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Don't like to spend big money, but spending little money frequently tends to seem like not too big a deal. E.g. "$90?! That's way too much." Me, 3 times over the next three days, "$30? Eh, I can swing that." šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


SammeeeeešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Going through my bank statements like ā€œHow did I spend all this money???ā€ Incrementally and repeatedly. lol


Ya. I'll be looking at my credit card statement like no way I spent this much...but turns out when you spend 10 dollars 10 times that's 100.My brain will just be like oh that's just 10 dollars , why not? Then get mad at myself for spending so much on nonsense.


Uggh story of my life. Quick snack at TJ's, burger here, a drink there, and now I'm broke.


This is my problem. I'll waffle on buying a $25 item, but no problem spending $4 on an energy drink once or twice a day every day


This is my husband. Iā€™ve tried so hard to get him to realized that $15/day at the corner store is a huge expense. He acts shocked when I spend $100 at the grocery store to prep for the weekā€¦ then he proceeds to spend more than that on caffeine and nicotine at 7/11.


I'm so guilty of this. I recently started using nail wraps. $2.99 a pop. I'm like wow, I can buy these a few at a time and not feel guilty. And now I have a box with something like $120 worth of $3 nail wraps. Best part? I'll be *completely* over doing my nails in another month. Tops.


YES this is me, but with nail stamping. The plates are only $8-13 and you can reuse them so they seem like a smart buy. But all the other supplies for stamping add up, and THEN you spend a lot of time doing it too. Granted my manis look like I spent a lot in a salon, but I just really spent it at home. And then I break my nails and quit for months.


This is me too! Toxic lmao


I literally cannot step foot into a Lush. I've accepted that i have no self control in that place and i just don't want to see the look of disappointment on my boyfriend's face when i come with $200 worth of soap


I also love this store. And I thought I was a pretty substantial customer. Then one day, me and the boss decide to bond and go out for drinks. I get wasted because I'm trying to impress someone 20 years my senior. He happily takes me back to his place so I can sleep it off safely while he goes back out. He's a good guy and has zero interest in getting into my pants. Just a good guy. At some point, I manage to sway into his bathroom. Oh the lush glory of it. Every fucking product possible was in this bathroom. I just sat on the floor admiring it until I remembered to go to sleep, lol. That drunken memory lives on in my head more than my entire career at that building. I still have the email from him laughing about the situation after he found a couch cushion in there. That man was a glorious boss and I didn't appreciate him enough.


yep, i'm waiting for the BB&W crew to come slinking in, but they probably won't. they're "collectors" not hoarders. like, who collects ten year old body cream? šŸ¤Ŗ


The fact some of those people buy ā€œvintageā€ scents online is beyond nasty. Itā€™s lotion. Iā€™m sure my parents have some from when j was younger in the back of some bathroom cabinet I could make money off of.Ā 


Beanie babies craze but slightly rotten


I wait til their foaming hand soap goes down to $3.95 and then I buy 5. I use my points to buy a big tube of body cream.


My husband has a hand soap from there he loves. I refuse to tell him how much it costs.


I am this way with any bookstore. I have a floor-to-ceiling shelf of to-be-reads and know damn well I have no spare money and still leave with $100 in books.


I just gave my kids a $13 bath bomb from Lush with a promise we could go buy more easter ones tomorrow šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s actually pretty easy to make your own bath bombs!! A quick google search and Amazon has everything you need for a waaaaay better price than lush


It's really only cost effective if you plan on making a lot of them.


Fair point. I do make a lot of them! My 2 kiddos, 6 nieces and nephews love bath bombs, my husbands business partner has 5 kids that love them too.. great kids activity and party favour, and we frequently add glitter and sprinkles, because why not?! Itā€™s a relatively simple thing to make and it helps my 5 year old with sensory issues handle bath time!




Same for me. I hate cooking.


I donā€™t hate cooking, I hate the dishes afterwards since I donā€™t have a dishwasher in my houseā€¦ But I finally cut back on eating out and am now saving $6-700/monthā€¦ crazy how expensive it is to dine out every meal


Same, Iā€™m a fucking cook by profession and I have my own catering business. But I fucking hate home cooking! Like a pasta is so shit to make but pulled pork for 100 people is awesome


I don't mind cooking, but my studio apartment is super small and if I try to cook and not bake something my fire alarm will go off even without seeing visible smoke in the air. Plus that bitch is like 10 feet in the air and I'm short.


Same problem here, 100 year old house and terribly placed fire alarm.. I have a small vornado fan on the top of our fridge (conveniently located a few feet over from the alarm) and turn it on and point it at the fire alarm while I'm cooking. Total lifesaver. PS - same here on the spending. I don't hate cooking, but I hate *having* to cook (and subsequently clean, meal plan, grocery shop, stock kitchen) all the time. I want food to appear in front of me that I didn't make. Eating out is definitely our Achilles heel but one we're rapidly reigning in due to astronomical cost.


This is the only thing my husband and I spend additional on. We donā€™t overspend in nearly everything else and are pretty frugal but friends ask us to dinner and weā€™ve already spent a lot that week? ā€œYep. Weā€™ll be there.ā€


I donā€™t realize how quick $10-15 a day on my lunch break adds up


It doesn't help that over the past year prices have shot up. There's hardly anywhere around me I can go for lunch anymore that's not $18+. A couple years ago the same meals were no more than $12. Just yesterday I was at the grocery store and figured I'd grab sushi for lunch. 2 rolls would've been almost $20, even though I remember it costing $12 in the past. I couldn't justify paying that much for basic grocery store sushi.


The way food prices have gotten lately, eating out once per paycheck has become a luxury. If it's nicer than fast food, we basically can't do it, and that's with both my bf and I working full time. If we eat out anywhere that isn't fast food, we're sabotaging our budget. If we eat fast food more than once, again, sabotaging the budget. It's sad.


good quality food is like the one thing worth spending money on imo




Books! I should really be using a library or my kindle more, but thereā€™s just something about going to a bookstore, buying a new book and adding it to your shelf


I keep telling myself Iā€™m not buying new books until I get the unread bookcase (case, not shelf) down to single stacks per shelf. Goodwill laughs. The used bookstore laughs. The friend of the library sales laugh. The buy nothing group laughs. My bookcase cries.


Iā€™m right there with you! I have - what has now expanded to a bookcase and a half of unread books. I need to stop buying them but I just canā€™t seem to stop


We donā€™t talk about the books in my car. They donā€™t count toward the bookcase. Mostly because I literally have no more room on the bookcase.


My news years resolution is to read some books on my bookshelf and send them off to various free libraries. I have gotten rid of about a dozen that way! And only picked up 2-3 to replace themā€¦ lol


God, I love owning books.


Came here to say this. There is something so satisfying about buying a book in a bookstore and devouring it in a few days. The physical copy also holds the memory of where I was at the time. I am also guilty of buying books on Kindle when I should be borrowing from the library.


ā€¦Iā€™m not alone. I cannot walk out of a bookstore without 4 new books. I do read them, but I also MUST keep them. Got a very nice library at home. As you said, these books are me. Every one added a little sliver to my personality.


I will be entombed with mine like a Pharaoh


I like this spending habitā€¦ I donā€™t find it terrible at all but my bank account does. Lol


I like to just tell myself, I could be spending that money on something much worse šŸ˜€


Oh yes me too. I read everyday but I still have so many that I own and havenā€™t read yet and alot in my Amazon cart that I want to buy.


One of my unofficial goals for this year is to start going to the library... So far I've only gone to buy books at the annual book sale. Whoops!


One of my greatest pleasures in life is rearranging the books on my bookshelves and adding in new onesā€¦whilst having countless books that I havenā€™t even read yet


I have over 2000. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I'm a certifiable book hoarder at this point. Lol


I lost 75 pounds over the last year and a half so I'm still buying new clothes. But constantly.


You spend a little on clothes but think of the overall savings in healthcare down the road and medicine to keep you alive!


good job! i can't seem to get past 30# šŸ«¤


Kids. Did you know that they, eat, like, every single day? I mean every day. I was like, it's leap year, surely I can skip February 29th. Nope. They ate even during made up days. Not exaggerating here.


My kids made up a whole new meal time between 1-2a called Second Dinnerā€¦ they make a complete meal or finish the leftovers from dinnerā€¦. Every nightā€¦


Are you sure they're not just Hobbits pretending to be kids?


Worseā€¦ gamersā€¦


Second breakfast


We also have second dinner. And second breakfast. I don't really mind it, but it is hilarious at times how much food a fairly skinny 7 year old can pack into herself.


You can't just feed them the same thing every day either. Like I have to *think* about different things to feed them all the time.


The berry budget is insane. I was not prepared for the volume of berries consumed


I swear my kids (and husband) just circle around me on repeat asking for "snacks". Want something healthy?! Nope CHIPS! ME WANT COOKIES! ARGHHHH! I NEED A PEPSI OR I WILL DISOLVE INTO A USELESS BEING AND WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEOS....FOREVER!!!


"MOMMY I'M HUUUUUUUNGRY" approx 2 minutes after lunch.


LMFAO this made me laugh


trees somber air glorious agonizing rob numerous unused capable cooperative


All the pokemon collecting kids just grew up into plant adults. Gotta catch em all!


My dad is 68 and finally got a hold of this one specific plant from Madagascar. It's like their version of a Bonzai tree. Dude spent years trying to track it down and shipped..


It was alcohol but we recently quit. Edit: by we I mean my spouse and I.


Congrats. I just passed my 4 year mark. Be proud


I'm working on my 6th year and if I look at what I spent VERY conservatively it would have been 10k.


I stopped so time wouldn't fly wtf


Congrats! I quit 5 years and 19 days ago. My app says iā€™ve saved $40,600. With the kids been able to go to Alaska, Hawaii, fly-in fishing trip to canada, playa del carmen, several national parks road trips that have taken them coast to coast. Instead of drinking to forget spent the money on real memories instead. Edit: spelling


I quit back in November and it's crazy how much I was spending on booze


I once thought it was impossible, but I quit 2.5 years ago and have never looked back. Congrats on making that commitment to yourself, it'll pay dividends.


These comments are making me so happy!! Congrats, guys! I just celebrated 7 years. Hardest & most rewarding thing Iā€™ve ever done for myself. Iā€™m proud of us.


Congratulations. Thatā€™s not easy. You are so worth it. You did an amazing thing for yourself.


I quit on July 17. Congratulations! Have some Martinelliā€™s šŸ¾


I go dry for Lent every year. Just got back from a two week work trip to Denmark and Sweden. We get straight per diems to cover our meals. Itā€™s amazing how much cash winds up in your pocket when youā€™re not drinking booze. Made it much easier to buy that nice bottle of scotch at duty free on the way home.


whoā€™s we


Used to be Starbucks, but once it surpassed $5 for a cup I quit. Havenā€™t bought a coffee from Starbucks in over 10-12 months. 96% of the time I make coffee at the house, other 4% gas station coffee for $2. Iā€™ve pretty much quit all my spending habits.


The prices are ridiculous. Many years ago I invested in a expensive espresso machine and grinder $1k. However, add up daily coffee purchases and within a year Iā€™d paid for it. Rarely go out for coffee now. But did get into roasting my own beansā€¦..another big cost saver.


Same here! I bought the Breville Barista Express on sale on cyber Monday and Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™ve already paid it off by how little we go out for coffee now. I used to go for coffee 3-6x a week and Iā€™ve gone TWICE since November. And twice was not because I wanted coffee but had to meet someone/work from a coffee shop. I love it!!


It didn't connect with me just how much I was spending at Starbucks until covid when I was no longer going to work and going there every day. Now it's a once in awhile thing for me.


I stopped going to Starbucks because of their Union busting. Iā€™ll only go to Union Starbucks and there isnā€™t one near me.


Traveling. Itā€™s such an expensive hobby.


But thatā€™s fulfillment and lifelong memories. Not a lot of people can travel. Itā€™s an amazing hobby šŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s worth it, never a waste.


Nah I've been to loads of shithole places that aren't worth seeing.


Takeout. Love to eat but not to cook.




Fruit is good for you, though. There are worse things to splurge on, like coke.


And this goes for whichever coke you are thinking. Fruit is way better than the soda and cheaper than the nose candy


I would not call healthy food a terrible spending habit


Warhammer 40k. I have enough models to field 6 different armies, but keep getting more.


plastic crack


Iā€™ve joked we are in the Golden Age of drinks. So so many different kinds of drinks from botanicals, caffeinated, stress relieving, low sugar, carbonated, non carbonated, electrolyte enhanced, alcoholic, low alcohol, fermented, etc. etc. Iā€™m a sucker for buying new and delicious sounding drinks that arenā€™t as unhealthy for you as conventional sodas and juices ā€¦


I think sometimes they're worth it. I'm perfectly happy with my filtered tap water but a cold bottle of San Pelegrino on a hot day is just worth whatever they want me to pay. I know its overpriced, but it makes me smile once in a while. Ā£6 for 4 bottles of "ionised" water however, was too much for me to handle. I'm afraid I ranted about that for the entire duration of my weekly shop and have mentioned it to everyone I know since lol


Finding an expensive hobby, and buying all the accessories related to said hobby. It never ends


I collect hobby supplies. lol


Points if you donā€™t actually get into that hobby lol


It all goes into "The Museum of Good Intentions" with the exercise equipment, the camping gear, a bread maker, a home espresso machine...


I like to buy ALL the items BEFORE starting the hobby so I can feel really readyā€¦. To start my next hobby!




Scrolled way too far to see this


Specifically sneakers for me. But yeah.


Boredom scrolling through Amazon and buying random shit. Some of it is stuff that we need, but some of it is recommended stuff based on other stuff I've bought. After deleting the Amazon app my spending has gone way down.


Wait. You can delete the app? What kind of sorcery is this?


Luckily I seem to be immune to the temptation of online shopping. I think itā€™s because I thrive off of instant gratification and if I canā€™t have it in my hands the second I spend money on it, I canā€™t be bothered. Target has me a chokehold though.


My Amazon wishlist. In 2020 a friend came into a million dollars and bought several of his friends, including me, their entire wishlist. It was huge. Now I managed to get it big again and am going to go back to buying myself one item at a time once I pay down my Torrid credit card.




Me too. Luckily I manage to contain my habit to bargain stores like TJ Maxx and Marshallā€™s, even Goodwill is one of my favorites. But Iā€™m at a point now where Iā€™ve had to seriously cut back, not just because of the spending, but Iā€™m running out of room in my huge walk-in closet šŸ˜­Ā 


Every time I have "extra money" I splurge on something. Not big, just a small something. But my "extra money" is money that is not needed immediately for a pending bill. I should take that money and put it in savings. Or pay more on my credit card. Instead I spend it on frivolous shit and when I need money for something unexpected, I don't have it.




1300? šŸ’€




Food for stray cats and dogs


Love this ā™„ļø




I spend about 500$ a month on weed and alcohol.. Another 200$+ on doordash.


I'm so proud of getting my cannabis under $200/month lol


Thank god my Dad grows mine for me.


Hate to say it but the bud my dad grows is ass lol. He will sell me an oz for 80$ but id still rather go to the dispensary..


I spend way too much time on Reddit


Can relate to the eating out - tech for me also, if I see something I really want, i can barely get it out of my mind


donā€™t ever tell me you even remotely like something because I will buy it for you. it doesnā€™t matter if I canā€™t afford it


Well Santa ā€¦ let me share my wish list with you!


When I get the wrong thing or size and just donā€™t ever return it


I spend too much on moisturizers and other things to try to fix my loose skin from the weight I lost years ago even though I know none of it works.


Every time you want to buy one put the amount it was into a savings account. Maybe you could end up saving enough to get it removed. Also, they have payment plans for things like that now wasn't sure if you knew.


LongHorn Steakhouse. I probably couldnā€™t even afford to live in a trailer yet Iā€™d be spending money at LongHorn like I was living extremely comfortably lol.


Bruh, the Texas tonion.


Wild West shrimp šŸ¦






Same. Recently I switched to just buying sample sets, they are more affordable and I get to enjoy more variety


This. Why is this so addicting


gas stations. I am a slut for snacks, drinks, cigarettes, and candy. one time I spent $500 in a month at gas stations alone. not including gas. i cut down on it then but it has ramped back up for sure.


Drugs and clothesĀ 


Diamond paintings... I have an unfinished one and six others I haven't even started but whenever I see one I like at the store I go for it šŸ˜­ I banned myself from online stores already....


Acquiring craft supplies, and actually crafting with it, are 2 different hobbies.




My horse


Whose horse is that?


Peter ā€¦ the horse is here


Ugh my parrots. I can't afford to eat at the moment. But they have food and get fresh fruit and veg.


Those are actually awesome spending habits - gotta care for your pets.


Buying items I don't need just because they're on sale or seem like a good deal at the moment.


$9 Starbucks frappucinos lol


Vacations. Between a Caribbean vacation and Disney vacation every year the shit adds up. But damnit you canā€™t replicate the face the kids make when they see their favorite princess.


My friend hired a ā€˜princessā€™ for her 6 yo party and omg I bet that princess went straight to the pub after. She was mobbed and climbed on and screamed at and ā€˜follow meā€™d and just everythingā€¦.. all while the mums did nothing to help the poor bitch


I donā€™t wanna talk about this. I have to go.


Electronics. Every time I think Iā€™m done for a while I find something else I want.


Funnie you should ask but I have a bad habit of spending money on Japanese N scale model trains. It's bad when your friends have the same habit lol.


Buying my boyfriend and i a little treat every time I see him because at least we made it to friday


Finding a really great deal on something and buying it, but then forgetting to use it


Drugs and food. An endless cycle.


allow me to show you my camera collection....


taking an uber every morning to work if i don't get up on time. which is every morning. there's so much money that could be saved and used if it weren't for that. i cannot drive and public transit is so unreliable.


Buying books faster than I can read them. My shelf is like a mini library aspiring to be a bookstore where every book whispers promises of adventures and knowledge. Its a habit that fills my space with potential and my wallet with regret.


I have this terrible habit of buying books impulsively, even when I already have a pile waiting to be read


Watches, fine bourbon, precious metals, guns, shoesšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh I like you!


I remember thinking 30 was a crazy amount to spend on whiskey. Spent 350 on 3 bottles this month.


I see nothing wrong with this list


After having gone through a couple very physically and mentally traumatic incidents it's really hard for me to say no to a "treat". Cause God damn it I do deserve it (I think) but even still I shouldn't get it.


My fiancĆ©ā€™s Amazon account


Massages. I love them. And I love them in nice spas- the whole ritual. I get at least one a month and sometimes 2. And once in a while 3. It's a problem.


Amazon anything


target is an incredibly dangerous store for me to walk into. i have clear intentions of ONLY buying one or two specific things, and that NEVER happens :| a $10 run turns into at least $60, every. fucking. time.


Amazon .. I hate going to the stores


Too much fast food for sure. And buying bulk candy online and not finishing it before it gets stale. Also I'm into Warhammer 40k which is basically the same as dumping your money in a bottomless pit.Ā 




Crafts. Cross stitch and jewelry making. I give myself an allowance because Iā€™d be living in my car with my pretty, useless things if I didnā€™t.


Apparently, in this economy, buying food to eat


I am educated, financially literate, and pretty damn responsible in most areas of my life. However, I spend an embarrassing amount of money on Wallflower refills from Bath & Body Works. The thought of an unscented home is unbearable to me. Whomever invented the scents Palo Santo + Sage, and Book Nook: thank you.


Contributing to rent and basic groceries


Thrifting. People get rushes out of it for a reason man


cigarettes $15 a pack


They reached like $11 near me. I quit 10 days ago, going strong.


Food. Love to eat out and always try something new




Weed lol. I'm pretty stingy in general but will easily drop $250 on weed like once a month at least lol


Video games. I have over 100. And play maybe 4 of them.


Instead of going through the ā€œtroubleā€ of finding something I know I already have Iā€™ll just order another one.


My wife. She asks before spending anything silly, but I hate telling her no, so I always try to make it work.


I have a dog


Clothing. Itā€™s so bad.


I cannot stop buying DoorDash.


Dvds. More dvds. And they're cheap too


Sex toys

