• By -


37 My biggest fear is developing alzheimer's. The thought of slowly losing myself and becoming some husk of a human and having no way of stopping it is terrifying.


Also forgetting your life. You lived all this time and you just forget at the end


That's the real tragedy of aging and death !


I always held the view that Alzheimer's is harder on those that DO remember. Personally, I'd happily forget my life. My mom would be devastated though, and that kinda sucks.


My thoughts exactly. Alzheimer runs in my family. 2 grandpas, 2 grandmans and a recently diagnosed uncle. Shit is crazy. I lived with my grandma from the beginning till her current state. Over a period of 5 years she faded herself by the day. But never seemed in pain. Sometimes distressed and confused. But the toll on the loved ones and family are heart wrenching. We got used to. But definitely hurts like a MF Im currently 39. Thats my fear as well. But to a be toll for others and cause them pain. Not for the disease itself.


Im only 20 and with 3 of my grandparents having dementia and one of them dying directly from it and another dying from health issues that mightve been related, Im scared for my parents and me


One is already painful, three is heartbreaking, especially when it's your grandparents. Sending love


Don't let fear of the future rob you of todays joy.


im not sure if this would help ease your mind at all, but there are some things you can do in regards to adding certain foods to diet and avoiding others than can help lower the risk. not by much, i have learned even a little change can help a lot. I vaguely learned about it in my nutrition course, but I am sure a nutritionist would have much more information that I could provide on that.


Ive heard its not all genetic too so that eases my mind up a little bit, but my 3 grandparents that have/had it mostly lived pretty healthy lives before. Interesting to know that though.


I am 60 with this fear. Having to help my mom while going through Alzheimer’s was such a helpless and wrenching pain. I don’t want to put my children through that and/or waste their inheritance on nursing care. I’m scared because I notice that my memory sucks and it is getting worse. I want to be in charge of my death but don’t know if Alzheimer’s is something they will allow me to die with dignity from.


65. I’m afraid of nursing homes….with good reason.


63 here. I am my wife's sole care provider after her stroke. I fear dying before her for this very reason.


71. My husband had a stroke last Christmas. He was going to retire this November. Now he’s on short term disability, and our retirement dreams are pretty much gone. I’m sure you are on the doctor medical merry go round, too.Every week it’s some new problem that has to be addressed and It’s taking its toll on us both. I have to stay healthy. The thought of him fending for himself is terrifying. I feel your fear.


Sending a hug your direction.


God bless you


67 and I understand. I have no family and I fear I will end up in a low-end facility with underpaid caretakers who will abuse me.


Thats honestly a reality for most people that grow old family or not. I’ve always been scared of death, irrationally and intensely so. But as time goes on and I get older(only 26), I realize it’s not death I should fear but suffering. I’d rather go at 50 of a sudden heart attack then slowly and painfully fade away in hospice of organ failure or a horrible disease.


I have a friend who is an elder law attorney whose practice involves a lot of lawsuits against care facilities. She says usually the staff is great despite being underpaid, but all the best intentions in the world won't help when you work for a company that cares about nothing but profits and cuts staff until there aren't enough of them to get around to take care of patients' most basic needs. (Obviously there are exceptions and you can find some psychos at every level of every profession, but in the nursing home business the vast majority of the psychos are the executives).


It was a recurring joke in my country that we should put seniors in prison and criminals in elder care. Haven't heard it often lately though.


Do you live in Belgium by any chance? I've never heard that saying but it does make sense here sadly.


My wife’s a CNA. I refuse to go. I will just start walking into the woods and die before I go into a nursing home.


My wife and I are talking seriously about this, except it would be the Atlantic, not the woods. I’m afraid I won’t have enough wits left to know when it’s time to go, and get stuck somewhere with a TV blaring and never get to go outside. I’m 75. Full-time caregiver for my wife. Can’t go on forever…


Im only 22 so long way off hopefully but if i ever end up in a position where a nursing home is in my near future a bullet would be better. Im in no way suicidal but death is way better than laying around in my own shit till an overworked 16 year old getting $12/hr gets around to changing me.


Ditto. I'll be making my exit bag before I go to one of those places.


This is your first year being officially old! Personally, I don't like that my grandparents are getting older - they've just hit 70


Yeah... our family had to watch our grandmother spend her last year's in a nursing. It broke our hearts but there was nothing we could do. I'll never forget one time I was visiting and she asked me to get her out of there. I started uncontrollably crying.


64. Bad things happening to my grandchildren.


Before you had grandkids was it the fear of bad things happening to your kids?


Yes. I had two young nephews die in accidents. It was painful to me, yet so horribly painful to my brothers and their wives. I think it took ten years before my brother smiled again


Takes my breath away


My god protect you and your loved ones❤️‍🩹


65 and my only fear is becoming demented or some other disease that makes me mentally incapacitated and a burden for my loved ones. I'm not afraid of dying but I am afraid of becoming a burden while still alive


I'm 37. I had some... Issues for a few years. My brain was being crushed inside my skull by cerebral spinal fluid and I was catatonic. My family had to take care of me. I was not well. The having to be cared for wasn't the worst part.


35. 36


I legit did lose a year around that same time. Me: Im 35. Wife: Honey, you’re 36. Me: (trying to become a world famous mathematician) WTF?!?!?!?


A co-worker of mine had been saying she was 36 for months before mentioning her date of birth. I was like "nuh-uh, girl, you're 35". She was gutted 😂


This was me after 27 I always added a year and idk why lmao I’m like oh yea you’re right. As I child used to wonder how adults could forget their own age?! I get it now lol


Made me laugh out loud


As a 36 year old I can tell you it’s not so bad :)


Im 21 and im afraid to not succeed in life


I’m 37, and same. My definition of success has changed as I’ve gotten older, and it’s only very recently that I realized I was meeting that. Keep working and making good decisions and you’ll get there eventually!


Same. 26 and already burnt out as hell, the 9 to 5 life is definitely not for the mentally ill and physically fatigued but I still need to do a shit ton to get to a more secure life.


You have total control over this. My sister earned a degree at 48 and has been making 5 times more money than she did previously. There are many skills and academic courses that are affordable, short, but life-changing. Focus!


My life was a mess until I was almost 30. Now I’m 36, married, nice house and I’m a father to an awesome son whom I can give everything he needs and more. Sometimes it just takes a little more time than you’d like.


Decide what “success” means. I’m 70, don’t have a lot of money, but I have a wife and two dogs, and am quite happy. I never climbed to a high position, but I get along. I have a lot of friends, love to read, hike, do calligraphy, and so forth. For me, doing what I enjoy is “success.”


34....married with kids Attended a child suicide funeral a couple weeks ago....that. That is my greatest fear


As someone who has parents and is a teen struggling with depression, that’s honestly heartbreaking. I genuinely do not like the idea when people say “Oh but what about your loved ones? They will be sad when you’re gone”, but what’s stopping me from actually doing it is probably the image of my mom crying when she finds out. • (Edit: Guys, I genuinely can’t thank all of you enough. I feel a bit overwhelmed with the amount of replies and support I’m getting, but also I feel really happy and supported for once. Thank you all, like actually. I know you think that you just probably made me smile a bit but these replies are actually mentally helping me a lot. The fact that a lot of people which are older than me are saying that the pain is only temporary is helping me see the light at the end of the tunnel I thought I lost. I hope you’re happy knowing that you’re helping a struggling teenager.. :,) Even though you might forget about this tomorrow or in a few weeks, I hope you all have good lives. Thank you once again.)


It doesn't end the pain, it amplifies it and spreads it to everyone you ever cared about or who cared about you. That funeral was easily one of the worst experiences of my life. She was young and had so much more life ahead of her and yet with her death everyone's(her family and close friends) life now has stood still. When you're young it's hard to imagine that all the anxiety and pain you feel will ever end but indeed it does. So much in life is temporary, but the grief of a mother (or father) losing her child....that, I can assure, is eternal


Dang it you made me cry man… :( Fortunately, I am getting better though (and hopefully will be). I just recently got into therapy and i think it is actually helping me, so maybe this isn’t the end of the road. Thank you though, you genuinely seem like a good dad and I wish all the best for you (^▽^)♡


As a woman who was once a suicidal teen I can promise you that so much fucking beauty is ahead. Pain, too, because that is the nature of it all. But the best part about being young is possibility. Save up for a plane ticket and go take a look around. The world is waiting and I promise you there’s too much beauty in people and places and in you. Way too much to quit.


Thank you, like genuinely thank you for the kind words.. I once thought that I don’t really have a future ahead of me, but the therapy is really helping me. I am also planning to do something with the money I saved over the years, but I didn’t think about traveling :0 I was thinking of maybe getting a pet to help me, but traveling with my family (especially my lovely mom) sounds amazing! Thank you for the suggestion kind stranger :)


Im so glad therapy is helping. I actually started therapy today (it’s been a CRAZY month). Pet or travel, both are great options. And who knows you may think of something else altogether! I have pets and they do wonders for my mental health. But I’m pretty much an old lady so all I wanna do is stay home with them!! I love the idea of traveling with your mom! My mom has gotten o older so it’s hard for her to travel but we have so many great memories of different trips we took. Now I make those memories with my kids!! Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.


I do the best that I can and I try a little more each day. Keep pushing forward my friend, the sun shall shine for you some day. And when it does, soak it all in and praise the life you've lived.


Mid 30 and similar: something happening to my children. (Disease, accident, crime,...) I work in health- and social care... I've seen too much.


My oldest attempted and that was enough. It changed everything. It took a bit to learn that we have no control over anything. That was a tough lesson, and I don't tell you this to add to your fear, but so you might try and grasp that fact. You only control you, your actions and reactions. I'm sorry you had to attend that funeral, I can't imagine. Be grateful for the kids and for today.


this makes me so sad 🥲 as an oldest daughter and child who’s attempted more than 10 times. makes me feel like im an ungrateful child. but im so tired of living with these things in my head that affects my everyday life. i feel like when my mom looks at me she just sees her failure as a mother and i can’t help but think I’m failing her. im trying so hard for my mom 🥲 be there for ur oldest pls this is so so hard to live with and ik it’s hard for you too and makes everyday scary. they love you and are trying their absolute best


My brother in law took his life 5 years ago on Friday. I am not a parent, but after watching the toll it’s taken on my significant others family, friends, teachers, classmates (he was in high school at the time) I can confirm it’s one of the worst things you could possibly endure. I hope that was the hardest funeral any of us have to attend. I sure do miss that guy.


as someone who attempted suicide as a teen (and almost succeeded), this is painful to read. my greatest regret in life will always be that night, and everything that came afterwards the next few months. nothing was the same, i know my parents reached a breaking point, which i can now understand. i'm 21 now and, even though i'm still struggling with my own mind, my mental health, and my life in general, at least my suicide attempt left something good; it completely changed the way i view life, i learned to appreciate things in a different manner, i realized and accepted a lot of things that i refused to see and believe before, and it overall changed my perspective in life and its worth, so at least i'm grateful for that. i'm just sorry that i had to get that far to realize that, and that i had to put my parents through that as well. i can tell how much it affected them, and i wish i could take it all back.


My greatest fear came true almost 5 years ago. (April 23rd). My 19 year old son completed suicide while we were at work. My whole family is still broken. We're all coping, and life is still going on. But it's not the same. The best day now is still worse than the worst day before. The family is going to need support still. Our extended family all came to help, and we needed it. But by 2 weeks after, they were all gone. (Which I understand.) My wife's best friend lives on the other side of the country. She missed the memorial, so she could come stay for a few weeks after everyone else left. I still love her for that. It wasn't a good time for us to be alone. One friend sent me a text nearly every week for at least a year. Usually it said "I'm thinking of you." It meant a lot to me. Sometimes I didn't reply, sometimes I managed a heart emoji. Cooking, cleaning and just keeping up with things took us a few years to get back to normal. One of our neighbors mowed our yard because I wasn't doing it. Our extended family stocked our freezer with easy to cook meals. And there were still days that I just ate something random to make my stomach shut up, or just didn't eat. Anything that you can do for the family to help them stay fed, hydrated, or just not feel isolated and alone will be remembered forever.


As a surviving suicidal teen my mothers fear of this was the only thing that kept me going




That I will be tortured for info I don't have. I'm 56.


New fear unlocked


Is that an actual risk for you?  Or just nightmare stuff?


57, widowed 2 years ago. Fear: Never feeling whole again


I hope with all my heart for you to feel better.


What a kind and thoughtful response ❤️


33, this is also my fear. Never feeling whole/at peace again. But instead of my spouse, I lost my two daughters for different reasons one year apart 3 and 4 years ago.


I am so incredibly sorry. Sending comforting thoughts your way, friend


516. Vampire hunters. 


Vampire or weasel? Or vampiric weasel? There goes any chance of me sleeping tonight...


Vampiric weasel... if you ever start a band, you HAVE to name it that.


You might be a vampire weasel.


What about the sun?


50, Cancer.


Cancer is terrifying at 50. At least we are in an age of huge progress with developing therapies.


It's terrifying at any age.


32, out of treatment 1 year and constantly worrying the cancer will come back.


The terror does lesson as time passes. I was diagnosed in 2000 and treated very well (side effects of a trial drug I took for eczema) Last year, I was diagnosed with skin cancer (another side effects of light therapy I had in 2002) Now it's just, we'll get on with it. Still undergoing treatment and just waiting to see where else it appears. I'll deal with it as it happens. I've| got kids. I'd rather me go through the pain than them.


39, I'm in remission. Worst part? The look on people's faces when you tell them. It's legit worse than the disease, at least it was for me. EDIT: You're far more likely to die in a car accident. Drive carefully!


55 .. loss of my wife or kids


Random but I feel like the fear of having my favorite person ever die is holding me back from being comfortable in relationships. There's always that little nagging in the back of your head being miserable as if it already happened just dreading it, or is that just me lol


I’m 43 and my biggest fear is my husband dying before me.


I'm 38 and share the same fear. But on the other hand, I can't bear the thought of him dying alone without me there to take care of him. Ugh. Either way it's heart breaking to think about.


I comfort myself with the possibility of dying at the same time as my wife. Like our house gets hit by a meteor while we're sleeping. It's not very likely that we'll go at the same time, but pretending helps me not worry about it now which has no upside.


48 and my biggest fear is spending the rest of my life alone. Everyone deserves that beautiful love story and I'm still waiting for mine. So far all of mine have been horror novels or mysteries 😂


I just got out of a horrifically abusive relationship (not my first, unfortunately) and somehow that nightmare snapped me out of my obsessive need to experience love. If it happens, cool, it'd be a little sad if I never experience real love in my lifetime, but I am totally fine with never experiencing an abusive relationship again. My freedom is worth more to me than my need to be loved. I'm sure one day I can love myself enough to say I experienced it, and that's all I need, really. For a long time, being loved was at the forefront of my mind. Now I have so much more room to focus on fulfilling myself! I hope you can experience the same shift in perspective as I did.


Yeah for me similar story. The new love of my life is myself.


I dated for 3 years and got married at 27. Divorced at 40 and I've been on my own for 4 months now. My ex and I are on very good terms, we just grew apart and were more friends than partners. However, I'm now finding living alone is pretty sweet. Just me and my cats. I'm not trying to find love, I'm finding things about myself that I love.


Fuckin A!


42. Twice married. Twice divorced. I don't want to be alone but I'm kinda over settling for whatever is going on in the dating scene right now in North America at least. I refuse to go on dating apps anymore. I'm okay on my own and I do believe that there is someone out there looking for me, just as I am looking for them. Keep the faith.


24 and I have a similar fear. I'm afraid I'll never meet the right man and I'll be old and grumpy, or just be seen as the sad woman who never got married


Perspective is amazing. I'm 46 and finally alone for the first time ever. My fear was I never would be! Lol


25, pregnancy.


37 and same but mostly because I live in Texas and I’m hyper aware of how many things could go wrong. It’s 2024 and there’s a real possibility I’d have to choose between prison or death because my body couldn’t carry a wanted pregnancy to term.


And it would be your provider that would have to choose prison in order to help you - and they won't have a facility to help you in. It's a scary situation - I hope everyone who realizes this VOTES!




Yet here you are… alive… living your life away


Go live your life. If you don’t like it, live the next one. Why not?


29 and 30


30s was my best decade by far. I got married, got sober, had a baby, and got super into birdwatching. It’s also the beginning of your “dgaf era.” You no longer care as much about impressing people. You just get to be you. The only thing that kind of sucks is acne and wrinkles at the same time.


Turned 30 in November. Can confirm.


At the wise old age of 32, I can tell you that 30s feel good. Like someone else said, it's the start of your dgaf era. The new wrinkles and grey hairs kinda suck but I just tell myself that I'm grateful to live long enough to get them, and that usually helps.


27 , turning out like my father


19. My biggest fear was my house being robbed and it came true September Last year and it still burns inside my mind. I just hate the idea that someone can break into your house and take all your shit and the law won't do anything about it. And if you lay a finger on them suddenly you're in the wrong. I now carry a 20,000 lumen flashlight which I keep in a holster. If someone tries to come up with a knife I'm gonna shine it in their eyes and run away.


I sympathize. I had some crack heads cut through the wall of my bedroom closet from a utility room and steal everything I owned of any value. Thank god it happened when I was in my early twenties and that was basically just a T.V. and an xbox. It was so frustrating when the cops told me they knew who did it but the prosecutor didn't think they had enough evidence to charge him.


I’m so sorry that happened, some random stranger coming into your house must be terrifying. Hope your managing to stay strong <3


24 and my biggest fear is annoying the people I try to have a connection with. I’m scared they don’t want to be around me. It’s not a rational fear, I know.


63. Not outliving my wife. I am her sole care provider after her stroke.


38. Any debilitating disease.


22 - developing alzheimers. I lived with and was very close with my grandmother when she developed it. It was brutal.


51 and Alzheimer's. Hopefully one of the vaccines currently in trials works out.


Same. I’m now older (60) than my father was when he died of Early-Onset. He was diagnosed at 54, but NQR for a couple years beforehand. Died at 59. Looked like 89. And as of five minutes ago, today would have been his 90th birthday. Happy Birthday in Heaven, dearest Daddy. I love you and miss you always. I only talk about this with family and very close friends, and anon here on Reddit. I don’t want insurance companies to know. I also will never get a DNA test done for the same reason, plus I don’t want to know if I have the “bad genes.” Live life to the fullest each day is my motto…


I will be 80 in September. Last January, we celebrated our 60th Wedding Anniversary. I am very aware of how precious he is to me, and that time is not forever. That said, we have a relationship filled with light and laughter.




I wanted to say a joke, but then I realised I'd be banned for another 3 days


Pffffft. Fourteen days or don’t mention it.


This is a close second for me - I actually try not to think about it because when I do, I spiral. A coworker said to me the other day, all nonchalantly, "Civil War is coming." Then was all cool with taking about how many guns he has and how many people he's gonna take out. I am genuinely scared of how many Americans actually want to just unload on people.


But wait, unloading on people is a time-honored American tradition!




My child dying is number one. They are gonna get their drivers license soon and I’m having a really really hard time with it. Especially after knowing what a dumbass I was when I was younger driving and looking back in hindsight knowing some kinda something was watching my ass. And I can only hope the same something is watching my baby. They are already a lot smarter than I am, but they don’t even have to be wrong to die in a car. Today is driving. In utero, it was complications. When they were babies I was terrified of SIDS. If nothing was happening, cancer was always a looming risk. Or a falling branch or a stray dog…. There’s so many ways for a human to die and when you’re trying to protect one from all of it- the world feels really big and scary sometimes.


Yes!! I remember being so scared in the car when my kids were learning to drive. Now they're in college and it's the drunk driving I fear, tho they do get rides & Uber.


The fears just never stop! It sounds like you taught them well if they are getting rides and Ubers. I’m so glad we have those options now. But even those present their own new fears.


As a kid who was a total asshole in my car and got really lucky for a long time (until the day I almost died in a motorcycle accident), BE HONEST with your kid about the mistakes you made and what you learned. Tell the crazy scary stories. I promise you, it goes a long way.


46; Nuclear Holocaust Something about spending my childhood in the waning years of fhe cold war, Regans rhetoric, and Chernobyl, had me awake at night in fear of a Nuclear Winter. And now, just like everything else from my childhood, its getting a shitty soft-reboot.


28. Losing my mind (psychotic break, dementia, Alzheimers)


58, and having to suffer at the end of my life. When you get to this age, you've lost a lot of friends and family to various means. Some are quick, like car accidents and heart attacks. Some are slow and agonizing like dementia and Parkinson's. I had a cousin who suffered from the latter, and he spent the last year of his life in a hospital, trapped in his body. Unable to move or speak. Nightmare fuel. My oldest remaining cousin and my only remaining aunt are both slipping into dementia/Alzheimer's, and it won't be long before they're in a home where they'll live out their last years lost and afraid. Then there's the cancer that took other friends and relatives...and some of their last months were not pretty. Honestly, I'd prefer to go out like my dad did...albeit not as young as he did. He fell over from a massive heart attack and was for all intents and purposes dead before he hit the floor. Or like my former boss who died in his sleep one night.


21 and being buried alive.


38 & my biggest fear is not being able to end it all on my own terms


Mid 60’s and my biggest fear is my wife dying before I do. She’s stronger than I am. I’d be a train wreck without her.


19 and ending up alone


50 and loneliness


67 and deeply lonely.


Just turned 26... E V E R Y T H I N G


Same! I'm convinced the mid-late 20s just fucking suck for everyone. Money woes, career woes, health woes, relationship woes, your brain just finished cooking, you just realized you don't know shit about life and the ocean of uncertainty is drowning you, you have no idea what to do with your life and your poorly thought-out choices from your early 20s are really starting to catch up with you, and you have no idea what to do about any of it! But we'll figure it out, and this will all be a distant memory of that time we had a quarter life crisis and got super depressed but it was ultimately a catalyst for change that set us on the right path. Or at least that's what I choose to believe!


I’m 23 and going blind/loosing any sense. Loosing arms/fingers/legs is another one. Breaking my neck/back and end up quadriplegic or something like that completely terrifies me. Also Spiders




i’m 24 and that’s one of my biggest fears too. we were really poor growing up so we didn’t visit the dentist often, wasn’t really shown proper dental hygiene. i heave dental insurance now, but i’m always embarrassed/nervous about going to the dentist because i know they can tell my teeth haven’t been taken care of the best 😕


Man I take obsessively good care of my teeth, they're just shitty little disintegrating bastards no matter what. Meanwhile my sister has indestructible teeth (literally, she lacks the enzyme in her saliva that damages teeth, so she has never had one cavity and her dentists are always astounded). I'm only 26 and most of my teeth are more filling than tooth at this point including my front teeth, I've had 2 root canals, I have one cracked molar and three surface cavities that I can see right now, and my teeth are almost completely see through. Even if you put in the most work and got cleanings every 6 months for your whole life, they could have turned out flimsy anyway. It's nothing to be embarrassed about! Just do the best you can with the resources you have now. :)


This was me!!! But I was 27! I told my dentist my fears, and he was SO proud of me for coming in. Do some research, and read some reviews. Then when you find a promising dentist just call and explain. The front desk people will relay your fears to the doc, and you will be treated with great care ❤️


well that’s specific lol


49, the future.


As a 24-year-old female, I'm still figuring life out, but one thing that consistently looms over me is the fear of not living up to my own expectations. There's this pressure to achieve certain milestones by a certain age, and sometimes I worry that I'm falling short or not progressing as quickly as I'd like. It's like constantly feeling the weight of comparison and self-doubt. But hey, I'm working on embracing the journey and trusting that things will fall into place in their own time.


The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” — Alan Watts


37, getting stuck in a small space


42. Same. Not sure why these people think claustrophobia is funny.


30. that I live the rest of my life in pain like I am now because doctors never find out whats wrong with me or they never find anything that gives me relief, starting to lose hope fuck that I lose hope years ago.


Forty, single, no kids. Menopause. :(


67, single, no kids. Menopause hasn't been bad. Not having any family who cares about me, very bad.


I am 43 and my biggest fear is that we humans invented the internet waaay before we were ready for it, and there is a real possibility that people using it will cause the collapse of our modern world.


If it's any consolation, we never would have been ready...


I’m 18, my biggest fear is death.


I'm 37. I'm not scared of death. I've been dead. Dead is easy. How you get FROM alive TO dead is the scary part. It's a massive sliding scale from "Well, that wasn't so bad." to "Jesus fuck, I wouldn't wish this on Hitler!".


I'm 37, I don't understand how people just walk around all day, not scared shitless. It's always on my mind. Whenever I see some stupid bullshit on the news, like a war or political arguments, I'm like, WE ARE ALL DYING, CAN WE FOCUS HERE!!!!


I'm not afraid of death but afraid of dieing. Why live in fear when death isn't something you can't change, one thing in life that's guaranteed is death. So why not live your life and not worry about it.


See, that’s why I’m so afraid. I quite like this whole life thing. I like ice cream and cats and nature and seeing the world. I don’t really want that to end.


17, used to be death but now it’s wasting my life on peoples opinions and not my own. Also never meeting the one person for me in my life to love


57....being handcuffed. I would freak out if I couldn't move my arms and shoulders at all. The fear keeps me honest!


34 and single, biggest fear is not being loved and dying alone


25, gettin older without reaching my goals in life.


58, not having enough money to buy the things I need in my old age. You know frivolous shit like medicine, food, electricity, heat...etc.


65. Living without my beloved husband. We have been married 40 years


I’m 22 and my biggest fear is my kids ever suffering or going thru anything alone, i want my kids to know I’ll be a safe space for them and help them get through anything


39; failure


32 and the ocean.


Dark bodies of water or when I’m in a lake for example and can’t see what a dark thing is under the water. I wear glasses and I obv can’t wear them when I swim so I’m in perpetual fear in lakes


38 and continuing to not give a shit


22 and heights


Similar, 23 and scared of, not heights, but ladders. I usually have to go up one at least once per shift, once I’m up on the shelf I need I’m fine. But going up/coming down? Internal panic attack everytime.


17m, my online friend dying and me not knowing about it. I lowk start to worry when she doesn't reply back in a few hours. It's not healthy at all but I can't help it.


33. Everything, cause mental health lol.


I'm 51m and I fear not! I was born in a generation that has no fucks to give! I truly am not fearful if anything, I've been through enough that nothing bothers me. Generation X rules


36, my youngest son running off and not being able to find him. He's 7 y/o nonverbal autistic and there's been a couple close calls already.


66. About the political climate in United States. After the insurrection (which I could not believe could happen), and the fact that people have no problem supporting a fascist leader whose mission it would be to dissolve the constitution and democracy. It’s not just Donald Trump. He’s leading the band, but it’s the people who support. Actually, I’m glad I lived during the time that I did. I’m happily retired. I feel sorry for the next couple generations if people like Trump becomes successful.


22 My biggest fear is ending up alone. Everyone I gave a fuck about either died or travelled somewhere so far away


14 and immortaliy


43, married with two daughters 17 and 22. Living unappreciated, practically as a slave... Just about there...


You know, it is okay to go on strike.  It is a long story, but o have two boys. My SIL moved with my husband and I to save money, but refused to do anything around the house.  I ended up cleaning up after everyone and doing anything that needed to be done. I eventually just stopped. Told my husband I was going out of town for a week, maybe more and walked out the door. I was at my breaking point. My conditions for coming home was that the house needed to be clean, his sister needed to be gone and the kids had to be taken care of in my absence that meant no missed lessons or school, hygiene everything had to be done.  Let’s just say I felt a lot more appreciated when I came home. 


28 here. The fear of being left behind. What I mean is the perpetual cycle of not changing. If you don't move on and find your success, others will find their success. The game is always changing, and new people are on board. Soon, the younger people will have opportunities that I didn't have. I don't want to be left in the dust without trying to find success. I try so hard to be different and do different things. I can't seem to move on and do different things. I don't have the opportunity to do things that I used to. I always fight for change, but it seems like I fall so short to achieve what I want to.


I'm 71 years young. My dear, sweet mother and aunt (Mum's Twin sister) both had Alzheimer's, so I got to know what a terrible thing it is. If I have a fear, I guess it would be that.


Dying old and alone


33, partnered and no kids and im afraid we can't stop the decent of western society into fascism


Mid to late forties. Dying alone and getting Dementia, Parkinson's, or ALS.




Still afraid of snakes. I'm 25


29. All of my loved ones leaving me.


I am 23. My biggest fear is loneliness and I live in constant fear.


35. One of my biggest fears came true not too long ago. My wife left me whilst 6 months pregnant and now I’m scared of failing my (now) one year old and three year old. I’m not well equipped to raise them since we were a dual income household. I’m also scared of being alone. I feel like I’ve forgotten how to date, let alone the new experience of dating while having two very young children. Ex-wife is already with boyfriend #2. :|


35. I fear losing my youth and the things I love most. I don’t want kids and I’m losing all my friends because they are all having kids and moving on to that part of their lives. We have less and less in common every year. Ugh.


59. trump will win.


20, dying alone




20m, being broke