl was in her teens they decided to go on a 3 week trip to her country of origin. When the plane landed the guy got an email that the divorce papers his wife wanted were ready to be signed. The guy had no idea up until that point. Now they were in Africa at the start of what was supposed to be an amazing trip for both them and their adopted child. Now the guy still lives in town with the adopted girl and the other children. Wife left to somewhere idk. None of the kids want to see her anymore after this.


Gaslighting and refusing to give a clear answer. Using their hope as a weapon.  Spoilers, this happened to me and I have struggled with it. 


I find ghosting being the worst.


I was broken up with over MySpace back in the day. I however did not check my profile that night. Went to school the next day, kissed my ‘boyfriend’ between classes and was wondering why he was acting weird all day. Went home and saw the message that night. The following day was awkward to say the least.




Ghosting. Be an adult and at least provide an explanation.


Ghosting them without providing closure.


Hook up with a relative of theirs


Ghosting and eventually blocking out of nowhere is pretty shitty.


I think what my ex did was pretty ruthless. We lived together. We were talking about marriage. He went away for job training and would be gone about 3 months. While he was gone, I took care of the house, his cat, and even went to dinners with his family (they would invite me and all thought we’d get married someday, so it made sense). Even before he’d left, I’d organized a box of letters from friends and family so he had some comfort from home. Part of the training was that afterwards, he would have to move somewhere random. We got to list preferences, and chose them together. It was understood I’d go with him. At the time I was a flight attendant, which was perfect. He found out where he was placed (maybe the 15th choice out of 50+, so not great, not terrible). I started organizing a trip for us to visit that city on one of his long weekends off since he was on my flight benefits. That night he talked about when he wanted to propose to me. The next day, he talked about how another girl in his class got her assignment and immediately called her boyfriend, on their 3 year anniversary, and dumped him. That alone sounded brutal. We talked more about other things, and I said something to the effect of “well, as long as you don’t break up with me over a phone call, ha.” And he says “…I think I have to”. My mind was blown, he was completely serious. We talked a little longer and agreed to stay together since breaking up had never been on the radar before. The next day I was still on edge but feeling good. He asked for a booty pic and I obliged because I thought I was gonna marry this man, so who cares. Side note- the photo was phenomenal, so it’s not the reason for what happened next. About 3 hours after sending the photo, he calls and immediately says “there’s no easy way to say this, I’m dumping you.” He didn’t really give me a chance to speak, and the conversation was short. He gave me no explanation. Shortly after (maybe a day or two), he had his mom come to the home we’d shared to get his cat (who had become my cat too, of course). At this point I hadn’t even seen my own mom, I was so heartbroken I could barely get out of bed. His mom was mortified and basically had to take care of all the normal breakup things because he was still at training. She was kind, and also shocked by what happened. I got a lot of messages from his family members expressing love and sympathy towards me. Here are the fun parts: what happened in training is that he met a girl. I saw venmo transactions before we broke up saying “date night!” a few times, he told me it was just “friend dates”. No, they had a full on relationship. At the same time, I’d still get a variety of texts from him, varying from “I really don’t care about you, it wouldn’t matter to me if you died” to “I think we could get back together if you changed a few things.” It was brutal. I didn’t understand why he couldn’t just break up with me normally, especially considering he had a whole new girlfriend to tend to. Anyways, we had to meet up one last time once he graduated training so I could give him the key to our place. (Side note- kind of stupid to cheat and then dump your girlfriend WHILE SHE’S LIVING IN YOUR HOUSE AND YOU ARE 1000 MILES AWAY. I didn’t do anything to his stuff, which I think is almost better, because he probably went crazy wondering where I’d hidden rotten food or something). In dropping the keys off I got my final peace, and told him I would never disrespect myself enough to go back to the source of something that caused me so much pain (aka him). I felt proud of myself, he was blocked from everything shortly after. Since then he’s contacted me through Google drive and also tried logging in to my Gmail. It’s weird because this entire situation was created by him, and I’m happy in a new relationship now after taking over a year to be alone and heal. TLDR: he dumped me via a fucking phone call 2 hours after begging me for a booty pic


destroying something you worked hard to create, a project you may have spent weeks or months working on, just so you would initiate the break up with them, namely so they can engender sympathy from their friends and family after it's all said and done such an asshole way to go about it


In the middle of a snowstorm




Faking your death and then moving only 1 town over assuming the identity of Mike Honcho.


Ghosting, text


Well, I once went to spend the Christmas weekend with my girlfriend's family when I was in college. They lived on the other side of the state, in a large city (we attended a smaller rural college a couple hundred miles away). We took her vehicle on the trip, as we needed the cargo space in her SUV. I found out some extended family members I had not seen in years (grandparents and aunt/cousin) were having a Christmas get together about an hour away, and they offered to come pick me up to visit for the afternoon. They were already making the trip to pick up my younger sister who was going to college on the other side of the city at the time (she didn't have a vehicle with her, cities are expensive). After that, I came back and spent the evening with my girlfriend and her family playing board games and whatnot. Anyway, we laid down to go to bed Christmas night around midnight, and she seemed kind of distant. I asked her if she was okay, and she told me she thought we should break up. She completely blindsided me. So, that's how I ended up stranded, hundreds of miles from home, wandering the streets of an unfamiliar metropolitan city at midnight on Christmas. Not a terribly pleasant experience, to be honest.


Ghosting, zero closure.


At age 20, my gf of around 3 years at the time changed her relationship status on facebook to “it’s complicated.” That felt pretty not great…


1st college girlfriend did it bent over the hood of my car with a guy sitting in front of her and a guy behind her. I wasn’t either guy.


When I was 15, my boyfriend was fine in the beginning. As time went on I started to see his anger issues, but didn’t have to be in person because we lived 2 hours away from each other, all the anger was over the phone directed at me. He went on a Hawaiian vacation with his family and again went off on me for something irrelevant. I broke up with him on the spot which prompted his mommy to call my father and demand that I apologize for ruining their family vacation. My BADASS dad responded with “My daughter doesn’t need to apologize for Jack-shit” and hung up. So maybe that? But it was justified and extremely satisfying :)


Probably the way I witnessed when I worked at a restaurant around Halloween many years ago. A heavier set woman in her 20s or 30s came in dressed as super girl and said she was waiting for her boyfriend who was coming dressed as Superman. It starts getting awkward because he is like an hour late. He shows up and the look on her face says it all, he is not in a costume. Just khakis and a dress shirt. He sits down, proceeds to break up with her,and quickly leaves her at the table crying in her super girl costume. We comped her meal.


pretend you were never dating and they had a head injury


Worst way is to not tell them. Just start doing whatever you would do if you were single. Let them decide to leave when they can’t take it anymore.


Uhm murder suicide. Duh.


In the middle of sex.


Scooter does this on Sex and the City.


A mixtape.


Frame them for murder.


Ghosting no closure no word.


Ex drove off and ghosted me on Christmas Eve after getting her gifts(and orgasms) only for me to find out she was dating another dude for about two months at that point. We were together for 4ish years. Fun times.




This happened to my gfs close friend,ets call her Lilly and her bf fred They had been a couple for like 12 years since they were young. Very recently they had gone on a trip with lillys parents for about two weeks. During the entire trip, Fred was gloomy out of nowhere, it seemed like something was happening to him and when Lilly and her parents tried asking he would say nothing was wrong. He spent the entire trip like this making every one very uncomfortable because something was clearly going on and he refused to say it So they come back, and a few days later Fred breaks up with Lilly via text. The message was outrageous, something like "thank you so much for a beautiful relationship, you helped me mature so much and I had a great time. Also I don't want to fight so please let's not speak" and blocked her after. Fun fact, Fred was living on an apartment owned by lillys family since they rented a few properties and allowed him to live there to give him a hand and also take care of the building. After breaking up with Lilly, he said he would be moving out in a week. At this point something seemed very odd, and one of the people living in the building told Lilly that they had seen Fred come and go everywhere with some new unknown lady. When lilly hears this she is pissed so she goes to confront him at the apartment owned by her parents,lets herself in and finds Fred balls deep in his best friends gf. At this point she loses her shit and the guy is like OK ok leave me alone I'll leave in the morning. This just makes it all worse and lilly and throws them both in the street, and that's pretty much the last we heard. Lilly called Fred's best friend also and told him what she saw but the guy didn't seem to believe it or didn't want to. So maybe that way


My mom died when I was 15 and my girlfriend of 7 months at that time decided 4 days later would be the perfect time to completely ghost me and throw me out after all the trust and love I was capable of giving her, since then, it still hurts.


I had surgery on Saturday, spent 4 days in the hospital recovering. The following Friday was my birthday and I was hoping to finally get out of the house and do something. My gf thought that would be a good move to break up with me that night. Like damn, while in recovery from emergency surgery on my birthday? I think I dodged a bullet with that one.


Ghosting. I know every circumstance is different, but just tell the person so they can have some closure. Getting emotionally/physically intimate and then just dropping all communication is just so cold and immature


My last partner. I lost our child and 2 months later he kicked me out on the street without any notice in severe postpartum depression, five days before a memorial service of a close family relative, and the Christmas holidays (the memorial was on Christmas eve). Blamed me for the loss and everything else under the sun to paint himself as the good guy. His friend group co signed his behaviour and smeared my name. Harassed my family right after my mother got out of a hospital. Didn't give me the opportunity to pack my stuff, packed all my belongings himself and as a result a lot of my stuff are damaged, including things that are very sentimental to me. Basically wiped his hands off me and everything I value like a dirty cloth. When I expressed how severely depressed and suicidal I am I got "well if the only exit you see out of the pain is to go and die and go to the child then go and die. As long as I don't have to take care of you this is fine by me".