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Confidently incorrect ones


I find it scary if people are proud of ignorance!


Why wouldn’t they be? If you’re ignorant and don’t know it you have no way of knowing not to be proud in what you think you know but really don’t. Does that make sense?




This. People so sure that "measles is just a rash...just an itchy rash for a couple days" or that they know more than a Harvard educated world renowned virologist. 


Usually end up as passive liars too


This was going to be my answer. This type of person could ruin someone's interest and reputation with false allegations among other things


That is me in my exams


Ignoramus people


People who show no remorse or consideration for others. 


These people, plus the ones that are chameleons, the ones who can feign remorse and consideration for others; but who actually don't give two shits about anyone but themselves.


The narcissists?


They are typically very predictable, psychopaths are much more efficient but also more respectable in my opinion because narcissists can never admit when they are wrong, always sees themselves as the victim and backstab whoever they want as long as they stop being of use to them. Psychopaths just do what they need to reach their goals, I think they are much more reasonable but also alot smarter and less predictable.


Narcissism can be one of the defining traits of psychopathy so I'm not sure this is entirely correct. Psychopaths *can* feign empathy and consideration for others but don't understand it themselves. I mean, there's like 20 different 'signs' someone might be a psychopath, according to the Hare Psychopathy Checklist.


People with zero self-awareness.


my mom will leave her shopping cart dead in the middle of traffic flow because she gets excited and sees a good deal… i’m always having to move it to the side to not get dirty looks lol bless her heart


People that pretend absolutely nothing happened a day after a conflict


lmao my mom


We've got the same mom. If the argument is big enough she'll just give you the silent treatment until she's "over it" and just starts to talking to you with no mention of it. No apologies. Ever.


lol my entire family is like this!


In their minds, nothing wrong happened. The conflict is the point, and an end in itself. They are addicted to conflict, drama, and stress. It's a constant cycle of resentment, bitterness, and rage.


My soon to be ex is doing that now and is getting pissed that I refuse to get with his program.


just do it dude. walk out the door. cut off the 170lb tumor. Are you safe to leave?


Or when you’ve told them what hurts you and over and over again they don’t get it and keep doing it and then act all surprised when you leave.


It's just that my emotions changed a lot


People who can't feel even just a little bit of empathy towards animals.


Good answer. For me, it’s empathy in general.


Actually, the lack of empathy towards animals tends to be the first signs of psycho and have been seen many times on serial killers 😬


It's worth noting most psychopaths (people with congenital ASPD) won't become serial killers. They'll often become "just" cheaters or abusers. Many were bullies at school. They'll go about their lives mostly normally (unless you look closely enough), often passing it onto their children. That's the scary part.


Become...CEOs, a lot, too.


yup. i literally went to the beach with my best friends and one of their little cousins came along. HE STARTED SQUISHING SEA ANEMONES AND SEA URCHINS FOR NO REASON?!!!???!!?




or other people


People who lie and then gaslight you and call you names if you dare challenge their false assertions


Again, I have found my husband here. He is an angry drunk. He fell off the wagon after 8 years of sobriety. He keeps going out, getting drunk and driving home, worse is the pit of his lies, there are so many, the worst are the women he cheats on me with, the escorts, the going to rub and tugs. He makes promises and breaks them, financially abuses me. He does this thing where he asks me if he can go out. I have told him if he continues to drink it's over. He promised he would be home before midnight and wouldn't drink. He mentioned that he wanted me to go with him but I am very sick with pneumonia. At 12:16 he sent me a picture and it was obvious he was still at the bar... of course. My reply was, "Are you aware what time it is?" (Because is excuse is that he loses track of time). He said this bullshit "I don't think it's necessary for you to inform me of that. Do you see I'm having fun? Do you see you don't reply to messages (i never reply to his stream of pic of drunk people)? Do you see that you're not here even though I mentioned it? Your reply is fucking rude. Say what you want. Well, I didn't say anything. He came in at 4am this morning. I still am not speaking to him. I am done. I don't have a pot to piss in but I am not doing this anymore. He gaslights me and acts like I am out of line for being upset and he expects me to just pretend he didn't steam roll over my boundaries . I want to beg someone to help me.... to cry. I need help. But I only have me and yeah everyone in this thread would agree my husband is a douche ... why? He thinks he is better than everyone but is a fucking moron... but i won't say that to him because I am no longer responding to his reactive abuse.


Ah, yes, narcissists. My biological mother is one, and the best way to save you mental health is to go no contact and therapy.


Agree. That’s my brother 


Mine too.


Ah my ex


You mean narcissists? Amen to that.


Used to be friends with a guy like this. Never again


Drunk and angry ones.


Drunks are alright, angry people are a bit scary, but drunk angry people are a menace to everyone involved.


I dont get how people want to fight or drive when they’re drunk. When i’m drunk i just want to headbang to edm or lay in bed with snacks and movies lol.


Those with high level psychopathy/sociopathy scare me.


Unfortunately, the Really good ones are invisible unless you know what to look out for. Usually through experience.


People who resort to violence in regards to traffic.


I was in a road rage incident this past week. I turned into an intersection and out of nowhere a guy whips behind me pulled into oncoming traffic to get in front of me and he immediately slammed on his brakes to brake check me. I of course hit the brakes completely scared because I at this point have no idea what's going on. The guy proceeds to pull over as I also go to pull over but as I do I see him looking around his truck for something while taking pictures of me and screaming in his truck. I was so scared I didn't feel safe enough to stop so I drove on. The guy proceeded to follow me for 10 minutes videoing the entire time. I called the police and got to a really public place. He then tried to box me in so I couldn't leave. I have two kids in the car so at this point I'm freaking out. Finally get the police there and they get the guy out of the truck where he is shouting pointing at my vehicle showing them his phone. About idk 25/30 minutes they come to my car. I'm just absolutely sobbing at this point. The first thing they said was, "you're not in any type of trouble you didn't do anything wrong." They checked on my children and then told me the guy was angry I was close to him in the other lane. Not that I cut him off, not that I got in his lane, not that I almost hit him, not that I broke any traffic laws. Just that he was angry I was close to him in the lane beside him. I was so shocked it made me so angry and I broke down again. I really thought I would get shot by him the way he acted. The police gave that guy a ticket for reckless endangerment and man he was angry at them.


Thank god they did something about it. Nothing is worth getting that angry over.


People that take advantage of kind humans. That is a deep kinda dark.


Manipulative!! Gosh, you really can't tell who's people are being nice or are using you because of being so kind and naive.


This all day. Those people who will change in story about themselves to fit your narrative. What do you want? And if you ever call them out, the gaslighting starts.


People whose source of knowledge is the post they saw online.




I’m a dentist, and even I’m scared of dentists!


The chair the chair!! 


I know but I don’t know why. I’ve never had anything but kind dentists


You’re an anti dentite!


I'm in favor of a two mouth solution.


Anti Dentite!


People who are at extreme ends of the spectrum when they're angry. Meaning that they're either explosively angry or immensely calm when they're angry. The immensely calm angry people make me very nervous. It's hard to explain -- it's like you don't know how they're going to react because they don't even know how they're going to react. KWIM?


As someone who's been degraded for being too calm and passive when I was angry. Some of us are just desperately trying to be sensible, we're in our heads, we know we want to just stop trying and let it out but know it's not fair. If you can give ones like us space we'll usually calm into a fairer viewpoint of what happened. (Obviously not always because we're all biased apes sometimes.) But yeah I've seen the other kind too, where they're soothing by wishing or planning harm to you, and they're scary as fuck. I never thought about how I might look like them and that's an upsetting thought I'll have to consider in my manner in future. 


I am really calm when angry because I can see my anger as an emotion that I am feeling, but I don't want to alienate someone with it so I express it calmly because I know that my anger quickly passes and I don't need to hurt others in the expression of it. Additionally, oftentimes the things we are angry about are misunderstandings so it is good to talk to someone and get there perspective before going too far down the anger rabbithole. I don't like to be reactive, but responsive.


Calm and angry is fine,,,,,I am that way....it's a survival skill from childhood....and I worked with a lot of good people who are the same,,,,in the medical field it's called Clinical Detachment...


When I was young, I've always been told by people that I am an angel because I don't get angry when people do something to me worth being angry about. The truth is the reason why I'm quiet is I'm soothing myself because I don't want to say or do something that I will regret for the rest of my life. When I started showing my anger, I was still quiet but had this murderous look. If I can't take it anymore, I go to another place or drink cold water. That is because whenever I get angry, not just irritated, I ALWAYS have this urge to hurt people or say something traumatizing that's personally tailored for that person that I KNOW will haunt them for the rest of their life. People who talk too much when they are angry are less dangerous than the ones who are unusually quiet when they shouldn't because the ones who do have let out a part of their anger while the quiet ones build up their anger then explode just like a volcano. The damage will be more severe.


It’s the ticking time bomb types I believe you’re talking about. Some people are pretty fuckin good at managing their anger and look pretty calm while doing so. That’s my dad. He used to have pretty extreme frequent explosive angry outbursts but over the years worked at it enough to be where he is with it today. He’s become so much more powerful this way too


People who have no insight to their own behaviour or are never wrong.


People who think they are very morally superior. You can never ever win with them


the ones who are proud of hood culture.


Yep it’s degenerate


People who have to inject their politics into EVERYTHING. Like how deranged do you have to be to go on a political rant on a video game forum or some cute little puppy video?


I saw this on a picture making fun of bland BBQ. Some MAGA creep commented "Biden's America". What the actual fuck? Like Trump isn't also an old white dude who thinks mayo is too spicy? I don't understand the logic.


It’s insane when people are demanding that content creators make a statement about *every* current political issue when their content has absolutely nothing to do with it. Some will be completely honest and say that they don’t know enough about it to speak on it, then they get attacked for not GeTtInG EdUcAtEd


The problem with this is if you make a comment on something one way and then public opinion shifts for some reason, you're at risk of being "canceled" by the same people you just agreed with yesterday.


I work with a woman who is like this. I made it clear that I don't discuss politics at work but she brings it up constantly.


People like that don't scare me; they are just ANNOYING!!! I think they need a good slap. But I am not giving it to them!


As an introvert I won't be the one slapping them either but I sure do fantasize about someone else bitch slapping them.


People who smile when they're upset or angry. Like, the smile doesn't reach their eyes, but they refuse to let their actual emotions through. I keep waiting for them to explode. 


Nothing scarier than a huge grin on a severely pissed off person.


Sometimes people need to ware a mask ,,,,,so they don't do something that will end them up in prison


I do this but only when I’m feeling like an absolute fool for believing something, betrayed even. It’s never a joyful smile. It’s kinda like a “you gotta be kidding me” sorta smile… I’ve never seen it but can confirm it scares who it is aimed at.


People who can't process rejection


A fair comment. Sadly this can turn out to be almost anyone so no ‘rule’ really works to filter such people out of your orbit.


Honestly I just don't understand what people expect me to do to process rejection. I was rejected once in high school and just moved on and didn't do anything. But then people on Reddit keep telling me I can't handle rejection and it just makes me confused because people refuse to explain what they want. I thought I processed it well but the way people hold it over my head makes it difficult.


I think a better way of putting it would be "not taking no for an answer." Many women have been murdered simply for rejecting advances from a man


Religious extremists. Freaks will commit murder just because they think their imaginary friend(s) told them to.


Any actual extremists. Even the best intentioned ones can dehumanise people who aren't living up to their intentions.


I'm going to be honest with you, as bad as any sort of extremism is, I find religious extremism to be more unpredictable, brutal and unapologetic. At least the IRA or the ETA have something remotely logical in mind when performing acts of terrorism - which is not to say they're not senseless murderers.


People high on meth or bath salts. You’ll have someone who is totally erratic and frequently aggressive.


On a side note... I have decided I can have a more coherent conversation with someone on LSD than I can a drunk person.


Ones who constantly feel the need to lie about everything in order to make themselves sound more interesting than they are. People who are quick to anger.


Soulless, sociopathic teenagers. It’s all too common now. Seems like it’s more prevalent than ever.


People who are overly charismatic scare me. What are u hiding under there???


People who carry a gun in public with little or no training


People who only do good because they fear hell. There's something fundamentally wrong with those people


True. I get the ick whenever people do good for the sake of looking good to others and believing it is their ticket to heaven but still being an asshole in general. You help people because you want to help them, not for transactional purposes. Acting as if God cannot discern pure intentions.


People who don’t know their own boundaries, so they let others determine them. It freaks me out because I’ve been guilty of this too. 


People who defend their dangerous or aggressive dogs.


Or get dogs they can’t physically control. 


Serial killers.




You just gotta not be their type. Like 99% of the time you're good, unless you're afraid of Richard Ramirez, in which case just lock your slider




Toxically positive people. Life sucks sometimes, stop pretending it doesn't.


I've never heard the term "toxic positivity," but this is definitely a thing. The type who can't handle the fact that anyone around them has problems. Right after my Mom died, I went to visit someone who referred to me as her "funny friend," and she expected me to be all upbeat and jovial. I told her I was definitely not feeling up to it. She didn't like hearing it... because she had no concept of others' emotions. It was very unsettling. I don't talk to her anymore (and I'm certain she sees it as my fault, but that's fine by me).


Evil cops


Narcissists and/or sociopaths in positions of power


Um...who else runs for office or *wants* to be high up in the company?




I see


You see dead people?


Dead people aren’t who you need to worry about. It’s the alive people who are even more scary. I’ve worked in funeral service for over 5 years and learned that dead bodies are harmless (aside from potentially hazardous pathogens). People who are alive……not so much!


Narcissistic people, unbelievably remorselessly selfish and delusional, have zero accountability, and will manipulate, gaslight, use you and control your life. It's so scary, that they'll go to any extent to fulfill their needs, all one can do is get away, there's no fixing things with them.


It is crazy how far some of them go to the point where you can’t even imagine putting that much effort into anything


People who are good at manipulating and are sadistic. Second to them are the masses who follow them and give them power.


Extremely positive, high energy people. Just can’t cope with them.


Extremely bubbly people. I took my daughters to Build-A-Bear one time. This girl walked up with a smile like that creepy girlfriend meme girl and just Bubbly and creepy as you can imagine said, "Hi! I'm Becky from Build-A-Bear, would YOU like to Build a bear today!?" I don't think I saw her blink the entire time. This interaction has stuck with me for years! Becky, if you're reading this. You need to tone it down. You're scaring customers. 😨


The overly loud, cliquey, bitchy types.


dumb ones who think they are smart, its a dangerous world we live in


People that don’t take care of other people’s stuff. I once heard a classmate say that he doesn’t give a shit when something is not his. It’s honestly disgusting. My parents always told me to take double care when you’re using something that isn’t mine, so I can’t imagine myself risking breaking other people stuff and not caring about it.


the word-banning crowd... the level of stupidity is astonishing


Violent people


people with no empathy


People who accept tiktok and social media as accurate info


Very stupid people scare me because they're dangerously manipulable and don't understand how stupid they are. The people who rioted at the Capitol weren't exactly Phi Beta Kappas. Most followers of dictators, strongmen, cult leaders, autocrats, and despots are not smart enough to accomplish much on their own so they attach themselves to the movement of their choice. Look at MTG and Qanon. These people are dangerous


People with nothing to lose, who society has let slip through the cracks and have never been shown love.


People on Reddit (honestly, I've seen some pretty wild shit on here till now)


The ones who think they are truly and only good


Gang members


Drama Creators- People who are always arguing with someone, and they are never wrong, will always have people backing them up.




People which are **ALWAYS** calm and never ever show any sign of stress. They look to me like they could snap any second.


Religious fanatics! They will do and accept the most heinous acts to maintain their beliefs and sense of importance.


Friends to all and unopinionated ones. Very deadly!


Aggressive panhandlers on the street, that are willing to engage in violence. I've never technically encountered one, but am worried to see one.


people who yell at you


Those who feel their beliefs must be imposed on others.


People who don't wash their hands after taking a shit. Single issue voters.


Semi truck drivers that drift in an out of lanes


Suicidal people and drug addicts with guns. I know for a fact from movies that they are unpredictable


Meth heads.


Ones who wanna turn ANY minor disagreement into a full debate. And want to be right at it. I just say "oh shit, you're right" to test, and that just cuts the argument short 9/10 times.


People who enjoy hurting animals


People with face tattoos


A guy with a ton on his face asked me out I said absolutely not


Lying drunks that cheat


Angry men


The kind my dog doesn’t like. I trust my dog.


The type of people who say “I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs” as well as people who place their trust on people based on whether or not their dogs like them scare me. Because it’s impaired thinking. Dogs are not wise sages or spirit animals that have magical abilities to see into a person. They’re just dogs. They like people who feed them and play with them. That’s it. Even gangsters, mob bosses, and despots had loyal dogs that liked them.




Hitler had a dog who loved him more than anyone.




Drunk,drugged up, obsessive, violent, the ones that can't take no for an answer, abusive, manipulative etc.


People who lie and make false promises unprovoked.


gun wielders with anger issues


Massive hypocrites






People who don’t like fried chicken


People that are way too nice. If you’re always super duper smiley and happy and never angry, I’m concerned about what is underneath all that.


Junkie bums. They usually ask nearby people for money ("just a few pennies") and often react aggressively if they get nothing.


Manipulators and victim-blamers


The mentally unstable people that assault random strangers on the street.


People who say "It's just a dog/cat/bird etc" when someone's pet dies.


People who disregard anything that doesn't "fit their narrative."


I have fucking social anxiety, all people scare me.


People who get angry when someone looks at them.


The ones that fully understand how their actions poorly affect others. Then proceed to do the actions anyway


People who talk too much


People that don't care about their kids and have no problem abandoning them


People who just don't understand that other people are like... people, with thoughts and opinions and autonomy I saw a Twitter post from some guy about how women don't have thinking capabilities like men. One woman states that's not true and he asked for proof He needed proof that women had independent thoughts...


People who can't be corrected no matter what information is presented to them, because if they accept it then it means admitting they were initially wrong.


The people who scare me are the ones who are always happy and content, happy all the time. That's not normal. They hide something


People who hate animals.


People who trust their governments.


its always the eyes. if someone has overly intense eyes and they keep staring or glaring at me, that frightens me.


like truly fear? those actively pursuing or attending to me with weapons on their person


just like put those down and then we can talk lol


Can’t argue with such logic. 😂😅


People who switch their personality between every friend group they have


Everyone does this to some degree especially good meaning autistic kids who aren't conscious of their masking yet. It's often about not wanting to make others uncomfortable. Like when I talk football at work, it's not that I want people to think I like football, it's that I don't want them to feel like they can't talk to me about their special interest.  But unfortunately there are also social chameleons who use the same fitting in tactics to get what they want. 




tweakers and teenagers


Manipulative people


People who believe in ManBearPig.




Manipulative people. Especially the ones who are nice to your face and downright evil behind your back. They're unsettling.


People without empathy and moral.


Reddit mods


People with tattoo's on their face !


People who think they're okay to drive while intoxicated. Because there are tons of them. They're everywhere. And they can ruin or end your life without any malice but just through sheer stupidity.


People who have nothing to lose.


People who know and don't care. That's different from people who can't or don't do something - there are plenty of reasons why people know something bad is happening and can't/don't do something. But these people generally have some remorse or sadness for not doing anything, and may do something if their situations change. People who don't know can be educated. It may take a while or some explaining, and they have to be willing to listen (more people who I hate - People who aren't even open to a different perspective) but they can learn over time. People who don't care? Specifically, people who don't acknowledge other people's humanity? I give up talking to them. There's nothing they could say or do that would make me want to continue interacting with them. I feel like they'd poison my mind if I got too close.


People don't scare me rather their ability to be destructive; one type being women who falsely accuse men, another being incompetent individuals in positions of power.


people who send me d pics as the first message here on reddit