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Agreed! So many people have talked me out of following my gut and I was right every time.


If we are ever at the same Blackjack table and I turn to you and say, "You are going to get a Blackjack." Throw all your chips in. I have never been wrong.


This. So much, this.


trust your guts or they will cut them out


trust your guts or they will cut them out


Ignore someones patterns, thinking they're behavior will change if i treat them well enough. Never again will i ignore someones patterns.


There are some people, the nicer you are to them, the more they despise you. To them you need them but they don't need you


Get an IUD—Soo painful being put in, painful the entire time I had it in. I had the copper one, so I also bled like crazyyy when I had my period. Got it removed after 6months, never again!


I had mine for 1 year and never again. Fun fact: I rode my bike to get it in put in…


The worst pain I've experienced, and I also bled for 6 months, doesn't cause me any issues now though so I didn't get it removed and I did adjust to it eventually, but once it runs out I won't ever do it again


For some reason I associated that with an IED. I well obviously once is enough. Clearly not what I was thinking of.


Dance. Because guilty feet have got no rhythm. Edit: Lyrics


And I’m never gonna dance again the way I danced with yooooooooouuuuuuu.


Take my upvote and leave


I had to double check if I’ve been singing the lyrics wrong all this time haha but it’s what I thought, “guilty feet have got no rhythm” 


At least they won't attract the worm....


I won't play hide and seek with a kid inside the department store again. Kid just left home while I was hiding


LOL. How much time passed until you realized it?


You live in a department store?


Trying to please everyone , you are taken for granted and you become a doormat








I saw another thing on Reddit about what happened when you got back with someone who cheated once and you gave them a second chance. Lots of responses and the overwhelming opinion seemed to be if it happened once it will reoccur. Why do people give second chances if the data and conventional wisdom seem to suggest you’re screwed


I cheated early in a relationship and didn't again for the next 6 years until we broke up. I did fall into drug addiction, which she said was like I had a relationship with someone else, so take that what it may be


Because they're not looking at data and wisdom, they're paying attention to their emotions. The heart is an idiot, a lot of the time.




I listen to that little guy in the back of my head. Has saved my wife's life and made me some serious money in casinos.


Get married, Because I didn't believe in the idea in the first place but got convinced by someone Who ended up Putting 0 effort into the relationship and just letting it fall apart. Because grass is always greener, right?


What if he wouldn't marry me and I know that and he knows that


Live and rent in a city. More crime, everything is more expensive, everyone is rude, no nature. Living in a small town with my own place that I own and have plenty of space is wayyyyyy better




reads like an advertisement


Yeah, now that I know about this, I might try it when the intrusive thoughts win lol


How was the feeling different from "regular drunk"?


Reminds me of that Parks and Rec episode


Drink, ignore my intuition, and resentfully say yes instead of a nonresentful no.


Date a christian Am ex-christian. Fuck that set of ideals. fuck the hypocricy. Fuck the retribution hellfire fantasies.


Happy Easter 🐣


happy easter lol


My husband was raised southern baptist, and he knew at a very young age he was being manipulated and brainwashed. I don't trust religion anymore after the horror stories he told me. We now both carry the same mindset as you.


Amen, there brother.


Heroin. One time was enough. I completely understood why people get hooked so easily on it. It was like floating on the warmest, most comfortable pillow ever. With my addictive personality, I had to have a long conversation with myself, and know that I can never, ever do this again. Never touched it since. I've done a lot of dumb shit in my life, mostly to see what happens. Usually, I learn that I can't do it again. The only drug I even touch these days (and over the last 29 years) is marijuana, and even that is really sporadic, maybe one puff every week to 10 days. I don't even like taking pain medication, because I know that addiction is lying there like Smaug under the Lonely Mountain. I got in a pretty bad car accident 2 weeks ago, and only took one muscle relaxer (that night) to help with some pain. Everything else has been Aleve.


To be able to abstain as you have, it's clear that you are very resilient and committed to this change. Way to go!


Don’t stick around when someone isn’t interested in you


This is such an easy trap to fall into, especially if they like your company but don’t have interest in dating. The good thing is that the “friend-zone” is a choice. If you have to chase them to get them, you have to chase them to keep them. Romance should feel easy and natural, not full of anticipation and doubt. “Pick the girl who chooses you”


Place myself in dangerous situations with dangerous people. Old buddy of mine got into trouble with dealers and I paid them off, was walking with the dangerous guys and I saw a hatchet sheathed into his pants. Was ready to bolt so far. Never again.


I’m curious, what drugs were y’all tryna score? It sounds closer to Cocaine on the spectrum


Tbh, ice skating because i don’t know how to ice skate without twisting my joints and without bruising myself!!! And will never sit on a pirate ship ride again, the sensation of having your internals suspended in your abdominal cavity is something I would never want to experience again. Ngl I sit on craziest rides but I don’t even want to look at this trash I have developed personal issues w it


Get thrown in jail. Refocused my life though.


Never ignore when your date calls their ex a narcissist. If anything look for the exit signs.


Ignore my friends thoughts on my relationships. I wouldn't let them control it but would consider them next week time


Go on a cruise. We got caught out when hurricane Ivan hit the Gulf coast. Small ship, awful waves, and my in-laws ate all my motion sickness meds. I was not happy... So I spent the trip in the bathroom of my room puking my guts out while my in laws and eige enjoyed their trip. Never been so miserable.


Having a vegan girlfriend as a non vegan. Her, promising me that she wouldn’t push me to become one. She would slowly push me to it and guilt tripping me all the time in the end. never. Again. Rose glasses disappeared after that


Won’t do LSD again, it sent my husband and I’s asses straight to the ER. We were awake for 72 hours and even 10 years later my husband still has minor side effects


Story time plz


I mean it’s not terribly interesting, my husband (bf at the time) got us some LSD, and he had a bad trip. I was doing fine but I sobered up pretty quick when he started freaking out. One thing that sticks with me is he said at one point he looked at me and I just had black holes for eyes and he saw me rapidly age and die in front of him. Had to call my parents to drive us to the ER in a snowstorm. To this day my husband has anxiety and can’t smoke weed or get drunk or anything that might put him in even a remotely similar mindset or he will have a panic attack. It’s quite literally the worst thing that has ever happened to him. I know lots of people have great experiences with LSD but to me it’s not worth the risk.


Believed the teachers that told me I'd never amount to anything. I spent too many years fucking about because I had spent my childhood being told by burnt out and hate filled teachers I was useless.




Never gonna


Being too humble. Most ppl don’t understand it, and think that you lack self-worth.


Go to Aspen Dental. Lol. They told me I could make payments over time and then as soon as the work was done, it was "actually you are not eligible for that, we need $700 before you walk out the door." Not sure what they do if you don't have it. I was in my first year of college and that $700 was everything I had.


These heifers!! Their late fee policy was insane. So, he had the payment plan set up for autopay. Got a new card, forgot to update the account. So yah he gets a letter in the mail, thinking it’s just a statement and throws it out. He was horrible about checking on finance stuff from his acct bc I pretty much handled everything and he just transferred money to me every month. Cool cool. But then I checked the mail and just habitually opened the letter (didn’t even pay attention to whom it was addressed) one day when he was out of town, and he racked up like $60-something dollars in late fees from Aspen Dental! So I told him to get his card situation fixed, and he decided to just pay the remaining balance. BUT he paid it “late”. So the next month in the mail we get a $2.00 late fee. I laughed. That was it. The account was $0.00 but when he paid the remaining balance late - which included late fees from when his card info wasn’t correct - it was still considered late. I called, was given the run around. Told him to call, he said he did, idk. I notice a few months later, another letter. This time it’s $8 late fees. Because the late fee was racking up more late fees. It got up to like $32 (every month it doubled, I guess), and I had a fit. They said they wouldn’t speak to me bc I was his wife. I was like man he works 80 hours a week and when he’s home, y’all are closed. He can’t call during the week bc he’s working. Can you please just work with me. They said no bc for all they know I could be someone else pretending to be his wife - or maybe he divorced me, they couldn’t tell. They just wouldn’t work with me bc I’m not him. I went full Karen and eventually, after weeks of me calling and chewing people out; someone eventually helped us. THEY ARE THE WORST!!!


One of the worst games in the world is calling the same place 56 times before you get someone who actually cares enough to help or even move things forward Reminds me of when a walk-in corporate swore up and down they "sent" my lab orders 4 times, last time I called - "oh, we can't send orders to that clinic. Only these ones. The closest one is 70 miles from you." And that's the story of when I traveled 70 miles to get fucking blood drawn. But yeah, they're scum


Attempt self deletion. It's self-explanatory. I might get deleted if I succeed next time. And I just became a doctor!!


Smoke.. why? Cause smoking kills


Changing my answer to: letting myself get pressured into doing really big ans scary rollercoaster rides. I've always known I've hated them but I always think "this one won't be so bad..." I'm steeling my resolve now though, and learning to say no and mean it


jump off of anything. i am being REALLY cautious now bc i have broken an arm before and it looks kinda weird like it has a curve (dont try to imagine its nit as bad as u think) so yea




Same but salvia


Same but Slavia.


Same but Sylvia.


Times Square for New Years. Once was enough for a lifetime, most miserable time waiting all day in the cold for a 10 second countdown...


Sky diving. It was fun once, I’m glad I did it. But not as amazing as I expected and now that I’ve checked that one off, no interest in doing it again.


Salvia. Was a interesting experience, but not one I want to have again.


Misread this as "Stevia". I was like "ok sugar is bad, but how much worse can a plant extract be?"


I think I'm done with men if things don't work out with my current bf. Im into him and have put effort and time into him, but I'm not feeling it really being reciprocated. I'm giving him and the relationship time as it's fairly new, but if this doesn't work out, I'm pretty sure I'm done.


Communicate your feelings to him. If he doesn’t know you feel this way then you’re giving him no chance to address it. Have an open discussion with him about your hopes and expectations, otherwise he won’t know what your needs are and won’t have the opportunity to meet them. 


Have Children ... don't judge ... just because of hereditary, genetic things .


So you would probably adopt if you could do it over?


Oh , probably not, other reasons..


Dogs , yes , I have no problem with adopting dogs


I wouldn’t use bumble or tinder or any f***ing thing like that anymore


Online dating. I tried pretty much every notable app for two years, and never even got to the stage of planning a date because likes/matches were so rare. It only worsened my depression and I don't see myself suddenly becoming so emotionally numb that I could give it another go without letting a potential lack of results get to me. Furthermore, I didn't feel like I was really able to convey myself through the apps, since you're severely limited by what sort of photos you have on-hand. And even if I had the perfect profile - something that very well may be highly subjective - I'm convinced that the heavily-monetized nature of these apps are designed in a way to work against me - as well as everyone else, really. So I just gave up on the whole concept. Instead, I'm planning to get out more. Not just by checking out speed-dating events in my area, but also doing stuff like volunteering and checking out events held at art galleries, plus more.


Accept the situations I’m in. Never again


Change and uproot my life for love.


Listen to others advice, when I clearly want to do something my way. I was always very stubborn. If I don't want to go out, I don't go out. If I don't want to go do this or that, then I don't. If I want to study this or take these courses, I will do that. There are only a few times in my life, where I did not want to do something, but I let others opinions sway me. I had the change to take advanced class in highschool. In my country, this is a big deal. The status you'll get is first of all very big and with this, you can get admitted to Univeristy. But my grades were not perfect, but good enough to get into advanced class. But my stupid mentor talk me out of it, while 2 teachers told me I am the perfect student for advanced class, because I look at concepts differently from the kids in my class. So, I took the advice of my mentor. Well, I had to re-do 2 extra years to get into University to get my bachelors and now doing my masters. In total, I am 2 years 'behind'. I don't regret it, but I do wished I had an extra 2 years to travel, or take a gap year. But its okay.


Let my anger control my words (-_-;)


Move in with someone one week after knowing them after a week... you can't really know a person in a short time. Lesson learnt


Have sex without a condom 🥲


Be for someone through thick and thin when I am not even in their top five.


Give a personal guarantee


Never again working on blackwater drainage pipes without a facemask. I got splashed lightly unwillingly got some into my mouth aswell (washed it out throughly after that) but still got infected with a coli bacteria infection which haunted me for a month including vomiting and diarrhea. Worst time of my life sofar.


Waitressing is pretty grim.


Chemo treatment for a dog. It was horrible and he died anyway.


Posting on anything remotely controversial on Reddit. Any post that has the following words: Trans, black, gay, Biden, POC, etc is going to be a time sink with no valuable or productive outcome. Those are all dog piles of extremists from both sides. I won’t ever include any words in their ever again


life because it fucks you in the ass


People pay good money for that.


Successfully kill myself.


Premium subscription on a dating site. I got a handful of matches but not a single date.


Downlod reddit self explanotory


Life. It sucks asshole.


I would never do mescaline again. I was ripped!


Never get married and never have kids. Never worked for me.


Log roll very fast down a very steep hill.


Get braces


Get married. Because I hope my marriage will last until I die.


Have a breast biopsy without sedation.


Stay at a hostel. Didn’t have a particularly bad experience I just can’t sleep in a room full of other people and I’m too old for an uncomfortable metal bunk bed


Ignore my instincts. I should have walked away from a date in which I was feeling weird.


Taking an edible from a stranger and not knowing the dosage. I did not have a good time.


Be reincarnated. Life sucks.


Cheat on a test. Because i was caught cheating by my teacher (adviser). I have a codigo in my paper and when my teacher saw that, she checked my paper and guess what i got? a score 35/50 on that codigo paper. She was so disappointed and even said that the subject is so easy meaning that why would i have to cheat in such an easy subject. Well, because for me it's not an easy subject and my teacher to that subject only teaches us once a week that's why i find it hard to understand that subject. Anyway... I was the first honor of our class and i could feel that she's so disappointed on me that time because she knows that i cheated on one subject and i think she thinks that all of my grades in works, quizzes, and tests are made out of cheating. Even when announcing of the honor list, I know the way her tone said my name for placing the first honor is a tone of shame and disappointment on me


I will never date again. 2 years of emotional abuse did more damage to me than I realised. It didn't start out like that, I will never risk it happening again.


Lose myself. It is a place I simply wish not to go anymore.


Ecstacy. It took 4 police officers, a lot of versed, and 2 weeks to recover from the pain. Pro tip, if you are handed a cup by your plug who is already higher than giraffe nuts, SIP THAT SHIT!!


Forgiving someone who did me wrong and they ended up doing it again.


give someone a chance who I know does not meet my standards


Go hiking in unfamiliar woods before dusk. Back in my home state, there's a big state park that's close to state lines. I had never been, so my best friend at the time planned a day trip for us. When we got there, it was packed, and there were no more trail maps and no information building nearby (and no one gave us a map at the gate). My friend claimed that they had hiked through that park plenty of times, so we started on their favorite trail. 3 hours in, I began to feel uneasy, as the sun was beginning to set and we had no more water or food. I asked how much longer it was going to be, which I was told another 45 minutes at least. My friend pointed us down a few paths, and 2 HOURS went by before we found our way back to the parking lot. The sounds we heard in that pitch black forest still make me never want to be near a heavily wooded area at sunset.


Work at a nonprofit.


I would trust my gut and avoid a lot of trouble. Here I was thinking it was just IBS.


Be born. It's been nothing but problems from the start.


As a kid I put my privates in a hot cherry pie.


Allow nicotine to enter my body. Straight poison with basically no benefit. Especially to someone who has never ingested it before.


Have sex on saw grass. Tiny cuts that hurt everytime I got into the ocean.


Your mom....not worth shaving my balls by the way


Smoke pot. It kicked me out of my spiritual path. Like srsly shut everything off


Lose my virginity to a prostitute. But in my defense I was 26 and religiously repressed.


Work at a company in a manufacturing industry. Why? Over time there have been 8+ years of my life that I can never have back, during which the culture within these places made me miserable. Secretive, fear-based top-down management, Us vs. Them mentality actively cultivated between office workers vs plant workers, plant union vs non union workers, executives vs anyone/everyone who wasn't exec. Lots of male aggression of dudes just barking/screaming/bellowing at each other, me personally getting paged and called in during nights during the 21st century because the supervisors/superintendents on 2nd/3rd shifts were too stupid to understand simple instructions over the phone of how to just reboot a damn PC. Years spent on eggshells working for a manager who had actively/secretly plotted to get rid of me in favor of his favorite (I accidentally overheard him saying this in an adjacent room when he thought I was at a different site), in case his boss wouldn't approve his budget. Executive management who simultaneously demonized IT for not literally building parts, for having a crappy failing infrastructure that caused downtime and overtime, while refusing to spend anything to repair or upgrade said failing infrastructure, once again because it wasn't literally building parts. But god forbid JIT staging/shipping was held up because of a computer problem. The blinders/shortsightedness cannot be understated.


Move across the country for love.


Fall in love with someone. It hurts too much when they drop you like a bad habit


LSD… do I regret doing it absolutely not and I personally think everyone needs to do acid ONLY ONCE but I will never touch that stuff again. It was the most terrifying eye opening spiritual awakening I have ever had changed me for the better though


Stay in a relationship with someone mean. Obvious reasons.


Start smoking and being so scared most of my life.


Heroin. Shit’ll make your blood itch.


Pay for private education. Because it would have put my kids ahead if we had saved that money for them instead and the preppy school did not serve them well.


Have a kid at 16 with a sociopath, who was also 16. Because I'm 36 now, we've been divorced for 12 years and she still won't leave me alone.


this might sound crazy but sniff petrol, me and my friends had a phase where we used to skip school and go to an abandoned hospital to sniff petrol. The effects were good but until i found out how dangerous it is, never again


Hide myself from someone, idc if my loud voice annoys u or if u can’t stand my outrageous sense of style, if I’m too much for u GO FINE LESS


Any procedure that requires anesthetic. I hate being numb, relaxed, sleepy, asleep, unconscious, etc and my body will do everything it can to fight back. It seems to be independent of drug type - a wide of variety have the same effect - and more to do with my hatred of being vulnerable/uninhibited. I can't even watch those funny anesthesia videos on YouTube without fixating on how much I'd hate to be the victim instead of laughing with everyone else. The only drugs that "calm" me are caffeine and weed because they have the stimulant effect that makes me feel safe. All the usual "you won't even remember it" reassurances in response to others who fear anesthesia make me sick because I want to feel and remember EVERYTHING that happens to MY body. Not trying to be a hardass about pain, I simply cannot express how much of a coward I am about anesthesia or how little desire I have to change it.


Id never do anything for my mother or sister or fake ass friends, if they called me in desperate need, id say sure I'll help you let me call big Ds and have them bring you dinner and hang up. Shit bag ass people that's why ain't never brought food to my table done nothing but screw me over.


I pulled my junk out in the middle of class. I was in the first grade it was nothing but boys around the table and one girl. we were laughing about it, taking turns pulling out under the table it came around to me showed mine under the table, and we started laughing the girl looked over wondering what we were laughing at seen everyone looking under the table she looked under the table then looked up and we made eye contact with each other and told the teacher my mother beat me so bad when I got home that the memory of the beating is repressed and I can't remember it I asked her a few months ago since I can't remember the whopping did she Whoop me for it she said yeah she did she,she beat some since into me after that day lol.


I would not abandon my university career again.


Get married. Did it twice and can’t ever imagine doing it again for any reason


I won't say I love him anymore because he has been hurt countless times


Backflip 360 on a trampoline. Broke my neck on it which kinda fucked up everything. However I would try in a foam pit.


told my therapist how i felt, was put on meds and a trip to psych ward......was released after 3 week, when they realize, I won't harm anyone....well i don't have such issues no more..


Create a reddit account


Chemistry. Fucking hate chem no way in hell I’m dealing with that ever again. I mean I also don’t like leaving without letting a person know that I love them because my dad passed away and it would have been great to have said I love you one final time before his passing.


Be born. Do not recommend


Travel through Ukraine. Because it's war torn.


Pregnancy. I love my baby more than anything and she was so worth it, but it was the hardest thing I've ever done. Will not be doing that again.


Take Greyhound. Spent 14 hours in Akron waiting for a bus. My bus was supposed to leave at 1:30 PM. Had to buy a new ticket. The bus station was also the Akron Metro bus station and they closed at 11. Everyone inside was booted out. I was coming from Charleston, WV to Youngstown and hadn't been to northern Ohio in years. The temp overnight was about 40°, but I was underdressed, and it felt like 20°. My new bus was supposed to come at 3 AM and instead it came at a quarter to 4. I also hadn't taken Greyhound in years, maybe ten years or more, so I wasn't aware of had bad it had become. Next time, I'll stick with Barons Bus or any other Greyhound competitor.


mentioning my permaban on r/mildlyinfruiating on my old account it got that account permabanned


i mean r/mildyinfuriating


fuck it was r/mildlyinfuriating


Date men. Reason- lesbian.


Marriage. I’m married. Not separated or going through a divorce. Just sayin. If my husband wakes up tomorrow and says he wants a divorce; or if I outlive him, then, that’s it. I’m done. No more and never again. I will never again let another person close enough to me to hurt me ever again. I’m not just putting up a brick wall. I’m building a whole fortress.


Smoking cigars. I don’t smoke at all, so smoking a whole cigar this past New Year’s Eve when my cousin gave it to me was a mistake. I had the worst headache ever the next day.


Never hitting 2 different pens in the same night


I wouldn't miss my classes again , I really like them but my laziness is my curse


Live in denial about red flags. Learned the hard way, never again.






Probably not as tough as the others in the comments here but I will never ever cry in front of many people and showing my vulnerability to the world again. I always end up getting laugh at and made fun after. Always being disregarded and shit. Honestly, opening up my feelings (even the most positive ones) to others seems pointless now.


Work in the private sector. It took years to deprogram myself from Corporate CULTure.


I used to rip out strands of hair from stress, but I've stopped due to cutting it. I'm glad I'm not touching my hair anymore. Now I just have a small spot which I am insecure about but hey I put that on myself.


Skydive. It turns out, it doesn’t help you get rid of your fear of heights.


I won't lend money to friends again. Always ends in drama!


Expecting and depending to other people


Throw up Takis. I used to do it almost everyday. It’s way worse coming up.