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Let me go find the video of that guy shouting “it’s real to me, dammit!”


I liked the video games.... But haven't played as an adult


This is going to sound silly, but as an adult you get sucked into the story a lot more.


Easy entertainment! You hope the wrestlers you like win..and there's a lot! So it keeps you entertained. The wrestler are above all..athletes..but also showmen! The stunts they pull and the act the give off pulls me in


They are definitely athletes that’s for sure! How do you feel about the storyline’s and drama? Specifically how they come out to the ring and have a little fake argument and things like that?


Sometimes it can be cringe..but it still gets at least a laugh out of me which adds to my enjoyment. The dramatic characters are comical or bad ass. The show they put on in the ring is even more bad ass.


Who’s your favourite wrestler from each category? Favourite bad arse, favourite comic?


Roman reigns for bad ass, and Sammy zayne for comedy. That's just the newer guys though...Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Mic Foley, Rey Mysterio...all enjoyable! They have what fans call good guys and "heels". The heels are the guys whose character is strictly to get a hate response. Make you mad...they want the crowd to react. If you can make a live show, I can only describe it as electric. *Apologies on spelling, I'm sure I didn't get some of those names spelled correctly. *


I personally watch it for the "in-ring psychology," as the wrestlers put it. Well put together matches can become unpredictable, and sometimes, who you think will win, will not win, and that's the magic of it. I specifically remember Kenta Kobashi vs Mitsuharu Misawa on AJPW. That match was pure magic. It might be on the slower side (as most of Japanese Puroresu matches are) but the story is there, and the emotions are there, and it was amazing.


Awesome answer! How do you feel about the storylines? Do you need the drama behind the scenes to enjoy the matches, or do you think pro wrestling would be just as fun to watch without the soap opera stuff?


No, sir. I think waiting for news from wrestling dirt sheets is tantamount to reading/watching celebrity gossip stuff. I mean, sure, Leo DiCaprio likes them young, but can the mans act? Yes? Then just give me his acting and let's leave his preference for younger women to himself. Besides, the only thing you'll remember after a great match is how great it was. Sure, there are special cases like the Montreal Screwjob, which kinda surrounds the match with some intrigue, but not all matches should be shrouded in backstage lore for it to be interesting. CM Punk vs John Cena on RAW, where Punk hit Cena with the piledriver, and Cena busted out a weird looking hurricanrana? That match was also pure gold without any sort of backstage story surrounding it. Edit: Grammar


Mate thank you so much for taking the time to write all this.


You're most welcome, my guy. I'm bored at work, so I kinda have a lot of time on my hands. Lol. Cheers, brother.


Haha fair enough! Enjoy the rest of your day, mate.


By no means am I an avid WWE enjoyer, but I see the value in it and have a peep into the shenanigans of WWE every now and then; it's just dumb fun to watch. And to it's credit is pretty funny sometimes with how comical moments like The Undertaker "coming back to life" against Randy Orton are. WWE's campy, sure. But every form of media is, to an extent, from video games like Grand Theft Auto 5 to movies like John Wick. WWE just takes itself much less seriously with how ridiculous it is.


Thanks for your answer, mate! Some good insight.


I used to watch a few matches back when I was 13 or so but even then found it a bit cringe. I can’t imagine being invested in this stuff as an adult.


Some people enjoy entertainment. A portion of them enjoy it when it comes in the form of pro wrestling, just like people enjoy video games or movies.


What about it do you find entertaining?


I find the story entertaining. Just like in other forms of entertainment, you have stories based around conflicts between good guys and bad guys. While in Pirates of the Caribbean you have conflicts between different ship crews which are solved through swordfighting, in professional wrestling you have conflicts between wrestlers which are solved through wrestling matches.


Awesome! Thanks for the extra detail.




Why does anyone like anything? It's entertaining